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"The Daily Show": Week of 6/23/14

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That really was a strange interview with Keira Knightley. Lots of edits. But she handled it really well and was charming and funny.


She's adorable. Though watching Mark Ruffalo promote the movie on Graham Norton and her promote it here, it still doesn't look like that great a movie. One thing I didn't get about the interview was his comment about the World Cup. Doesn't England usually balls up early on as well? They make it and then just lose in the first few games.


That McDaniels guy sounds absolutely batshit. The fact that his opponent barely beat him is just depressing.


Jordan Klepper has really grown on me but Jessica Williams is hands down the best correspondent right now. Wow.

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Jessica was fantastic, as always.  The saddest thing about her rant was that it was not exaggerated, and not satire.  Pathetic that sound advice like that is still so necessary.

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Jessica was fantastic, as always.  The saddest thing about her rant was that it was not exaggerated, and not satire.  Pathetic that sound advice like that is still so necessary.


I thought it was like an amalgamation of all the #yesallwomen tweets and it was fabulous (sad that it's true yeah).

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Absolutely the Republicans should be taken off warfare benefits. Then they'll whine and cry like a small child on a sugar rush at the department store denied that toy they wanted. And then Fox News and the rest of the right wing media establishment will demand to know why we hate America and freedom and liberty as the evildoers who read the Koran and work three jobs and use food stamps destroy everything that's good about. Then nothing will ever get done, the hypocrites.


OK tobacco farming coloscopybag. If picking tobacco is such great work, you do it all yourself. Whatsamater, you a pussy for not doing it? You're a pussy. And a bully.

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OK tobacco farming coloscopybag. If picking tobacco is such great work, you do it all yourself. Whatsamater, you a pussy for not doing it? You're a pussy. And a bully.

       That farmer didn't even answer Sam's "pussy" question. Can't even shake or nod. Can't admit he's a bully without softening himself.


        "Warfare queens": probably the most accurate description for the Republicans. Ever.


        Oh yeah, good to see J.R. Havlan enjoy his last day. So many good writers leaving…(sob). Still have nostalgia since they played a "Kilborn Era" clip for the MOZ.

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Yeah, warfare queens is perfect. 



I'm flabbergasted that they think we can send troops to Iraq and fix things. It's a horrible situation over there, really scary, but getting us involved there in a fighting capacity would not go well. 


Why have children pick tobacco? I assume it's because they're cheap, but is the result of states passing laws where you can't employ undocumented immigrants? I would think that those laborers wouldn't earn much either. 

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Absolutely the Republicans should be taken off warfare benefits. Then they'll whine and cry like a small child on a sugar rush at the department store denied that toy they wanted. And then Fox News and the rest of the right wing media establishment will demand to know why we hate America and freedom and liberty as the evildoers who read the Koran and work three jobs and use food stamps destroy everything that's good about. Then nothing will ever get done, the hypocrites.


OK tobacco farming coloscopybag. If picking tobacco is such great work, you do it all yourself. Whatsamater, you a pussy for not doing it? You're a pussy. And a bully.


The whole show seemed like a spotlight on how cruel and morally bankrupt our country has become. It left me utterly despondent. Thank goodness for Melissa McCarthy.


I need to go back and find that clip from when TDS nearly killed Jimmy Carter.

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Children as young as 10 (at least under Federal laws) don't need working papers for agricultural employment, they can be paid 2/3 of the minimum wage for 90 days if their employer isn't exempt from paying the minimum wage, and if their parents are willing to, or have to, let them do that, they're probably not going to make a lot of trouble about working conditions.

Edited by Julia
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How does a kid work 10-12 hours a day when school is in session? Do they not go? Or is the picking season during summer break? (I honestly do not know.)


When I was a teenager, a lot of my fellow teens who lived out in the country worked tobacco picking in the summertime. It was hard work but paid really well, like $15 bucks an hour back in the early 1990's. Minimum wage was like $6 bucks an hour or a bit less than. Picking season was always around the end of August, to the middle of September. All of the highschools have no problem allowing the kids to miss the first week or so of school, since these kids were working. However, this was in Ontario (different growing season), it was not forced labour, they were well paid, it was a choice and on legitimately run farms. It was good work if you got it but the hours were long - 10-12 a day - and under the hot sun. For those kids though, the money was so worth it. You knew who worked in it too, because all of the kids had tobacco stained fingers. Most of those farms are gone now.

Edited by HalcyonDays
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This is probably the wind up Peanut Carter she was talking about, and it's frightening. (this would be the Mr. Peanut windup) I've enjoyed Melissa McCarthy's work since Gilmore Girls and am just happy that she's made it big.


The only thing I agree with the tobacco farmer/state senator is when he said (paraphrase) "you won't enjoy a good job until you've had a bad one". Other than that, it seems that he and others are exploiting some loophole in terms of minimum wage/working hours/working age/working conditions. I'm not always crazy about Sam Bee's segments, but this was a good one from her.


Say what you want about Mccain, at least he's consistent on wanting the US to basically police the world.

Edited by maculae
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The only thing I agree with the tobacco farmer/state senator is when he said (paraphrase) "you won't enjoy a good job until you've had a bad one". Other than that, it seems that he and others are exploiting some loophole in terms of minimum wage/working hours/working age/working conditions.

Oh yeah. I worked shit jobs from basically 11 to 23. My mother used to say, 'you'll be very glad when you get your degree because you won't have to do this anymore.' Covered in grease, scraped up knees, all that shit. 


When you don't have bills and rent and you still live with your parents? You make fucking bank. Getting paid under the table straight cash in an envelope? I was baller before baller was invented. 



Say what you want about Mccain, at least he's consistent on wanting the US to basically police the world.


He's been pretty clear about that. The problem is, he and others fail to recognize that this isn't the cold war and what worked then won't work now. They need new strategies. Not that a USA presence sometimes is needed, but it's the manner of it which needs to be changed. 

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I always wonder why Gilmore Girls never gets mentioned. I flipped through People at the grocery store and it said Bridesmaids was her big break and mentioned Mike and Molly, but not a peep about GG. Was she unhappy with that part of her career?

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 Doesn't England usually balls up early on as well? They make it and then just lose in the first few games.



No, we normally get through the group stages, then lose in a penalty shoot out during the knock out phase. The exit this year was our earliest for over 50 years, I think.


I went on a week's holiday, leaving the day after the tournament started. England were knocked out before I got home.

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To be fair to the tobacco farmer, the kids Sam interviewed worked on another farm, so it's possible he treats his employees slightly better than other farm owners and through willful ignorance thinks his practices are standard. Unlikely, but possible.

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Obama asks Congress for permission to speed up deportation of children:


So much for him being the source of the flood of refugees. How will FOX spin this one?


I unfortunately saw a bit of the spin, possibilities, and it went something along these lines: that the flawed immigration system had endangered the lives of children who travel at great lengths to get to the States, only to now be belatedly turned away. I guess Obama should have sent out a memo, and to pay for that, perhaps he could have amended the Affordable Care Act to exclude Hispanic Americans. That would be a GOP-approved plan of action, since there would be no raising of taxes and they could run on the platform that Democrats hate Hispanic voters.


After finally catching up on TDS, I have to say the last couple of episodes were superb. The bit on JMU was flawless. Sometimes, I feel a little worried for how tired Jon can seem (to be specific: I'm worried that he's getting ready to retire), but that segment on "warfare queens" was made all the better by the fact that he was growing increasingly disillusioned and weary of them. That his delivery of "go fuck yourself" was so blank-eyed and emotionally drained was exactly the level of complete dismissal that they deserve. It ended up being one of my very favorite takedowns of the GOP since I started watching the show.


Enjoy your time off, TDS. It's sure gonna be a long two weeks (and it has already started out depressingly enough, with the ISIS declaration of a caliphate and the Hobby Lobby decision). I'm so grateful for the website archive. Something tells me I'm gonna spend a lot of time in there until they return.

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I guess Obama should have sent out a memo, and to pay for that, perhaps he could have amended the Affordable Care Act to exclude Hispanic Americans. That would be a GOP-approved plan of action, since there would be no raising of taxes and they could run on the platform that Democrats hate Hispanic voters.

Why would a group of people be excluded from health care? Undocumented immigrants are already excluded

Republicans will never go with anything Obama proposes. And the President cannot amend anything. Even if that was an option, the senate and the house would never agree on a final draft.

(I am a little confused if that part of the post is what the right wing news is saying or if it is sarcasm)


This country is paralyzed and nothing will get done for a while

Edited by alexvillage
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The only thing I agree with the tobacco farmer/state senator is when he said (paraphrase) "you won't enjoy a good job until you've had a bad one".

Even that's giving him too much credit,  IMHO, because the obvious implication he was going for is the he's doing his employees a huge favor. Giving them the valuable life experience of having a horrible, exploitative, low paying job. Because those are so hard to come by? What a hero. 

That really was a strange interview with Keira Knightley. Lots of edits. But she handled it really well and was charming and funny.

She was fine, but Jon came across as really struggling. I think he was trying way too hard to be funny, for no apparent reason. I also got the sense that by the end he realized he'd really done a terrible job.

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