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Matt and Caryn

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18 minutes ago, Adiba said:

Eh, I don't blame Amy for wanting things "her way" for once. It is her house, and she and Chris are not yet married (especially, as some posters have speculated, if she and Chris never do marry). This is probably the first time in her life that she gets to make these kind of choices without having to get someone else's approval.

That's fine but then own it, don't sit there saying how this time it's a joint decision making relationship while doing the exact opposite.

My point was she sat there saying how in this relationship they're a team yet the entire episode was Amy choosing every single thing even when Chris said he didn't like pink, she could have said "OK.. I want pink so how about we choose a similar color that we both like, maybe a warm cream color or something and when Chris said he doesn't like florals she could have said" OK but I do.. so how about we find a compromise"  but nope all she said was "We're having florals" period...same with the cabinets, Chris was fine with the kitchen reno but he didn't look as enthusiastic about the entire ensuite bathroom vanity being lowered for Amy... Why not alter it in a way that both people are comfortable.... When we built our home we had a portion of the vanity lower so I can sit and do my makeup I see that done in a lot of ensuite bathrooms and it looks nice, that way Chris doesn't have to hunch over every time he washes up and gets ready for the day....they were having it altered so why not alter it to accommodate both people.. Have one side regular height and the other side lower for Amy.

Amy is acting like Matt on steroids 😂


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During the last live chat with Lisa, Amy said Chris was doing the "game room".  She sort of made it sound like that was his personal space.  She also said she would keep the name Roloff professionally because everyone knows her by that name, but she would be taking Marek.  Lisa said it was surprise because that is not what they discussed in the past.  Amy seemed confused and said "well we can talk about it later."    

  • Useful 3
29 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

She also said she would keep the name Roloff professionally because everyone knows her by that name, but she would be taking Marek.

For MANY years, the female birth vessel would LITERALLY not allow anyone to speak my father's name in her presence because she never wanted to admit or remember that she ever married him.  (BTW, this does wonders for your self esteem when you're a child, knowing that one of your parents refuses to acknowledge the existence of the other.)

So - all of a sudden - she finds out she can file for social security under his name because they had been married for more than 10 years.  And his social security was more than hers.  So - again, all of a sudden - she's willing to admit she was married to him because there was a financial benefit to her.

Seems like these two scenarios are related.

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

After all the times we saw Amy ignoring Matt's requests to clear pathways and eliminate clutter in the farmhouse, it seems to me she's ALWAYS had it "her way."

Yep. Matt had his way about the farm, building pirate ships and such, but she 100% had her way about the house. You know, the part that they ALL actively used each and every day for years. Pirate ships and tree houses weren't defining all their daily activities like the pig sty of a house was. 

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

Yep. Matt had his way about the farm, building pirate ships and such, but she 100% had her way about the house. You know, the part that they ALL actively used each and every day for years. Pirate ships and tree houses weren't defining all their daily activities like the pig sty of a house was. 

But see, Amy owned the farm, too. Marriage is a partnership, imo. And no, Amy wasn’t a neat housekeeper at all — but then she did not insist on the kids helping, either. I’m not an Amy fan, but she doesn’t bother me as much as some others here. I could do without the unflattering selfies and food videos/ pics, too.

However, I do feel Matt treated her unfairly sometimes when he would go behind her back and make big purchases— whether for the farm or not— it was THEIR farm and money. If Matt screwed up financially, it would be Amy’s debt, too. If they’d had to file for bankruptcy, it would have affected Amy as well.

I never thought Matt was a bad guy though, until it became apparent he was having a relationship ( at least an emotional one, but I think a physical one) with Caryn while he was still married. Shitty, imo.

  • Love 10
20 hours ago, Adiba said:

However, I do feel Matt treated her unfairly sometimes when he would go behind her back and make big purchases— whether for the farm or not— it was THEIR farm and money. If Matt screwed up financially, it would be Amy’s debt, too. If they’d had to file for bankruptcy, it would have affected Amy as well.


Ok here's what I think and I'm sure it will make some peoples heads explode but Amy and her boyfriend are both benefiting from Matt's decisions even though Matt had to fight her every step of the way to get there.

Sure maybe Matt is a dreamer and not every single thing he touched turned to gold but that happens with anyone who is willing to stick their neck out and take a chance, many years ago my hubby decided he wanted to quit his job and open a small business and it was a huge financial risk but today we are very comfortable because of his vision and his decision to stick his neck out and go for it, not every single thing went as planned but he just kept working at it and now we're so happy that we decided to do it.

Overall Matt's ideas and his decision to do a reality show is what catapulted them all into positions where they could make a nice living fairly easily.

What would Zack and Tori be doing without the show and the fame that came with it, I really doubt that they'd have a newly renovated home full of furniture and a nice new vehicle to drive without Matt.

Auj and Jeremy also have a home, several vehicles a podcast and books because of Matt.

Amy has her home, books and "Little Kitchen" because of the fame from the TV show.

Chris has a nice little income from TLC and the benefit of a TV show which is a dream come true for a realtor, I think one of the reasons that Chris likes Matt is because he understands business and admires Matt's vision and what he accomplished.

I'm not saying Amy didn't contribute, of course she did but there would be no Amy Roloff's Little Kitchen without Matt securing the TV show and the fame and fortune that came with it, there wouldn't be any books or podcasts or anything else if they didn't have the platform that the TV fame provided.

I'd love to go back in time and see where they'd be now if he'd done everything Amy's way, I'd venture to guess that none of them would be where they are today without Matt.

Amy fought him tooth and nail and didn't want to do anything but bitch and complain just like her father.

For a little guy with serious disabilities Matt has done an amazing job. 👍


  • Love 15

@Dustbunny, agree to disagree here. Amy’s not perfect, neither is Matt. Matt wouldn’t have got the show on his own— the fact that he had a wife and kids helped. When you are married, everything is a joint venture. 
Also, if one’s husband starts a risky business ( bought a dilapidated farm), while the wife is working and carrying, birthing, and raising children— I do not think her contributions should be minimized.

I would put myself in Amy’s place— if one’s husband takes a financial risk and starts a business while you sacrifice, and then that same husband starts boinking an employee and wants a divorce— wouldn’t you want your fair share? I would.

Edited by Adiba
  • Love 15


1 hour ago, Dustbunny said:

Amy has her home, books and "Little Kitchen" because of the fame from the TV show.
I'm not saying Amy didn't contribute, of course she did but there would be no Amy Roloff's Little Kitchen without Matt securing the TV show and the fame and fortune that came with it, there wouldn't be any books or podcasts or anything else if they didn't have the platform that the TV fame provided.

As many comments have been made about how unprofessional she is on her videos, which end up with unattractive, poorly plated food, she'd not have made a penny off of her cooking shows or the overpriced fudge that she orders from another company and re-labels.

I'd have a hard time paying $27 a pound for brand-name fudge.  No way I'd order it from an obscure housewife in Oregon.

Edited by AZChristian
Error in trying to quote.
  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Dustbunny said:

Ok here's what I think and I'm sure it will make some peoples heads explode but Amy and her boyfriend are both benefiting from Matt's decisions even though Matt had to fight her every step of the way to get there.

Sure maybe Matt is a dreamer and not every single thing he touched turned to gold but that happens with anyone who is willing to stick their neck out and take a chance, many years ago my hubby decided he wanted to quit his job and open a small business and it was a huge financial risk but today we are very comfortable because of his vision and his decision to stick his neck out and go for it, not every single thing went as planned but he just kept working at it and now we're so happy that we decided to do it.

Overall Matt's ideas and his decision to do a reality show is what catapulted them all into positions where they could make a nice living fairly easily.

What would Zack and Tori be doing without the show and the fame that came with it, I really doubt that they'd have a newly renovated home full of furniture and a nice new vehicle to drive without Matt.

Auj and Jeremy also have a home, several vehicles a podcast and books because of Matt.

Amy has her home, books and "Little Kitchen" because of the fame from the TV show.

Chris has a nice little income from TLC and the benefit of a TV show which is a dream come true for a realtor, I think one of the reasons that Chris likes Matt is because he understands business and admires Matt's vision and what he accomplished.

I'm not saying Amy didn't contribute, of course she did but there would be no Amy Roloff's Little Kitchen without Matt securing the TV show and the fame and fortune that came with it, there wouldn't be any books or podcasts or anything else if they didn't have the platform that the TV fame provided.

I'd love to go back in time and see where they'd be now if he'd done everything Amy's way, I'd venture to guess that none of them would be where they are today without Matt.

Amy fought him tooth and nail and didn't want to do anything but bitch and complain just like her father.

For a little guy with serious disabilities Matt has done an amazing job. 👍


Yes this a hundred times!!!

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Dustbunny said:

Ok here's what I think and I'm sure it will make some peoples heads explode but Amy and her boyfriend are both benefiting from Matt's decisions even though Matt had to fight her every step of the way to get there.

Sure maybe Matt is a dreamer and not every single thing he touched turned to gold but that happens with anyone who is willing to stick their neck out and take a chance, many years ago my hubby decided he wanted to quit his job and open a small business and it was a huge financial risk but today we are very comfortable because of his vision and his decision to stick his neck out and go for it, not every single thing went as planned but he just kept working at it and now we're so happy that we decided to do it.

Overall Matt's ideas and his decision to do a reality show is what catapulted them all into positions where they could make a nice living fairly easily.

What would Zack and Tori be doing without the show and the fame that came with it, I really doubt that they'd have a newly renovated home full of furniture and a nice new vehicle to drive without Matt.

Auj and Jeremy also have a home, several vehicles a podcast and books because of Matt.

Amy has her home, books and "Little Kitchen" because of the fame from the TV show.

Chris has a nice little income from TLC and the benefit of a TV show which is a dream come true for a realtor, I think one of the reasons that Chris likes Matt is because he understands business and admires Matt's vision and what he accomplished.

I'm not saying Amy didn't contribute, of course she did but there would be no Amy Roloff's Little Kitchen without Matt securing the TV show and the fame and fortune that came with it, there wouldn't be any books or podcasts or anything else if they didn't have the platform that the TV fame provided.

I'd love to go back in time and see where they'd be now if he'd done everything Amy's way, I'd venture to guess that none of them would be where they are today without Matt.

Amy fought him tooth and nail and didn't want to do anything but bitch and complain just like her father.

For a little guy with serious disabilities Matt has done an amazing job. 👍


No head exploding over here....  I'm in total agreement with everything you said 👍

As @AZChristian said no one would be buying Amy's repackaged fudge if she was Amy Nobody living on a crappy little farm in Oregon.

The same can be said for the others as well, no one would be buying Jer and Auj's books or listening to their podcast if they were some obscure young couple in Oregon.

Tori wouldn't have the luxury of being a stay at home mom with a nice house and vehicles, she'd have to go to work while Zack stayed home looking after the kids.

Matt had to fight Amy to get them to where they're at today with all the perks.

She didn't want the show either, that was Mat's doing.

  • Love 11
20 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I'd have a hard time paying $27 a pound for brand-name fudge.  No way I'd order it from an obscure housewife in Oregon.

I just don't get the fudge business.  It is not like it is her special fudge recipe that her grandmother and or mother used to make, it is purchased and re-labeled as you said.  Why would anyone buy it, you can buy fudge at a million other places and a lot cheaper.

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On 5/26/2020 at 4:29 PM, AZChristian said:


I can't believe that people like fudge enough to place such large orders.

I'll get a small piece of fudge every once in a while and in the past I bought a small piece to take home but it lasted a long time... Fudge is so sweet and rich I can't imagine eating pounds of it.

Edited by Joan of Argh
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I can't believe that people like fudge enough to place such large orders.

I'll get a small piece of fudge every once in a while and in the past I bought a small piece to take home but it lasted a long time... Fudge is so sweet and rich I can't imagine eating pounds of it.

I went over to her website to get a picture of what a pound of "her" fudge looks like.  Guess what?  No fudge!!!  The only "edible" product was coffee beans.

But we did find water bottles, her book, and t-shirts with sayings.  Like this little gem.  (What in the heck does "eGather" mean and is this her version of "Always More"?)

(Further discussion of the Little Kitchen should probably go to Amy's thread.)


  • Love 1
11 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I went over to her website to get a picture of what a pound of "her" fudge looks like.  Guess what?  No fudge!!!  The only "edible" product was coffee beans.

But we did find water bottles, her book, and t-shirts with sayings.  Like this little gem.  (What in the heck does "eGather" mean and is this her version of "Always More"?)

(Further discussion of the Little Kitchen should probably go to Amy's thread.)


I’m guessing it’s a reference to quarantine times - gathering via Zoom, FaceTime or other electronic means...But if you buy this shirt, who will see it? And you can be sure when this is all over, there’s no way I’d wear some reminder of Covid19!!

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On 5/28/2020 at 11:32 PM, Joan of Argh said:

I can't believe that people like fudge enough to place such large orders.

I'll get a small piece of fudge every once in a while and in the past I bought a small piece to take home but it lasted a long time... Fudge is so sweet and rich I can't imagine eating pounds of it.

I like fudge too but that's why i never buy it.  You dont need that much and it's SO expensive. I always see it priced by the pound but I guess I never thought that you could probably ask for less. 

  • Love 1

I think Matt has hired a Farm Manager.  I remember he had one fellow he really liked who worked there for a long time but was deported.

Yesterday Matt put a video up on Facebook with his little Jackson buddy.  The two of them were trying to reach cherries in the cherry tree.  It was adorable.  I think Jackson has captured grandpa's heart!

I wasn't sure I could bring the links over here.  Just google Matt Roloff and Jackson picking cherries.  It's adorable.

If I were to guess it would be that Matt will eventually write a book about adventures with Jackson and make lots of money for Jackson's future!

One thing I will say about Matt is that he sure does know how to turn a buck.  He's amazing with his ideas and projects to make $$$.

Edited by Jeanne222
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Jackson has captured grandpa's heart!

I saw that on instagram.  It is so obvious that Jackson and Matt have a special bond, that is why he stayed with Caryn and Matt while Tori gave birth, not because Amy "had to be at the hospital".  The whole thing happened while she was at home.  

Edited by LucyEth
  • Love 5

I’m late to the game on the Caryn and Matt relationship timeline.  How did the alleged affair rumors get started first?

a) Caryn’s ex, if he ever mentioned their breakup at all

b) Amy in her book or other musings

c) the internet deciphering it from watching the show/social media

d) some of the above

e) all of the above

f) none of the above because they never did

  • Love 2

I remember half jokingly saying years ago when I watched the show, “Those two (Karen and Matt) are screwing LOL” They were just in a meeting talking, of course I had no proof or gossip or anything back then.  Flash forward years later and they were dating at that point.  Of course, they could have just had chemistry and nothing wasn’t going on, I think I was just surprised because Matt was seemingly relaxed whereas he and Amy seemed like a ball of tension.  

Edited by Irate Panda
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2 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I remember half jokingly saying years ago when I watched the show, “Those two (Karen and Matt) are screwing LOL” They were just in a meeting talking, of course I had no proof or gossip or anything back then.  Flash forward years later and they were dating at that point.  Of course, they could have just had chemistry and nothing wasn’t going on, I think I was just surprised because Matt was seemingly relaxed whereas he and Amy seemed like a ball of tension.  

I'm not a believer in marital infidelity, so I must say . . . Matt should have legally dumped the grump before starting to date Karyn.  Or anyone.  The marriage seemed to be over several years before the divorce, but that doesn't free EITHER party to start new relationships.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Absolom said:

To many people who observed Matt closely on the show, it became evident all was not as it should be.

He passed on many family vacations and I remember one he went on then received a phone call from “ the farm “ and he walked away from where they were to talk,  then left the vacation.  She most likely  planned the vacations just like she was soccer coach hauling them from game to game ,shopping ,feeding ,doctors ,school,  church.   She was host to  the boys friends who hung around the farm . Something tells me he didn’t attend any parent teacher conference or parents night, if he was upset about the mess he could clean it. 

 I sure gave the side eye when he kept the check book to himself and locked office he only had a key was writing on the wall .  So he’s the devoted grandpa now.  
He used to say the non stop building of fanastyland was because he didn’t have a childhood (and this was before it became a public thing.). Now he has his whole kingdom. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

He passed on many family vacations and I remember one he went on then received a phone call from “ the farm “ and he walked away from where they were to talk,  then left the vacation.  She most likely  planned the vacations just like she was soccer coach hauling them from game to game ,shopping ,feeding ,doctors ,school,  church.   She was host to  the boys friends who hung around the farm . Something tells me he didn’t attend any parent teacher conference or parents night, if he was upset about the mess he could clean it. 

 I sure gave the side eye when he kept the check book to himself and locked office he only had a key was writing on the wall .  So he’s the devoted grandpa now.  
He used to say the non stop building of fanastyland was because he didn’t have a childhood (and this was before it became a public thing.). Now he has his whole kingdom. 

I saw those things. 

I also saw the birthday weekends away (with and without Matt) that he put in a lot of effort planning for her.  Like the time he sent Amy and Molly away for a "girls-only" weekend while he had Amy's bathroom remodeled as a surprise.  And the time he arranged for them to stay at a B&B so Amy could shadow the owner, after Amy said she was thinking about turning the farmhouse into a B&B after the kids left home.  She was not appreciative of those efforts.  And every time he DID try to get involved with the kids, she shot him down and even had Zach as her partner in behaving nastily towards Matt.  Fortunately, Zach seems to have matured and realized that Matt was not the ogre Zach was being told he was.

There's little chance anyone will change their minds because of this discussion board, but there ARE two sides and two points of view.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I saw those things. 

I also saw the birthday weekends away (with and without Matt) that he put in a lot of effort planning for her.  Like the time he sent Amy and Molly away for a "girls-only" weekend while he had Amy's bathroom remodeled as a surprise.  And the time he arranged for them to stay at a B&B so Amy could shadow the owner, after Amy said she was thinking about turning the farmhouse into a B&B after the kids left home.  She was not appreciative of those efforts.  And every time he DID try to get involved with the kids, she shot him down and even had Zach as her partner in behaving nastily towards Matt.  Fortunately, Zach seems to have matured and realized that Matt was not the ogre Zach was being told he was.

There's little chance anyone will change their minds because of this discussion board, but there ARE two sides and two points of view.

You bet there are two sides to every story and all I hear and read is surely no proof of infidelity   
I’ve always thought Amy spun this story to gather support for herself. Most people see her for what she really is.   
I don’t think Matt was happy in that marriage for a long time. He handled the farm and making good choices so they will never have to worry about money. Amy ruined everything she touched.   She loved more kids friends running through her messy house.  She loved slopping in the kitchen and I’m sure leaving huge messes. 
Most marriages are partnerships with each person knowing their role.  To expect Matt to be everything to everybody is ridiculous!

i do think Matt and Karen had a friendship that might have  had him complaining to her about Amy.  I think Karen was easy to talk to and did her farm job well and efficiently something Matt always wished Amy would do. 
Those were the side glances. 
I would surely need more evidence of sexual infidelity before passing Judgement!

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I saw those things. 

I also saw the birthday weekends away (with and without Matt) that he put in a lot of effort planning for her.  Like the time he sent Amy and Molly away for a "girls-only" weekend while he had Amy's bathroom remodeled as a surprise.  And the time he arranged for them to stay at a B&B so Amy could shadow the owner, after Amy said she was thinking about turning the farmhouse into a B&B after the kids left home.  She was not appreciative of those efforts.  And every time he DID try to get involved with the kids, she shot him down and even had Zach as her partner in behaving nastily towards Matt.  Fortunately, Zach seems to have matured and realized that Matt was not the ogre Zach was being told he was.

There's little chance anyone will change their minds because of this discussion board, but there ARE two sides and two points of view.

Maybe there was another reason for sending Amy away without him? One of which may have been time with Caryn--another may have been his need for total control over the bathroom remodel? Sometimes one's "altruistic" deeds belie another agenda.

Look, I'm not saying that Matt did not have his good points sometimes--but he also had many faults, too imo. Things had to be Matt's idea, or he wasn't really interested in them or half-heartedly. I think both Amy and Matt can be stubborn and controlling at times, which is why they really were ill-matched from the beginning, probably. If Matt was unhappy in the marriage he should have had that talk with Amy and separated before developing a personal relationship with his employee--ymmv.

However, I do not agree that there was no evidence of a personal relationship (other than emotional cheating) with Caryn before amy and Matt were formally divorced. What would be concrete evidence, anyway? A witness? Pictures? A confession? They worked together for 10 years and he wound up making her is personal assistant--and only he (and Caryn?) had keys to the office (reminds me a little of the Betty Broderick story). Matt may not have had sex with Caryn before the divorce, but my take is that he was definitely thinking about it.


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Truth be told nobody except Matt and Caryn know if they are having a sexual relationship right now.  We assume they are but you know what people say about assume!

At their age perhaps they have a friendship relationship.  Maybe they are great together.  Caryn seems to really care for Zacks two little ones just like Matt does.  She is his right hand when they are there with him.  Matt could not handle the little ones alone especially if one of them got hurt.

Relationships are like pieces of a puzzle.  Each one fits into another one.  Friendship, children, religion, sex, compassion, control, love and too many others to list.

I prefer to think Matt and Caryn are soul mates.  They love spending time together, admire each other and are capable of working together to accomplish whatever task is at hand. 

  • Love 10

But Chris doesn't makes her miserable, so there's that. Things are different when you are well matched. I don't know if Matt and Amy were ever really a good match. Caryn is already doing all the work while Matt dicks around on his phone when his grandkids visit. Unless she is completely spineless, that's going to get old for her.

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6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:


Give her a minute... she'll unleash the real Amy and make his life hell 😤 👿

Run Chris!!!  Run!!!  


 I don’t know them, but I doubt Amy will ever really let go of all her anger towards Matt, so Chris probably has some time before it gets to a really bad point with her real anger directed towards him. Although I do wonder what he truly thinks of the Roloff baggage. It might be the way the show is edited or it might just be the way it is but Matt and Caryn seemed to actually have a second act whereas Amy has one for Instagram.  I mean when Matt post stuff, I actually believe he and Caryn went out and had a good time at dinner.  When Amy post, it’s like it’s just to fill her IG page.  I’m not saying her relationship with Chris is fake, I’m just saying whether it’s things with him or her friends she only seems halfway committed.   FWIW I don’t like Matt better than Amy, I think they both have nice and asshole tendencies.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

But Chris doesn't makes her miserable, so there's that. Things are different when you are well matched. I don't know if Matt and Amy were ever really a good match. Caryn is already doing all the work while Matt dicks around on his phone when his grandkids visit. Unless she is completely spineless, that's going to get old for her.

Caryn does the work Matt is unable to do but with that comes a lot of nice perks for Caryn.  Who knows maybe he pays her to be his assistant.  She gets a paycheck, travel and a lifestyle one would really like to enjoy.

Not everything in every relationship is about sex.  Everyday needs and companionship are important too.

Matt's kids are gone raising their own families.  Karen's friendship must mean the world to nim!

I feel bad for her that with nothing to go on people assume and hate.

  • Love 6
On 8/16/2020 at 1:55 PM, ginger90 said:

From Amy’s book:


“I saw messages, pictures, and other things that should not have been shared between people who just worked together and were still married to other people. I was devastated,”.



She was devastated because she loved him so much and didn’t think they had any problems in their marriage?  She was devastated because she was always so good to him and did her part in keeping the marriage a happy one?    She was devastated because she thought so highly of him and his ideas to make the farm and family financially sound?   None of the above.  She thought he could never find anyone else, that is why she was devastated.  

  • Love 10
35 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

She was devastated because she loved him so much and didn’t think they had any problems in their marriage?  She was devastated because she was always so good to him and did her part in keeping the marriage a happy one?    She was devastated because she thought so highly of him and his ideas to make the farm and family financially sound?   None of the above.  She thought he could never find anyone else, that is why she was devastated.  


  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, LucyEth said:

She was devastated because she loved him so much and didn’t think they had any problems in their marriage?  She was devastated because she was always so good to him and did her part in keeping the marriage a happy one?    She was devastated because she thought so highly of him and his ideas to make the farm and family financially sound?   None of the above.  She thought he could never find anyone else, that is why she was devastated.  

Devastated because they took vows and he turned around and paraded his mistress around in front of her.

4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Caryn does the work Matt is unable to do but with that comes a lot of nice perks for Caryn.  Who knows maybe he pays her to be his assistant.  She gets a paycheck, travel and a lifestyle one would really like to enjoy.

Not everything in every relationship is about sex.  Everyday needs and companionship are important too.

Matt's kids are gone raising their own families.  Karen's friendship must mean the world to nim!

I feel bad for her that with nothing to go on people assume and hate.

Having an affair with a married man is a lot to go on. Save your sympathy. 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, LucyEth said:

She was devastated because she loved him so much and didn’t think they had any problems in their marriage?  She was devastated because she was always so good to him and did her part in keeping the marriage a happy one?    She was devastated because she thought so highly of him and his ideas to make the farm and family financially sound?   None of the above.  She thought he could never find anyone else, that is why she was devastated.  

I wish I could "Like" this post a million times! 👏

You nailed it. 👍

  • Love 8
On 8/18/2020 at 10:39 AM, LucyEth said:

She was devastated because she loved him so much and didn’t think they had any problems in their marriage?  She was devastated because she was always so good to him and did her part in keeping the marriage a happy one?    She was devastated because she thought so highly of him and his ideas to make the farm and family financially sound?   None of the above.  She thought he could never find anyone else, that is why she was devastated.  

👍👍👍👍👍👍 I started out on her side but she lost me a long time ago.  The filthy house started the decline (my grandmother had 6 kids - one of which was dying from hydroencephalitis -  and a drunken, abusive husband, and her house was spotless) and then she became more and more petty, snide, envious and shrewish.  

Edited by Kid
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