SVNBob February 21, 2019 Share February 21, 2019 With this season's gimmick; as far as we know, everyone is still a part of the game until they choose not to be. So this thread for keeping track of who is who, where, and alongside whom, is going to be needed more than ever. Our starting tribes: Kama, or the Yellow tribe: AubryAuroraEricGavinJoeJuliaJulieRonVictoria Manu, or the Blue tribe: ChrisDan, aka "The Wardog" 🙄DavidKeithKelleyLaurenReemRickWendy On the "Edge of Extinction" Reem 1 1 2 Link to comment
SVNBob February 28, 2019 Author Share February 28, 2019 Two episodes in and the Tracker gets all wonky. Thanks, Keithbama. 😜 Also, I figure I'll add in any advantages to help keep track of them too. Yellow Kama: No changes in tribe composition. Ron: The Advantage Menu (set to expire at the 3rd, meaning next, TC): Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Blue Manu: Chris Dan DavidKeith Kelley Lauren - Hidden Idol Rick Wendy On the "Edge of Extinction" Reem On the edge of the "Edge of Extinction" Keith 2 3 1 Link to comment
SVNBob March 7, 2019 Author Share March 7, 2019 Back to being an easy time for tracking EoE. But also a couple of changes on the Advantage tracking on Kama's side. Yellow Kama: No changes in tribe composition. Aubry: Hidden Idol Ron: The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Expired as of the end of this episode. Blue Manu: Chris Dan David Kelley Lauren - Hidden Idol Rick Wendy On the "Edge of Extinction" Reem Keith Chris 1 Link to comment
SVNBob March 14, 2019 Author Share March 14, 2019 With a new tribe comes a big shift on the tracker. I'll now be adding in the "tracking codes" that trace each player's tribal history...although given the shuffle, it's not that necessary at the moment. There will be one minor modification to how I've done this in past seasons, just in case there's another shuffle before the merge. You'll see why when I get to it. Advantages are still included. Green Lesu: (ML) Dan (ML) David (ML) Kelley (ML) Lauren - Hidden Idol (ML) Rick Blue Manu: (KM) Aubry - Hidden Idol (KM) Eric (KM) Gavin (KM) Victoria (MM) Wendy Yellow Kama: (K2) Aurora (K2) Joe (K2) Julia (K2) Julie (K2) Ron The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Officially expired day after the 3rd TC. On the "Edge of Extinction": Reem Keith Chris (ML) Rick 1 Link to comment
SVNBob March 21, 2019 Author Share March 21, 2019 Not much to say about the changes to the Tracker. Biggest thing of note are Aubry's two advantages. I'm not 100% sure whether or not they'd be valid if she returns to the game. Other than that, I added the tribal location of each hidden idol and the all advantages from EoE. Green Lesu: (ML) Dan (ML) David (ML) Kelley - Lesu Hidden Idol (ML) Lauren - Manu Hidden Idol Blue Manu: (KM) Eric (KM) Gavin (KM) Victoria Yellow Kama: (K2) Aurora (K2) Joe (K2) Julia (K2) Julie (K2) Ron - The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Officially expired day after the 3rd TC. On the "Edge of Extinction": Reem Keith - Knots Chris - "Practice" (ML) Rick - Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game. Given to Aubry. (KM) Aubry - Kama Hidden Idol, Extra Vote. Current validity status of both: Unknown. (MM) Wendy Link to comment
KimberStormer March 21, 2019 Share March 21, 2019 On 3/21/2019 at 4:18 AM, SVNBob said: Current validity status of both: Unknown Expand How come? I thought we'd heard from Jeff idols taken to the EDGE were still valid. Link to comment
Lamb18 March 21, 2019 Share March 21, 2019 The Extinct tribe is the largest tribe now. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen March 21, 2019 Share March 21, 2019 (edited) On 3/21/2019 at 4:18 AM, SVNBob said: Biggest thing of note are Aubry's two advantages. I'm not 100% sure whether or not they'd be valid if she returns to the game. Expand On 3/21/2019 at 9:56 AM, KimberStormer said: How come? I thought we'd heard from Jeff idols taken to the EDGE were still valid. Expand Someone said in the ep thread that Jeff said in his post-ep interview that Aubry's advantage and idol are now null, even if she returns to the game. LOL I don't know guys, it makes no sense, but that's apparently what he said. Edited March 21, 2019 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
Special K March 21, 2019 Share March 21, 2019 On 3/21/2019 at 2:13 PM, peachmangosteen said: Someone said in the ep thread that Jeff said in his post-ep interview that Aubry's advantage and idol are now null, even if she returns to the game. LOL I don't know guys, it makes no sense, but that's apparently what he said. Expand Yeah that sucks. I think they should keep their power. Link to comment
SVNBob March 28, 2019 Author Share March 28, 2019 (edited) Now the editors are taking some of my shtick. Thanks to a suggestion on Twitter, the chyrons on THs now indicate who has a Hidden Idol in their possession. And you can see they were added in later, as they don't sync with the rest of the text. However, that doesn't say anything about any other advantages; but then there aren't really any other advantages currently in play. I'll still keep track of it all here though, just to be on the safe/completionist side. And is there a lot to keep track of tonight. Merged Red Tribe: Vata (K2) Aurora (ML) Dan (ML) David - 1/2 Immunity Idol. Only a fully valid idol when combined with the other half. Gifted by Rick. (KM) Eric (KM) Gavin (K2) Joe (K2) Julia (K2) Julie (ML) Kelley - Lesu Hidden Idol (ML) Lauren - Manu Hidden Idol (K2) Ron - The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Officially expired day after the 3rd TC. (KM) Victoria (MLE) Rick - Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game. Given to Aubry. 1/2 Immunity Idol (Reward for returning from EoE.) Other half must be gifted to another player. Combined halves become a valid idol if both holders survive first post-merge TC. On the "Edge of Extinction"/Jury: Reem Chris - "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole for the Jail Break challenge. Used for EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. (KM) Aubry - Kama Hidden Idol, Extra Vote. Current validity status of both: Unknown; presumed void. (K2) Joe Extinct: Keith - Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in the EoE Re-entry Challenge. Placed on Chris. (MM) Wendy Edited March 29, 2019 by SVNBob 2 1 Link to comment
Nashville March 28, 2019 Share March 28, 2019 10 hours ago, SVNBob said: (ML) David - 1/2 Immunity Idol. Only a fully valid idol when combined with the other half. Gifted by Rick. Expand 10 hours ago, SVNBob said: (MLE) Rick - Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game. Given to Aubry. 1/2 Immunity Idol (Reward for returning from EoE.) Other half must be gifted to another player. Combined halves become a valid idol if both holders survive first post-merge TC. Immunity Idol (Reward for returning from EoE) - did not become valid until both halves (held by Rick and David) survived the first post-merge TC. Expand FTFY Link to comment
SVNBob April 4, 2019 Author Share April 4, 2019 On 3/28/2019 at 3:59 AM, SVNBob said: that doesn't say anything about any other advantages; Expand Now we know. They are adding in chyrons for all advantages and not just idols (or fractions of idols.) Makes less work for me, but I might as well finish tracking all of them this season. Vata Red: (K2) Aurora - Extra Vote - Valid through F7; gifted by Aubry (ML) Dan (ML) David - 1/2 Immunity Idol - Only a fully valid idol when combined with the other half; gifted by Rick. (KM) Eric (KM) Gavin (K2) Julia (K2) Julie (ML) Kelley - Lesu Hidden Idol (ML) Lauren - Manu Hidden Idol (MLE) Rick - Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game. Given to Aubry. 1/2 Immunity Idol - (Reward for returning from EoE.) Other half had to be gifted to another player; only a fully valid idol when combined with the other half. (K2) Ron - The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Officially expired day after the 3rd TC. (KM) Victoria On the "Edge of Extinction"/Jury: Reem Chris - "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole for the Jail Break challenge. Used for EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. (KM) Aubry - Kama Hidden Idol, Extra Vote. Current validity status of both: Unknown; presumed void. "Practice" - First stage of EoE Re-Entry Challenge #2. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game - Given to Aurora. (K2) Joe (KM) Eric Extinct: Keith - Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. Placed on Chris. (MM) Wendy Link to comment
SVNBob April 13, 2019 Author Share April 13, 2019 That TC was so crazy, I forgot to come update this thread! I'm taking this opportunity to clean things up a lot. I've moved all the used or expired advantages to a separate section, leaving only the ones still in play listed by the appropriate people. Vata Red: (K2) Aurora - Extra Vote - Valid through F7; Gifted by Aubry (ML) Dan (ML) David (KM) Eric (KM) Gavin (K2) Julia (K2) Julie (ML) Kelley - Lesu Hidden Idol (ML) Lauren - Manu Hidden Idol (MLE) Rick (K2) Ron (KM) Victoria On the "Edge of Extinction"/Jury: Reem Chris (KM) Aubry - "Practice" - First stage of EoE Re-Entry Challenge #2. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #2 - Given to Aurora. (K2) Joe (KM) Eric (K2) Julia Extinct: Keith (MM) Wendy Used/Expired/Voided Advantages: The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. - Found by Ron during the Marooning. Expired after the 3rd TC. Kama Hidden Idol - Found by Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole as in the Jail Break challenge. Part of EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. Found by Chris. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #1. Found by Rick and given to Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on Aubry's boot. Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. "Found" by Reem, but claimed by Keith. Placed on Chris during challenge. EoE Halved Idol - Secretly awarded to Rick on his return from EoE. 1/2 had to be given to another player and both holders had to survive the first merge vote to activate the idol. Rick gave half to David, and they both survived the vote. Idol now valid once both halves were combined. David returned his half to Rick, and Rick played the complete idol for David. 1 1 Link to comment
SVNBob April 18, 2019 Author Share April 18, 2019 Double the TC means double the movement on the Tracker. Not quite double the work though. Vata Red: (K2) Aurora (ML) Dan (ML) David (KM) Eric (KM) Gavin (K2) Julia (K2) Julie (ML) Kelley (ML) Lauren - Manu Hidden Idol (MLE) Rick (K2) Ron - Extra Vote - Valid through F7; Given to Ron by Aurora to forge an alliance. (KM) Victoria On the "Edge of Extinction"/Jury: Reem Chris (KM) Aubry - "Practice" - First stage of EoE Re-Entry Challenge #2. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #2 - Given to Aurora. (K2) Joe (KM) Eric (K2) Julia (ML) David (ML) Kelley Extinct: Keith (MM) Wendy Used/Expired/Voided Advantages: The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. - Found by Ron during the Marooning. Expired after the 3rd TC. Kama Hidden Idol - Found by Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole as in the Jail Break challenge. Part of EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. Found by Chris. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #1. Found by Rick and given to Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on Aubry's boot. Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. "Found" by Reem, but claimed by Keith. Placed on Chris during challenge. EoE Halved Idol - Secretly awarded to Rick on his return from EoE. 1/2 had to be given to another player and both holders had to survive the first merge vote to activate the idol. Rick gave half to David, and they both survived the vote. Idol now valid once both halves were combined. David returned his half to Rick, and Rick played the complete idol for David. IC Advantage: Goal of challenge reduced by one ball. Found by David and given to Rick. Lesu Hidden Idol - Found by Kelley. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 18, 2019 Share April 18, 2019 Quote (K2) Ron - Extra Vote - Valid through F7; Given to Ron by Aurora to forge an alliance. Expand Are we sure Ron definitely has this now? Someone brought up when Sarah gave Cirie her advantage for safe keeping and then Cirie tried to use it but wasn't allowed. I am fuzzy on the details there, but it sounds kinda familiar. What exactly did Aurora say to Ron when she gave it to him? Link to comment
fishcakes April 18, 2019 Share April 18, 2019 On 4/18/2019 at 1:33 PM, peachmangosteen said: Are we sure Ron definitely has this now? Someone brought up when Sarah gave Cirie her advantage for safe keeping and then Cirie tried to use it but wasn't allowed. Expand It depends on what the note with the extra vote says. Sarah's advantage specifically said that it was non-transferable, which Cirie couldn't seem to grasp ("but she gave it to me!") so Sarah letting her hold it meant nothing. If Aurora's doesn't say the vote is non-transferable, then probably Ron can keep it. 1 Link to comment
SVNBob April 18, 2019 Author Share April 18, 2019 She said that if she got voted out, it was his (and good luck). She also said that if she didn't get voted out she would like if he returned it and then they could plan to use it together. He told her that he was just going to hold it for her and hand it right back, but in a TH he admitted he thought about voting her out and keeping it. The chyron on the TH agreed that the vote now belonged to him. So, as of the last we saw of the main game in the episode, Ron does have both possession and ownership of the Extra Vote. We'll see at the top of the next episode if he returns it or not. 1 Link to comment
SVNBob April 26, 2019 Author Share April 26, 2019 I just found out that the list function does nesting. That's going to make things a lot easier to format and thus read. Might be a little longer, but still cleaner. Vata Red: (K2) Aurora Extra Vote - Valid through F7 Returned by Ron to demonstrate trust. (ML) Dan (ML) David (KM) Eric (KM) Gavin (K2) Julia (K2) Julie (ML) Kelley (ML) Lauren Manu Hidden Idol (MLE) Rick (K2) Ron (KM) Victoria On the "Edge of Extinction"/Jury: Reem Chris (KM) Aubry "Practice" - First stage of EoE Re-Entry Challenge #2. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #2. Given to Aurora. (K2) Joe (KM) Eric (K2) Julia (ML) David (ML) Kelley (ML) Dan Extinct: Keith (MM) Wendy Used/Expired/Voided Advantages: The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Found by Ron during the Marooning. Expired after the 3rd TC. Kama Hidden Idol Found by Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole as in the Jail Break challenge. Part of EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. Found by Chris. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #1. Found by Rick Given to Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on Aubry's boot. Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. "Found" by Reem, but claimed by Keith. Placed on Chris during challenge. EoE Halved Idol - 1/2 had to be given to another player and both holders had to survive the first merge vote to activate the idol. Secretly awarded to Rick on his return from EoE. Rick gave half to David, and they both survived the vote. Idol now valid once both halves were combined. David returned his half to Rick, and Rick played the complete idol for David. IC Advantage: Goal of challenge reduced by one ball. Found by David Given to Rick. Lesu Hidden Idol Found by Kelley. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. Link to comment
SVNBob May 2, 2019 Author Share May 2, 2019 Most of the new information in this update is in the Advantage section instead of the player sections. Good thing I found a format I like to help keep things clean and hopefully easy to follow. Vata Red: (K2) Aurora (KM) Gavin (K2) Julie (ML) Lauren Manu Hidden Idol (MLE) Rick (K2) Ron (KM) Victoria On the "Edge of Extinction"/Jury: Reem Chris (KM) Aubry "Practice" - First stage of EoE Re-Entry Challenge #2. (K2) Joe (KM) Eric (K2) Julia (ML) David (ML) Kelley (ML) Dan (K2) Ron Extinct: Keith (MM) Wendy Used/Expired/Voided Advantages: The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Found by Ron during the Marooning. Expired after the 3rd TC. Given to Rick as if it was still valid as a bluff. "Played" as an idol by Rick. Kama Hidden Idol Found by Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole as in the Jail Break challenge. Part of EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. Found by Chris. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #1. Found by Rick Given to Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on Aubry's boot. Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. "Found" by Reem, but claimed by Keith. Placed on Chris during challenge. EoE Halved Idol - 1/2 had to be given to another player and both holders had to survive the first merge vote to activate the idol. Secretly awarded to Rick on his return from EoE. Rick gave half to David, and they both survived the vote. Idol now valid once both halves were combined. David returned his half to Rick. Rick played the complete idol for David. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #2 - Expired at F7 Found by Aubry Given to Aurora. Given to Ron by Aurora to build an alliance. Returned to Aurora by Ron to demonstrate trust. Given to Gavin by Aurora at F7 to make sure it got used. Vote cast on Ron. IC Advantage: Goal of challenge reduced by one ball. Found by David Given to Rick. Lesu Hidden Idol Found by Kelley. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. Vata Hidden Idol Found by Rick Played by Rick on himself. Link to comment
SVNBob May 10, 2019 Author Share May 10, 2019 Last Tracker Update of the season. Which kinda sucks, since I was hoping to post the change of EoE to official jury. There still might be a post here next week though. Vata Red: (K2) Aurora (KM) Gavin (K2) Julie (ML) Lauren Manu Hidden Idol (MLE) Rick Vata "Hidden" Idol #2 (KM) Victoria On the "Edge of Extinction"/Jury: Reem Chris (KM) Aubry "Practice" - First stage of EoE Re-Entry Challenge #2. (K2) Joe (KM) Eric (K2) Julia (ML) David (ML) Kelley (ML) Dan (K2) Ron (K2) Aurora Extinct: Keith (MM) Wendy Used/Expired/Voided Advantages: The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Found by Ron during the Marooning. Expired after the 3rd TC. Given to Rick as if it was still valid as a bluff. "Played" as an idol by Rick. Kama Hidden Idol Found by Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole as in the Jail Break challenge. Part of EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. Found by Chris. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #1. Found by Rick Given to Aubry. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on Aubry's boot. Valid through F7, so now unquestionably void. Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. "Found" by Reem, but claimed by Keith. Placed on Chris during challenge. EoE Halved Idol - 1/2 had to be given to another player and both holders had to survive the first merge vote to activate the idol. Secretly awarded to Rick on his return from EoE. Rick gave half to David, and they both survived the vote. Idol now valid once both halves were combined. David returned his half to Rick. Rick played the complete idol for David. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #2 - Expired at F7 Found by Aubry Given to Aurora. Given to Ron by Aurora to build an alliance. Returned to Aurora by Ron to demonstrate trust. Given to Gavin by Aurora at F7 to make sure it got used. Vote cast on Ron. IC Advantage: Goal of challenge reduced by one ball. Found by David Given to Rick. Lesu Hidden Idol Found by Kelley. Status Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. Vata Hidden Idol #1 Found by Rick Played by Rick on himself. 2 Link to comment
SVNBob May 16, 2019 Author Share May 16, 2019 The post I was not planning on making tonight... but so much went on I had to track it all one last time. Vata Red: Chris (KM) Gavin (K2) Julie (ML) Lauren (MLE) Rick (KM) Victoria On the Jury: Reem (KM) Aubry (K2) Joe (KM) Eric (K2) Julia (ML) David (ML) Kelley (ML) Dan (K2) Ron (K2) Aurora (KM) Victoria (ML) Lauren (MLE) Rick Extinct: Keith (MM) Wendy Used/Expired/Voided Advantages: The Advantage Menu: Steal a Reward, Extra Vote, or Hidden Idol. Found by Ron during the Marooning. Expired after the 3rd TC.Given to Rick as if it was still valid as a bluff. "Played" as an idol by Rick. Manu Hidden Idol Found by Lauren Played by her for Chris Kama Hidden Idol Found by Aubry. Status Officially Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. "Practice": Bamboo Pieces and string used for making a pole as in the Jail Break challenge. Part of EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. Found by Chris. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #1. Found by Rick. Given to Aubry. Valid through F7, so definitely void. May have become void on Aubry's boot. Knots: A disadvantage to be placed on one of the others in EoE Re-entry Challenge #1. "Found" by Reem, but claimed by Keith. Placed on Chris during challenge. EoE Halved Idol #1 - 1/2 had to be given to another player and both holders had to survive the first merge vote to activate the idol. Secretly awarded to Rick on his return from EoE. Rick gave half to David, and they both survived the vote. Idol now valid once both halves were combined. David returned his half to Rick. Rick played the complete idol for David at F10. "Practice" - First stage of EoE Re-Entry Challenge #2. Found by Aubry. Did not appear to be helpful. Extra Vote to be sent anonymously into the game #2 - Expired at F7 Found by Aubry. Given to Aurora. Given to Ron by Aurora to build an alliance. Returned to Aurora by Ron to demonstrate trust. Given to Gavin by Aurora at F7 to make sure it got used. Vote cast on Ron. IC Advantage: Goal of challenge reduced by one ball. Found by David Given to Rick. Lesu Hidden Idol Found by Kelley. Status Officially Unknown but Presumed Void on her boot. Vata Hidden Idol #1 Found by Rick Played by Rick on himself at F7. Vata "Hidden" Idol #2 Found by Rick. Played by Rick on Gavin at F5. EoE Halved Idol #2 - Same rules and restrictions as with #1 Secretly awarded to Chris on his return from EoE. Chris gave half to Rick, and they both survived the vote. Idol now valid once both halves were combined. Rick returned his half to Chris. Chris played the complete idol for himself at F5. Fake Idol #1 Made by Rick. Found by Julie. "Played" by Julie on herself at F5. Fake Idol #2 Made by Rick. Found by Lauren. "Played" by Lauren on herself at F5. Link to comment
SVNBob May 17, 2019 Author Share May 17, 2019 And now what I was planning to post after last week. I do enjoy doing this thread and am going to continue with this type of thread next season...and given the theme, it may actually be necessary like it was for GI. (And that season I tracked in two threads, because some of what I tracked was spoilery.) But the content of what I keep track of might change, if you want it. In other works, I want feedback. For those of you who do read this thread, what do you think is important to keep track of? And is it easy to find the information you want? I started off this kind of thread because of all the non-joking "There's an X on this season?" comments that pop up on a regular basis throughout each season. So player names are still item #1 on the list, with their current tribal affiliations a close #2. And since idols and other advantages aren't going away anytime soon, it makes sense to keep track of those too. Both who has what, and what has been used or made void by expiring or going home in someone's pocket. The show will only be keeping track of the active advantages, but that helps me keep track too. Is there anything else though? Someone made mention in an episode thread this season of this thread keeping track of alliances. I haven't been, but I could if that's something that is wanted. Any other suggestions for information to keep track of are also welcome. In addition, the format of how I display this information can always be tweaked if needed and requested. For example: I always start the first post of the thread for a season with links to the player's individual threads here, but eventually drop that. However, I can keep the links throughout the season if so desired. And any other ideas for making things easy to read and understand will be considered. 3 Link to comment
cherrypj May 17, 2019 Share May 17, 2019 I find this list very useful, as-is, and wouldn’t ask you to do even more work on it. 2 Link to comment
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