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S02.E15: Queens


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Not much to comment for this episode.   You could definitely tell Mena's mom was wound a bit tight, a domineering, control freak and way too much hubris.   Mena handled everything brilliantly and seems like AJ had Dr. Okeke pegged exactly right, though (so intuitive).   Liked their little comforting moment in the OR/exam room.   

Any one really surprised that Henry would have problems with the Quo Vadis device?  I've been waiting on this to happen.    And yeah, typical kid asking Nic is she was in love with Conrad ("yes, very much") and then saying, he wished Conrad was his dad.   Still a bit open to interpretation whether the boyfriend could possibly be abusive or if Henry was bruised caused by seizures.   

Previewing the episode in 2 weeks, it appears Alex may try to make a move with Nic-- or have her wondering about "greener grass"--setting up some angst I'll have to live through with Connic; really not looking forward to that!

Amazing how Bell has grown a conscience and perhaps has realized money isn't everything - yeah, right!   Interesting to see how this will play out.

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This episode left me feeling tried.

From the first glimpse of Lynn Whitfield--- a world-renowned surgeon with acrylic nails? Ok, show. Then she opened her mouth...Smh. Look, I know Lynn Whitfield gotta eat, but her accent--- just, why, Lord? Why?

Then, they made us watch that adorable kid die over & over & over again. Every 3 minutes. I feel traumatized. 

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12 hours ago, rhys said:

The crazy story with the billing/insurance won't hold up tho. A second appendectomy charge? Hmmm

It's just stupid anyway in that Devon did an ultrasound so how could he not see an inflamed appendix?

But ultimately depending on how skeevy Devon is, it's not like his hands really get stained in that who knows he managed to figure out the whole twin thing?

Meanwhile Milo and Brant? Whatever his name was - the twins will be ttally fucked over for the fake insurance because yeah, two appendectomies.

Not sure where they were going with Mina's mom. Or rather, I might be an outlier but, I didn't see Dr. Okeke as entirely a charming narcissist just being hateful as she cheerfully twisted the knife into Mina's soul. I mean, yes, she was awful but... as described, two children died pretty much due to Mina. I can see that causing some underlying anger. Couple that with Mina's abrupt personality and I don't see some of her anger and nasty behavior as undeserved. The hostility though was just so over the top and weird - for someone cited as being charming, why was Dr. Okeke so obviously wanting to humiliate Mina at the luncheon in a way that was guaranteed to make Bell and Austin side eye her?

Of course the little boy has a critical malfunction of the QuoVadis device. But this story was weird too - like ok, I get the obligatory 'the new boyfriend must be beating the kid' stuff but if the kid was IN the hospital and *suddenly* has a fresh deep bruise on his head, why was everyone still focused on stepdad being a child beater?

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4 hours ago, cathmed said:

Still a bit open to interpretation whether the boyfriend could possibly be abusive or if Henry was bruised caused by seizures.   

I don't think it was open to interpretation at all.  Henry explained to Conrad he was hiding his seizures because he was afraid that if he was sick again, the new boyfriend would leave his mom like his dad left when Henry got sick the first time.

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I'm confused about all the side trips we're making down relationship lane.  The only point I can see to the mean Mother story line is to put Mina in the Raptor's arms?  His speech about charming people was very accurate if he'd of said narcissistic people.

I thought the appendix would be a story that they'd said they'd removed it the first time but actually didn't. They're really piling on Devon. I like him best interacting with Conrad. Where's Conrad's father?  Just feels like tons of dropped story lines and filler waiting til sweeps or some such.

I think the kid was definitely not presented as being abused BUT....if he kept falling down and waking up for a week, how'd it take such frantic, intense effort to get it to re-start at the hospital?  And....wouldn't you kick the door in with your shoe, eh, Conrad?  That would have to break your elbow or something.

If this show wants me to believe its drama, it really needs to quit with the suspension of logic.  Ugh!

This show is giving so much bad information about VNS, it's frustrating. The overdramatic tones is almost laughable.

The VNS was triggering the vagal response which slows down the heart. I don't know how these two things are related, if it is possible. I do know that, at least in some cases, when the heart slows down dramatically, it is called a vagal response, and I do know that the VNS can be triggered to send more stimuli to the brain when there is an increase on heartbeat (which happens with seizures, so the extra stimulation is supposed to stop the seizures, or prevent them from become generalized, if this is the case). VNS causing heart to stop might be too much of a stretch for the sake of the story. 

But the silliness of having Conrad running around, breaking windows (no alarm, no security) and running back for the wand, which should be with the monitor at all times is ridiculous. VNS devices come with a small magnet that people can use to activate it if and when they feel a seizure coming. One way to stop the device from sending stimuli is by placing the magnet where the device in implanted and leaving it there. SO EASY! But nooooo! Let's have the Super! Resident! run to another building, breaking a glass door, and save the day! They could have added a couple of punches and kicks too. 


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Brushing aside Lynn Whitfield's awful accent (and her sudden use of the word "Mom" after only using the word "Mother" - look, I'm weird, those patterns stick out to me, don't judge me), Mina's mama drama was...entirely too close to the bone. I love that The Raptor totally has her back. They really just make such a great team. Even if you don't ship it, they're fantastic together, even as colleagues. Though between this week and giving his reservation to her and her boyfriend last week, it's pretty clear that he really does care very deeply for her. 

On 2/19/2019 at 10:58 AM, preeya said:

I don't think its conscience as much as fear of being exposed as a partner with this fraudulent company.

And even more than that, he doesn't want to accidentally brutally stab himself in the stomach while shaving like the last guy that had reservations.

On 2/19/2019 at 9:41 AM, cathmed said:

 And yeah, typical kid asking Nic is she was in love with Conrad ("yes, very much") and then saying, he wished Conrad was his dad.

Poor kid. For someone with his fears, his doctor is a logical choice for a match with his mother. He's caring, attentive, and he already knows that Conrad can handle anything that Henry's illness throws at them. "Don't you love him? Why don't you marry him? If I got a Parent Trap situation going on, would you hate me for it?" You have ZERO chill, show. It's so goofy, and I kinda love it sometimes. 

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Mom was making goo goo eyes at Conrad a few episodes and now magically has a boyfriend so they can accuse him of beating the kid? That scene of the boy continuously going into asystole was terrifying. Figured the mother would conveniently leave the wand at home so Conrad can run a bunch to get one. Shame on the ED for not having one accessible.

Bell is in some deep shit. I’m sure he will get out of this unscathed like he always does but it will be interesting to see how.

Poor Mina- losing her dad and then sisters and being stuck with that narcissistic bitch. I can’t believe she wasn’t proud of Mina’s accomplishments when Bell was raving about her. 

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9 hours ago, twoods said:

Poor Mina- losing her dad and then sisters and being stuck with that narcissistic bitch. I can’t believe she wasn’t proud of Mina’s accomplishments when Bell was raving about her. 

That part totally rang true, speaking as someone with a narcissistic mom.  The narcissist never wants you to actually outshine them because then the attention is on you and not them. If you do outshine them, or come close, their razor focus is always on your flaws and pointing out your flaws and charming your friends with how nice they are, and how ridiculous your concerns about your friends meeting them are. 

Trust me - that part of Mina's mom totally rang true. 

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On 2/18/2019 at 10:25 PM, Kleav said:

Bell really makes the show.

I do enjoy the character and Bruce Greenwood so much.

Conrad's mad run to get the special supply for the medical device ... they should have had him done a full-on "Mission Impossible" run!

Either Matt C. is absolutely fabulous with kids in real life, or he is a good actor with kids. Some people just have that way about them ... I always feel awkward with other people's kids.

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I appreciate the fact that they try to involve African countries in these new dramas. But please can the directors or script writers do more research and no make up things that are incorrect. Mina's mum was talking about about the hospital she's building in Gombe, which she also said was the biggest in Eastern Nigerian. Gombe is located in Northern Nigeria. I hope that soon of the right people get to read this. I still love the show though. 

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