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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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And the thing is that from a harmful trope perspective, "fixing" the problem by allowing the victimized characters to take out the people who hurt/killed them can't actually undo the damage--within the text or outside of it. The fact is that we've spent 20 episodes so far with a dead Sara, and an exploited Thea who was then also murdered. Allowing them to get their power back by enacting some sort of violence against their killers in the last moments of Episode 23 doesn't balance the scales. The message is still that this is what happens to women and LGBT people--this is the price you pay before you can be powerful. And I expect both Thea and Sara will continue to pay, undoing whatever damage has been done to their souls.*


Where on the flipside, if you're a rich, white male, the price you pay to get even more power is measured in actual dollars; it's the woman you love who pays with her life. You buy the talent and the parts you need to build yourself a supersuit. Or, if you're evil, you make the choice to fly yourself to Nanda Parbat and get the training you require. Or you exploit others and build yourself an army. You, yourself, are not exploited or victimized. Oliver is clearly the exception, and it's getting exhausting to see him hurt in the past and present over and over.


*(Also, the Evil Lesbian trope is like hand-in-hand with the Dead Gay trope, so if they do make Sara a villain on the spinoff...)

Edited by Carrie Ann
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Assuming she is the Sara we know, I could see them taking an Oliver-type route with Sara for the spin off. Flashbacks to how she went from fun-loving, college party to harden assassin and tragic heroine. I would be really interested in that evolution.


I expect Sara flashback but I would be very surprised if we also didn't get flashbacks for other characters too.  Which, new show, new rules. So maybe just flashbacks as needed.  On Arrow HAVING to have the flashbacks gets in the way, IMO.  Their not even Oliver remembering the past (like they were originally) they've just become a story told to the audience about the past which may or may not have any connection to the future or present. 

The fact that the EP's said they wanted to show what happened to Sara after the Amazo, means they had more story to tell and just killed her off for Laurel.



It only occurred to me lately that when Ra's told Lance about Sara being on the island and almost starving, we don't know how long Sara was alone after Waller took Oliver to Hong Kong.  I always assumed Sara was washed out to seas again and Nyssa found her, but per Ra's, she was rescued from the island so yeah, there is more to the story. 



She wasn't dragged back kicking and screaming either. She willingly contacted them and offered her services. Do you really think that Nyssa would've turned Sara down if she asked her for help? That scene where she almost killed Roy made her realize what she actually was.  When the opportunity arose, she took it.  Her rejoining the league was basically her embracing  the dark side that she tried to keep subdued.


To address the second theory about her being the bridge to LOA. That wouldn't have worked. Someone had to be killed to get Raj to notice. It had to be an important member of the LOA and this person would have to know Thea well enough to allow her to kill them. Otherwise the duel to the death wouldn't have  made sense. Sara was the only person that fit the necessary criteria needed to drive the plot forward.

Malcolm was already a league target.  He could have brainwashed Thea into helping him attach some random henchmen and she'd now be on the hit list.  They could have skipped the brainwashing and just had her a target since she was Malcolm's daughter.  Ra's likes to go after family to pressure others.  There was no need for Sara to die to make Oliver step in to save his sister.  Challenging Ra's would still have been the only way to eliminate Malcolm's debt from the Undertaking.


As for Sara going back to the LoA, yes, I think Nyssa would have turned Sara down if there was nothing in it for her or the league.  It was not their fight and it didn't have to be Sara's.  Nyssa could have darted her and kept her out of the fight until it was over, thus saving Sara's life and still not helping Sara's cause.  Sara had to trade something Nyssa wanted for help.  That was her return. 


Sara traded her future and freedom to save Starling.  


Sara fled the LoA and the killing but yes, she learned with Roy and other cases that it isn't specifically just the killing - Sara does believe that sometimes it is the best or only solution - but being pragmatic does not IMO translate into handing over your freedom of choice.  Sara might agree that sometimes death is the only option but in the LoA she doesn't get to be the one making the choice.  She is supposed to unquestioningly follow orders and probably frequently not even allowed to know they background or history of her targets.  She might have come to accept that she isn't against all killing but that was worlds away from being happy about handing over her free will to the LoA.  


She did take great comfort that trading her life - which she didn't hold as very valuable - saved countless lives and so in doing so it was her choice to return to the League.  She thought the terms of the bargain were ones she could live with, not that she wanted to be there if she had another choice.   

  • Love 3

It really feels so great and I'm still surprised. Sometimes in this age of social networks, fan reaction can influence a show in a bad way (like giving a popular villain an unearned redemption arc), but in this case... It's so awesome to finally see her get what she deserves, a big role on a show of her own without people whining that she steals Oliver's spotlight.

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I hope this okay to start, Mods, since we got confirmation that Sara's returning. 


Jarett Wieselman  ✔@JarettSays


#LegendsOfTomorrow trailer confirms Sara Lance is the White Canary, post-Lazarus Pit

11:51 AM - 14 May 2015


If someone has a better title, I'll change it. 


I gotta talk about my girl. I'm so happy she's back. I don't even care how. I had hoped she'd get a different name, but it makes sense to keep using Canary, since the name means something to her. 


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Seeing Sara kick ass in the trailer again was like, I don't know, a relief? I'm like 'all is right with the world.' I don't want to hate on Laurel because I know she had to start off badly and improve but seeing her struggle to fill Sara's shoes was difficult to watch and I don't think I realized how much until that trailer and seeing how flawless/effortless Sara looks. 

The trailer makes it appear that she was resurrected by a Lazarus Pit. I hope Quentin Lance finds out she's alive. The poor guy needs a good break after the horrible treatment Laurel has given him.


But then again, that would mean Sara would show up in an episode of Arrow and demonstrate once again how inadequate the Black Canary is.

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I wish I was at home (Stupid Job!) so I could gif the hell out of the trailer and get the Sara rising from the pits. 


I love that she has no mask so we can see even more that CL's doing her own fighting stunts. They showed a lot of her in the trailer. The Stunt Team must be thrilled to have her back. 

Edited by Sakura12
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So Sara is the Canary to be Lazarus pitted? Wonder if the comic fans will accept that? She pretty much has every thing that is the comic black Canary-except name....

shhh, the name is all that matters.


I've expected this since the spin-off announcement, LP Sara and White Canary but, man I didn't expect to like the trailer so much that I actually want to invest in another MG show.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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There was only backlash because she interrupted Olicity and Team Arrow. She doesn't have to worry about any of that on this show. She's starting out on Team Legend.


Yeah, she was unambiguously popular up until she hooked up with Oliver, after that, many people started crying about her overshadowing Oliver and stuff. There was the exactly same thing with Ray this year. I can't tell about him, because I don't watch, but with Sara, it really felt like shipper bias for me.


I knew it was going to be the combo of Sara and Victor Garber that sucked me in! But all it took was them standing next to each other, looking better than everyone on that team, and now I need them to develop a father/daughter type rapport.


I'm a sucker for father/daughter stuff (except for Laurel and Quentin, lol), so I had a similar reaction. Plus, Victor Garber! Spy Daddy's back!

  • Love 1

There was only backlash because she interrupted Olicity and Team Arrow. She doesn't have to worry about any of that on this show. She's starting out on Team Legend.

Here we go.

The Rising of The


How come she didn't fly out there like a leaping frog like Thea did?

They probably saw how stupid it looked when Thea did it. She's not the White Grasshopper

  • Love 4

There was only backlash because she interrupted Olicity and Team Arrow. She doesn't have to worry about any of that on this show. She's starting out on Team Legend.  


Here we go.

The Rising of The




How come she didn't fly out there like a leaping frog like Thea did? 


Uh...so who dug her up out of her grave?  Maybe everyone reacts differently?

My plan for the thread name was "Sara Lance: Scarynikki12's Favorite Character" but I think this one works too, heh.

So glad to see my girl again! Caity wore the mask well but I'm fine with it being removed. I haven't actually seen the trailer yet (at work) so I have to ask: do we see her costume yet or did they just announce the name?


My plan for the thread name was "Sara Lance: Scarynikki12's Favorite Character" but I think this one works too, heh.

So glad to see my girl again! Caity wore the mask well but I'm fine with it being removed. I haven't actually seen the trailer yet (at work) so I have to ask: do we see her costume yet or did they just announce the name?


We saw her full outfit, it's the same as her black one, only white with her chest covered and no mask or wig. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I love that she is back - I loved her in season two and aside for a couple of moments, I did not mind her with Oliver at all.  As much as I usually don't like shipping, on an assemble show like this with not comic book pairings - I am fascinated to see who people will ship and which actors will have the most chemistry in that regards. 


I know the guys outnumber the girls, but I want a fair amount of White Canary/Hawkgirl team ups. 

  • Love 1

I don't post here often, but I just had to pop in and share how excited I am that Sara Lance is back! I really had some reservations about this show given how potpourri the team is (plus... Ray), but that trailer looked great!

Does anyone know what the creative team is going to look like? I stopped watching Arrow after inadvertently tuning in just as Sara was skewered and fell to her death, though I peeked in from time to time and caught the finale.


Yeah, she was unambiguously popular up until she hooked up with Oliver, after that, many people started crying about her overshadowing Oliver and stuff. There was the exactly same thing with Ray this year. I can't tell about him, because I don't watch, but with Sara, it really felt like shipper bias for me.


I'm an Olicity shipper and I can honestly say that I had no problems with Sara in s2. I didn't even mind Sara and Oliver together. I'm not denying there probably was some shipper bias but not for everyone.


I'm just happy that Sara's back kicking ass and taking names and showing everybody how it's done. 

I'm always wary of attributing dislike of a character to shipping - I know myself personally as someone who dislikes Laurel I get annoyed when people attribute Laurel hate to Olicity shipping because I don't even ship Olicity. That said...yeah. I'm not saying all the Sara hate was shipper related, but I was on Tumblr back when Heir to the Demon aired, and wow talk about whiplash. It felt like it went from "she's amazing! She's awesome! She's.....hooking up with Oliver? What a bitch!!! Kill her!!!!" Talk about turning on a dime.

  • Love 1

I'm always wary of attributing dislike of a character to shipping - I know myself personally as someone who dislikes Laurel I get annoyed when people attribute Laurel hate to Olicity shipping because I don't even ship Olicity. That said...yeah. I'm not saying all the Sara hate was shipper related, but I was on Tumblr back when Heir to the Demon aired, and wow talk about whiplash. It felt like it went from "she's amazing! She's awesome! She's.....hooking up with Oliver? What a bitch!!! Kill her!!!!" Talk about turning on a dime.

I know what I'm talking about, wouldn't use words like this lightly. There are enough shippers who don't let their preferences color their opinions on the other stuff, but too many aren't like that, unfortunately.

Anyway, the point is Sara's a great character and I've always known she deserves a show where she can shine away from Laurel and Oliver. Glad to see it come to light.

Doubt it, since it looks like Arrow and Flash are the ones that put the team together. 


But that doesn't mean that Sara can't come back to life on Arrow before LOT begins. [spoilered just in case]

(And in fact, the EPs have said that what's happening with Sara will first play out on Arrow and The Flash.)

I was joking about them waiting to tell Oliver, but I stand by my wish that he's not the first to learn she's alive.

  • Love 1

I wonder if they were like Caity doesn't need a stinking mask, let everyone see it's her doing most of the stunt fighting. We can finally shoot some front facing shots and not have to play hide the stunt double. 


I also kind of hope that Sara brings up the fact that she was buried in her old grave, just so someone can ask her how many times she died. 

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