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You're The Worst - General Discussion

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Glad to see that Becca is still truly The Worst. Or maybe thats Paul F. Thomkins? 

Damn that cliffhanger! Daaamn you! What does it mean? I think that even as Jimmy and Gretchen are getting closer and closer to actual adulthood, that one of them are going to panic and bolt (probably Gretchen) or something bad will happen. I dont know!

Nice seeing Sam, Shitstain, again, now with Honey Nutz 2.0! 

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That was a really fun episode. At least until that gut-punch of a flash forward, anyways. I love the rappers. I love that they replaced Honeynutz. I flove that Honeynutz 2.0 lost his cotton candy in the tub of water, just like that viral video of the raccoon that washed its cotton candy in water and lost it. "Bitch, do you know how much time I spent building that character? You think I'd give that up just because Honeynutz 1 aged out?"

Yeah, whatever happened to the plan for Becca to be a surrogate+egg donor for Paul? Does Tallulah have a rich younger cousin?

The flash-forward was technically impressive: the camera pushes in on the brand new car as Gretchen gets in and closes the door, and then it seamlessly fades to the next shot where it's parked in front of the house, and all dinged up, but the camera is in exactly the same position to start. I suppose that could be done with a computer-controlled camera arm but I'm guessing that's expensive and rare and I wonder how to do it without. Also, Jimmy clearly isn't wearing a wedding ring in the flash forward.

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This episode seemed haphazardly put together, like someone said, we've got to make sure that we get the *other* characters in. The show feels off to me for this final season, and I think it has to be that a bunch of the original writers have found other work now that it's ending. (And then I look it up and see this is the first episode for the team of Evan Mann and Gareth Reynolds).

This may be the first YOU'RE THE WORST episode where I didn't laugh once.

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This has to be the dirtiest show on the air that isn't on a pay cable or streaming channel. The episode opens with Gretchen making Jimmy taste you-know-what and I can't believe they went there. Wow, talk about pushing the envelope. I don't know how they get away with it, or what the censors at FXX would draw the line at. 

The cliff-hanger drove me nuts too.

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S5.E5: A Very Good Boy


Jimmy attempts to prove that, despite being on the verge of becoming a married man, he has not lost his edge. Edgar and Lindsay attempt to go on a real date.



Nock Nock:

Bad boy:

Date night:

Unstoppable Gretchen:

Original air date: 2/6/19

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Being grifters has really brought Becca and Vernon together! Poor Paul I hope he gets a happy ending (in the fairytale sort of way)

Will Gretchen care about Jimmy and the florist did? Part of me thinks no but the start of the episode set it up in what I assume was a flash forward that she had left Jimmy or something

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I kinda think Gretchen would care. They've sorta cheated in different ways since the first season, but she's never really been chill about it. But more to the point, I didn't buy that Jimmy would be this attractive to the florist just because he got in a mosh session, esp after yet another insufferable Jimmy monologue. (I love this show, I used to really love Jimmy and Gretchen, but for me they've really been some of the worst versions of themselves this season.)

The flash-forward seemed pretty grim. Gretch isn't wearing either a wedding nor engagement ring. She seems to have pulled up short for a second at the floral display in the hotel lobby, which kinda looks like the wedding centerpiece Jimmy picked out. It could be a fake-out. Maybe there's a happy reason for all this. But weirdly, it seems upsetting that Gretchen is turning down alcohol.

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Gretchen also isn't wearing an engagement ring when she checks into the hotel. Even so, I'm conscious that this couple could easily destroy a car to that extent in one good overnight bash.

The throwing out the minibar key so she couldn't drink the alcohol coupled with the substance abuse --> throwing up incident of a few episodes back makes me think, as I said before...



I didn't get that she threw out the mini bar keys -- I thought she was throwing out the house keys -- but that fits a lot better. So maybe she's rehabbing. Or pregnant. 

Or pregnant by someone not named Jimmy, which might explain why Jimmy's just leaving like he did. Especially since Jimmy's apparently setting up a free-sex week (to cover for/balance out the florist). 

I think we MIGHT be getting a big fake out with these flash forwards. 

I liked Jimmy's epiphany and Edgar and Gretchen's mocking him for thinking he's a bad boy. Jimmy has turned into a pretty nuanced character, and I appreciated him wanting the spot by the outlet (very important), him arranging for the server to scold him (always helps to have encouragement) and his desire to not have any of those things attached to his work. Writing always feels like it should be done late at night with a bottle of scotch, but when it's your job -- and once you've been through the publishing wars -- it takes a lot more actual work.

I thought the same of Gretchen, that she's so bought into the low self image her parents foistered on her  that she expects people to reject her. I don't know whether she's a good publicist or not, but it's interesting to see her reject the idea of being good at it. That might lead to the flash forward -- her thinking she deserves better than Jimmy -- but  I don't know how that would fit. 

I was disappointed with the Becca/Vernon and Paul subplot because Becca liked being pregnant, which was Lindsey's point. And I always thought Vernon considered Paul a friend -- scamming him to that level seems crueler than I think they'd been planning to be. Just seems like a stunt plot point than something that made sense when it was first said. 

Despite them being the secondary leads, I don't care about Edgar and Lindsey, or I don't care about their character arcs. Edgar's writing journey has been a waste of time -- there isn't one bit of it I've found funny. I like Lindsey as a publicist, but it's not through any reason than the writers decided to maker her competent in this area. It's not a natural development of her personality or arc.  

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The plan was for Becca to get pregnant with Paul's baby, and Paul to pay her for surrogating the baby. They're apparently charging him 5K per attempt, but they aren't inseminating Becca. Maybe they are just trying to stretch everything out. 

A large part of their money went to a Russian FinDomme; the rest went to the malpractice case when Vern fell asleep during "surg." Also, he's suspended for the time being, so no money coming in. 

Edited by whiporee
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These flashforwards are giving me a very bad feeling. I have always assumed that somehow, Jimmy and Gretchen would get it together and end up having some kind of weird, unconventional happy ending, but with these flashforwards so close to the end, I just dont know. 

Loved Jimmy running off with the guys laptop, and then stopping in horror and turning back. "Edgar killed people, that is totally a bad boy!"

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This ep (with the mosh pit) was the best ep of this show in at least 2 years. Everyone acted in their own, unique ways, and none of it was over the top stupid or mean. All the plot lines moved forward. Gretchen even showed signs of being an adult. I really enjoyed it.

And I have no hopes for Gretchen or Jimmy together. They seemed doomed from the start, and only now (this episode, in fact) are both of them showing signs of growing up. Whatever happens, happens.

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RE: 2-13's show. I loved the looks Edgar gave Jimmy. Really good stuff there. 

Very good acting tonight. I can't comment too much about the plot because I found it contrived, but I enjoyed how Gretchen kept encouraging Jimmy's antics. Also, how Sam warmed to Nok Nok when he heard about the views. And Lindsey's limp. 

Glad I have a golden retriever. 

  • LOL 2
19 hours ago, whiporee said:

RE: 2-13's show. I loved the looks Edgar gave Jimmy. Really good stuff there. 

Those judgmental looks had me rolling! Edgar gives great "I am so disappointed" looks, the man has a gift! 

The plot itself was pretty predictable, but the actors just nailed every second of the wacky situations (Jimmy and Gretchen keep trying to convince the other one they're having sex!) and there were lots of good lines and bits from the supporting cast. I love that hillbilly weirdo Nok Nok actually has some business savvy, and Sam turning around on him in seconds when he heard about how many listens he gets cracked me up. 

So Gretchen comes to the conclusion that she actually likes her job (!) and she doesent want to go out and party after work, she just wants to go home and tell Jimmy about her day, which is basically what Jimmy figured out last week, stray blowjob aside. So...what the hell is with the flashforwards?!?

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I know this is weird territory but if Jimmy and Gretchen are comfortable enough to allow each other a week of sex outside their relationship I'm not sure how upset Gretchen would really be to find out Jimmy got a BJ from some rando prior to that deal. The fact that she would be on board with a "sex pass" for a week sort of demonstrates she doesn't really care all that much about it. 

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RE: Zero eggplants

I love the character of Gretchen. I FLOVE Aya Cash's acting. She's beyond amazing

But Gretchen's nuts. And cruel. Tonight's bit of crazy was far beyond anything Jimmy ever did to her, including leaving her on the hill. 

There were times when I thought to myself that all this was just astonishing -- her girlish expression at the idea of being friends, the way she melted when Rachel let her in, her utter delight at Jimmy for doing what she wanted, her absolute panic at the idea that someone might actually like her. But the end was too much. it's too far. Jimmy didn't deserve it; the other couple didn't deserve it. In the past Gretchen's crazy has really hurt her; now she's branching out and hurting others who care about her. I fully expected her to go in and fuck Edgar, but instead she just -- what, tried suicide? I don't know, but in the end tonight should be unforgivable. Maybe it will be, maybe it'll just be more of the same. 

But no matter what he does now, Jimmy's justified in leaving. And as much as I like the character, and I love the way Aya has portrayed her, I think he should.

Edited by whiporee
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I still think Gretchen's worst thing was her expressed desire that she wanted "someone to fight for her" which basically ignored when Jimmy had fought for her.  These past two episodes have been fascinating.  Jimmy basically letting a blow job happen to him, without seeking it out, is very much in line with his character. And while I get her being mad because, even in open relationships, there are rules which Jimmy broke, I did get the sense that there was something deeper going on.

And we saw that in tonight's ep.  It does look like her depression is creeping up on her and that pushing Jimmy away is just as much about that as it is about what he did.  Jimmy sees it too. That Gretchen would push her new friends away when they actually did seem to fit perfectly with them was predictable and still sad. 

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It's just exhausting at this point. Even watching it exhausts me.

I don't even know what anyone should do anymore. She is a mess and she needs help. Should people who love her abandon her? I get why someone would. I can hardly stand to watch through my tv; it's so draining! But ye gods, if everyone who was sick was dumped by their friends and family, and just left to spiral... that would be tragic, too.

I just don't know. I really don't.

On the other hand, Jimmy is provoking. I mean, a lot of people would leave someone who got blown by the florist for their wedding. It's not usually a minor thing and they really didn't have an open relationship at that point.

And neither of them has actually discussed with the other the kind of things people getting married should discuss, like finances. So it's not like either of them is super-functional. Even if Gretchen wasn't totally off the ledge, it's hard to say their marriage would be smooth sailing.

But mostly, I just feel so exhausted by it. I have been close to people with various mental illnesses, and it can be exhausting, like most chronic illnesses are. Watching tonight, I just felt like: this is realistically exhausting and I don't even know how to feel about that. Watching it is both shocking and strangely familiar.

So, kudos to Cash and the writers. Well done. But it's hell.

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This damn show has stayed with me all day.

One of the things I really have to give the writers credit for is the consistency of the characters. Jimmy -- having grown up being called shitty Jimmy and never gaining his family's attention, affection or approval -- is desperate to please those he loves and those who supposedly love him. So of course he did it. You an even make the case that it was something experimental he needed to try anyway. 

Meanwhile Gretchen reacted to her family's expectations by keeping everyone out because she's petrified of being abandoned. If you look at the finale last year, she joked that one of the reasons she came back was because she knew she could destroy Jimmy and why would she give that up - it was only partly joking. She needs to know the extent to which she can control him to keep him from leaving. I doubt she cared about the florist blowjob -- it was just a way to take more control. She had no control over the new people -- in fact, she was asked to give up some control in the relationship -- and as much as she seemed to want that, she just can't handle it. She can't handle intimacy, while Jimmy craves it. And if you go back and look at the whole run, I think that's consistent in the way each of them is portrayed over the years. Gotta give the staff credit for working this thing all the way to its conclusions. 

I'm changing my prediction for the end, though. I think Gretchen is going to see the script for Width of a Peach (because she couldn't be bothered to actually read the book) and see herself. My guess is the lead character int hat ends up leaving, and she'll project it all the way out. 

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Oh Gretchen. Of course things are starting to look real, and she is starting to actually start having a "grown-up" life, so she freaks out, and is already trying to blow it all up. I think that the couple they met are essentially a sort of Ghosts of Relationships Future, essentially Jimmy and Gretchen having grown up a bit and matured into a more functional type of life, and its scared the shit out of her. She saw her future, and how ready Jimmy was for it, and she panicked and lashed out, as she often does.  

I mean, Jimmy blew a guy for Gretchen, he is clearly fully committed to this relationship, in his own way. I think that Jimmy, despite all of his blunt honesty, wants to be liked by people, and loved by the people that love him. Gretchen doesent need that validation, she actually fears it. I am straight up nervous now to see where this all ends. I think the depression is coming back, and Gretchen isnt sure what to do with that. The last time it happened, she pushed Jimmy away, but now, the relationship is way more serious. So what now?

Jimmy and his sexy dance was like a train wreck. I was so awkward, but I couldn't look away. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I mean, Jimmy blew a guy for Gretchen, he is clearly fully committed to this relationship, in his own way. I think that Jimmy, despite all of his blunt honesty, wants to be liked by people, and loved by the people that love him. Gretchen doesent need that validation, she actually fears it.

We've always been rooting for these two, but now this "relationship" is toxic as fuck. Jimmy has grown, though I feel Gretchen hasn't healed her core issues - dysfunctional upbringing, no self-worth, shitty coping mechanisms, constant self-sabotage. The depression is manageable, but a personality disorder (which I'm suspecting more and more) is not. I don't think Gretchen is capable of a healthy relationship with Jimmy (or anyone?) - she'll always do something to fuck it up. For a start, she probably needs a good year of inpatient psych care.

It kills me to realize, in the end, they are probably more healthy apart.  Far apart. 


ETA: I adore Gretch, but she's so seriously fragile and fucked up.

Edited by Jade Foxx
love for Gretch
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57 minutes ago, possibilities said:

In the flashback, Jimmy had the car. So I'm thinking that maybe they do get married, but Gretchen kills herself, or tries to and is locked up in a psych hospital. He looked grim and devastated, not "free at last" so I don't think it's just a simple break up.

Agree!....but how does this explain the flash forwards? Especially the most recent with Gretch chilling poolside with Linds, and the "I'm not angry anymore" comment? 😟

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Or her aggressive teatolling? I don't think she dies -- I think Jimmy does something that allows her to think it's his fault, and that she doesn't want ANYTHING FROM YOU DAMMIT so that's how he gets the car, maybe? I don't know. They do seem to be incongruent, but in both of his Jimmy clearly seems sad and and in both of hers Gretchen clearly does not. 

Edited by whiporee

Well, Gretch aggressively teetotalling is very upsetting and I don't even like alcohol myself.

Her blowing up the couples friendship was awful and might well be borne from depression but it's still awful and hard to watch. I used to really love Gretchen and Jimmy and this season (and TBH most of last season) I no longer do. Gretchen's casual cruelty -- also seen in not hiring the young publicist as her replacement -- is unpleasant and not fun. And Jimmy's curmudgeon act has been Flanderized up to 11. It's all too much.

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Ugh, this is going to be painful.  I have always been more Team Jimmy than Team Gretchen, so it galls me a little to see that in the flash forwards, Gretchen seems to be doing OK while Jimmy apparently loses everything.  I'm wondering if they will call off the wedding and yet meet up someplace in the very last minutes of the finale.  I'm not sure what I want.  I think that Aya Cash does an incredible job with Gretchen - that scene of her practicing her smile in the mirror broke my heart, but I think I"m ready to tell Jimmy to make a run for it.  The blow job stuff was just gross and I can't believe that Gretchen wouldn't have more respect for Jimmy if he told her to go fuck herself.  

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If Jimmy puts up with Gretchen's emotional issues, we're to conclude it's true love, in all it's messiness?

You're suppose to love and support your spouse, "for better or worse?"

Except these days, with the high divorce rates, people are not putting up with much and how many people would knowingly go ahead with marriage knowing that their spouse may be given to this batshit insane behavior?

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Damn it, I was so happy to see Gretchen make a new friend! I thought it was sweet that she wanted Rachel to like her so much. And Rachel even forgave her for trying to steal her grandmother's hair thing. I thought Gretchen was taking a good step forward and then she had to go and blow things up.

On a shallow note, I loved seeing Janina Gavankar. And Marshall from Undeclared!

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On 2/22/2019 at 6:45 PM, Jade Foxx said:

Agree!....but how does this explain the flash forwards? Especially the most recent with Gretch chilling poolside with Linds, and the "I'm not angry anymore" comment? 😟

I'm confused about exactly when all the flashes are taking place relative to each other. I do think it's possible that Gretchen just walks away and goes on a kind of happiness bender, because there are definitely people who will have a honeymoon phase of feeling good after something others would consider horrible. It's like a high from horror. So maybe she's not dead or in lock up but just lands on her feet, at least temporarily.

It's probably futile to guess at this point.

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I don't even know what anyone should do anymore. She is a mess and she needs help. 

What needs to happen is that Gretchen needs to go to therapy twice a week, minimum, and this wedding needs to be put on hold indefinitely. I don't even know if she's seeing her therapist anymore and she's in serious need of psychological care, not just medication. 

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What needs to happen is that Gretchen needs to go to therapy twice a week, minimum, and this wedding needs to be put on hold indefinitely. I don't even know if she's seeing her therapist anymore and she's in serious need of psychological care, not just medication. 

For sure! I meant I didn't know what I wanted the SHOW to do. The drama comes from not solving the problem. If they suddenly give us a happy ending, it will seem out of left field. But just wallowing in the dysfunction is kind of awful, too. They've made the point already.

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Drunk Vernon losing spectacularly at faux Operation was hilarious until I became afraid that he was gong to accidentally stab that little girl while trying to wrestle the tweezers away from her.

I was pleasantly surprised at the beginning of the season when we saw how happy he and Becca were even though they'd lost their house and were living at Lindsay's apartment. Although I normally don't like Becca and Vernon's fights, this week's seemed like a necessary step before they could move forward because they were both holding back so much. It was not at all surprising to hear Becca admit that she married Vernon to get back at Jimmy. But now that she's opened herself up enough to like Paul, maybe she's finally showing some growth? Unlikely as it seems, it could be true. Of course, we'll see how serious she is when it comes to admitting this to her old friends.

I can't wait to see Lindsay's face when she finds out that her sister and her ex are now part of a throuple.

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58 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

That was the very least hot threesome in the history of threesomes. Though I'm oddly fond of Paul.

You haven't watched You, Me, Her. 🙂 Though if that show wanted to switch off Jack, Emma and Izzy for Paul, Vernon and Becca I'd be perfectly fine with that. At least they'd be funny. 

I thought the episode was good and nice and pleasant right until the end when Gretchen and Jimmy walked in, because I remembered that they are the reason for the show. They brought more energy in 10 seconds than the other three did in 34 minutes. (I was actually anticipating the flash forward for clues). But I did appreciate there was some actual joy in the throuple's faces, and even their response to Jimmy was just right -- not overly hostile, not afraid, just the kind of thing someone says when hit with an asshole remark. 

Becca did seductive very well, both with Vernon and with Paul. All of the "growing" stuff was too on the nose for this show, but if you're wrapping these three up, I kind of guess they had to. 

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How did Becca know Jimmy?

She’s Lindsay’s sister and Lindsay is best friends with Gretchen, who started dating Jimmy.

Isn’t that how all these people came to know each other?

Also the way Vernon and Becca have been depicted throughout the series as shallow, petty, status-obsessed, competitive people seem at odds with them looking to connect with each other in a deeper way or being compassionate to Paul.

They lorded their apparent success over Lindsay and others.  I don’t think these miserable, shabby, misbehaving people particularly needed to find some kind of happiness.

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