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Roy Harper: Bad Boy

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Yeah, I found it kind of ironic that Oliver had that moment of introspection where he realized that he was not in a position to mentor Helena last year, and that by trying to do that, he'd probably done more damage than good.

And then cue him telling Roy to break up with Thea. So, so, so many reasons that's a stupid plan, I don't even know where to start. Oh, yes I do: the moment when Oliver said, "Speedy" in order to snap Roy out of his rage. Right now, Thea is everything to Roy, and his love for her is the thing keeping him on the good side of that thin line. (A trope I dislike, but here we are.) And, just last episode, they had someone positioned next to every non-superpowered/trained character on the show to try to protect them from Slade. Putting distance between the super-strong Roy and the clueless Thea just isn't smart. As evidenced by her immediately getting into a car with Slade.

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Wow, I am rewatching "Dodger," and I miss Roy's wild-animal physicality and badassedness.  I'd love to see him go back to more Parkour to balance out the "beating-on-things" he's been doing lately.

I'm actually wondering if Roy's "breakup" with Thea will actually push Thea to the dark side (along with other factors like, y'know, Slade).  That would be a neat reversal - the bad boy strives to be good while the ... well, Thea's been a troublemaker for a while, so the bad girl becomes badder?

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Just to expand on this idea of Thea going to the dark side.  Given the way Oliver pushed Roy to break up with Thea and then Oliver stupidly just left her vulnerable to Slade, I can imagine Roy joining whatever side of the game Thea chooses. 

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Wow, I am rewatching "Dodger," and I miss Roy's wild-animal physicality and badassedness.  I'd love to see him go back to more Parkour to balance out the "beating-on-things" he's been doing lately.


Yeah liked the parkour that was badass, I dont know why his powers mean that he cant use his other skills. Maybe with control and time he can.


Just to expand on this idea of Thea going to the dark side.  Given the way Oliver pushed Roy to break up with Thea and then Oliver stupidly just left her vulnerable to Slade, I can imagine Roy joining whatever side of the game Thea chooses



Probably, though I dont like the possibility. I would want Roy to make his own decisions not based on some "great love" I dont even buy in the first place. 

Edited by Conell
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Roy and Thea's relationship is one of the very few on this show that actually seemed realistic (at some level anyway).  Up until recently, they acted as the most normal of all the couples on this show.   She is the glue that holds him together, for better or worse.

If we are to believe that Slade's love for Shado was so powerful to cause what is happening now, it is much easier to believe Roy and Thea's relationship.

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So Roy has left Starling City.  (in a RED car, a Mustang that looked nice enough to make me wonder if it had been a present from Thea or just something he "picked" up to get him out of town)

I don't feel like this is the last we've heard of him.  I wonder if he's going to be back this season, maybe for a final battle with Slade?  Something would have to have happened in between time for that to ring true though.  I don't see him slinking back all sorry for how he acted. 

Not sure he should...except for the thing with Diggle of course. 

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I feel like this thread should actually be, Roy Harper: Dumb Boy.

Not a fan of the character, as most TWoPers will know, but I have at least enjoyed the show embracing how much of a dope Roy is. The rebellion against Oliver in this last episode was kind of weaksauce, if you ask me. Colton Haynes didn't really sell me on the emotion behind it.

And even though I enjoy his stupidity, and quite like it when he falls down or gets hit, I wouldn't mind if he decided to move to another city, permanently.

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So Roy has left Starling City.  (in a RED car, a Mustang that looked nice enough to make me wonder if it had been a present from Thea or just something he "picked" up to get him out of town)


I think Roy always had this red car, ever since the first season  or early season 2. It was first shown when he was using it for his vigilante activities. 

if we are to believe that Slade's love for Shado was so powerful to cause what is happening now, it is much easier to believe Roy and Thea's relationship.

  I dont buy either.

Edited by Conell
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I guess I'm a Roy defender but I came to the show with an affection for the character, no not from the comics but from the comic cartoon series Young Justice. I think Colton doesn't do subtle but most of the time I don't think Roy does subtle. He's either feeling something full throttle, or not at all and all over a base of suppressed anger. At least that's how I see the character so I've never had a problem with the acting.

I do have some concerns with the direction of the character. A Mirikuru cure would be very nice other wise I think he is going to end up on the dark side. Maybe Thea can morph into Speedy and somewhere down the line draw him back to the good guys.

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I like the potential for Roy as well; even though he's younger than the others, he's had a tough life on the streets, so he has potential to just cut to the core of things and call them like they are.  I cracked up at his "well you're boning her" line - it was to me a perfect delivery for the scene and the audience. He kind of reminds me of Michael in Roswell - lots of trust issues with developed survival skills that make him likely to withdraw if he doesn't feel loved.  Not in a spoiled way, but in a "I need to move on to a safer place if this place isn't okay" way. 

Maybe there can be a partial cure that tones down the obsession and takes him to 70% of full Mirakuru.  That should fit both the story and within the special effects budget. 

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I cracked up at his "well you're boning her" line - it was to me a perfect delivery for the scene and the audience. He kind of reminds me of Michael in Roswell - lots of trust issues with developed survival skills that make him likely to withdraw if he doesn't feel loved.  Not in a spoiled way, but in a "I need to move on to a safer place if this place isn't okay" way.


Miss that show, and Michael was an interesting character. Yes there are some similar characteristics between Roy and him. 

Edited by Conell
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Our poor Roy! Hooked up to that damn machine! For who knows how long.  (Potential future scene-- Oliver to Thea: "We looked everywhere for him! We looked real hard!")

Granted, it only occurred to me after his reveal in the chair, but why wouldn't Oliver or Diggle have thought that was a possibility after the big group fight against Slade and Roy barely registered? Not that Roy's ability to give and take with Slade, but that gave away the game/ Roy-as-an-ace-up-the-sleeve.  After that, it makes all the sense in the world to have Slade nab Roy and save himself potential weakening!  Another upside is twisting the knife, if he was able to, about how shitty Oliver is by pointing out the up-to-nows and how Oliver doesn't seem to be trying real hard to find him (Roy).

I am excited and hope that Roy and Thea get righted somewhat, as well as Oliver giving both a big apology ( a bit of groveling would be nice, but I can't see Ollie groveling when the circumstances warrant it anyway, so ::shrugs::)

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Yeah, poor Roy.  :(  I was surprised how horrible I felt about his circumstances.  Even just hearing about it was awful.  He's soo defeated and hopeless.  Glad it looks like the show will deal with him next week.  I want a happy ending, even if it comes at a cost. 

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If they kill Roy off next week or in the finale, I will shed no tears. The guy is a big dope at the best of times, and surprisingly tolerable when he is just playing the role of sidekick. But whenever they try to make me feel sympathy for the guy, I feel contempt and impatience. Cure him of the Mirakuru or kill him, that's all I ask.

He also seems to bring out the stupid in Oliver, with all the 'think of Thea. Break up with Thea!' nonsense.

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I like Roy but I hope they give him more and allow him to show more layers than just being the "Angry kid" next season. I wouldnt mind Cheshire making a visit. 

Edited by Conell
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I've never had a problem with Roy.  He seemed to be exactly who he was supposed to be, a kid from the wrong side of the track that's lived with a lot of pent up anger all his life but at the same time he doesn't want to be that guy and he tries.  He's still a kid consumed by the intensity of his feelings but he tries.

Now the Mirakuru has amped everything up and yes, makes him more one note, but I've never doubted that inside he is dealing with a lot of complex emotions.  It probably helps that I came to the show already liking the Roy Harper character. 

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I've read some comments about Roy suddenly being an expert archer after waking up from the cure.  I have issues with Roy popping back up without any sign of loss of muscle or strength after lying around asleep for at least a week or longer but I don't have a problem with his archery skills.  I rewatched the finale and he is only shown shooting the bow and arrows twice.  One set of shots into a crowd so thick I would have had a hard time missing a target and then once aiming at a guy a few feet away.  The second one was a good shot, but not an impossible shot.  Anyway, just my two cents. 

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That week or more he was laying around he was hopped up on Mirakuru so that probably accounts for maintaining his strength and muscles. As for the archery, we haven't seen all of the training Roy has been doing since he started hanging out with Team Arrow. For all we know he could have spent some of that time practicing with a bow.

Edited by KirkB
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Roy being able to shoot a bow with any proficiency is much more believable than Laurel doing it; he has the boosted muscle strength and actually did some training with Oliver.  I have no problems with it, though I would like to see more of his Parkour and hand to hand moves in the future.

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Now that Roy has taken Mirakuru-B-Gone! I can enjoy him again. Because he can get beaten up and fall down again, then get up looking dopey and dimwitted. That version of Roy is one I can abide.


Of course, if they make him all grim!dark and angsty in season 3 (even more than he was), because Thea's gone and he eventually (inevitably) finds out about the things he did under the influence, then I'll go back to wanting him to disappear.

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I think the scene between Colton Haynes and Willa Holland in the finale is easily the best work Colton's done on Arrow.  If he lifts his game similarly in future, I might have to move him out of the 'pretty boy' category.


Mind you theirs is also the one romantic relationship in the show that seemed vaguely normal!

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That was a nice scene. I think my favorite of his was when Oliver revealed himself in order to calm Roy down and get him to focus so they could shut down that prototype Earthquake device. Afterward, Roy just thanks him, and it was such a genuine moment. More of that, less wide-eyed confusion and anger would be great. I think CH has made good strides this season.

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I think it would be nice to see more training from Oliver and Diggle this next year. Roy went from being pissed at The Hood's training techniques to awestruck that it was Oliver, to pissed that he had to stay away from Thea, to resentment of Oliver, to full on MirukuruRage. Now with the cure he's seems to be all Yay!Team. 


I like the actual time jumps because I like that I'm watching the show in mostly real time. I don't like them because there's a lot of interaction that gets lost. I'd love to see some web shorts of what Diggle and Felicity were up to while Oliver manpained his time away. This time I want to know what's been happening with Team Arrow for five months. 

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That was pretty good.  Normally I don't like tenors (tm It Takes a Thief) but I really liked what he did there.


Here a song he wrote with Travis-Atreo Graham.  I'll be looking for the Arrow: The Musical episode now.

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Roy right now is an interesting character.  Without Thea, he really doesn't have much dimension to him.  I think that is purposeful right now since he probably spent the last five months throwing himself into training to forget about losing Thea.  The only moment where I saw Roy and not Arsenal was when he and Dig exchanged glances over Felicity and Oliver's flirty flirt. 


I do think his outfit is too similar to Oliver's.  in the dark lighting schemes Arrow seems to favor, I can't tell them apart so I wonder if their storylines will most keep them apart. 

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Yeah I'm thinking that's the case. That he's just thrown himself into his trai.ing and nothing else. I think when Oliver mentioned thea, be became visibly uncomfortable so that situation still bothers him I guess.

I noticed he didn't have much dialogue this episode. I don't know if that was a purposeful thing or the writers just didn't know what to write for him lol.

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Did Roy ever find out that he murdered a cop when he was in his rage phase? I can't remember.


I'm excited to see more of Roy outside of his relationship with Thea. I never really liked Thea or the weird, bored valley girl way she spoke. I hope Roy is still friends with that girl with short hair who was friends with Sara.

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Did Roy ever find out that he murdered a cop when he was in his rage phase? I can't remember.


I'm excited to see more of Roy outside of his relationship with Thea. I never really liked Thea or the weird, bored valley girl way she spoke. I hope Roy is still friends with that girl with short hair who was friends with Sara.

LOL I like Thea, but yeah I'm interested in their separate story-lines. (especially Thea's) And no, Roy hasn't found out he killed the cops yet. Unfortunately I'm not sure if Sin is coming back. The actress got a lead role in another show. 

Edited by ban1o
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Been wondering, now that Roy is no longer working at Verdant, where is he getting his money from? Does he get an allowance for his gig with the Arrow? Probably not, but am really interested in the Team Arrow's finances. A friend of mine had actually tweeted MG about it and he tweeted back asking if she'd read Issue #3 of the 2.5 comics. But that issue only RAISES the problem; it doesn't provide a solution (which she'd tweeted back to MG, but he never responded again).

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Who knows? As an action/superhero show I treat it the same way I treated Buffy and the gang like, never going to classes yet still somehow enrolled and graduated from high school. I would like to see more of Roy this year though, I like the actor, he has a certain hardness to him that works and I think he was quite lovely in this episode with Thea, it's the first time I actually saw their chemistry.


ETA Oh is that what happened to Sin? Not surprising I guess, good actress there.

Edited by slayer2
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LOL I don't know where Roy or Oliver gets their money from. I doubt the writers do either. Also how does Oliver think Thea was living in a mansion while she was in Corto Maltese. None of it makes sense. 

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But Thea was living in a mansion -- Malcolm's mansion.  That's where Felicity pinged her phone to.


It's possible Diggle had some of the $1 million left from the end of s1. But Roy, how does he have any money since he's not working for Verdant any more? Or selling drugs?

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I seriously don't even think he's that bad. He's not GOOD, but I liked him in his Corto Maltese scenes with Thea, and I've like his back ground snark. I didn't find him terrible in guilty, I honestly don't get it. Now that goofy eye black + his mask, please go ahead and mock the shit out of that.

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I seriously don't even think he's that bad. He's not GOOD, but I liked him in his Corto Maltese scenes with Thea, and I've like his back ground snark. I didn't find him terrible in guilty, I honestly don't get it. Now that goofy eye black + his mask, please go ahead and mock the shit out of that.


Haha, yeah. I don't think he's great, but I also don't think he's cringeworthy terrible most of the time. That TMNT look is not cute though.

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To be honest one of the few things they seem to have got right this year is that they seem to be writing to CH's strengths and I think he's been pretty decent, although with the track record of this mob it's more likely to be a happy accident.

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The award for most mature person on this show goes to ….. Roy Harper. Yes, I do mean Roy Harper.

He accepted Thea’s decision to break up with him like decent mature person and offered his support and kindness as a friend. He never tried to mansplain anything to any woman including the woman he loved. He was also kind to Felicity when she lost her friend (Sara) and offered her a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. When he had a problem with something, he approached a person (Felicity again) he could trust and shared his lack of sleep and weird dream pattern with her. When he thought he killed Sara, he came clean and even apologized and offered to turn himself in. When he had abandonment issues, he just straight up went to Oliver and asked him to not abandon him, and elicited the most heartfelt declaration of sticking it out from Oliver that none of his love interests ever managed to do. I say Roy Harper in season three is the most sensible person on that universe.

Edited by TanyaKay
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