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Last Tango In Halifax - General Discussion

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Can anyone identify title and artist in the tune used for the Celia/Alan & Gillian/Robbie dances at the reception?  I though the segue to Roberta Flack tune (Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/) was great.



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Can anyone identify title and artist in the tune used for the Celia/Alan & Gillian/Robbie dances at the reception?  I though the segue to Roberta Flack tune (Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/) was great.



 Alan and Celia: "You Make me Feel so Young"  Frank Sinatra

Robbie and Cheryl:  "I only want to be with you"  Dusty Springfield

Robbie and Gillian/Alan and Celia: "I'm not In Love" 10cc

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One was Dusty Springfield's "I Only Want To Be With You." Can't remember the one before that, and I already deleted the episode. So, if anyone else remembers... I do remember noticing that the producers paid the royalties for recognizable versions of the songs, rather than a no-name cover.

I, too, loved Celia's wedding coat and dress; hated Caroline's jacket, and the collar was just weird.

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I also thought she was mean to bring up the house issue at the altar. She forgave him but why bring it up then? I think she wants the upper hand in the relationship. Celia's sense of entitlement is staggering to me. I frankly don't understand why Gillian told her especially since she and her father seemed to be in such a good place but Gillian does and says stupid things all the time--sleeping with Robbie goes right on top of the list of stupid things to do.

I got the impression that Gillian told Caroline, who told her mother. Why Caroline thought it was her place to tell Celia "before she heard it from someone else" (I think she said), I don't know. Who was she going to hear it from other than the appropriate person, Alan?


I, too, loved Celia's wedding coat and dress; hated Caroline's jacket, and the collar was just weird.

I didn't like Caroline's outfit either. I'm old fashioned (apparently) and don't think women should wear black to weddings, and the collar seemed perhaps too young for her. But then I thought maybe it was meant to look tuxedo-like because she was walking her mother down the aisle. (Edit: It seems Caroline's dress was blue.)


I agree that the PDA on the dance floor would have bugged me no matter who was doing it, except maybe a couple at their own wedding, but even then.... I thought Alan was pleased and Celia was annoyed, though I'd also been wondering if she was trying to get them back together.


So, Alan, you believe your daughter's a murderer and yet you are pushing the deceased's brother into a relationship with her. Why?



I was curious about this sticker. Is having a camera in your car common? Would Gillian and her money troubles have one? Or is this like putting a fake alarm company sticker on your home's window to make people think you have a security system?


I loved Caroline's face as she watched Gillian walk up to Robbie.

Edited by dcalley
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Thanks Mitz and wonderwoman. The intriguing song was indeed "I'm not In Love" . I listened on You Tube to verify.

Here's looking forward to season 3.

Yes! And who would have guess that Celia was a 10cc fan. I LOLed when she said, "Oh, I like this tune."

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Thanks Mitz and wonderwoman.   The intriguing song was indeed "I'm not In Love" .  I listened on You Tube to verify.


Here's looking forward to season 3.

When I was a kid, my then 20-something aunt used to baby sit me. That was one of her favorite songs. If it was on the radio, she'd crank it up. Sometimes she would get into these funks (ie: broke up with a boyfriend) and just play the cassette over and over and over. So whenever I hear it I'm reminded of being in the Volkswagon Beetle with her driving to some place or sitting in the living room of our apartment playing with that in the background.

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So I'm (almost) the only one who is not a fan of the Caroline/Kate pairing, I see.


But honestly, I've never seen an ounce of chemistry between them. I get that they're not effusive people, and not everyone wears their heart on their sleeve. But watching them together has always been like watching paint dry, IMHO.  I never feel like these are two people yearning to be with each other. That's why their inappropriate (also IMHO) PDA at the wedding was all the more awkward--I was always aware that these were two actors acting, not two characters in love.


And while I'm criticizing--and as soap opera-y as this show has become at break-neck speed, with the writers throwing in everything but the kitchen sink to create story lines, there's a lot to criticize--may I say that Caroline's wardrobe, though perhaps perfectly normal and expected for her line of work, social and economic standing,etc., unfortunately manages to make her look like a linebacker.  


Highlight of the season:  Gillian holding the baby while on the telephone (I think it was the episode where the baby's mother took off) and the baby giving her the side-eye. Or possibly the side-eye stink-eye.  Anyway, best baby moment ever.

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Of course, Derek Jacobi was "Brother Cadfael" for many years.

Not to mention the first thing I ever saw him in -- "I Claudius" -- an incredible performance that stands the test of time  (it was also the first program where I saw Patrick Stewart, as the ambitious Sejanus, and John Hurt as Caligula)

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Derek Jacobi in Dead Again. Loved him in that film.


I'm starting Happy Valley this weekend, it's been on my must watch list for a while. Also Sarah was a hoot in S1 of The Paradise (plus the first two episodes of S2).

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I generally dislike the trope of 'if the prospective romantic partner doesn't want you, just be persistent and stalkery, they'll come around', and Caroline and Kate are no exception. I was kind of liking Kate's "No, thank you" response to reuniting as being kind of grown up. But I like the character of Kate in general, and I get the economy of cast that shows have to employ, which means getting new blood for new romantic entanglements is Not Done.


The thing that annoyed me most, however, was the spring flowering trees in the cemetery scene, followed by Christmas (and the exterior shot of the hotel cgi'd snow all over the lush greenery).

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Nina Sosanya's was good in Casanova with David Tenant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZnYEqNrumE - not sure if it's on Netflix or other streaming service, but worth watching if it is.  


She was also really good in a little-watched but quite funny comedy called FM, where she played a radio producer opposite Chris O'Dowd and Kevin Bishop - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKkkSFTczm8 - all the full episodes are on youtube.

Edited by pointybird
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Love Sally Wainright's writing and everybody's acting--what a powerful pairing.


Since most tv lesbian couples end up dead, split, going straight or any combo thereof, I was quite happy to see this one dancing off into the fakey Christmas lights. Also I thought the PDA might be the author's way of calling back to Celia's worry that if she invited her sister, somehow she would outshine her at her own wedding.


And instead, it was her daughter doing all the shining. And Sarah Lancashire certainly can shine with the best.

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I don't like the Caroline-Kate pairing because I think Kate can do better than Caroline and I think Caroline is using her. 

Edited by Milz
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I just started this topic to highly recommend Happy Valley with Sarah Lancashire.   She plays a policewoman chasing after some bad guys, a very different role for her.

I came here to ask about this series since I saw it promoted on Netflix. I think I'll give it a go. Thanks for the recommendation.

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"I can't decide if Celia is slightly stupid or deliberately malicious"


Ditto. I love the show & have struggled with the fact that I simply do not like Celia. She seems shallow, mean spirited & a little slow witted. Glad to see it isn't just me. lol

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An unexpected visitor forces Alan to think about his past. Gillian and Caroline are anxious - his decision to keep his secret from Celia is sure to backfire. Meanwhile Caroline and a heavily pregnant Kate set a date for their wedding.


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You know I was prepared to hate the soapiness of the Gary plot (despite my love for Rupert Graves) but I thought so far it has been done well enough and as a person who spends a significant amount of free time doing genetic genealogy, I can assure you it happens.... a lot...    

I sort of like that both Alan and Gillian reacted quite badly and then as it had time to settle and the facts became clearer they both kind of came around to it.  

Celia was amazingly hateful in this episode but man Anne Reid is fantastic!


Every single character in this show is flawed and none of them in a hate-able way (although Celia tries sometimes) and I really, really like that about LTIH.

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I'm pretty sure Rupert Graves has done an episode of every case of the week style British Crime Drama ever produced, including ones from before he was born.   Okay, not those, but the modern ones?  Yeah, he's done an episode of those.    

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I am so happy this show is back. I love how much Caroline has changed regarding how she reacts to the homophobia around her. The way she refused to fight with her mom and the fact that she got all Tiger Mom when Lawrence was being bullied with that note...perfection. She's grown so much in just two short months.

Also, Caroline and Kate on Valentines Day. So damn romantic and cute and Caroline proposing marriage was the icing on the cake. I can't wait for their wedding.

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I've previously viewed Celia as a decent but flawed character; set in her ways but someone who loves her family, and who is at least trying somewhat to shake off the prejudices she was brought up with.  Having watched this episode, and in particular her refusal to attend Caroline's wedding (and also encourage Lawrence to boycott it), I've come to the view that she's a truly selfish, vile and hateful creature, with few redeeming qualities, and is now a character who I actively dislike and whose happiness I don't care about in the least.  I don't know if that's the intention of Sally Wainwright, but that's the view I've come away with after watching this episode.


I found Caroline's story about hurting her father with cutting words when he turned up to her graduation without Celia, and then repeating the same thing with Alan when he turned up without Celia and Lawrence quite hackneyed.  She can be almost as selfish as Celia at times.  And poor Alan!


I found the dinner party at Gary's a little long and boring in parts, but I'm intrigued to find out what his story is.  There seems to be something sinister about him.


The scene in the supermarket, when Gillian tried to turn off the vibrator that Cheryl had 'donated' but only succeeded in setting it to 'warp speed' was fantastic, I thought.


Caroline seriously needs to chuck John out, and have a heart to heart with Lawrence before the baby is born.  I can understand how Lawrence might feel pushed out by Kate and the new baby - I get the impression that Caroline hasn't been particularly sensitive to his feelings.  But she really does need to toss John out on his ear, and take Kate's concerns about his presence seriously.  


Caroline's scenes with Kate were very sweet - Nina Sosanya does 'vulnerable and completely in love' beautifully, and Sarah Lancashire's performance was as wonderfully nuanced as  ever.  Her delivery of "It was more than a snog, pal, I had my hand inside your bra" was really charming.  


Looking forward to next week's wedding (will Celia and/or Lawrence have a last-minute change of heart?), and finding more out about Gary and whether or not he has a sinister side to him.

Edited by pointybird
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Rupert Graves always plays sinister so I'd like a bit of a reversal for him, here.   Obviously there has to be something more to him other than just being absurdly perfect and happy and content and wealthy, because there is no story in that.   But I'd like less than sinister.  


I wish Lawrence had gone to the wedding, but I do feel like he's heard about everything second hand in this relationship and how easily he could be feeling like he wasn't a person who Caroline felt was important to share in this moment.


After all, we saw Caroline tell Celia about the engagement straight off.   On the other hand we saw Lawrence find out about it second hand.   If she showed as much care to Lawrence as she did Celia, I suspect she'd get different results.


I love Angus and I ship Lawrence/Angus hard.   


I was glad that Alan told Celia even if it wasn't fast enough.   


I loved how supportive Caroline was of Celia as she found out about Alan's indiscretion.

I hurt for Alan when he was turned away from the wedding the same way Caroline turned away her father from her graduation.

And I will never not find the vibrator scene funny.  

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Despite some reservations, Celia takes tentative steps to improve her relationship with Alan and accept Gary into her life. Though things are still fraught between her and Caroline, she readily offers support when some devastating news is received.


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I've previously viewed Celia as a decent but flawed character; set in her ways but someone who loves her family, and who is at least trying somewhat to shake off the prejudices she was brought up with. Having watched this episode, and in particular her refusal to attend Caroline's wedding (and also encourage Lawrence to boycott it), I've come to the view that she's a truly selfish, vile and hateful creature, with few redeeming qualities, and is now a character who I actively dislike and whose happiness I don't care about in the least. I don't know if that's the intention of Sally Wainwright, but that's the view I've come away with after watching this episode.

I came here to post something similar but I couldn't put it better than this. They need to redeem this character but good if they don't want me to think that Alan needs to bolt from this relationship asap. I'm starting to forget why they're even together. Still, it makes for good drama and I'm really looking forward to where they're going with it all.

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Derek Jacobi was still recovering from a pretty bad injury during the filming of this series.  I think there were times when he was in a great deal of pain during filming.   Although, I also think having to be up and about for filming really helped him stay motivated through his recovery.

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I'm a confused American who doesn't mind being spoiled and who can't wait to watch the series when it will air in a few months. Why would Celia be upset about Alan having an affair during his first marriage over 30(?) years ago? It's not as though Alan cheated on her (Celia). And from what I've read, Alan didn't know Gary was the end-product of that affair.

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