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Batwoman in the Media: Send the Bat Signal

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Camrus Johnson interview at EW, *spoilers*


Caroline warned me early about Tavaroff shooting me, so I knew that was going to be a thing for a while. I was like, "Oh perfect, my villain from the comics." She said I was going to get shot, I was going to survive, and that I would suddenly be like, "I don't want to be a little punk anymore," and that's kind of what makes him start going on this journey of bettering himself. That's not exactly what happens at the end of the season. He doesn't necessarily say, "I'm going to start bulking up and doing push-ups because I don't want to be the weakling anymore," but I think there's more of that next season as [he's] going through PTSD from this moment and going back and realizing what happened, who he has been, and who he wants to be.


DCTV Pride Profile: Batwoman:


What’s your favorite moment your character has had in Batwoman so far? 

One of my favorite moments has been when Ryan finds her version of Batwoman. Especially in Episode 203 (“Bat Girl Magic!”) when she drops in on Victor Zsasz and he says, “New look?” and she says, “New Batwoman.” It is really cool that from that moment on, she’s owning this look, she’s owning her position in the city of Gotham and her position in the legacy of the Bat. That was such an epic moment not only for the character, but also for me to watch with the world, and (for) the world to feel empowered by.

Do you find you identify with Ryan Wilder? 

Ryan is trying to figure out how to be a superhero just like I’m trying to figure out how to be a superhero—what that means and what that represents and having to put your personal fears aside for the greater good because there is a bigger picture.  


3 hours ago, Trini said:

New poster for the finale:


Now why wait all season to release such a great poster? That should be the dvd box art.

2 hours ago, Trini said:

And DVD/Blu-ray info was also released; Season 2 will be available Sept. 21, 2021, but it will also be on HBO Max July 27.




It's interesting choice to use this photo. One would think you would want to show off majority of the outfit, especially the bat logo and ears.

David Ramsey talks a bit about his appearance on Batwoman in this interview: https://thenerdsofcolor.org/2021/06/25/noc-interview-david-ramseys-arrowverse-journey-continues/


So, back to Diggle, I recently watched Diggle on Batwoman, and I’m wondering if you can talk about what that experience was like filming on that show and working with Camrus Johnson.

Camrus is awesome. I think of all the Diggle appearances on all the shows we began covering the story of what it means to reject the invitation that was within that green box. And ultimately John Diggle’s destiny. So we’re on that road, and part of these crossovers is about telling that story. He was on that when he talked about his headaches and that’s a part of it. So, first of all, Camrus is brilliant. He’s fantastic, a wonderful young actor. Of all those places John Diggle has appeared, I would love to reappear there. And I think that mentorship within this superhero universe, between two Black men, hasn’t been seen. There’s a story of fatherhood, of lost fathers, that I think they relate to uniquely. These are also characters that have helped other heroes in their journey, and now it’s for Diggle to walk into his own heroship. And now for Luke Fox, he’s beginning to walk into his own. That story of mentorship on that level within the superhero world, to kind of find where that can be grounded, I think is challenging and unique. So, that story, I will buy into 100%. Now obviously you get the superhero aspect, how cool it would be to see whoever John Diggle becomes fighting alongside Batwing, or vice versa. That’s all fun. But just in terms of the storytelling, the mentorship of it all, I think it’s fun, especially within the Arrowverse where we haven’t seen that, at least between two characters like this.


46 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

... Seems like Wallis came in expecting not to be written off in a blink of an eye.

Sounds like pandering to fans. I'm sure she as an actress would love to have a steady TV gig, but she knew this was a guest role.

Meanwhile the showrunner:


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Is this the end of the Kate Kane story for you all?

CAROLINE DRIES: Yeah, it's our way of wrapping up her journey. It's ending how we met her, you know, in the absence of Bruce, and then bringing that full-circle and giving Kate a loving farewell between the Bat-team and Sophie [Meagan Tandy].

Do you have any plans for Wallis to return in season 3, or is that on the back burner?

I would never say never because you never know, but for now, that was our farewell to Kate.


3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

What would Batwoman be without a little bit of drama surrounding Kate? Seems like Wallis came in expecting not to be written off in a blink of an eye.

I'm sure she knows most fans want her & Kate instead of Ryan Wilder. Fans wanted her from the start after Ruby Rose left. She should have been made the lead. But instead they decided to go their Wilder direction & now it's backfired. 

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On 7/2/2021 at 1:49 PM, Trini said:

What is it about Wallis' tweet that makes you think that? Why would they do that? It doesn't make sense.


The show decided to do the recast. They promoted the character of Ryan a lot. There's no way they signed on Wallis and told her that she might become a series regular. Make Kate Batwoman again and toss Ryan to the side? That surely wouldn't create controversy.

Before someone comes and say they could've made both of them Batwoman, it wouldn't have worked either. You would have fans just constantly about how there should be one Batwoman and blah blah blah.

Also, the CW has to sign off on these decisions. This means they agreed to the character of Ryan. They're gonna try to avoid controversy. Especially one that consists of a black character getting toss aside for a white one. They know that would create an even bigger uproar than Kate being written off.

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Ryan hasn't won most people over so now what? Are CW, WB, & all involved supposed to keep making more of the Ryan Wilder/Javicia Leslie series because they don't want to come off as rasict? Shouldn't they do something about how badly replacing Kate Kane with Ryan Wilder has been recieved? 

I see the episode order for the show has been cut down to 13 for next season. That can't be good. People behind the scenes must know what a disaster season 2 was. But yeah, I'm sure they won't cut Javicia Leslie & replace her with Wallis Day because of the optics. At this point I feel like the only way out of this mess for CW & all involved is to just end the show.

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Even if you ignore race, TPTB would still look dumb, or at least wishy-washy after spending a year promoting Javicia and Ryan then bringing on a third actress to be Batwoman in a third season.

17 minutes ago, Proteus said:

Shouldn't they do something about how badly replacing Kate Kane with Ryan Wilder has been recieved? 

It's only been "badly received" by some. Others like the change; clearly including the people in charge.


20 minutes ago, Proteus said:

I see the episode order for the show has been cut down to 13 for next season.

Source for this info?

  • Love 2
33 minutes ago, Trini said:

Even if you ignore race, TPTB would still look dumb, or at least wishy-washy after spending a year promoting Javicia and Ryan then bringing on a third actress to be Batwoman in a third season.

It's only been "badly received" by some. Others like the change; clearly including the people in charge.


Source for this info?

If they didn't want to seem wishy washy they never should've brought Kate back at all. As soon as the announcement came that Wallis Day was joining the show a lot (Myself included) preferred her over Ryan Wilder. I was pro giving Ryan a chance until season 2 started airing & they kept baiting with Kate.

We'll have to agree to disagree about the reception to s2, Javicia Leslie, & Ryan Wilder. I don't think it's been positive.

If the people in charge are happy with Batwoman s2 that is really surprising to me.

Hollywoodnorth Buzz says s3 will film between July 19th to December 20th. That would put the season episode order at 13 at the most.

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, Proteus said:

If they didn't want to seem wishy washy they never should've brought Kate back at all. As soon as the announcement came that Wallis Day was joining the show a lot (Myself included) preferred her over Ryan Wilder. I was pro giving Ryan a chance until season 2 started airing & they kept baiting with Kate.

So you think they should have just never mentioned Kate ever again? When most of Season 1 was centered on her?

Whether good or bad, they decided to replace Kate (but keep her alive) and they had to write her out somehow. They had to cast someone to make the transition. They weren't "baiting" anyone; they had made it clear that Ryan/Javicia was the new lead. I'm sure many wanted Kate Kane back as Batwoman, but I wouldn't say that was something that the show/TPTB said was going to happen.

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, Trini said:

Whether good or bad, they decided to replace Kate (but keep her alive) and they had to write her out somehow. They had to cast someone to make the transition.

Exactly. The only other way to write Kate out permanently without having to explain why she (like Bruce) had suddenly abandoned the very city she had sworn to protect as he had would have been to kill her off altogether, and that would have infuriated the LGBT community as an example of the homophobic "bury the gays" trope.

Let's face it, the showrunners and writers were screwed by Ruby Rose's decision to quit no matter what they did in response to it. I feel sorry for them.

Edited by legaleagle53
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24 minutes ago, Trini said:

So you think they should have just never mentioned Kate ever again? When most of Season 1 was centered on her?

Whether good or bad, they decided to replace Kate (but keep her alive) and they had to write her out somehow. They had to cast someone to make the transition. They weren't "baiting" anyone; they had made it clear that Ryan/Javicia was the new lead. I'm sure many wanted Kate Kane back as Batwoman, but I wouldn't say that was something that the show/TPTB said was going to happen.

They should've left Kate presumed dead in the plain crash. Everyone should have mourned & slowly moved on. They never should have had Safiyah say Kate was alive & being held prisoner on her island. Everything with the first 8 episodes imo was pointless. Everyone obsessed with saving Kate from Safiyah & then once everyone's on the island she reveals she never had Kate. IMO, the whole back & forth about Kates fate was pointless.

Your opinion is no one was baited. Mine is that Kate fans were baited. From the moment they announced Day was cast after episode 8 aired. Dries even said she knew fans wanted Day cast as Kate from the moment Rose left. But instead she went with her original character.

Yeah, they made it clear that Leslie is the lead. Which imo has ruined the show because Ryan Wilder to me is a badly written character. And I have seen a lot of backlash regarding Ryan Wilder from June 2020 when the news broke about Kate being replaced with Ryan until now. 

  • Love 1
58 minutes ago, Proteus said:

They should've left Kate presumed dead in the plain crash. Everyone should have mourned & slowly moved on.

And here's what the response would have been if they'd gone that route:

"Congratulations, showrunners and writers. You've just pissed off the entire LGBT community by invoking the 'bury your gays' trope that we've hated and protested against for years because it reeks of homophobia and the implication that death is the only fate we're worthy of."

As I said, the showrunners and writers were screwed no matter what they did.

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 3

I like Ryan. So this is in no way meant to be interpreted as a slam on her character. 

However, the way to have brought Kate back would have been to recast her and move on, without drawing it out all season or introducing someone else as her replacement at all. Other shows have recast leads. This show decided not to. That is on them.

There was no reason to kill Kate Kane in the first place. They could have recast and continued with the original story.

They chose not to, and I'm fine with that decision. But the story they chose to write was not forced on them by Ruby Rose leaving. 

I actually feel like the show is sowing distrust from all sides, by trying to have it both ways. Those of us who like Ryan don't trust them not to dump her in favor of the wealthy white heiress replacement, and those who don't like Ryan are feeling like they miss having the character they bonded with and they don't want to be asked to bond with the replacement. 

From my perspective, I just wish they'd get some decent writers and do whatever they are doing well.

  • Love 3

Also, I will be very honest about this: without accusing any specific fans, I do 100% believe that at least SOME of the people who prefer Ruby's Kate to Javicia's Ryan are suffering from what is politely called implicit bias but what we old fashioned and less sympathetic to that bullshit folks call racism. 

The show has veered much farther into an explicitly anti-racist mentality, they are centering the struggles of the Black characters, and they are calling out institutional racism without apology. There are people who will hate that, and there are people who will love it, no matter who writes it or stars in it, and that's something that every show that does this faces.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Proteus said:

They should've left Kate presumed dead in the plain crash. Everyone should have mourned & slowly moved on. They never should have had Safiyah say Kate was alive & being held prisoner on her island. Everything with the first 8 episodes imo was pointless. Everyone obsessed with saving Kate from Safiyah & then once everyone's on the island she reveals she never had Kate. IMO, the whole back & forth about Kates fate was pointless.

Your opinion is no one was baited. Mine is that Kate fans were baited. From the moment they announced Day was cast after episode 8 aired. Dries even said she knew fans wanted Day cast as Kate from the moment Rose left. But instead she went with her original character.


I didn't like the first half with the Kate mystery either. I will give you that. However, no one was baited. Where you guys ever promised that Kate would become Batwoman again? Where in the show did they lead you all to believe that Kate would take up the mantle again? The show and writers have continuously made it clear that Javicia is the lead. Ryan is the new Batwoman. I'm sorry, but if you feel baited, it's because you convinced yourselves that you were baited.


Yeah, they made it clear that Leslie is the lead. Which imo has ruined the show because Ryan Wilder to me is a badly written character. And I have seen a lot of backlash regarding Ryan Wilder from June 2020 when the news broke about Kate being replaced with Ryan until now. 

I just want you to think about the bolded part real hard. A character was getting hate before said character debuted on the show. A BLACK character at that. Actually think about this for a second.

Also, think about this. Batwoman was getting hated before the SERIES premiered. So do you really want to use a bunch small nobodies on the internet as proof that Ryan is getting majority backlash on the show?

And since we're talking about this, I'm tired of people blaming Ryan for the ratings too. 1. CW doesn't care about the live ratings. 2. When Kate Kane was on the show, it was dropping in the ratings every week until it stabilized into normal ratings like the other CW shows. 3. Batwoman was the first superhero show to hit the inevitable 0.1. 4. Every show on every network drops in ratings. It was always gonna come back low, especially coming back in almost a year later. Ryan can't be the cause of low ratings of a show that always low.

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Batwoman's Camrus Johnson will be part of the following virtual panel at Comic-Con@Home 2021, July 23-25, 2021...


TV Guide Magazine's 2021 Fan Favorites

The publication that loves TV—and fandoms—brings together another epic group of talent for its annual celebration of stars we can't get enough of! Shawn Ashmore (The Rookie, The Boys), Lesley-Ann Brandt (Lucifer), Leah Lewis (Nancy Drew), Kaitlin Olson (It's Always Sunny), Brec Bassinger (Stargirl), Jesse Lee Soffer (Chicago PD), Mädchen Amick (Riverdale), Camrus Johnson (Batwoman), Roselyn Sanchez (Fantasy Island), and Nicole Maines (Supergirl) swap stories of fan encounters, reflect on representation and share a ton of laughs in this lively chat moderated by TV Guide Magazine senior writer, Damian Holbrook.

Start time: Jul 24, 2021 12:00 pm (GMT-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)


Edited by tv echo
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Wallis Day talks a bit about playing Circe and Kate in this interview: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/batwoman-season-2-kate-kane-actor-wallis-day-1234980245/


Once they sat you down and explained everything they wanted to do with Kate Kane and Circe Sionis, was your head spinning?

Yeah, it was absolutely crazy. I never thought that they would do that with a character as heroic as Kate, but I really liked the idea as well. The fact that you could get into someone’s psyche so much that you could almost twist this hero into being a villain really fascinated me, as well as the pull and the effect that it would have on the other characters. I loved their yearning to get Kate back and the impact, the collateral damage, that it had with all the other characters in the show. It fascinated me.


On 7/5/2021 at 1:56 AM, Proteus said:

Hollywoodnorth Buzz says s3 will film between July 19th to December 20th. That would put the season episode order at 13 at the most.

I saw that too but I wonder if they got confused and the December 20th date is when the cast and crew go on hiatus for Christmas. I don't think the CW said anything about ordering less episodes for season 3.

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