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26 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

But in all honesty , I wouldn’t call having reservations about being with a bisexual person “ Biphobia.” It’s not that Callie or MArianna are hateful or afraid of Gael being bisexual . It just comes down to preference . There’s nothing wrong with wanting a man who is strictly attracted to women or a woman who is only attracted to men . 

I wasn’t calling Marianna biphobic (I don’t think she is), I was stating her comment would be a good jumping off point (on behalf of the writers) to address cultural attitudes about male bisexuality AND bi-phobia.

Like how in The Fosters, AJ’s comments about Callie’s boyfriend Aaron was a chance to discuss transphobia- no one thought AJ was transphobic (at least I didn’t). 

And as @possibilities said, there’s a segment of the L & G that won’t date B or T. Gael and Jazmin as characters are an opportunity to explore, stigmas from the Heternormative world AND the LGBT world. 

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Finally caught up on last night’s episode. I could do without the timeline jumps, as I don’t think it adds anything to the story. They can still use flashbacks if needed for backstory but jumping around in the present day is just confusing sometimes. I’m really liking Callie’s work environment right now. I like that her coworkers are still a bit of a gray area - especially the other female clerk. She could be a cutthroat, scheming antagonist, or could end up being misunderstood and a strong ally. I’m excited to see how that plays out, especially if the other clerk keeps digging now that he noticed Callie has a connection with Malika. 

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The time jumps every episode are just confusing, and they dont really add anything to the story. Its not far enough to add suspense or make us curious as to how we got from point A to point B, but it is far enough to make things kind of confusing. 

So the App guy really didnt mind Marianna pitching her idea to him, its that other guy who is sabotaging her, and maybe the HR lady? I get why she got annoyed with the one coworker who was trying to reach out to her, but is she really in a position to push back on anyone willing to even talk to her? 

I like that they're trying to do more with the new characters, but I still feel like we dont know them very well, with the exception of the former former foster kid, and Gael a bit. I get that Callie and Marianna are the main characters, but I hope they can focus more on other people a bit more going on. 

I cracked up when the Judge was basically like "why would I need a first year lawyer to give me perspective?" and Callie face was like "...yeah now that you say it out loud, it sounds pretty stupid."

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I cracked up when the Judge was basically like "why would I need a first year lawyer to give me perspective?" and Callie face was like "...yeah now that you say it out loud, it sounds pretty stupid."

Yes, that made me laugh too. I had actually had the same reaction when the coworker told Callie that, like why does the judge need Callie to tell him the liberal perspective? But I don't think the coworker was trying to mess with her, I think either she convinced herself that to feel better about not getting picked, or she thinks highly of herself as a first-year lawyer so she assumes the judge thinks all young lawyers are important?

Honestly though, I don't know what a bench memo is. What is the point of them writing these things?

Mariana's work story interests me too. I am curious about the CEO and what's going on there.  But I also think it is nice to see Mariana having to learn to be more of a team player, it may actually be growth for her.

What I really like about this show is that the main storyline for both women is their career and forming friendships and not romance. Granted they are setting up a bit of a love triangle with Callie, but it's not driving her story.

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I like that the show is finding its footing and flushing out the roommates. Alice DOES have a heart of gold, which makes her a target for users- someone like Malika who appreciated her help and now gives back is one thing, thats a great friendship, Malika told it to her straight. Callie lying about knowing Malika will come back to bite her- she lives in her building, that will be found out soon enough.

I wonder if Judge Wilson's son has mental health issues and thats why he's the "forgotten" child, he's not accomplished like his siblings. I am not a huge fan of Judge Wilson (I don't dislike him either) but he did get two points from me when he acknowledged Callie's integrity- super important for a JUDGE. They are developing him more which I like. Please tell me WHY WHY they have to have Davia, the body positive plus size gorgeous girl (she is very pretty) fucking a married guy. I am so MAD on behalf of fat girls everywhere- the fat girls are easy with no self esteem trope lives on. It would've been more more emotionally nuanced if she didn't know he was married and then found out, and had to decide what she would do. Knowing (because she sang at their wedding) just makes her look as if she doesn't love herself. For the record I am not blaming her for his cheating, HE is the douche bag breaking his vows, I am saying that she should want more for herself. No sweetie he doesn't want you to move home, you cannot be the fun mistress if he may run into at Whole Foods with his wife. 


I do enjoy a good series about "starting adulthood". The series is shaping up well.

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I almost hate to admit this, but I'm really liking this show. When I first read that Callie was going to be spun off into her own show, my first thought was, "No, no, no." It would be hard to describe how much I disliked the character on The Fosters, to the point that I didn't watch much of the last season. But this show has turned out to be different than I feared (which is good). It's more about a group of young adults starting out, with Callie and Mariama at the center. I'm glad we're starting to learn more about the other residents. This show would have worked for me, even without Callie and Mariama, but its nice having the familiar characters bringing us into the story.

Bring back Gael next week, please!

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4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I wonder if Judge Wilson's son has mental health issues and thats why he's the "forgotten" child,

They showed a close-up of his foot with a house arrest bracelet on the ankle. So it seems he is in some legal trouble.  I wonder if there's going to be a storyline with the Judge up for election and that news potentially getting out, with Callie at the center of it somehow since now she knows.

When Ben was interrogating her, she should have just said "oh yeah, I think she might live in my building" or something.  It would explain why she recognized Malika, but without any appearance of a conflict.  It's not unusual to only know your neighbors in passing, so it could have been the end of it.  Now it's clear she was lying.

The Mariana storyline...  I don't work in tech or a heavily male-dominated industry so I can't say, but it feels like Alex and the other guy are such bad-guy caricatures. I know sexism & racism in the workplace is definitely an issue, but these days I figured it was usually more subtle, like getting passed over for promotions, crap assignments, talked over in meetings, etc? Or is it still really that blatant in those fields? He's like the embodiment of every exaggerated example given in our "How Not to Be a Douche" training every year. I just find it mind-boggling that literally no one has ever told the guy he's out of line. I don't even get the impression he's that high-ranking in the company. I get why Mariana can't, as he's her direct superior, but someone

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@mcgkgm thanks I didn’t see the ankle braclet. 

3 minutes ago, mcgkgm said:

I just find it mind-boggling that literally no one has ever told the guy he's out of line. I don't even get the impression he's that high-ranking in the company. I get why Mariana can't, as he's her direct superior, but someone.

I don’t. I 100% could see Mariana going through something like that. It’s realistic to me. 

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I dont blame Mariana for sticking with the company line instead of telling the truth. It sucks, but she could easily get a black mark on her employment record if she was caught bad mouthing her own company. Maybe she can do more from the inside? Her two co-workers are both such assholes, and have such punch-able faces, I do hope they get a comeuppance sometime soon. I felt bad for her one co-worker she gets along with, he was clearly thinking that "drinks" meant "date" or at least a prelude to a date, and not being asked out for a group hang where Mariana hits on other guys. I mean, its not Marianas fault, but there signals clearly got crossed.  

On the other hand, I am throwing some judgemental shade at Davia for knowingly sleeping with a married man. I do like that she knew about it, it kept it from being a total cliche, but while I mostly blame the guy, who was the one who made the commitment to his wife and who would certainly be boning someone, even if it wasn't her, but she really doesent seem to care about the feelings of the wife, even a woman who she sang at the wedding of. It sucks that they're giving the plus sized woman the "this cute guy will sleep with me, and no other cute guy would, so how can I say no?" kind of plot apparently. 

I like them developing more about the judge, he seems like an interesting guy with a lot of layers. Despite his seemingly perfect life, his wife is clearly over his constant need to bring work home and his clear competitive streak, and his son seems to be under house arrest, and he is desperately trying to hide it. Oh yeah, that is absolutely coming back. Judge guy is sure a sore loser, huh? Not one for jokes from his aids, or being made to look even a little bit lesser, even as a joke. 

Glad that they're developing some of the new characters more, and not just Callie and Mariana. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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6 hours ago, mcgkgm said:

They showed a close-up of his foot with a house arrest bracelet on the ankle. So it seems he is in some legal trouble.  I wonder if there's going to be a storyline with the Judge up for election and that news potentially getting out, with Callie at the center of it somehow since now she knows.

When Ben was interrogating her, she should have just said "oh yeah, I think she might live in my building" or something.  It would explain why she recognized Malika, but without any appearance of a conflict.  It's not unusual to only know your neighbors in passing, so it could have been the end of it.  Now it's clear she was lying.

Yeah, I thought the same thing.  Living in the same building explains the look but doesn't present as a conflict.

I thought that the wife was telling Callie the answer as a test. I even wondered if she told all of them a fake answer as a test for the judge to see if they used it. But I guess she really did like Callie best.

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I dont blame Mariana for sticking with the company line instead of telling the truth. It sucks, but she could easily get a black mark on her employment record if she was caught bad mouthing her own company. Maybe she can do more from the inside? Her two co-workers are both such assholes, and have such punch-able faces, I do hope they get a comeuppance sometime soon. I felt bad for her one co-worker she gets along with, he was clearly thinking that "drinks" meant "date" or at least a prelude to a date, and not being asked out for a group hang where Mariana hits on other guys. I mean, its not Marianas fault, but there signals clearly got crossed.  

Yeah, if Mariana really didn't want to do a positive interview, a better option may have been to tell the HR person she was uncomfortable and couldn't do it. That actually may have been a  good way to address her concerns without directly reporting her asshole boss. But it's not like they would have used any video footage of her trashing the place, so what would have been the point.

But sticking with the company line is probably what I would have done.

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I really like Alice and need her to get a win soon! Having been in a group living situation in college and being the one responsible for making sure there was TP (and seeing money literally get flushed down the toilet) I understood her frustration and how that might have been the last straw when she was so stressed about her bff/crush getting married and being oblivious. I really felt for her, and I'm hoping that she's triumphant with something soon. What is her job? Just to manage the house? 

I really like Callie's story and the characters in it... love to hate the characters I should say. The judge is such a pompous jerk. Rude to his wife, hiding his son and lying that he's on a semester at sea, pitting his clerks against each other, creating games designed only to torment them. I hope there's a breaking point with him by the end of the season where he gets his comeuppance. My guess is the wife told Ben the secret answer too, that's why he was so surprised it wasn't correct.

I'm not sure what to think about Rebecca yet. She could be a conniving backstabber (as evident by her lying when Ben did about how they weren't bringing anything to the judge's house) or she could come around and be a good ally for Callie. She's a (very dark) gray character at this point and I'm interested to see what way they go with her.

Also Ben saw Malika go into the same building. NOOOOOOO!!!

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2 hours ago, shantown said:

I'm not sure what to think about Rebecca yet. She could be a conniving backstabber (as evident by her lying when Ben did about how they weren't bringing anything to the judge's house) or she could come around and be a good ally for Callie. She's a (very dark) gray character at this point and I'm interested to see what way they go with her.

I'm undecided about Rebecca as well, but it was definitely really shady of both her and Ben to lie about not bringing anything. It is one thing to be competitive about cases, but that just seemed mean.

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On 23/01/2019 at 8:26 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

Well I’ll agree that a lot of guys say they like bisexual girls while most girls don’t want a bisexual guy and it’s probably due to the stigma that bisexual girls are really just straight Girls who want attention and bisexual guys are gay guys that are stuck in the closet ( Not me personally who feels that way, it’s just the stigma ) . But in all honesty , I wouldn’t call having reservations about being with a bisexual person “ Biphobia.” It’s not that Callie or MArianna are hateful or afraid of Gael being bisexual . It just comes down to preference . There’s nothing wrong with wanting a man who is strictly attracted to women or a woman who is only attracted to men . 

Very true.

To clarify my point, I don't think Callie and Mariana are hateful or biphobic in any way. What I meant about Mariana's comment about Gael's bisexuality, I meant more that there is still a stigma about bisexuality and despite Mariana being a very inclusive person, she can also still have some pre-conceived notions about bisexuality. I think it was more about her comment:


Don't you think he should have told you that he's bisexual? If it were me, I'd be super insecure dating a guy who's into both sexes. Knowing that I couldn't give him what another guy could, that would just drive me crazy. 

Just because if Gael was straight, this wouldn't be an issue and that Mariana has things to learn about bisexuality. In TV shows, a character is usually either gay or straight. Bisexuality isn't particularly explored, and if it is, it isn't explored well. So I'm glad for the opening of this discussion. Again, it's more that Mariana hasn't been exposed to bisexual individuals, or at least anyone who is out as bisexual, and that learning more about it may help reshape her way of thinking, even if she still doesn't want to date a bisexual.

I haven't gotten around to the last couple of episodes yet so I will have to catch up.

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15 minutes ago, JaneSmith said:

Looking forward to the moms episode next week but not much after that. The ratings are terrible and keep dropping every week.

That's a bummer. I haven't checked the ratings at all, but I think the show is promising. I wonder how it's doing past live airings? I know I always catch up the next day on the Freeform app or Hulu.

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The live ratings are down to 0.1 and 300K. The first week it was 0.2 and 400K and that's when the first ep had aired a week in advance. The producers thought it would rise but it has gone the other way. The 3+ DVR ratings are very low as well. It seems not many are interested in watching as soon as it airs hence loosing over 100K viewers. I'm sure a season 2 is safe as the producers got a 6 million tax credit so they can afford to make the show and Freeform don't have any shows that rate well.

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On 31/01/2019 at 5:13 PM, JaneSmith said:

The live ratings are down to 0.1 and 300K. The first week it was 0.2 and 400K and that's when the first ep had aired a week in advance. The producers thought it would rise but it has gone the other way. The 3+ DVR ratings are very low as well. It seems not many are interested in watching as soon as it airs hence loosing over 100K viewers. I'm sure a season 2 is safe as the producers got a 6 million tax credit so they can afford to make the show and Freeform don't have any shows that rate well.

Well, you are correct, since the show was just renewed. Though yeah, after they cancelled a lot of their programs in the last year, they'll likely keep the ones that are doing semi-ok.

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i like the show so much more than I expected to. I'm disappointed that apparently a lot of people are having the opposite reaction. But I think that there are probably a lot who didn't even bother to try t, because they thought it would be terrible (which is what I also thought), and maybe some of them would have liked it if they'd given it a try.

Maybe they can pick up some viewers if it's on Netflix over the summer.

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I know the genre is very much “20something pretty people drama” but I love that. Shows like this, where you’ve got a group of young adults and you just follow their lives, have been disappearing. All the young pretty people now have drama because they’re aliens, or vampires, or superheroes. Or they’re stuck it 1/2 hour sitcoms. It’s nice to have a show like this back and I’m glad I’ll get at least another season out of it! 

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This was an okay episode, will probably try to hang for a little while.

HOWEVER, I am so sick of the "people accidentally eat pot laced food" trope, I could scream!  Lazy writing!  Lots of film filler, "look at the pretty colours" BS.  I ff'd that crap.

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I've been catching up on the last three episodes. I am thoroughly enjoying the show, which is not what I was expecting before the show premiered. There are some things that do bug me, though.

First off, Mariana's douchey co-workers. Are they going to continue to be one note sexist racist assholes or are they going to get any sort of development? Because, as it is, I really dislike them. I know that's how I'm supposed to feel, but it's not that much fun to watch Mariana's work scenes. The only parts I enjoy are Mariana's scenes with the other female coworker and her awkward CEO boss. I haven't figured out exactly what's up with him, but he definitely seems to be on Mariana's side. Oddly enough, I'm not hating it because she gets shit on so much from her team so it's nice to see someone recognizing that Mariana's there for a reason. And I like Mariana's career path. Having a female character go this job route is uncommon on television, so it COULD be an intriguing storyline for Mariana. It's just that progress needs to be made at some point.

To compare this with Callie's work scenes, which are a very good part of the show for me. The thing I love about Callie and her coworkers is how complex their relationships are with each other. I don't fully know whether Ben and Rebecca are genuinely trying to be helpful or not. All of them seem to want to be at the top, and it's interesting to see how they try to achieve that. I can't fully tell whether Rebecca genuinely wants to work with Callie or if Ben is right about her. Just like I can't really tell if Ben is trying to be helpful with Callie or if he's trying to stab both women in the back to get ahead. I mean, I think for Ben, the latter is the most obvious, but I also feel like he enjoys Callie as a person. And, of course, Judge Wilson is in his own area. It's just a really fun area of this show that I enjoy watching. 

Alice can tell her ex to shove her wedding plans up her ass. Again, two characters (the ex and her fiancee) who are more one note than anything, more to prop Alice but it also doesn't work for me.

I like Malika for the most part, but I really need the show to stop having Malika glare at Callie whenever the Jamal case goes wrong, as if Callie's the one fully responsible. The two just met probably a month ago. Callie isn't responsible for Malika's cause. This is just a minor quibble, though, and this could be me projecting from the first episode, where Malika freaked out on Callie about the case.

Speaking of people freaking on Callie, can everyone on this show PLEASE stop whining about how Callie has to work? It happens EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. People, this is called the real world. Sometimes, people need to work into the night. Stop forcing Callie to drink wine when she has work to do. 

I am glad that we're slowly getting to know the rest of the ensemble. I liked seeing the moms show up in this latest episode. Ok, I fast forwarded through the scenes where the moms were high because that's definitely an overplayed thing on television, but everything else was solid.

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So happy to see Stef and Lena, I missed them so much! They brought so much warmth to their scenes, especially at the end with the girls. Poor Lena, running into Racist Von Asshole the second she started handing out flyers. I mean, I always thought her deciding to run for government was kind of random on the mothership, but its nice to see her doing something she is passionate about. I miss the moms!

Gael might be open about dating/sleeping with two people at once, and they both might say they're alright with it, buts its clear that no one is really happy about it. Some people can do the open relationship thing, more power to them, but its not working, as Ben and Callie both seem to want him to themselves (sadly, Ben seems more into him than he is into him) and Gael seems to be more into Callie than just sleeping with her. 

If people in the real world accidentally ate pot laced sweets as much as they do on TV, it would be a freaking epidemic.

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I saw that Stef and Lena would be on so I watched the episode. 

I liked that they were there. I think it would have been much better to have a spin off about them, the characters and actors are much better. Maybe I am just old. The show is still meh to me. I have no idea why we have to listen to whispering-while-having-sex for endless minutes. What is the point of it if the writers are not really developing any form of relationship - other than whispering sex, of course. Do young adults do that? I mean, I had sex-only partners when I was young but we talked about stuff. This whole Callie-Gael thing is just annoying. The editing and directing is interesting but I think they are overdoing the time jump and sex scenes. It will soon become boring and unoriginal. 

I liked that the episode did show more about the roommates. So far, Callie and Mariana seemed to mostly ignore at least half of them.

Note to mods: This show is not listed when I do search. I had to go to my activity to find it. There are others that are not searchable. Maybe someone can clarify? I don't see the old "other (insert letter) shows" tab either.

Never mind. I had to click on the DRAMA tab and find OTHER DRAMA. Not easier than before, you guys could have kept the OTHER G SHOWS tab instead one not explaining how to find some shows.

Edited by alexvillage
The update site requires us to do a lot more work than before to find some shows.
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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I've never seen the original show but I caught this--can someone enlighten me as to why one girl has money and the other does not? TY!

One is working as an engineer at a tech company and the other is a clerk for a judge. So they have different salaries.

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17 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

You can follow the thread and then it will appear on your home screen, I think

Yes, I am following it now. I don't like the show, but watched the episode so Wanted to come here. Could not find the page without a lot of hoops. 

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7 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

One is working as an engineer at a tech company and the other is a clerk for a judge. So they have different salaries.

TY, makes sense--that's what I first thought, but then was confused when it seemed she had money even before they started their jobs;  I wondered if it was some other reason already established some other time. Thanks!

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4 hours ago, alexvillage said:

Yes, I am following it now. I don't like the show, but watched the episode so Wanted to come here. Could not find the page without a lot of hoops. 

To clarify, there was some reindexing issues that temporarily had this show inaccessible from the TV Show Index. 

However, that issue should be clearing up (hopefully) so you should be able to follow shows by going to the TV Show Index. Any other questions, if you go to the Bugs section, they can be answered or clarified to hopefully make things a bit easier! 

3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

TY, makes sense--that's what I first thought, but then was confused when it seemed she had money even before they started their jobs;  I wondered if it was some other reason already established some other time. Thanks!

Yeah, I was also confused by this since I don't think they said that Mariana had another job before the series started. I was confused why Mariana had more money than Callie. 

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I am liking Gael as a character, but I cannot say I’m surprised that a very masculine presenting bi sexual man (who hasn’t told his parents he’s bi), although loving and wanting to support his sister, while intellectually understanding the discrimination she faces as a trans person thinks she should let things “roll off her back”.

Of course I’m not saying Gael is wrong, or Jazmin is a saint who’s always right just because she’s trans- I think the show is sophisticated enough not to do that. I am so glad they are exploring this (which I predicted upthread).

Callie should gave already passed the bar! They keep mentioning this for a reason......

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My attention wandered a lot with this one. The flashbacks seemed more disjointed. I don't know. I wish they would explain the CEO guy some more. Like, why he is the way that he is. Mariana does need to humble herself a bit but I can understand it's hard. She's always been way too eager and headstrong. I wish they focused on the topic of imposter syndrome more. The episode felt eh.

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That was a really good version of Danny's song to end the episode, and it was a nice way to end the episode. I like Dennis a lot, and I kind of hope he and his wife reconcile, she seems really sweet. And it was nice to see them weaving the Davia story in it as well, even if its still frustrating that she is still hooking up with the married guy and trying to justify it. 

The Callie love triangle continues, and I like both of the guys alright, but I think that Matty from Awkward is her best option for now. I like Gael, but he doesent seem ready to commit to a relationship, and is still going back and fourth between Callie and the other guy he is seeing, despite nobody being very happy with the arrangement. 

Of course, I am just happy that this Callie love triangle doesent have her brother as one side of it, so...

Marianas work place is such a mess, I do wonder if everyone is like this, or did she get stuck with the super dickish team? I hate asshole bro geeks worse than any other groups of asshole bros, because as a geek girl, I hate seeing people use the things I love as justifications for their sexism and racism and other nasty isms, it just makes me sad to know I have stuff in common with these guys. With Mariana, she really is very headstrong and comes off very strong by her personality, and if the general environment wasnt so toxic, I would say that she should pay her dues and take some crappy jobs, but thats clearly not whats fully going on here. 

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I liked them showing Gael's process of realizing that it's not so easy to stay out of trouble and let things roll off of you, and deciding to become more supportive. It was a good parallel to what Mariana is juggling-- not exactly she same, but a variation on the theme of even the relatively nice and supportive people not really getting it, and how you're pretty much damned if you do and damned if you don't in terms of how you handle it.

I like how complicated they are making Callie's situation, too. I don't know what her best choices are right now. I do think there's a conflict of interest in courting someone you're legally representing, though, so that makes her brother in law a bad choice for a triangle, as far as I'm concerned-- even if he wasn't her brother in law, which he is, even if the show hasn't explicitly said what the relationship is, they haven't completely retconned it officially, because she alluded to "friends and family" discount when she asked him to take her on retainer so she could confide in him. It's going to be very shady if she essentially is dating him while also using him to do oppo research on her boss, all for the fun sum of $1.

I get how overwhelming her situation is, and why she'd want someone to talk to and have her back legally. But is he really doing that, or is he just pretending to, because he's hot for her? And, again, he's her brother in law, so....

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5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

With Mariana, she really is very headstrong and comes off very strong by her personality, and if the general environment wasnt so toxic, I would say that she should pay her dues and take some crappy jobs, but thats clearly not whats fully going on here. 

I like that they haven't made the situation so cut and dry, that there's a lot of complex issues to juggle - workplace sexism, job hierarchy, learning the ropes vs jumping in the deep end, that "new job" idealism balanced with reality, personality conflicts in a professional setting. It's definitely made me more interested in the story than just "the leader is a sexist jerk". I think there will definitely be some blowback from that email - the glimpses shown were strongly worded and I think there will be some women who definitely take offense at being lumped with the "oppressed women" versus their place as a woman allowed to be on the edge of the white dudebro inner circle.

5 hours ago, possibilities said:

I like how complicated they are making Callie's situation, too. I don't know what her best choices are right now.

Yeah, they definitely keep throwing in some twists with this one! There is a lot to be mined from this story, again with a lot of angles. I am really enjoying it though, even if I am getting serious secondhand stress from some of it. I missed seeing Rebecca this week.

I thought Dennis and Davia's singalong at the end was nice and enjoyed the ups and downs of their interactions. I was okay with him lying to tell her that he cheated and not fill her in on the son that died. He doesn't owe her anything, and that's super personal to share with someone who had only been passive aggressive or somewhat hostile towards him up until that point.

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On 2/10/2019 at 12:03 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, I was also confused by this since I don't think they said that Mariana had another job before the series started. I was confused why Mariana had more money than Callie. 

I think that was just because they both knew what their salaries were going to be, so they were thinking ahead. And we learned last week Mariana is actually racking up debt so  that may be part of why it seems like she has more money.

5 hours ago, possibilities said:

I like how complicated they are making Callie's situation, too. I don't know what her best choices are right now. I do think there's a conflict of interest in courting someone you're legally representing, though, so that makes her brother in law a bad choice for a triangle, as far as I'm concerned-- even if he wasn't her brother in law, which he is, even if the show hasn't explicitly said what the relationship is, they haven't completely retconned it officially, because she alluded to "friends and family" discount when she asked him to take her on retainer so she could confide in him. It's going to be very shady if she essentially is dating him while also using him to do oppo research on her boss, all for the fun sum of $1.

He isn't her brother in law. He is Brandon's brother in law. Your siblings in laws may be people you see at family events, but they are not technically anything to each other.

It is a bit shady to be dating if he's really representing her in a case, but he's really just giving her advice. Bad advice, if you ask me. He said not to tell her boss about knowing that other girl, but if Ben had said something to the judge before her that probably wouldn't have gone so well. But anyway, I'm sure lots of lawyers give tips to friends/family.

Is the whole, give a lawyer a dollar so all your conversations are privileged, really a thing in real life?

Edited by KaveDweller
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On 2/13/2019 at 7:01 PM, shantown said:

. I was okay with him lying to tell her that he cheated and not fill her in on the son that died.

What makes you think he lied? I can 100% believe that he acted out after their son died by cheating and she ended things. Many couples don’t survive the death of a child for a variety of reasons, people cheat on their spouses without that kind of trauma in their lives. I don’t think he was lying. 

For the record I always considered the sibling to your in law to also be your in law....(goodness what is that dudes name?!!) as brother to Callie’s sister in law (Brandon’s wife) he is also her brother in law as I have understood things. I may be the minority. 

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It's impressive how no one in the cast appart from the Fosters actors, Judge Wilson and Dennis possess their own Wiki pages. They're all relative newcomers! I wonder if the creators went that way on purpose.

Stef and Lena are now listed for 2 episodes on IMDB, btw. And Jesus went from "2 episodes" to "unknown episodes". But I just realized anyone can edit that page, so... grain of salt!

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8 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

What makes you think he lied? I can 100% believe that he acted out after their son died by cheating and she ended things. Many couples don’t survive the death of a child for a variety of reasons, people cheat on their spouses without that kind of trauma in their lives. I don’t think he was lying. 

I'd have to go back and watch but it was a combo of the ex-wife seeming to be on okay terms with Dennis and the weird pause before Dennis told Davia he cheated. Like he was trying to decide if wanted to give the real reason, agree with Davia the she cheated, or try to make her feel better by saying he did. It was just a weird moment that made me think he wasn't being truthful with her. Will be interesting to see what's what as they expand on his backstory! 

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3 minutes ago, shantown said:

I'd have to go back and watch but it was a combo of the ex-wife seeming to be on okay terms with Dennis and the weird pause before Dennis told Davia he cheated. Like he was trying to decide if wanted to give the real reason, agree with Davia the she cheated, or try to make her feel better by saying he did. It was just a weird moment that made me think he wasn't being truthful with her. Will be interesting to see what's what as they expand on his backstory! 

Ah I understand what you mean thanks. Of course he could be lying to give Davia a lesson, but I don’t think it would be odd or surprising that their son’s death lead to a breakdown in their marriage, he fucked someone else and that was the final straw. I can also see his wife still being on good terms with him after that, but not wanting to be married to him any more. 

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