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S25.E10: Talk To The Hand

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I wish Nany hadn't caved.

Tonight was the first time I heard the Boston in Cara's voice and it came out HARD. I don't remember it being that noticeable before.

Leroy, I love you, but not as much as CT. And CT's job interview made me love him more.

Bananas was stupid. For whatever reason, CT has his back. Don't think you can say that about Zach. And Bananas, the reason no one has said CT's name yet is because he hasn't been an asshole who makes people hate him this go-round. Your name getting called is your own damn fault.

  • Love 3

I don't understand why Nany didn't stick with her vote. Johnny isn't going to basically volunteer to go in himself to avoid voting in Theresa. His hand would be forced and he'd have went with whatever Nany said at that point.

Anyway, can't see it happening, but if Cara beats Laurel fair and square (without Laurel letting her win) with a broken hand, that'd be amazing.

Edited by Universalhunter
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I loved the twist of the winners going in if they can't break a tie. Damn Nany for not forcing Johnny B into backing down. All she needed was a little backbone because no way was Johnny B going to let himself end up in the elimination if he could help it. But instead she caved within a second. Weak.


Really surprising to see that they'd let Cara Maria stay on anyway. Of course no way is she going to beat Laurel. Maybe if both her hands were working, maybe.


Loved Cara Maria being just done with Laurel.

I agree with the idea that Nany should have forced Johnny's hand.  I also don't understand the idea of trying to eliminate an injured player.  Wouldn't you want to face Cara Maria in the final since she would have to do it with only one hand?


I would also like to see more puzzles on the challenges.  I think it would be fun to see if some of the smaller (or less athletic) contestants could manage to win some challenges by performing better at puzzles.

I agree, had Nany said Theresa, Bananas would have chosen her as well.


But I'm sorry, was Cara Maria expecting Theresa to volunteer? I get that Cara deserves to be there and she's fought hard, but it's not Theresa is a Devyn in this game. She was nothing but supportive of Cara Maria, and I just found myself rolling my eyes at Cara Maria. Like, how is Theresa's supposed ass-kissing any different from Cara's blatant tears right before deliberation? I want to like Cara so much, but she makes it really hard for me. Perpetual victim.

Johnny and Devyn are beyond lucky. I'm guessing Devyn got off the hook because the universe demanded a battle more epic than (ugh) Bananas/Jordan. Of course, Cara Maria is hurt, and she has to smack her wounded hand into the wall in order to win. It's like Ralph Macchio/Billy Zabka, with CT as Pat Morita. Of course, CT can't apply healing magic to Cara's wounded paw because he has to bury Leroy. That's a no-win battle, because both are good guys. Meanwhile, Zach is a Tarzan-wannabe, Johnny is meh (only best when interacting with Averey and Daisy), and fucking Bananas is Bananas. Who wants him to win a fifth Challenge?


Looks like the finale will be with four people per gender, with fourth place getting pocket change. Even with the highlight teaser, it's still fun to imagine Devyn beating Laurel. Who doesn't root for that? Hell, Laurel has finished second three times. What's once more time, just to piss her off and send her into a baby-eating spree? That's assuming she beats Cara Maria, of course.


Speaking of CM . . . even with entitlement issues, I think she's got guts. She deserves a better break than the ones she's been getting. And if she winds up winning the whole thing, I might consider that bigger than Sarah winning five Gauntlets and a share of the winning team's pot in The Gauntlet. And I still friggin' adore her.

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Bananas was a big hypocrite, he voted in CT because CT hasn't seen an elimination and Zach has seen one, but Cara has seen what 4 or 5 and Theresa none. Nany is a dumbass for caving like that. I feel so bad for Cara she's been fighting and scraping to stay alive but can't catch a break. Bananas could have at least backed his partner since she backed him.


I do love how CT is so nonchalant when sitting across from Nany and Bananas, he didn't bad mouth Zach, or anyone. He's so low key this season I love it.


Devyn has been sliding by and Johnny has been somewhat mediocre however don't see them winning at all with the competitors that are left, they're doomed especially when Johnny was dragging Devyn through the water by her arms.

Edited by ShadowSixx

Bananas was a big hypocrite, he voted in CT because CT hasn't seen an elimination and Zach has seen one, but Cara has seen what 4 or 5 and Theresa none. Nany is a dumbass for caving like that. I feel so bad for Cara she's been fighting and scraping to stay alive but can't catch a break. Bananas could have at least backed his partner since she backed him.


I do love how CT is so nonchalant when sitting across from Nany and Bananas, he didn't bad mouth Zach, or anyone. He's so low key this season I love it.


Devyn has been sliding by and Johnny has been somewhat mediocre however don't see them winning at all with the competitors that are left, they're doomed especially when Johnny was dragging Devyn through the water by her arms.

I agree that it sucks for Cara Maria and I think she absolutely deserves to be in the final, but I can't help but think she didn't have to play against the best competitors. She beat Latoya, Jessica, and Nia. Now, the Nia elimination was brutal, but the other two were pretty much guaranteed wins IMO. Even though Jessica put up a good fight. Now, I don't say this to downplay her wins by any means, but I don't know. I've always been kind of eh on Cara but I've been rooting for her this challenge and this episode just reminded me why usually bothers me. She's so whiny and "woe is me". She's been dealt a shitty hand this season for sure, but she REALLY likes to bring up how shitty her hand has been.


And Theresa did go into an elimination and beat Camila, who's a tough competitor.

Oh I forgot about that one but Bananas really should have backed his partner. It does suck for her and a player always gets dealt a bad hand just like Sarah who's always paired with crappy partners who leave her and she has to be sent home as a result of it.

Yeah, I think Johnny probably should have backed Nany since she backed him, but from what I understand he and Theresa are good friends outside of this game. I dislike Bananas as much as the next guy, but I gotta say if I were him I think I'd go for Cara Maria as well. At this point, there's no way Cara wouldn't go after him if she had the chance since she's apparently in the "Boston Alliance" with CT, Zach, and Johnny R and wasn't going to vote for any of them.

I agree, Nany was stupid to not stick with Theresa.  TJ pretty much threw the ball into her court when he asked her for her vote first on that last vote.  You have to figure that, as adamant as he was about voting Cara Maria in, he's not going to throw himself into an elimination to keep Theresa safe, no matter how friendly they might be outside the game.  If it had been only Nany who was in jeopardy, then I get her switching her vote.  But in that situation, the person who votes first basically holds the cards. 


And I knew TJ would judge them if Cara Maria's name came out of their mouths.  


As for strategy, from the women's standpoint, at this point, you want Cara Maria and Devyn to be two of the women in the Final.  Yes, CM is tough as hell, but, still, she has an injury, she's not 100 percent.  The other girls were probably all doing an internal "Yes!!" fist pump when Devyn turned over a blank card. 


Meanwhile, you know Bananas is praying CT goes home.  He does not want a Final with both CT and Zach in it. 

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I wish Nani hadn't caved too. Would have been AWESOME if CT got to sit down & Johnny & Nani had to go up there. Nani caved because she's a wuss. Didn't surprise me. She didn't want Johnny coming after her. He seems like a total pain in the ass if you go against him. What was their reasoning for voting Cara in anyway?


I didn't notice the Boston in Cara's voice. I may have to rewatch. I was surprised to read that she & CT grew up in the same area as I've never heard Boston in Cara. And CT's is so pronounced.Seeing the show after this, that fan favorite thing, I liked how CT said he liked thinking of himself as being the old man. I was surprised that Johnny voted him in.


Mojo, your comment about CT not being an asshole reminded me that on the showafter they showed his fight with Adam and he's changed so much (for the better) over the years. It's hard to remember that version of CT. I like the strong,mellow silent CT of recent years so much better.


I'd like to see more puzzles too. I was shocked that Johnny actually got through one. I love the relationship between Cara & CT. What a breath of fresh air to see 2 challenger who sincerely seem to like each other & in a non-sexual way.


Theresa is a touch competitor, but at that point I think Camilla was done before the ilimination even started. I saw it as kind of an easy win. You could tell that Camilla had nothing left. She was a wreck before the elimination even started.Are Zack & Johnny Reilly from Boston too? I don't know much about either of them.


I would love to see Laurel throw the win to Cara, but what are the chances of that? I have visions of her breaking Cara's other hand in this elimination.

I didn't see it that way.  In the TH before the vote, she wasn't sure which way she'd vote.  Even when they were sitting there to announce the vote, Johnny asked her if she knew what she was going to do, and she still said no.  So no, she and Johnny hadn't discussed it beforehand, and even after he whispered the whole "don't vote with your emotions..." she still ignored him and voted for Theresa.  She and Johnny also had no idea TJ was going to throw that curveball at them, so she just wussed out and sided with Johnny.  I think she felt under pressure (both timewise and from Johnny), and didn't think it through.  If she had taken a moment to hear what TJ said, she would have realized that because got to pick first, all she had to do was stick with throwing in Theresa, and all the pressure would have been on Bananas.

  • Love 3
Voting Cara Maria is an even smarter move for himself because he potentially removes another contestant who will definitely vote him in if she wins the next challenge.


The likelihood of Cara winning the next challenge is extremely low. She had CT with her for this last challenge and still they were in 3rd because she couldn't dig efficiently. Remember how quickly they caught up just due to his digging?  Had she both hands, I bet they would've won. While Jordan managed a lot of the challenges one handed, she hasn't spent her whole life learning how to adapt and will most likely forget that she has limited use of the other hand and cause herself pain (which will slow her down).  From a purely strategic standpoint, Theresa would have been the right one to go in.   


Then we have someone like Johnny-not Bananas- who knows he isn't the best and is always amazed that he somehow never draws the kill card. I like him. Because at least he doesn't bug.


I do appreciate that about him. He's got a lot of self-awareness. 


No one is scared of Bananas. They just don't want to get their hands dirty and so they hide behind him to make the tough calls.


I agree with you on this one. I rather dislike Bananas.  Something about his arrogance has ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way (even in the early seasons before he was "Johnny Bananas"). But he definitely is willing to get his hands dirty in ways that many of the other challengers won't. And that's a good thing. The show needs a "villain." 

It's not strategic in any way for Nany to put Cara in though. Theresa is competition for Nany in the final. Cara really isn't with a broken hand. She's going to be slower and she's going to be in severe pain. Best case scenario for Nany in this elimination would have been Theresa v. Laurel.


Agreed. Like I said last night, if you're one of the remaining women, you absolutely want Devyn and Cara Maria in the final with you.  Maybe not CM before she broke her hand, but now that it's broken, it puts her ability into question.  But if you're Nany and you have the chance to potentially take out one of Theresa/Laurel, you go for it. With Laurel drawing the kill card, Nany would have been sitting pretty had she sent Theresa in.  


Not to mention, considering that it looks like the final is after this elimination, there's no need to worry about who would and would not say your name in a future elimination vote.  

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I love Cara Maria but she was straight-up insufferable in this ep. I feel like I can completely understand now why she was so hated before.

Me too and I like Cara Maria, but I have to think that maybe it has to do with how she was treated in past challenges. In previous challenges from what I've seen she's had soda dumped on her, been shoved, ganged up on, and when she arrived as a replacement for Cooke's Partner in Rivals II she had the most chilly reception I've ever seen on a challenge. People in their talking heads were referring to her as stupid, and were practically uninterested in her. I think all those things start to surface now that it's cutting down to the wire. She's been in three elimination rounds while watching other girls (*cough* Devyn and Nany) reach the final without getting their hands dirty whatsoever and here she is getting sent into another elimination with a broken hand. If I'd been through all that shit, I'd feel like a victim too. I really hope she kicks Laurel's ass and takes home the win but I have a feeling it's not going to work out the way I'd like it to, and it breaks my heart because I REALLY want her to win a challenge because she is just so awesome. This is just a low point for her. I also think she's just naturally awkward too but that' another thing.


Also I kinda laughed at Theresa saying that she fought for her stay to. Against who? Camila who was a sad mess throughout the whole episode where she went into the elimination against her? Girl please, you glided through too, I hope if they do another "Free Agents" in the near future, they'll have MVPs who are safe and can vote one girl/guy in while everyone else whether they were on the winning team or not, has to go into the draw.


P.S: Johnny is awesome. I love his remark about Devyn on his team. "Oh my god, I don't wanna cry!"

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Like I said last night, if you're one of the remaining women, you absolutely want Devyn and Cara Maria in the final with you.  Maybe not CM before she broke her hand, but now that it's broken, it puts her ability into question.  But if you're Nany and you have the chance to potentially take out one of Theresa/Laurel, you go for it. With Laurel drawing the kill card, Nany would have been sitting pretty had she sent Theresa in.  


Not to mention, considering that it looks like the final is after this elimination, there's no need to worry about who would and would not say your name in a future elimination vote.

Two great points (hi kerleyQ btw - I remember you from Twop!). They're heading into the finals - no need to worry about future eliminations. And most importantly, why wouldn't you grab the chance to compete in the finals against a handicapped competitor (Cara) vs. a really strong competitor (Theresa)? It makes no sense. That's why I think Nany just folded under pressure and didn't think it through.

  • Love 1

The clip where Devyn salivates over a dripping wet CT was hilarious.  But I was right there with her!  He looked all kinds of delicious.  He also looked great in the after show with the haircut and clean shave.  It just made me wonder if CT is down with the brown girls, cause if so, I need to make my way to Boston....


I loved when Cara Maria smacked down Laurel at the beginning of the episode. It was also great when she was bitching to the guys in the gym about not understanding why CM was so upset and they were all like, "well, you are extremely condescending to her and call her dumb all the time.  Maybe that's why."  She got upset because she didn't like hearing the truth.  I'm still shocked that she has yet to apologize for any of it.  And just because people "know how you are" doesn't mean they need to like it and put up with it all the time.

  • Love 2

Two great points (hi kerleyQ btw - I remember you from Twop!). They're heading into the finals - no need to worry about future eliminations. And most importantly, why wouldn't you grab the chance to compete in the finals against a handicapped competitor (Cara) vs. a really strong competitor (Theresa)? It makes no sense. That's why I think Nany just folded under pressure and didn't think it through.


Hi, Lotus Flower! 

I loved when Cara Maria smacked down Laurel at the beginning of the episode. It was also great when she was bitching to the guys in the gym about not understanding why CM was so upset and they were all like, "well, you are extremely condescending to her and call her dumb all the time.  Maybe that's why."  She got upset because she didn't like hearing the truth.  I'm still shocked that she has yet to apologize for any of it.  And just because people "know how you are" doesn't mean they need to like it and put up with it all the time.


My favorite part was Laurel saying something like "I feel like you're all on her side and think I'm wrong."  There's a brief pause and CT says "well, yeah."  

  • Love 4

I wish Nany hadn't caved.

Tonight was the first time I heard the Boston in Cara's voice and it came out HARD. I don't remember it being that noticeable before.

Leroy, I love you, but not as much as CT. And CT's job interview made me love him more.

Bananas was stupid. For whatever reason, CT has his back. Don't think you can say that about Zach. And Bananas, the reason no onree has said CT's name yet is because he hasn't been an asshole who makes people hate him this go-round. Your name getting called is your own damn fault.w i

During Battle of the Exes, Camila & Bananas won numerous times & never threw in CT & Diem. They had their backs the entire time. But then when it was down to the final, CT threw in Bananas & Camila instead of Emily & Ty. Why is Bananas wrong for returning the favor?

Well.... everyone bugged me tonight except CT. Seriously. These people. I really don't like Devyn and personally don't think she's that funny. She bugs. I understand CM is whiny and etc but seriously.. Deyvn sucks! Like she isn't made for this kind of crap. Its amazing she has gotten this far and it bugs me that in TH and the aftershows she talks about CM crying all the time. I do think CM acted bad tonight with the crying but I can see her reaching a breaking point at this time; Deyvn has gone though this game with no scrapes at all. It kind of bugs to hear her THS. Then we have someone like Johnny-not Bananas- who knows he isn't the best and is always amazed that he somehow never draws the kill card. I like him. Because at least he doesn't bug. Devyn has just been on for too long and I'm sick of her.


Pretty sure Laurel will win elimination and then there's no girl I'm really going to be happy with winning at this point. As for the guys, well.. CT I should hope so will win the elimination- is there a chance of an upset? I hope not. And therefore I hope he wins. I love how much he loves Cara! That was adorable.  


Thank you!  Devyn has bugged me since her season of RW.  She is just as pretentious and condescending as Sara.  And she is a useless competitor.  I am glad I am not the only one that finds her annoying. 

  • Love 1

Everyone's mad at Bananas for voting in CT. I like CT but I get why Bananas did it. First, during Battle of the Exes, Bananas & Camila were winning alot & never threw in CT & Diem. They had their backs, didn't make them go 1st etc. But near the final, CT throws in Bananas over Ty. So why is Bananas wrong for doing the same thing? Second, the Boston alliance needs to be broken up if it could be. Bananas knows if all the Boston people (Johnny, CT, Cara & now Zach lives there) stay, he will get voted in. Him & Nany also said that either way Zach & CT would win the elimination.


People keep saying things that Bananas wins due to his alliances. What alliance has he had this season? He votes to save himself & then gets crap for it. He won 2 eliminations. He may be obnoxious, loud & arrogant but he plays to win & isn't that the point of the game? Who wants to go through all of that to not try to win? Most people that are mad at him, are really mad his winnings. 

I loved when Cara Maria smacked down Laurel at the beginning of the episode. It was also great when she was bitching to the guys in the gym about not understanding why CM was so upset and they were all like, "well, you are extremely condescending to her and call her dumb all the time.  Maybe that's why."  She got upset because she didn't like hearing the truth.  I'm still shocked that she has yet to apologize for any of it.  And just because people "know how you are" doesn't mean they need to like it and put up with it all the time.

I so agree. The attitude of "that's just so-and-so being so-and-so" (in this case Laurel) has always bothered me for the reason you stated. Why do people think it's an excuse for bad behavior? Back to Laurel - I noticed that she said a lot of harsh things to and about Cara Maria, but then said she "didn't wish her any ill will." Me thinks she doesn't know what "ill will" means, since that's exactly what she just did!

I'm sorry CM is terrible. I know she has fans here but I think it's clear from what people said on the after show and from her appearances on the show that's she a victim. Everyone is against her, everything bad happens to her. People should be nice to her, people should treat her with kid gloves, blah blah. She acts like this tough girl, but in truth she's probably the most mentally weak person in the game. I just hate people with her attitude.

I'm no fan of Cara Maria. In fact, I think the only reason I find her tolerable is because she hates Johnny almost as much as I do. However, I do have to commend her for sending a handful of girls home. It took a lot of strength and a lot of heart, and she should be proud. That said, I can't stand idiots who would endanger their health to continue to compete in an MTV Reality Competition. Like, wouldn't you rather keep the use of your hand rather than risk it for the chance at winning something like $85k after taxes? Go home, you twit!


Similarly, I hate folks that encourage this behavior. TJ being all impressed at Cara's stupidity (no doubt a result of his own very apparent stupidity) had me rolling my eyes. This ain't the Olympics. 

I've always liked CM and looked forward to seeing her on challenges, even though I do think she is a lot more emotionally fragile than is healthy. I'm inclined to give her a pass on some of her overwrought grabbing for victim status in this ep: the poor girl came back to the house exhausted from being up all night at the emergency room after a tough elimination; she was emotionally exhausted from the stuff with Laurel; her nerves were fried because she didn't know if she'd get to compete; and I can only imagine that it wears you down to go into final after final after final. Plus she's probably in some pretty serious pain. Honestly, I'd probably be a hot, weepy, exhausted, hypersensitive overemotional wreck teetering on the edge, too.  I can see how that would be annoying to be around and annoying to watch, but the girl really has had a rough couple of days. 

  • Love 4

I'm sorry CM is terrible. I know she has fans here but I think it's clear from what people said on the after show and from her appearances on the show that's she a victim. Everyone is against her, everything bad happens to her. People should be nice to her, people should treat her with kid gloves, blah blah. She acts like this tough girl, but in truth she's probably the most mentally weak person in the game. I just hate people with her attitude.

I can see that. I don't dislike her but she does annoy me. I remember back on Rivals her & CT were fighting. She was threatening for Abram to fight CT & CT said something like "I will put Abram in my pocket" Anyways, the fight goes on & she tries to say more than once that Jenn hit her. Jenn does push her but no hit happens. She's crying & carrying on like a baby & who comforts her??? Bananas. I found the clip at MTV & I am surprised that she is so close to CT now & doesn't like Bananas. 

I've often wondered why Cara Maria has been so disliked in the past. It was particularly bad in Rivals I, and Laurel and then Kenny stood up for her. I've heard people say it's because she's an only child. I dislike that answer because I'm an only myself. That season she was particularly obsessed with her horse and Abe.

I think one of the problems is she doesn't seem to drink, and that's how these people bond. She's also a little odd. I think it was in Rivals II, in the challenge where they pretended they were going to get electrocuted, when CM talked about liking to apply electricity to her nipple clamps. That's not something your average person can identify with.

  • Love 1

I've often wondered why Cara Maria has been so disliked in the past. [...] I've heard people say it's because she's an only child. I dislike that answer because I'm an only myself. 


Likely, disliking her "because she's an only child" is a proxy for not liking her entitled, selfish attitude. Wasn't it Cara Maria who, at some point last season, was by herself on the beach drawing in the sand or just acting plain strange, and everyone pointed out that it was simply a ploy for attention? I think that represents CM's personality perfectly... she does things so that she's the center of attention. And she whines and cries when she doesn't get her way. That's not to say that these characteristics are unique to her -- all the folks on this show are attention whores/crybabies to some extent -- but I think there's something about the way CM combines and exhibits these traits that doesn't help endear her to folks. 


I can't stand idiots who would endanger their health to continue to compete in an MTV Reality Competition. Like, wouldn't you rather keep the use of your hand rather than risk it for the chance at winning something like $85k after taxes? Go home, you twit!


Thank you! I was thinking why is everyone acting like Cara Maria is some kind of hero for staying? She's a straight-up dumbass!

Edited by peachmangosteen

Likely, disliking her "because she's an only child" is a proxy for not liking her entitled, selfish attitude. Wasn't it Cara Maria who, at some point last season, was by herself on the beach drawing in the sand or just acting plain strange, and everyone pointed out that it was simply a ploy for attention? I think that represents CM's personality perfectly... she does things so that she's the center of attention. And she whines and cries when she doesn't get her way. That's not to say that these characteristics are unique to her -- all the folks on this show are attention whores/crybabies to some extent -- but I think there's something about the way CM combines and exhibits these traits that doesn't help endear her to folks. 


I think it's also telling that she liked Thesea when Theresa cried about her situation(she even said out loud she had a new opinion of her) but she turned on Theresea just as quick when she saw Theresa talking to Nany instead of her.


I don't see how anyone could dislike anyone for being an only child...That really doesn't make sense. I could see them using that as an excuse for her personality but I really don't feel that here. I know only children and they don't act like her. I just think, she, like so many others on the show, is emotionally unstable. I just think she also tends to have a very good, easier to watch side(when she's not wallowing in self-pity, she really isn't bad).


Honestly, the only person I like right now is Devon and maybe Johnny as they at least make fun of themselves some, and Devon sometimes speaks exactly what I'm thinking(like the whole "It's only 125K, go home!"

Thank you! I was thinking why is everyone acting like Cara Maria is some kind of hero for staying? She's a straight-up dumbass!

Because she is LITERALLY fighting for her life on this challenge! @@

But seriously, I agree. I'm sure she had to sign all kinds of releases so that when she causes major damage to her hand, the challenge folks won't have to cover any of it. And since she's hurt, she has less of a chance of winning money so if she does end up having to have surgery, she'll be paying out of her savings if she has any. IDIOT.

  • Love 1

Honestly, the only person I like right now is Devon and maybe Johnny as they at least make fun of themselves some, and Devon sometimes speaks exactly what I'm thinking(like the whole "It's only 125K, go home!"


Same. Johnny and Devon have self-awareness and that is so rare for these contestants.


Because she is LITERALLY fighting for her life on this challenge! @@


Well when you put it that way!


I really don't know why they even let her stay. On Exes, didn't they send Dustin home for like, a bad cut on his knee? But Cara can play with a broken hand?


I really didn't get this either. I guess maybe her hand actually isn't that bad because otherwise it makes no sense that they allowed her to stay.

 Even Timmy, who sustained permanent damage from that injury he received in Smash House during I3, had a very difficult time getting the show to pay for his damages and he hadn't signed a waiver anywhere near the one they had Cara sign. In fact, he even immediately retired after sustaining that injury.


What's most insane about that is that he was then, and still is today, an employee of the production company.  His History channel show was Bunim/Murray produced, and they produce Shark Tank, which is where he works now.


I do think the CM issue has more to do with her not drinking than anything else.  I remember the beach scene mentioned above, it was someone insisting she was doing it for attention, meanwhile in VO she was saying she just wanted to be away from all the drama in the house.  I doubt we would've seen the moment at all, unless someone else had decided to spout off about her trying for attention. The camera guy probably didn't even get sent down to the beach until a producer heard the TH and sent him. They never deal well with people who won't take sides in their little dramas, and 99% of that drama comes from drunken fights.  Dating Abe should be more than enough to scare her far away from those for the rest of her life.

Cara Maria cries WAY too much.  Teresa cries too much.  Nany cries way less.  And it's a surprise to me that Laurel cries at all.


The elimination rounds are so boring.  They have just 3 games they keep rotating and all the players have seen the games already and figured out what the "tricks" to winning are.  I like the season where they randomly chose a game right before the elimination round.  And there was another challenge where you could choose a mental, physical, strategy or endurance challenge.  Those were fun.

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