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Best and Worst of Days of Our Lives

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My all time favorite Lumi memory is from 1993. Our first year on ‪#‎Days‬, Bryan and I had scenes where Will was drunk and Sami wanted to play hopscotch. It was just the beginning for these two, but I remember the producer at the time working with us both on how to make the most of those scenes. They were challenging, and I thought Bryan was great at playing drunk, which is tough to do.


I think she must have meant Lucas was drunk.


Is AS posting these memories on her website?


On her facebook page.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
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Alison has gone on to her favorite Sami "pranks", though her idea of pranks sounds like my ideas of criminal activity.



Sami tricking Austin into thinking Carrie slept with Lucas. Following me so far? ha. That was one tricky, convoluted New Years Eve, right? Sami had to set the clocks back so that Austin & Carrie would miss seeing each other for their midnight rendezvous, Lucas helped by getting drunk and passing out on Carrie’s bed, and so all Sami had to do was slip Carrie a little drink and drag her into bed with Lucas. Whoa - Sami was definitely a Sh!t-stirrer in her day, huh? Yikes. It was definitely fun and challenging as an actress playing the odd-man-out in the love story of Austin & Carrie. I loved playing the bad guy - knowing it was my job to come between the love birds, and stir up trouble for them. and then it would inevitably culminate in some big explosion where Kate would butt in and reveal Sami’s secrets and ruin everything. I remember how physical the scenes were - me dragging Christie around the set.

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Sami & Celeste try to kill EJ with the ol’ poison lipstick/burn down the cottage scheme. For one thing, I absolutely loved working with Tanya Boyd. Tanya always stuck to such specific choices for her character, Celeste was such an amazing addition to Salem. But I mean – as far as outrageous, dare I say, unrealistic? Schemes? – Celeste’s poisonous lipstick – I remember we even had a scene explaining that Sami had to put on a ‘primer lipstick’, if you will, to protect herself from the poison. We all had a good giggle during rehearsals about that one.

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Sami & Celeste try to kill EJ with the ol’ poison lipstick/burn down the cottage scheme. For one thing, I absolutely loved working with Tanya Boyd. Tanya always stuck to such specific choices for her character, Celeste was such an amazing addition to Salem. But I mean – as far as outrageous, dare I say, unrealistic? Schemes? – Celeste’s poisonous lipstick – I remember we even had a scene explaining that Sami had to put on a ‘primer lipstick’, if you will, to protect herself from the poison. We all had a good giggle during rehearsals about that one.


Hands down one of my favorite Days storylines. Ironically I found this to be one of the more "realistic" storylines Days ever did. Sami hated EJ for raping her, Celeste hated EJ and blamed him for Lexi's disappearance.  Poison Lipstick doesn't exactly sound to far fetched for a soap.  The teaming of Celeste and Sami was pure genius.  Why TPTB, didn't get a clue that Sami works well when paired up with someone of equal stature and goals. 


Love that AS gave a great shout out to Tanya Boyd and the great character of Celeste.  Hey writers, Kate may need a new partner in crime, please call Tanya Boyd to reprise Celeste ASAP.  Celeste was such a well rounded character with so much potential because of all the different relationships she had with everyone. (Stefano's paramour, Peter's surrogate mother, Lexi's mother, Hope's caretaker, Caroline Brady's best friend)  Hell with Kristen back I would love to see her and Celeste butt heads again.  Kristen was always so jealous of Celeste and her relationship with Stefano and Peter.

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Sami gives Hilda some sleeping pills so she can escape the safe house. I adored working with Galen and Diane in those ‘safe house’ scenes. This is actually a two-part scheme, right? The overall story was Sami keeping her pregnancy from EJ. Which led to all sorts of future storyline, for all of us. Galen, James, Ari and I got to play out some fantastic/challenging/emotional stories from that lie… Nicole’s Syd-napping, Grace’s death, Sami telling EJ he’s the father, Sami confronting Nicole about Sydney… it was all sorts of intense!

But specifically this little incident was a Sami prank that was fun for all of us to shoot – Diane was a hilarious as the drugged Hilda, and definitely it’s always fun for me to play Sami when she’s up to something.

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From AS's facebook page:



without question, the coolest thing I’ve ever gotten to do on the show was that water tank/river sequence when Sami, Kate & Gabi tried to dispose of Nick’s body. Blake spent ALL DAY in that water tank, which I can only imagine how intensely exhausting that was, but for me, Lauren and I got a kick out of dragging his body around (And then helping Blake get the dirt out from his wardrobe, pockets and hair in-between takes!). The whole stunt where Nick comes up from underneath the surface of the water to lunge at Sami and almost pull her in with him was crazy! I loved how it looked on tv, but all the moving parts to make that happen were so specific. We didn’t really even get to practice it much, we marked the spots where I would be, Blake and I talked about the best positioning for my arms for him to grab, and then Lauren and Camilla were tasked with keeping me from actually going in, which was a lot harder than we thought it was going to be! ‘Nick’ was hanging on for dear life, and it took every ounce of strength and leverage from Sami, Kate & Gabi to keep her from going in with him. We were all watching him go under, partially relieved to survive that scene!
Then at the end of the day, we had to shoot the nightmare sequences. it was so weird to talk about where the camera was going to be, and how to spin around, and flip underwater, but since we couldn’t see the camera at all once we were down there, holding our breath, we had to just totally wing it. It took a couple takes for them to get all the camera angles they wanted but, and wow - it was definitely a work out trying to navigate all that underwater, and in one breath, but I thought it looked so cool on the show. This definitely my favorite stunt!!!

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Thanks for sharing all of Allison's posting.

Last night I watched Carrie stops Austin & Sami's wedding.  That was when my sister & I could not wait to get home from school and watch our tape of the show.   I loved Sami but also loved when Carrie punched her! We may have went back to watch that scenes a million times LOL.

    Always thought Carrie was so pretty & sweet.  Could totally understand why everyone seemed to love her.  Sami was my favorite.  She was always so much fun to watch scheme.  Could totally see why she was jealous of Carrie. The weak point in the foursome to me was always Austin.  Not sure if it was the character or the actor but Austin was suppose to come across as sweet instead he came across as a little stupid.  Always wonder about his choice when he found out Will wasn't his.  His reaction seemed to calm for Katie's son & for such a betrayal.

Neat recollections from AS.  And my oh my, that slap-fest YT compilation was eye-opening.  Sami repeatedly slapping the truth into Nicole "SAY IT!" was INTENSE.


I had to stop in here because I've been watching off-and-on since ED's return in 2012 and I find it amazing how few actually great moments there have been, at least from my perspective.  Here they are:


-Susan trying to smoke the evil out of the DiMerra mansion, only to be caught by Sami.

-Sami and Kate's subtle little high five as one entered and one exited the livingroom

-Kristin kicking Jawn out of her bed because she finally realized she had everything she ever wanted, and it wasn't him


Special mention goes to the Jawn/Kristin Secret Room scene where she started to admit her real feelings about everything that had happened, and the "He was ALL OVER ME!" taunting in Marlena's face.


Other than those three, I really didn't see anything that made me smile or get emotionally invested in the show.  Since 2012.  That's sad, right?  I mean, I like Sonny but he hasn't had a good storyline at all...and neither has Hope.  


What about you folks - what have been the Highlights of the last two years or so, as you see them?




Last night I watched Carrie stops Austin & Sami's wedding.  That was when my sister & I could not wait to get home from school and watch our tape of the show.   I loved Sami but also loved when Carrie punched her! We may have went back to watch that scenes a million times LOL.


It IS pretty remarkable that everyone back then (and still now, I guess) looked down on Sami but still loved her.  The audience never wanted her to burn even though they loved seeing Carrie undo her schemes.  A credit to AS.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Best:  Julie got engaged to Don because she was tired of waiting for Doug to get his divorce from his ex-wife finalized (it turned out they weren't still married).  Doug got into a car accident, and Julie ran to the hospital to see him.  Don realized Julie still loved Doug, and they ended their engagement.  When Don went into his office at work, he took Julie's picture off his desk, looked at it sadly, put it away, and then moved on.  It was a mature ending to a triangle back when writers still knew how to write triangles, and when they hadn't been done to death.


Best:  Sami and Kate scheming together against the Dimeras.


Worst:  Sami getting back together with EJ.

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Yeah, these days whenever a character realizes his/her love loves another they turn evil rather than start looking for someone who actually wants them.  Because it's only love if you have to talk/force the other person into it.


GL used to do that to every woman other than Reva who dared to get involved with Josh. Sonni, Annie, Cassie, etc all went BSC so that Josh could dump them and run back to Reva. SMDH.

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Best & Worst of Days in a nutshell


Best: circa 1986/1987

Worst: 2014!!!

I have to disagree about this year being the worst.  For my money, the worst was about 3 or 4 years ago when literally NOTHING happened but the same people having the same conversations in 2 different sets the size of broom closets.  I was bored to the point of coma. This year has been disappointing in terms of storyline resolutions but it did give us Kate and Sami, perhaps one of the greatest Supercouples of all time. I still have hope for those crazy kids!

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Sunnyheart--I would not disagree that there have been some ho-hum boring years. Or those years when the majority of the show was flashbacks from the day before--also among the WORST!  I guess my irritation with the current writing is the inconsistent storytelling with characters contradicting what they said the week before and doing things that are completely out of character for them; the show's inability to pair couples that have any kind of chemistry together (I've given up on them being able to write any kind of romance); and the outlandish propping of certain self-righteous characters. 

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Peanuts, I see your point. And oh lordy, I had totally forgotten about the endless flashbacks years - when they would show the same flashback over and over like we were too stupid to remember what happened in the previous scenes! Lazy, lazy writing.  I wish they could employ some better writers. We have some good actors on the show that could do so much more. It's very frustrating for all the reasons you list.

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Sami is one of my favorite characters, might even be my favorite actually, so her exit story has been extremely irritating to me. I have never been more disappointed with this show than I am right now. It's quite the accomplishment that they managed to piss off Sami and/or EJ fans on both sides and even people who don't care about either one. After 21 years AS deserved a better exit than this. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though - look at what they did to Bo and Steve.

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Sami is one of my favorite characters, might even be my favorite actually, so her exit story has been extremely irritating to me. I have never been more disappointed with this show than I am right now. It's quite the accomplishment that they managed to piss off Sami and/or EJ fans on both sides and even people who don't care about either one. After 21 years AS deserved a better exit than this. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though - look at what they did to Bo and Steve.

That's a great point. Is anyone happy about the way this has played out? Sure, EJ and Sami will probably end up together but it would have been nice for their fans if they could have seen them truly settled and happy together. The whole thing has sucked, big time.

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That's a great point. Is anyone happy about the way this has played out? Sure, EJ and Sami will probably end up together but it would have been nice for their fans if they could have seen them truly settled and happy together. The whole thing has sucked, big time.


It's Days. The same Days that assed up no-brainers like Phloe, Steve's return and pretty much everything else. This is the same story that brought back my beloved Carly and Lawrence only to have Carly shiv Larry like they'd had a prison dispute. Then Carly went on to lust over Daniel, turn out to have spawned Melanie and become a drug addict.


I hated this Slappy story with the fire of a thousand suns and if you're not careful I'll tell you exactly why. My reasons are copious. But based on the above, as far as the reconciliation is concerned, I'll take what I can get. At least, unlike Jarlena, both parties were awake at the time.

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Best:  Julie got engaged to Don because she was tired of waiting for Doug to get his divorce from his ex-wife finalized (it turned out they weren't still married).  Doug got into a car accident, and Julie ran to the hospital to see him.  Don realized Julie still loved Doug, and they ended their engagement.  When Don went into his office at work, he took Julie's picture off his desk, looked at it sadly, put it away, and then moved on.  It was a mature ending to a triangle back when writers still knew how to write triangles, and when they hadn't been done to death.

Holy cow, that just reminded me of one of my all-time favorite, most heartbreakingly romantic scenes.


Julie had been in a car accident(?) during one of her on-again, off-again periods with Doug. I want to say it was around one of the winter holidays and she was locked up in her room, whacked-out on pain relievers. Doug, taking an extended break from his gig at the club, snuck into her place dressed as an operatic clown, carrying a ton of balloons. There he was, singing to her, and she was in a complete haze.


I want to remember that she had convinced herself it was all a hallucination until she got up the next day and saw all the balloons.

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sunnyheart, right? Then again, pain meds and I have a very special relationship. If anyone were ever to sneak into my room and come up with what he thought of as a "romantic gesture," I'd just roll over and go back to sleep.

caprice, my dad had an extended hospital stay once and when the surgery was over, the heavy sedation they kept him on for over a week gave him constant hallucinations. He knew he was hallucinating as he told me about the birds flying around the room and the people in the corner that weren't there and he was SO CALM and all I could think was I would be screaming my head off 24/7 if I were seeing things that weren't there!  ESPECIALLY CLOWNS!  **shudders**


And why anyone would think dressing up as a clown would be considered romantic, I do not know. However, I would have paid good money if Dr Dan had dressed up as a clown when John came out of his coma.

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And why anyone would think dressing up as a clown would be considered romantic, I do not know. However, I would have paid good money if Dr Dan had dressed up as a clown when John came out of his coma.

Well, he didn't dress as a circus clown, but as one of those Pierrot clowns like in Pagliacci. So... kind of romantic to some. Plus, it's been forever ago and I was pretty young at the time. There could have been some meaning for them in his choice.


sunnyheart, I love that idea! Yes, Dr. Dan SHOULD have dressed as a circus clown to welcome John out of his coma! However, there'd be so many viewer cautions TIIC would have to think of beforehand, it couldn't have ever happened. :(


If I'm going to hallucinate anything, it had better be chocolate. Your father was lucky it was birds instead of clowns, unless he doesn't like birds.

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As a CLOWN?! While she was doped up?!  I would absolutely lose my shit if a clown came in to my room and started singing while I'm hallucinating. That must have been in the days before clowns became so horrifying. lol


Oh how this made me laugh. Then it reminded me of Mind-Controlled-Bo as a mime. Now I'm scared.

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I randomly stumbled upon the Flashdrive Wedding on youtube and am ENTHRALLED. That has to be one of the best interrupted soap weddings ever! Sex tape in church -- that everyone sat and watched like crazy people! That's the wildest thing since Bridget's family sat around the phone listening to her lose her virginity on B&B! The pairing of Kristen and Brady is stomach-churning enough without her violating his brother the priest! For some reason, I loved that Marlena was so clueless when it came to operating the equipment.

When Victor got in Kristen's face and said, "Let's clear your name, sweetie!" I cheered. Victor gives me life!!!

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What are your favorite storylines throughout the years? 


Here is my list:


The cruise of deception, Maison Blanche, Aremid, Steve/Kayla love story. Kayla's deafness, Benji, The introduction of the Johnson family: Steve, Adrienne, Jo, Duke and Billy later revealed to be Jack Devereaux. Kayla's rape, Jack/Jennifer, Kim's DID, Kim/Shayne/Victor, Franco's murder/Sami on death row, Marlena's possession by the devil, Marlena/john/Roman...Zack's death, Isabella's death..The quad of Lucas/Sami/Austin/Carrie, Will's paternity,  Will's coming out story, Vivian burying Carly alive....Carly/Lawrence/BO/Jack/Jennifer....Kate's introduction..Who killed Curtis... Lexie embraces her Dimera roots and the baby switch...Kristen slow descent into Evil due to her Jealousy of John/Marlena...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I didn't start watching until 93. I loved everything Sami/Lucas, the whole story with Marlena locked in that prison in Paris by Stefano and then the whole bit with Susan, and everything with Princess Gina.

I feel like from 93-99, GH was raw drama and Days was campy adventure and I loved both. And i don't think either show has been as good since the 90's ended.

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At least Nicole has had some good storylines over the years, and she's a longtime veteran, so she has audience goodwill. Serena started off okay - at least she had chemistry with Eric - but then it turned into the mind-numbingly dull and repetitive elephants/diamonds storyline. You just can't do that with a newbie character. A veteran character can survive a dull, crappy story, but a newbie can't. And this is seriously the dullest storyline I've seen in quite a while.

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I don't think Serena ever had chemistry with Eeyore, it's just that he all of a sudden forgot his vow of chastity and he almost became a real boy.  Serena was constantly shown rolling her eyes and avoiding sex whenever possible other than to get in the same room with that damned pachyderm.  And I don't mean Eeyore's penis.

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The eye-rolling and sex avoidance came later on in the story, though, when he was finally ready to sleep with her. Before that, it was just a nice flirty vibe between them where he woke up, actually smiled, and had some energy. But we've been mired in the elephants/diamonds for so long that that seems like forever ago - easy to forget.

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Wasn't sure where to put this so I thought I'd put it here - not sure what these people were smoking to put Chad/Abby & Eric/Nicole on this list - where are Adrienne & Justin?   Mickey & Maggie should be on not Maggie & Victor - where are Shane & Kim?   Doug & Julie?    Abe & Lexie?   Roman/Marlena?

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