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1 hour ago, minirth said:

Thank you so much, JBC!  I was away from the show during that entire storyline, and I really appreciate the context.  I love Sarah Brown; I'll have to see if there are any clips out there.

My pleasure.  I actually was in and out of the show at the time so I missed a lot of the Madison and Brady relationship but came in towards the end.  I'm surprised they didn't keep Sarah Brown, considering her fan base.  She was a decent character but they never did a ton with her, kind of a waste of her talent.

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11 hours ago, neuromom said:

Since I've recently returned after a long absence , can someone please tell me where Johnny and Allie are? Have they been SORASed like the rest of the kids so they could be shipped off to college? 

As part of Sami's exit storyline, she and the kids moved to LA because Sami was working with a studio on a project on her life.  While back in Salem for Will's funeral she received a letter from EJ detailing that if he was killed where she could retrieve the Dimera fortune.  After some back and forth with Andre, Sami outwitted him and stole the fortune.  Belle has helped her funnel the money through different channels. 

But yes, Sami is on the run/in hiding with the kids.  There was a small implication that Sami suspected that EJ was alive (which he is) and that is where she went to.  Every so often either Belle will be seen corresponding with Sami, or we will get a scene of Lucas texting with Sami in reference to the kids, especially Allie.

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So I've stumbled onto a ton of Shane/Kimberly clips, and I am deeply intrigued.  I've always got the sense from the soap mags that there was something special about them, and I can see it.  And yikes, Victor was truly atrocious back in the day.  What a vile excuse for a human being.  Makes his curmudgeonly self of today seem almost gnome-like in comparison! 

Anyway, the questions! 

1.  Were Kimberly/Shane as special as they seem? 

2.  How bad is the Kimberly / Clare / Lacey multiple personality storyline circa 1992?  It looks pretty damn bad.  (To my mind, the best such storyline was GL's Sonni/Solita with the insanely wonderful Michelle Forbes.)

3.  Again circa 1991, who the hell is Philip?  Tall guy involved with Kimberly?  I've never heard of him before.

Edited by minirth
8 hours ago, minirth said:

So I've stumbled onto a ton of Shane/Kimberly clips, and I am deeply intrigued.  I've always got the sense from the soap mags that there was something special about them, and I can see it.  And yikes, Victor was truly atrocious back in the day.  What a vile excuse for a human being.  Makes his curmudgeonly self of today seem almost gnome-like in comparison! 

Anyway, the questions! 

1.  Were Kimberly/Shane as special as they seem? 

2.  How bad is the Kimberly / Clare / Lacey multiple personality storyline circa 1992?  It looks pretty damn bad.  (To my mind, the best such storyline was GL's Sonni/Solita with the insanely wonderful Michelle Forbes.)

3.  Again circa 1991, who the hell is Philip?  Tall guy involved with Kimberly?  I've never heard of him before.

Shane and Kimberly are my favorite supercouple on the show..They were special and so damn good, but, 1991 is not a good year for Kim and Shane...Shane is involved with Kayla and Kim is involved with Lawrence.....Jeannie/Theresa is believed to be Cal's and not Shane's...Kayla knows the truth about her paternity and is keeping quiet, to hold on to Shane...Kayla and Shane were very nasty to Kim, during that time period...If you want to see vintage Kim and Shane at their best, you should watch their coming together in 1984.....They were friends that became lovers..It is why their theme song was called, you guessed it, friends and lovers... Kim and Shane became friends, because Kim had had a picture that he needed to find Stefano's secret island..Kim loved photography..She told her family that she was a successful photographer, but, she was really, a high price prostitute, in Europe..She only told Shane about her secret life and her abusive past with her Uncle Eric..They bonded as friends first and he shared his painful past with his dead wife Emma....

Victor came to town and immediately took a liking to Kim..Kim was attracted to him, but, she was already smitten with Shane...Kim became blind and Victor used that to occasion to move Kim into his mansion to take care of her...Kim used this opportunity to spy on him for Shane who was investigating him...Shane was against this, because Victor was dangerous..The Miami storyline is where the Victor/Kim/Shane triangle came to a head....Victor had an office with a timer on it, that would close automatically from the inside...Kim knew about this..Shane was in that office looking for something, but got locked in...Victor had already tried to kill Shane via his henchman, but, thankfully, he wore a bulletproof vest....Kim seduced Victor to keep him from going to the office and finding Shane, saving his life...Victor knew what kim did, and told her that she would one day be his...Kim and Shane along with Victor returned to Salem...Kim vowed to never disclose the truth about her affair with Victor..Victor used this information to keep tabs on Kim...

Meanwhile, Kim discovered that she was pregnant and she did not know who was the father..I forgot to mention that Emma, Shane's wife believed to be dead , had come back from the dead at Bo and Hope's wedding in England..She tried to kill them...She was kidnapped by a villain named the Dragon, shortly after Shane and she had gotten married.. She was brainwashed into killing them.. Emma's presumed death was part of the angst for early Kim and Shane...Once Emma was discovered to be alive..Kim broke up with Shane and returned back to Salem....Shane brought Emma back to Salem to get treatment..Marlena treated her and she was cured..Kim and Marlena befriended her..Emma wanted to resume her life with Shane. Shane stayed with her, out of obligation...His heart was with Kim...Eventually, Kim and Shane got back together..Emma vowed revenge and she told Kim that she intended to ruin her life with Shane....Kim found a letter where her mother Caroline wrote Victor that he was the father of one of her children..For some reason, Kim thought that she was Victor's daughter...Disgusted and appalled by this, given her abusive past with her Uncle Eric, she decided to have an abortion..On her way there, she had a car accident...At the hospital, Shane blew a gasket about her intentions to have an abortion..Shane was really hurt...It was really a preview of things to come, he was still in the dark about what happened in Miami..Kim enlisted her best friend Neil Curtis, a doctor at the hospital, to do a paternity test on her baby in the womb..Emma was stalking Kim, spying on her, mocking her,constantly telling Kim that she knew that she had a secret that involved both Victor and Shane...She overheard Kim and Neil discussing the paternity test and decided to take action

Victor found out that Kim was pregnant and told Kim that he intended to be in his child's life...Victor was always finding ways to be alone with Kim..He used their secret to have some type of control over her..Shane was still looking for dirt on Victor to nail him..He enlisted John Black, who was an amnesiac Roman with an altered face, to spy on Victor for him...They put cameras and bugs in his mansion, hoping to find proof of his criminal activities..Victor and Steve at that time knew that John Black was really Roman....The show later retcon this years later, by having John Black be a fake Roman, when Wayne came back to the role, but, I digress...Victor summoned Kim to his home, to know  about the details of the paternity test..Shane was watching in a room with John Black and he saw them discussing their affair and Kim's pregnancy..Shane was devastated and cried..When he got home, he let Kim have it to the point, that it almost got violent...He was having a hard time controlling his rage, anger, and disappointment...Shane who is always calm, cool and collected was truly upset..Kim tried to explain her reasons, but, it fell on deaf ears...Shane broke up with her....Kim was devastated..Emma was enjoying all of this, when she found out....Emma had switched the paternity test, naming Victor as the baby's father...Eventually, Kim and Shane got back together, after the events in Stockholm that was provoked by Victor..

Shane vowed to raise the child as his own and they made plans to marry..When Emma found out about this, she was enraged...She vowed to destroy Kim..Victor became more and more entrenched in Kim and Shane's lives..Making demands and threats...Months later, Bo, Hope and Shane were involved in some type of adventure storyline, Kim was worried about Shane, she wanted to help him and give him pertinent information..She enlisted Victor's help, Victor was looking to take John Black, into his custody, for his own reasons...John was with Marlena, not too far from where Bo, Hope and Shane were..This is where Marlena was going to found out that John Black was really Roman....Kim later gave birth to Andrew at a cabin with Shane's help.....Kim and Shane's happiness is always short-lived and Victor came into the cabin and ripped Andrew out of Kim's arms, minutes after he was born, because he was the"father"..It was a cruel thing for him to do.. He did it out of pure spite and vindictiveness....Emma would later kidnap Andrew because Shane wanted to raise Andrew as his son...Andrew's kidnapping would add another layer to the angst between Kim and Shane..Emma refused to tell them where he was and she was later murdered and Kim was tried and convicted for it.. I loved the scene where Shane found Andrew and put him in her arms....Andrew's kidnapping was so compelling and he was gone for close to a year...It took a couple of more months, for his true paternity to come out....

I loved the multiple personalities storyline and it made sense with Kimberly, given all that she had gone through on her time with the show....A mental breakdown was character-driven and it was connected with her sexual abuse with her Uncle Eric....After Theresa's paternity was revealed, it was not enough bring Kim and Shane back together..They parted as friends and co-parents to their two children...Shane and Kayla broke up. after Shane  tried to detonate a bomb at a museum that left him paralyzed...Kayla decided to move to LA, to start anew with her daughter Stefanie...Kim later joined her with her two kids..The two sisters left town to repair their relationship that was strained, but, not broken....Kim/Kayla were never on the same level of dysfunction as Carrie/Sami..It was out of character for Kayla to even look twice at Shane..Plus, Shane would never hurt Kim that way..Shayla was bad, on so many levels....

Philip was Kim's fiance. she met him in LA and she came back to Salem,to tell her family and Shane of her plans to marry..As soon as she got to Salem, she got hit back a car that would later provoke her mental breakdown...Shane who was still paralyzed, witnessed, Kim getting hit by a car, seeing his love getting hurt, Shane propelled himself out of his wheelchair to help and save Kim.....His instinct was to protect and save her..That was the perfect time for the show, to reunite them...They belonged together..The show had Shane leave town on ISA business, after he regained the use of his legs...I liked Philip, but, he was not Shane..The Multiple Personality Disorder storyline would not have worked with Shane because he knew her better than anybody..Before he left town, he knew something was wrong with Kim and tried to take the kids away from her..Eventually, Kim did send the kids to London to be with their dad....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Shane and Kimberly are my favorite supercouple on the show..They were special and so damn good

I can tell, Apprentice79!!  You write about them with a lot of passion.  Thank you so much for the history lesson.  I did find a stash of Stayla videos, but frankly, I'm afraid to watch them!  I'm going to settle down with some early Kim and Shane -- I already like them so much.

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On 9/25/2016 at 7:27 PM, minirth said:


I can tell, Apprentice79!!  You write about them with a lot of passion.  Thank you so much for the history lesson.  I did find a stash of Stayla videos, but frankly, I'm afraid to watch them!  I'm going to settle down with some early Kim and Shane -- I already like them so much.

You welcome! I can't wait to see them back on the show, this November..I know that Theresa is loved on this board, but, she is the antithesis of what I expected their daughter to be...She is an affront, in my opinion..

I also wanted to add some more information to Kim and Shane...

Kim and Shane made love for the first time in England at the Donovan Estate, where Bo and Hope got married..

Gillian was Shane's ISA partner set Kim up for Emma's murder, in her efforts to get Shane for herself...She had killed Emma...Kim and Shane worked together to expose her evilness..

Kim and Shane lost their first daughter Carly.. It was so unnecessary, I hated it...Eve was forced back into prostitution, a heavily pregnant Kim tried to help rescue her from her pimp and got injured, causing the death of her baby girl..Shane and Kim were apart for a while and Kim blamed Eve, but, never really expressed it out loud...

Eve and her mother Gabrielle were angst for Kim and Shane..Eve was a hellion, she was the pre-Sami...

Shane was presumed dead at some point and that is how Kim got involved with Cal, who ruined her life with Shane..He tricked Kim into shooting Shane, in his efforts to destroy their relationship...Kim and Shane got back together..He did kidnap Kim once and Shane saved her and he went to prison..In prison, he found out Kim was pregnant and blackmailed a shady doctor into saying that Shane was not the father, which led to Kim and Shane to break up for good...

Shane had amnesia and that is why he could not come back to Kim...He got involved with a woman called Rebecca...He eventually got his memory back and reunited with Kim...

Edited by Apprentice79

DisneyBoy, I have been watching this storyline but there are gaps where I can't find episodes and it is making me crazy.  Here's what I know, I hope someone else can fill in the gaps.

Somehow, Nicole came into evidence [did she steal it from Daniel?] that proved Eric was drugged and therefore raped.  She and Eric were not engaged when she found it.  She was going to give it to him but he professed his love and she rationalized that he had accepted leaving the priesthood and destroyed the evidence.  

Daniel spent May of 2014 trying to get Nicole to tell Eric what she had done, but she refused.  At the end of May, Jennifer overheard Daniel and Nicole arguing about it, and, believing that Daniel would never force the issue, tracked down Eric in the park and told him the truth (for some reason, they did not air this conversation.). There was titanic fallout -- Eric and Daniel's relationship was severely strained, Daniel and Nicole's friendship was temporarily shattered, and of course, Eric descended into what would eventually become an alcoholic death spiral.

The BEST part of the fallout was that Daniel broke up with Jennifer -- but not because Jennifer told Eric!  Daniel was MORTALLY OFFENDED that Jennifer did not trust that he would force Nicole to tell the truth and that's why they split!  Hee hee hee!  (You can tell this is one of Jennifer's "I have an enormous stick up my ass" periods because of the pale lipstick, btw.)

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1 hour ago, minirth said:

Somehow, Nicole came into evidence [did she steal it from Daniel?] that proved Eric was drugged and therefore raped.

She and Daniel tracked down the DiMera doctor who had given Kristen the drug and he had kept records and kept the records in a safe in the secluded cabin where he had holed up.  For some reason, Daniel had to leave, leaving Nicole alone in the cabin and she ransacked the place and found the safe and got it open and read the records.

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So her big reason for destroying the evidence was that she was afraid that if Eric's reputation was vindicated he would dump her for the priesthood? How completely pathetic is that?!

See, this is where I just don't understand the writers at all. In 2012 they had several good storylines going like Brady and Kristen and the slow-burn between Eric and Nicole, however stupid I found that to be considering they previously slept together when they were younger. Then, by the end of 2013 everything is a giant mess, with the show having backed off the idea of Brady and Kristen being married, which would have been beautiful beautiful revenge especially if they had drawn the relationship out for a while. Who doesn't love watching John and Marlena squirm? But then to also have Nicole do something so utterly desperate and stupid made her relationship with Eric impossible for the writers to salvage. I mean here we are three years later and people are still talking about Eric and Nicole as this great unfulfilled love. Sure, they had their hookup of sorts in the furnace room, but by then - no pun intended - the flame had burned out.

The writing almost treats the Catholic Church like it's this other woman Nicole has to compete with for Eric's affections. I never understood why the show would write like that. It was dumb back when John was a priest being tempted by Marlena and Kristen, and it's equally dumb 20 years later when the world at large has generally moved a little further away from religion on the whole.

Well thanks and PM please and let me know where you are finding these clips :)

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

The writing almost treats the Catholic Church like it's this other woman Nicole has to compete with for Eric's affections. I never understood why the show would write like that. It was dumb back when John was a priest being tempted by Marlena and Kristen, and it's equally dumb 20 years later when the world at large has generally moved a little further away from religion on the whole.

Yeah, that was definitely how they were playing it.

  • Love 1

Where is Peggy/Caroline? Did she fall ill during the recent storylines, or was she just taking a break? Her absence is beyond noticeable now and is just glaring. She would definitely want to spend time with Kim and Shane and would absolutely have scenes with Theresa, given her support of her granddaughter over the years in spite of her terrible behavior. I hope Theresa gets at least one more scene with her before leaving, but it's not looking like that will happen.

I hope the actress is well.

  • Love 3

***Orpheus 2016 story line recap HELP PLEASE!***

Since I jumped ship on this show once again in Jan, I missed Orpheus's returned, and I'm totally bummed! I've seen a few clips and read a few short summaries, but can someone give me a detailed recap of what happened.  Also does anyone know if the actor returned just for that brief stint or is he on reoccurring status? (I know Steve shot him this last time but dead is hardly dead in Salem.)

Okay. It's so sad I can remember all this.

Orpheus was in prison under a fake name, for some vague reason, and not dead after all. He meets Clyde and Xander, who both want out and revenge against Salem. During a prison transport they escape, partly due to Eduardo. Ridiculous Roman takes an entire episode to notice the faxed mug shot announcing the jailbreak and showing Orpheus' face.

The Trio immediately split up to attack their targets separately. Orpheus crashes Brady's wedding at Victor's mansion, while Xander attacks Theresa at her townhouse and Clyde confronts Kate. Orpheus stupidly tells Brady he can leave because all he wants is Paul, who he intends to use as a hostage to get back at John. All he ends up doing, though, is shooting John in the arm and then fleeing. John then tells Paul - I'm sorry, "kid" - how wonderful he is for the millionth time.

In their hideout, Orpheus nurses his wound while Xander does push-ups and we all feel badly about our bodies. The Trio agree that they need to work together in order to accomplish their goals. Orpheus proceeds to break into Steve's home and takes Kayla and Joey hostage as Steve arrives. For some stupid reason he doesn't kill any of them, but takes Joey and runs.

As Abe holds a press conference to reassure the public, Orpheus intercepts the signal and shows video of Joey and Claire in their hideout and announces to the world his plans to destroy Salem. Abe is shot by accident by Clumsy Clyde.

Joey helps Claire escape and she is tracked by John using a necklace he gave her. I can't quite remember but I think Orpheus switches hideouts at this point because he and Joey get some alone time during which he explains that his two grown children want nothing to do with him and that it broke his heart. Steve and John close in as Marlena writes up psychological profiles of the three escapees. Xander is trapped fairly easily. Theo pulls a gun on Clyde and ultimately helps Joey escape while Johm fakes Orpheus out on the 20 million ransom he'd hoped to use to live the good life elsewhere.

I start to forget details here.

Orpheus and some friend set up a bunch of bombs around the town, including one at the pub. Orpheus uses that one to force John to come with him. He seemingly deactivates the bomb only to have one strapped to Jennifer. Hope and Rafe deactivate Jennifer's vest bomb and Orpheus is about to execute John at his townhouse when Steve shows up and the day is seemingly saved.

At the police station, Orpheus' wounds are treated by Marlena, who is stupidly left alone with him at the insistence of some idiot rookie cop. Orpheus takes her hostage and the cop leaves them alone, because he is an idiot, but rather than kill Marlena, Orpheus swallows a pill from her medical bag and seemingly dies.

On Halloween, his body disappears from the morgue just as a magician is entertaining the kids at the hospital. The magician asks for Kayla and Marlena to step into two magic boxes, and the power goes out for a moment covering their escape. John and Steve realize the magician was Orpheus, who has brought the ladies to his hideout in order to nail them into coffins. He proceeds to set the coffins on fire and watch with delight, after explaining that his friend was disguised as a police officer at the station and placed the fake poison pill in Marlena's bag.. Andre has some friends who take note of the disturbances on the docks and pass the word along to him, so he passes that information on to Steve who races there with John just in time to break through the door and struggle with Orpheus. Orpheus' friend escapes, I guess, and Steve shoots Orpheus. It was in this scene that Drake was injured, so we never actually see John free Marlena or them discussing the incident or the aftermath.

I severely need a life.

  • Love 9

I am watching through great clips of Kristen and Susan from 97 I think and noticing that Jennifer Horton seems to be living in Bo and Hope's house. The stairwell portion of the set is exactly the same, though the rest of the house seems a little different. Is it that Hope eventually moved into the house Jennifer used to occupy, or that they just reused pieces of Jennifer's house when they built a set for Bo and Hope later?

Also, where did things go after Kristen and Susan left the show? I know that Roman backed off of Doc, allowing Marlena and John to finally be a couple again, but I don't know when Celeste left the show or what the next big story lines were. I seem to recall that Eileen's last day featured Kristen locked up in the harem but I don't know if they ever explained what happened to Sister Mary Moira who had been living and working in Salem at that point.

If I had to guess based on the clips I've been watching, the show shifted focus to Stefano trying to get Lexi on his side and possibly romancing her mother again. Is that what happened? And did any of the characters talk about Kristen in the weeks following Eileen's departure from the show? Or Susan? Or was it "out of sight, out of mind"?

Edited by DisneyBoy
On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 7:06 AM, DisneyBoy said:

I am watching through great clips of Kristen and Susan from 97 I think and noticing that Jennifer Horton seems to be living in Bo and Hope's house. The stairwell portion of the set is exactly the same, though the rest of the house seems a little different. Is it that Hope eventually moved into the house Jennifer used to occupy, or that they just reused pieces of Jennifer's house when they built a set for Bo and Hope later?

Also, where did things go after Kristen and Susan left the show? I know that Roman backed off of Doc, allowing Marlena and John to finally be a couple again, but I don't know when Celeste left the show or what the next big story lines were. I seem to recall that Eileen's last day featured Kristen locked up in the harem but I don't know if they ever explained what happened to Sister Mary Moira who had been living and working in Salem at that point.

If I had to guess based on the clips I've been watching, the show shifted focus to Stefano trying to get Lexi on his side and possibly romancing her mother again. Is that what happened? And did any of the characters talk about Kristen in the weeks following Eileen's departure from the show? Or Susan? Or was it "out of sight, out of mind"?

The "Bo and Hope" house has actually been re-used on Days since the 80's.  It used to be Roman and Marlena's house with a little bit more space in the living area.  The current configuration used to be Jack and Jennifer's house for years, but when they left the show, and had Bo and Hope remarry they moved into the house.  Although story wise the houses aren't meant to be the same, even though obviously it is the same exact set.

With Susan and Kristen leaving it sort of closed a chapter on those storylines.  Stefano's focus definitely shifted more to Lexie.  This is when they introduced turning Lexie evil under Stefano's guidance.  This is where the Zack/JT storyline started.  Celeste and Stefano never rekindled their relationship, and Celeste for the most part broke ties with Stefano. They were always in each other's orbit because of Lexie.  There was a little bit of a tug of war with her and Stefano when Lexie went evil.  Celeste was sort of the angel on Lexie's shoulder, with Stefano being the devil.  Celeste actually stayed on for years after that and had some really interesting storylines with Vivian Alamain, Caroline Brady, and of course my personal favorite when Celeste and Sami teamed up to kill EJ. 

Kristen or Susan were never much mentioned or talked about really after they left the show.  We would maybe get a mention here and there from the Dimera's.  It wasn't until Alice Horton died that we found out that she had actually helped Susan and Stefano get medical help for EJ when he was a toddler and living in Europe.  For the most part it was "out of sight, out of mind".

  • Love 1

How - and when - did Roman find out Kristen had lied to him about Marlena staying loyal to him all the time he was presumed dead, back when she brought him back to end the Jarlena wedding? It seems like the ruse went on for quite a while, with Kristen and John pretending they were married all while searching for a cure for Roman's illness... when did he find out they were lying to keep him from croaking?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

What was Jennifer's relationship with Anjelica like?  Did they get along?  I wonder if Abigail and JJ think of her as a grandmother?  I bet Show never acknowledges that Alex is their step-uncle.

I think that Anjelica had already left town by the time Jack and Jennifer started to interact with each other. I doubt that she has ever seen Jack's children.  Unless they ret-con their history, Jack lost contact with Anjelica after she left town.

22 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

I read in another thread that Chad had a baby with a girl named Mia. I wasn't watching during that time. Did the baby survive? If so, where is he/she now?

Mia and Chad's daughter was actually Grace.  Grace was switched with Sydney (Sami and EJ's daughter) at birth.  Sami and Rafe raised Grace up until her death.  Sami has mentioned previously that she has "five" kids, Grace being number five.

This was all part of a bigger plot by Nicole.  She was manipulating Mia into giving up her baby and letting her and EJ adopt her.  She switched Sydney and Grace at birth so she can raise EJ and Sami's daughter with EJ and let Sami unknowingly raise Mia and Chad's daughter Grace.  This is why Nicole has always had a bond with Sydney and why Sydney calls her "Momma Nicole".  If I remember correctly Mia was also keeping Chad in the dark that he was the father so he only learned about Grace being his daughter after she died. 

Mia was also part of the teen scene of Will, Gabi, Chad, etc.  She even dated a teenage Will before getting with Chad.  She also had kind of a big sister/ little sister relationship with Nicole which sort of lead to Nicole taking advantage of her.

Nicole was convicted and sentenced to prison for essentially kidnapping Sydney.  It was actually Anna Dimera that got her out of jail by way of a pardon from the Governor.

That is basically a super condensed version of what happened.  I actually thought about Mia a few months ago.  I thought it would be a great way to bring her back to town a little older, wiser and either hell bent on revenge against Nicole or willing to forgive her, while also reconnecting with Chad.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, YupItsMe said:

JI read in another thread that Chad had a baby with a girl named Mia. I wasn't watching during that time. Did the baby survive? If so, where is he/she now?

MIa was a pregnant teen who was convinced by Nicole to give her baby to her using sketchy baby Dr Baker.

Nicole miscarried her baby with EJ who was only with her because she was pregnant. Nicole was going to fake the rest of her pregnancy an d present the child to EJ so he would marry her.

Meanwhile EJ was stilll in love with his recent ex-wife Sami who had to go into the Witness Protection program because she saw the mayor get killed at the Dimera mansion.

Sami found out that she was also pregnant but did not tell EJ before she went into WP.

Nicole found out about Sami and was bitter and jealous that Sami was going to give EJ another child.

She then engineered through lies and manipulation and blackmail to get Sami to give birth at the Dr Baker's clinic. Mia and Sami had their babies within an hour from each other. Dr Baker took Sami's baby and switched it with Mia's.

In WP Sami decided to keep the truth from EJ. Her Fbi protector (Rafe)  encouraged her and helped her faked an adoption with the child she thought was hers. She named her Grace.

Nicole called EJ to the clinic and claimed that she gave birth. She named Sami's daughter Sydney. EJ married her shortly afterwards because of the baby.

A few months later Grace died. Sami finally told EJ that Grace was their daughter. The baby was buried as Grace Dimera.

Meanwhile Chad shows up in town and wants his child. Nicole tells Mia that she should claim that she was a big slut so Chad won't think the kid is his.

Before grace's death, Mia was close to Will and had a chance to know her daughter.

Eventually EJ figures out that Nicole fake her pregnancy and that Mia must have been the mother. Nicole kept lying and was using Sami who was sympathetic to her situation. That is until Rafe proved that Sydney was really her daughter because Nicole switched the babies.

Nicole then stole Sydney again when she was on bail for kidnapping (thanks to idiot Brady).

It was Dena storyline and lasted almost a year before the truth came out.

It is why I never felt sorry for Nicole baby woes. She had been stealing babies starting years ago.

Edited by nilyank
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:


Cue massive eye-roll.


Here's my question: how many times has a convenient "pardon from the Governor" been used over the last 52 years of the show?

Has it really been implored that much? (Genuinely asking)  I know they recently used it for Eric's release and another poster mentioned it was used for Sami when she was on death row twenty years ago.  At least with Nicole's pardon it was a plot point that we actually saw play out on screen.  We saw the execution of Anna working her old relationship with the Governor to free Nicole.

10 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Oh that is right I forgot about that one.  I guess they do use it a lot.  Hell, at least they showed the process of Anna getting Nicole the pardon.

That pissed me off. There is no way in hell that a serial killer would have gotten a pardon. Andre killed 5 women and used to leave a calling card with his victims...He terrorized Kate at the Brady pub in 2007. To see them so chummy is jarring. The only saving grace is, if, it is revealed that  Andre is a brainwashed Tony.  Anna should be the one to discover that..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, tribeca said:

Can someone give me the history on the Haddie character?

Also does there really need to be a big plan for her to date Roman ?   I don't think I have seen Roman dating anyone recently.   

Hattie is a look a like to Marlena.  The "Hattie storyline" started in the late 90's - 00's.  Stefano recruited Hattie because she looked like Marlena and then proceeded to transform her into Marlena. This was when Stefano was obsessed with Marlena and wanted to kidnap her.  The plan was to take Marlena and replace her with Hattie.  The storyline got dropped abruptly and never really came to fruition.  In a way this was very similar to the Susan/Kristen storyline.

Hattie was originally played by Deidre Hall's real life twin sister Andrea Evans, who looks like Deidra but isn't 100% identical. Andrea used to be on the show in the 80's she played the original Samantha, Marlena's twin sister.  So the arc of Hattie looking like Marlena but still needing plastic surgery to take over her life was very fitting by having Andrea play Hattie.  That storyline got dropped before the "payoff" of Hattie fully transforming.

When they wanted to bring Hattie back during the Salem Stalker/New Salem (Melaswen) storyline Andrea actually retired from acting and didn't want to come back to play Hattie so they had Deidre Hall play her for one scene to sort of reveal that Hattie did in fact fully transform into Marlena.

After that one scene we haven't seen or heard from Hattie until Hope's imprisonment.  When Hattie was on the show originally she was in love with Roman and hated Marlena and Kate for "breaking his heart".

Here are some photos of both Deidre and Andrea: https://www.google.com/search?q=andrea+hall&tbm=isch&imgil=HvmmDXs209QRFM%3A%3BgCBqyRDpP6DEoM%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Falchetron.com%252FAndrea-Hall-593851-W&source=iu&pf=m&fir=HvmmDXs209QRFM%3A%2CgCBqyRDpP6DEoM%2C_&usg=__u1EdZi4w7SOhcxlKPaJHpjkxxR8%3D&biw=1366&bih=599&ved=0ahUKEwi5-5_R9KDVAhXiz1QKHS37AtUQyjcIeg&ei=qGB1WbmHMuKf0wKt9ouoDQ#tbm=isch&q=andrea+hall+photos&spf=1500865692856

Edited by JBC344
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Roman should be lucky to be on the receiving end of the attention. If he does still like Doc, wouldn't dating a woman who looks just like her be a good consolation prize?


My question is this: after Kristen left town in the 90s, Stefano began obsessing over the secrets contained within the basement of his townhouse, which accidentally ended up being owned by Vivienne. He got Bart to empty it out before she could see its contents. I know he had a freezer down there...but what else? What was he hiding?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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They sort of "softened" Hattie over the last few years, she used to be even more abrasive than she is now.  Marlena and Hattie were more like polar opposites so even though Roman may like her physically, it probably wouldn't of extended beyond that.

I believe that Stefano was hiding stolen or counterfeit art in Jonesy's basement.  If I remember correctly the actual contents didn't materialize into much of a storyline it just seemed to feed more into setting up the Stefano and Vivian marriage plotline. 

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Oh. Because I know that Vivian was giving away and selling the art in the townhouse, so I assumed whatever was in the basement with something very different that was valuable to Stefano for some reason and might involve the fridge. I actually thought it would tie into the Hope Looking For Her Past storyline at Maison Blanche since that also seemed to be playing out at the same time on the show, with Hope, John, Marlena and Bo all back at that location.

57 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Oh. Because I know that Vivian was giving away and selling the art in the townhouse, so I assumed whatever was in the basement with something very different that was valuable to Stefano for some reason and might involve the fridge. I actually thought it would tie into the Hope Looking For Her Past storyline at Maison Blanche since that also seemed to be playing out at the same time on the show, with Hope, John, Marlena and Bo all back at that location.

I actually think it did tie into Hope and John.  If I remember correctly when Hope and John were "Princess Gina and The Pawn" they would steal rare pieces of art and replace with the counterfeits, all under Stefano's biding.

11 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Hattie is a look a like to Marlena.  The "Hattie storyline" started in the late 90's - 00's.  Stefano recruited Hattie because she looked like Marlena and then proceeded to transform her into Marlena. This was when Stefano was obsessed with Marlena and wanted to kidnap her.  The plan was to take Marlena and replace her with Hattie.  The storyline got dropped abruptly and never really came to fruition.  In a way this was very similar to the Susan/Kristen storyline.

Hattie was originally played by Deidre Hall's real life twin sister Andrea Evans, who looks like Deidra but isn't 100% identical. Andrea used to be on the show in the 80's she played the original Samantha, Marlena's twin sister.  So the arc of Hattie looking like Marlena but still needing plastic surgery to take over her life was very fitting by having Andrea play Hattie.  That storyline got dropped before the "payoff" of Hattie fully transforming.

When they wanted to bring Hattie back during the Salem Stalker/New Salem (Melaswen) storyline Andrea actually retired from acting and didn't want to come back to play Hattie so they had Deidre Hall play her for one scene to sort of reveal that Hattie did in fact fully transform into Marlena.

After that one scene we haven't seen or heard from Hattie until Hope's imprisonment.  When Hattie was on the show originally she was in love with Roman and hated Marlena and Kate for "breaking his heart".

Here are some photos of both Deidre and Andrea: https://www.google.com/search?q=andrea+hall&tbm=isch&imgil=HvmmDXs209QRFM%3A%3BgCBqyRDpP6DEoM%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Falchetron.com%252FAndrea-Hall-593851-W&source=iu&pf=m&fir=HvmmDXs209QRFM%3A%2CgCBqyRDpP6DEoM%2C_&usg=__u1EdZi4w7SOhcxlKPaJHpjkxxR8%3D&biw=1366&bih=599&ved=0ahUKEwi5-5_R9KDVAhXiz1QKHS37AtUQyjcIeg&ei=qGB1WbmHMuKf0wKt9ouoDQ#tbm=isch&q=andrea+hall+photos&spf=1500865692856

Don't forget the four Marlena clones that Stefano dispatched around the world to distract John, after his kidnapping of Marlena was complete.  That story was dropped as well.

Andrea and Deidre are mirror twins.  While they are identical, their features are asymmetrical.. Plus, Deidre has had more work done than Andrea.

Edited by Apprentice79
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Andrea and Deidre are identical twins. Waaaay back when Soap Opera Magazine existed, there was an interview around Deidre's return in '91 where she also discussed her wedding and got a laugh out of saying how everyone stood when they saw her sister (the matron of honor) instead of for her.

I think, as said, the fact that Deidre had more work done "ended" their being identical. But they were.

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5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Andrea and Deidre are identical twins. Waaaay back when Soap Opera Magazine existed, there was an interview around Deidre's return in '91 where she also discussed her wedding and got a laugh out of saying how everyone stood when they saw her sister (the matron of honor) instead of for her.

I think, as said, the fact that Deidre had more work done "ended" their being identical. But they were.

I stand corrected, but, I remember watching the story of Samantha taking over Marlena's life on youtube and I could tell Andrea and Deidre apart very easily and this story took place in the 70's.   You had suspend disbelief that the people could not tell that Samantha was pretending to be Marlena..lol

4 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

I stand corrected, but, I remember watching the story of Samantha taking over Marlena's life on youtube and I could tell Andrea and Deidre apart very easily and this story took place in the 70's.   You had suspend disbelief that the people could not tell that Samantha was pretending to be Marlena..lol

Yeah, I guess this is what I meant above that biologically they are identical (which is a medical term not having to do with actual looks) but when looking at both women you can clearly tell them apart. 

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