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Pit Bulls And Parolees - General Discussion

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That they'd be condensing all but the heavily-trafficked forums into single threads was announced several weeks or so ago; it's simply a server space issue, so there's no way around it.  Almost every forum in which I post will get vaulted, and future discussion will take place in single threads.  No more organization by episode or season, no more small talk topics or game threads.  I'll have to use Followed Content rather than the Customized Home Page.  It's unfortunate, definitely, but it's how the site can continue, so I just have to adjust.  I hope you'll all stick around, too - for whenever we get new episodes again.  Does anyone know when that will be?  I can't find anything on the show's page on the Animal Planet website.  (This week we don't even get repeats like last week, so I don't know if the season is already over or what.)

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Pit Bulls and Parolees will only have one topic going forward.  This is part of an overall redesign of the site. We are sorry for the initial confusion.  The Mods are learning to navigate through these same changes with you.

The P/Q forums were the first to be updated.  We are working out the quirks.  From this point forward, Pit Bulls and Parolees will have one master thread only.  So, rather than dividing the discussion to separate threads as we used to, this is now all in one big list.  If you have anything to say about the show, the people on the show, media attention related to this or, of course, the dogs, post it here.

Need more info on the reorg?  Look at the announcement on the forum front page.

If the confusion is getting to you, take a moment to enjoy this pup.


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I read the announcement, I understand that there will only be one topic under a lot of threads. I'm ok with that, I've thought that for a lot of threads. I just find it inconvenient to switch all around.

And I don't know when there may be a new episode. I really did enjoy the marathon last week, I got to see a lot of old episodes I'd never seen before. I didn't watch in the California days, so those are new to me. And it was interesting to see how the family has grown over the years. Saw some people who hadn't been around in a long time, it was nice to see them again.

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On 12/20/2018 at 3:51 PM, friendperidot said:

I read the announcement, I understand that there will only be one topic under a lot of threads. I'm ok with that, I've thought that for a lot of threads. I just find it inconvenient to switch all around.

And I don't know when there may be a new episode. I really did enjoy the marathon last week, I got to see a lot of old episodes I'd never seen before. I didn't watch in the California days, so those are new to me. And it was interesting to see how the family has grown over the years. Saw some people who hadn't been around in a long time, it was nice to see them again.

I got to watch a bunch of the old California shows last week before I left for the holidays, and it really struck me how much everyone has changed.  The kids were so, so young!  The situation in Tehachapi was so sad, but the move to Louisiana seems to have been for the best after all.  I admire what they do immensely.  It takes almost superhuman dedication and hard work to keep everything going, and I'm so glad there are people with the will to do it.  

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On 12/20/2018 at 6:51 PM, friendperidot said:

I read the announcement, I understand that there will only be one topic under a lot of threads. I'm ok with that, I've thought that for a lot of threads. I just find it inconvenient to switch all around.

And I don't know when there may be a new episode. I really did enjoy the marathon last week, I got to see a lot of old episodes I'd never seen before. I didn't watch in the California days, so those are new to me. And it was interesting to see how the family has grown over the years. Saw some people who hadn't been around in a long time, it was nice to see them again.

With the respect to new episodes, I thought that Tia referred to the Christmas episode as their "mid-season finale". I think they aren't showing new shows until after New Years, then they will start back up and show the last 6-7 episodes of the season. My guess is they will be back either the 5th or the 12th.

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4 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

With the respect to new episodes, I thought that Tia referred to the Christmas episode as their "mid-season finale".

I just searched VRC's Facebook page, and, yep, that was the mid-season finale and they expect to be away "about a month."  So, yay, new episodes should be coming soon!

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On 12/24/2018 at 10:37 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

We know change can be scary.

Not scared, just tired of constant changes.  I feel like I've been through this too many times since 2014.  If I want to learn new stuff, I'll watch something educational.

I'll still be watching Pit Bulls & Parolees, though.  

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On 12/26/2018 at 11:57 AM, walnutqueen said:

Not scared, just tired of constant changes

I missed the last few episodes of the season. I guess I'll catch up sometime soon. I feel like Tia and VLR ARE my family. I'll bet Tia had no idea how popular and loved she and VLR would become.

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Much like this puppy we are all a little confused by the changes.


During the reorganization the homepage needed to be disabled. Yes, it's annoying.  The Mods also have to go through all of their forums and add them to the Followed list.  So we feel your pain.  We cannot, however, re-enable the homepage at this time.  

The directions to Follow items are included in this sitewide announcement:

If you have a question about the reorganization and the system changes, you can post that on the Questions forum.  If you would like help with something, you can PM me directly, @PrincessPurrsALot

Let's talk about Pitbulls and Parolees or at least pitbulls and/or parolees who work with dogs or anything related to the show. 

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Whoa! Just over on FB and this popped up. First they had to cancel tours of the kennels, now looks like the looney birds might end up ending the volunteers. Notice the quote "yet another" - this isn't the first time something like this sh$t has happened. Any wonder why some of the family is staying off screen with the babies?



Well 2018 couldn't leave us faster. 

Today we had to remove yet another, "overly zealous fan" who went off the rails. Coming here as a volunteer, within a day, it became uncomfortably obvious that she was a little too obsessed with Tia Torres even going as far as to admit to trying to find any of our properties online in an attempt to find out where "Tia lives"..her words.

We asked her nicely to leave and thanked her for her volunteer time.  That's when things turned very ugly.

It took three deputies to remove her from the property while she continued to put up a verbal fight (even refusing to hand over the key to the house).  Once threatened with an arrest, it was only then that she "found" the key and got into her car and left. (and then went next door and parked in someone else's driveway and refused to leave again...sigh)

Thank you SO much to the Assumption Parish Sheriff's Office for giving her a PERSONAL escort out of the parish.

But, it is because of these continuing incidents that we will not be allowing anymore volunteers or new employees out in Assumption Parish (unless you are locals) or INSIDE any of our locations in New Orleans. It has become a big security/safety issue.  In New Orleans we will ONLY be able to offer the dog walking program which is conducted outside the facility gates.

I guess with having a TV show, these kinds of things can happen.  But it's safety first.  We need to do what we have to do to protect the family, the workers and of course the dogs.

2019....please hurry up and get here!

UPDATE:  SHE'S BACK.  Oh boy.....Sheriff's are on their way again."

* bold added for emphasis

Edited by SRTouch
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Hey, on a happier note - something I meant to mention before, but slipped my mind... If you have FB, pop over to the Villalobos Rescue Center page. Click on Photos and Albums - a fairly new album, Happy Tails for 2018, is dedicated to pix of dogs in their forever homes, living the good life after being adopted. Last I checked there are over 30 pix in the album with promise of more to come.

Added note: take the time to read the comments. Lots of the adopters comment on the dogs and how they're doing, sometimes answering questions from some of those who reply - also some of the comments are from people telling of their own dogs' rescue/adoption - not necessarily through VRC - pix included.... SPOILER ALERT! some of the pix are from upcoming adoptions, not yet seen on the show.

Edited by SRTouch
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I stopped contributing to the ASPCA when they started advertising like they are national, instead of limited to NYC only.    And when they shut down the humane law enforcement group a long time ago, and some former employees talked about the pressure on them to enforce the management agenda, no matter what the real situation was.    When they stopped taking all animals from hoarders, and then started allowing them to keep some, I was done with them.      

The second any charity starts doing fund raising by direct mail, or expensive national campaigns, their percentage of money not spent on their cause goes way down, and the admin. cost for advertising becomes hideously high.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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49 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I stopped contributing to the ASPCA when they started advertising like they are national, instead of limited to NYC only.    And when they shut down the humane law enforcement group a long time ago, and some former employees talked about the pressure on them to enforce the management agenda, no matter what the real situation was.    

Ditto. I became disillusioned with them years back. Like so many organizations that sound good, and maybe even start out attempting to achieve their stated mission goals, they have grown to the point that they've become a bureaucratic organization more concerned with fund raising than animal welfare - can this article be correct when it states ASPCA spends more than a third of it's funding on fundraising?  (Same can get said of veterans organizations - another cause near and dear to this retired NCO's heart. Wounded Warriors started as a grass roots organization run by volunteers - now it's rated pretty poorly). My advice to anyone wanting to donate - take a few minutes to google the charity rating of organization you're thinking of donating to - and double check each time you donate, because the ratings shift over time... the ASPCA's ratings - pretty dismal, but far from the worse, IMHO. https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/american-society-for-the-prevention-of-cruelty-to-animals-aspca/ as far as donating to animal welfare, I stick close to home

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On 1/1/2019 at 11:12 AM, SRTouch said:

Ditto. I became disillusioned with them years back. Like so many organizations that sound good, and maybe even start out attempting to achieve their stated mission goals, they have grown to the point that they've become a bureaucratic organization more concerned with fund raising than animal welfare - can this article be correct when it states ASPCA spends more than a third of it's funding on fundraising?  (Same can get said of veterans organizations - another cause near and dear to this retired NCO's heart. Wounded Warriors started as a grass roots organization run by volunteers - now it's rated pretty poorly). My advice to anyone wanting to donate - take a few minutes to google the charity rating of organization you're thinking of donating to - and double check each time you donate, because the ratings shift over time... the ASPCA's ratings - pretty dismal, but far from the worse, IMHO. https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/american-society-for-the-prevention-of-cruelty-to-animals-aspca/ as far as donating to animal welfare, I stick close to home

It's such a tough, heart breaking decision...who to trust to donate our money.  Unfortunately, animal welfare/rescue groups are rampant and I'm guessing some of them are scamming people. I have decided to donate to small rescue groups whom I know use the funds for animal rescue. Some are local and one is on the other side of the country from me. But I know they are dedicated to saving cats, dogs and whatever needs to be helped/saved. 

Bless them all for their hard work. 

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M2 did a great job taking charge of that hoarder situation, figuring out the logistics, giving instructions, and offering encouragement/praise to the parolees who were quite new to rescue.  She also wasn’t an asshole about the conditions.  (I loved her her face at “I call ‘em ugly dogs,” though.)  She’s quite an asset to the rescue.

And, wow, that rescue; that’s a lot of dogs, period, but for most of them to need a lot of socialization, yikes.  I’m glad they were able to work with rescue partners to spread out the burden.

Spencer’s parole violation arrest being so disappointing to them, but not cause for anger, was quite poignant; it happens so often, that the guys really working hard to turn it around make one lapse in judgment about hanging with some of their old crew, and next thing you know, boom, it’s all gone.  I like Earl making sure to check in with Hoolie in the aftermath.  I can’t imagine anyone better to manage the parolees.

Julio’s floppy ears, full-body wiggle, and roadkill style cuddle position were adorable, but he’d be too much energy for me, too.  Dino was more my style, and theirs, but as soon as I saw Timberlake, I rooted for him.  That smile!  I always root for the special needs animals to find a good home, and from the questions they asked I thought they’d put in the work, so I loved that when they called to say they’d picked him, indeed they had done a bunch of research.  And he’s a good student, so they’ll be good together.

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I watched several episodes today, it really helps to watch some of the difficult rescues  when your own dogs are cuddled with your or even when they're at arms' reach. 

Today during the show, my lab mix was asleep with his head on my chest, we were just enjoying the closeness, the pit bull was asleep at the other end of the bed, he woke up, saw where the older dog was and the green eyed monster was on full alert. But I don't think I could watch some of these shows without them.

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On 1/1/2019 at 2:12 PM, SRTouch said:

Ditto. I became disillusioned with them years back. Like so many organizations that sound good, and maybe even start out attempting to achieve their stated mission goals, they have grown to the point that they've become a bureaucratic organization more concerned with fund raising than animal welfare - can this article be correct when it states ASPCA spends more than a third of it's funding on fundraising?  (Same can get said of veterans organizations - another cause near and dear to this retired NCO's heart. Wounded Warriors started as a grass roots organization run by volunteers - now it's rated pretty poorly). My advice to anyone wanting to donate - take a few minutes to google the charity rating of organization you're thinking of donating to - and double check each time you donate, because the ratings shift over time... the ASPCA's ratings - pretty dismal, but far from the worse, IMHO. https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/american-society-for-the-prevention-of-cruelty-to-animals-aspca/ as far as donating to animal welfare, I stick close to home

I’ve been donating to Tia and to the small Lomg Island shelter where we got our dog. 

On 1/19/2019 at 10:11 PM, Bastet said:

M2 did a great job taking charge of that hoarder situation, figuring out the logistics, giving instructions, and offering encouragement/praise to the parolees who were quite new to rescue.  She also wasn’t an asshole about the conditions.  (I loved her her face at “I call ‘em ugly dogs,” though.)  She’s quite an asset to the rescue.

And, wow, that rescue; that’s a lot of dogs, period, but for most of them to need a lot of socialization, yikes.  I’m glad they were able to work with rescue partners to spread out the burden.

Spencer’s parole violation arrest being so disappointing to them, but not cause for anger, was quite poignant; it happens so often, that the guys really working hard to turn it around make one lapse in judgment about hanging with some of their old crew, and next thing you know, boom, it’s all gone.  I like Earl making sure to check in with Hoolie in the aftermath.  I can’t imagine anyone better to manage the parolees.

Julio’s floppy ears, full-body wiggle, and roadkill style cuddle position were adorable, but he’d be too much energy for me, too.  Dino was more my style, and theirs, but as soon as I saw Timberlake, I rooted for him.  That smile!  I always root for the special needs animals to find a good home, and from the questions they asked I thought they’d put in the work, so I loved that when they called to say they’d picked him, indeed they had done a bunch of research.  And he’s a good student, so they’ll be good together.

So sad about Spencer. I was not clear on what happened.  Was he caught associating with folks he wasn’t supposed to?  Darn. 

Timbrrlake was so excited!  

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On 1/21/2019 at 5:36 PM, GussieK said:

as far as donating to animal welfare, I stick close to home

I do the same thing. I have several  animal rescue groups that i donate to whenever I can. I know they are going to use the money for their cause. 

I prefer donating to rescues that try to save all animals, not just dogs.

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On 1/18/2019 at 5:12 PM, RealityCheck said:

If you have the opportunity to read Tia's book "Life Among The Underdogs", you should.  I listened to the audiobook version, which is narrated by Tia, and it was terrific.

Great book.


My only complaint is it is VERY short...only about 250 pages.


What her dad did to her first dog pissed me off to tears. Her family (not her current one) in general explains a LOT about Tias personality and lack of trust in people in general (I can relate so, SO much). Her and I are kindred spirits...I much prefer animals to human company and I too have a shitty family I probably will never talk to again.


The book is basically like the show....laughter...tears....anger...happiness...all within a 15 minute period.


She is a great writer and I hope she continues to write books.


I had to put my best friend and animal soulmate to sleep 15 months ago, so I had to take a break from the show for a while because it was just way too hard to watch animal abuse and all these sad stories. Still hard actually...

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Bringing out those steps for Juneau to climb into the car melted my heart.  How awful that Raven died unexpectedly - I can't imagine the shock of dropping your dog off for grooming and getting the call that he collapsed and died - but how nice that the other dog they wanted if they could have taken two is now with them.  I loved Tia's, "I didn't know she could move!"  No hip pain yet.  And that upside-down position is hilariously cute.

Marcel is incredibly good with scared dogs.  I loved Keller happily curled up in his lap by the time they made it back to the warehouse.  Keller is an adorably wiggly puppy, and I bet the neuter settled down the jumping some, and now he's working his way through obedience training.  I hope he's adopted quickly, so he can continue the training with his owners and get settled in.

I'm glad Maximilian/Pretzel didn't have to suffer much to teach his owners a lesson about updating the chip info/adding an external tag.  I bet they won't be using that petsitter anymore!

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3 hours ago, gesundheit said:

I love this show so much and I just want to look at fewer neck tattoos

I like tattoos.  I have tattoos myself.  However, I have to agree about those on the neck.  They are distracting, and I can't help but think how awful they are going to look in twenty years with the natural aging process. 

I like the show, but it bothers me how much Tia and every member of her family have aged so much since it first started.  Obviously their lifestyle is very stressful and it shows on every one of them.  Even the daughters-in-law look much older than their actual ages.  So frustrating when just about every problem they showcase could be avoided if people would take responsibility for their own actions.  

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My heart aches for Crunch; I suspect he'll live out his life at VRC.  It was sweet to see his short burst of energy to low-key play with toys, but he was wiped out afterward.  And he's just very low-key in general, so there aren't a lot of people out there looking for a dog like him. 

I really like those adopters - that their granddog won them over to the breed, that they want a senior, that they were so enthusiastic about it, and that they agonized so much over picking one (since the first time I went to the shelter to choose two cats, I stood there and cried because I couldn't take them all, I relate).  I liked Lizzie telling them not to feel guilty about who they don't take; no one deserves a home more than the other, so whoever they pick they're doing the right thing.  (I could have used hearing that back when my young self was blubbering in the shelter.)  Since J.D. was the one whose face on the website set the woman on this path, it seems right that he go home with them, but I loved that they loved the others, too, especially the second one (Trigger? Tigger?) -- he sure had some energy for an old guy, and a terrific personality.

Workers cheering as J.D. was led out for his drive to his new home and lining up to kiss good-bye was wonderful.  And Tania put a sweater on him when they got to cold Idaho.  So cute!

Watching Harvest (I assume he's Harvest and she's Autumn) seemingly totally unfamiliar with how to get into a vehicle was touching, as was how much he relied on his presumed mama.  And, I'll probably say this every episode, but Marcel is terrific with skittish dogs. 

The DNA testing was silly fun (LOL at everyone trying to bribe Tia to tell them the results early instead of waiting until all the results were in).  I'm not good with identifying dog breeds, and don't really care, but it was fun.  Dugan is hilarious looking.  I remember the rescue of the dingoes, so I love that they stayed in the family.  Marcel talking about Outlaw got me choked up; don't we all know how true it is than when your self esteem is in the toilet for some reason, the unconditional love of a pet makes a huge difference.  And, of course, Lulu - Tania's love for that funny little dog has always made me smile.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

My heart aches for Crunch; I suspect he'll live out his life at VRC. 

I am always heartbroken when I think about all the dogs destined to live out their lives (or too many years) at VRC, although I know it is preferable to the alternatives.  Every animal deserves a decent home and a loving human to care for them.

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I just got to see the entire episode on the rescue of the wolf dogs. That was intense. I assume that the staff that gets involved in the rescues all get rabies vaccines. But that Tia and Mariah both got bitten was hard. I had a friend that retired this year from bat rescue and she had to keep the vaccines current, but she also had to have a rabies shot if she got bitten by a bat that tested positive.  

Mariah and Marcel are both such excellent partner choices and the way they both get so involved in the rescues is wonderful. Marcel is such a dog whisperer or charmer, but he always seems to win over those frightened animals.

Editing to add Lizzie too, she is one of the best.

Edited by friendperidot
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I remember an episode way back in the California days where Krunch was adopted by A.J.'s new lawyer, but then he showed up in future episodes as being up for adoption with little to no explanation as to what happened. (I think he may have even been adopted twice and returned for some reason, but I can't remember why or where I got that impression.) Seeing him in last night's episode as a senior dog was painful to see. I went to check for him on the VRC website, and if it's up-to-date, he's been adopted again: http://www.vrcpitbull.com/dogs/krunch/. I really hope this one sticks.

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As much as I love this show and appreciate what Tia and her family do for the Pitt bull dogs, I am not a dog person. I recently lost my cat companion of 12.5 years and am heart broken. I see all those wonderful black cats they have at VRC do,they adopt them out too?  I would drive from MT to add 2 of them to my family.

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Marcel is incredibly good with scared dogs. 

Any time there's a really scared dog, I shout at the TV, "Send Marcel!" He has the most calming presence. I wish he was around to console ME when I'm nervous about something, haha!

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14 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

As much as I love this show and appreciate what Tia and her family do for the Pitt bull dogs, I am not a dog person. I recently lost my cat companion of 12.5 years and am heart broken. I see all those wonderful black cats they have at VRC do,they adopt them out too?  I would drive from MT to add 2 of them to my family.

They do cat adoptions as well, although I'm not sure that they post any of them on their website. I thought I remembered Tia saying that they use partners to facilitate the cat adoptions on the Jackson Galaxy episode. Does anyone remember?

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6 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Excellent! I’m not quite ready yet, but I will check out their website and see if I can find any cat info. Thanks!

Try their facebook page, if you have access. 

Since I'm a dedicated cat lady myself, I'd also like you to consider adopting a local black, senior or soon-to-be-executed cat or two, and donating the gas & lodging money you save to the VRC or other cat rescue (unless you're planning a trip there already).  If you want a kitten, many feral rescue groups have kittens that are easily socialized.  No matter what you decide, I know your cat(s) will be well loved, and will fill another corner of your broken heart.

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Good for Streets noticing there was now a crated dog on the porch of that trailer he passed by on the way to work, setting in motion Domino’s rescue.  I’m so glad Domino is with VRC, rather than a shelter, as they’ll take the time to assess his triggers and evaluate how to help him trust people other than Streets.   And he has Streets, which is a sweet bond.

I don’t watch the Dog Bowl (or the new Cat Bowl) more than a snippet here and there – and on mute because the music and announcing drive me nuts – but I love that they exist.  The existence of the Puppy and Kitten Bowls is great, too, but the adults have an even harder time getting adopted, so I’m really glad there are now programs to showcase them.  Poor Whitney being the only one not to get adopted last year!  I’m glad everyone got adoption applications this time, and hope it works out for everyone.

Like Tia, I understand the adopters taking in the stray that just showed up (growing up, that's how we got almost all our cats; people dumped them, and they turned up in our yard), but while I’m happy for that dog I’m bummed for Catera, who had a home, was returned, and then was within moments of having a home again.   I was happy to see the update, and hope the third time is the charm and she is indeed in her forever home while the stray is happily snuggled into hers/his with the adopters.

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I'm not usually so cynical, but my first thought was that Catera's potential adopters were lying and didn't want to admit they'd either changed their minds about Catera or about getting a dog at all. 

Something about Tia's expression and tone of voice made me think she wasn't 100% buying it, either.

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49 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I'm not usually so cynical, but my first thought was that Catera's potential adopters were lying and didn't want to admit they'd either changed their minds about Catera or about getting a dog at all. 

Something about Tia's expression and tone of voice made me think she wasn't 100% buying it, either.

I considered that, too, especially since it's more common for a cat (my numerous experiences with strays turning up, apparently seeing the "Need a home?  Pop up here looking pathetic" sign hovering over our house) than a dog to just show up in a yard, but it seemed the potential adopters were local to the Assumption Parish location, rather than the city, so fencing is different and it's more possible for a dog to turn up in one's yard (and, regardless, they may have meant front yard, which is how we wound up with a pit mix for a month or so back when I was a teen while we worked to find a good home for her separation anxiety). 

They've also usually been candid yet diplomatic when potential adoptions didn't work out on this show, so that also leads me toward believing the story, but Tia's demeanor during the phone call may indeed have spoken to something beyond disappointment (whether it was captured in the moment, which I doubt, given the lack of the adopters' side of the conversation, or a reenactment in which she was asked to replicate her reaction upon receiving the actual call).  So that possibility remains.  But with her having been adopted in the interim, there was no "let's showcase her sad story in the hopes of getting her a home" motivation for picking her as one of those among the many stories shot to air.  It could go either way.

And, either way, it's good -- Catera either dodged a bullet with folks who wanted to be on TV more than they wanted a dog and then found a good home, or she found a good home AND one of the many stray dogs in Louisiana wandered into the right yard and also has a good home -- so I'll focus on that and hope it's the latter.

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So happy for Catera who is now a Jersey Girl just like me. Welcome to Jersey sweetie ❤️

A little side note..l sponsor a VRC dog named Ollie Belle and for Christmas I purchased squeaky toys and a warm, soft blanket for her through Chewey’s. Yesterday, I received a welcome to Chewey’s postcard and soecifically mentioning my urchase to VRC by saying that they hope the VRC doggiesenjoyed their gifts. how nice of them  to do that.

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