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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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A list I never really thought I'd see Oliver in until this season: 


7 TV Hunks Who Ruined Us For Real Life Dating



Oliver Queen does not belong on this list, you say. Oliver Queen is a player. He’s not a one-woman man. And you would have been right a couple of seasons ago. Not now. Oliver Queen was not a perfect boyfriend to Laurel Lance, let’s be clear on that. But so far, even when he hasn’t been her actual boyfriend, Oliver’s devotion to Felicity Smoak is actually the stuff of fairytales. He proclaimed his love for her at the send of Season 2, and from that moment on, even after the disastrous date, even when she was dating Ray, Oliver never wavered. He was in love with Felicity, damn it, and she was all he wanted. No other woman existed. In fact, he’d already said “I love you” multiple times before we ever actually got to hear her reciprocate. But that’s okay. Oliver wasn’t saying it to hear it back. He was saying it because he just couldn’t keep it in.

Cue me melting into a poodle of goo at the floor.

If he was this dedicated before he and Felicity were even in a relationship, can you imagine Season 4 Oliver?
Edited by wonderwall
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Fandom Awards Ship of the Year: Our Top 7 Moments for Arrow’s Olicity
JULY 6, 2015

The [MTV] Fandom Awards have us thinking about all of the reasons we love Olicity, so we’ve compiled a list of our top 7 moments for Arrow’s Oliver and Felicity last season. Cause if this was all three seasons, we could go on forever. It’s already hard enough just picking seven from last season.... (read more)
Edited by tv echo
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Has this been posted yet?


Stephen Amell advises REELSIDE on superheroes (on Thursday, July 9 at 9 p.m.)




"Stephen Amell knows a thing or two about superheroes, especially when it comes to what it takes to bring them to life on screen, and now he’s sharing that knowledge with others. The Arrow star will appear on the season finale of The Movie Network’s original series REELSIDE on Thursday, July 9 at 9 p.m.

The half-hour documentary series will have a superhero-themed episode that focuses on director Matthew Lochner’s journey to create his own superhero concept. Amell is amongst the experts he enlists for help along with David Hayter (screenplay writer on X-men) and Lloyd Kaufman. The three will be interviewed by Lochner as he tries to understand why superheroes are compelling and what drives their careers. [...]"


see: http://www.thetvjunkies.com/stephen-amell-advises-reelside-on-superheroes/

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One more quote from the article posted above:


“Well I’m biased towards what we try to do on Arrow, which is to provide a world with which people can relate to and try to put it all to experiences that can be replicated to real life,” he [Amell] says. Amell went on to explain that “the secret sauce” for Arrow lies in “maintaining a vulnerability about Oliver that creates real stakes, not just for him but for all the characters.”


"... a world people can relate to and try to put it all to experiences that can be replicated to real life..."


Well, TBH I'm no so sure, if this is what they really did in S3... But that's just my personal opinion...

Edited by Kordi
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To be fair, Stephen is not the showrunner nor the writers so what happened in s3 with The Atom etc, is not on him.


Also, if this documentary was shot during s2, they were still working in the "real"-ish world so what he is saying is true.  And I think from an actor's viewpoint, Stephen does work to keep Oliver as realistic as possible.

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I didn´t want to critcize SA. He´s one of my main reasons why I keep watching this show, and I do like his performance very much!


I only posted the extra quote, because I feel that this past season was not about building "a world people can relate to", but about building a world with as many masked super heroes as possible having as many "gotcha!" moments as possible. And that´s a pity, because ARROW has so much potential.


I would really want the EPs to watch SA´s interview in the documentary and reflect on his statements.

IMO the show would improve a lot if they listened to their lead and took to heart/ put into practice what he says.

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Interesting list - I'm not sure I agree with his exact order (though I'm happy to see Oliver at #1)...


Arrow: The 18 Most Powerful Characters

8 Jul 2015 James Hunt


Being powerful doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be able to fight, either with weapons or hand-to-hand, and one of the best examples of that is with Felicity Smoak.

Having graduated from M.I.T – class of ’09 – she began working for Queen Consolidated, where her computer skills drew the attention of Oliver and he used her to help in his activities as the Hood. Eventually he had to let her in on his secret, and along with Diggle she helps form the core of Team Arrow.

While the show may have done a disservice to her character in season 3, reducing her to more of a love interest role, she has been shown to possess extremely high intelligence, and incredible computer and hacking skills. Oh, and she took out a League member by throwing her tablet at him…


And the article lost any credibility with me in the last paragraph.  No, she didn't take out a League member with her tablet but she did when she bonked one over the head in The Fallen. 


The ranking is all kinds of weird. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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And the article lost any credibility with me in the last paragraph.  No, she didn't take out a League member with her tablet but she did when she bonked one over the head in The Fallen. 


The ranking is all kinds of weird.

Was I reading the list correctly?  Because I didn't see Laurel anywhere on it!  They listed several villains-of-the-week, but not the Black Canary or Laurel Lance, the crusading lawyer?!?  Hahahahaha!


ETA: The only mentioned Laurel/Black Canary in Sara's/The Canary description, but she didn't get her own ranking:

The original Canary, Sara Lance, was presumed dead at the same time as Oliver, but actually survived and joined the League of Assassins, before becoming a vigilante in Starling City.

With League training she is an extremely skilled fighter, while she also has a sonic device – her version of the ‘Canary call’ – that can be used to disable a crowd of people at once. Having fought alongside Team Arrow, she was killed for real by Thea – under the influence of a drug given to her by Merlyn – which kick-started the Ra’s al Ghul arc of season 3. However, she is set to return from the dead yet again (this time as White Canary) in upcoming spin-off show DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

Sara’s death was not just the cause of the League’s interest in Starling and Oliver, but also the catalyst for Laurel to become a crime fighter as well. With Sara’s jacket and training from Wildcat, she became the vigilante Black Canary, and has continued to develop her skills to the point she is now a key member of Team Arrow.


I can't believe they didn't list Moira!  How can people like Komodo and Billy Wintergreen be ranked instead of dynamic characters like Moira?  A lot of their choices and the order seem arbitrary, honestly--except for the Black Canary omission!

Edited by EmeraldArcher
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And I was telling myself not to get excited for Arrow's next season.  However, now I can get all depressed about the possible effect of this on Agent Carter.

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I hear that Agent Carter's powers that be have an in with Arrows powers that be. I'm sure they could come to some reasonable agreement. ;)

Edited by BkWurm1
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A slightly longer video of the Reelside episode..

with a confusing face, the guy making this movie says in the beginning that Stephen left Toronto after getting a divorce.. which is news to me, he never mentioned his current marriage is his second. so I think there may be a mistake by the show maker.


Edited by foreverevolving
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Wow. I had no idea he was married before. Now I want to know everything. Man, I'm so nosy! 

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Wow. I had no idea he was married before. Now I want to know everything. Man, I'm so nosy!

He talked a bit about it in the Girl on Guy podcast with Aisha Tyler last year. He just didn't specifically refer to it as a marriage, which really isn't that big of a deal. It was clear he felt bad about how the relationship ended so I can't blame him for not broadcasting his personal life in detail to the world.

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No one is saying it matters or it's a big deal. I was just expressing my surprise that he was married before. 

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No one is saying it matters or it's a big deal. I was just expressing my surprise that he was married before.

Oh I know you weren't. My post was addressing your "Now I want to know everything" comment because he spent a couple of minutes talking about it on the podcast. :)

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Oh I know you weren't. My post was addressing your "Now I want to know everything" comment because he spent a couple of minutes talking about it on the podcast. :)


Sorry. My post was directed at someone else, not you. I forgot to link to the comment. :)

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