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Smallville Paved the Way for Arrowverse Success Claims Michael Rosenbaum
NEERAJ CHAND— September 2nd, 2019


Weighing in on the success these shows enjoy in their current time, Rosenbaum credited Smallville for paving the way for the DC television shows currently in vogue. The 2001 show featured an origin story for Superman, played by Tom Welling, growing up in Smallville and learning to use his powers while befriending a young Lex Luthor, played by Rosenbaum. The show enjoyed huge popularity and is still fondly remembered by fans, a fact which, according to Rosenbaum, helped give a boost to future DC television action-dramas.

"A lot of fans loved Lois & Clark, but this was cinematic. This was the first time a TV show that was comic book related was cinematic. It was a movie every week, and the effects were something that people hadn't seen before...It was extraordinary. And they put so much money into this, and the characters were really developed, and it was an interesting story, and I just felt like it was unique. Now Arrow, and Flash, and all these other shows, they've kind of come up, but Smallville was the original. It just was. I'm not saying that because we were on it. It was the first, it launched everything else. It was the reason why the other shows were successful. It's just true."

Edited by tv echo
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Arrow: The 10 Most Important Episodes To Watch Before The End
by Stephanie Holland  – on Sep 02, 2019  


What makes this hour so critical is the ending, where we finally get to see Oliver and Felicity have a happy life... until The Monitor shows up to collect on Oliver’s debt. He tells Oliver he will not survive the crisis but can save other universes first, thus setting up the coming end to his story and providing fans a full summer of dread.
*  *  *
On the surface, “The Odyssey” may not seem like an important episode. However, this is where Oliver reveals his secret to Felicity and she decides to join the team, which changes the course of both their lives forever.

Over the years, we’ve heard Felicity say that she fell in love with Oliver the minute he brought her a laptop with bullet holes, but for Oliver, deciding to trust her was a big step. It wasn’t until he, Diggle and Felicity formed Team Arrow that he became a better hero, with real direction and purpose.


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10 Of Oliver Queen's Most Controversial Choices In CW's Arrow
by Chris Hinton  – on Jun 14, 2019


It’s unfathomable that Ollie did not ensure that Diaz ironically met his end in prison after the vengeful soul exclaimed that he would never die in a cell. The man has caused Ollie pain and suffering mostly by threatening the one thing Ollie values more than his crusade: his family. While imprisoned, it tore him apart to believe that Diaz could possibly find Felicity or his son. While he’s jumped on and off the boat of lethal force throughout the series, this is one instance that completely allowed it within the realm of Oliver Queen’s character. Yet, he didn’t do it. Why? The only reason I could possibly think of is simply that the writers wanted Diaz to terrorize Ollie more.
*  *  *
It's absolutely mind-boggling that Oliver ever brought a son into his world. The first few seasons of the series were all about Oliver coming to grips with the dangerous nature of his nightly duties. He kept his secret from everyone including his closest friend Laurel and his mother and sister. He pushed Felicity away from a potential relationship at one point because of the dangerous position she'd be in. Eventually, she convinces Oliver she accepted the occupational hazards regardless and they become an item.

Then Oliver's son is introduced and his mother dies as a result of the enemies Oliver has made. What's the best thing for William? Of course, bring him into Oliver's life with a bedroom just down the hall. If Oliver was going to be the dad he vowed to be, he would've given up his crusade. But then, the show would've ended. So he most certainly should have found a way to keep William safe at a distance, even if that meant sending him to live with grandma or Uncle Bob on his mother's side. Hell, send him away with Thea and Roy. He'd be safer there than being threatened by monsters like Diaz.

There really was no valid reason at all for Oliver to keep this a secret from Felicity. "You are the only person on this planet who considers the truth complicated," Felicity says. I don't think we could agree with her more. At this point, Ollie is four seasons into his crusade. If he's learned even one thing, it's that his secrets sow division between him and his allies. While smartly keeping secrets from enemies and the general public may be one thing, compartmentalizing information from his own team members and love interests will always spell disaster in the end. For those who haven't watched beyond season 4—spoilers—Oliver still hasn't learned this lesson.


Edited by tv echo

Paste included Arrow's final season in its Fall TV guide:


It’s the true end of an era. The CW’s Arrow, the show that spawned five spin-offs and served as the anchor for an entire shared universe of superhero series, is hanging up its proverbial hood. With just ten episodes left and the network’s biggest crossover event to date—an adaptation of comic story “Crisis on Infinite Earths”— looming on the horizon, it’s hard to anticipate what might happen during the final season of a show that’s already predicted its hero’s demise, sent him on a vision quest with a dimension-hopping alien gatekeeper, and shown us a grim future in which Star City becomes a dystopian nightmare. But, since Arrow was the CW series that proved comic book stories could both survive and thrive on the small screen, it’s only fitting that it will get the chance to show us how to end one, too. Bring Kleenex.— Lacy Baugher

54 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Paste included Arrow's final season in its Fall TV guide:


... it’s hard to anticipate what might happen during the final season of a show that’s already predicted its hero’s demise, sent him on a vision quest with a dimension-hopping alien gatekeeper, and shown us a grim future in which Star City becomes a dystopian nightmare. ...

It's really amazing how much the show has changed from it's original premise. Not saying that's good or bad, but I doubt much of anything in the final season is what they envisioned when Arrow was first developed.

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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

Smallville Paved the Way for Arrowverse Success Claims Michael Rosenbaum
NEERAJ CHAND— September 2nd, 2019

Interesting. I wonder what he thinks of the fact that Berlanti's DCTV pretty much had done everything it could to distance itself from Smallville for 7 years until last year's crossover.

8 hours ago, tv echo said:

10 Of Oliver Queen's Most Controversial Choices In CW's Arrow
by Chris Hinton  – on Jun 14, 2019

8 hours ago, tv echo said:

He kept his secret from everyone including his closest friend Laurel

I think the show wanted us to think they were such close friends, but most of the time, they barely seemed like acquaintances. 

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DC Characters Who Should Get An Arrowverse Series After Stephen Amell’s ‘Arrow’


With how often shows get cancelled, it’s strange at times to believe that Arrow has been on the air since 2012. Stephen Amell’s DC series helped kick off what we now know as the Arrowverse, which encompasses The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, the upcoming Batwoman series, and the CW Seed Vixen series. ....
*  *  *
But some things must come to an end. With the CW, that almost seems impossible, but as you know by now, Stephen Amell’s Arrow will be the first of the Arrowverse DC shows to come to an end with its upcoming eighth season. In effect, the series that helped kick off this shared DC universe will bow out ahead of the other series that it helped create. Think about it: if Stephen Amell’s Arrow had flopped right out of the gate and no one bought Stephen Amell as the Green Arrow, would we have even met Barry Allen in Arrow’s second season?

Would there even be a motivation to create a Supergirl series, despite it taking place on a different Earth than the other Arrowverse series? I say this all to say that, regardless of your opinion of it, the success of Stephen Amell’s Arrow, coupled with Stephen Amell’s leading performance, helped spawn other live-action DC series on The CW and create a world not unlike what we see on the big screen with the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the DC Extended Universe.
*  *  *
4) Birds of Prey
Funny that I’m suggesting Birds of Prey right after recent reports that Katie Cassidy suggested a Birds of Prey show to The CW. With Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) set to hit theaters next year, the team will have much more name recognition with the general audience. Given that the Arrowverse already has the likes of Black Canary, Black Siren, White Canary, and Huntress, there’s no shortage of team members.

Admittedly, we haven’t seen Jessica De Gouw’s Huntress since the “Birds of Prey”-titled episode of Stephen Amell’s Arrow. That’s another candidate to join the team. Sara may be busy with leading the Legends, but at the very least, you can have Earth-2 Laurel, Dinah Drake, and Huntress kicking ass out there. Plus, Oliver mentioned in Season 4 that he was going to give Felicity the nickname “Oracle,” but it’s taken.

... If the “Oracle” name-drop wasn’t just an Easter Egg, then perhaps there is a Barbara Gordon out there. Granted, Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen probably wouldn’t believe it since “Elseworlds” established that he believes Batman is an urban legend, but let’s assume that the Arrowverse has a Barbara Gordon already at work.
*  *  *
Plus, once Stephen Amell’s Arrow ends, you have an opportunity to relocate the cast of characters. Depending on where the story takes them, I think a Birds of Prey show could allow the likes of Laurel, Dinah, and Helena to relocate to Gotham City, thus building out Batwoman’s corner of the Arrowverse at the same time.

1) Vixen
2) Green Lantern
3) Ted Kord
4) Birds of Prey
5) The Justice Society of America
6) The Legion of Super-Heroes
7) Zatanna
8  ) Static Shock
9) The Question
10) Midnighter

Edited by tv echo
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This isn't a bad list but I do wish these sites would just stop including Birds Of Prey because anyone with even a little knowledge of how Warner Bros operates knows that there won't be a show because of the movie. If the movie is successful they'll want to build upon that and if it tanks they'll want to take a risk on different characters. Not to mention the fact that you can't do the series without Barbara Gordon and there's nothing to indicate that they've changed their minds on letting her be available for television (I realize that the movie teasers and news don't include her either but there's still speculation that she'll get referenced or that we will see her as either Oracle or in a cameo). The only reason Gotham got to use her is because they kept her a child and in the final episodes of the series. The time for an Arrowverse Birds Of Prey show was after season 2 before they killed Sara and WB was struggling on the movie side.

I do agree that Vixen should at least be in the running for a spinoff especially now that LOT changed the past and Mari shares the powers with Kuasa. They can even include Amaya if they wanted and right there is a show I'd be all over.

I'd honestly only be interested in a Green Lantern show if it starred Ramsey. But I don't think the CW would be able to pull off the budget required nor do I think WB is quite willing to give up on whatever plans they have for the character in movies so it's all moot anyway.

Justice Society of America and Legion of Super Heroes would both potentially be interesting but we saw several members of the former die in the past on LOT and the latter would presumably require Winn's presence and I can't see Jordan returning to full time television for a while so they'd have to have the characters be from alternate Earths and survive Crisis or just bring on additionally unknown members and just hand wave viewer expectations. There's also the same budget issues that the CW would have problems with so I doubt these will happen.

Nothing would make me happier than a Zatanna show but, again, budget.

I don't care about Ted Kord, Static Shock, or Midnighter so I won't speculate on them. The Question wouldn't be a bad choice for a spinoff but I hesitate to think that WB would sign off on it.

If Dick Grayson wasn't kicking ass over on Titans I'd speculate that he could lead a potential spinoff and get introduced through Batwoman but DCU had enough sense to take the reins on that one themselves.

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Disc Reviews : Arrow, Flash, Banana Splits, Sheldon
BY Caffeinated Clint   September 9, 2019


Arrow : The Complete Seventh Season

Like any series, there’s usually a point where Henry Winkler is forced to peel himself into a wet suit and jump over a foam white pointer – thankfully for The CW’s “Arrow” that time hasn’t come yet (and with the show about to wrap, it might not come).

Seven 7, believe it or not, actually plants a welcome firecracker under the show’s touché by shaking things up and adding some compel back into proceedings, with the now-outed Green Arrow behind bars, facing some of the rogues he put in there over the past seasons. Stephen Amell is as good as ever but it’s Emily Bett Richard’s Felicity Smoak who gets the dynamite arc this season.

Nice fan-pleasing assortment of bibs and bobs including Comic-Con panel, featurettes, gag reel, deleted scenes.

Edited by tv echo
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27 Returning TV Shows That Are Worth Keeping Up On This Fall
Nora Dominick   September 10, 2019


8.  Arrow
It's the superhero series that started the entire DCTV universe and it's getting ready to come to an end. If you ever watched Arrow during its eight season run, now is the time to jump back in. The final season will feature the return of some fan-favorite characters and will lead to Oliver's presumed death in the massive crossover event "Crisis on Infinite Earths."

When it returns: Oct. 15 on The CW

How to catch up: Seasons 1–7 on Netflix

9. Plus, every other Arrowverse show
So, this is a TON of shows, but if you want to fully enjoy "Crisis on Infinite Earths," watching The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Black Lightning is essential. Think of this crossover event as the DCTV equivalent of Avengers: Endgame. The crossover will span multiple nights and will be a must-watch event. Plus, this is the first time Black Lightning will be part of the crossover.

When they returns: Supergirl on Oct. 6, Black Lightning on Oct. 7, The Flash on Oct. 8, and Legends of Tomorrow will premiere mid-season.

How to catch up: Every season is streaming on Netflix*

*If you catch up on 22 seasons of every single Arrowverse show in a month, you have not failed this city.

Edited by tv echo

21 Fall TV Shows To Be Excited For, From American Horror Story 1984 To The Mandalorian
By Dan Auty  September 12, 2019


16. Arrow Season 8
The CW, October 15

The final season for the original Arrow-verse show. Seven years is a long time for any modern superhero TV show, and the popularity of this show has helped create a big and much-loved universe of connected shows. While the Arrow-verse continues to grow, it will be sad to say goodbye--Stephen Amell has really grown into the role of Oliver Queen over years, and the series has remained nicely grounded in comparison to the more outlandish storylines of the other series. As with the other CW shows this fall, Arrow will play a part in the major crossover event "Crisis on Infinite Earths"--and with the show coming to an end, the stakes could not be higher.

11. Batwoman
12. Supergirl Season 5
14. Black Lightning Season 3
15. The Flash Season 6
16. Arrow Season 8

Edited by tv echo
On 9/8/2019 at 2:25 PM, scarynikki12 said:

This isn't a bad list but I do wish these sites would just stop including Birds Of Prey because anyone with even a little knowledge of how Warner Bros operates knows that there won't be a show because of the movie. If the movie is successful they'll want to build upon that and if it tanks they'll want to take a risk on different characters. Not to mention the fact that you can't do the series without Barbara Gordon and there's nothing to indicate that they've changed their minds on letting her be available for television (I realize that the movie teasers and news don't include her either but there's still speculation that she'll get referenced or that we will see her as either Oracle or in a cameo). The only reason Gotham got to use her is because they kept her a child and in the final episodes of the series. The time for an Arrowverse Birds Of Prey show was after season 2 before they killed Sara and WB was struggling on the movie side.

I do agree that Vixen should at least be in the running for a spinoff especially now that LOT changed the past and Mari shares the powers with Kuasa. They can even include Amaya if they wanted and right there is a show I'd be all over.

I'd honestly only be interested in a Green Lantern show if it starred Ramsey. But I don't think the CW would be able to pull off the budget required nor do I think WB is quite willing to give up on whatever plans they have for the character in movies so it's all moot anyway.

Justice Society of America and Legion of Super Heroes would both potentially be interesting but we saw several members of the former die in the past on LOT and the latter would presumably require Winn's presence and I can't see Jordan returning to full time television for a while so they'd have to have the characters be from alternate Earths and survive Crisis or just bring on additionally unknown members and just hand wave viewer expectations. There's also the same budget issues that the CW would have problems with so I doubt these will happen.

Nothing would make me happier than a Zatanna show but, again, budget.

I don't care about Ted Kord, Static Shock, or Midnighter so I won't speculate on them. The Question wouldn't be a bad choice for a spinoff but I hesitate to think that WB would sign off on it.

If Dick Grayson wasn't kicking ass over on Titans I'd speculate that he could lead a potential spinoff and get introduced through Batwoman but DCU had enough sense to take the reins on that one themselves.

CW can easily do a female team up series. It doesnt have to be titled Birds Of Prey or even have those exact characters the movie is using in it.

11 minutes ago, Proteus said:

CW can easily do a female team up series. It doesnt have to be titled Birds Of Prey or even have those exact characters the movie is using in it.

For sure and I'd love to see it but my issue is mentioning it as an option at all. They seem to all make a point to include Birds of Prey (so they can include Cassidy's Comic Con quote about pitching the show to the network), which I get because it's DC's most famous female team up, but with Barbara, Dinah, and Helena all intended for the movies, and a Birds Of Prey movie coming out in February, there's no point in even speculating on a show. I know I shouldn't be acknowledging it but it really annoys me.

Now, if they wanted to speculate on a Stephanie Brown show I'd respond far more favorably like I do whenever Zatanna is mentioned. She'd be a solid option to lead an Arrowverse spinoff since they can just focus on her becoming Spoiler, her fraught relationship with her father, and don't even need to include her time as Robin or Batgirl if they don't want to confuse viewers/WB says no.

But it's all ultimately moot because I don't think the CW will greenlight a new Arrowverse show unless it's Future Team Arrow or one that includes women but is ultimately led by a man.

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15 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

For sure and I'd love to see it but my issue is mentioning it as an option at all. They seem to all make a point to include Birds of Prey (so they can include Cassidy's Comic Con quote about pitching the show to the network), which I get because it's DC's most famous female team up, but with Barbara, Dinah, and Helena all intended for the movies, and a Birds Of Prey movie coming out in February, there's no point in even speculating on a show. I know I shouldn't be acknowledging it but it really annoys me.

Now, if they wanted to speculate on a Stephanie Brown show I'd respond far more favorably like I do whenever Zatanna is mentioned. She'd be a solid option to lead an Arrowverse spinoff since they can just focus on her becoming Spoiler, her fraught relationship with her father, and don't even need to include her time as Robin or Batgirl if they don't want to confuse viewers/WB says no.

But it's all ultimately moot because I don't think the CW will greenlight a new Arrowverse show unless it's Future Team Arrow or one that includes women but is ultimately led by a man.

Well we know some new Arrowverse show is in development from Pedowitzs comments this past August. He didn't seem too keen on a FTA show to me since he said it's a possibility but they are looking at doing a different property instead for next season. I personally don't think an Arrow Junior show is a strong enough concept for a whole series. I guess we'll know soon what DC show the CW is considering.

1 hour ago, Proteus said:

Well we know some new Arrowverse show is in development from Pedowitzs comments this past August. He didn't seem too keen on a FTA show to me since he said it's a possibility but they are looking at doing a different property instead for next season. I personally don't think an Arrow Junior show is a strong enough concept for a whole series. I guess we'll know soon what DC show the CW is considering.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but he also said they weren't planning to spin off another show during s3 of arrow and the next year, legends of tomorrow was in the works. You won't know until they want you to know. The fact that Pedowitz got asked the question  about a next gen spin off is already a huge sign.

  • Useful 2
19 minutes ago, RS3 said:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but he also said they weren't planning to spin off another show during s3 of arrow and the next year, legends of tomorrow was in the works. You won't know until they want you to know. The fact that Pedowitz got asked the question  about a next gen spin off is already a huge sign.

I dont see it as a huge sign. Especially since it sounds like another property is taking precedence.

How to Say Goodbye: Advice From The Stars of ‘Arrow’ + ‘The Good Place’


Juliana Harkavy (“Arrow”): This show, and because of the trajectory we’re taking right now where every episode is so big is like the concept “a body in motion stays in motion.” I feel like that’s happening and I’m ready for the next thing.

Rick Gonzalez (“Arrow”): For me, it’s always been a marathon as an actor—just keep going. Enjoy it. I always try to maintain a perspective that keeps me energetic toward the work and wanting to continue to work. I mean, there are things in the kitchen cooking, but you’ll have to wait and see.”
*  *  *
Rick Gonzalez: As [actors], we always say this, but you get a job and you realize that job dictates where you are in your life and what you’re able to accomplish as the actor because you’re going through something that will allow that or give you the perspective for it. I’ve played a dad before in my career, but the fact that I had to play with Rene, who has Zoe, and I have a 6-year-old at home has definitely prepared me as a father in terms of where Rene is. Everything I went through as a dad has prepared me for Rene. And having to find that in terms of the character, because there’s this angst that Rene has, but at the same time where is he in terms of his gentleness with her and how he feels about her and how he shows that. I wouldn’t be able to play this character if I didn’t have my daughter. I don’t think you would have felt it the same.
*  *  *
Stephen Amell (“Arrow”): I spent maybe the first three seasons being a little bit precious about how people behaved on set and that type of thing. Little things would bother me, and then between Season 3 and Season 4 I went and shot [2016’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows”] in New York and nobody gives a shit about anything when you’re filming in New York City. They’re very, very professional, but people are running by and honking horns or talking, the crew’s moving around. Then I came back. So if I could go back now to Season 1 where the show had a real outsized importance because I was semisingle and wasn’t a dad, so the show meant everything, I’d go back and I’d say, “Hey man, [calm down].”

Juliana Harkavy (“Arrow”): Women in this series and Dinah, in particular, have really helped me in my personal life because I’m actually naturally pretty shy, a little bit introverted, and I’ll question myself. Things that we all do. These characters really show you the juxtaposition of that place in yourself. They teach you to stand like this instead of like that. It’s really changed me in my real life. It’s helped me become a stronger person.

Edited by tv echo

WB/DC is in a very interesting place at this moment in time where they are so over the place that the chance of a BoP series coming to tv is definitely 50/50. We went from a Superman embargo on Supergirl to actually getting Superman, Bruce Wayne is a reoccurring character on Titans (sure not batman but that's a big win), various series are able to reference the Trinity (when even references were off limits) and they stopped their lame embargoing on the animated front. Really it just depends on how they feel on any given day.

But if we were to get a series or just even use the character in general in the Arrowverse, just recast Huntress! She appeared 3 times over 6 years ago? If Jessica isn't available then nothing is lost by getting someone else for the role, same with Vixen.

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13 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

WB/DC is in a very interesting place at this moment in time where they are so over the place that the chance of a BoP series coming to tv is definitely 50/50. We went from a Superman embargo on Supergirl to actually getting Superman, Bruce Wayne is a reoccurring character on Titans (sure not batman but that's a big win), various series are able to reference the Trinity (when even references were off limits) and they stopped their lame embargoing on the animated front. Really it just depends on how they feel on any given day.

I definitely don't know which property DC allowed them to have. But right now, there's an on-going Battle of the Spin-Offs between some of the cast who want to stay in the arrowverse. Kat/Ben with the next gen, Katie/Juliana with BoP and David with Green Lantern. I'm pretty sure the first time KC mentioned it was a few years ago when she met GS but nothing came out of it then and I don't know why her chances would be better now with the movie happening. IMO there's a huge difference between being a secondary character in someone else's show (like Clark or Bruce) than being the lead of a whole new show. There's not even a flash movie. Having a BoP movie and a BoP series at the same time... Eh, I'd say 10/90.

Plus I read that KC has been liking comments about going to legends. DR recently talked about the DC limitations for the green lantern name. Time will tell.

The Flash doesn't have a movie because it's in developmental hell with no one staying attached so it's not as if they aren't actively trying. Being secondary when it comes to Trinity still is a big thing and it's something that gets a lot of media coverage,  you are still portraying them in a way that will be different from the movie. 

KC bringing up a show to GS years back isn't anything that big since Arrow was still going strong and Gail isn't anyone with influence at CW.

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

KC bringing up a show to GS years back isn't anything that big since Arrow was still going strong and Gail isn't anyone with influence at CW.

Look, it was more to point out that - at that time - KC wasn't on Arrow anymore so it was her lifeline. No mention of it beforehand nor after being hired back, as I recall. Same pattern, probably same results. It would be as effective as her telling a live crowd to @ the writers for a lauriver romance because she believes online noise is a deciding factor for writing so it must be a deciding factor for everything else. They're all trying to rally buzz because the arrowverse is a safe familiar bet, without considering the roadblocks. Except for David depending on the day and the audience. 

Did they even confirm that it was supposed to spin off of Arrow and not another dctv show? 

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, RS3 said:

Did they even confirm that it was supposed to spin off of Arrow and not another dctv show? 

Here's what was reported from TCA - it appears that MP only said that they're looking at another DC property, but the media reports then conflict as to whether or not it would be part of the Arrowverse...

-- Per CW President Mark Pedowitz, the network is looking to add another DC series. While details on the potential new series are being kept close to the vest, including which DC character it could possibly center on, MP confirmed that it would be set in the same universe as Arrow. The new series is being eyed for the 2020-21 television season. News of The CW's plans to continue the Arrow universe surfaced when MP was asked about the likelihood of an Arrow spinoff featuring the next generation of stars who were first introduced in S7 of Arrow. MP: "Nothing's ever 100 percent done. You learn that over time. There's a possibility but we haven't fully had a discussion of what that storyline would do... Right now, we're looking at another property for next season." (TCA Summer 2019 Press Tour, Aug 4, 2019: etonline article, page 3 of Spoilers thread and page 10 of Spoiler Discussion Final thread)

-- Per CW President Mark Pedowitz, there's a “possibility” of an Arrow spin-off, but the network is prioritizing another DC Comics property for next season.  (TCA Summer 2019 Press Tour, Aug 4, 2019: Deadline article, page 3 of Spoilers thread and page 10 of Spoiler Discussion Final thread)

Edited by tv echo
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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

The new series is being eyed for the 2020-21 television season.

That's another reason it won't be Birds of Prey. If the next show is intended for next year that means it's in development now and there's no reason for WB to give the ok for that show when they don't know how the movie will perform. So the main three reasons I don't think it will happen are: the movie's existence, the timing for development, and the fact that they could have done it at any point these last seven years and haven't. I may end up being completely wrong but I feel that I'm not. It would make far more sense for the current spinoff development to be about Future Team Arrow, since they have the actors right there and can mask said development fairly easily until they're ready to announce (I realize this can apply to Dinah and Black Siren as well but, again...). If they don't want to do FTA we'll hear about it soon because they'll start hiring actors and crew for the pilot and things will leak.

4 hours ago, RS3 said:

They're all trying to rally buzz because the arrowverse is a safe familiar bet,

As much as l don't want to see any of the current Arrow cast move to another show (unless it's Diggle to Supergirl cause there's tons of comedy potential there) and think they should move on, I get why they're trying to stay. For the most part the actors seem to enjoy playing their characters and being part of this world and, for Rick and Juliana, are still pretty new to playing Rene and Dinah so they may not have gotten to the point where they feel the need to try different roles. I get that but I still hope they don't succeed. If they want to bring them back for the big crossover (assuming it continues after Arrow ends), then fine but that should be it.

For what it's worth I think the reason the Flash movie is stuck in development is because WB decided to wait until the show ends so that's a different situation.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, tv echo said:

Here's what was reported from TCA - it appears that MP only said that they're looking at another DC property, but the media reports then conflict as to whether or not it would be part of the Arrowverse...

-- Per CW President Mark Pedowitz, the network is looking to add another DC series. While details on the potential new series are being kept close to the vest, including which DC character it could possibly center on, MP confirmed that it would be set in the same universe as Arrow. The new series is being eyed for the 2020-21 television season. News of The CW's plans to continue the Arrow universe surfaced when MP was asked about the likelihood of an Arrow spinoff featuring the next generation of stars who were first introduced in S7 of Arrow. MP: "Nothing's ever 100 percent done. You learn that over time. There's a possibility but we haven't fully had a discussion of what that storyline would do... Right now, we're looking at another property for next season." (TCA Summer 2019 Press Tour, Aug 4, 2019: etonline article, page 3 of Spoilers thread and page 10 of Spoiler Discussion Final thread)

-- Per CW President Mark Pedowitz, there's a “possibility” of an Arrow spin-off, but the network is prioritizing another DC Comics property for next season.  (TCA Summer 2019 Press Tour, Aug 4, 2019: Deadline article, page 3 of Spoilers thread and page 10 of Spoiler Discussion Final thread)

This was a more direct quote that TVG wrote up of Pedowitzs comments. I never saw any debate if a direct Arrow spin off anywhere, he always said it'd be within the Arrowverse:

CW President Mark Pedowitz revealed at the Television Critics Association summer press tour on Sunday that another DC property is currently being considered as the next addition to the network's superhero universe when asked about a potential Arrow spin-off following Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Felicity Smoak's (Emily Bett Rickards) daughter, Mia Smoak (Katherine McNamara). 

"There's a possibility [of a next generation spin-off], but we haven't fully had the discussion about that one way or another," Pedowitz said. "Right now there's another property that we're looking at for next season."

Pedowitz wouldn't reveal what that property was, but he did confirm to a small group of reporters that the potential series would reside in the Arrowverse rather than as a stand-alone series like Black Lightning.

6 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

That's another reason it won't be Birds of Prey. If the next show is intended for next year that means it's in development now and there's no reason for WB to give the ok for that show when they don't know how the movie will perform. So the main three reasons I don't think it will happen are: the movie's existence, the timing for development, and the fact that they could have done it at any point these last seven years and haven't. I may end up being completely wrong but I feel that I'm not. It would make far more sense for the current spinoff development to be about Future Team Arrow, since they have the actors right there and can mask said development fairly easily until they're ready to announce (I realize this can apply to Dinah and Black Siren as well but, again...). If they don't want to do FTA we'll hear about it soon because they'll start hiring actors and crew for the pilot and things will leak.

But the BOP movie doesn't mean CW can't  do a female team up type show. It wouldn't have to be called BOP. It wouldn't have to have the characters the BOP movie uses. Arrow just did a female team up episode with three Canaries. If CW wanted to do a female show with Juliana & Katie & others it could just be called that for example. Who knows.

I personally just can't see an Arrow Junior show.  I don't think the flash forwards are well received enough or popular enough to be a whole show. From what I've seen, many viewers hate the flash forwards.

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They're popular enough for CW to give the go-ahead to make the OTA kids series regulars to ensure the actors stay for the final season instead of dropping the FFs completely if they were really that hated (and, if anything, many people I saw who hate the FF still like the actors and characters, so that's why they are being kept around).

And MP saying that they are looking at another property is one thing, what they choose to green light and air is a whole other story. CW was looking at a show for just BR as the Atom but then that got changed to LoT. MP said previously that they wanted no more DC shows then bam they got Supergirl moved onto them, greenlit  Black Lightning, and then Batwoman. If I had to guess, they are going to look at another property (along with the 89 other shows CW looks at or greenlights) while keeping the 3 new actors in the loop at least for another tv season just in case the former plans fizzle out just like what happened with LoT. Doesn't mean a spin-off is on for them, but that MP wants to keep the options open with already established characters and world.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Proteus said:

But the BOP movie doesn't mean CW can't  do a female team up type show. It wouldn't have to be called BOP. It wouldn't have to have the characters the BOP movie uses. Arrow just did a female team up episode with three Canaries. If CW wanted to do a female show with Juliana & Katie & others it could just be called that for example. Who knows.

Oh I agree with you I just don't think they'll do it. They could and should do a show centered on multiple women but I just don't think they will. They have Supergirl, Batwoman, and Sara captaining the Waverider so I think they'll be the closest we'll get. I bet the network thinks they're doing just fine on the shows about women and will pivot to either a show where men are at the same level as the women (Future Team Arrow, Legion of Superheroes) or a show where the lead character(s) is a man whose primary purpose is to be the hero and the lead female's is to be his love interest (Wildcat, Blue Beetle).

@tv echo do you remember when we started getting word that the next Arrowverse spinoff was LOT? I feel like they told us about the plan to focus on Ray fairly early but then a few months passed before they switched gears towards the ensemble. I wouldn't be surprised if they follow a similar or earlier timeframe with the next show.

The Lost Canary episode had mixed reactions from what I saw, felt very much like it was (originally) intended to be Black Siren's goodbye episode (going back to Earth 2 to set things right, still wearing Laurel's mask, wig, and buckles 20+ years in the future, giving Mia the redemption speech that Sara gave her), and was the show's last chance to do a Birds of Prey style episode before Emily left. It didn't feel like a backdoor pilot but a goodbye. Even Siren showing up in the finale felt like a part of that goodbye since she helped out in the battle, formed a truce with Oliver via the handshake, and then went to another part of the bunker while he had his emotional goodbyes with the team. I will say that I believe the reason Dinah lost her cry was so that they could keep her for the post-Oliver version of Arrow and not be in conflict with the movie so it's certainly possible that she'll move over to the next show. If I had to choose I'd rather see Dinah on a brand new show than joining an existing cast where she's unlikely to fit.

Going back to BOP in particular, I wouldn't be opposed to them getting their own show but I'd rather it be on DC Universe than the CW. I like what DCU has done with their shows so far but it would mainly be to let the story start fresh. There wouldn't be any CW baggage, the horrible sister swapping and half ass redemption stories wouldn't be staining the characters, and being on DCU would allow them to crossover to Titans or Doom Patrol if they wanted. But I want the movie to be successful, and I remember how it took WB thirty years before they gave live action Supergirl another chance, so I don't expect to see it.

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, way2interested said:

They're popular enough for CW to give the go-ahead to make the OTA kids series regulars to ensure the actors stay for the final season instead of dropping the FFs completely if they were really that hated (and, if anything, many people I saw who hate the FF still like the actors and characters, so that's why they are being kept around).

And MP saying that they are looking at another property is one thing, what they choose to green light and air is a whole other story. CW was looking at a show for just BR as the Atom but then that got changed to LoT. MP said previously that they wanted no more DC shows then bam they got Supergirl moved onto them, greenlit  Black Lightning, and then Batwoman. If I had to guess, they are going to look at another property (along with the 89 other shows CW looks at or greenlights) while keeping the 3 new actors in the loop at least for another tv season just in case the former plans fizzle out just like what happened with LoT. Doesn't mean a spin-off is on for them, but that MP wants to keep the options open with already established characters and world.

I like Mia & Connor & their portrayers. I could see the network wanting to keep them around in some fashion. But like with a Ray Palmer show that they ultimately decided not to do, I just would be surprised if a whole flashforward series happened given the reception the flashforward got last year. It wouldnt surprise me if at least Mia went to LOT or something or some new series that wasn't necessarily a flashforward show.

29 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Oh I agree with you I just don't think they'll do it. They could and should do a show centered on multiple women but I just don't think they will. They have Supergirl, Batwoman, and Sara captaining the Waverider so I think they'll be the closest we'll get. I bet the network thinks they're doing just fine on the shows about women and will pivot to either a show where men are at the same level as the women (Future Team Arrow, Legion of Superheroes) or a show where the lead character(s) is a man whose primary purpose is to be the hero and the lead female's is to be his love interest (Wildcat, Blue Beetle).

@tv echo do you remember when we started getting word that the next Arrowverse spinoff was LOT? I feel like they told us about the plan to focus on Ray fairly early but then a few months passed before they switched gears towards the ensemble. I wouldn't be surprised if they follow a similar or earlier timeframe with the next show.

The Lost Canary episode had mixed reactions from what I saw, felt very much like it was (originally) intended to be Black Siren's goodbye episode (going back to Earth 2 to set things right, still wearing Laurel's mask, wig, and buckles 20+ years in the future, giving Mia the redemption speech that Sara gave her), and was the show's last chance to do a Birds of Prey style episode before Emily left. It didn't feel like a backdoor pilot but a goodbye. Even Siren showing up in the finale felt like a part of that goodbye since she helped out in the battle, formed a truce with Oliver via the handshake, and then went to another part of the bunker while he had his emotional goodbyes with the team. I will say that I believe the reason Dinah lost her cry was so that they could keep her for the post-Oliver version of Arrow and not be in conflict with the movie so it's certainly possible that she'll move over to the next show. If I had to choose I'd rather see Dinah on a brand new show than joining an existing cast where she's unlikely to fit.

Going back to BOP in particular, I wouldn't be opposed to them getting their own show but I'd rather it be on DC Universe than the CW. I like what DCU has done with their shows so far but it would mainly be to let the story start fresh. There wouldn't be any CW baggage, the horrible sister swapping and half ass redemption stories wouldn't be staining the characters, and being on DCU would allow them to crossover to Titans or Doom Patrol if they wanted. But I want the movie to be successful, and I remember how it took WB thirty years before they gave live action Supergirl another chance, so I don't expect to see it.

I've always liked the idea of an arrowverse female team up type show. I liked both BOP type episodes that they did.

I guess we should know what new show, if any at all, will happen sooner rather than later since shows in development for the 2020-2021 season are being announced daily.

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I just think a FF show would be a bit to limiting for the Arrowverse. CW loves their crossovers and it's hard to crossover with a show that is in the future and one where other shows have to respect said future to a degree. But I dont see CW wanting to give up having their hands on KM since she is a popular actress for this type of network. Find a way to bring her into the present day. 

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12 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

@tv echo do you remember when we started getting word that the next Arrowverse spinoff was LOT? I feel like they told us about the plan to focus on Ray fairly early but then a few months passed before they switched gears towards the ensemble. I wouldn't be surprised if they follow a similar or earlier timeframe with the next show.

News about a possible Atom spinoff came out in January 2015, news about a possible Arrowverse superhero team spinoff came out in late February 2015, and then official news about the actual LoT spinoff came out in May 2015...



NERDIST: You just mentioned you’ve given some consideration to an Atom spin-off series…
MARC GUGGENHEIM: The thing that we’ve been talking about is just how do we further expand the universe; and we love Brandon and we love having him on Arrow.
*  *  *
N: Thus far your discussions about an Atom show have been preliminary?
Yeah, we’ve talked in the most preliminary of ways about doing something with Brandon beyond Arrow.

CW considering another 'Arrow,' 'Flash' spin-off
James Hibberd   January 11, 2015


On Sunday at the Television Critics Association’s semi-annual press tour in Pasadena, CW president Mark Pedowitz made waves by renewing eight shows. Then he intriguingly added that he’s in “preliminary discussions” to expand the network’s Arrow/Flash/DC universe with yet another show, but he refused to say which character: “You’d have to be judicious. Could there be another hour in that universe? Possibly. That’s why we’re in preliminary discussion. [The show] has to stand on its own legs.”

After the panel, the executive was asked if Brandon Routh’s Arrow character, Ray Palmer/Atom, could be spun off. “There’s room for a lot of things, but we’re not there,” the executive said vaguely. “Again, preliminary discussions.”

Executive producer Greg Berlanti was also asked about an Atom spinoff, and so was Routh. “We’re in very early talks in a very general idea that we haven’t gone deeper on yet,” Berlanti said. Routh himself said he would love to keep playing the character. “When [the Arrow role] was proposed, I was hesitant to step into DC world again,” said Routh, who starred in 2006’s unloved Superman Returns. “I never thought it would happen and that I would play, in my mind, a pivotal character. It’s been nothing but an amazing experience.”

CW Plotting 'Arrow' Spinoff 'Atom'
Lesley Goldberg  January 11, 2015 


During his time at the Television Critics Association's winter press tour, CW president Mark Pedowitz said the network is already in discussions about expanding the Arrow and Flash universe. While he declined to provide any additional details on just what that would look like, Arrow executive producer Greg Berlanti helped clarify when asked directly if the potential addition could be based on Arrow recurring player Brandon Routh's DC character Atom/aka Ray Palmer.
*  *  *
"We're in very early talks in a very general idea that we haven't gone deeper on yet," Berlanti told reporters, with Routh noting he would like to continue with the role.

"When [the Arrow role] was proposed, I was hesitant to step into DC world again,” Routh said. The actor first donned Superman's cape in 2006's Superman Returns.



On the possibility of an Atom spin-off series…
Greg Berlanti:
We are in very early talks on a very general, very general idea that we haven’t dug deeper on yet, and we’re not allowed to say anything about it yet. That’s all I can say.
MG: Right now we’re just trying to get the suit finished. [Laughs]

Arrow/Flash Superhero Team-Up Spinoff In Works At CW; Brandon Routh, Victor Garber, Wentworth Miller, Caity Lotz Star
Nellie Andreeva   February 26, 2015


EXCLUSIVE: DC Comics superheroes are uniting in a potential new drama series at the CW, a spinoff from hits Arrow and The Flash that will feature several fan-favorite recurring actors/characters from both shows. I have learned that the network has teamed with Arrow creators Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim for a project eyed for next season toplined by Brandon Routh, Victor Garber, Wentworth Miller and Caity Lotz.

The untitled project, now in development, is described as a superhero team-up show. Routh, Miller and Garber will reprise their popular DC Comics characters  — Arrow‘s Ray Palmer/The Atom (Routh), Flash villain Leonard Snart/Captain Cold (Miller), and Flash‘s Dr. Martin Stein (Garber). Because her Arrow character Sara Lance was killed off, with her sister Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) taking over as the Black Canary, it is unclear whether Lotz will play the same or new superhero.
*  *  *
The project is in early stages of development, so there is a possibility for other Arrow/Flash characters to cross over to the new spinoff. Additionally, in a tidbit that should get fans fired up, I have learned the new project will include three major DC Comics characters who have never appeared in a TV series.

This is the project CW president Mark Pedowitz vaguely referenced at TCA in January. It will not be part of the current pilot cycle. With the creative auspices and talent involved, I hear that it could go straight to series, possibly for next midseason.

Breaking News: DC's Legends of Tomorrow, a New Arrow and Flash Spinoff Series, is Coming to The CW
Tim Beedle  May 7, 2015


The world of DC Entertainment is alive and well on The CW. The home of three of DC Entertainment’s hit TV shows has just greenlit another one—DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, a super hero team show that’s set within the Arrow and Flash universe.
*  *  *
This is just the latest news to break in what’s been a very busy week for #DCTV as the networks prepare for their annual Upfront presentation next week. Earlier this week, CBS greenlit Supergirl, a small screen adaptation of the popular Super Hero, while The CW announced that they were renewing iZombie for a second season.

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Thank you! So they officially started confirming their plans a year before the show premiered. Batwoman's show was rumored to be in development at Comic Con a year ago and premieres this fall. We don't know details of the next show but we do know there already is a plan for one so, looking at the timelines for the last two spinoffs, I bet more details start to leak soon. The question for me now becomes if they wait until Arrow has ended to do the official announcements.

On 9/15/2019 at 9:52 PM, scarynikki12 said:

Going back to BOP in particular, I wouldn't be opposed to them getting their own show but I'd rather it be on DC Universe than the CW. I like what DCU has done with their shows so far but it would mainly be to let the story start fresh. There wouldn't be any CW baggage, the horrible sister swapping and half ass redemption stories wouldn't be staining the characters, and being on DCU would allow them to crossover to Titans or Doom Patrol if they wanted. But I want the movie to be successful, and I remember how it took WB thirty years before they gave live action Supergirl another chance, so I don't expect to see it.

If BOP showed up on DC Universe or on Titans, they would probably go with an entirely new cast and not use any of the Arrow actors to play the same characters. Titans in particular cast Esai Morales to play their version of Slade Wilson/Deathstroke. Recently Roy Harper was mentioned twice on Titans, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were setting up his character to show up soon and, most likely, he'll be played by someone other than CH.

Edited by tv echo

#TBT - here's a news article from the first Arrow press tour in 2012...

TCA 2012: 'Arrow' Cast, Creators on Changes to the Mythos and 7 More Things to Know About the CW Drama
Lesley Goldberg July 30, 2012


The CW's take on DC Comics' Green Arrow will use the long-running series as a jumping off point but won't strictly adhere to the mythos, the cast and creators told reporters Monday at the Television Critics Association's summer press tour.

"We're definitely taking a lot of inspiration from Green Arrow: Year 1 and Green Arrow: The Long Bow Hunters," executive producer Marc Guggenheim told reporters of the inspiration for the series.

The comics, first created in the 1940s, have featured scores of different takes on the vigilante with producers using the those two series as a jumping off point and adding they've already injected drastic changes to the series about a vigilante in search of redemption.
*  *  *
Producers noted they've already made some drastic changes to the mythos -- including keeping (spoiler alert!) both of Oliver's parents alive and giving the only child from the comics a younger sister.

"Green Arrow has an origin that's subject to a lot of interpretation," Guggenheim said. "We always start with the comic as our source of inspiration."
*  *  *
Here are seven more things to know about the upcoming CW action-drama.

1. Amell, who read Superman, Lobo and Spawn comics as a kid, was the first person to come in and audition for the part. "After we met Stephen and he auditioned, everyone else paled by comparison," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said. "Every step of the way it was Stephen … he was always Oliver Queen to us."

2. Speaking of superhero pedigree: Amell trained for the physically intensive role with the guy who was Henry Cavill's stunt double in Man of Steel where contestants for American Ninja Warrior work out.

3. After training for the role, Amell and company sent exec producer Greg Berlanti footage of what he was able to do -- which led to the salmon ladder scene depicted in the pilot. "It's a chin-up with a dance move," says Amell, who does a lot of his own stunts. "As a producer, it's a little frightening when your star is doing a quarter of his stunts; it's a little daring but it's what makes the show unique," Berlanti notes.

4. Arrow will explore the nature of vigilantism but it's really a story about redemption and executive producers said there won't be violence just for the sake of it. "Arrow always gives the bad guy of the week the opportunity to do the right thing, that's one of moral guidelines we're allowing," Guggenheim said. "When he kills, it's for necessity, it's not random violence. He'll have characters come into the universe that question those."

5. Speaking of vengeance, Arrow has a list of people he's targeting but the series isn't a bad guy of the week effort. "The list is the jumping off point," Guggenheim allowed. "Circumstances aren't always the same; part of Oliver's evolution of a hero is moving from his mission of revenge to redemption and to help people and stop crimes and moving away from just the agenda of righting his father's wrongs to helping to save the city."

6. Producers and Katie Cassidy, who co-stars as Oliver's ex-girlfriend Dinah "Laurel" Lance, were coy when asked outright if she would follow in the comics' footsteps and become Black Canary. "Maybe!" is all Berlanti would allow.

7. There will continue to be flashbacks in every episode. Kreisberg noted Arrow is telling two stories: one set in the present day and the one set on the island where Oliver remained for five years and transformed into Arrow. "Every episode will be telling the chronological story of the island," he said. "Ideally by the last episode of the series, the last shot will be the boat coming for Oliver and being rescued."

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Talking about the throwback post, it's funny that they wanted to be so coy about Laurel becoming Black Canary, it was stupid. "Maybe Clark will become Superman, maybe we'll just keep him as the Red Streak" lol.

4 hours ago, Trini said:

The Season 8 Arrow poster is probably going to have the current cast on it, right? Not just because the other DC shows have cast posters, but it seems like something they'd do for the final season anyway. I'm curious about how they'll place the present day and future characters.

Lord do I hope so! I've been hoping for it to be posted every day since TF/SG came out. I hope it just has the present day team on it but if they have EVERYONE then I hope they place them all well. 


Schwartz teased the flash-forwards will feature a brand new wrinkle of their own, one that could leave the door open for future storylines even after Arrow wraps up. "We are doing something cool with the flash forward stories that .. there's definitely more stories to be told. But again, there's more stories that we could tell for Arrow for probably 10 more years as well."


  • LOL 2

Ranking which ‘Arrow’ villain shipped Olicity the most
Lynsey Neill  September 17, 2019


Malcolm Merlyn
Malcolm started to feel the love in later seasons, but in season 1 (when he was the main big bad) he was pretty ignorant to Olicity’s obvious chemistry and magnetism. However, it was his plans and shenanigans that started a foundation for Oliver and Felicity’s “team within a team” status in the first place.

1 Star
*  *  *
Slade Wilson
Slade saw the truth when it was supposed to be lie. Oliver’s first “I love you” at the end of season 2 was an extremely poetic series moment for one, but it also ranks Slade high in villains who ship Olicity.

Slade even remembers Oliver carrying around a picture of Laurel on the island, and still says “no, he loves Felicity the most.”

But in terms of moving Oliver and Felicity from point A to point B, his craziness forced Oliver to ask himself the question. Who do I love the most? Felicity, of course.

And as the series went on, Slade let’s us know he was still shipping it:

  • “How’s the girl with the glasses? What’s her name? Felicity?”
  • “Instead of marrying the blonde, you marry Ra’s Al Ghul’s daughter?”
  • “She’s brilliant, so how did you get her?”

4 Stars
*  *  *
Ra’s Al Ghul
Ra’s Al Ghul, such a nice guy right? Okay, I wouldn’t go that far… but we have to thank Ra’s for being responsible for one of Olicity’s biggest milestones.

Firstly, the fact that the almighty Ra’s Al Ghul took a break from his villainy to pull Felicity aside and say, “hey, you should really tell Oliver you love him, and feel free to use one of the thousand bedrooms I have in this place for other purposes.”

Okay, he didn’t mention the sex part, BUT IT WAS IMPLIED GODDAMMIT! And what is Felicity’s response, she says, “thanks Ra’s, I’ll go do that” and she does, then they do.

5 Stars
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Damien Darhk
Damien never shouted his love for Olicity over the rooftops per say, but he did have a hand in Oliver and Felicity deciding to get married (the first time). Remember when he brought Oliver to Felicity’s jail cell, so they can have a moment to talk about what marriage means to them, and then they ultimately decided to take that step? I do too.

2 Stars
*  *  *
Adrian Chase was just fascinated with Felicity. However, I think that had mostly to do with Adrian just being fascinated with human love in the first place. He was kind of like Voldemort in that way.

But more importantly, Adrian Chase had a major hand in Oliver and Felicity getting back together (maybe so it would hurt more when he planned to blow her up on an island). But whatever the motivation, Chase locked Oliver and Felicity in the bunker, and they were not allowed to exit until they worked out their issues. Or until one of them dies. Either way, Chase is going down in history as a major Olicity stan.

3 Stars

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Why do people who write articles about Arrow write like they never watched the show? ...

Arrow: The Top 8 Fight Scenes


6. Oliver vs. Prisoner (Season 7, Episode 1)
Season seven begins with Oliver serving time in prison after willingly turning himself in after an agreement he made with the police in the end of Season 6. What makes this time different than Oliver’s past run ins with the law is that Oliver isn’t trying to escape or fight what has happened. He is broken, he lost Quentin Lance, he lost Laurel, and he feels as if he’s losing his will to be the Green Arrow. This episode consists of Oliver running into criminals that he put in prison and who are now taking their anger out on him now that he’s locked up with them. With the help of a cellmate who didn’t want to kill him, Oliver regains his drive to be the hero his friends and family need. The episode ends with Oliver going out to the courtyard of the prison and using a weight to beat the hell out of a prisoner who beat him up earlier in the episode. This is by no means a complicated fight scene; it’s just so rewarding to see Oliver asserting himself and making sure everyone knows who the Green Arrow truly is.
*  *  *
2. Oliver vs. Masked Criminals (Season 1, Episode 1)
When a good show comes along, there’s one moment that solidifies it as a show that’s worth your time and attention. For a lot of Arrow fans, that moment was in the pilot of the series when Oliver has his first run-in with criminals who kidnap him. Waking up tied to a chair, Oliver is interrogated by masked men. Just as the men think they have complete control of the situation, Oliver breaks free of his restraints and uses the broken chair to quickly defeat a few of the men. As the last masked man shoots at Oliver and tries to escape, Oliver chases him down (while doing some pretty badass parkour moves) and finally catches up to him and puts him in a headlock. And then Oliver utters the words, “Nobody can know my secret,” as he breaks the man’s neck. This scene showed off how well trained and powerful Oliver had become while being on the island for ten years, but it also showed how fearless and brutal he could be. 

8. Arrow vs. Malcolm Merlyn (Season 1, Episode 23)
7. Oliver vs. The Russian Mob (Season 5, Episode 11)
6. Oliver vs. Prisoner (Season 7, Episode 1)
5. Team Arrow vs. Team Prometheus (Season 5, Episode 23)
4. Team Arrow vs. League of Assassins (Season 3, Episode 22)
3. Ra’s Al Ghul vs. Oliver (Season 3, Episode 9)
2. Oliver vs. Masked Criminals (Season 1, Episode 1)
1. Slade vs. Oliver (Season 2, Episode 23)

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