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A moment with Miranda Edwards about Arrow’s The Silencer and Snowpiercer
by Callum Gunn December 24, 2018


Hidden Remote: You have been involved in many big-name TV shows in the past. Mean Girls, Murdoch Mysteries, The Magicians, Supernatural, and The Good Doctor. Did you feel any pressure at all coming into Arrow after being involved in so many other big-name shows
Miranda Edwards:
It’s probably because of playing on those different projects that I didn’t feel pressure with this one. Each movie and show is it’s own little, big world. Of course, there were the regular, “Miranda, don’t screw this up.” kinda nerves. Mostly excitement though, new project, new people, new character, new beginning. I love new beginnings.  Clean slate and endless possibilities.

HR: Did you know much about your character “Silencer” and “The Longbow Hunters” before being cast in Arrow?
No, I knew nothing of either. But I’m a sucker for a good homework assignment so when I got on the show I started looking up the Silencer. To my surprise, she had her own comic. How perfect is that! I’m having fun reading it!
*  *  *
HR: What was the best thing about appearing in Arrow as “Silencer?”
Um, playing a strong, funny, highly skilled woman who does whatever she feels like, unapologetically and has fun doing it? Hard to pick which part is the best part. Glad fans are liking her as much as I like playing her.
*  *  *
HR: What would you personally like to see happen with your character in the future?
I’d like to see more of her story, her motivation. The way she moves through the world. The people she loves, what she cares about. How far she’s willing to go.

As an audience member, I like seeing those things in the characters I watch. I root for them more once I see the ways in which we’re similar and what would cause me to make some of the extreme choices that they do.

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Writer incorrectly used the fictional character's name instead of the actor's name in this article...

Arrow: A moment with Evan Roderick about Officer Nick Anastas
by Callum Gunn   December 24, 2018


Hidden Remote: How did you find it coming into the world of Arrow as Nick Anastas after the series had been running for so long? Did you feel any pressure at all?
Nick Anastas:
It was a bit daunting at first. The cast definitely had a certain rapport that reflected how long they had worked together. But everyone was very welcoming and after my first couple of episodes, I felt right at home.

HR: Had you followed the show or read any of the comics before landing the role?
Not previous to me booking the part, no! But when I found out I got the job, I went through and binged! Haha… Anything to get a better sense of the material and style in which it was shot was very helpful.

HR: Have you found anything difficult or challenging about playing the role of Nick?
Well, I really wanted to make sure he came across as a multi-dimensional character. I think sometimes when you’re playing a character like a cop, a fireman or a cowboy, it’s easy to fall into stereotypes. The challenge for me has been to steer away from those easy choices and create a more unique perspective of what it’s like to be a police officer.
*  *  *
HR: What do you think is the best thing about your character?
He’s incredibly loyal and brave. No matter how dangerous the circumstance he will always have his teams back, even if it means risking his life.
*  *  *
HR: What would you personally like to see happen with your character?
I’d love to see Anastas take on more responsibility. Whether that be in the police force or elsewhere I’m unsure, but definitely want to see him involved in more action!

HR: How did you feel when you found out you would be back in season 7?
I was thrilled. After season 6 I was unsure whether or not they would carry on with my storyline. When they decided they were going to, I felt this huge sense of excitement!

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A moment with Michael Jonsson about Arrow’s Kodiak and Van Helsing’s Barry, The Burier
by Callum Gunn   December 25, 2018


Hidden Remote: You’ve been juggling both SYFY’s Van Helsing and CW’s Arrow. How have you managed filming the two? Have you had any funny moments, or has it all been straightforward?
Michael Jonsson:
Thankfully, both shows filmed at different times so there were no conflicts between the two, so I managed perfectly. Never had to worry about mixing the innocence of Barry with the hard-hitting Kodiak.
*  *  *
HR: So, you have been appearing as “Kodiak” in Arrow? Did you know much about your character and the “Longbow Hunters” prior to filming?
I used to collect comics when I was younger, so when I got Kodiak it was my excuse to jump online and collect all the comics with Kodiak! I came to learn that he is the leader of the shield clan and is part of the Outsiders War.

He’s a meta with super strength and carries a badass shield. He’s also HUGE.

Personality wise, he’s sarcastic and pokes fun of Oliver. I hope we see a lot more of that. The big difference in the comics – he’s shirtless and wears an antler skull headpiece. Savagely cool.

HR: What did you enjoy the most about appearing as “Kodiak” in Arrow?
Chucking people. You may look at Kodiak and say, “he’s like a bad Captain America”, but my moves are less like Cap using a shield and more like a sasquatch. Almost every fight I’ve been in, I throw someone and I love it. Makes me look so tough. Really, it’s our talented stunt team on a pully, but let’s not tell anyone that, cool?
*  *  *
HR: What would you personally like to see happen with your character in the future?
: That antler skull thing I was mentioning above… It’d be cool to see an arc transforming him into that. Been working out and bulking up in the hopes of hitting that storyline.

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13 Stuttering Shows That Made A Comeback In 2018
TV Fanatic Staff at December 26, 2018


2. Arrow
Arrow Season 6 was probably one of the shows worst seasons the show had, so it's been such a fun surprise to see Arrow Season 7 thrive the way it has. It feels as if the show hit a reboot button almost because many elements that made Arrow so special in the beginning were brought back. Oliver's prison storyline was fantastic and the Felicity and Laurel dynamic has been a breath of fresh air.

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10 Characters From Past Seasons of ‘Arrow’ With More Story to Give
Mary StricksonDecember 29, 2018


Rory Regan (Ragman)
We first met Rory in Season 6, played by Joe Dinicol. Initially, a large part of recruitment for new team Arrow centered around Rory’s mystical and rag-like abilities. We learned of his heritage, his ambitions, and his motivations but somehow he didn’t quite cut it into the team that emerged to face Prometheus as he left to explore his own mission.

Portrayed by Kacey Rohl, Alena had a huge character role and brought some depth to Felicity Smoak’s backstory as well as provide the opportunity for female companionship. Together they were power-house hackers and inventors, eventually helping the world and working well together. We last saw Alena in Season 6.

Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)
Last time we saw Manu Bennett’s latest crusade as Slade Wilson, he was recruiting Oliver to find his son. Unfortunately, he didn’t like what he found, but this story arc was not completely concluded in Season 6. We briefly encountered Slade’s son during the recent Elseworlds crossover, but what is happening in the mainstream reality? We need more Deathstroke.

Nyssa Al Ghul
We last saw her as she had disbanded the League of Assassin’s following Malcolm Merlyn’s death. But what became of Nyssa after that? Her chemistry with both Sara Lance and Oliver Queen was captivating. Katrina Law left a lasting impression on the Arrow-verse. She’s recently become a new parent to a beautiful little girl so she is currently understandably busy but hopefully, we will see her again in Arrow in future seasons. 

Helena Bertinelli (The Huntress)
Helena Bertinelli was an interesting and multi-layered character. Her motivations were sometimes unclear but she was a likable character and a fantastic challenge for Oliver Queen. We mostly saw her in Season 1 although she has popped up randomly a few seasons since then. She’s currently locked up in prison but we’ve recently seen that prison walls don’t always hold super-inmates for long…

Deadshot (Floyd Lawton)
Much loved and revered for his portrayal of the character, Michael Rowe bought Deadshot to life in Arrow. In a comic-accurate portrayal of both Deadshot and the Suicide Squad, the super-hero masquerading as a super-villain last held the spotlight in Season 3. He’s currently dead in the Arrowverse due to sacrificing himself for the sake of the team and to the heartbreak of Carrie Cutter, but in a comic-adaption anything is possible. We already know that there is an Earth-2 version of Floyd Lawton working for the CCPD who is very much alive and kicking.

Sin (Cindy)
Played by Bee Taylor-Klaus, Sin was feisty, powerful and a strong-minded presence on the show. Teamed with Sara Lance in Season 2, her backstory was inspired and the pair had great chemistry on screen. Friends with Roy Harper and later a confidant to Thea, we last saw her back in Season 3. If not in Arrow, it would be great to see her reappear in Legends of Tomorrow, particularly as Sara seems to make a habit of digging up her own past. 

Donna Smoak
Felicity’s mother played by Charlotte Ross was last seen briefly back in Season 6. Granted, she ended up playing on and off love interest to Paul Blackthorne’s Quentin Lance but I wonder how long it will be before Felicity urgently needs some parental advice.

Dinah Lance
We’ve seen Laurel and Sara’s father as the much-loved Quentin Lance regularly throughout Arrow but we haven’t seen their mother since Season 4 except briefly at the aftermath of Olicity’s wedding. She lost her daughter, Laurel and was devastated, but we haven’t seen Dinah’s reaction to losing her ex-husband, especially when the last time that they met Quentin told her he would always love her! Earth-2’s Laurel is masquerading in the public eye as Dinah’s daughter. It would be interesting if Earth-2 Laurel and Earth-1 Dinah were to meet. How would Dinah react to seeing her daughter alive again, especially after Dinah’s resurrection? When would she realize it wasn’t her Laurel?

Walter Steele
These parental figures don’t stick around for long, although our characters are now fully-fledged adults. Back in season 2, Walter Steele was pretty much the father figure that Thea and Oliver Queen always needed. He genuinely cared for them and tried to do the best for them. He left soon after Moira Queen’s betrayal, but he is still alive and well in the Arrow-verse.

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21 Of The Worst TV Storylines We Forced Ourselves To Watch In 2018



Recently we asked the BuzzFeed Community to rant about the absolute worst TV storylines they had watched this year. Here are the best answers.

20. The flash forward scenes on Arrow and how they will most likely prevent a happy ending.


I'm hating the flash forward scenes on Arrow this season. Like is this a possible future we have a chance of "fixing"? Because if not, that means all the years of watching this show, hoping that one day when it ends Oliver and Felicity will get a satisfying ending after all they've been through, is never going to happen. And if that's the case, why the hell are we still watching?

—Kathy Wall, Facebook

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You Might Think Emily Bett is an Actor But Actually She’s a Fricken Rockstar


Can you remember a piece of advice that your mother has given you during your life that you kind of hang on to or use to guide you through anything? Good situations, tough situations…
My mom is so good at advice honestly – she is full of it. One thing that she has always said to me throughout my life is about self-boundaries and taking time for yourself. That if you’re trying to help others and understand others, if you don’t understand yourself you will never be able to understand or be of service to other people or the world – not to say that you necessarily have to be of service to other people or the world as your life purpose but if that’s what feeds you – if you don’t understand yourself, it’s not gonna work.

That goes with so many different pieces of advice about being able to have boundaries, expressing yourself and really staying true to who you are. My mom is a big advocate of that – she’s an incredible human being. She also happens to be a therapist so I grew up on a lot of time spent talking and position feeding and associating and analyzing things and thoughts of that world, so that always helps.
*  *  *
I guess you probably have to say ‘no’ a lot in your life. Do you think that her advice has helped you figure out how to do that in a good way or did you sort of figure that out by yourself?
Absolutely. I think being able to say ‘no’ is a bit harder these days because we have so many options at our fingertips and we’re used to instant gratification. On a smaller scale, it can be about being able to say ‘no’ to yourself if you’re about to dive into your phone or something. Or being able to say ‘no’ to your friends if they try and pry you from your house when you don’t feel like going out. Being able to say ‘no’ to more serious things, like for certain jobs or when it comes to morality or things like that… It’s definitely a skill and skills only get stronger with time. But yeah, it’s super important and it might sound scary because we think ‘no’ sounds innately negative, right? But I think it’s really positive to set up these types of boundaries in life and for ourselves.

Speaking about your career, or even your personal life, can you you think of a moment where you felt like ‘oh, this is real now,’ and that all the hard work had paid off, in a way? Do you have a defining ‘champagne moment’?
To be honest, I’m pretty hard on myself but I’ve never really felt that way and I wonder if anyone really does. I wonder if there is sort of tangible landmark goal. I don’t know if anyone gets there and is like ‘I made it.’ I think the term, ‘making it’, can only be from an outside perspective because it sounds like such a different type of ‘want’ that ‘making it’ can not really fulfill, if that makes sense. So I don’t know if anyone ever feels that way. I think you can feel proud, though.

It’s also changing because we change as people as we spend so much time getting somewhere – wherever that may be. And in the process, your goals probably change, expand and transform a little bit as well. When they transform even though you made it to the place where you wanted to be, it’s that moment of needing to just get somewhere and be happy with that instead of chasing something that you don’t already have.
*  *  *
Def makes sense. What made you fall in love with your job?
It started with talking about things like this to be honest! Acting is such a different thing to different people. For me, it’s about exploring vessels and transformation and understanding stories. It helps me understand people and understand the world better, basically.

I love stories so much – I always have and I don’t think that’ll ever change. Everyone’s understanding of stories is different so I don’t know if you could ever fully grab it and grasp it but it definitely gives me life. You have to fully understand a person that’s written on a page and bring that person and their story to life. There’s a freedom in that that exists unlike any other; I don’t really know how to explain it. There’s so much freedom in being able to lift a human being and bring them to life off a piece of paper.

We’re super interested in the Shethority movement that you’re kind of involved with. What’s that about and how involved are you there?
Yesss, I’m involved and we’re still kind of growing it. Like I mentioned a few months ago, we’re not really sure what it’s gonna become. It’s really interesting to find out where you can take these things and make a good job of it. The intention behind it is love, support and trying to understand where we’re going in this world and trying to get some communication about deep concepts with things that are confusing and being able to relate to other people. Mostly people just share their stories or read stories and feel like they’re not alone.

A big part is celebrating women, celebrating the world that we live in and carrying this through the negative aspects of the online world that we have and make it somewhat safe and in between interesting and educational. Ultimately, it is a platform that keeps expanding in front of us and it’s starting to have a powerhouse behind it that we can’t really explain but meanwhile we’re figuring out what it should become. Like I said to you before we’re trying to figure it out but keep it moving and expanding.
*  *  *
So you have a massive Insta-presence but your whole vibe is very natural and un-forced. You’re not trying to edit or product place anything, which is really cool. How did that kind of unfold to being such? Is it literally through the role of Felicity?
I’m like a middle millennial because I’m 27. I had Instagram before my work popularity grew. Through my Instagram, I try to not overexpose some of my friends and attmenpt to avoid over-sharing. I keep things private, I don’t put up a ton about my family and my home. I wish I did more, actually. But I’ve always thought about Instagram as hopefully being the photo album that I have when I’m older and the photos that I really like, I want to see later and again. Physical photos are really important to me. My apartment is covered with some more personal photos and polaroids.

I struggle with Instagram as a work platform quite a bit. I wonder if I should have a personal account and a work account but I try to make my life a little simpler. I don’t have Facebook, I’m rarely on Twitter. But I don’t know, it’s almost like over-exposure to me sometimes. There’s positives and negatives, as with anything of course!

Have you had any speed bumps, hurdles, anything you’ve had to get through in those realms? How did you get through it – any advice for those listening?
Yeah, at some point I hit a pretty big speed bump that I would say lasted like 2 years and that sort of ended recently. You come out on the other side thinking you knew you were lost or you knew something was wrong and couldn’t figure out how to fix it. I think sometimes when you get to the other side, you’re like ‘oh this makes so much sense now’ but the tricky thing is that those things can last a long time.

I don’t really have any specific advice besides the fact that if you do feel inauthentic or in breach of yourself, and you’re having that thought, then you probably are and checking in is the most important way to go about it. And, you know, talking to people and explaining is so important and you will find that you’re not alone in that. Speed bumps happen every day from minute to minute from trying to organize your day to losing a family member or living with an illness. Those things make you go and live life and figure out who you are in that because at the end of the day, you will always be you. You’re always growing and maybe you can reach inside and find a new piece of you, which is a beautiful thing.

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No, we didn't forget...

17 TV Couples That You Forgot Dated
Yana Grebenyuk at December 28, 2018


13. Felicity and Ray - Arrow
This was such a random dating choice that feels even funnier now that Ray is on his own show and Felicity is married to Oliver, the guy everyone knew she was going to end up with anyway. A weird obstacle that is the perfect way to confuse your shipping mind for a while.

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

You Might Think Emily Bett is an Actor But Actually She’s a Fricken Rockstar

Can you imagine a conversation between Chris Pine and EBR? I feel like they could have deep conversation about a taco.

Her comments about over sharing on social media and trying to protect her privacy... how is she such good friends with Carina?

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53 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Her comments about over sharing on social media and trying to protect her privacy... how is she such good friends with Carina?

If I were a remotely famous person and for whatever reason decided to be friends with Carina, I'd make her sign a contract that she couldn't name drop or post anything about me without written permission. Although that would probably be the end of the budding friendship, LOL.

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16 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

If I were a remotely famous person and for whatever reason decided to be friends with Carina, I'd make her sign a contract that she couldn't name drop or post anything about me without written permission. Although that would probably be the end of the budding friendship, LOL.

Speaking of which- Carina made a three page rant on Instagram about how much she loves sharing her life on social media and how social media is the greatest thing in exsistence but then basically said that no one is allowed to comment or have opinion on her or anyone  of the Jar publicly or privately on social media unless it's to give them glowing praise- paraphrasing. 


Its like how how can someone so obsesssed with social media not understand how it works especially as someone so keen to be seen and treated like a "celebrity". 

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2 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

Speaking of which- Carina made a three page rant on Instagram about how much she loves sharing her life on social media and how social media is the greatest thing in exsistence but then basically said that no one is allowed to comment or have opinion on her or anyone  of the Jar publicly or privately on social media unless it's to give them glowing praise- paraphrasing. 

Just to keep this on topic since Emily mentioned this in the article: 


Through my Instagram, I try to not overexpose some of my friends and attmenpt to avoid over-sharing. I

Just yesterday Carina was in the comments of that 3-page rant replying to someone who mentioned Emily's absence from A Very Jar Christmas by telling this completely random stranger why she wasn't there. I hope she does this with Emily's blessing - if not, yikes.

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2 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

have opinion on her or anyone  of the Jar publicly or privately on social media unless it's to give them glowing praise- paraphrasing

Bahahahaha not that I doubted you but I had to see for myself in case you misread her message. 

Yiiiikes! The nerve of that woman! How would she know someone was commenting unfavourably about her privately anyway? Honestly unless you were actively ferreting around looking for it, how do you know someone is calling you a witch etc

And why would you care if people you don't know say something about you because they happen to be bored. 

I would like to understand this. How could anyone's ego be so frail?

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20 Things That Happened Behind The Scenes On CW (They Weren't Proud Of)
by Kristin McCarthy – on Dec 28, 2018


Manu Benett's Run-In With The Law

Manu Bennett is best known for his roles on the CW network as well as his work in films such as The Hobbit but is sadly also known for his run-in with the law back in 2015. Bennett had been engaging in some adult beverages when things went south fast.

Another man made some pretty distasteful comments about the mother of his three children and her battle with cancer and Manu let him have it, so to speak.

After the incident, Bennett apologized, saying that he was genuinely remorseful for his actions and embarrassed for himself and his family. Even good guys have a misstep, but the situation didn't reflect well on the network.
*  *  *
The CW Boss Gets Booted (For A Good Reason)

Nothing says come work with us like the boss getting booted for misconduct. Andrew Kreisberg, executive producer on Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, got canned by Warner Bros. Television because of the slew of people coming forward with unsavory stories regarding him.

Kreisberg is adamant that he never said or did anything to make the workplace a toxic or unpleasant environment, but the studio felt differently about that.

Whatever went down, there was enough evidence for Warner Bros. to say no more! Other producers picked up the slack for Kreisberg's former series because after all, the show must go on.
*  *  *
Arrow's Flopped Stance On A Touchy Subject

Arrow took on one of the country's most widely debated topics in one particular episode, and the result was confusing at best. The episode opens with a big event, but then the remainder of the episode drags on as the writers were obviously not ready to take a stance on the issue.

Are they pro or against? What's the message here? No one could tell and it was frustrating.

People were miffed by the whole premise and the writers' inability to convey the message in a light that felt timely and obvious. Perhaps they learned a lesson here: stick to the fluff and the superhero jazz and stay far away from heated topics that deserve deeper level thinking and understanding.
*  *  *
Katie Cassidy's Leaked Photos

Arrow actress and daughter of legendary David Cassidy, Katie Cassidy, endured the ultimate embarrassment when private images off her phone were leaked to the public. Katie got caught in very compromising situations that probably sent her father, as well as the television executives, into a legit tailspin. While she is not even close to being the only actress to have her business leaked to the universe, it wasn't a great thing for the network to have to work around. You can bet that there was some serious cleanup control taking place over at the CW.

Sources: LA Times, Elite Daily, Daily Mail, Us Magazine, Revelist

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59 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Bahahahaha not that I doubted you but I had to see for myself in case you misread her message. 

Yiiiikes! The nerve of that woman! How would she know someone was commenting unfavourably about her privately anyway? Honestly unless you were actively ferreting around looking for it, how do you know someone is calling you a witch etc

And why would you care if people you don't know say something about you because they happen to be bored. 

I would like to understand this. How could anyone's ego be so frail?

Yeah the privately part I was referring to was her telling people not to screen shot her posts. Like I have no issue with her having a problem with negative comments and wanting to delete them or block them because that's what those buttons are for. But the fact that she had to make a three page rant to announce that was her intention is just stupid. Don't give an explanation just do it if it matters that much to you. The fact that she wrote that rant just suggests that's she looking to draw more attention to herself, not less. And also the fact that she and her Jar members including Stephen regularly swear, insult and attack people who comment- and in Stephens case sometimes over the most innocuous things- makes them seem like they aren't interested in practicing what they preach.


1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

Just to keep this on topic since Emily mentioned this in the article: 

Just yesterday Carina was in the comments of that 3-page rant replying to someone who mentioned Emily's absence from A Very Jar Christmas by telling this completely random stranger why she wasn't there. I hope she does this with Emily's blessing - if not, yikes.

I found her comment about how if you criticise her, your really hurting Emily comment stupid as well as it seems like Carina loves to speak on Emily behalf all the time despite the fact that Emily is a private person, who incidentally has never felt the need to defend herself or any of her friends from trolls online. 

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1 hour ago, Mary0360 said:

Yeah the privately part I was referring to was her telling people not to screen shot her posts. Like I have no issue with her having a problem with negative comments and wanting to delete them or block them because that's what those buttons are for. But the fact that she had to make a three page rant to announce that was her intention is just stupid. Don't give an explanation just do it if it matters that much to you. The fact that she wrote that rant just suggests that's she looking to draw more attention to herself, not less. And also the fact that she and her Jar members including Stephen regularly swear, insult and attack people who comment- and in Stephens case sometimes over the most innocuous things- makes them seem like they aren't interested in practicing what they preach.


I found her comment about how if you criticise her, your really hurting Emily comment stupid as well as it seems like Carina loves to speak on Emily behalf all the time despite the fact that Emily is a private person, who incidentally has never felt the need to defend herself or any of her friends from trolls online. 

She did once before. When she told some fans that Emily would not be going to HVFF in 2018. And fans were really disappointed. But then Emily was announced for the con.

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It’s probably not a coincidence that Carina has a new show set to premiere in January so she’s now promoting a (probably very short lived) period of positivity...that only seems to apply to others and not herself or the extended Jar. 

I’m always surprised that she so freely discloses personal information about Emily when it’s clear that she doesn’t like to overshare her life. I’m confident that if name dropping was an Olympic sport, Carina would be undefeated and take home the gold medal every time.

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What is their problem with Felicity?   We Wrote New Year’s Resolutions For Doc Holliday, The Doctor, And More by Corrina on space.ca



Violation: Hot, Hot Hate

Sure her life has been turned upside down but her volcanic fury has about as much direction as an unmanned fire hose.  It's going to take strategy and a clear head to save Star City.

Resolution: Anger management therapy. Stat!

In contrast, Doctor Who (her outfit is not a good fashion) needs to get a better stylist and Ray ("serious deficit in self-confidence") needs to "embrace his own awesomeness" and Dutch from Killjoys (problem "extreme tenacity") needs to schedule a spa day.

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Yeah, hatred for the man who got her husband sent to prison and repeatedly tried to kill her, her husband and their child (not to mention pretty much everyone else she knows) is beyond irrational. I really wonder sometimes if the people who write these things watch a different show than I do.

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... Seriously? Uh, her hatred/actions had direction. No one else’s actions did. 

Unless this person thinks that her hatred for Diaz is why she presumably becomes evil in the future? Which doesn’t make sense either. And I’m assuming then this person thinks everything Dinah says is 100% fact. (Which means they don’t watch much TV?) 

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5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

What is their problem with Felicity?   We Wrote New Year’s Resolutions For Doc Holliday, The Doctor, And More by Corrina on space.ca

In contrast, Doctor Who (her outfit is not a good fashion) needs to get a better stylist and Ray ("serious deficit in self-confidence") needs to "embrace his own awesomeness" and Dutch from Killjoys (problem "extreme tenacity") needs to schedule a spa day.

I tried to see if they had a twitter account linked. Normally if you go to the twitter accounts of these writers who write negative Felicity articles you usually find out there big Laurel/Comic fans or Iris fans ergo anti Felicity. Then other Laurel/Comic/Iris fans use that article as "proof" the media "has turned on Felicity" even though half the time they aren't legitimate media sites but fan contributed sites and written by people inclined to hate Felicity regardless anyway. 

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After some Googling, I think that this Space.ca writer is Corrina Allen (a/k/a Corrina Allen-Kiersons) and that, in this case, her problem is just ignorance...



Corrina Allen is a freelance pop culture and travel writer from Toronto. She covers the latest in genre movies and TV for Space.ca, contributes to Bell Media's monthly film magazine, and writes about the headway feminists and activists are making in the face of the current political climate for Brit + Co. For the past three years, she's written about travel and the positive impact travellers and the travel industry are capable of having on the communities they visit.



Freelance writer
June 2011 – Present  7 years 8 months
Toronto, Canada
I write about travel for CAA Magazine, Canadian Traveller, Bon Vivant, Brit+Co, and The Loop. I write about women doing awesome things for Brit+Co and cover film and other pop culture topics for Space.ca, Much, and Movie Entertainment magazine.

If so, here's her social media links:

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Thanks, @tv echo. You've lowered my irritation level,

I'm still trying to catch up from before Christmas

On 12/26/2018 at 12:38 PM, Starfish35 said:

I got Ava Sharpe.  Oh dear. 😳

It was probably picking Beebo and an office building for my secret lair.

ETA:  Well it wasn’t the office building - must be Beebo.  I just took it again and still got Ava.😕

I got Ava too, which surprised me. I thought with choosing a purple mask and coffee, it would be Felicity.  I didn't choose Beebo either. But I do like the description.


You got: Ava Sharpe

Your personality matches Ava from Legends of Tomorrow. Like Ava, you're brave, practical, and fearless. You're a natural-born leader who loves to help others. While you don't love attention, you do appreciate getting recognition for your achievements.

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Exclusive interview: Katherine McNamara
Ketz - January 1, 2019


Congratulations on your Arrow debut! We loved seeing you kick ass in your first episode. What was it about Maya that appealed to you when you first read the script?

There is something that I absolutely love about this character. She is almost the antitheses of Clary. Coming off of a character that I loved playing so much, I wanted to make sure that my next job was something different. 

Even though it’s a similar genre and a similar type of show, where Clary was the wide-eyed, hopeful beacon in this tough world, this new character [Maya] has been the product of a dark world and has been raised in it. She had to be a survivor from a very young age. That hope, that sort of glimmer of optimism doesn’t really exist in her. Maya is a “punch first, ask questions later” kind of gal and it’s really interesting. She’s also a little bit older. Whereas Shadowhunters is based in a world of magic and powers, Arrow is definitely based in a world of grit and reality, weapons and skill. It’s a very different role and a challenge. I’m really enjoying every minute of it.

Can you tease anything on your upcoming Arrow journey?

The only thing I can say is that, as the episodes go on, I just had the best time working with everyone. Now that we’ve done a few episodes, all of the relationships have really come to marinate nicely and you start to see different sides of all these people; some of which we know, some of which we don’t know. It’s really exciting to see how it all fits together.
*  *  *
Even if you look at Isabelle and Clary and Maia, for example. Clary, who finds her strength in doing something for the greater good and in fighting for the people she loves. You see Maia fighting her strength in fighting for justice for her people and for those who had been down previously. Isabelle finds her strength in fighting for her family and for what she thinks is right and good. They all do so in completely different ways and with completely different methods, and they are all completely, undoubtedly, undeniably kickass women. I would just say to young girls just find you. Go in search of that, go seek that. You will never ever regret it. 

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31 Ships That Took Seasons to Sail
Rachel Foertsch at January 3, 2019


The best type of ships are the ones that take seasons to actually happen.

They keep the audience on the edge of their seats and sometimes just seeing them stand next to each other is enough to ignite your inner fangirl.

It takes serious dedication to stick with a slow burn ship. In fact, we've included a few that are still waiting patiently in their ports.

But if you can stand the wait, these relationships are almost always worth the investment. 
*  *  *
5. Oliver and Felicity - Arrow
Oliver and Felicity have it all. Slow burn, angst, break-ups, and make-ups! Even though it may have taken a while for them to get there, they're finally where they belong. With each other.

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7 hours ago, tv echo said:

31 Ships That Took Seasons to Sail
Rachel Foertsch at January 3, 2019

Honestly, declaring his love for Felicity at the start of season three isn't what I'd call a slow burn.  They might have tossed obstacles in the way but since even the end of season two I felt their ship was speeding all over the ocean.  There's a difference between a slow burn and getting them together and breaking them up.  Really only once since in the grand scheme of things, one half date before a season long freak out doesn't count as being in a relationship but he certainly wasn't interested in anyone else during that time.  

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I feel like the outside has a very different perspective of Olicity’s journey then Olicity fans. 

Felicity pining all through S1/S2? Didn’t happen.

Multiple break ups? Try 1.

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Honestly, declaring his love for Felicity at the start of season three isn't what I'd call a slow burn.

Maybe they are mixing up slow burn with a stall.

I thought the s3 stalling was some of the best stalling ever. 

I'm gonna declare my love for you but I can't be with you cuz I'm gonna die alone so I'll stare at you with sad, pining puppy face until I die and also tell you I love you at the most inconvenient times.

That was an awesome way to stall.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I would have said that the slow burn was 1x03 untill the s2 finale but I've found that i see things differently than TV Fanatic does.

For me, Slow burn is nothing happening until season 5, lol.  Flirty moments and teases actually meaning something by season two finale, that's the fast track for me, lol.  

I think me not thinking anything was really meant to happen during season one helped to make the wait seem shorter as well.

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

For me, Slow burn is nothing happening until season 5, lol.  Flirty moments and teases actually meaning something by season two finale, that's the fast track for me, lol.  

I think me not thinking anything was really meant to happen during season one helped to make the wait seem shorter as well.

Maybe because I watched season 1 and 2 over a two weeks on DVD I never got the impression that Olicity were never meant to happen. I'd pretty much finished season 1 thinking they were going to set up a Felicity-Oliver-Laurel triangle in season 2 that I was hoping would end with Olicity and by 2x07 I was 100 percent sure that the show was moving in the direction of Olicity and that Sara was just a ship stall.


Having said that I could see how if you were watching week to week and reading all the likely bs melodramatic interviews from the writers/cast how there would have been more doubt cast. 

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I'd also came to Arrow from Smallville that had spent a good part of a decade teasing a future romance between the hero and his trusty girl Friday that never amounted to anything more than an epic tease before bowing to comic dictates so I was very much twice shy.  I think that I was also convinced they really were going there by the time Oliver swang TWICE in as many episodes in swoon worthy super heroic style to save Felicity's life, goes to show just how clear a path they'd picked out by the start of season two.  I wanted it in season one, but I believed in season two.  (And then freaked during the drought in the back half that maybe they'd changed their minds.  I was young and didn't know about MG's need for a Gotcha!)

What I'm trying to remember is if around that time there were any supporting hints in the showrunner or SA's interviews.  I do remember there being an explosion of interviews with EBR but she was the new cast member so I'm not sure if I'd have read anything from that.   

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Having been around fandom from 1B on, I can say in my experience it was a huge Olicity will NEVER happen!

Part of it was Smallville related, other parts were just the simple fact that planned OTPs are rarely sacrificed and almost never when there's canon to support it.

Looking back it seems obvious, hell MG flat out stated it in April 2013 (they had to wrap up the Oliver/Laurel/Tommy triangle before they could move on to Felicity...almost the direct quote.) However, the switch from Lauiver to Olicity was really monumental. So yeah, every time it looked like it might be the plan there were doubts in fandom and hell media too, plus comments from EPs that were trying to walk a line between with the new direction without shitting over comics and their original plan.

So yeah, looking back seems obvious. Watching without being around random and without delay probably seems obvious, living through it, seemed not so obvious. 

ETA: To bring this back to the article I think the "slow burn" might come from the absolute disbelief that it could happen. I swear even in S4 people thought Felicity was dead and that was the start of Lauiver.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Looking back it seems obvious, hell MG flat out stated it in April 2013 (they had to wrap up the Oliver/Laurel/Tommy triangle before they could move on to Felicity...almost the direct quote.) However, the switch from Lauiver to Olicity was really monumental. So yeah, every time it looked like it might be the plan there were doubts in fandom and hell media too, plus comments from EPs that were trying to walk a line between with the new direction without shitting over comics and their original plan.

-- MG: "I think there’s a lot of really great moments between Oliver and Felicity in the final four episodes of the season. That’s really what people will respond to. There’s a scene that they share in Episode 22 where just the chemistry is just so palpable. I was actually just on set telling Stephen that you really feel there’s a lot of chemistry and heat between the two of them. So, the shippers are only going to get louder post-Episode 22. ... [T]he final four episodes really are about this love triangle of Oliver, Laurel and Tommy. That’s the love triangle that we began the series with so we felt it appropriate to finish the season with a focus on it. That love triangle really starts to come to a boil with Wednesday’s episode, Episode 20. That kicks us off for the remaining three episodes of the season after that. The truth of the matter is that we sort of have to play that out first before we can play out Oliver and Felicity. But I love the fact that people are shipping them. It really is exciting. There’s nothing but love for Felicity among all the people involved in the show. So, stay tuned. But in the meantime, I gained a lot of satisfaction by teasing people.” (April 24, 2013 Huffington Post article)

ETA: Corrected date of Huffington Post article.

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

-- MG: "I think there’s a lot of really great moments between Oliver and Felicity in the final four episodes of the season. That’s really what people will respond to. There’s a scene that they share in Episode 22 where just the chemistry is just so palpable. I was actually just on set telling Stephen that you really feel there’s a lot of chemistry and heat between the two of them. So, the shippers are only going to get louder post-Episode 22. ... [T]he final four episodes really are about this love triangle of Oliver, Laurel and Tommy. That’s the love triangle that we began the series with so we felt it appropriate to finish the season with a focus on it. That love triangle really starts to come to a boil with Wednesday’s episode, Episode 20. That kicks us off for the remaining three episodes of the season after that. The truth of the matter is that we sort of have to play that out first before we can play out Oliver and Felicity. But I love the fact that people are shipping them. It really is exciting. There’s nothing but love for Felicity among all the people involved in the show. So, stay tuned. But in the meantime, I gained a lot of satisfaction by teasing people.” (April 24, 2018 Huffington Post article)


Thanks for those.  I hadn't seen the first quote before.  Boy was he right, lol.  

I had read the second quote you bolded, but I didn't recall (or maybe never saw) the full context.  I'd always thought it came in direct response to the question of if they'd ever consider actually doing Olicity.  At the time I took it as maybe just another tease, a statement that was true (having to deal with the original love triangle) but a love triangle that probably originally was supposed to last series long.  And so I originally didn't put much weight in his comment.  But now reading it, boy does it seem blatantly spelled out, lol.  

Edited to note the date of the Huffington Post article is 2013 not 2018.  I thought at first they reprinted it or something.  

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13 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

But now reading it, boy does it seem blatantly spelled out, lol.  

Seriously! Looking it back it's so obvious they switched gears in S1 and committed to Olicity, most likely in December 2012 when they decided to kill Tommy (end the planned series long Love Triangle).  But, living through it, even after reading that article in April 2013 it still seemed like an impossibility. 

Oh the roller coaster of emotions S2 brought about, the S2A highs 201, 203, 207, 208 and, ending with 209's Slade's monologue. The sucker punch of 213, the long drought from 214-220 where Olicity almost weren't even allowed to interact (yes, done for the 223 shock ending!). 

I can remember when the promo or stills for 223 came out, the high of seeing it was a 24 hour roller coaster the high of OMG Slade kidnapped Felicity. Oh, no wait that's Laurel, not Felicity! Oh wait it's both, he's going to make Oliver choose just like in 209! 

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Seriously! Looking it back it's so obvious they switched gears in S1 and committed to Olicity, most likely in December 2012 when they decided to kill Tommy (end the planned series long Love Triangle).  But, living through it, even after reading that article in April 2013 it still seemed like an impossibility. 

Oh the roller coaster of emotions S2 brought about, the S2A highs 201, 203, 207, 208 and, ending with 209's Slade's monologue. The sucker punch of 213, the long drought from 214-220 where Olicity almost weren't even allowed to interact (yes, done for the 223 shock ending!). 

I can remember when the promo or stills for 223 came out, the high of seeing it was a 24 hour roller coaster the high of OMG Slade kidnapped Felicity. Oh, no wait that's Laurel, not Felicity! Oh wait it's both, he's going to make Oliver choose just like in 209! 

Taking to the relationship thread.  

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26 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Edited to note the date of the Huffington Post article is 2013 not 2018.  I thought at first they reprinted it or something.  

Thanks!  I've corrected my original post to state the correct date of 2013. I guess my mind was frazzled.

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You can also access this article through the writer's tweet (warning: quote below includes a curse word)...

10 wishes for Oliver & Felicity of ‘Arrow’ for 2019
Thaddeus Jones    January 7, 2019


Oliver and Felicity have spent most of their married life apart. And during that separation they both went through massive emotional, physical and psychological trauma. They changed. Both of them. And although Oliver sweetly assured Felicity that she will always be the love of his life no matter who or what she becomes, they still need to figure out who they are together. Plus, “Arrow” doesn’t feel like Arrow when Oliver and Felicity are kept apart (looking at you, Season 5). The show is so much more interesting and entertaining when these two share the screen.
*  *  *
Oliver’s speech about how much he loves Felicity was beautiful. But what truly needs to happen is for them to sit down and talk about his penchant for making decisions on his own. Leaving Felicity in the dark has been an ongoing issue since at least Season 3 — and it’s a bigger issue now that they are married. The problem is it’s never truly addressed. It happens again and again and again. And Oliver as a character is diminished by this inability to learn. Felicity doesn’t need countless apologies, she needs a husband who will promise to be a full partner.

*  *  *
*  *  *
When is Felicity Smoak finally launching her company? And I mean HER company, hers alone bearing HER name. We know it exists, we’ve seen what’s left of it (yet another reason I detest that bleak future). I’ve seen concerns raised about how interesting a Smoak Tech storyline would be. But I think stories showing the difficulties faced by women in tech could be compelling. Plus, if the company focuses on security, it could also be used to explore Felicity’s trauma and obsession with safety. Then there’s trying to find work-life-vigilantism balance and its impact on her home life with Oliver.

*  *  *
I hope it has finally sunk in for Oliver just how traumatized his wife is. The woman got arrow-resistant curtains, for crying out loud! And she’s carrying a gun; she hates guns. Maybe she won’t feel so helpless if she got actual training in self-defense. No, this is not so she could join the phalanx of masks in Star City. This is so she can be empowered. She’s been living a very dangerous life for the past seven years and except for a training session with Diggle in Season 1, a tip on boxing stance from Sara Lance in Season 2 and a reminder from Oliver to straighten her wrist when punching in Season 5, we haven’t actually seen anybody teach Felicity Smoak to defend herself. At this point, it’s irresponsible and stupid.

There was something off the last time Oliver was out in the field. True, seeing him in his green leather with the hood down in public will take some getting used. So will seeing him without his mask, or even green paint. But the one thing I refuse to become familiar with is the idea of the Green Arrow without his Overwatch. Felicity Smoak is Oliver Queen’s crime-fighting partner. Always has been – at least on this show.

Oliver and Felicity deserve friends and allies who won’t turn on them over the flimsiest of excuses. They deserve friends who don’t try to attack them with axes. They deserve friends who won’t tell Felicity to just accept her husband’s fate. They deserve friends who won’t advice them to go back to witness protection, where they were almost killed. They deserve friends who are not one of the reasons they were separated for all these months. They deserve friends who didn’t try to repeatedly kill them just a few months ago. Oliver and Felicity deserve better, goddamnit!


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20 Couples CW Shows Want Us To Forget


Oliver Queen has a long list of love interests on Arrow, many of which clearly were never going to last very long. After a while, the most popular pairing on the show by far was his romance with Felicity Smoak, whom he was always going to end up with. Many women have thus fallen by the wayside, and one of those was Susan Williams.

Susan had the extra misfortune of being pretty boring to watch. Unlike Oliver's other failed romances, which tended to involve supervillains or ninjas or what have you, Susan was just a reporter. She hit it off with Oliver when she reported on his campaign in a negative light, but eventually Oliver told her being with him was too dangerous, like we all knew he would. It was a boring chapter in Arrow, easily forgotten.
*  *  *
Oliver Queen and Sara Lance were not a bad on-screen couple. Their clandestine relationship was one of the reasons Ollie couldn't get back together with Laurel, Sara's sister. The pairing even had some fans who preferred it to Oliver and Felicity's eventual romance.

However, Sara and Oliver have changed a lot since they were together. Sara has gone on to be the lead of Legends of Tomorrow, and after years of starring there, it's honestly weird to think she was ever with Oliver. That past relationship just doesn't seem compatible with either character as they are now, as the writers moved on from that couple a long, long time ago.

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I'm not sure that writer which knows what "want us to forget" means. The fact that Oliver and Sara no longer seem compatible doesn't mean the show want us to forget they were a couple, just that they probably shouldn't be in one again and with Susan, while I'd love to forget the moronic asshole the relationship turned Oliver into, I don't really think the show cares one way or the other. The article seems to translate "are no longer together" into "show wants us to forget they ever were" which is strange and rarely true.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
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5 hours ago, Trisha said:

Has CW lost it? They bringing Arrow back for 2 weeks then sending it on another 2 month hiatus just to move it to a later timeslot? 


Arrow, which will go on hiatus after its January 28 episode, will return with its season 7 mid-season premiere on Monday, April 15.


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