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I disagree about the OC best friend, there are times where it is a good thing, and in all honesty besides Sara, maybe Nyssa, I can't really see any of the other characters being close friends with Felicity without all of them breaking character. I can never not cringe when I read a fic where Laurel and felicity are besties or whatever. Yea.. nope! So I rather have an OC who is well written.


I always like when Team Flash is added to the mix, Barry or Caitlin, even Iris. But Laurel....never!! 

A well written OC is still problematic for me in any fics where Oliver is the Arrow. Felicity can't tell them his secret, and then it manufactures drama that I don't want to read about. 


And to keep this fully on topic, I've just finished the first chapter of The Second Thing by Kazy, another post 309 fallout fic. She's written some really great Olicity fics in the past. She's good at hitting the emotional beats.


Just caught up on the first 2 chapters...really, really good and I'm liking it more than "The Ring". I like Kazy a lot, "Of need and abandonment issues" is one of the few Felicity Dates someone else fics, where the author isn't, I'm not sure how to explain it "biased" against Oliver. Like he is still dickish, (in an entertaining way to me) but he doesn't have to earn Felcity's love, they are just both complicated. 


I can understand what people are saying about Athfan, but I'm enjoying "The Devil's Backbone" season long, secret, angsty Olicity hook-ups. Although I would like her to work on Queen of Hearts.

Edited by Genki
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Just caught up on the first 2 chapters...really, really good and I'm liking it more than "The Ring". I like Kazy a lot, "Of need and abandonment issues" is one of the few Felicity Dates someone else fics, where the author isn't, I'm not sure how to explain it "biased" against Oliver. Like he is still dickish, (in an entertaining way to me) but he doesn't have to earn Felcity's love, they are just both complicated. 


I can understand what people are saying about Athfan, but I'm enjoying "The Devil's Backbone" season long, secret, angsty Olicity hook-ups. Although I would like her to work on Queen of Hearts.


Same. I've just finished reading 'The Ring' and it's good, some really great dialogue too, but I don't like how she writes Felicity's relationship with Ray. She makes out there's more to it than it is and it just makes me uncomfortable. I don't like reading Oliver and Felicity with anyone else. Can't do it!


Yeah, I've enjoyed most of Kazy's fics. And I realize I'm contradicting myself because one of her fics did feature Felicity with someone else but a) it wasn't Ray and b) that fic in particular was more of an AU so I could stomach it more. I'm weird that way lol. 


I don't know, Queen of Hearts is one in particular where I feel like it's going nowhere. To each their own, I guess! 

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That's interesting, I really liked 3 quarters of "The Ring" but the last bit lost me. I don't think Raylicity was too intense, perhaps because in the show Felicity seems to be falling for his crap (quite bitter as you can see). I really don't know if she'll love him but fall for him she is (agh bitter for days).

I especially liked the part where Oliver, Walter and Diggle accost Ray dizzy. That was completely awesome and MUST HAPPEN IN SHOW.

I thought the Felicity almost going catatonic thing was...hmm no. But there is lots to like about 'The Ring' that I'd enjoy on screen.

Kazy is great, I must read "The Second Thing".

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I can understand what people are saying about Athfan, but I'm enjoying "The Devil's Backbone" season long, secret, angsty Olicity hook-ups. Although I would like her to work on Queen of Hearts.

I am enjoying that one too. Which is why as i said, i don't tend to judge fan fics by authors but rather let them stand on their own, cause as a writer it's easy for me to understand that a good writer can also write shit, and occasionally a shitty writer will have a great story in their mix.

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I enjoyed Anthfan for a long time. Although it is easier to enjoy them when they are being updated regularly. Waiting makes me lose interest.

Whether it is TV, movies, or books; I find most don't have a high enough quality for me to anxiously wait. I also don't have the time to commit if it isn't going to be finished.

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This episode is the first one in the series that actually makes me teary. Felicity continually crapped on my feelings the entire episode. Completely uncomfortable, and now that video is making me emotional at 8 in the morning.

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Now that the story is complete, I can recommend 'Monsters in the Dark' by somethingelseornothingatall - http://archiveofourown.org/works/3160169/chapters/6860231


A first season re-write with strong elements of urban fantasy, which is funny, dramatic, fantastic, and well-written. I really appreciated the fact that the words 'purposeful/purposefully' were used correctly, and were not bunged in where 'deliberately' was the only choice. That has become a pet peeve after reading so much fanfic. About 90% of writers are doing it, and I cannot fathom the reason, especially since quite a few of them are college students. 


The words might be synonyms, but usage is nuanced.

Edited by Pothunter
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Now that the story is complete, I can recommend 'Monsters in the Dark' by somethingelseornothingatall - http://archiveofourown.org/works/3160169/chapters/6860231


A first season re-write with strong elements of urban fantasy, which is funny, dramatic, fantastic, and well-written. I really appreciated the fact that the words 'purposeful/purposefully' were used correctly, and were not bunged in where 'deliberately' was the only choice. That has become a pet peeve after reading so much fanfic. About 90% of writers are doing it, and I cannot fathom the reason, especially since quite a few of them are college students. 


The words might be synonyms, but usage is nuanced.


This was a really good fic, even with the fantasy elements. (I love urban fantasy but was not sure if I was ready for Arrow Fantasy)


It was also a S1 rewrite that did not slavishly follow the TV show. I liked getting a look into Oliver's mind via his guardian.

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I don't think The Realmcast guys have made an official announcement about it, but I have noticed they stopped posting Arrow podcasts after 3x07. It's all speculation, of course, but they couldn't stand Laurel and that was right about the time the spoiler pics came out of KC in her new costume so I assumed that might have been a factor in their disappearance.

It's a bit sad that so many of the really good Arrow podcasters and YouTube reviewers have stopped paying attention. Listening/watching their recaps was sometimes better than watching the episodes themselves.

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Oh, that sucks- I think I read something a couple weeks ago on their FB page that they had paused in the holidays and would catch up, but I see every sort of podcast on their site except for the rundown. I really hope they don't completely stop, hearing their snark would be good in these dark times:)

Edited by looptab
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No, they haven't, they're just a bit slow catching up after their break, and they're also covering the cons in their area. They seem to be catching up one podcast at a time, they've posted 5 episodes of Take Two in the last two weeks, so I'm pretty sure the Arrow and Flash rundowns are next. Laurel won't stop them from watching/snarking :D

Edited by marihunc
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I need help.

A month or so ago, someone posted a one-shot that started off with Oliver saying something like "since this clearly isn't working for either of us anymore, maybe we should call off the wedding!" and then Felicity runs out of the foundry and gets hit by a car in the parking lot of Verdant. Anyone remember this and know where I can find it?

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I need help.

A month or so ago, someone posted a one-shot that started off with Oliver saying something like "since this clearly isn't working for either of us anymore, maybe we should call off the wedding!" and then Felicity runs out of the foundry and gets hit by a car in the parking lot of Verdant. Anyone remember this and know where I can find it?

Feeling a little masochistic?  Cause that sounds like even more of a downer than the show, lol. 

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I need help.

A month or so ago, someone posted a one-shot that started off with Oliver saying something like "since this clearly isn't working for either of us anymore, maybe we should call off the wedding!" and then Felicity runs out of the foundry and gets hit by a car in the parking lot of Verdant. Anyone remember this and know where I can find it?


That sounds really familiar. I think I've read that. Hmm... Lemme go look at my bookmarked stuff...


ETA: Found it! A Thousand Times Over by FelOllie It's actually a very short but pretty good read with a happy ending, BkWurm1. :)

Edited by SleepDeprived
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I'm posting this here because a) it's really well done and b) I want to bring it up in the relationships thread.. 

Wow, that was really good - and makes so much more sense than the TV show.

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I want her to say she loves both as well. I believe Someone on here even said she should kiss him when he has his Arrow gear on

In my head, I just wrote the best kiss scenario ever, maybe not ever but its very good - although not happening soon in my estimation if we're playing by TV time standards.


When she/he & the plot are ready to actually accept a future together, this is what I hope happens. Since she was the one that put on his eye mask the first time, she should take off the mask and say something like... I love you because of the mask and I love you without the mask, either way I know one thing and that is that I love all of you. That way we get costume but we also get to see his face to symbolize the man. Its poetic and beautiful, a little sappy but that never hurt anybody. Maybe something can blow up in the background to counteract the sweetness.

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In my head, I just wrote the best kiss scenario ever, maybe not ever but its very good - although not happening soon in my estimation if we're playing by TV time standards.


When she/he & the plot are ready to actually accept a future together, this is what I hope happens. Since she was the one that put on his eye mask the first time, she should take off the mask and say something like... I love you because of the mask and I love you without the mask, either way I know one thing and that is that I love all of you. That way we get costume but we also get to see his face to symbolize the man. Its poetic and beautiful, a little sappy but that never hurt anybody. Maybe something can blow up in the background to counteract the sweetness.

Oh that would be awesome @Kismet!

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So BR seems to be a cool guy IRL. But Ray is just not cutting it for me as someone I enjoy watching for his character perspective, I just want them to make him more interesting if he's gonna be in so many scenes. Anyway, if there was a masterplan for an ensemble narrative it makes me wonder why did they have to kill Tommy? I miss Tommy, Im still bummed it was not him that rescued Oliver.


Stumbled onto this video... heard this song on this radio and immediately thought of Arrow, but I could never figure out who Oliver would sing it to/about. Thought it was his mother, but that never really worked in me head. Can't believe I didn't think of Tommy??? Maybe I was subconsciously thinking that it would be Tommy rescuing him from the mountain cliff. I seriously don't understand why they had to write off Tommy? I mean I get it from a writer's perspective, that it pushed Oliver to be a different and better type of hero. That his suffering would not be in vain because it introduced the No-Kill rule. But couldn't the writers have come up with another reason? Maybe another vision Yao-fe, his father. It still would have impactful. I just miss Tommy. He brought fun to the show without distracting from the main story. Imagine the scenes he could have had with Thea as they take down their evil father. He made everything so much more human, but I guess the writers might be moving away from human based stories.


For anyone who loved, liked or enjoyed Tommy I encourage a viewing... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18zTXGyB2bU

Edited by kismet
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I've seen someone on this board say they think that song fits Olicity

I won't disagree with them, everyone hears songs differently - that's the beauty of music! But I guess I don't agree with them, there are better songs for Olicity. It talks about years of struggles, disappointments, forgiveness and taking a path the person knows they wouldn't want them to take. Felicity seems to be okay with most of his path so far, esp since the no-kill rule, which was because of Tommy. So every time Oliver goes into the field and chooses a non-lethal approach he is truly "betting his life" on Tommy. He was really the one that was fundamental in making Oliver realize that the path he was on was not the best one. So I will always attribute Tommy as the one the finalized Oliver's step from vigilante to hero. Diggle & Felicity helped him, but it was Tommy and Tommy's opinion of him that made him realize he needed to change. Tommy didn't want his friend to be a killer. I often wonder if Tommy had any suspicions before Oliver was forced to reveal himself. I think if he did, he tried to convince himself out of it because he didn't want that life for his friend.

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I won't disagree with them, everyone hears songs differently - that's the beauty of music! But I guess I don't agree with them, there are better songs for Olicity. It talks about years of struggles, disappointments, forgiveness and taking a path the person knows they wouldn't want them to take. Felicity seems to be okay with most of his path so far, esp since the no-kill rule, which was because of Tommy. So every time Oliver goes into the field and chooses a non-lethal approach he is truly "betting his life" on Tommy. He was really the one that was fundamental in making Oliver realize that the path he was on was not the best one. So I will always attribute Tommy as the one the finalized Oliver's step from vigilante to hero. Diggle & Felicity helped him, but it was Tommy and Tommy's opinion of him that made him realize he needed to change. Tommy didn't want his friend to be a killer. I often wonder if Tommy had any suspicions before Oliver was forced to reveal himself. I think if he did, he tried to convince himself out of it because he didn't want that life for his friend.

I agree with you when I read that someone liked that song for Olicity I went and listened to it in full and I agree that while Oliver and Felicity can bet their lives on each other the song content fits Tommy and Oliver better

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I think it will be both I hate that I'd rather see Felicity single than be with Ray! He's just gross and I'm so sick of endless Pain for Olicity they have awesome Insane chemistry I just don't get why you don't put them together and Backburn the relationship!! It's not hard look at Dyla! Of course these showrunners are assholes and keep putting more misery on the screen so Dyla will be probably be screwed up too.

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Nah I think Dyla is, as JBuffyAngel says the "anchor couple". They'll be fine whilst Olicity goes through growing pains. Dyla weren't made in a day, they literally got divorced before their HEA. Things gotta happen.

...agh watch me defend Olicity angst. It doesn't seem like angst, rather it seems necessary. But before they get together, the fanvids will have destroyed half of the fandom. I'm convinced.

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Nah I think Dyla is, as JBuffyAngel says the "anchor couple". They'll be fine whilst Olicity goes through growing pains. Dyla weren't made in a day, they literally got divorced before their HEA. Things gotta happen.

...agh watch me defend Olicity angst. It doesn't seem like angst, rather it seems necessary. But before they get together, the fanvids will have destroyed half of the fandom. I'm convinced.

I see your point about Dyla but we should not have to wait that goddamm long for Olicity to happen.

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