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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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I wonder about her parenting and the impact she has on her sons. I can only imagine how she will react when her sons want to spend time out with friends or girlfriends. She'll be late 40s, almost 50. I'm sure her face will look jacked as ever.  The emotional manipulation will be epic for those poor kids as they try to pull away.

My mind flashed forward 10-15 years from now when I read your post and thought about what Brandi will be like as a MIL and grandmother -- she's actually emotionally dangerous to people and I'm a little afraid for her future grandkids and daughters-in-law.

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This Brandi business reminds me of a tossed salad -- same ingredients, but all mixed up!  I found myself "liking" so many of your replies because you were essentially stating the same things that I was trying to say!  It's as if we're all trying to describe someone who can't be described easily, but our ideas are all the same.  There can be little doubt that Brandi is a trouble-maker in most any situation in which she finds herself.  How she got to be that way is up for grabs. As I said before, I think the sooner she finds out why she is the way she is, the better she (and we) will be.  And if that doesn't work, I think it's time to remove Brandi from the public airwaves ASAP!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Therein lies the problem, Brandi does not see herself as the problem.....it is everyone else. Brandi has to acknowledge there is something wrong with herself and want to get better first in order to seek help and I just do not ever see that happening. Much like Kim, they will sober/nice for short periods of time but because they refuse to deal with whatever emotional problems they have, that are really causing their drinking or bad behavior, they will never get better.

  • Love 4

With regard to the question of spoilers for Celebrity Apprentice, here's how we're going to deal with that. The same way we deal with any show outside of it's forum. So, for future reference, we request you tag "big" spoilers outside of any shows forum. If you wanted to talk about a death on Sons of Anarchy in the Walking Dead forum for some reason, we'd request you tag the death and note "Spoilers for SoA" so in this instance we request you tag who got fired and which team lost for any discussion of Celebrity Apprentice, that being said I'd also like to remind everyone that both teams do go to the boardroom prior to finding out who lost, so simply saying that X happened in the boardroom wouldn't spoil the results. Again, when in doubt, tag it, but also consider finding a way to talk about it without indicating the results. That shouldn't be too difficult. Moreover, if you want to have in depth discussions of what happened on Celebrity Apprentice I'd suggest going to that forum and discussing it there. Thanks! PM me with any questions or concerns. 

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This is an interesting development.  All I can say is good luck to Joanna.  It was bad enough Brandi said it, but Bravo and Andy running it as the "best of", then when Brandi did the fake interview of Andy, production provided her with cue cards and Joanna and her parts were brought up again.  

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Ooh, I hope Joanna wins. I really do. And I don't even like Joanna. IMO if Brandi loses to me this is the equivalent of her having to finally pay for *all* of the fucked up shit she's said and done over the years. Brandi seems to only understand money so this is the only thing, I think, that might be able to get her to alter her destructive behavior. Maybe she'll think twice about saying something offensive just for the sake of it.

  • Love 8

Okay, thanks for the clarification, and thanks zoeysmom for taking the initiative to get it all clarified from the mods. I enjoy your posts as well and this all seems like a reasonable middleground.


On another note, for me, trying to choose a winner between Brandi and Joanna is like trying to choose between syphilis and gonorrhea!

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I think Brandi fancies herself as the Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh of the baby Podcast set. She wants to believe she can be as brutally honest, offensive and untouchable as they are. Problem is, she has neither the intelligence nor the wit to even come close. She's far from untouchable and lucky she hasn't been threatened with a lawsuit before. (that we know of.)


I don't know anything about Joanna Krupa but I saw Brandi's comment about her, live.  I don't know if a lawsuit will have any legs but I'm all for Brandi having to write more checks to her attorney.

  • Love 4

Let the "poor me"'s begin from that tall piece of shit Brandi Glanville!  Just like with Adrienne, we will be hearing about how she's being SUUUEED and had to pay a LAWYER $80,000 in legal fees and she's just a poor struggling single mother who was cheated on, CHEATED ON and how dare anyone in the whole big wide world pick on her when she really didn't do anything (despite the tape showing otherwise).  This will give her TOTAL ANXIETY the next time she's in a room with Joanna and she will have to drink copious amounts of pinot grigio to keep it together.  Poor, poor Brandi.  WHY DO THESE THINGS KEEP HAPPENING TO HER????

  • Love 11

Brandi has succeeded once again in putting Andy Cohen in the hot seat.  Not that I'm a huge Andy fan, but he's faced once again with the too-frequent problem of what to do about Brandi.  He should have done something about her three seasons ago, IMHO, but she ups the ratings, so he keeps her. 


Brandi not only made the comment on WWHL, but recently was drunk and being helped out of a restaurant by her date when she yelled the same Krupa trash to a nearby photographer.  That's twice, Brandi!  When will you learn???  Brandi was born with a loose tongue; then, she drinks, and her tongue gets looser.  You'd think she'd know enough not to drink and talk at the same time!


I propose either one of two plastic surgeries for Brandi: either an operation to tighten her tongue or oral surgery to cement her teeth together.  A further option might be to wire her fingers together so that, in order to post on Twitter, she'd have to use her nose.  But enough about cruelty to animals.  Brandi would only add them to her "Poor me" list of tragedies.

Edited by Lura
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I read an interview with Brandi today and saw a video on WOCHIT about an apparently "terrible" word Brandi used about LeAnn Rimes yesterday.  It must have been pretty bad because the article didn't even try to describe the word!  Brandi continues to mire herself in the mud on a slow news day.


I am thinking that Brandi's entire career has been built on hatred.  I think that her hatred for Eddie and LeAnn is the driving force behind her will to succeed in show business, her intent on calling attention to herself and making headlines, and so far, it's paid off.  One could argue that Brandi is now as well-known as Eddie and LeAnn are, and many of the people who DO know who they are have learned about them through Brandi's rants.  Brandi has turned out to be a better PR person for them than their own PR person is!  She really is "one of a kind."

On the show last night she called her a Cunt-ry star, drawing out the first part of the word, but not so much as it didn't make it on air.  

Okay, thanks for the clarification, and thanks zoeysmom for taking the initiative to get it all clarified from the mods. I enjoy your posts as well and this all seems like a reasonable middleground.


On another note, for me, trying to choose a winner between Brandi and Joanna is like trying to choose between syphilis and gonorrhea!

You are welcome and I feel bad if I spoiled CA for you.


What makes this case interesting-is what Brandi actually said is, "Mohamed said . . . . ," so if one is trying to decide between the lesser of two evils it is also an attempt to restore Mohamed's reputation as well as thump Brandi.


Oh the players to be called-Lisa Vanderpump, Ken Todd and Shiva.   Last year Shiva and Joanna seemed to be pretty close.   

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Can someone smarter than me explain how in the HOLY HELL do you get overpaid any kind of support to the tune of $100,000? I'm sure Brandi AND Eddie are lying to protect their own interest. But, seriously, if you get several checks that are too large, don't you day something to someone?

Can someone smarter than me explain how in the HOLY HELL do you get overpaid any kind of support to the tune of $100,000? I'm sure Brandi AND Eddie are lying to protect their own interest. But, seriously, if you get several checks that are too large, don't you day something to someone?

It was over a four year period.  Essentially what Brandi did was borrow money from Eddie.  She knew or had to know that any money she made would be deducted from what Eddie paid her.  So if Eddie was paying her $100,000.00 a year and she made $50,000.00 that year she knew she would have to at some point repay it or roll the dice and   hope that she got a sympathetic judge or that a statute had run and Eddie's reimbursement would be less.   Obviously Eddie should have asked for an annual review. 

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I don't know anything about Joanna Krupa but I saw Brandi's comment about her, live.  I don't know if a lawsuit will have any legs but I'm all for Brandi having to write more checks to her attorney.

I agree. Defamation lawsuits are extremely hard to win, but seeing those scenes of Brandi on the phone with her lawyer and the egg timer, trying not to go over the 15-minute mark, gives me reason to smile. If somebody making a crude STD joke about her on live TV, which humiliated her and resulted in a public meltdown, doesn't get her to shut her mouth, maybe a lawsuit will.

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I agree. Defamation lawsuits are extremely hard to win, but seeing those scenes of Brandi on the phone with her lawyer and the egg timer, trying not to go over the 15-minute mark, gives me reason to smile. If somebody making a crude STD joke about her on live TV, which humiliated her and resulted in a public meltdown, doesn't get her to shut her mouth, maybe a lawsuit will.

This is an interesting case.  The most common defenses are public figure and then the burden goes to a standard of "reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the statement".  This isn't an statement of opinion vs. fact statement.  Had Brandi said-"Joanna has a smelly . . .", instead of "Mohamed said Joanna has a smelly . . . " she might have an opinion vs. fact argument/defense.  I think it is funny Miss NYTimes Best Selling author is getting hung by her own words.


I think Brandi will be retaining a different type of attorney.   If Joanna is smart she won't sue Bravo or WWHL or go for big pockets-she should let Brandi claim it was part of a scripted bit. 


I think Joanna has met the burden of Brandi's statements causing her "scorn, ridicule or hatred"  IIRC there were some cartons and photo shopped pieces on blogs depicting Joanna's alleged situation.  I think the most difficult thing for Joanna to prove is her damages.  It doesn't help that WWHL has not had her back as a guest.  So in decline in income might be attributed to Brandi's statements.

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Brandi is obnoxious, and I can't stand her, but Joanna needs to look at her own behavior if she wants to avoid these kinds of situations. Maybe Joanna shouldn't have tweeted, "No wonder her husband left her" if she didn't want the self-described truth cannon to go off on her on live TV. The reality is that Brandi didn't intentionally insert herself in the RHoM drama - Adriana (or whatever her name is) brought her into it. Granted, Brandi should have just kept her mouth shut when Andy Cohen followed up about it on WWHL; but, by that same token, all Joanna had to do was refute it and call Brandi a liar; instead, Joanna slung mud with the Eddie crack and so she got mud back from Brandi. Please understand I am by no means excusing Brandi's part in this - and, yes, she gets what she deserves when it comes to her big mouth. But I feel zero sympathy for Joanna. She and Brandi are cut from the same dramatic, hyperbolic, attention-seeking cloth. This law suit is just ridiculous. And, yes, I absolutely believe that Joanna slept with Mohammed - or, at the very least, I believe that Yolanda told Brandi that Joanna slept with Mohammed.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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History has shown that people like Brandi don't change unless there is a huge crash of some type. Hitting rock bottom, losing all income, losing a home.... it's coming, I fear. Often when they least expect it so they have no backup plan to stay afloat.

Almost as if you had been reading Brandi's mail. This could be the crash.  A more thorough description from Joanna and Romain's attorney http://www.eonline.com/news/614748/joanna-krupa-plans-to-sue-brandi-glanville-over-cheating-claims-and-smelly-vagina-comments

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Brandi is obnoxious, and I can't stand her, but Joanna needs to look at her own behavior if she wants to avoid these kinds of situations. Maybe Joanna shouldn't have tweeted, "No wonder her husband left her" if she didn't want the self-described truth cannon to go off on her on live TV. The reality is that Brandi didn't intentionally insert herself in the RHoM drama - Adriana (or whatever her name is) brought her into it. Granted, Brandi should have just kept her mouth shut when Andy Cohen followed up about it on WWHL; but, by that same token, all Joanna had to do was refute it and call Brandi a liar; instead, Joanna slung mud with the Eddie crack and so she got mud back from Brandi. Please understand I am by no means excusing Brandi's part in this - and, yes, she gets what she deserves when it comes to her big mouth. But I feel zero sympathy for Joanna. She and Brandi are cut from the same dramatic, hyperbolic, attention-seeking cloth. This law suit is just ridiculous. And, yes, I absolutely believe that Joanna slept with Mohammed - or, at the very least, I believe that Yolanda told Brandi that Joanna slept with Mohammed.

Is it only a cease and desist about the stinky crotch?  Because Joe Francis said a couple years prior that Mohammed had picked up Joanna, and when he got tired of her passed her on to Joe.  That was on Reality Tea and on RHOM. So Brandi may not be able to be sued if the cheating allegations were already public.  


 As for more recent iterations of the stinky comment, the WWHL crew gave Brandi the cue cards with the questions on them.  So it will be interesting. Will Joanna join Bravo in the suit?  Will Brandi cross-claim and bring them in?


I know there is a higher standard that Joanna will have to meet because she is a public figure.  I wonder if she will have to prove that Brandi knew the statement was false?


But by sending this cease and desist letter and releasing the letter to the press and having her attorney speak out (did she file anything with the court?), Joanna is trolling for publicity.  She has been dying to get back on TV, RHOBH esp. Usually you send C&D letters to keep things quiet.


Brandi said Lisa was there when Mohammed said it, but I wonder if any servers or others were too.  You know Lisa and Mohammed will never admit it (even if he did say it).  It could get dicey if Mohammed did say something along those lines and it was semi-public.  


Brandi won't have to spend a dime if she keeps her mouth shut right?  It's just a cease and desist letter.

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When does Brandi ever keep her mouth shut?


Although I'm sure she's doing a happy dance. She gets to be the victim again. I was just repeating what someone told me. It's not my fault! She attacked me first! I'm not perfect! Everytime I get back on my feet someone comes along to knock me down. I'm a single Mother trying to support my babies! I don't have a husband! I'm doing the best I can but with this latest setback I drink and pop pills to numb the pain. My ex cheated on me. I was just going through a rough time!


God, she'll milk this for everything she can.

  • Love 3

When does Brandi ever keep her mouth shut?


Although I'm sure she's doing a happy dance. She gets to be the victim again. I was just repeating what someone told me. It's not my fault! She attacked me first! I'm not perfect! Everytime I get back on my feet someone comes along to knock me down. I'm a single Mother trying to support my babies! I don't have a husband! I'm doing the best I can but with this latest setback I drink and pop pills to numb the pain. My ex cheated on me. I was just going through a rough time!


God, she'll milk this for everything she can.

Well, maybe she will this time.  She hasn't tweeted anything ... yet.  We know she hates paying lawyers!  Let's see how long it takes Brandi to respond, if at all.  If she doesn't, then maybe the C&D works.  


Then we can see if it was a publicity stunt by Joanna.  If Brandi doesn't respond - like no mention of Joanna at all, then will we hear from Joanna again?  Oh famewhores! What lengths will they go to for publicity?!  I wonder if Bravo lawyers have gotten a hold of Brandi and told her to STFU?


ETA - Or maybe Yolanda or Mohammed have told Brandi to zip it.  I can't imagine Mohammed wanting to get dragged into court.

Edited by jinjer
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I think Brandi fancies herself as the Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh of the baby Podcast set. She wants to believe she can be as brutally honest, offensive and untouchable as they are. Problem is, she has neither the intelligence nor the wit to even come close. She's far from untouchable and lucky she hasn't been threatened with a lawsuit before. (that we know of.)


I don't know anything about Joanna Krupa but I saw Brandi's comment about her, live.  I don't know if a lawsuit will have any legs but I'm all for Brandi having to write more checks to her attorney.

She's actually said she wants to be like Howard, the shock jock and she's friends with his wife. Soo....
  • Love 2

I don't know Mohammed personally or anything, wish I did for his secret room alone. But, there is no way in hell I would ever believe he said that about JoAnna. No way. No how. Didn't happen. His hair may be unfortunate. His choice of girlfriends may be silly, because of the age difference. But, he seems like a real gentleman playboy. I don't think he'd ever kiss and tell, let alone say something so vulgar.

  • Love 5

But we have no way of knowing. We don't him at all. Who knows - maybe he's a rich playboy with a sick sense of humor. A lot of people are one way in public, and another way in private. Besides, is it the vulgar comment, or the accusation that he had an affair with Joanna while married to Yo that she's suing over? If it's the latter, then I wonder how things are going to shake out btwn. Brandi and Yolanda over this?

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But we have no way of knowing. We don't him at all. Who knows - maybe he's a rich playboy with a sick sense of humor. A lot of people are one way in public, and another way in private. Besides, is it the vulgar comment, or the accusation that he had an affair with Joanna while married to Yo that she's suing over? If it's the latter, then I wonder how things are going to shake out btwn. Brandi and Yolanda over this?

Or they could've just been talking about what was happening on RHOM when Joe Francis made the allegation that Mohammed passed Joanna along to him and some crude jokes were made as Mohammed, Lisa and Brandi were together one night.  It isn't beyond Lisa to make a crude joke or innuendo.  I don't see why Mohammed would be above that either.  He does hang out with Lisa and had a designated chamber of love in his basement in that mansion of his.  He probably wasn't as blunt as Brandi was though.  Brandi just cut to the chase.  Mohammed strikes me of more of an innuendo type guy. 


I think she is suing over both.  But the affair was talked about on RHOM, so I think that would already be in public domain.  

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Well, maybe she will this time.  She hasn't tweeted anything ... yet.  We know she hates paying lawyers!  Let's see how long it takes Brandi to respond, if at all.  If she doesn't, then maybe the C&D works.  


Then we can see if it was a publicity stunt by Joanna.  If Brandi doesn't respond - like no mention of Joanna at all, then will we hear from Joanna again?  Oh famewhores! What lengths will they go to for publicity?!  I wonder if Bravo lawyers have gotten a hold of Brandi and told her to STFU?


ETA - Or maybe Yolanda or Mohammed have told Brandi to zip it.  I can't imagine Mohammed wanting to get dragged into court.

I don't much care if it's a publicity stunt for Joanna or not. I just love anything that causes Brandi any amount of grief, no matter how small it is. I would say I love to see her embarassed, but I don't think that she is capable of being embarassed.


I have no great love for Joanna either, but since I consider Brandi the skankiest, most disgusting woman on television, I say bring it on.

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Brandi's vulgarity is on it's own level.  But I don't know if anyone can get as angry as Joanna Krupa.  Tamra is evil and scheming and Adriana is bad too.  But there Joanna takes it to another level where she just goes ballistic. Put them all in a cage and I think Brandi would be the first to lose.

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First off this is an intent to sue letter not a cease and desist letter.  There is no indication that the remedy is to simply stop, it is carefully defining what the damaging comments were and when, who the aggrieved parties are and what the damages have occurred as a result of the comments.  I am curious why Joanna is using a Florida attorney.


It seems the trigger was the second round of questions by Brandi about Joanna.  This was on WWHL and because Brandi has said they were prepared questions I believe Joanna had probably put Brandi on notice about the situation.


The attorney was careful to state that Brandi put into the public eye that Joanna and Mohamed and an adulterous while he had an "intact" marriage to Yolanda.  According to Adriana, "Brandi Glanville said you broke up Yolanda and Mohamed's marriage."  So Brandi's defense could easily be Adriana was lying, it was Yolanda told her (that will not happen), or that when asked about it on WWHL she did clarify that it was not the sole cause of the Yolanda/Mohamed break up.  That she clarified  her statement by saying it was all good between Yolanda and Mohamed.


As far as the public figure defense-if one makes a comment "with reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of the statement' the defendant is still liable.  Had Brandi simply said, "Joanna has a smelly pussy and that is why her husband won't sleep with her."  It would have been simply opinion.  By stating, "Mohamed said. . . " and then adding Lisa Vanderpunp to the mix she caused to be put into public eye a "knowingly false statement." (If in fact both Mohamed and Lisa stick to their original denials.)


Let's face it this was a simple rumor about Mohamed/Joanna until Brandi amped it up with the odor portion of the commentary.  After insulting Joanna about being a marriage buster, I don't think saying "no wonder her husband left her", which is an opinion, not a statement of fact, will be a strong enough defense for the odor comments.  Andy declaring that Brandi is the Queen of Twitter battles is not a defense.


Essentially this puts Brandi in a position she has to sue Bravo and the producers and that bitch Adriana, Mohamed and quite possibly Yolanda.  Talk about battle of the liars.  Add Ms. Vanderpump to this litigation soup,  who has a very serious relationship with both Bravo and Mohamed and see how well her memory serves her.  I see another Puerto Rico moment.


There is one more thing that makes this interesting-Adriana quoted Brandi from a Bravo Upfront event, very recently Jeff, Brandi, Kenya and some time ago Nene  described Brandi as drunk and high at the event.  It will be interesting to hear just how much liquor and how much anti-anxiety medication Brandi was under the influence of at time of her statements at the Upfronts and WWHL and if she will use this as an excuse.


Here is what I think happened-Brandi and Yolanda see Joanna approaching-Brandi is excited to see her (both had good feelings about each other's screen persona prior to the Bravo upfronts) Yolanda said something to the effect-that is one of Mohamed's whores.  Brandi took it from there. and grew into Joanna being the woman who broke up their marriage. 

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So begins Brandi's defense:  http://www.inquisitr.com/1755936/eddie-cibrian-cheating-actor-reportedly-cheating-on-supposedly-pregnant-leann-rimes-with-ex-wife-brandi-glanville/  Whenever Brandi is in the hotseat Celebrity Dirty Laundry, The Star and  The Inquisitor run these stories claiming Brandi and Eddie are banging or Eddie is desperate to get back with Brandi.

Brandi calls Kenya fat http://www.inquisitr.com/1752444/brandi-glanville-accused-of-calling-kenya-moore-fat-rhoa-star-responds/


I hate to say it because this is a battle of the two loudmouths but Brandi has referenced Kenya has being large, and manlike.  I think Kenya looks fine and I can easily see an all Atlanta pile on if Brandi starts giving her opinion about that cast's bodies.


On  the fitness challenge I thought Brandi blew it.  First she showed up in a sweat shirt and it was a fitness spread and one would expect to see her out of her sweats.  Second her changing it into a sexy photo shoot with her dirty looking hair had nothing to do with the 10 day fitness challenge.


I think Kenya comes off better as a fitness model and I have no doubt Brandi called her fat.  Which Brandi can do because it is only an opinion.   

Kenya fat? Now that's laughable.

I'm not a fan of Kenya, but when Brandi insisted on being chosen as the model for the Cosmo ad over Kenya -- I was like "what the what?"

Voluptuous vs Bag 'O Bones wins every time in my book. Besides the body, Kenya has a brain to boot.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 4

Kenya fat? Now that's laughable.

I'm not a fan of Kenya, but when Brandi insisted on being chosen as the model for the Cosmo ad over Kenya -- I was like "what the what?"

Voluptuous vs Bag 'O Bones wins every time in my book. Besides the body, Kenya has a brain to boot.

I don't understand why they nixed Kenya because the focus was the Olympians and then decided it needed to be sexy and then decided to go with Brandi?? Kenya clearly has the most fit body of any of those women - especially those two olympians.  I guess we should take this to the CA thread.

Meanwhile, back to Brandi, how will a Florida court ever get jurisdiction over Brandi?  Brandi, Joanna and Romain all live in California now.  Brandi said it in NYC.  Is he going to file in federal court?  Joanna may have property in Florida, but Brandi doesn't even own a car.

  • Love 4

I don't understand why they nixed Kenya because the focus was the Olympians and then decided it needed to be sexy and then decided to go with Brandi?? Kenya clearly has the most fit body of any of those women - especially those two olympians.  I guess we should take this to the CA thread.

Meanwhile, back to Brandi, how will a Florida court ever get jurisdiction over Brandi?  Brandi, Joanna and Romain all live in California now.  Brandi said it in NYC.  Is he going to file in federal court?  Joanna may have property in Florida, but Brandi doesn't even own a car.

Since it occurred during the after show I believe your answer lies here:  http://www.rcfp.org/browse-media-law-resources/news-media-law/news-media-and-law-summer-2010/state-courts-rule-libel-law  I think they are counting on it being internet based.


I would think for the convenience of all parties it would be in LA but the depos can be taken in LA and the discovery is pretty simple.  Brandi needs to make friends with a law firm with attorney s in both California and Florida.  Maybe she should give Roy Black's firm a call. 

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I'm not sure Brandi owns anything of value -- she rents and leases everything. Hope she's putting money aside to contribute to a college fund for those boys.

Book royalties, Bravo paychecks, Podcast paychecks all things of Brandi's that can be attached.  I would prefer the Taylor though and have Brandi hand over that huge diamond Eddie gave her she was flashing at Babyface the night of Yolanda's dinner. 


Eddie pays for all of the kids health insurance and school expenses.  Something tells me he has a college fund-maybe it is just something Brandi has no control of.  Nothing keeps Brandi from putting that $1,000.00 a month into a college fund.  If Eddie died tomorrow Brandi would be getting zilch from Eddie's estate and she would have the children full time and be responsible for their health insurance and all expenses. 

  • Love 1
Maybe she should give Roy Black's firm a call.



Aren't Leah Black and Joanna friends though? 


I despise Brandi so much that not only do I want Joanna to win the lawsuit but I'd lmao if Joanna ended up being brought on to replace Brandi. Then they can dump Joanna after her first season since I agree that she's awful too. If we're doing the STD analogy I'd say Brandi is like syphilis and gonorrhea while Joanna is more like HPV--this is only if we're comparing the two against each other though. Joanna definitely qualifies as syphilis if I stack her up against Housewives like, say, Carole, Kyle, Cynthia, etc. Then again Brandi has had four season to work my last nerve whereas I was a casual viewer of Miami and as awful as I thought Joanna was (and she is Awful; her beauty is her only redeeming quality) I thought Adriana was by far the worst. (Honestly, all of the women of Miami were pretty horrible. Maybe that's why that show didn't work.) 


Apart from Leann having Eddie's baby, I can't think of anything that would annoy Brandi more than to be replaced on the show with a woman who is suing her. And the woman in question is younger, prettier, married to an attractive guy who probably meets Brandi's qualifications, in short, all of the things Brandi cares about. The only thing that would such in this scenario would be not being able to see the reaction to Brandi getting the news that she won't be coming back next season. I feel like she'd want to burn the Bravo clubhouse to the ground or something. Any place in the LA area that serves alcohol should be on high alert if Brandi ever gets her walking papers because I'd be willing to bet that her way of dealing with something like that won't be pretty..

  • Love 4

I don't understand why they nixed Kenya because the focus was the Olympians and then decided it needed to be sexy and then decided to go with Brandi?? Kenya clearly has the most fit body of any of those women - especially those two olympians.

I think they decided on Brandi bc Leeza Gibbons, whom they all respect, immediately suggested to the group, "I think we should go with Brandi".

Why Leeza, why does a classy woman like yourself even like Brandi? I guess she must've been thinking that Kenya was coming up with so many ideas, and being that Kenya was capable of executing them well -- Leeza wanted to shut her down.

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Let the "poor me"'s begin from that tall piece of shit Brandi Glanville!  Just like with Adrienne, we will be hearing about how she's being SUUUEED and had to pay a LAWYER $80,000 in legal fees and she's just a poor struggling single mother who was cheated on, CHEATED ON and how dare anyone in the whole big wide world pick on her when she really didn't do anything (despite the tape showing otherwise).  This will give her TOTAL ANXIETY the next time she's in a room with Joanna and she will have to drink copious amounts of pinot grigio to keep it together.  Poor, poor Brandi.  WHY DO THESE THINGS KEEP HAPPENING TO HER????

This post is perfection!

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I never minded Joanna, obviously her drunken night at Lenny and Lisa's was not one of her finer moments, but I do think of all the women in the Miami cast she and Leah were the only ones to come out ahead.  I enjoyed her wedding dance with Romain. The rest of the cast seem to kind of have screwed up things happen to them.  The number one thing Joanna has going for her is Romain. I find him hot, hot and kind and intelligent.   I did feel bad that Brandi said that about Joanna after the wedding and felt worse that he is suffering ridicule and humiliation because of Brandi's mouth.  Men that look like Romain just should not have a bad day. :)

Edited by zoeysmom
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Aren't Leah Black and Joanna friends though? 


I was a casual viewer of Miami and as awful as I thought Joanna was (and she is Awful; her beauty is her only redeeming quality)


They were allies in the last season by default, but Leah Black was pretty vocal about distancing herself from Joanna after J's nasty display towards Lisa at RHOM reunion. I think she explicitly wrote in her final blog that she just couldn't be close to someone who would be so vicious toward a friend.


I started off as a Joanna fan because I thought she was so stunningly gorgeous - she has a real Michelle Pfeiffer mysterious Ice Queen vibe going. I bought into her whole "tough heart, animal advocate, loving sister" act and thought her drama came from a good place. But as time went on, and I saw her getting into more and more conflict, and constantly playing the victim, and then being absolutely vicious at the reunion, I finally realized she is total trash. I can't see her as anything other than vile now. Like Brandi, she brings all this on herself.

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Lea Black and Joanna are friends.  http://www.wetpaint.com/real-housewives-of-miami/articles/2014-03-12-joanna-krupa-lea-black-friends


I never understood why Lisa went off the deep end over Joanna saying she "partied" at her wedding.  Lisa was the one that gave it up that she was misbehaving.  I think Lisa H. was a sorrowful character constantly in an uproar over everyone but Lea.  She will always have a place in Bravolebrity because her husband will do surgery for free. I thought it was a bad move to alienate Joanna but to each their own. 


So if Lisa H. wants to hitch her wagon to Brandi more power to her but sometimes you need to take one for the team, calm down and realize that your show is in Miami and no one gives a flying fig if you are friends with Nene or Kim Z or whoever you want to call a bud.

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Well, that article doesn't really reveal anything. Someone tweeted Lea wanting to know how she and Joanna were doing, and Joanna replied that she loved Lea. No word on how (or if ) Lea replied.


This is what Lea said in her final blog:



I'm the next closest to Joanna. I love a lot of things about her. Her love for animals, how much she works , her willingness to speak publically about her very personal problems, endure public scrutiny, and the manner in which she let's things go and moves on are all admirable. She doesn't live or die based upon the opinions of others. I am disappointed with some of the things that she said things during the reunion shows. I know she has suffered for it, regrets it deeply, and wishes she could take it back. But because of some of her choices, I have a reluctance to fully embrace or trust her. She knows exactly how I feel.

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Well, that article doesn't really reveal anything. Someone tweeted Lea wanting to know how she and Joanna were doing, and Joanna replied that she loved Lea. No word on how (or if ) Lea replied.


This is what Lea said in her final blog:

You win Phil but what does this have to do with Joanna's success against Brandi?  Lea is my favorite RHOM but she manages to get her ass kicked at every Reunion.  This year it is Joanna's fault?   Me suggesting Brandi hire Roy's law firm was a joke.  Obviously he has a host of conflicts of interests.


BTW I find Lisa Hochstein to be a totally worthless human being. All she has to offer is a husband who hands out free boob jobs.  Maybe she will save the day for Brandi. 

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ITA, Zoey. Lisa H. came across as one of the most vacuous housewives to ever blow through one of these shows. She just seemed like an empty headed woman. 

It will be interesting to see who comes forward for Brandi from the Bravo upfronts.  Simply hating Joanna isn't enough.  The stunt last week with Brandi and Jeff looks more and more purposeful.  At first I wondered why Brandi came back on so soon on WWHL, because if it was to promote "Celebrity Apprentice" she did very little of it.  Now it looks like maybe she was showing the world she can take it as well as dish it out.


One of the elements of defamation is being held to public ridicule.  I can't think of anyone who has done it more then Andy on WWHL.  It doesn't make him a defendant but it sure proves Joanna's case there is continual ridicule and scorn. 

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Oh for crap sake Brandi stars spewing First Amendment rights.  I guess it is not okay for Terrell Owens to do so because if he says something she doesn't like-he is a bitch.  I am still trying to figure out the Brandi/Jeff performance and how that was suppose to prank Andy.   


Glad the kid got a good seat at the Lakers' game.

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Oh for crap sake Brandi stars spewing First Amendment rights. I guess it is not okay for Terrell Owens to do so because if he says something she doesn't like-he is a bitch. I am still trying to figure out the Brandi/Jeff performance and how that was suppose to prank Andy.

Glad the kid got a good seat at the Lakers' game.

Right! How was it a prank/ joke if nobody said so on the show. They would have said "hahaha we got you Andy," but no they said nothing. Then made up on the after show.

I think she is still lying and Jeff/Andy feel sorry for her because she looked insane. So they are agreeing that it was a joke.

Brandi is pretty good at getting people to feel sorry for her.

On CA Ian Zerring called her fragile and Donald Trump said she has been through a lot. Even Leeza Gibbons who seems normal is on there fighting for her.

Anyway my point that wasn't a prank. The only joke is Brandi.

Edited by imjagain
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