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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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I agree that Brandi's walking a tightrope: she's both invaluable to TPTB as a soulless shit-stirrer (e.g. Tamra Barney or Teresa Giudice) and is risking alienating every other HW to the point of experiencing the proverbial "kiss of death" - no one to film with. I'm curious to see how production will navigate this if she returns for a next season (which I'm thinking is more and more likely, since she managed to insinuate herself between Kim and Kyle). I'm in agreement with those who say that Kim may not stay by Brandi's side much longer - although I'm disappointed in Kim that she hasn't dumped her yet - and that Yolanda stays with Brandi as a sort of protective alliance. IMO, Yolanda's grounds for being cast for another season, now that her daughters away, are pretty damn shaky (the weakest of any returning cast member), and so Brandi is really down to Kim to ensure her contract renewal. And what other skills does Brandi have besides being a Real Housewife of Beverly Hills (and author of books about her hoo-ha)?


But, yes. I think Brandi is the worst person to have appeared on RHOBH by far - she's more personally malicious and vindictive than grifter Taylor - and is probably in the top 5-7 worst people to have appeared on the entire franchise (up there with Teresa Giudice, Alexis Bellino, Aviva Drescher and vital awfuls like Nene Leakes and Tamra Barney, etc.) If you're going to name this cast in terms of their sins...Kyle is (or can be) judgmental, attention-whoring, pearl-clutching, an aggressive (social) drunk, co-dependent, and a drama queen who majors in the minors. Kim is a stunted, emotionally damaged, weak-willed, selfish child-woman with a bitter, vindictive streak who can't really take responsibility for her own actions and has a dizzying superiority/inferiority complex (even if Kim is my personal favorite for entertainment value and IMO the most emotionally compelling character.) Lisa is manipulative, cold, disingenuous, egotistical, mercenary, elitist (to a degree unmatched on this show, IMO), dishonest, and frankly not very nice. Yolanda is pretentious, grasping, condescending, shallow, appearance-focused, and closed-minded. In terms of former cast members...even if it didn't come out on the show much, Adrienne is stubborn, hotheaded, hypercritical, vindictive, petty, and willing to achieve her ends by any means. Camille is a vacuous, pretentious, spoiled, spiteful trophy wife, out of touch with reality for having had all her needs catered to by "Yes" Men for most of her married life. Taylor is an underhanded, brown-nosing, materialistic social climbing fraud.


But Brandi? Brandi beats em 'all out, and I don't even need to say why. The women on here are too afraid of looking bad to stoop to her level. I'd be curious how she would have fared on RHOC, RHONY, or RHOA - ripped to shreds!

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 3

I've always maintained that Brandi was miscast on BH. I think she's more appropriate for OC. She's crass. She's younger and has a better body than Vicki or Tamra, which would have sent them both around the bend. And she has the slight imprimatur of being connected to Hollywood because of her divorce scandal. Plus she's not any dumber than the OC cast, but just as manipulative as Tamra. Brandi would have waltzed into that cast and been the baddest bitch and the one with the biggest target. She would have fit perfectly.

ETA: Heather Dubrow on BH would have been glorious. The BH women have better Hollywood connections and experience than Heather. Most of them are as smart as she is. It would have great to see Heather as the deferential shrinking violet. A role she is clearly not used to.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 9

I have no doubts that Andy and his team gave the questions to Brandi to ask but she did not have to add her "fish" comment, that was/is all Brandi! Brandi walks through life like we all do, there are 3 roads for us to choose, the high road, the middle road and the low road.....Brandi always seems to walk on the low road only, most take the middle road but strive for the high road. She never tries for the high road and I am not sure she realizes there is a middle road at all.


She totally knows there is a middle and high road. Her first season, when Kim was at her worst and telling Brandi that her daughter had some things to say to her and Brandi's refusal and stating that she doesn't fight with children, shows that she knows the difference. She just generally refuses to take the high or middle road.

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I've always maintained that Brandi was miscast on BH. I think she's more appropriate for OC. She's crass. She's younger and has a better body than Vicki or Tamra, which would have sent them both around the bend. And she has the slight imprimatur of being connected to Hollywood because of her divorce scandal. Plus she's not any dumber than the OC cast, but just as manipulative as Tamra. Brandi would have waltzed into that cast and been the baddest bitch and the one with the biggest target. She would have fit perfectly.

ETA: Heather Dubrow on BH would have been glorious. The BH women have better Hollywood connections and experience than Heather. Most of them are as smart as she is. It would have great to see Heather as the deferential shrinking violet. A role she is clearly not used to.

Brandi was cast on RHOBH because, on the surface, she's a bad fit. She's crass and blunt and seems, at first, to "tell it like it is", which producers probably thought was needed to expose the pretensions of this group of holier-than-thou women - and, in the process, stirred shit up. She also pushed Kyle's pearl clutching buttons. IMO, she served a necessary function at the time as the Beverly Hillbilly. But the act's gotten old, since she was revealed to be a terrible person in the process.

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Brandi was cast on RHOBH because, on the surface, she's a bad fit. She's crass and blunt and seems, at first, to "tell it like it is", which producers probably thought was needed to expose the pretensions of this group of holier-than-thou women - and, in the process, stirred shit up. She also pushed Kyle's pearl clutching buttons. IMO, she served a necessary function at the time as the Beverly Hillbilly. But the act's gotten old, since she was revealed to be a terrible person in the process.

I am quite certain after last year's series of Brandi blunders where in her zeal for self promotion she revealed a few too many secrets.  One thing about producers they will give you all the screen time you can muster if you are misbehaving or ruining another RH's life.  They aren't quite so generous on about a redemption arc.   Brandi will get plenty of exposure this season because of her crossover on Celebrity Apprentice.   Celebrity Apprentice and RHOBH finish airing at about the same time so Brandi has essentially secured herself a slot for Season Six.  The sad thing I one or more of the current cast will be on the chopping block to ensure Brandi has a position.

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The thing about Brandi is that she has not paid off for RHoBH like other controversial / hated cast members have for BH and other franchises: Jill, Danielle, Taylor, Kenya, Teresa, Mama Joyce, etc.  On BH the ratings dropped after she became a full-time HW with season four being the show's lowest rated season.  Brandi's used to get a lot of publicity for RHoBH, which probably gave her currency with the show and Bravo, but then she got mad about all the negative stories RadarOnline (ROL) ran about her, which IMO was mostly driven by her bad behavior, but according to Brandi it was because one of the top guys at ROL had a vendetta against her because he used drugs and Brandi called him out for using in front of his sober girlfriend who was also a friend of Brandi's.  ROL, the main pipeline for RH stories among the general entertainment media, stopped doing stories on her, which may seen like a victory, but to me it was a cut off your nose to spite your face move on Brandi's part.


Unless you are causing problems behind the scenes a la Jill and Danielle, I don't think that the powers that be set out to fire someone especially before the season and reunion has aired, but I do think that decisions are made to have an active casting process and Housewives are warned that the may get cut if they find a person or two that they feel will fit and add fresh blood, that's what happened to Camille after season two according to a Huffington Post story, and what I suspect happened to Taylor after season three.


I think that Brandi is vulnerable for a number of reasons:  not bringing in ratings; not getting a high level of publicity for the show/franchise; her previous storylines were driven by her interaction with other cast members and she's fallen out with two key cast members and a newbie; she doesn't seem to have any other source of storyline potential- her children can't film with her, no romantic partner at this time, no interesting business / project; the audience seems over her / exhausted by her, for example there is no big interest in or anticipation of "the slap." I think that there is a better than average chance that Brandi will be let go or demoted after this season, and if she does get another season and a full-time HW, it will not be because she is a key cast member, rather she will be back because they were not able to recruit any interesting "fresh" blood.

  • Love 3

The thing about Brandi is that she has not paid off for RHoBH like other controversial / hated cast members have for BH and other franchises: Jill, Danielle, Taylor, Kenya, Teresa, Mama Joyce, etc. On BH the ratings dropped after she became a full-time HW with season four being the show's lowest rated season. Brandi's used to get a lot of publicity for RHoBH, which probably gave her currency with the show and Bravo, but then she got mad about all the negative stories RadarOnline (ROL) ran about her, which IMO was mostly driven by her bad behavior, but according to Brandi it was because one of the top guys at ROL had a vendetta against her because he used drugs and Brandi called him out for using in front of his sober girlfriend who was also a friend of Brandi's. ROL, the main pipeline for RH stories among the general entertainment media, stopped doing stories on her, which may seen like a victory, but to me it was a cut off your nose to spite your face move on Brandi's part.

Unless you are causing problems behind the scenes a la Jill and Danielle, I don't think that the powers that be set out to fire someone especially before the season and reunion has aired, but I do think that decisions are made to have an active casting process and Housewives are warned that the may get cut if they find a person or two that they feel will fit and add fresh blood, that's what happened to Camille after season two according to a Huffington Post story, and what I suspect happened to Taylor after season three.

I think that Brandi is vulnerable for a number of reasons: not bringing in ratings; not getting a high level of publicity for the show/franchise; her previous storylines were driven by her interaction with other cast members and she's fallen out with two key cast members and a newbie; she doesn't seem to have any other source of storyline potential- her children can't film with her, no romantic partner at this time, no interesting business / project; the audience seems over her / exhausted by her, for example there is no big interest in or anticipation of "the slap." I think that there is a better than average chance that Brandi will be let go or demoted after this season, and if she does get another season and a full-time HW, it will not be because she is a key cast member, rather she will be back because they were not able to recruit any interesting "fresh" blood.

I thought Brandi's chances were shakier until she called Kyle "a horrible bitch who doesn't care about her family" on her podcast. I honestly think that was a strategic move to put herself between Kyle and Kim when the sisters were having tension due to Kingsley (nearly) chomping off Alexia's hand, and thereby ensure her renewal for another season. Kyle and Kim may have had conflicts while filming, but were photographed on Halloween looking lovey-dovey, so I think the schism happened after filming wrapped with the bite. If Kim turns on Brandi before the reunion, Brandi's chances of being renewed are not too hot, for the reasons mentioned above. Drama is not a save all. She's also a headache for Bravo - she's the first HW they've had to send a rep with on interviews. Brandi has scorched the earth, and Yolanda is not important enough to save her.

I didn't know about Brandi and ROL, but it's another strike against her. I agree with you on Camille - once she got a PR guy she didn't embarrass herself as gloriously as in S1 - but I think Taylor was a planned obsolescence back to the filming of S3. She wasn't liked and had little interest after Russell killed himself; her "arc" was complete after she met another guy and Bravo was glad to dump her. On other topics, Danielle wasn't fired according to Andy, but I believe there are aspects to her story we are not privy to.

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I've been thinking about the preview for next week, when Eileen is discussing her previous marriage. I guess there was cheating involved and, of course, Brandi is disgusted. It's so stupid. I'm not pro cheating, obviously. But, shit happens. Brandi is a grown up, allegedly. I cannot believe the way she acts about OTHER people cheating. It's either totally phony or it's pathological.

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I've been thinking about the preview for next week, when Eileen is discussing her previous marriage. I guess there was cheating involved and, of course, Brandi is disgusted. It's so stupid. I'm not pro cheating, obviously. But, shit happens. Brandi is a grown up, allegedly. I cannot believe the way she acts about OTHER people cheating. It's either totally phony or it's pathological.


Not only that, but we don't know what was going on in her marriage at the time.  I can't stand Brandi, but Cibrian was an ass for what he did to her.  However, every situation is not Brandi's situation.  I am a firm believer that a person should at least separate before they get involved with another person, but I also understand that nobody is perfect. If Eileen was unhappy in her marriage and there were problems, I can understand her being weak and giving in to her feelings.  

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ITA with above posts. Brandi's schtick is to malign anything that could be loosely called cheating or homewrecking. She even criticized Taylor for dating a man who had been separated from his wife for several years at the S3 reunion. Lots of couples with struggling relationships cheat a few times to cement the ending of the partnership. It's a different story than keeping a mistress (or the male equivalent) while intending to stay married.

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I agree that Eddie was TERRIBLE with the way he ended their marriage. I am actually totally on board with a lot of Brandi's rage about it. Mostly because I think LeAnn is a total psycho. But, living well really is the best revenge. I wish she could at least, publicly, be awesome. Let Eddie sweat a little. Lol.

As far as the way she talks about others cheating, it's just gross. But, that's par for the course with her, I guess. I know lots of people that have had some sort of cheating issue. It isn't that shocking. Sometimes it's awful, sometimes it's serial, but mostly it's just the final nail in a dead marriage. I'd give a serial cheater like Eddie or Mohamed a huge side eye, but I'm more understanding about someone who cheats but marries their affair partner. Eileen and Vince have been married 15 years? Looks like it was meant to be.

Isn't there something in House of Hilton about Kim being a "homewrecker" more than once throughout the course of her married life?

According to HOH, Kim cheated on her first husband (Monty Brinson) with the second (Gregg Davis.) Her short-lived second marriage was a general shitshow; I read once there were tabloid rumors that Gregg cheated on her, or both "stepped out" on each other. Her third LTR, with John Jackson, happened when he bought the motorcycle of a BF Kim had who died when he was on the phone with her.

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I think that since being asked to film Celebrity Apprentice and probably having producer-costar approval to go after Lisa, Brandi has gotten a little too cocky. She was probably wasted when she splashed Eileen with wine but was probably also assuming " Dispensable newbie, play the I-was-once-cheated on card, guaranteed airtime for me, I can't lose with this." If she's counting on baiting a Kim vs. Kyle rift at the reunion I think she will be very disappointed. The Richards sisters have their tiffs but always seem to eventually patch things up and stand together. She only has Yolanda who truth be told is less visible than both of the two new housewives. If she wouldn't chase Lisa around begging for invitations I would've forgotten she was even on.

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Trump on this season's Celebrity Apprentice http://www.channelguidemagblog.com/index.php/2015/01/02/donald-trump-celebrity-apprentice-secrets/


I fully expect Brandi's energies to be devoted to promoting her appearances on the network show,  Her weeks of bad behavior will probably be offset by some good deeds on Celebrity Apprentice.

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I don't know if I can watch this season.  Because Gilbert Gottfried.


I think even Donald Trump would be appalled at Brandi's eagerness to dine on Lisa's fancy feast.

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Interview with Brandi-it is all Kyle's fault.  http://www.examiner.com/article/brandi-glanville-backstabbing-b-ch-kyle-richards-will-turn-on-lisa-vanderpump


Maybe Brandi needs to check her fight card.  Seems she has had issues with Kim, Kyle, Lisa, Joyce, Adrienne, Taylor, Faye, Eileen, Joanna Krupa, Kenya Moore.  I think the only person she hasn't had an argument with is Yolanda and they were on pretty terse waters last year after the Mohamed/Joanna comments.

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Brandis only purpose on this show is to show the underbelly of Hollywood. The hangers on and the wannabes that are pervasive in that town. Taylor did it better and never offered anyone col. Ingus.

Also Brandi is shallow enough to think that sexual betrayal is the only betrayal that matters. She has betrayed her parents, sister, kids and coworkers with her incessant need to reveal personal things to the masses. Then she becomes unglued when they react. I really don't get her. Has she been given a pass all her life because she is pretty? How do you get to be 40 something and have no idea how the world works.

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Brandis only purpose on this show is to show the underbelly of Hollywood. The hangers on and the wannabes that are pervasive in that town. Taylor did it better and never offered anyone col. Ingus.


But following the Armstrongs' appearance on this show, someone ended up dead. Between that and all the murky abuse allegations, Taylor's storyline was infinitely darker than any antics Brandi has ever pulled, and so I found her even more painful to watch than Ms. Glanville. Early Brandi was entertaining to watch, whereas I could never say the same of Taylor. I still think Taylor was by far the worst HW they've had on this show, including potential HWs Dana Pam, TMC Faye Resnick, and the delightfully crazy Allison Dubois. With all those other women (and Brandi), I have an easier time chalking up their awful behavior to being camera whores, but with Taylor it always seemed to cross the line into "too real" for me.


At the time, I actually kind of liked that Lisa was forthcoming about disliking Taylor. All the bizarre stories she had... it was Danielle Staub/Kelly Bensimon/Teresa Giudice levels of "even when the cameras are off" disturbing to me.

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She totally knows there is a middle and high road. Her first season, when Kim was at her worst and telling Brandi that her daughter had some things to say to her and Brandi's refusal and stating that she doesn't fight with children, shows that she knows the difference. She just generally refuses to take the high or middle road.


But wasn't Brandi flanked by two friends - one of them "sober coach" Jen?  She probably didn't feel threatened or intimidated with her posse at her side.  It's easier to take the high road in those circumstances.  Maybe I've stumbled upon a solution for Brandi - hire a sober coach.

but with Taylor it always seemed to cross the line into "too real" for me.



While I can't quite agree with Taylor being "too real" (she has to be one of the phoniest bitches to ever blow through one of these shows) I definitely agree with the rest of your post. One of the reasons I liked Brandi in the second season was because she called Taylor out on some of her bullshit during the season 2 reunion. That shit was Must See TV for me at the time and I think I even gasped when I first saw Brandi make the comment about the book coming out a "hot minute" after Russell's death. Then Taylor having the nerve to tell Brandi that it wasn't any of her business with Brandi rightly and accurately (IMO) pointing out that Taylor made it the "world's business" by putting all of the info out there in her poorly reviewed book. 


Taylor might have improved as far as being less obviously offensive in her appearances in seasons 3 and 4 but Couples Therapy was a sharp reminder of just how horrible she is and can be.


But wasn't Brandi flanked by two friends - one of them "sober coach" Jen?  She probably didn't feel threatened or intimidated with her posse at her side.  It's easier to take the high road in those circumstances.  Maybe I've stumbled upon a solution for Brandi - hire a sober coach.



She did have Jen by her side but I got the impression that Brandi handled it the way that she did because it was basically a situation where she had a Bethenny-on-Scary-Island style epiphany where she realized that she was arguing with an incredibly disturbed woman and in Kim's case at least a woman who was also very likely on drugs and/or alcohol. (Not sure exactly what was going on with Kelly mentally but obviously there was something extra going on there apart from what viewers were shown. Maybe I read some tabloid details about it all at the time but I can't recall now.) Brandi was in Kyle's house and she was trying to get along. She took some responsibility for Game Night and was even apologetic but Kim flat out refused to admit that she'd done anything wrong and was so out of her mind that she wanted to sic one of her daughters on Brandi. It was embarrassing and I felt like Brandi and Jen were both embarrassed for Kim on some level.


I think season 2 shows that Brandi does know how to behave but her because her bad behavior is continually rewarded by Bravo I think  she's going to continue with it until they finally get sick of her. Joyce certainly saw how it worked out for her by just trying to be nice and get along. Bravo has no interest in it.


That's why I'm wondering when the other shoe is going to drop with Eileen and Lisa R. Eileen is coming off great to me so far so I know it's only a matter of time before we start seeing the warts. Lisa R comes across as a bit delusional but basically kind and well intentioned so far.


Maybe Brandi needs to check her fight card.  Seems she has had issues with Kim, Kyle, Lisa, Joyce, Adrienne, Taylor, Faye, Eileen, Joanna Krupa, Kenya Moore.  I think the only person she hasn't had an argument with is Yolanda and they were on pretty terse waters last year after the Mohamed/Joanna comments.



This. Thank you, it's too true. She has trouble getting along with people in general and even when she brings her girlfriends on the show there is something about it that feels false to me like the women she chooses are mainly coming because they want camera time as opposed to genuinely wanting to hang out and chat with Brandi. I also find it suspect that she has so many people that she thinks of as her "best" friends. In my experience at least "best friend" status isn't a label that I'm quick to use to describe a friend because it's something that is reserved for a select few close, long term friendships like with friends I've had since playground days. Brandi seems like she feels that she can be BFF with a person instantly not to mention of course how she can just as easily become enemies with said person with little to no provocation.


I wonder if she has an true friendships because she strikes me as a very lonely and bitter woman at the end of the day. I honestly think Brandi could do with a good therapist and I'm not trying to be snarky in saying that. I do wonder for the future of her kids having her as a mother when she's so obviously (IMO anyway) a very disturbed woman with an incredibly destructive and vicious streak in her personality.

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While I can't quite agree with Taylor being "too real" (she has to be one of the phoniest bitches to ever blow through one of these shows) I definitely agree with the rest of your post. One of the reasons I liked Brandi in the second season was because she called Taylor out on some of her bullshit during the season 2 reunion. That shit was Must See TV for me at the time and I think I even gasped when I first saw Brandi make the comment about the book coming out a "hot minute" after Russell's death. Then Taylor having the nerve to tell Brandi that it wasn't any of her business with Brandi rightly and accurately (IMO) pointing out that Taylor made it the "world's business" by putting all of the info out there in her poorly reviewed book. 


Taylor might have improved as far as being less obviously offensive in her appearances in seasons 3 and 4 but Couples Therapy was a sharp reminder of just how horrible she is and can be.



She did have Jen by her side but I got the impression that Brandi handled it the way that she did because it was basically a situation where she had a Bethenny-on-Scary-Island style epiphany where she realized that she was arguing with an incredibly disturbed woman and in Kim's case at least a woman who was also very likely on drugs and/or alcohol. (Not sure exactly what was going on with Kelly mentally but obviously there was something extra going on there apart from what viewers were shown. Maybe I read some tabloid details about it all at the time but I can't recall now.) Brandi was in Kyle's house and she was trying to get along. She took some responsibility for Game Night and was even apologetic but Kim flat out refused to admit that she'd done anything wrong and was so out of her mind that she wanted to sic one of her daughters on Brandi. It was embarrassing and I felt like Brandi and Jen were both embarrassed for Kim on some level.


I think season 2 shows that Brandi does know how to behave but her because her bad behavior is continually rewarded by Bravo I think  she's going to continue with it until they finally get sick of her. Joyce certainly saw how it worked out for her by just trying to be nice and get along. Bravo has no interest in it.


That's why I'm wondering when the other shoe is going to drop with Eileen and Lisa R. Eileen is coming off great to me so far so I know it's only a matter of time before we start seeing the warts. Lisa R comes across as a bit delusional but basically kind and well intentioned so far.



This. Thank you, it's too true. She has trouble getting along with people in general and even when she brings her girlfriends on the show there is something about it that feels false to me like the women she chooses are mainly coming because they want camera time as opposed to genuinely wanting to hang out and chat with Brandi. I also find it suspect that she has so many people that she thinks of as her "best" friends. In my experience at least "best friend" status isn't a label that I'm quick to use to describe a friend because it's something that is reserved for a select few close, long term friendships like with friends I've had since playground days. Brandi seems like she feels that she can be BFF with a person instantly not to mention of course how she can just as easily become enemies with said person with little to no provocation.


I wonder if she has an true friendships because she strikes me as a very lonely and bitter woman at the end of the day. I honestly think Brandi could do with a good therapist and I'm not trying to be snarky in saying that. I do wonder for the future of her kids having her as a mother when she's so obviously (IMO anyway) a very disturbed woman with an incredibly destructive and vicious streak in her personality.

Brandi once claimed she only had 13 BFFs.  I think they are all basically hanger-ons and Brandi tries to include them when she can.  She is friends with Bruce WIllis' wife-but she never seems to join the reindeer games.


Where I saw the big divide its Brandi was not only desperate to be a part of this group but after her victorious Season 3 she wanted to be King of the Hill.  She had the best seller, but it was a bester seller with an * (*creepy tell all).  She thinks that it is okay to have potty mouth and drop F-Bombs at dinner, tell heiresses to STFU, bring forward surrogacies, tease and humiliate a successful producers wife, make out with a married woman, treat one of your friend's BFF husband like a pet, offend, lie, set other people up with the lies, go naked on camera, breakdown over being called a bully, release the others' salaries, give away plot details and expect to have the support of the rest of the cast.   Most of all Brandi fears being alone and it is the fault of Lisa that she drinks when she is alone because Lisa doesn't ask her not to drink.  The fact she is BFFs with a career substance abuse counselor apparently doesn't count-it is Lisa's job to ask her not to drink on days she doesn't have her kids.

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There are certain women who repeatedly are mentioned in Brandi's twitter, so I do think she has some real friends.


I think either Brandi is being paid to let go of restraint, or she is on meds/drinking and has lost the ability to maintain impulse control or she has forgotten how to exercise it.  She is different than she appeared in her first season when she seemed able to show some sense of reasonable behavior.  She is just so much more desperate now.

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There are certain women who repeatedly are mentioned in Brandi's twitter, so I do think she has some real friends.


I think either Brandi is being paid to let go of restraint, or she is on meds/drinking and has lost the ability to maintain impulse control or she has forgotten how to exercise it.  She is different than she appeared in her first season when she seemed able to show some sense of reasonable behavior.  She is just so much more desperate now.


You know, every time I re-watch some of Season 2, I fully expect to have a different experience of Brandi, to see the "signs" that would foretell her eventual de-evolution on the show, to see her in some new light - and, every time, I am again struck by how completely different she seemed back then (and how likeable I still find her when I watch the episodes). Even the Hawaii episode - the way Brandi comforted Kyle at the dinner and astutely explained that Kim will never receive help until she is ready to ask for it, and how Ken is clearly an enabler, and how Kyle should stop twisting herself in a knot trying to help someone who doesn't want to be helped - she just comes off as so much more grounded, sincere and surprisingly wise. The way she handled the sisters at Game Night, deflecting their obnoxious behavior up until the point where she lost it ("That's right, you're the Queen of England and I'm just trailer park"), the way she handled Spa Day and the White Party, etc. And, yes, as said by a previous poster, her willingness to speak the unspeakable - i.e. that Taylor was a phony exploiting her husband's death for profit. Brandi really seemed like a much more sane, healthy person back then. It really seems to me like the combination of fame and getting kudos for being a truth cannon completely went to her head. She just doesn't seem right anymore. I knew Nene was full of it Season 1, I knew Jill was a petty busybody season 1, I knew Caroline was a bully season 1, I knew Kyle had a mean streak season 1 - but Brandi is the only housewife who, to me, actively changed for the worst over the seasons.

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but Brandi is the only housewife who, to me, actively changed for the worst over the seasons.



I agree with this definitely. My one exception is that while I agree that Nene was always vile and full of it she *definitely* changed after feeling as though she was given some legitimization via Celebrity Apprentice, Glee, and that failed sitcom that she appeared on. Suddenly she thought that she was above the other women and that viewers and others would magically forget about her past just as she seems to have done. Whatever.


I agree though Brandi in season 2 and the Brandi that has been around since season 3 bear very little resemblance to one another. Game Night, Spa Day, The White Party--the Brandi that we know now would so not have handled the events in the same way. The closest I saw to season 2 Brandi was in the dinner table conversation with Faye and Faye, while being a bit rude in that scene IMO not to mention phony, basically ended up winning that conversation which was why Brandi ended up running from the table with her tail between her legs. Brandi in that scene was a bit more calm than she typically is and didn't immediately go into that high pitched drunken shrieking thing that she does when she's upset/has indulged in alcohol. The Brandi that's in action now--I feel like if she'd had to do Game Night all over again she might well have assaulted or at least thrown a drink on Kyle or Kim that evening. 


Bottom line: I agree that the show changed Brandi and that viewers weren't totally crazy to have had a mostly positive response to her appearances during season 2. In retrospect I regret that she received such a positive audience response that season but to me the reason for that response was understandable at the time.

Edited by Avaleigh
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I knew Nene was full of it Season 1, I knew Jill was a petty busybody season 1, I knew Caroline was a bully season 1, I knew Kyle had a mean streak season 1 - but Brandi is the only housewife who, to me, actively changed for the worst over the seasons.


This.  I was startled to like Brandi as much as I did in Season 2, for the same reasons you set out. But early on in Season 3, I saw the signs that she wasn't the cool girl I had thought.  I did start off really wanting to like her, and I kind of nervously went along with the narrative that the producers clearly outlined - Brandi is Everygirl! - even as I saw signs that she wasn't as cool as I thought. Even in the first scene of Season 3, when she announced "I am closer to Lisa than anyone right now, and I'm like a horse, I want to win!" - I thought, oh, gosh, that's tacky.  And at the Ojai dinner when she announced to Kim (who she barely knew and had mostly tormented) that "everyone here wants to see you fail" - again, I thought, eek.  And yes,  I thought what she did to Adrienne was horrible, the final straw.  I think if Adrienne had been even a LITTLE bit smart about how she played it, she could have taken Brandi down, but by fleeing the scene completely, she left the entire narrative in the hands of Brandi and Lisa and the producers who will punish you if you don't play the game their way.  I remember even then, thinking the Brandi/Lisa friendship was entirely strategic, based on wanting to position themselves a certain way on the show.  Maybe the issue is that Brandi didn't realize it was strategic, she thought it was real?  I'm bizarrely glad that Kyle and Lisa are getting along now, but I think the major thing going on is that both of them know they are just "Hollywood friends" now - they are aligned because they know both of their brands do better when they're friends.  I don't believe that the two of them are spending any time together off camera, for fun.


One thing that remains true to me about Brandi, more than any of the others:  I can't tell what makes her go off, and her rage is truly frightening - if I were on the show with her, I would be afraid of her, because she will say and do anything.  Her anger at Adrienne, the best she has ever been able to explain it, was because Adrienne didn't return her calls, before the reunion?  And then when she lied about Adrienne and the "plot to take down Lisa" at the reunion - which we do know was a lie, or at least grossly exaggerated - Adrienne and Paul asked her to recant it, and she wouldn't.  So she had to out their surrogacy?  And I wonder what else she said, because she even said to Lisa AFTER she outed the surrogacy that if Adrienne and Paul didn't stop, she had more things she could expose about them.   And I'm not a Lisa fan, but I'm even MORE baffled as to why she's angry at Lisa. She didn't want to see Scheana?  Well, she made a whole thing about how she had moved on from Scheana in Season 3, and honestly, that was all SO long ago.  I just don't buy that story.  I think the whole thing was more simple as others have said - she sensed Lisa pulling away from her, after the tampon string, and she went for the jugular.  I think Brandi is very sensitive to being abandoned or excluded, who knows, and she seems to almost lose her mind when she thinks that's happening.


But beyond that - I think Brandi is just flat out scary.  I've said this before but I remember at lunch in Palm Springs, when she was going after Kyle (for no reason, because Kyle and Yolanda were calmly talking about their issues), and Brandi said to her, drunkenly, "We know things and if we wanted to destroy you, we could."  That chilled me.  I think Brandi would do anything to win a fight, and she wouldn't care who she hurt - not even children. Even little things like when Kim said at the S3 reunion (rightly, as it turns out), that Yolanda had dissed Lisa, and Brandi chimed in to talk about Kim's "shit stained pillow" - she just wanted to humiliate Kim, and Kim wasn't even talking to her, and Kim was telling the truth.  


I almost feel bad for Kyle right now, because Brandi has Kyle firmly in her sights again and I think she's going to be very, very ugly in an attempt to "win" that battle.  Kyle has so much more of my respect in this situation because when she was asked about Brandi recently, Kyle said something like, "I think she is a good mom and she really loves her boys, but we will never be friends again."  To me, that's fighting fair.  Whereas Brandi said "Kyle doesn't care about anyone, not even her family."  If Kyle were like Brandi, then she'd be saying things to try and destroy Brandi's custody, because that's how Brandi plays.  I know Bravo likes to keep the villains around, but I also wish that there could be some limits on how vicious a person can be and still be on the show.  It's just - unpleasant.


And just one other little addition to your note, PhilMarlowe (I always love your posts) - the one other Housewife who stunned me was Sonja.  She was so delightful and refreshing in the second half of season 3, when she first showed up, but at the beginning of Season 4, she had lost her dam mind, so incredibly full of herself and delusional.  I never saw a Housewife's fame go to her head so fast.  But you're totally right - with the others, you could always see the signs well before they unraveled.

Edited by ottergirl
  • Love 10

This.  I was startled to like Brandi as much as I did in Season 2, for the same reasons you set out. But early on in Season 3, I saw the signs that she wasn't the cool girl I had thought.  I did start off really wanting to like her, and I kind of nervously went along with the narrative that the producers clearly outlined - Brandi is Everygirl! - even as I saw signs that she wasn't as cool as I thought. Even in the first scene of Season 3, when she announced "I am closer to Lisa than anyone right now, and I'm like a horse, I want to win!" - I thought, oh, gosh, that's tacky.  And at the Ojai dinner when she announced to Kim (who she barely knew and had mostly tormented) that "everyone here wants to see you fail" - again, I thought, eek.  And yes,  I thought what she did to Adrienne was horrible, the final straw.  I think if Adrienne had been even a LITTLE bit smart about how she played it, she could have taken Brandi down, but by fleeing the scene completely, she left the entire narrative in the hands of Brandi and Lisa and the producers who will punish you if you don't play the game their way.  I remember even then, thinking the Brandi/Lisa friendship was entirely strategic, based on wanting to position themselves a certain way on the show.  Maybe the issue is that Brandi didn't realize it was strategic, she thought it was real?  I'm bizarrely glad that Kyle and Lisa are getting along now, but I think the major thing going on is that both of them know they are just "Hollywood friends" now - they are aligned because they know both of their brands do better when they're friends.  I don't believe that the two of them are spending any time together off camera, for fun.




ITA with your entire post, Ottergirl.  As far as I can determine, there ain't no shame in the fact that so many folks fell a little in love with Brandi in S2.  She was a breath of fresh air at the time, IMO.  The fact is, it started coming down at the reunion, it just wasn't that easy to spot. I was fine with what she said about Taylor, and loved her line "you made it the world's business", but I didn't completely understand where it was coming from. I thought that Brandi and Taylor were fine at the time, so it made me uneasy the way she went after her.  The same thing with what you mentioned about Adrienne. Adrienne thought they were in a good space, but Brandi betrayed her to Lisa because Adrienne wasn't calling her anymore.  WTF is that about? Both of those things stood out as just odd, but there were a lot of odd dynamics at that reunion, so it was hard to really nail it down.  It was all on by early S3, however, and certainly by Ojai, which I think was only the 3rd or 4th episode in. In retrospect, the signs were there, and nothing that happened last season with Lisa should have been shocking or any kind of a reveal.  Certainly nothing she did to Lisa is half as bad as what she did to Adrienne the year before.  I will always believe that the only reason Brandi was able to hold on to the good will of the viewers for such a long time is that she had Lisa backing her up. 

  • Love 5

From the S05.E07: Breaking Branches 2014.12.30 starting roughly at this point


Judging by Brandi and LeAnn, Eddie likes 'em crazy and insecure. Eddie had a girlfriend when he and Brandi hooked up, that relationship ended under mysterious circumstances (my money is on Eddie's main girlfriend finding out that he had a chick on the side named Brandi), Eddie and Brandi then dated for a few years and got married. Eddie could have married Brandi because it was what he wanted, but they did live together for a while, so he could have been up against a fish or cut bait situation / "when are you going to make an honest woman of her" pressure.

I suspect that Eddie's attraction to Brandi was lots and lots of no limits sex. I can see why Brandi is perceived as not being very "cleansy" because of the dog poop, but I actually think the other attraction was that Brandi positioned herself as Eddie's little woman and trophy wife and made sure that he came home to a clean house and a nice meal, but Eddie also had the money to pay for housekeepers, nannies and caterers/restaurants. It's been mentioned that Brandi can cook, so she probably cooked but they ate out a lot as well - Radar Online published Brandi's income and expense declaration from when they divorced:



Eddie and LeAnn are awful but a lot of things that have been said about them were put out there by Brandi who we now know does not always tell the complete, unvarnished truth. Brandi has been dead on about some of the things she's said about her ex and his current wife, but I think that she has said other things that are along the lines of her putting out there that Lisa and Ken lived in Calabasas and were on the verge of bankruptcy, or along the lines of her being very one-sided and portraying herself as then victim when she's anything but, like she's doing when she discusses her current feud with Lisa, or when she discussed her feud with Adrienne and Paul.


I think that like most people Eddie got exhausted by Brandi, even with his penchant for crazy women, a vicious psycho like Brandi may have been too much for the long haul. Eddie treated Brandi horribly and IIRC said he never respected her and I suspect that they got caught up in a vicious cycle of him being a disrespectful asshole and her being a vicious psycho.

I never followed the divorce drama so I'm not completely sure why Leann is considered a psycho. But I know what Brandi is so I take whatever she says with a grain of salt. I would've divorced her, too. And kept my car in the garage to spare my tires.

That said, the picture attached in the above link? They were a pretty couple.

Based on the court records, Brandi spent over $6000 a month on 'exterior' improvements. Pilates, dermatologists, dentists, clothing. Not a single penny spent on a therapist or philanthropy that I can see. She should have spent some time and money on making her insides as pretty as her outsides. She is the perfect example of how beauty fades but dumb is forever.

To me the mere fact that LeAnn married Eddie with all his baggage, namely him having an ex-wife who is a vicious psycho shows that she's crazy and not too bright, but IMO the "LeAnn is a psycho" label is an example of Brandi putting out her distorted, and perhaps manipulative view of things and it sticking.

Even before they separated, Brandi went to the media and said that LeAnn was stalking Eddie / her and Eddie, but the indicators are that Eddie never stopped messing around with LeAnn or he stopped for a hot minute and then started up again. LeAnn was supposedly so obsessed with Brandi that she moved to Brandi's neighborhood and then started seeing Brandi's plastic surgery doctor and dentist, this however overlooks the fact that Eddie lived in the same neighborhood and he grew up in that area and perhaps, like Brandi, she was getting recommendations from Eddie or his family and friends.  Another likely factor was that LeAnn was not copying Brandi, rather Brandi and LeAnn dressed to please Eddie.  There are enough examples of LeAnn copying Brandi that it cannot be dismissed as a coincidence, however there are examples of her copying others, so to me it looks more like LeAnn is an all-around copycat and as opposed to a Brandi obsessed-stalker.


Again LeAnn is several fries short of a Happy Meal and she's also haughty, obnoxious and has a victim complex, but I don't think she is the psycho that Brandi and her minions have made her out to be.  Furthermore, now that I've seen Brandi in action, I question her characterization of LeAnn,  not merely because Brandi lies and distorts, but she also obsesses and is relentless and I suspect that some of the things that Brandi has said about LeAnn represent Brandi projecting.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

An article with some e-mail between Eddie and Brandi- http://www.realitytea.com/2012/12/06/rhobhs-brandi-glanville-releases-emails-from-eddie-cibrian-accuses-leann-rimes-of-being-addicted-to-adderall/

I think it might speak to who the histrionic one in the group might be. I see a pattern with Brandi-throws out things supposed friends have said as part of a battle plan.

  • Love 1

Seriously. Cheating happens in many, many marriages. And some couples work through it, get over it, and carry on. Brandi portrays herself as being so open and free sexually, but she doesn't seem to understand human sexuality, emotions, and attraction. Very, very immature.

ITA, but it's all part of Brandi's "victim" act. I can't imagine anyone that has watched that skank in action  believes she wouldn't take up with a married man if he interested her in the slightest. But by acting so Self-righteous she continues to draw attention to the fact that she was cheated on. Poor, poor Brandi. Except after having watched her for so long, I only wonder how any man, even Eddie the loser, would stay married to her as long as he did. 


I am not giving him a pass for cheating, I am of the belief that you end your marriage if you are unhappy before you start up with someone else. But he's scum just like Brandi. I personally don't have a much higher opinion of LeeAnn, but I don't think she quite as disgusting as Brandi. Not exactly a high bar to reach, to be sure.


I actually think the three of them deserve each other and whatever misery they can spread. However, the problem with that is there are two innocent boys involved and that is tragic.


Speaking of the boys, I was thinking about them the other day. I know Eddie has prevented them from being filmed-good fo him on that at least, even if it was for spite, but surely their friends and their friends parents have watched their  lying, trashy looking mother on TV discussing  getting drunk, eating pussy and whatever else pops into her filthy little mind. How awful for them.  

Edited by chlban
  • Love 1

Are Brandi and Eddie's kids also kept off of Eddie and Leann's show? I think Brandi and Leann are both out of their minds. Leann seems truly awful and I definitely feel that she's probably guilty of trying to deliberately antagonize Brandi but Brandi is just as bad at this point. Brandi pretty much blew through all of her sympathy points with me and I think she'd be doing herself and her kids a favor if she made a vow to take the high road from now on when it comes to anything Eddie/Leann related. The feud has gone on way too long.


As for Brandi's upcoming feud with Kyle--is this going to be about Kim or is something else coming into play? I just can't believe for a second that Brandi would make the outrageous claim that Kyle is the type of person who doesn't care about family. Even people who hate Kyle can see that she's a loving wife and mom and is someone who has bent over backwards for her sisters, her nieces and nephews, her MIL, her own mom back in the day, we've seen her defend her father's work ethic and success, etc. Of all of the things for Brandi to accuse Kyle of it just doesn't make any sense based on what we've seen and I find it hugely frustrating.


I'll also be annoyed if Kim doesn't try to defend Kyle when all of this stuff begins to go down. 


I can't imagine anyone that has watched that skank in action  believes she wouldn't take up with a married man if he interested her in the slightest.



It makes my head spin to think how quickly Brandi would take up with a married man if he was willing to provide her with a certain lifestyle. She has no problem being a hypocrite. Of that much I'm sure. 


If Brandi burns all of her bridges this season is there a chance that she might not return? Dare I hope? If the two Lisas, Eileen, Kyle, and Kim refuse to film with Brandi couldn't that be enough to send Brandi packing?


ETA: Should not post before I've had my caffeine. Threw/through I'm cringing.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 4


Are Brandi and Eddie's kids also kept off of Eddie and Leann's show?


 Yes. There was talk of hiring actors to play them but so far they just haven't said anything about them. I was the Mod for their show, sadly and they are horrible people, well not horrible but vain and shallow and completely amused by themselves while I looked on and wondered what was supposed to be funny. I hope that show is done.


  • Love 2

 I remember even then, thinking the Brandi/Lisa friendship was entirely strategic, based on wanting to position themselves a certain way on the show.  Maybe the issue is that Brandi didn't realize it was strategic, she thought it was real?  I'm bizarrely glad that Kyle and Lisa are getting along now, but I think the major thing going on is that both of them know they are just "Hollywood friends" now - they are aligned because they know both of their brands do better when they're friends.  I don't believe that the two of them are spending any time together off camera, for fun.

I agree with your post, too, Ottergirl, with the exception of the above.  I don't think Lisa ever considered, nor wanted Kyle as a friend.  Brandi and Lisa's friendship, to me, was authentic.  Well, as authentic as either one of them could be.


Lisa takes in strays - of which Brandi was one.  She also views herself as a savior - and Brandi needed saving.  From herself and from the other Hos.  She suited a purpose for Lisa and it's very clear that both she and Ken were fond of her. But Brandi betrayed them and that's why Lisa is using every opportunity to take the piss out of her.  Kyle?  Pffft. I don't think Lisa will ever get very riled up about Kyle to make up/move on/mend fences or anything else because I believe she just doesn't care and never did.


Kyle doesn't provide anything that Lisa needs  Nor does she require anything from Lisa. Brandi checked the boxes on both of those things.  .

  • Love 2

I agree with your post, too, Ottergirl, with the exception of the above.  I don't think Lisa ever considered, nor wanted Kyle as a friend.  Brandi and Lisa's friendship, to me, was authentic.  Well, as authentic as either one of them could be.


Lisa takes in strays - of which Brandi was one.  She also views herself as a savior - and Brandi needed saving.  From herself and from the other Hos.  She suited a purpose for Lisa and it's very clear that both she and Ken were fond of her. But Brandi betrayed them and that's why Lisa is using every opportunity to take the piss out of her.  Kyle?  Pffft. I don't think Lisa will ever get very riled up about Kyle to make up/move on/mend fences or anything else because I believe she just doesn't care and never did.


Kyle doesn't provide anything that Lisa needs  Nor does she require anything from Lisa. Brandi checked the boxes on both of those things.  .

Kyle served her purpose to Lisa-she got Lisa on the show.  Season 1 was all about Lisa talking about how close she and Kyle were.  Now Lisa simply claims that she auditioned for the show-no thank you to Kyle.


I have often wondered if the Vanderpump/Todd accusations regarding Mauricio had more to do with the fact they were all too happy to discard the Umanskys once they got a foot in the door.  Maybe they were the ones sucking up to Kyle because she had a reality TV show in the works.   For those who don't know the history-Kyle was approached by the Executive Producer after he saw her on a THS-"Paris Hilton", Kyle obviously wanted her sister-the much bigger star (just ask Kim) and someone desperately in need of a job,  Lisa was immediate, Lisa included Adrienne and Adrienne snagged Taylor.  For the show to be green lit they needed  a star power wife and Kyle approached Camille.


So I think there was a point where Lisa definitely needed Kyle.

  • Love 5

Kyle served her purpose to Lisa-she got Lisa on the show. 

I have often wondered if the Vanderpump/Todd accusations regarding Mauricio had more to do with the fact they were all too happy to discard the Umanskys once they got a foot in the door.  Maybe they were the ones sucking up to Kyle because she had a reality TV show in the works.


I agree on both counts.  But I still contend that prior to the show and ever after, that Lisa wasn't interested in a friendship with Kyle.  I totally believe she sucked up to her to get on the show.  But Kyle had nothing to offer Lisa in the friendship department for Lisa to want one.  Kyle isn't particularly clever or funny. She didn't need a mother figure, a shoulder to cry on, advice on how to get or keep a man.  She didn't need Lisa's money.  And besides, Lisa being as busy as she claims to be, with her businesses and all her other truly fabulous friends...why would she have time for Kyle who offered her nothing.  Brandi was Lisa's project and co-worker.  It was a win-win for Lisa.  Until it wasn't.

  • Love 3

I agree on both counts.  But I still contend that prior to the show and ever after, that Lisa wasn't interested in a friendship with Kyle.  I totally believe she sucked up to her to get on the show.  But Kyle had nothing to offer Lisa in the friendship department for Lisa to want one.  Kyle isn't particularly clever or funny. She didn't need a mother figure, a shoulder to cry on, advice on how to get or keep a man.  She didn't need Lisa's money.  And besides, Lisa being as busy as she claims to be, with her businesses and all her other truly fabulous friends...why would she have time for Kyle who offered her nothing.  Brandi was Lisa's project and co-worker.  It was a win-win for Lisa.  Until it wasn't.



Both Kyle and Lisa claim that they were friends for a few years prior to this show even being a thing. Lisa would have to be an even bigger manipulator than is even being speculated to have garnered and nourished a friendship with Kyle on the off chance that Kyle would one day have a reality show in the works. 


For me, Kyle and Lisa's friendship was evident. I could see and feel the warmth between them. Maybe they weren't the bestest friends to ever best, but I have no reason at all to think that Lisa was only friends with Kyle because of the show. It would have taken way too much time for Lisa and Ken to befriend Kyle and Mauricio for the sole purpose of getting this show. Because, let's face it, all Lisa would have had to do was meet a producer at BRAVO and Andy would have had a hard on for her to be on something anything that he produced. 

  • Love 2

Oh Lord, when will Brandi stop bitching about her divorce? It's been , what , 5 years? She starting to verge on Betty Brodrick type obsession. It only makes her look pathetic and petty and she doesn't need any help in that department. What is she going to do when the kids grow up she'll have no one to complain about? She lives for being slighted.

  • Love 3

Both Kyle and Lisa claim that they were friends for a few years prior to this show even being a thing. Lisa would have to be an even bigger manipulator than is even being speculated to have garnered and nourished a friendship with Kyle on the off chance that Kyle would one day have a reality show in the works. 


For me, Kyle and Lisa's friendship was evident. I could see and feel the warmth between them. Maybe they weren't the bestest friends to ever best, but I have no reason at all to think that Lisa was only friends with Kyle because of the show. It would have taken way too much time for Lisa and Ken to befriend Kyle and Mauricio for the sole purpose of getting this show. Because, let's face it, all Lisa would have had to do was meet a producer at BRAVO and Andy would have had a hard on for her to be on something anything that he produced. 

I think what can be said whether it be a group of properties to be listed or a friend who has been cast on a reality show and will be having "friends" as co-stars-it smarts to have a friend imply or even posters that the friendship was exploitive in nature.  I am sure a case could be made that Lisa maybe found Kyle a little more interesting once she and her sister were cast on a RH franchise.  Lisa took it too far when she said Kyle will be your friend if you list a house with Mauricio. 


It could be said that all anyone has to do to be on TV is meet a producer.  Lisa popularity was a result of the show.  A lot can happen between audition and the Reunion.  Lisa had a 25 year career as an actress with very few takers-this was pretty much her last chance.



Oh Lord, when will Brandi stop bitching about her divorce? It's been , what , 5 years? She starting to verge on Betty Brodrick type obsession. It only makes her look pathetic and petty and she doesn't need any help in that department. What is she going to do when the kids grow up she'll have no one to complain about? She lives for being slighted.

I have to say I recall Brandi at the last Reunion ruminating over the fact she has been a 24/7 paparazzi fixture since her divorce from Eddie, and because of her divorce from Eddie, and how exhausting it is.  I noticed this weekend she was on Twitter advertising the city and location of her son Jake's lemonade stand-with a we will be out there message.   This was obviously in her neighborhood. Today she thanked the 9 people who stopped and patronized his lemonade stand.  Somehow this is Eddie's fault.

  • Love 2

I think that the Brandi we see has always been Brandi, but that she received a really good edit S2 and that producers have since encouraged her worst attributes. I also don't know if Brandi has ever been in a position of seeming "power" before like on RHOBH, where she can let her malice roll with no immediate negative consequences.

I think Brandi is keeping her fingers crossed that she can continue to put herself between Kyle and Kim without Kim tossing her. But it's a risky proposition. Kim is no angel, but she's nowhere near as bad as Brandi. You can definitely see Kim's discomfort at her "best friend" when Brandi says or does something over the top, and K and K adore each other when they adore each other and despise each other when they despise each other.

  • Love 2

Sorry that this is off-topic, but I don't know where to put it.  Does anyone know of a show called "Blind Vice?"  I thought I saw it mentioned here at least twice, but when I put it into my browser, I couldn't find it.  It could be a website, but my browser still came up with nothing.  Can someone help me?  Thanks a million.

I think that the Brandi we see has always been Brandi, but that she received a really good edit S2 and that producers have since encouraged her worst attributes. I also don't know if Brandi has ever been in a position of seeming "power" before like on RHOBH, where she can let her malice roll with no immediate negative consequences.

I think Brandi is keeping her fingers crossed that she can continue to put herself between Kyle and Kim without Kim tossing her. But it's a risky proposition. Kim is no angel, but she's nowhere near as bad as Brandi. You can definitely see Kim's discomfort at her "best friend" when Brandi says or does something over the top, and K and K adore each other when they adore each other and despise each other when they despise each other.

I agree, but adore or despise, they clearly love each other. Coming between sisters, IMO, is like bad mouthing your good friends husband because she is mad at him. You can sympathize, you can advise but you best not say he is really a horrible person and you never liked him anyway because when they make up it will bite you in the Ass.


I have five, yes five, sisters. Trust me blood is thicker than water in the end. This will not end well for the Skank.

  • Love 2

Geraldo Rivera was on the Today show this AM and said the guys were great and got along and the women were scary and cutthroat w/each other. He specifically said if you left Kendra and Brandi in a room together only one would come out alive!

That's funny because it's clear the men seem to actvely detest Geraldo.  But yes, assuming  you meant Kenya, she and Brandi clearly don't like each other. 


They have aired 3 shows so far-they are apparently running 2 shows back to back on Monday nights which is odd and Brandi is not her totally horrid self yet, but she's on her way. But then that just may be more my take having watched her digress on RH.


However, even I have to say Geraldo is the worst of the worst.  I have never liked him, but this so enforces that belef. So it's funny he thinks the guys are his "buds". Delusional. 

  • Love 3

That's funny because it's clear the men seem to actvely detest Geraldo.  But yes, assuming  you meant Kenya, she and Brandi clearly don't like each other. 


They have aired 3 shows so far-they are apparently running 2 shows back to back on Monday nights which is odd and Brandi is not her totally horrid self yet, but she's on her way. But then that just may be more my take having watched her digress on RH.


However, even I have to say Geraldo is the worst of the worst.  I have never liked him, but this so enforces that belef. So it's funny he thinks the guys are his "buds". Delusional. 

I noticed Brandi kissed the very married Geraldo a full on lips kiss for surviving against the boy band guy.  The very serious, I have more friends than Geraldo, Jonas brother.  Guess he can review that from his home in New Jersey every week.  Some season they should divide the teams by age.  Youngest on one team oldest on the other.

I noticed Brandi kissed the very married Geraldo a full on lips kiss for surviving against the boy band guy.  The very serious, I have more friends than Geraldo, Jonas brother.  Guess he can review that from his home in New Jersey every week.  Some season they should divide the teams by age.  Youngest on one team oldest on the other.

Ha!  I started to comment on that in the CA forum.  When the subject of Geraldo being married so often came up, I thought of the way Brandi kissed him on the mouth.  Maybe she should marry him because I don't think she has many prospects other than someone as delusional as Geraldo. 

  • Love 2

Ha!  I started to comment on that in the CA forum.  When the subject of Geraldo being married so often came up, I thought of the way Brandi kissed him on the mouth.  Maybe she should marry him because I don't think she has many prospects other than someone as delusional as Geraldo. 

I think her physical aggressiveness in the public eye to unavailable men may be the reason she has a hard time coming to terms with the idea of emotional infidelity.  A couple of years ago she grabbed some "nerd" on the red carpet and "made out" with him.  She is a tall women, with big hands so when she grabs a guy it is memorable.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/29/brandi-glanville-jesse-heiman-kiss_n_2980243.html  Add to her list of unavailable make out targets, Carlton Gebbia, Fortune Feimster, Roy Handler, her "gaygent" Michael-the man from the infamous tampon string incident.

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