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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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Am I the only one who thinks Brandi isn't writing her own blogs this season?  

I think she always has help.


I read this week's blog.  What I do not understand about Brandi is last night was the new women and Kyle talking about how they got together with their husbands.  Brandi needs to accept the fact that not all relationships are built on the same foundation she claims she had with Eddie,  Why she would expect Lisa to disavow Scheana is asking a lot,  It really isn't any of Brandi's business if Lisa throws the woman an engagement party.  Any more than it was Lisa's business to slam Faye Resnick-people have friends that don't always agree with friends of friends.  To me Brandi is so immature I cannot fathom another adult helping her write such petty stuff.  I do think she has help.

Does anyone know what prompts Brandi to slap Lisa? Was there a scepter involved? That scene looks so fake that I initially thought the TPTB used footage of Brandi joking about the VR cast hitting each other, or something along those lines, but Lisa keeps referencing Brandi "getting physical" as the last straw and unless they made out I'm assuming she means the slap. I figure that's the unforgivable thing Kyle alluded to as well. As we've seen with Kim and The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick, Brandi is capable of holding herself together when attacked, so I'm curious. It seems so desperately contrived, even for Brandi.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I think Brandi knows her time on Housewives is ending and tried to ingratiate herself to the producers by escalating the drama for better ratings/clips for the season trailer by slapping Lisa. Problem is the show seems to be heading back in it's original direction; glamorous, wealthy, connected people that live a fantasy life. Brandi in no way represents any of those things. Her best bet was to remain Lisa V's pet as she is clearly the star of the show, but dim Brandi thought she had the upper hand with the fans (so did Yolanda) and they would root for the underdog to stage a coup d'etat against Queen Lisa. I was always amused that Brandi and Yolanda were friends. They're basically the same person; aging models that married up and profited, Yolanda financially and Brandi by using her story as a way to achieve sympathy and a role on this show.

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The slap looks fake and the impact of hand touching cheek minimal, but none of those things matter if she didn't have Lisa's permission to "slap" her.


It is only playful if the person being slapped are in on it. I hesitate to call it a physical attack because the slap itself is too lame to be categorized as that.  But it doesn't make it an okay thing to do without explicit permission. Certainly not to someone you've had a falling out with. I can see why Lisa would say it is the last straw if Brandi "playfully" slaps her. The intent is Brandi attempting to publicly humiliate Lisa, under the guise of goofing around. 


PS - It would not surprise me if Yolanda thinks Lisa is making a fuss. The woman who fell to the ground when Lisa's husband merrily touched her hand.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 4



Brandi claims to have settled support case-who knows what actually happened.  Claims she "distanced" herself from Kyle and concedes there is no friendship in the future with Lisa.

I'm fully prepared to duck the rotten tomatoes that will be coming my way for even saying this (after having read all the Brandi hate because of the subject), but I'm truly innocently asking: Why is everyone so furious at her for revealing that Adrienne Wildenstein-cat-lady-face used a surrogate?


Wasn't this because the aforementioned alleged victim of this horrifying revelation actually LIED and bitched about how painful her Caesarean had been? Why even mention anything? That, to me, is the bad part of this whole situation. Brandi revealing it is just, well, Brandi doing what she does, no?


And if CatFace wasn't ashamed of using a surrogate (Camille St. Grammer admitted to hers on Howard Stern years ago, but claimed both were due to her Irritable Bowel Syndrome), why lie about it? That's like lying about adopting a kid -- wasn't she afraid her sons would see that on TV when they're Googling themselves in a few years?


And as far as potential injury to her sons' psyches, I'd worry more about the mug I was splashing on TV with obviously paid escorts young enough to join them on the jungle gym!

I'm fully prepared to duck the rotten tomatoes that will be coming my way for even saying this (after having read all the Brandi hate because of the subject), but I'm truly innocently asking: Why is everyone so furious at her for revealing that Adrienne Wildenstein-cat-lady-face used a surrogate?


Wasn't this because the aforementioned alleged victim of this horrifying revelation actually LIED and bitched about how painful her Caesarean had been? Why even mention anything? That, to me, is the bad part of this whole situation. Brandi revealing it is just, well, Brandi doing what she does, no?


And if CatFace wasn't ashamed of using a surrogate (Camille St. Grammer admitted to hers on Howard Stern years ago, but claimed both were due to her Irritable Bowel Syndrome), why lie about it? That's like lying about adopting a kid -- wasn't she afraid her sons would see that on TV when they're Googling themselves in a few years?


And as far as potential injury to her sons' psyches, I'd worry more about the mug I was splashing on TV with obviously paid escorts young enough to join them on the jungle gym!

 To be honest, I always thought Brandi revealed that Adrienne/Paul's marriage was a sham, faked for the show only. Something along those lines because revealing that would not have led to them divorcing like Adrienne tried to say it did. I still suspect that the story, surrogacy, was a cover story for something else but we will never hear otherwise IMO. That said, I didn't think it was that big of a deal either except it was not Brandi's place to tell the world, that belonged to Adrienne/Paul. When Brandi said it on camera, Adrienne was not present, it was said at the lunch/dinner with everyone else, except them. If she was going to call her out on it, then she should have done so when Adrienne talked about having them via C-section.

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I'm fully prepared to duck the rotten tomatoes that will be coming my way for even saying this (after having read all the Brandi hate because of the subject), but I'm truly innocently asking: Why is everyone so furious at her for revealing that Adrienne Wildenstein-cat-lady-face used a surrogate?


Wasn't this because the aforementioned alleged victim of this horrifying revelation actually LIED and bitched about how painful her Caesarean had been? Why even mention anything? That, to me, is the bad part of this whole situation. Brandi revealing it is just, well, Brandi doing what she does, no?


And if CatFace wasn't ashamed of using a surrogate (Camille St. Grammer admitted to hers on Howard Stern years ago, but claimed both were due to her Irritable Bowel Syndrome), why lie about it? That's like lying about adopting a kid -- wasn't she afraid her sons would see that on TV when they're Googling themselves in a few years?


And as far as potential injury to her sons' psyches, I'd worry more about the mug I was splashing on TV with obviously paid escorts young enough to join them on the jungle gym!

Actually, except for a few folks in the cast, most people weren't furious at Brandi at the time. That all came later, after she betrayed Lisa. The people that were mad then, and became mad later, did so because it wasn't Brandi's place to reveal such a thing. It is the exact same thing as outing someone for adopting a child. Nothing to be ashamed about certainly, but lots of folks try to keep such things from some people and only make the revelation to those they chose to clue in. Brandi said she did is simply because she didn't like the fact that Adrienne wasn't truthful about it. Right at that moment I knew that she was a dangerous person. It is simply not normal to be pissed because someone you know casually has chosen to keep something so private, well, private.


Also, Adrienne didn't set out to "lie" about the painful birth in relation to the twins.  This came up when they were all in Ojai and Yo started talking about breaking her back during childbirth. This prompted the other ladies to tell their awful childbirth stories, as often happens when the topic comes up. The story that Adrienne told was about giving birth to her first son, which was true.  Brandi then took the extraordinary step - considering she knew the circumstances - and asked Adrienne "what about your twins - did you have a hard time with them as well"? She asks her about this on camera, when she knew well this was something Adrienne didn't want discussed. What in the world would anyone expect for her to do in this situation? She has said that her twins didn't yet know the circumstances of their birth, and that she had been cautioned to wait until they were closer to 10 to tell them about it. Is it wrong of Adrienne to lie about it vs. reveal the truth right there on camera? Brandi is such a bitch. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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Speaking only for myself, it's just a low place to go. Using a surrogate is a very personal decision - it is much, much different than, say, "he leaks stuff to the press" or "she uses her chef to do her dirty work." Adrienne's use of a surrogate has zero to do with the show, zero to do with Brandi's relationship with Adrienne, and zero to do with any kind of mean-spirited attempt to deceive on Adrienne's part. To me, this is a personal decision and should be up to Adrienne whether she discloses it or not. It's like the equivalent of someone choosing not to share with the world that they had been the victim of sexual assault and then Brandi decides she has to drop a truth bomb that that person was actually molested as a kid. Why even go there? What does it have to do with Brandi? What is she proving? It's just a nasty arrow to sling for no reason.

  • Love 9

I could have posted this in Yolanda's thread but I thought it should be posted here more. It seems that Yolanda's friendship with Brandi is really for the show only. They do not see each other when filming ends!  Has Brandi burned her last rich bridge?   http://www.realitytea.com/2014/12/09/yolanda-foster-says-sees-brandi-glanville-filming-says-never-issues-lisa-vanderpump/

  • Love 1

I could have posted this in Yolanda's thread but I thought it should be posted here more. It seems that Yolanda's friendship with Brandi is really for the show only. They do not see each other when filming ends!  Has Brandi burned her last rich bridge?   http://www.realitytea.com/2014/12/09/yolanda-foster-says-sees-brandi-glanville-filming-says-never-issues-lisa-vanderpump/


Between this and Vicki Gunvalson saying producers pressured her to bring Brooks on, I feel like producers are really letting the fourth wall crumble.

Edited by vrocotamy
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Between this and Vicki Gunvalson saying producers pressured her to bring Brooks on, I feel like producers are really letting the fourth wall crumble.

Hmmmmm. but does this make Brandi or Yolanda the "Hollywood friend" as Yolanda put it last season? LOL

I must admit, I do not think anyone pressures Vicki to bring Brooks around other than Brooks himself! LOL

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Hmmmmm. but does this make Brandi or Yolanda the "Hollywood friend" as Yolanda put it last season? LOL

I must admit, I do not think anyone pressures Vicki to bring Brooks around other than Brooks himself! LOL

It's very interesting indeed.  I have always wondered about how close Yo and Brandi really are, and find it hard to believe Yo could move past what Brandi said about Mohammed on WWHL last year. Mohammed was/is pissed about this, and I could imagine David being pissed as well.


I think that Yo was in a hard place because of her earlier comments about "Hollywood Friends". No one talked about the Tampon incident last year, but everyone was well aware that Lisa had pulled away from Brandi right after this, and I think this was the real deal behind everything that happened between them, and that Yo also used this as a reason to be mad at Lisa and act like she was a fair weather friend. Brandi had done nothing to hurt Yo at that point, as the Mohammed comment happened after filming was complete. By the time Yo heard Brandi say this, she was already on record as acting like real friends support you all the time, and thus couldn't really cut Brandi off like she might have wanted to. Certainly she probably doesn't reveal anything private to Brandi. 

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It's very interesting indeed.  I have always wondered about how close Yo and Brandi really are, and find it hard to believe Yo could move past what Brandi said about Mohammed on WWHL last year. Mohammed was/is pissed about this, and I could imagine David being pissed as well.


I think that Yo was in a hard place because of her earlier comments about "Hollywood Friends". No one talked about the Tampon incident last year, but everyone was well aware that Lisa had pulled away from Brandi right after this, and I think this was the real deal behind everything that happened between them, and that Yo also used this as a reason to be mad at Lisa and act like she was a fair weather friend. Brandi had done nothing to hurt Yo at that point, as the Mohammed comment happened after filming was complete. By the time Yo heard Brandi say this, she was already on record as acting like real friends support you all the time, and thus couldn't really cut Brandi off like she might have wanted to. Certainly she probably doesn't reveal anything private to Brandi. 

I never thought Mohammad said any such thing about Joanna in front of Brandi, he is way too smart and tactful IMO but it most certainly could have come from Yolanda though. I think she, Yolanda, may have shared some nasty tidbits from her divorce with Mohammad and it seemed like she thought Joanna and Mohammad were sleeping together while he was still married to her. I can see her telling Brandi stuff like that when they talked about cheating spouses/divorce as a way to show Brandi that one can move beyond that pain in the best interest of your children. Sadly, Yolanda, like most of the HWs, did not think Brandi would betray her like she did on TV. That is a hard lesson to learn and I think seeing Yolanda bond/vacation with Kyle this season is very telling of her distancing herself from Brandi in a rather public way without coming right out and saying so. I could be wrong and only time will tell as the season progresses.

  • Love 6

Regarding Brandi's car: I have a friend who works with the Atlanta franchise, and I learned that some of those ladies get cars to drive around just for the show. They also have the highest ratings and bring in the most revenue. They get NO help with their rent, mortgage, electric bills, etc. But they do get funded for all the trips and parties.

Does anyone know if Brandi is maybe low girl on the totem pole so she has to come up with her own car? I know the show sends limos to pick up the ladies for group events, but that's it.

  • Love 4

Yo in that article said that the HWs see each other all the time when they are filming but when they are not filming not so much.  When they are not filming, she and David are traveling all the time, and that she doesn't see the other HWs.  They do keep in contact by text.  If you follow Yolanda on twitter, you see that this is true. I don't think she said that she and Brandi are not friends. Reality Tea hates Brandi and loves Lisa, so you really have to take their headlines with a grain of salt.  Yo is really only friends with David, her Love and her king.  They are always on the go.


Lisa and Brandi on the other hand I think actually hung out when they were not filming, so Lisa pulling away during actual filming was a lot more noticeable to Brandi.  The tampon string incident happened during/near filming.


Lisa and Brandi on the other hand I think actually hung out when they were not filming, so Lisa pulling away during actual filming was a lot more noticeable to Brandi.  The tampon string incident happened during/near filming.

Correct, it happened actually right in the middle of filming. 2 days before the scene where they all went to that gym and Yo almost choked their Trainer. This was presumably why Kyle gave Brandi a card in the limo right after saying that Brandi was going through a 'tough time".

I have posted this before, but I met a gal late last spring out in LA at a social event. She is a friend of a friend, and works as a Producer for a Reality TV show (not anything on Bravo). She said that while she doesn't work on the show, she has lots of friends who do/have, and she has met most of the ho'wives at various industry events. She claimed that no one on the show would talk about Brandi's tampon reveal on camera, even though that was all they were talking about off camera. The thought was that they had all reached an agreement to not discuss it AT ALL. That apparently suprised and disappointed production because their favorite thing is something happening in "real time" when they are filming, and since Brandi was disliked by several gals, the thinking was they would dish. Not the case. She also said that the gals reacted in ways that were surprising. Some became nicer to Brandi because she was very upset, while others pulled far away from her, which was noticeable to all when the cameras were not rolling.

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Not a flattering picture but I found the headline humorous:  http://www.eonline.com/news/605420/brandi-glanville-looks-unrecognizable-shortly-after-calling-kenya-moore-a-horrible-human-being


Apparently brandi is now calling others "horrible human beings".


 Definitely a case of "takes one to know one" . lol

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I looked at the WWHL clips on Bravo website and Brandi still isn't over Lisa.  She still "loves" her.  She knows they aren't ever going to be friends again.  "But it's like that guy or girl you can't have, and you pine after."  She really isn't smart.  Brandi still wants to be friends with her, okay I kind of get that.  But why admit it?  Why give Lisa the power of knowing that when Brandi knows Lisa will never let her back in?

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Brandi claims the guy who broke up with her by e-mail was just a business man, funny on her Podcast taped last week it was JR who was saying he would never be a priority.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/10/brandi-glanville-dumped-over-email_n_6302546.html



I looked at the WWHL clips on Bravo website and Brandi still isn't over Lisa.  She still "loves" her.  She knows they aren't ever going to be friends again.  "But it's like that guy or girl you can't have, and you pine after."  She really isn't smart.  Brandi still wants to be friends with her, okay I kind of get that.  But why admit it?  Why give Lisa the power of knowing that when Brandi knows Lisa will never let her back in?


Brandi thinks by being the one willing  to rekindle the friendship she is putting pressure on Lisa.  Lisa and Kyle have been smart enough not to respond to Brandi's tactics.  After this profanity laden response about Kyle-what is the point in responding to her?  http://thestir.cafemom.com/celebrities/180429/brandi_glanville_kyle_richards_interview

Again it is all about her-others have forgiven Kyle so Kyle is suppose to forgive Brandi.  Hasn't Kyle already done that and repeatedly been bitten on the ass by Brandi?


I find it ridiculous a woman with 13 BFFs and claims she has more friends than Taylor, Camille, and Adrienne combined wants Lisa's friendship back.  Then again it is because she needs Lisa as her family lives in Northern California- a whopping one hour flight away.  It is always about Brandi's needs never someone else's.

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Correct, it happened actually right in the middle of filming. 2 days before the scene where they all went to that gym and Yo almost choked their Trainer. This was presumably why Kyle gave Brandi a card in the limo right after saying that Brandi was going through a 'tough time".

I have posted this before, but I met a gal late last spring out in LA at a social event. She is a friend of a friend, and works as a Producer for a Reality TV show (not anything on Bravo). She said that while she doesn't work on the show, she has lots of friends who do/have, and she has met most of the ho'wives at various industry events. She claimed that no one on the show would talk about Brandi's tampon reveal on camera, even though that was all they were talking about off camera. The thought was that they had all reached an agreement to not discuss it AT ALL. That apparently suprised and disappointed production because their favorite thing is something happening in "real time" when they are filming, and since Brandi wasdisliked by several gals, the thinking was they would dish. Not the case. She also said that the gals reacted in ways that were surprising. Some became nicer to Brandi because she was very upset, while others pulled far away from her, which was noticeable to all when the cameras were not rolling.

Well they certainly showed her more courtesy and respect then she would ever show any one of them. What she calls a truth cannon I call a low class trash box.

  • Love 8

Regarding Brandi's car: I have a friend who works with the Atlanta franchise, and I learned that some of those ladies get cars to drive around just for the show. They also have the highest ratings and bring in the most revenue. They get NO help with their rent, mortgage, electric bills, etc. But they do get funded for all the trips and parties.

Does anyone know if Brandi is maybe low girl on the totem pole so she has to come up with her own car? I know the show sends limos to pick up the ladies for group events, but that's it.


It's not surprising that the RHoA ladies, with their high ratings, get the most perks (e.g. free cars to maintain appearances for the cameras.) But doesn't production pick up the tab for all the trips on the RH shows and many, if not all, of the parties (or at least the larger gatherings)? It's possible that production is phasing Brandi out, so they're not helping her as much financially as they might.


I actually saw a contract a few weeks back for an unnamed Ho'Wife. There was a $300,000 base salary for the season, plus $100,000 for "lifestyle expenses" and $100,000 for wardrobe. Then, there was an additional $50,000 fee for "on-set activity" - e.g. causing drama on camera - and a $25,000 compensation for the creation of family (e.g. custody) disturbances. This limits it to Ho'Wives with child custody problems and financial issues. So I decided it either had to be Sonja or Brandi. But with the $50,000 drama fee, I figured it had to be Ms. Glanville.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 1

Production pays all expenses for the trips and events. But their personal living expenses, no. I'll run that contract info by my friend and see what he says. Knowing Porsha can't pay her bills makes me wonder. And Greg and Nene were evicted from their rental home a few years back for not paying rent. And Nene is the highest paid of them all.

  • Love 1

Production pays all expenses for the trips and events. But their personal living expenses, no. I'll run that contract info by my friend and see what he says. Knowing Porsha can't pay her bills makes me wonder. And Greg and Nene were evicted from their rental home a few years back for not paying rent. And Nene is the highest paid of them all.


I'm trying to find the exact document but can't. It could be fabricated. With how broke some of the Ho'Wives are, it would surprise me if Bravo didn't pay for clothing,  etc. in particular cases as a "production expense", if they knew the attire would be worn during filming.

  • Love 1

It's not surprising that the RHoA ladies, with their high ratings, get the most perks (e.g. free cars to maintain appearances for the cameras.) But doesn't production pick up the tab for all the trips on the RH shows and many, if not all, of the parties (or at least the larger gatherings)? It's possible that production is phasing Brandi out, so they're not helping her as much financially as they might.


I actually saw a contract a few weeks back for an unnamed Ho'Wife. There was a $300,000 base salary for the season, plus $100,000 for "lifestyle expenses" and $100,000 for wardrobe. Then, there was an additional $50,000 fee for "on-set activity" - e.g. causing drama on camera - and a $25,000 compensation for the creation of family (e.g. custody) disturbances. This limits it to Ho'Wives with child custody problems and financial issues. So I decided it either had to be Sonja or Brandi. But with the $50,000 drama fee, I figured it had to be Ms. Glanville.

Could have been for Tamra of OC. She fits the bill, especially the drama fee.

  • Love 3

Could have been for Tamra of OC. She fits the bill, especially the drama fee.


Yeah, supposing it's true, I also thought it could be Tamra because of the drama and family trouble fees. The drama fee precluded Sonja from RHONY for candidacy, and I can't think of any RHOA or RHONJ cast members who would fit.


From what CooksDelight said - supposing the contract is genuine and it's Brandi (or Tamra) - I would imagine the $100,000 a piece wardrobe and household expenses fees could be disbursed on Bravo check cards, so that Bravo could check that the expenses were being spent, respectively, say, on clothing and furnishings. Like Brandi would have access to $100,000 max per season to spend exclusively on her attire. I would assume Brandi can afford her rental homes in upscale areas based on her Bravo base salary and book sales, without extra support from the network.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 1

Yeah, supposing it's true, I also thought it could be Tamra because of the drama and family trouble fees. The drama fee precluded Sonja from RHONY for candidacy, and I can't think of any RHOA or RHONJ cast members who would fit.


From what CooksDelight said - supposing the contract is genuine and it's Brandi (or Tamra) - I would imagine the $100,000 a piece wardrobe and household expenses fees could be disbursed on Bravo check cards, so that Bravo could check that the expenses were being spent, respectively, say, on clothing and furnishings. Like Brandi would have access to $100,000 max per season to spend exclusively on her attire. I would assume Brandi can afford her rental homes in upscale areas based on her Bravo base salary and book sales, without extra support from the network.

Actually, now that I think about it, if this contract is true Tamra actually fits it more than Brandi. Tamra had legit custody issues, started drama with every housewife, and we know her gym is losing money. 

Brandi talks trash about the father of her kid, but there haven't been any issues regarding custody. Custody seems to be the only thing that the two have agreed on and don't dispute publicly.

  • Love 2

Here is the contract:



It came from Radar, so it is a little suspect. I remembered the heavily redacted contract through Radar's interpretation of it - that the $50,000 for "on-camera" services was legal-speak for causing drama and that the $25,000 as a "consideration for which Participant shall cause members of her family/social circle to participate in filming of the...in substantially the same manner as such people have participated in prior cycles." I (and Radar) interpreted it as a compensation for possible custody issues resulting from the show. Also, neither are specified as bonuses. So, I'm sorry that I (sort) of misspoke. But the $100,000 "wardrobe" and "location" fee are the same as I said!


I still think it could very well be Tamra or Brandi. Tamra's salary was reported to be about $600,000, and the total salary here was $575,000, so it could be a match. It also might be true that most HW salaries are negotiated and divided up this way.

  • Love 2

I can see Kyle and Lisa getting some extra dough because their homes are featured quite frequently for group activities.  Both Lisa and Kyle have lights permanently installed in the bedroom areas-where much of the filming takes place.  For tax purposes it makes sense for some of the wealthier to get compensation other than straight salary.


It sounds far more like Tamra than Brandi.

  • Love 2

Here is the contract:



It came from Radar, so it is a little suspect. I remembered the heavily redacted contract through Radar's interpretation of it - that the $50,000 for "on-camera" services was legal-speak for causing drama and that the $25,000 as a "consideration for which Participant shall cause members of her family/social circle to participate in filming of the...in substantially the same manner as such people have participated in prior cycles." I (and Radar) interpreted it as a compensation for possible custody issues resulting from the show. Also, neither are specified as bonuses. So, I'm sorry that I (sort) of misspoke. But the $100,000 "wardrobe" and "location" fee are the same as I said!


I still think it could very well be Tamra or Brandi. Tamra's salary was reported to be about $600,000, and the total salary here was $575,000, so it could be a match. It also might be true that most HW salaries are negotiated and divided up this way.

This was Tamra's contract, Simon released these documents during his custody battle with Tamra. He also released contracts from Bravo for their kids, they are very revealing.

  • Love 2

Correct, it happened actually right in the middle of filming. 2 days before the scene where they all went to that gym and Yo almost choked their Trainer. This was presumably why Kyle gave Brandi a card in the limo right after saying that Brandi was going through a 'tough time".

I have posted this before, but I met a gal late last spring out in LA at a social event. She is a friend of a friend, and works as a Producer for a Reality TV show (not anything on Bravo). She said that while she doesn't work on the show, she has lots of friends who do/have, and she has met most of the ho'wives at various industry events. She claimed that no one on the show would talk about Brandi's tampon reveal on camera, even though that was all they were talking about off camera. The thought was that they had all reached an agreement to not discuss it AT ALL. That apparently suprised and disappointed production because their favorite thing is something happening in "real time" when they are filming, and since Brandi was disliked by several gals, the thinking was they would dish. Not the case. She also said that the gals reacted in ways that were surprising. Some became nicer to Brandi because she was very upset, while others pulled far away from her, which was noticeable to all when the cameras were not rolling.


From what we know, I'd guess this meant that Kyle and Kim became nicer to Brandi - responding in good faith to her emotional state, bless their hearts - and that Lisa (and maybe Carlton a little) pulled away from her.

  • Love 2

From what we know, I'd guess this meant that Kyle and Kim became nicer to Brandi - responding in good faith to her emotional state, bless their hearts - and that Lisa (and maybe Carlton a little) pulled away from her.

I think that is right. I know that there isn't a lot of love for Kyle around here, but I think she is basically a good person who tries to do the right thing. The fact that she didn't discuss Brand's embarrassing situation on camera, after Brandi brought up the allegations about Mauricio's cheating just a month before, tell me that she isn't particularly vindictive. Per usual, Brandi is out in the press right now saying some very harsh things about Kyle. In particular she is accusing her of being concerned only about money and fame, and actually made the charge that she doesn't care about her own family. This is always where Brandi goes too far. Why does she have to bring Kyle's family into it? Kyle has never said boo about Brandi and her family, save for saying that she loves her boys very much.

  • Love 3

I found this article about Brandi and her recent appearance.  Daily Mail, as usual goes a little overboard.  These photos of Brandi's were taken at her scheduled press tour to promote RHOBH with a little Celebrity Apprentice thrown in.  When there was no particularly new and shocking to focus on in her interviews, she bashed Kyle and talked about her sexuality, again nothing new, the Daily Mail decided to focus on her look.  Strangely enough she is looking a little like Adrienne.  Other news sources ran with it and Brandi response to the Daily Mail was to tweet an FU and put the side by side photos together.  How much longer is NBC/Universal going to employee this clown?  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2868775/Brandi-Glanville-looks-like-s-overdone-fillers-Botox.html


I didn't think she look all that great 14 years ago.  She is obviously trying to look like someone else. 

I didn't think she look all that great 14 years ago.  She is obviously trying to look like someone else.


Thank you! I don't think that Brandi looks great in the pictures shown except the full-length picture of her and Eddie but in that photo she has a case of the Lisa Vanderpumps and looks older than she actually was. I never "got it" when people said that Eddie Cibrian left his gorgeous model wife for dog-faced LeAnn Rimes. Now I have seen nicer pictures of Brandi, they were modeling pictures but how hard it is for a glam squad and a photographer with lighting, filters and post-production tricks to make a 22 year old look good?

Edited by quinn
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Thank you! I don't think that Brandi looks great in the pictures shown except the full-length picture of her and Eddie but in that photo she has a case of the Lisa Vanderpumps and looks older than she actually was. I never "got it" when people said that Eddie Cibrian left his gorgeous model wife for dog-faced LeAnn Rimes. Now I have seen nicer pictures of Brandi, they were modeling pictures but how hard it is for a glam squad and a photographer with lighting, filters and post-production tricks to make a 22 year old look good?

I guess what I am saying is that for someone who is so shallow and self-absorbed she was not the end all in the world of beauty.  I never once thought she had fake cheek bones it is where she fills them in that makes her look like the joker.  The extra work on her lips does little to improve the overall picture. Daily Mail has always gone on and on about her great "pins", to me she is long-legged with skinny legs.  They look nice but not so much when her size 14 feet put on giant red shoes.  I am not saying she has bad legs they just don't have any shape.  She goes on a f-bomb laced rant here  http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/02/brandi-glanville-plastic-surgery-bad-botox/  Brandi isn't in competition with 20 year olds unless she put herself in that position.  She certainly is attractive but she is not 20 something.  I am sick and tired of her slamming the world because people call her a bad mom.  Read your books Brandi and then take on your detractors.

I think Brandi had already had plastic surgery - injections and maybe some work on the tip of her nose by 1998-2002, the dates of the photographs pictured in the Daily Mail pictorial. The dated (but not dated enough to be retro) Y2K era styling, clothes, and makeup - the Kate Winslet curls and Jennifer Aniston bangs and heavily silver and blue-toned facial makeup - make her look worse than she actually looked, IMO. I think Brandi naturally "looks like a model", which doesn't always translate into looking spectacular without a coordinated professional styling team, photographer, and art director.  If you look here and here, Brandi's assets were planar, angular features with a strong jawline, striking eyes, and big, almond-shaped lips. She needed her hair up to set her jaw off and portray her to her best effect. It's not the most conventional feminine look, but it photographs really well in the hands of a skilled professional.


Now, she looks like a Kewpie doll or a cartoon character. She's virtually unrecognizable from her twenties. It's also disturbing that a 42-year old - barely middle-aged by today's standards - feels the need to pump herself full of fillers before she's even really started aging. She's treading into Adrienne Maloof, Jocelyn Wildenstein, and Amanda Lepore territory. Perhaps she can appear on Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow's show?


Re: Kyle and Kim being nicer to Brandi following the Tampon Incident. It's definitely the compassionate thing to do and I commend them for it. But I increasingly think Kyle and Kim have a few shared basic behavior patterns - as is frequent among siblings - but Kyle's are filtered through a mentally healthy, normally emotionally mature psyche and Kim's are filtered through the psyche of a 50-year old woman who, because her emotional growth seems stunted somewhere in mid-teens, can't cope with any consistency with adult life and therefore suffers from severe anxiety and addiction issues. The one they share the most is co-dependency, even if co-dependency is an outdated pop term in clinical psychology. Kim oscillates between being the dependent (mostly) and the depended upon (occasionally), and seems at her best when she's called upon for support. Kyle is clearly the latter, the depended-upon. It's a relationship modeled on that with her sister (and maybe her mother), and we've arguably seen it on TV in Kyle's friendship with Taylor. According to the indubitable source of Wikipedia, some clinicians argue co-dependency (as the depended upon) is basically a good trait in excess, and I can't argue with that.


But I do think Kim and Kyle's tendency towards co-dependency helps explain why they became friendly towards Brandi (off-camera too!) after the tampon incident, in spite of her being so nasty to them at the Season 3 Reunion. It certainly helps explain why Kim became friends with her (unlike Kyle), even though Kim seems  paranoid and doesn't trust people easily. Brandi, by contrast, makes (or made) Kim - always the dependent - feel better about herself. From what we've seen, Brandi brown-noses whoever she's trying to ingratiate herself to, and talks about how together and functional and amazing they are. Kim, with her poor self-worth, would eat that shit up. As Brandi might bring out some of Kim's best tendencies, she also probably validates (or validated) some of Kim's worst behavior.


Although they do share some external personality traits - an inability to take responsibility for their actions (and the repercussions of those actions), a tendency to play the victim, etc. - I basically think, from what we've seen on and off camera, that Brandi is a vile, malicious bitch with few values (although she pretends to them) and Kim, within the framework of the deeply troubled and emotionally stunted middle-aged adolescent she is, is not a terrible person. In my read, she's very difficult, frustrating, and solipsistic, but she's probably not as rotten to the core as she's made out to be here by some. She seems to mostly have good intentions or an irresponsible absence of intention - and, at times, have bad intentions, in relation to those she doesn't trust/is threatened by. I'm going to bracket the following statement by saying Kyle and Kim's relationship falls into a different category, since they're family and have a long history, and they both aim to hurt each other (by different means) at the worst points in their relationship. Brandi sets out to hurt people and then cries when she's called out, and Kim seems to mostly act from a place of selfish unconsciousness (e.g. complaining rather pathetically about how Brandi really hurt her more than Adrienne at the end of Season 3, most of her addiction-influenced behavior like standing people up and missing shoots) and can lash out in a very disproportionate way when she feels threatened (even if that threat is very distorted.) This doesn't redeem or excuse Kim's individual acts prima facie, but I think one can develop a pretty fair impression of what motivates a cast member's actions over the course of 3 seasons or more (e.g. Kyle's insecurity, Lisa's desire for control and success, etc.) Kim can be ugly at her worst, but she is most accurately described as a tragically stunted and therefore rather unconsciously selfish (and un-self-aware) person who also has some good qualities and a capacity for kindness, within her severely limited emotional repertoire. Brandi is just cruel for cruelty's sake. She knows what she's doing. The points of external intersection between Brandi and Kim are what makes me worried about the course their relationship will take this season...

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I think all the stuff Brandi does to her face makes her look older. Is it about looking younger or about looking like you can afford lots of procedures? Because if it's the first one, I don't get how she looks in the mirror and thinks she looks younger or better. Ditto for Adrienne who will soon look more like a cat than Jocelyn Wildenstein.

  • Love 2

I think Brandi had already had plastic surgery - injections and maybe some work on the tip of her nose by 1998-2002, the dates of the photographs pictured in the Daily Mail pictorial. The dated (but not dated enough to be retro) Y2K era styling, clothes, and makeup - the Kate Winslet curls and Jennifer Aniston bangs and heavily silver and blue-toned facial makeup - make her look worse than she actually looked, IMO. I think Brandi naturally "looks like a model", which doesn't always translate into looking spectacular without a coordinated professional styling team, photographer, and art director.  If you look here and here, Brandi's assets were planar, angular features with a strong jawline, striking eyes, and big, almond-shaped lips. She needed her hair up to set her jaw off and portray her to her best effect. It's not the most conventional feminine look, but it photographs really well in the hands of a skilled professional.


Now, she looks like a Kewpie doll or a cartoon character. She's virtually unrecognizable from her twenties. It's also disturbing that a 42-year old - barely middle-aged by today's standards - feels the need to pump herself full of fillers before she's even really started aging. She's treading into Adrienne Maloof, Jocelyn Wildenstein, and Amanda Lepore territory. Perhaps she can appear on Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow's show?


Re: Kyle and Kim being nicer to Brandi following the Tampon Incident. It's definitely the compassionate thing to do and I commend them for it. But I increasingly think Kyle and Kim have a few shared basic behavior patterns - as is frequent among siblings - but Kyle's are filtered through a mentally healthy, normally emotionally mature psyche and Kim's are filtered through the psyche of a 50-year old woman who, because her emotional growth seems stunted somewhere in mid-teens, can't cope with any consistency with adult life and therefore suffers from severe anxiety and addiction issues. The one they share the most is co-dependency, even if co-dependency is an outdated pop term in clinical psychology. Kim oscillates between being the dependent (mostly) and the depended upon (occasionally), and seems at her best when she's called upon for support. Kyle is clearly the latter, the depended-upon. It's a relationship modeled on that with her sister (and maybe her mother), and we've arguably seen it on TV in Kyle's friendship with Taylor. According to the indubitable source of Wikipedia, some clinicians argue co-dependency (as the depended upon) is basically a good trait in excess, and I can't argue with that.


But I do think Kim and Kyle's tendency towards co-dependency helps explain why they became friendly towards Brandi (off-camera too!) after the tampon incident, in spite of her being so nasty to them at the Season 3 Reunion. It certainly helps explain why Kim became friends with her (unlike Kyle), even though Kim seems  paranoid and doesn't trust people easily. Brandi, by contrast, makes (or made) Kim - always the dependent - feel better about herself. From what we've seen, Brandi brown-noses whoever she's trying to ingratiate herself to, and talks about how together and functional and amazing they are. Kim, with her poor self-worth, would eat that shit up. As Brandi might bring out some of Kim's best tendencies, she also probably validates (or validated) some of Kim's worst behavior.


Although they do share some external personality traits - an inability to take responsibility for their actions (and the repercussions of those actions), a tendency to play the victim, etc. - I basically think, from what we've seen on and off camera, that Brandi is a vile, malicious bitch with few values (although she pretends to them) and Kim, within the framework of the deeply troubled and emotionally stunted middle-aged adolescent she is, is not a terrible person. In my read, she's very difficult, frustrating, and solipsistic, but she's probably not as rotten to the core as she's made out to be here by some. She seems to mostly have good intentions or an irresponsible absence of intention - and, at times, have bad intentions, in relation to those she doesn't trust/is threatened by. I'm going to bracket the following statement by saying Kyle and Kim's relationship falls into a different category, since they're family and have a long history, and they both aim to hurt each other (by different means) at the worst points in their relationship. Brandi sets out to hurt people and then cries when she's called out, and Kim seems to mostly act from a place of selfish unconsciousness (e.g. complaining rather pathetically about how Brandi really hurt her more than Adrienne at the end of Season 3, most of her addiction-influenced behavior like standing people up and missing shoots) and can lash out in a very disproportionate way when she feels threatened (even if that threat is very distorted.) This doesn't redeem or excuse Kim's individual acts prima facie, but I think one can develop a pretty fair impression of what motivates a cast member's actions over the course of 3 seasons or more (e.g. Kyle's insecurity, Lisa's desire for control and success, etc.) Kim can be ugly at her worst, but she is most accurately described as a tragically stunted and therefore rather unconsciously selfish (and un-self-aware) person who also has some good qualities and a capacity for kindness, within her severely limited emotional repertoire. Brandi is just cruel for cruelty's sake. She knows what she's doing. The points of external intersection between Brandi and Kim are what makes me worried about the course their relationship will take this season...

To me where Kim falls into Brandi's trap is Kim delights in saying how phony the rest of the women are (including her sister).  Because Kim had early celebrity, followed by two brief marriages to wealthy men she feels the others who have earned their wealth (except Adrienne, who inherited hers) are just posers who will never measure up to her life in her twenties.  Brandi runs with Kim's jaded out dated observation and uses it to discredit others.  Unlike Brandi, Kim has yet to use her exposure from RHOBH to put together any business opportunities or acting gigs.  So perhaps her family is a little hard on her when she sits idly by while the rest of the women, Lisa, Yolanda, Kyle, Taylor, Adrienne and now Lisa R., try and parlay the RHOBH exposure into business ventures.  Brandi sees Kim as an ally who will readily disparage any other cast member with claims they are fame and money hungry, trying to stay relevant or her most recent trifecta when it came to Camille, Adrienne and Taylor-trying to work themselves back on the show.


Perhaps if Brandi wasn't  such an ungrateful bitch when Camille, Adrienne and Taylor showed up at the White Party she may have not been standing alone.  Instead she chose to blame Lisa V., for her exile from the group.  In fact, Brandi knew she would garner far more camera time as the cast-off with her pitiful-look at the means girls. Now we have Brandi, who can't seem to get a mention except as to her overdone beauty procedures reaching out and attacking Kyle.  in my world, this is where the rubber meets the road-will Kim distance herself from Brandi to stand by her sister's side or will she stick with Brandi in a poor attempt to bring down the powers that be on RHOBH, namely Lisa V. and Kyle?  It will not be until Brandi reeks significant public damage and humiliation on Kyle and Kim's relationship that she will be happy.  Then it will be-"I have never seen a family behave that way."

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I think she looked pretty darn gorgeous in those pics with Eddie. Now she's looking like Maloof's older, taller sister.

I agree she was very pretty back in the day. I bet she would still look great if she didn't mess with her face. She is only 41? Why do anything? I'm sure she would look much younger if she hadn't injected and filled her face with junk.

I have no problem if people want to do whatever they want but I'm just shocked that 30 and 40 year olds feel the need to start. I'm 41 and while I don't look like I'm 20 I still look great( if I do say so myself ;) who knows what I'll do at 50/60.

BTW, I'm ashamed to admit but Eddie very good looking, to bad he is a scumbag.

  • Love 3

To me where Kim falls into Brandi's trap is Kim delights in saying how phony the rest of the women are (including her sister).  Because Kim had early celebrity, followed by two brief marriages to wealthy men she feels the others who have earned their wealth (except Adrienne, who inherited hers) are just posers who will never measure up to her life in her twenties.  Brandi runs with Kim's jaded out dated observation and uses it to discredit others.  Unlike Brandi, Kim has yet to use her exposure from RHOBH to put together any business opportunities or acting gigs.  So perhaps her family is a little hard on her when she sits idly by while the rest of the women, Lisa, Yolanda, Kyle, Taylor, Adrienne and now Lisa R., try and parlay the RHOBH exposure into business ventures.  Brandi sees Kim as an ally who will readily disparage any other cast member with claims they are fame and money hungry, trying to stay relevant or her most recent trifecta when it came to Camille, Adrienne and Taylor-trying to work themselves back on the show.


Perhaps if Brandi wasn't  such an ungrateful bitch when Camille, Adrienne and Taylor showed up at the White Party she may have not been standing alone.  Instead she chose to blame Lisa V., for her exile from the group.  In fact, Brandi knew she would garner far more camera time as the cast-off with her pitiful-look at the means girls. Now we have Brandi, who can't seem to get a mention except as to her overdone beauty procedures reaching out and attacking Kyle.  in my world, this is where the rubber meets the road-will Kim distance herself from Brandi to stand by her sister's side or will she stick with Brandi in a poor attempt to bring down the powers that be on RHOBH, namely Lisa V. and Kyle?  It will not be until Brandi reeks significant public damage and humiliation on Kyle and Kim's relationship that she will be happy.  Then it will be-"I have never seen a family behave that way."


My prediction - from what we've seen in blogs and social media - is that, on the show, Kim will probably distance herself from Brandi, but might let Kyle turn her fury on her. There will probably be more support from Kim against Brandi at the reunion for saying Kyle is a horrible bitch who doesn't care about her family in the inter-season. As far as I've seen, that's both inaccurate and untruthful (to use Brandi's terminology) and is worse than anything Kim or Kyle have said to each other on the show - or to Brandi! It's very low of Brandi to condemn Kim and Kyle's relationship in order to advance her schemes, and I think she is shooting herself in the foot.


It's an interesting insight that Kim probably still thinks of herself as "above" the other women on the show as "new money" and poseur celebrities, because Kim attained the ultimate success in her mother's mind in the '70s and '80s - youthful celebrity and marrying very, very far up. This is probably something that Little Kathy reinforces in Kim's mind. Conversely, I still think the other women are made squeamish by the "loss of control and success Kim represents", in copacabana's words, rather than simply being nonplussed by her. The same thing that Kim uses to place herself on a plane above the other women is a big factor in why they place her beneath them, even if they're basically all just hungry bitches looking for camera time. My assessment of Kim above doesn't preclude bitterness and egotism on her part; bitterness is frequent among people who can't cope with reality. Kim is basically the Blanche DuBois of the San Fernando Valley, as written by E!'s True Hollywood Story (and I'd love to see an edition of Streetcar with Kim playing Blanche, Mauricio as Stanley Kowalski and Kyle as Stella.)


It really shocked me that Brandi was so nasty to Camille, Adrienne, and Taylor on her pod-cast in response to their appearances on WWHL. Camille was actually nice about her, and Adrienne and Taylor basically seemed indifferent. Brandi just doesn't get how to play the Real Housewives game, as was evident with Joyce. If you're going to attack, you can't just say "you're being honest" or "just being a bitch." You have to fabricate some perceived slight, silly! Brandi is pretty much obliterating her future viability as a cast member. It would really sting if Brandi loses her spot and one of the aforementioned three replaces her.

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