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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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The Dr. Phil preview clip shows him asking her about whether her talk about three years of sobriety was a lie … One of her daughters (a brunette) was there with her and Kim angrily says, "Is this an intervention?" and apparently walks off … (Of course we know about editing monkeys)

We've been talking about this for the last ten pages.

  • Love 5

Goddamnitall why can't they run this back to back with Bruce Jenner tonight! Creature double feature!

Transgender people have it hard enough without being called creatures. Yes, I'll be tuning in, and I'm prone to dislike the guy* because of his ties to the Kardashian clan, but I think his coming forward is really brave. Unlike Kim, who has shown no courage in her battles, and is doing the Dr. Phil show strictly for damage control.

* I should probably stop referring to him as a guy. Maybe he'll address this tonight.

  • Love 18

Fuck you Kim Richards for making me watch Dr. Phil. I have never watched this quack's show and have no idea when its on.


I did a quick search for "Kim Richards" on my TV listings guide and there was no mention of her appearance on his show. As such I was forced to visit his website!!


I'm beating myself up over this! I thought to myself, "Oh my God, what have I done?!" <claps hands over mouth>

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 11

Transgender people have it hard enough without being called creatures. Yes, I'll be tuning in, and I'm prone to dislike the guy* because of his ties to the Kardashian clan, but I think his coming forward is really brave. Unlike Kim, who has shown no courage in her battles, and is doing the Dr. Phil show strictly for damage control.

* I should probably stop referring to him as a guy. Maybe he'll address this tonight.

You're right I deleted the comment, though I didn't mean it that way as a namecalling. I support people being who they are, and agree with you about Kim.  I am looking forward to seeing both of these programs and would love to see them back to back!

  • Love 9

Transgender people have it hard enough without being called creatures. Yes, I'll be tuning in, and I'm prone to dislike the guy* because of his ties to the Kardashian clan, but I think his coming forward is really brave. Unlike Kim, who has shown no courage in her battles, and is doing the Dr. Phil show strictly for damage control.

* I should probably stop referring to him as a guy. Maybe he'll address this tonight.

I thing I have always like about Bruce is that he is basically kind.  I can't say that about most of the Kardashian crowd.

  • Love 8

You're right I deleted the comment, though I didn't mean it that way as a namecalling. I support people being who they are, and agree with you about Kim.  I am looking forward to seeing both of these programs and would love to see them back to back!

I get it. In fact, I chuckled when I first read your post, because I think most people find the concept of becoming transgender kind of strange, certainly different or hard to grasp. But I think that's exactly the point of his interview, as well as Chaz Bono's public speaking appearances a few years back - to help erase the stigma. I can't imagine how difficult it must be, and it's probably been a thousand times harder for Bruce because he was part of such a shallow, vain family, where appearances trump everything else. Which sounds similar to Kim's story. So yes! Both are must-see TV!

  • Love 11

Fuck you Kim Richards for making me watch Dr. Phil. I have never watched this quack's show and have no idea when its on.


I did a quick search for "Kim Richards" on my TV listings guide and there was no mention of her appearance on his show. As such I was forced to visit his website!!


I'm beating myself up over this! I thought to myself, "Oh my God, what have I done?!" <claps hands over mouth>

This is actually my first trip to the Dr. Phil rodeo. I've seen him appear from time to time on other shows to promote stuff but I don't think I've ever seen him conduct an interview outside of seeing short clips here and there. I saw a clip of the Dina Lohan interview but that's the most recent thing I can think of. I had no idea that he interviewed the Anthonys. Yikes. I'm feeling like I'm crossing sort of line by giving in and adding to the ratings for this guy. And I'm doing it to watch Kim! #conflicted 


I think it's funny that so many of us are tuning in just for Kim when many of us admittedly don't want to watch her on this show. I can't explain how this makes sense that I'm willing to watch her in this capacity but wish she wouldn't darken the RHBH door again. 


Maybe it's because she's forced to be somewhat truthful here? I'll admit to being curious as to how she'll attempt to spin this even though I already know that it's going to be one frustrating moment after the other of Kim making excuses for her behavior instead of owning it and figuring out how she's going to keep from making the same mistakes and hurting other people. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 4

I think it's funny that so many of us are tuning in just for Kim when many of us admittedly don't want to watch her on this show. I can't explain how this makes sense that I'm willing to watch her in this capacity but wish she wouldn't darken the RHBH door again. 

I think for several reasons, but certainly because it was so frustrating watching her throughout the season and at the reunion not only deny that she had a problem, but berate others who spoke of it. Another being how unsatisfying it was watching Andy let Kim's b.s. go unchecked. Dr. Phil doesn't have to operate under the same rules, which will make the whole thing wholly different.

  • Love 7

This is actually my first trip to the Dr. Phil rodeo. I've seen him appear from time to time on other shows to promote stuff but I don't think I've ever seen him conduct an interview outside of seeing short clips here and there. I saw a clip of the Dina Lohan interview but that's the most recent thing I can think of. I had no idea that he interviewed the Anthonys. Yikes. I'm feeling like I'm crossing sort of line by giving in and adding to the ratings for this guy. And I'm doing it to watch Kim! #conflicted 


I think it's funny that so many of us are tuning in just for Kim when many of us admittedly don't want to watch her on this show. I can't explain how this makes sense that I'm willing to watch her in this capacity but wish she wouldn't darken the RHBH door again. 


Maybe it's because she's forced to be somewhat truthful here? I'll admit to being curious as to how she'll attempt to spin this even though I already know that it's going to be one frustrating moment after the other of Kim making excuses for her behavior instead of owning it and figuring out how she's going to keep from making the same mistakes and hurting other people. 

I don't think anyone can get Kim to tell the honest truth about falling off the wagon, not even Phil. LOL I think I am hoping her kids get to have a say and that is what I want to hear/see. I want to see Kim's face as 3 of her children express how they feel, what they want/need. I want her kids to have their say on TV for all the world to hear, IMO, their voices/opinions/feelings count the most at this point.

  • Love 5

Kim can't pull a " Imma let you finish Dr Phil " (tm Kanye) He's no Andy Cohen.

ETA I'm glad we get another tues night together. Although this was an emotional and dramatic season I really enjoyed coming here to vent and reading all the thought provoking posts. I loved hearing your personal stories and getting to know you better. It's rare to find so many smart and funny people all in one place. I will be sad to see it end. :(

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 11

Kim will be on DR. PHIL on Tuesday for an exclusive interview!!

Kinda late there. lol j/k 



I'm glad we get another tues night together. Although this was an emotional and dramatic season I really enjoyed coming here to vent and reading all the thought provoking posts. I loved hearing your personal stories and getting to know you better. It's rare to find so many smart and funny people all in one place. I will be sad to see it end. :(

Me too.  Are you done with BH?

  • Love 4


It's always interesting to see what leads a person to volunteer to go to rehab or just quit drinking.  I don't always think it's hitting rock bottom.

Your right. Many people enter rehab because they are no longer being enabled.


Think about being enabled. If you had your parents who were willing to let you live under their roof without you having to get a career or job, finishing school, paying rent or any bills, you could hang out with your friends while your parents give you money for gas to put into the car they bought you, giving you spending money or using their credit cards, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that many people would enjoy being enabled in that fashion. Now, with an addict like Kim, it makes sense why she hasn't had the desire to get herself clean. She has apparently never had a rock bottom and she has been enabled.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I've never seen Phil's show -- on purpose.  I've seen him on somebody's talk show, but that's about it.  I thought I read that he and his wife were divorcing, but that was quite a while ago.  I don't care for him at all and don't know why Kim chose his show to make an appearance on. 


I read that Brandi said she was "washing her hands of this whole thing."  That was after the "source" did her talking about Kim.  I wonder if the other HWs recognized the source as Brandi and told her to keep her mouth shut.  Or maybe the Hiltons threatened her with a lawsuit!  THAT would send Brandi running home with her tail between her legs!

  • Love 5

I think for several reasons, but certainly because it was so frustrating watching her throughout the season and at the reunion not only deny that she had a problem, but berate others who spoke of it. Another being how unsatisfying it was watching Andy let Kim's b.s. go unchecked. Dr. Phil doesn't have to operate under the same rules, which will make the whole thing wholly different.


Phil may not be operating under the same rules as Andy but I'm sure Kim will be up to her usual antics of deflecting, denying and diminishing just how sever her numerous transgressions over this period of alleged sobriety.


I'm sure Andy Cohen is kicking himself now for not taking a harder line of questioning with Kim regarding her behavior and sobriety--especially considering the arsenal of virtual evidence and reels of footage Bravo could have supplied at a moments notice. I'll admit it--I derive a sliver of happiness from anything that causes Cohen the opposite.


The only thing I hope to see from this scheduled interv(iew)ention is Kim's children telling their truths one by one, index finger out and pointed at the accused. 

  • Love 8

I'm sure Andy Cohen is kicking himself now for not taking a harder line of questioning with Kim regarding her behavior and sobriety--especially considering the arsenal of virtual evidence and reels of footage Bravo could have supplied at a moments notice. I'll admit it--I derive a sliver of happiness from anything that causes Cohen the opposite.

Thats what he get! Andy was too laid back at this reunion when it came to Kim! I get he likes Kyle and he has his favs in terms of reunions that he wont try and piss off for obvious reasons, but this season was mostly about her and Brandi's shenanigans. Andy didnt call bullshit hardly, so much so, production had to assist in sliding in flashbacks to reveal Kim/Brandi as liars and deflectors. So I personally dont care if he cried in Armani suit.

  • Love 7

After a season filled with Kim's lies, half truths, unrealistic shutdowns of conversation and unbalanced emphasis of others' conversations and deeds, it just all gets washed away with the blanket statement she is an addict and she had relapsed.  The fact that Lisar called her an addict when trying to explain Kim's behavior was met with great umbrage by Kim.  Kim being "mean" to Brandi at Game Night and subsequent meetings Season 2 is all forgiven because Kim was sick back then.


So I can see why Kim feels she never has to accept responsibility and by her going on Dr. Phil she could very quickly talk about her one time slip with alcohol at the Polo Lounge.  Next comes the lecture that only twice in the last year has her behavior been such that it should be mentioned and because she is in 100% pain, and Monty is dying (well actually he is on his way to Las Vegas to watch Paris DJ at the new Rehab pool party-so if Kim went with Minty she could honestly say she was going to rehab), and she has had to plan two weddings this past year and apparently the only capable of doing so, and she is being sued and Monty (who isn't home anyway) is going to be without his best friend Kingsley.  


I guess I am not surprised at Kim's alleged response.  Bravo will take her back and give her a tag line with how she is really, really trying this time or "no shame in my game", she will offer up apologies such as the one she gave Vanderpump, "I am sorry if I missed a few events bit I missed a big chunk of my kid's lives."  I am still trying to figure where the apology to Lisa is in that comment.   

  • Love 6

I guess I am not surprised at Kim's alleged response.  Bravo will take her back and give her a tag line with how she is really, really trying this time or "no shame in my game", she will offer up apologies such as the one she gave Vanderpump, "I am sorry if I missed a few events bit I missed a big chunk of my kid's lives."  I am still trying to figure where the apology to Lisa is in that comment.

Kim doesn't apologize for anything, bc that requires taking responsibility and humility and Kim Richards doesn't like anyone pointing out her mistakes or weaknesses, not even the The Great Doctor himself. She denies, justifies and excuses her way through life.

Even Ramona Singer from RHONY said she's stopped apologizing with a 'but' this year. And that woman has little to no self awareness, but I guess a big dose of humiliation and a douchey husband who openly cheats had a positive effect on her. Not so with KimRichards, she just becomes more pious and put upon.

  • Love 9

I wonder if Whitney's absence at the Dr Phil Intervention is bc she doesn't want to be part of the circus on tv or if she doesn't want to go up against her mom?

Poor Chad, he has to live Kim and I'll bet she's pissed that he was overheard saying she's doing pills and mj too. Hopefully he can crash with Brooke or Whitney. I can't imagine what kind of hell she's putting her kids through right now.

  • Love 5


I'm not sure where to post this cringe-worthy pilot that Kim, Kyle and Kathy tried to launch back in 2009

That was posted on two different threads two weeks ago.



Kim doesn't apologize for anything, bc that requires taking responsibility and humility and Kim Richards doesn't like anyone pointing out her mistakes or weaknesses

Which is why she then turns the tables and threatens to "out" something about that person or someone they love such as Harry and Alexia. Hit them where it hurts in order to get them to back off. Kim fucked with the wrong person (LisaR) when she went for the jugular. Mention any of my family members, you will see that you fucked with the wrong person too.

  • Love 4

Remember when Kim sat down with Andy Cohen and admitted being an alcoholic? Here is a segment of that sit-down where she mentions going to AA "years ago" and how she planned to be open and public about her alcoholism and "show her mistakes and flaws":



From another source, this is part of what happened during that sit-down with Andy, where Kim mentions if she relapses again, she doesn't believe she will survive :


During the Season 3 Reunion Part 2, the frightening reality of Kim’s alcohol abuse came to light. After Brandi Glanville claimed she thought that maybe Kim Richards’ sister Kyle “would be happy if she failed” at sobriety, Kim seemed completely crushed at the very thought.


It was an extremely hurtful thing to say, and Kim pointed out that she didn’t think she would survive without everyone rooting for her, especially her sister Kyle. Earlier in the reunion Kim had said that she was fighting for her life, which can lead one to believe that she’s been dealing with the very real and scary health consequences of long-term drinking.


“I don’t have it in me to fail again. This is my last shot. I think it if relapsed again, I don’t think I would make it this time” she tearfully revealed. “It would be my last round. I don’t think my body can take it. This is my last shot because really I almost didn’t make it this last time, so the thought of failing this last time terrifies me.”
As she was baring some of her worst fears about relapsing, Kyle switched couches so she could sit near her sister and comfort her.
Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

I wonder if Whitney's absence at the Dr Phil Intervention is bc she doesn't want to be part of the circus on tv or if she doesn't want to go up against her mom?

Poor Chad, he has to live Kim and I'll bet she's pissed that he was overheard saying she's doing pills and mj too. Hopefully he can crash with Brooke or Whitney. I can't imagine what kind of hell she's putting her kids through right now.


Or she's probably done with Kim's bullshit.


I can only imagine how Chad feels.  Hes going through his own struggle but has to deal with an addict for a mother at the same time.  SMH. 

  • Love 4

I wonder if Whitney's absence at the Dr Phil Intervention is bc she doesn't want to be part of the circus on tv or if she doesn't want to go up against her mom?

Poor Chad, he has to live Kim and I'll bet she's pissed that he was overheard saying she's doing pills and mj too. Hopefully he can crash with Brooke or Whitney. I can't imagine what kind of hell she's putting her kids through right now.

Chad moved to an apartment after he was discharged from the hospital and out patient therapy, I think.

  • Love 3

That was posted on two different threads two weeks ago.


Lol, thanks. I hadn't seen it on here and I don't have time to stay glued to the threads.

Chad moved to an apartment after he was discharged from the hospital and out patient therapy, I think.

That's good news otherwise I was picturing him at home with Kim bitching him out and making herself out to be the victim and trying to lay a guilt trip on him. At least if that's they case he doesn't have to be under the same roof.

  • Love 5

Kim going to a ritzy rehab is no shock. She had no plans on leaving the state. I also read Monty went back to Vegas too.

I think Bravo wasnt playing around this time. Go to rehab or be fired. She probably knew her family wasnt going to support her financially if she lost her paying gig neither. Along with her children has probably told her if she doesnt go they will be done officially.


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

TMZ just reported that Kim has checked herself into a Malibu rehab!!  Will stay as long as it takes!

Last time, 3 years ago she checked out 1 week shy of 30 days into a 60 or 90 day treatment program so it will be interesting to see how long she stays this time around. If she went to "Passages", it is not a 12 step program and focuses on finding out why you are an addict.............

1. A chemical imbalance

2. Events of the past you have not reconciled

3. Current conditions you can’t cope with

4. Things you believe that aren’t true


It will be interesting to see if this program/rehab works for Kim since everything else has failed but, IMO, she will leave rehab for the wedding, not return to in-house after the wedding is over and stop doing/working whatever their treatment plan is within 3 - 6 months after the wedding. I hope I am wrong though.

  • Love 6

Malibu rehab. Makes me think Promises.

Either that or Passages.  Passages is a holistic "approach", not a 12 step program, so that would take off the "makes amends" part of rehab, which would seem to fit what she wants.   Interesting that Monty is in Vegas, but the real question is who's feeding Kingsley????    I loved the "as long as it takes", so what do you think - a week?   Enough time for Monty to get back, still time to plan to go to the wedding, and enough time to tell Bravo she went to rehab?   My bet is she addresses her "one time" lapse of drinking, but will not discuss anything else.   Kim does rehab on her own terms.  

  • Love 8

Kim is likely to stay for a good few months and be right out before filming starts up again.

She also made the decision which one shes going too. Not the one Phil chose for her. She will be pampered and treated like a diva. I wonder has she ever been to that one?

Kim is going to have to make believer out of me this go around. It's easy for her to go, get detoxed and have a few talks in a circle about her struggles with drugs and alcohol. Kim is going to have to put in the work and show me shes committed with no bullshit.

  • Love 7

Is Kim going to Promises in Malibu?  What a laugh!  IIRC, when Lindsey Lohan checked in, there was a lot of press about that place, and it wasn't good.  I should say that I know nothing about it myself, but it was reported to be like a country club with counselors.  A lot of stars apparently go there, and it hasn't done them any good.  I think that's where Kim's son just left.  Not too long ago, LeAnn Rimes went there for a week because she needed to rest from the thoughts that Eddie Cibrian might fool around with another woman like he had with her.  If Kim's headed there, I'd guess that she's not taking her disease very seriously.  She needs to be in a hospital-type environment where you don't get away with anything, and your stardom means nothing to the doctors and nurses. 

Edited by Lura
  • Love 11

My first thought was Promises too. I can totally see why it would appeal to Kim. Without getting too specific, (sorry, I'm paranoid) a relative of a longtime friend of mine went there back in the day when she was just a teenager and her stay happened to coincide with an actor from Interview with a Vampire who isn't Cruise or Pitt. Long story short, my friend's relative claims that she and this guy got high together while they were at Promises and my friend's relative ultimately ended up going to a different rehab facility and her parents were infuriated over the entire situation. No idea if all of the details are true, it's just what she told us several years later but I thought her story sounded very believable. 


Anyway, my hope is that Kim does whatever it takes to get better and that she'll eventually find something in her life apart from drugs/alcohol and her children that makes her happy. 


I find her situation so pathetic and sad that I truly am rooting for her and if that means that RHBH has to be the carrot on the stick I guess I'm okay with that provided that Kim really does make an effort and stops being so selfish and so awful to people in general. 


Yikes, the look on Brooke's face in that clip. She looks like she is so over Kim's nonsense. 


Going by that clip though Kim still doesn't fucking get it. She's actually going on about how the police were banging on the door and yelling? I hope this woman doesn't for a moment try to pretend that the police were out of line with her or anything because given everything that's going on in America I would hope that she would have some appreciation for the fact that are people who would have had it a hell of a lot worse if they'd behaved the way that Kim allegedly behaved with a police officer. Resisting arrest and kicking a police officer and Kim still sees herself as the victim without appreciating for a second how different the treatment of her might have been were she not fortunate enough to be who she is. 

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