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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Kim was smoking her e-cig at the wine tasting.....no coughing. Kim smoked several cigars at Eileen's house, again.....no coughing. If Kim was as sick as she claims, she would have been coughing her head off without smoking and even more so while smoking. Even Lisa R calls her out on this in her blog...."smoking cigars all evening". LOL

This is what I just cannot get past - the cigars.  Full confession in that I love cigars - love them like crazy. My favorite thing in the world is a great dinner, a nice bottle of wine, and a cigar to end the evening.  The thing is I cannot smoke them if I have even a cold. If I am coughing at all, it is just impossible for me and I love them. True, I am not a long-term constant smoker like Kim, but I would think if she was as sick as she said she was, she would have been coughing like crazy, especially when smoking that cigar. 

  • Love 3

WOW, sounds like she took another 1, 2 or 3 of Monty's pain meds again! She is not clean/sober by a long shot IMO. I wonder what her excuse will be for this incident?

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

WOW, sounds like she took another 1, 2 or 3 of Monty's pain meds again! She is not clean/sober by a long shot IMO. I wonder what her excuse will be for this incident?

Fat Kyle bought it all and how dare she when she knows that Kim is taking care of her terminally ill ex-husband, recovering from planning a wedding and has a daughter in college.

  • Love 7

Fat Kyle bought it all and how dare she when she knows that Kim is taking care of her terminally ill ex-husband, recovering from planning a wedding and has a daughter in college.

Don't forget Kingsley! The horrid/false press of his innocent biting while protecting her from a vicious/aggressive 80 year old woman and her college age niece that broke into her bedroom  were too much for her to handle! LOL

  • Love 4

Kim tweeted this picture 2 days after she was admitted to CS Hospital last year. Notice anything missing that someone that was coughing so badly that she injured herself would require?



Years ago I suffered from bronchial asthma going into pneumonia. I was admitted to the hospital ER and for an hour had a breathing mask on with steam coming out. It really helped and I was released from the hospital on the same day. They also took blood tests and chest X-rays. My ribs were OK but from coughing I was in pain. She seemed fine at the poker game, unless Bravo edited her coughing out. I guess in the photo the nurse could have removed the mask.

  • Love 1

I'm not saying this is true, just that it's POSSIBLE.  


She could have been over the pneumonia and bronchitis (I've had bronchitis turn into pneumonia.)   During the severe coughing (if true) she could have easily cracked a rib and the pain of it became more intense later, or more noticeable as something really wrong since she was no longer coughing to bring it on.  If she was over the pneumonia part, she would not longer need oxygen, and smoking may not have bothered her either, it depends on how long she'd been over it.  Again, it's possible she thought the ulcer pain (again, if true) was just the left over from coughing pain, and ignored it until it became acute.


Kyle will probably spill the beans to get even or to get screen time at some point, although probably not this year, unless they fight during the reunion and she slips.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

Thanks Quinn.  Monty really posts some lovely, hopeful, thankful things.


I liked this, and it addresses a few questions raised about his cancer here:

    1 month ago
    This is the only time I will address this. In May I was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer. The Dr gave me 2 months. In life I've always believed take a negative turn it into a positive. So I embraced it, just a new journey in life. I was more worried for my children and loved ones than myself. I'm a fighter, this will not beat me. 8 months later stronger than ever, at least another 25 years to go. From the bottom of my heart I like to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts. I lived a blessed life from the day I was born, that I've been thankful and blessed. So this Christmas I wish everyone to say prayers to the children and others around this world who suffer from this dreadful disease so they can live a long healthy life. Happy Holidays to everyone. Needs to be more love in this world #saying #quote #life #heart #friends #positive #family #christmas #holiday #ocean #blessed #thankful


Lots of pictures of Monty with Kim and thanking her, saying he loves her.  She can't be all bad.

  • Love 4

Umbelina, Collete(sp), was the bf that got murdered when Kim was talking on the phone with him. He came after she was divorced form husband #2, Davis.  The marriage ended in 91', the same year she and Collete hooked up and it was alleged/rumor that they were having an affair before she left Gergg Davis. Her marriage to Monty was final in 89' and she was having an affair with Davis when she was still married and that is why they got divorced. When Kim talks about their marriage/divorce, Kim/Monty, she just says they married young as the reason it ended. Kimberly's father was after Collete death.

  • Love 2

Interesting.  On the web it implied she married Gregg very soon after Collette died, and just says "soon divorced" and that it was a bitter divorce, but again, no wedding dates. Although it does appear her divorce was final before their second child was born, so it was confusing. 


I'd love to get actual dates so I could figure out what the heck happened there. 

Interesting.  On the web it implied she married Gregg very soon after Collette died, and just says "soon divorced" and that it was a bitter divorce, but again, no wedding dates. Although it does appear her divorce was final before their second child was born, so it was confusing. 


I'd love to get actual dates so I could figure out what the heck happened there. 

Wiki has dates mixed up. They have both children born after the divorce! LOL I used Wiki to get the dates and did not even notice, Sorry. Kim was married to Davis before she hooked up with Collete, I will check the book to make sure though.


ETA; I looked in the HH book and found nothing about Kim's second marriage, the book does not go into much detail about Kim/Kyle as married adults. I guess it was Colett that Kim hooked up with when she was still with Monty then got with Davis after he was killed. They divorced either right after Chad was born or soon after he was conceived.  

Edited by WireWrap

Wiki has dates mixed up. They have both children born after the divorce! LOL I used Wiki to get the dates and did not even notice, Sorry. Kim was married to Davis before she hooked up with Collete, I will check the book to make sure though.


ETA; I looked in the HH book and found nothing about Kim's second marriage, the book does not go into much detail about Kim/Kyle as married adults. I guess it was Colett that Kim hooked up with when she was still with Monty then got with Davis after he was killed. They divorced either right after Chad was born or soon after he was conceived.  

I think I have the answer.  Kim married Monty banged Davis, married him, had two kids, split from Davis met Collete, became engaged, he got murdered (some say it was Davis that had him offed), Collete's mother put his motorcycles on the market, John Jackson bought Kim's favorite motorcycle and Collete's mother encouraged Jackson to call Kim and he did and they were together and made Kimberly.

  • Love 2

I think I have the answer.  Kim married Monty banged Davis, married him, had two kids, split from Davis met Collete, became engaged, he got murdered (some say it was Davis that had him offed), Collete's mother put his motorcycles on the market, John Jackson bought Kim's favorite motorcycle and Collete's mother encouraged Jackson to call Kim and he did and they were together and made Kimberly.

LOL, that's what I thought but then the kids birth years are off/wrong. They have Whitney born in 91 and Chad in 93, I think, but they defiantly have both kids born after at /after Colett's death! I suspect they got the kids birth years wrong but I can find no other site that has them different. Colette was murdered in 91' so something is wrong in the birth years.


The police suspected he, Colett, was killed because he ripped off millions $$$$$ from a lot of elderly people. I believe he was under investigation when he was killed. Seems Kim has questionable tastes in men like her mother did, Big Kathy.....mobster, Kim.........scam artist/grifter.

Edited by WireWrap

Thanks Quinn.  Monty really posts some lovely, hopeful, thankful things.


I liked this, and it addresses a few questions raised about his cancer here:

Lots of pictures of Monty with Kim and thanking her, saying he loves her.  She can't be all bad.

Thank you so much Umbelina for sharing this heartfelt message from Monty. Vilifying Kim is not needed (I'm guilty here)...she certainly does seem to care very much for him. I wonder if the recent incident of throwing her food on the floor came out of desperation and disgust as a result of the food store not having a food choice special to Monty. My mom always said walk a mile in someone's shoes before criticizing them. IMO your post makes Kim seem more human then villan.

  • Love 5

I read *a* book on the Hiltons that said Kathy Hilton thought Monty wasn't rich enough to he married to a sister so she more or less pushed Kim into marrying Davis and Kim didn't really want to.

That makes no sense to me. How does a married woman in her twenties, with a child, end up with zero responsibility for cheating on her merely millionaire heir to then leave and marry a billionaire heir? I swear, blame shifting has got to be Kim Richards' secret superpower.

Edited by Found A Peanut
  • Love 6

That makes no sense to me. How does a married woman in her twenties, with a child, end up with zero responsibility for cheating on her merely millionaire heir to then leave and marry a billionaire heir? I swear, blame shifting has got to be Kim Richards' secret superpower.

No kidding.  Just like throwing food on the floor of a Whole Foods because they ran out of Salmon Salad would be okay if she wanted it for Monty-who now apparently is in full remission?  Am I not understanding his message of hope?  It sure sounds as if he is in remission and what wonderful news.  If this is true then in all fairness to Kim she should move on and start dating.  Kim is the one who complains about being lonely at night -how many suitable guys want to date a woman who continually talks about how close she is to her ex-husband and continues to live with him? It is hard to have sympathy for Kim when she makes such odd choices. 

  • Love 5

In answer to Kim's children's ages:  According to HH, Brooke was born in February of 86.  Child support from Davis (Whitney and Chad's father) would run out in 2009 which leads me to believe that Chad probably turned 18 that year.  Jackson and Kim started dating in 1992.  Kimberly is sophomore so she's probably around 19 or 20.

So that would make Brooke about 29,  Chad about 23,  Kimberly about 20 and Whitney probably around 25/26 (total guesstimate).

  • Love 1

No kidding.  Just like throwing food on the floor of a Whole Foods because they ran out of Salmon Salad would be okay if she wanted it for Monty-who now apparently is in full remission?  Am I not understanding his message of hope?  It sure sounds as if he is in remission and what wonderful news.  If this is true then in all fairness to Kim she should move on and start dating.  Kim is the one who complains about being lonely at night -how many suitable guys want to date a woman who continually talks about how close she is to her ex-husband and continues to live with him? It is hard to have sympathy for Kim when she makes such odd choices. 

Where did you hear he is in full remission?

Edited by Higgins

Where did you hear he is in full remission?

Quinn posted a post Monty put on his instagram a page back and Umbelina, reposted this post above on this page. In his post he does not say he is in "remission" but that he is "stronger than ever" even though his Dr.'s only gave him 2 months to live back in May. It appears that he is doing really well and is responding to treatments for now. Zoeysmom was asking if he was, not declaring he was in fact in remission. 

Edited by WireWrap
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It just sounded like it when he said he had another 25 years.  I get it may just be hopeful talk and we would never know if he was or the true status of his health.  I just thought it sounded very hopeful.

I think that it is very unlikely considering he has metastases to his spine and brain. No doubt he is terminally ill. I don't think it is odd that Kim choses to spend as much time as she can with a man that she loves. I think it is wonderful that the progression of his cancer has been slower than expected and he choses to spend it with her. looking at his instagram account he appears to be close with her family too.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 3

I think that it is very unlikely considering he has metastases to his spine and brain. No doubt he is terminally ill. I don't think it is odd that Kim choses to spend as much time as she can with a man that she loves. I think it is wonderful that the progression of his cancer has been slower than expected and he choses to spend it with her. looking at his instagram account he appears to be close with her family too.

The last thing I would expect from Kim or her ex is any degree of intellectual honesty.  I was hopeful that he was sincere in his statement he had another 25 years. 


I think Kim should do whatever she feels is best for her.  I just don't want to hear how overwhelmed she is and how fragile her sobriety is and all the rest of her excuses for bad behavior. 

  • Love 5

Maybe Monty is one of those people that believes that positive states of mind can create a positive reality. More power to him, if so, and he's certainly doing well with it so far. I give a lot of leeway as to how people want to approach dealing with something like cancer.

Kim's nonsense, whether or not Monty is a loving influence, an enabler, partner in crime, or all of the above, is a whole 'nother issue, imo.

  • Love 5
The last thing I would expect from Kim or her ex is any degree of intellectual honesty.

I don't know what to make of their situation but based on what we've seen it seems sketchy and the whole episode of him taking off for days without calling or anything makes me think that one of the reasons Monty is staying with Kim is because she isn't likely to be judgmental about that sort of weird and unreliable behavior. I don't even know that I would necessarily feel comfortable moving in with somebody if I knew that they had a history of substance abuse issues and I were ill for some reason and had to take lots of medication. That would seem like a situation waiting to happen especially given Kim's repeated history of falling off of the wagon. Perhaps Monty doesn't have any other options or maybe he sincerely does want to spend his last days with Kim despite the risks, but I feel like there's an extra layer factoring into all of this.


One thing I have noticed about Kim in terms of her relationships with people on the show is that she often seems like she's willing to be closer to people with noticeable problems. Presently, Kim's closest relationship on the show outside of her sister is that of drinking and pill popping Brandi. After a bumpy start Kim also ended up becoming close with Taylor another woman who seems to have issues with alcohol. Meanwhile when somebody like Yolanda tries to be friendly and goes out of her way to be a sober friend to Kim, Kim completely has no time or respect for it. (And I say this as somebody who thinks that Yolanda has revealed herself to be a rude and hypocritical liar.) I don't know that Kim has much of an interest in being around sober people outside of a few select family members.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 8

5 months ago
After a few different wardrobe changes we finally agreed what @kimrichards11 is wearing tonight. Poker night #fashion #poker #love #family #heart #rhobh #malibu #ca #life #friends



We Finall Agreed What @kimrichards11 is wearing Tonight? That Would Indicate (To Me @ Least) That He Was Home Prior To Kim Leaving The House...?!

  • Love 4

He was.  Kim said he had just returned from being gone for a few days, another reason why she really didn't want to go.


So we know that was filmed in August!


Hmm, they celebrated his birthday at SUR.  http://instagram.com/p/sEXrlrQfE7/?modal=true



Looks like he went to Vegas for the fight that same month.  Also had dinner with Kim, Kathy, and her husband.  Lots of shots with Kim and Kingsley too.  I wonder if that was where he was, and if Kim just forgot, or made it sound like he left without saying anything for sympathy?

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

He was.  Kim said he had just returned from being gone for a few days, another reason why she really didn't want to go.


So we know that was filmed in August!


Hmm, they celebrated his birthday at SUR.  http://instagram.com/p/sEXrlrQfE7/?modal=true



Looks like he went to Vegas for the fight that same month.  Also had dinner with Kim, Kathy, and her husband.  Lots of shots with Kim and Kingsley too.  I wonder if that was where he was, and if Kim just forgot, or made it sound like he left without saying anything for sympathy?

Or Kim said he was gone because her brain is fried? I suspect that she only told Kyle that Monty "gave" her the pill to remove all responsibility from herself for taking a narcotic.

  • Love 3

Or Kim said he was gone because her brain is fried? I suspect that she only told Kyle that Monty "gave" her the pill to remove all responsibility from herself for taking a narcotic.

That is what I mean by lacking in intellectual honesty.  One day she claims to be a full time nursemaid the next thing you know he is in Las Vegas or out to dinner at SUR.  I think maybe Kim and Brandi exaggerated  Monty's condition. 

  • Love 3

That is what I mean by lacking in intellectual honesty.  One day she claims to be a full time nursemaid the next thing you know he is in Las Vegas or out to dinner at SUR.  I think maybe Kim and Brandi exaggerated  Monty's condition. 

It is very possible that they made him sound far weaker than he was because during filming he was going places frequently. Even at the wedding, he did not look weak IMO. I would not doubt Kim using his terminal cancer as her storyline this season, it fits into her me, me, all about me mind set. Kim does love him but she is not above using his terminal illness to keep her paycheck coming. And Brandi has no problem helping her out with it.  SMDH

  • Love 2

He was told he had 2 months to live, right?  Unless we think he was lying in that update.  He rallied, which can happen.  Still, since it's spread to (at least) his spine and brain, and he's stage 4, unless a last minute miracle drug is found, he's a dead man walking.  Looks like he's spending his final days doing as much as possible though, so good for him.


Why do I keep thinking of Walter White?  Probably just because they share terminal lung cancer, at least Monty is loving his family and not making meth.  ;)

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

He was told he had 2 months to live, right?  Unless we think he was lying in that update.  He rallied, which can happen.  Still, since it's spread to (at least) his spine and brain, and he's stage 4, unless a last minute miracle drug is found, he's a dead man walking.  Looks like he's spending his final days doing as much as possible though, so good for him.


Why do I keep thinking of Walter White?  Probably just because they share terminal lung cancer, at least Monty is loving his family and not making meth.  ;)

I think it is wonderful that Monty is well enough and strong enough to go places and spend time with those that matter to him.

  • Love 5

It's weird.  I never liked Kim, wasn't a fan of her childhood stuff, didn't like her on RHBH.  The first time I ever liked her was this season, watching her with Monty, AND knowing she took him in.  It's a very hard thing to do and face, and I like her more because of that, and because of the lovely things Monty put on his Instagram, and the tweets to him and Kim sent with so much love from their families.  I also liked that she was able to remain friends (and co-parents) with him all of these years.  She was so kind to him in the scenes before and during the wedding, and he looked pretty weak to me in those.  My heart melted a bit towards Kim after that.

  • Love 6

Curious allegiance to Brandi? I thought they were just friends outside of the show. I don't know what's so strange about two of the castmates spending time outside of the show, not even those two loons.

I also find this to be a very curious and even unnatural friendship. Brandi is an alcoholic and I don't think Brandi is the best influence for Kim since she's supposedly a 'recovering alcoholic' and trying to remain sober. Is Brandi putting Kim's best interest at heart, or is she hoping that Kim will slip with her sobriety and make Brandi herself not feel so guilty for being the sole alcoholic of the group?

  • Love 7

I'm not sure Brandi is an alcoholic, she's stone sober on Celeb Apprentice, seemingly without issues.  I think she's sloppy and a drunk on RHBH now, too big for her britches and Bravo's notoriously "delay shooting, get them drunker" stuff helps that.  She should be able to monitor herself better, but alcoholic?  I'm not convinced.  Yet. 

  • Love 1

I'm not sure Brandi is an alcoholic, she's stone sober on Celeb Apprentice, seemingly without issues.  I think she's sloppy and a drunk on RHBH now, too big for her britches and Bravo's notoriously "delay shooting, get them drunker" stuff helps that.  She should be able to monitor herself better, but alcoholic?  I'm not convinced.  Yet. 

I do think she has a drinking problem. There were reports of her drinking early on during filming and the rumor was that DT had a "talk" with her. Her trying to stay away from or cutting back on her drinking may explain her increasing "anxiety", she may have just up how much/often she is taking her meds.

  • Love 6

It is very possible that they made him sound far weaker than he was because during filming he was going places frequently. Even at the wedding, he did not look weak IMO. I would not doubt Kim using his terminal cancer as her storyline this season, it fits into her me, me, all about me mind set. Kim does love him but she is not above using his terminal illness to keep her paycheck coming. And Brandi has no problem helping her out with it.  SMDH

What was weird is they moved the wedding up very quickly-when we saw them looking at the bridal gowns Brooke was planning for a destination beach wedding.  All of a sudden it was moved up to the point Kyle and Mauricio had to cut their yacht vacation short.  Portia gown wasn't even ready.  it is an absolute blessing he has made it another six months I just think maybe Monty isn't quite ready to settle down quite how Kim had envisioned  it.

I'm not sure Brandi is an alcoholic, she's stone sober on Celeb Apprentice, seemingly without issues.  I think she's sloppy and a drunk on RHBH now, too big for her britches and Bravo's notoriously "delay shooting, get them drunker" stuff helps that.  She should be able to monitor herself better, but alcoholic?  I'm not convinced.  Yet. 

With the negative consequences alcohol has had on Brandi's life I think it is pretty safe to say she is an alcoholic.  It is may not be a daily physical dependence but put a little alcohol in Brandi had there have been five years of documented disasters-starting with her DUI.

  • Love 5

What was weird is they moved the wedding up very quickly-when we saw them looking at the bridal gowns Brooke was planning for a destination beach wedding.  All of a sudden it was moved up to the point Kyle and Mauricio had to cut their yacht vacation short.  Portia gown wasn't even ready.  it is an absolute blessing he has made it another six months I just think maybe Monty isn't quite ready to settle down quite how Kim had envisioned  it.

I think he had just found out that the cancer had metathesized and the outlook was even bleaker than first thought. He has responded to treatment really well though, Thank God. I do agree that Kim thought he was going to live with her full time and they would be a real "couple" in his final days but he had other plans/ideas for his last months. OR, he tried to live with her full time and could not take it, smothering need to be his main focus, or her style of "sobriety". JS

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

When Kyle "outed" Kim's alcoholism during the limo ride Kyle's relatives from coast to coast were upset with her.  For some reason they ignored the fact that Kim was drunk at Mohamed's and the other women were chomping at the bit to complain about Kim's drinking.  Some of that same family was all to happy to cooperate with the writer of "House of Hilton".  Kyle had always walked the family line be it about Paris, Monty, Kim, Brooke, Kingsley or whoever was screwing up and under scrutiny-never a word.  Kyle paid for that for quite some time.  Kathy Hilton came out against Kyle saying you don't do that to family-so Paris and I stopped watching the limo scene.  I felt for Kyle because she was the one taking care of Kim's children, bills and putting her family's well being at risk.


I have just as big an issue with Brandi outing a desperate Kim for calling her "a few times" in the middle of the night.  Is that four times or twice (I find Brandi to be an exaggerator)?  I do not blame Kyle for passing on discussing Kim with Brandi.  Kyle has honored Kim's wishes and not discussed Kim's sobriety with anyone.  When Kim gives Kyle permission, Kyle is supportive of Kim and repeats Kim's story.


Was the purpose of Kim's phone calls to get help with what was burdening Kim or was it to just have someone tell her what a load she was carrying?  I hate to say it but it sounded more to me like Kim was crying the blues over her daughter returning to college and the fact that Monty was ill and would ultimately leave her alone. If Kim wanted help with the wedding then it would seem she might call either sister or Mrs. Weidenhorn at a decent hour, if she needed help with Monty why not one of his three children or his other ex-wife or a social worker?  The other thing that was odd was Brandi keying in on the Kyle was jealous over her sister's acting career.  Has Kyle ever said anything to indicate she was jealous of Kim's career?  The mere fact that one sibling is more successful than another at something does not automatically make the other siblings jealous.


Lastly, for all those who deal with loved ones with addiction problems:  If Brandi were concerned about Kim and genuinely reached out to Kyle to express her concern about Kim (I am still waiting to hear from Kyle what she actually said to Brandi) would a caring friend or love one think it appropriate to tell Kim, her sister said Kim needed to handle it herself?  I mean why deliver such an seemingly uncaring message to Kim?  Did that improve the situation?  Was this a situation where perhaps Kim was asking for money?  Kim was smoking cigarettes?  Otherwise it sounds fairly self-serving and a little cruel to say-Hey Kim I was worried about you so I called your sister and she said it is your problem?  Who was served by repeating such thing if it in fact occurred?  It would seem Brandi was attempting to further isolate Kim and make her dependent on Brandi.


Here is what Kyle says in her blog. What gets me is how Brandi made it seem as though Kyle had just washed her hands of Kim because they weren't filming. According to Kyle, she was told not to share that information with anyone and suddenly here Brandi is bringing it up in front of the cameras. If Kyle's version of events is true, and I think they are (I am not a fan of Kyle's, but I do think she is being honest here), Brandi is doing exactly what she accused Kyle of doing. Only showing concern for Kim because of the cameras.


From Kyle's blog:



Brandi keeps saying I'm jealous of how close they are and how she's been there for Kim. I never realized they were as close as Brandi claims, and I never knew Brandi to be there for Kim other than taking that one call that she talked about in her interview. Brandi did call me to say that Kim had called her at 2 AM in the morning. She asked me to please not repeat it, and I never did. But she went on camera letting everyone know about it. Why would she repeat that? I also never said "That's not my problem, that's just Kim." I had my hands tied as I was asked to please not repeat that this information was shared with me . Other than Brandi telling me about this one call, I have never gotten any late night calls or any signs of my sister not being OK or in danger in any way. If there was something I should have been there for, I certainly had no idea. Perhaps my sister chose not to share with me and felt comfortable sharing with Brandi. I cannot be there for something I am unaware of. If I knew of something that Kim needed me for, I would be there as I always have. There are years of history there that Brandi is not privy to, and I will never share, no matter how many hurtful lies she hurls my way.

When I watch Brandi with Kim, I see someone who is taking advantage of my sister at her most vulnerable. It's frustrating, worrisome, and hurtful that my sister cannot see this. Why does Brandi want Kim to feel that she is the only one there for her?

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 3

In tonight's episode coming distractions we see Kyle throwing Brandi out of her home and Brandi reminding us all about Mauricio cheated on her! Here we go again...Kyle thought she had that behind her last season. Could this mean Kim and Brandi have been gossiping about this event. Shame on Brandi for resorting to this ugly business again. Double shame on Kim if she's so revengeful against her sister...that she emblazoned her best friend to go there.


I do think it's wrong of Kim to become best friends with someone who treats her sister so poorly. and apparently doesn't defend Kyle publically against Brandi.  But I'm waiting to see if this behavior changes when Kim is sober.  I think those who think Kim never affectively received treatment are on the mark - she shows no signs of someone who's followed a twelve-step program and who's let go off grudges, sought to make amends, etc.   I've watched enough Intervention and other shows to realize an addict will turn on those who love them, align themselves with the wrong people, and harbor grudges.  And when they receive proper treatment and gain clear thinking, they end toxic relationships, and see (maybe for the first time) how poorly they've treated family and friends.  Kim is like a raw nerve, and I find it so painful to watch her struggling.  It would be so much easier if I could cut off that empathy and just dismiss her as a selfish, self-absorbed woman who has brought this all on herself, but I just can't see it that black and white.  Of course if I were her sister, I would probably feel differently.

  • Love 3


I've watched enough Intervention and other shows to realize an addict will turn on those who love them, align themselves with the wrong people, and harbor grudges.  And when they receive proper treatment and gain clear thinking, they end toxic relationships, and see (maybe for the first time) how poorly they've treated family and friends.

My sister has been sober two years and she would still throw me under the bus for her friends.  None of them are addicts and have actually been very helpful in her recovery but some still have wonky ideas/values that my sister also basically shares so they don't call her on stuff that she needs to be called on.  We don't live in the same state so it's difficult.  If she didn't have (young) kids I wouldn't fret so much.  

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 2

I have no more time for this vile little person.  She is deliberately hurting people now.  It's gone quite beyond the scope of someone that isn't taking responsibility for the hurt they've caused with their addiction.  It's too bad Kyle can't just walk away since Kim's behavior is truly toxic.  She deserves a friend like Brandi.  

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From Brian Moylan's recap.  I put it in the media thread as well, but this paragraph really kind of nails it for me.  Kim is obviously using Brandi to stand up for her, and to take the heat as well.  Sisters are complicated, but these two have issues that go way back, and I do wish they would both go, together and alone, to a hard assed, truth telling therapist that could make them both face up to where all of this really come from.

    This isn’t really a fight between Kyle and Brandi at all. This is a fight between Kim and Kyle, one that started three years ago, when Kim got sober, which has never been resolved. Kim is such a pleaser that she can’t stand up to Kyle, and now I think she’s sort of enlisted Brandi to do the dirty work. The real moment of the fight came when Kim said, “I’m not standing up for [brandi], I’m standing up for me. I’m standing up for Kim.” She has never done that to her sister before, and she’s been such a mess for so many years that now she's in no position to make Kyle trust her to act on her own. Now that she can, their dynamic is stuck in such a paradigm of Kyle helping Kim that the latter doesn’t know how to get out of it other than to send Brandi in to blow it the hell up. Though she may be the aggressor, Brandi is only collateral damage in this scenario. This is about Kim needing help and attention for her hernia and taking pain pills and Kyle making it all about herself. It’s not Brandi’s problem — it’s Kim’s.


Edited by Umbelina
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I think that poor Richards family must be ALL KINDS OF F'D UP!!  Just look at the progeny!  I'm sure Kathy Hilton is soooo proud of her son,Conrad.  I know that if any of US PEASANTS ever acted up like he reportedly did on that flight from London to LAX, we'd be UNDER the jail.


Then there's old Liar,Liar, pants on fire, KIM....  Could she BE any more obnoxious??  I start hollering at my teevee when she gets all butt-hurt because Kyle has hurt her widdle feewins, boohoohoo.  The fact that Kyle just reacts like Pavlov's dog when Kim barks at her only makes it worse.  SURELY they have enough $$$ to find a damn Psychiatrist!! Pronto! Get thee to the frickin' DOCTOR already!!


Steps down from soapbox and waves at all fellow ole TWOP'ers!

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