film noire April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 On 4/2/2015 at 7:48 PM, Sincerely Yours said: I would be on her side. Addicts need love too. :-) What they need are strong boundaries & rehab -- that's the only kind of love a using addict understands or can use -- anything else is just co-dependence with a more socially acceptable name, imo. 15 Link to comment
LotusFlower April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 On 4/3/2015 at 4:39 AM, film noire said: What they need are strong boundaries & rehab -- that's the only kind of love a using addict understands or can use -- anything else is just co-dependence with a more socially acceptable name, imo. Yes. Hence the expression "loving them to death." 10 Link to comment
jenny2682 April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 On 4/2/2015 at 9:15 PM, zoeysmom said: The only reason I don't believe Rinna is an anorexic is that she has made it to the ripe old age of 51. I think she has an obsession with her body but I don't necessarily know if it is anorexic or bulimia or any other defined eating disorder. Brandi seemed to think it was very important that we know that Lisa had never taken a bite of food in front of her-interesting but I did see Lisa eat cake in front of her and Lisa attend a dinner party or two and I just don't know that Lisa just didn't eat. Often times (and wisely) reality people will have a clause they do not want to be filmed while eating, exiting the bathroom, in bed or the like. Brandi made a big deal over Kenya Moore having a do not film while eating on her Celebrity Apprentice contract and then claimed she ate like an animal and all the while talking about what a big person Kenya is. So Kim furthering Brandi's agenda that Rinna has an eating disorder is par for the course. She could make it to 51 but she doesn't look-how should I put this? Frail. No sunken in or swooped down shoulders. No signs of osteoporosis. She may over exercise or something or orthorexia (though she drinks wine and seems to enjoy desserts). I do not believe that she has anything that could be diagnosed than an actress in Hollywood who has to take care of her looks if she wants to get work. Kim and Brandi could be diagnosed with numerous things and especially being assholes, jealous and spiteful. 15 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 On 4/3/2015 at 4:06 AM, WireWrap said: Kim also claimed she paid for that house, bought it for her mom, when the truth is that Big Kathy bought/paid for a house for Kim. Kim's sense of entitlement knows no bounds. There are those that claim Big Kathy's entire existence is because of Kim's earnings. I bet it griped Kim to find out that these properties all carried mortgages on them. It would seem Big Kathy did well if some 13 years after she had control of Kim's money she was still buying properties with it. There were also three husbands involved in the mix who I would think also contributed. I still don't know what Kim expected of Kyle in the division of her mother's estate apparently Kyle's earnings didn't count. Kim would be so much healthier if she moved on from the financial aspects of her childhood. Most people work during their lifetime and it just so happens Kim worked for about 12 years of her life under the age of 20. To think those earnings could carry her for life, in the lifestyle she lived is ludicrous. 6 Link to comment
mwell345 April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 Quote Kim would be so much healthier if she moved on from the financial aspects of her childhood. Most people work during their lifetime and it just so happens Kim worked for about 12 years of her life under the age of 20. To think those earnings could carry her for life, in the lifestyle she lived is ludicrous. She'll never move on because it's all she has. Currently, it's Diving with the Stars, Sharknado 3, and a cameo on something else - I don't remember. And BH. That's it. 3 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 I have no idea how the Richards Sisters in Diving with the Stars never made on to my radar, did I blink and miss it? Is it still on? Link to comment
SistaLadybug April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 It was called "Stars in Danger: The High Dive" and it was on a couple years ago. 1 Link to comment
WireWrap April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 On 4/3/2015 at 2:48 PM, Baltimore Betty said: I have no idea how the Richards Sisters in Diving with the Stars never made on to my radar, did I blink and miss it? Is it still on? LOL, Actually they didn't make it as big as "Diving With the Stars", Andy got it wrong, they were on the Fox show "Stars in Danger"! LOL 3 Link to comment
Watermelon April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 I just want to know why Kim the drug addict looked as young as Kyle, but "Sober" Kim's skin is redder, her wrinkles endless and the texture off. Did she substitute drugs for tanning beds? 4 Link to comment
Reo April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 On 3/29/2015 at 10:04 PM, GreatKazu said: How long before we hear Kim yell at Kyle, "Because of you, I lost my goddam dog!!"? Or, "I lost my goddam job!!"? Hopefully we never actually hear it because she will be off the show. Unless someone records her meltdown with a cell phone during a public "reconciliation" lunch with Kyle, and then posts it on the internet. Then we will all gloat and snicker about it here. Just desserts, Kim baby! Just desserts! 3 Link to comment
Popular Post notnowimbusy April 5, 2015 Popular Post Share April 5, 2015 Kim's 12 step program: 1) Pretend to get sober, but really just cut out alcohol. 2) Don't apologize to ANYBODY for anything you did all the years you were drunk. Hell, if you don't remember, why should they. 3) Buy a dangerous dog that you have no control over. Whatever happens, it isn't your fault. He's your friend and that's all that should matter. 4) Lean on your kids so hard they are afraid to stand up to you for fear you will relapse. 5) Remind everyone you were a B list child star, haven't done anything since, but demand their respect. 6) Move. Seriously this will keep you busy, and annoy the hell out of the people who have to find you a new place, pay deposits, help you pack, etc. 7) If possible, go on a REALITY show, but don't let anybody talk about your life. 8) Pretend you have money. 9) Go back and rehash every slight, hurt, problem since you were 8. Above all, don't listen to reason. These are the people who made you a drunk. Go after them. All the time. Don't let up. And for God's sake, don't listen to reason. 10) Hook up with a known enemy of your family. Get close, spill as much family gossip as possible, then sit back and allow this person to speak for you, and enable you. This can only have the healthiest of results. 11) Be proud of your sobriety, after all, rehab said prescription drugs "may" be necessary. They never said it had to be your own prescription! If questioned just say "I took the wrong pill", or "somebody gave me a pill". Nobody is allowed to question you. 12) This is probably the most important of the 12 steps. Never, ever, ever take responsibility. Deflect, lie, ignore, scream "you lie". Demand respect for not taking responsibility - not just now, but all the years you were too incoherent or drunk to even know what day it was. 33 Link to comment
Satchels of gold April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 i hope that Kims children will find a way to keep in contact with Kyle despite the estrangement of the sisters. I can imagine that Kim might perceive that as betrayal in the highest order. Face it the only people Kim really has in her life are first degree relatives because everyone else probably checked out years ago. Even Brandi was shocked to discover that Kim said she was her best friend. And she also made it clear that friendship was a burden. I can't imagine how her children must feel. And how strange would it be for your children to be financial secure but you're not? That's a strange dynamic. 9 Link to comment
Aunt Kiki April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/3/2015 at 9:12 AM, zoeysmom said: There are those that claim Big Kathy's entire existence is because of Kim's earnings. I bet it griped Kim to find out that these properties all carried mortgages on them. It would seem Big Kathy did well if some 13 years after she had control of Kim's money she was still buying properties with it. There were also three husbands involved in the mix who I would think also contributed. I still don't know what Kim expected of Kyle in the division of her mother's estate apparently Kyle's earnings didn't count. Kim would be so much healthier if she moved on from the financial aspects of her childhood. Most people work during their lifetime and it just so happens Kim worked for about 12 years of her life under the age of 20. To think those earnings could carry her for life, in the lifestyle she lived is ludicrous. You are spot on. I guess the big question for me is - I wonder if Kim Richards equated/equates the managerial fee her mother took as "supporting" the family, totally disregarding the reality that if her mother hadn't managed her, she would have paid the money to someone outside the family. Perhaps the managerial fee and some of her earnings paid for the niceties between the mother's divorces. No one but the Richards sisters really know what went on during that time but I do remember that Paris Hilton once said in a TH in the "I want to be a Hilton" show that her grandmother threw fabulous parties and as small children she and her sister used to peek downstairs to see all the fabulousity going on. Apparently Big Kathy was the Perle Mesta of the B List crowd and something tells me she didn't serve Fatburgers as the main course. I don't believe for a second that Kim claiming she supported the family came up for the first time during RHOBH - it sounds like it's been a recurring complaint for years. Possibly it's a claim that was perpetuated by no one in the family disputing it - until RHOBH. And your other excellent point - she seems to conveniently forget that Kyle also earned money as a child actress, much less than Kim but nonetheless... The woman is a whackadoodle. 5 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Chad is out, if he was ever in, Link to comment
Sincerely Yours April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 (edited) On 4/3/2015 at 4:39 AM, film noire said: What they need are strong boundaries & rehab -- that's the only kind of love a using addict understands or can use -- anything else is just co-dependence with a more socially acceptable name, imo. And sometimes that's the best that will come out of a situation. Sometimes you have to make the best of a bad situation and call it a day. Plain and simple. Edited April 6, 2015 by Sincerely Yours Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 1:58 AM, Aunt Kiki said: You are spot on. I guess the big question for me is - I wonder if Kim Richards equated/equates the managerial fee her mother took as "supporting" the family, totally disregarding the reality that if her mother hadn't managed her, she would have paid the money to someone outside the family. Perhaps the managerial fee and some of her earnings paid for the niceties between the mother's divorces. No one but the Richards sisters really know what went on during that time but I do remember that Paris Hilton once said in a TH in the "I want to be a Hilton" show that her grandmother threw fabulous parties and as small children she and her sister used to peek downstairs to see all the fabulousity going on. Apparently Big Kathy was the Perle Mesta of the B List crowd and something tells me she didn't serve Fatburgers as the main course. I don't believe for a second that Kim claiming she supported the family came up for the first time during RHOBH - it sounds like it's been a recurring complaint for years. Possibly it's a claim that was perpetuated by no one in the family disputing it - until RHOBH. And your other excellent point - she seems to conveniently forget that Kyle also earned money as a child actress, much less than Kim but nonetheless... The woman is a whackadoodle. I love this because it is Kim overlooking the obvious someone had to be with Kim and then Kyle and Kim for those careers to flourish. Big Kathy could not have maintained an outside job and been there for Kim. I have some assorted articles and they all say pretty much the same thing-a parent must be present during filming. Even Kay Rosario (second mom to Kim and second course to Kingsley) has said that Big Kathy earned a cut of Kim's earnings. I threw this one in because it talks about LeAnn Rimes and how she had to sue to get $7 million back because of excessive management fees. Talks about parents on the set Page 36 forward outlines what child actors may and may not work and their schooling The question for me remains-what exactly is it Kim expects from her younger sister some 40 years later? Does Kim want reimbursement for her mother's management of the money she earned as a child actor? Did Kim expect to be the sole heir to the Big Kathy estate (one which might be a bit light if the sole source of income was from Kim's childhood earnings since Kim had not worked, as a child actor, in almost 20 years at the time of her mother's death)? Why does Little Kathy get to inherit apparently guilt free? Would Kim have been able to maintain a $40,000.00 a year second residence for the past 12 years? What about the over $600,000.00 Mauricio and Kyle paid out over the years to buy and maintain the house for the 10 years Big Kathy asked? If Kim's outrage is at the industry for its failure to forever and ever care for Kim after a 10 year childhood career? Kim had at least 15% of her earnings when she turned 18. She was also working after her mother had control of her money most notably on a feature film Tuff Turf. According to Monty, they were together at the time so I think Kim needs to take responsibility for blowing through her own fortune and lived the high life with two ex-husbands. It just seems that Kim wants to hold on tight to the theory she was an exploited child star. Maybe the reason Big Kathy wanted her daughters to keep their private lives close to the chest is because Kim can't keep a story straight and a balance sheet might reveal that Kim was a pretty big spender and in fact most likely was heavily subsidized over the years by Big Kathy, Kyle and Little Kathy. I am still curious what the hell Monty contributes to the equation financially-it would seem if he is holed up at Kim's and still travels quite a bit he and his trust fund should be picking up the bill. 5 Link to comment
PreposterousISTA April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 9:25 AM, zoeysmom said: Chad is out, if he was ever in, kimrichards11 15 hours ago My two favourite guys in "The World" ❤️ 2 Link to comment
SoCal4Us April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 zoeysmom, thanks for all the info. IMHO re the goddamned house, the truth lies somewhere in the middle as usual. You got me hooked on reading about the Coogan Law haha and, evidently there were loopholes that parents and guardians used to their advantage, so the law was amended in 2000. From the various descriptions of Big Kathy here and online, she comes across as a user of people - husbands, friends, and yes, even her daughters. Not saying she didn't love her girls, but sounds like she loved herself more. Maybe she did use the Coogan Law's loopholes to her advantage or maybe not...I think neither Kyle nor Kim is totally wrong with regard to the story of the house - I wonder if either of them even knows the full story. Sounds like a Movie of the Week LOL. 4 Link to comment
QuinnM April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Quote I think neither Kyle nor Kim is totally wrong with regard to the story of the house - I wonder if either of them even knows the full story. I think Kim is totally wrong. Kathy bought Kim a house in PS. That was her house. Kyle had nothing to do with that house. The fact that drug addled Kim keeps screaming 'You stole my house' tells me everything I need to know. Kim owns everything in her mind. Of course the drugs have left her with very little functioning in her mind so there's that. No in between from me. Kim's story is just addict nonsense. That and Kim is a self serving nasty piece of work. I'm amazed that her children even talk to her. 12 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 2:55 PM, PreposterousISTA said: kimrichards11 15 hours ago My two favourite guys in "The World" ❤what an amazing day!!❤so much LOVE❤❤❤❤❤ Does Kim Have Any Kind Of Relationship With Chad & Whitney's Father/Gregg Davis??? Signed, SomeWhat Curious Kim and Gregg had an acrimonious relationship. Some people from Kim's camp have long asserted that the murder of Kim's "fiancé" John Colett was arranged by Kim's former father in law, Marvin Davis, as revenge for leaving Gregg. This story talks about Kim and her then "fiancé",,20439856,00.html. Of interest is the fact that there was a conviction for the killing and prosecutors deemed it a killing for hire but the identity of the person or persons who hired him was never made public during the trial. Kim expresses displeasure during the first season with her two children with Gregg wanting to go back to Texas to live. By then they were both adults. 3 Link to comment
MollyBrown April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 3:19 PM, SoCal4Us said: zoeysmom, thanks for all the info. IMHO re the goddamned house, the truth lies somewhere in the middle as usual. You got me hooked on reading about the Coogan Law haha and, evidently there were loopholes that parents and guardians used to their advantage, so the law was amended in 2000. From the various descriptions of Big Kathy here and online, she comes across as a user of people - husbands, friends, and yes, even her daughters. Not saying she didn't love her girls, but sounds like she loved herself more. Maybe she did use the Coogan Law's loopholes to her advantage or maybe not...I think neither Kyle nor Kim is totally wrong with regard to the story of the house - I wonder if either of them even knows the full story the house. Sounds like a Movie of the Week LOL. Kim was wrong to lie about stealing the house. At some point, she agreed to a price and most likely signed a contract. Lord knows she signed the back of the check. Telling the stolen house story seems like another twist to get people to feel sorry for her. 9 Link to comment
SoCal4Us April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 3:27 PM, QuinnM said: I think Kim is totally wrong. Kathy bought Kim a house in PS. That was her house. Kyle had nothing to do with that house. The fact that drug addled Kim keeps screaming 'You stole my house' tells me everything I need to know. Kim owns everything in her mind. Of course the drugs have left her with very little functioning in her mind so there's that. No in between from me. Kim's story is just addict nonsense. That and Kim is a self serving nasty piece of work. I'm amazed that her children even talk to her. On 4/6/2015 at 4:10 PM, MollyBrown said: Kim was wrong to lie about stealing the house. At some point, she agreed to a price and most likely signed a contract. Lord knows she signed the back of the check. Telling the stolen house story seems like another twist to get people to feel sorry for her. Maybe it's all as simple as that. I, of course, don't know, but I don't think either Kim or Kyle is necessarily lying. That's why, for me, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. 1 Link to comment
SistaLadybug April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Kim looks exactly like a blonde Kyle in that picture. I always see the family resemblance, but it's much more pronounced there than usual. 7 Link to comment
PreposterousISTA April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 3:56 PM, zoeysmom said: Kim and Gregg had an acrimonious relationship. Some people from Kim's camp have long asserted that the murder of Kim's "fiancé" John Colett was arranged by Kim's former father in law, Marvin Davis, as revenge for leaving Gregg. This story talks about Kim and her then "fiancé",,20439856,00.html. Of interest is the fact that there was a conviction for the killing and prosecutors deemed it a killing for hire but the identity of the person or persons who hired him was never made public during the trial. Kim expresses displeasure during the first season with her two children with Gregg wanting to go back to Texas to live. By then they were both adults. Thank You! Have Now "Moved On" From SomeWhat/Mildly Curious To Highly/Exceedingly Curious As To The Present Status Of Their Relationship... 2 Link to comment
talula April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 (edited) On 4/6/2015 at 4:58 PM, SistaLadybug said: Kim looks exactly like a blonde Kyle in that picture. I always see the family resemblance, but it's much more pronounced there than usual. I agree...the smile looks similar. Did anyone hear during Kyle's TH segment when Kim visited her at the PS house that she would not be friends with Kim if it wasn't that they were sisters? I believe the sisters say they love each other and hug because of habit. I'm beginning to believe neither of them trust the other because of real or perceived issues. That sisterhood bridge is burned if Kim blames Alexia for the dog biting her on TV during the reunion. The children will back their perspective mothers. I doubt Kim or Kyle would want their children in the vicinity of someone they cannot trust. Edited April 6, 2015 by talula 1 Link to comment
Persnickety1 April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 3/29/2015 at 10:24 PM, zoeysmom said: If your argument is the one I am thinking that the Plaintiff should have known the dog was dangerous and used common sense-not really. I thought your argument was more in response to Alexia getting bit and Kyle warning her daughter about the dangers of going to Kim's house. Please correct me if I am wrong. Plaintiffs filed an amended complaint stating Evolution (Bravo is not a named party in the suit) misrepresented the nature of the dog. Evolution made $$$$ off the show and should have been more forth coming about the dangerous dog. Obviously after the attack on the trainer, viewers were led to believe Kingsley went away and came back better-although we only saw him with a muzzle on after that. Plaintiff also alleges that she was invited to Kim's house as an overnight guest and Kim asked for she and her daughter to come into her bedroom and then an unprovoked Kingsley attacked the old lady and knocked her to the ground. Kim refused to call 91 because she was afraid she would lose her job. The daughter called 911 because her mother needed immediate medical attention. The Court may keep Evolution in as a defendant (which is to Kim's advantage financially) but after discovery they may be dismissed via a Summary Judgment. Apparently, Evolution was aware and had to take precautions around the dog. I will say Kyle said last year at the Reunion-which was taped, not sure if it aired that she was worried about the dog. Kim said the dog was fine. Brandi has said the dog has bitten her twice. Plaintiff obviously wants to put forth a case that Evolution used the dog as part of Kim's storyline and that they made money off it. Question... Wasn't Brandi walking around last season with a splint/cast on her hand/wrist with some rather vague explanation about how she had injured herself? At the time I assumed it was likely do to engaging in drunken shenanigans but.... I wonder if perhaps that was really a dog bite she sustained, and both Kim and possibly Bravo instructed her to keep on the down low. Does someone with a better knowledge of the Brandi/Kim "friendship" timeline know if this could be in the realm of possibility? Things that make you go hmmmm. 4 Link to comment
MollyBrown April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 4:26 PM, SoCal4Us said: Maybe it's all as simple as that. I, of course, don't know, but I don't think either Kim or Kyle is necessarily lying. That's why, for me, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I guess to me, stealing is a black and white matter, just like pregnancy. You are either pregnant or your not. There is no sorta stealing. It either happened or it didn't. Since Kim did not press charges and Kyle says she has the checks, I feel somewhat comfortable saying a theft did not occur. That's not the same as saying Kim feels she didn't get a fair price. That's a totally different matter. 7 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 4:26 PM, SoCal4Us said: Maybe it's all as simple as that. I, of course, don't know, but I don't think either Kim or Kyle is necessarily lying. That's why, for me, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The beauty of numbers is generally they are solid. At the end of the day in these women's worlds the amount of money Kim is bitching about is pretty miniscule. To err on the side of kindness towards Kim, I think in her own mind she believed she made so much money it would last a couple of life times. To Kim she is probably unaware of things like property taxes, association fees, maintenance and remodel costs. When her mom died there were three house the one Kyle eventually bought, the Kim had and one Big Kathy husband was living in until she threw him out for cheating while she was sick. From this season we now see that Kim is focused on the house that Kim bought. Just between the period of Big Kathy's death and the sale of the house to Kyle, they still had to make mortgage, tax, maintenance and upkeep expenses on the house. Conservatively speaking say it was $2,500.00 a month or about 1% of the purchase price-that is $60,000.00 less at the time of sale. So no matter how many times the numbers are run Kim is really quibbling for under a $100,000.00. Grand gestures like buying back in after Kyle and Mauricio have sunk a bundle into the home just don't register with Kim. My best example-Kim claiming she only got $20,000.00 and claiming Kathy got a lot more. For Kim to buy back in with Kyle she would have to pay for 1/2 of what they paid to Kathy. Kim just doesn't get it. Kim only gets the write a check to me side of the equation. At the end of the day since Kim was unable to get to the desert (the house was listed in December and sold in March) for three months, to me speaks to her sense of entitlement. She was not the pone writing the checks for the house each month but she certainly expected someone to make those payments so she could cry the blues about her stolen house. On 4/6/2015 at 5:06 PM, PreposterousISTA said: Thank You! Have Now "Moved On" From SomeWhat/Mildly Curious To Highly/Exceedingly Curious As To The Present Status Of Their Relationship... Here is a story about Marvin-Kim's father in law- I will be looking for the story where Gregg's mother and sisters are suing him for stealing a big chunk of the family fortune. 4 Link to comment
quinn April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 (edited) On 4/6/2015 at 5:19 PM, Persnickety1 said: Question... Wasn't Brandi walking around last season with a splint/cast on her hand/wrist with some rather vague explanation about how she had injured herself? At the time I assumed it was likely do to engaging in drunken shenanigans but.... I wonder if perhaps that was really a dog bite she sustained, and both Kim and possibly Bravo instructed her to keep on the down low. Does someone with a better knowledge of the Brandi/Kim "friendship" timeline know if this could be in the realm of possibility? Things that make you go hmmmm. Brandi's injured her hand a few days after the drunken tampon string incident, she supposedly injured her hand while taking a self-defense class that was filmed. The injury was some kind of fracture / break, I don't think that a dog bite can be pawned off as a fracture. But now that you are hmmm-ing, I wonder why Bravo/Evolution did not pay for Brandi to get her hand treated - according to Brandi she did not go see a doctor because she did not have health insurance. The thought occurred to me that Brandi's contract may have terms that state Bravo/Evolution is not obligated to cover injuries, nevertheless it would've been the decent thing to do and just have Brandi sign papers stating that they are not on the hook for her injury beyond x dollar amount and/or a certain length of time. So to me if there is a hmmm in there, it may be that it is suspected that Brandi did not injure it at that filming event which aligns with your original suspicion. Edited April 6, 2015 by quinn 4 Link to comment
SoCal4Us April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 5:39 PM, zoeysmom said: The beauty of numbers is generally they are solid. At the end of the day in these women's worlds the amount of money Kim is bitching about is pretty miniscule. To err on the side of kindness towards Kim, I think in her own mind she believed she made so much money it would last a couple of life times. To Kim she is probably unaware of things like property taxes, association fees, maintenance and remodel costs. When her mom died there were three house the one Kyle eventually bought, the Kim had and one Big Kathy husband was living in until she threw him out for cheating while she was sick. From this season we now see that Kim is focused on the house that Kim bought. Just between the period of Big Kathy's death and the sale of the house to Kyle, they still had to make mortgage, tax, maintenance and upkeep expenses on the house. Conservatively speaking say it was $2,500.00 a month or about 1% of the purchase price-that is $60,000.00 less at the time of sale. So no matter how many times the numbers are run Kim is really quibbling for under a $100,000.00. Grand gestures like buying back in after Kyle and Mauricio have sunk a bundle into the home just don't register with Kim. My best example-Kim claiming she only got $20,000.00 and claiming Kathy got a lot more. For Kim to buy back in with Kyle she would have to pay for 1/2 of what they paid to Kathy. Kim just doesn't get it. Kim only gets the write a check to me side of the equation. At the end of the day since Kim was unable to get to the desert (the house was listed in December and sold in March) for three months, to me speaks to her sense of entitlement. She was not the pone writing the checks for the house each month but she certainly expected someone to make those payments so she could cry the blues about her stolen house. Here is a story about Marvin-Kim's father in law- I will be looking for the story where Gregg's mother and sisters are suing him for stealing a big chunk of the family fortune. Agree that numbers don't lie. I just think it's the backstory that initially created this interesting and polarizing family dynamic that now manifests itself as "you stole my house" and "you're an alcoholic" while dramatically pointing fingers. And I want to get to the bottom of it dammit! :) 1 Link to comment
Satchels of gold April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 OMG Brandi didn't have health insurance?? Oh Lord she needs to learn the difference between wants and needs. She wants a new car she needs health insurance. 9 Link to comment
SoCal4Us April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 5:20 PM, MollyBrown said: I guess to me, stealing is a black and white matter, just like pregnancy. You are either pregnant or your not. There is no sorta stealing. It either happened or it didn't. Since Kim did not press charges and Kyle says she has the checks, I feel somewhat comfortable saying a theft did not occur. That's not the same as saying Kim feels she didn't get a fair price. That's a totally different matter. I understand, but within families there can be lots of gray areas...I guess I just find it interesting. 4 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Here is the story about Kim's ex getting sued by his family: 2 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 For purposes of this discussion here is Kim's timeline: Married Monty in July 1985 Had Brooke in February 1986 Divorced Monty in 1988-89 and made a movie with him Got married date unknown but most likely in 1989 to Gregg Davis Had Whitney in March 1990 Had Chad presumably in very late 1990 or early 1991 Became engaged to John Colett who was murdered in October of 1991. Kimberly was born in August of 1995 As evidenced by this time line Kim and Davis were together a very short period of time. The relationship between he and Kim has been acrimonious since the divorce. 3 Link to comment
MatildaMoody April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Wait,so who is Kimbery's father? 1 Link to comment
PreposterousISTA April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Aircraft~Parts Supplier John Jackson 3 Link to comment
biakbiak April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 John Jackson a long-term boyfriend. Link to comment
nexxie April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 8:15 PM, "Pre said: Aircraft~Parts Supplier John Jackson Enjoyed the segment showing these three when Kimberly started college. 1 Link to comment
PreposterousISTA April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 3 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 8:26 PM, PreposterousISTA said: John Jackson was 1992 until 1996. Along term relationship for Kim and someone smart enough not to propose to her. Kimberly looks a lot like her father but petite like her mother. When the show began in 2010 Kimberly was living with her father. 2 Link to comment
PreposterousISTA April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 (edited) i Found This Photo "Filed" Under Gregg Davis Oil Heir...I Suppose Whitney & Chad Resemble Him A Bit/A Lot...AnyOne?? Bueller? AnyOne? & Elaina/Elena Is The New/Current Mrs. Davis? Elaina & Gregg Davis Edited April 6, 2015 by PreposterousISTA 1 Link to comment
erikdepressant April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 (edited) On 4/6/2015 at 2:20 PM, zoeysmom said: Even Kay Rosario (second mom to Kim and second course to Kingsley) has said that Big Kathy earned a cut of Kim's earnings. LOL... that is so wrong. I love it. Edited April 6, 2015 by erikdepressant 8 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 (edited) Here is a recent picture- Whitney is the one in the flowered pants-to me it looks like Chad has had his nose broken Here is a close up photo Edited April 6, 2015 by zoeysmom Link to comment
nexxie April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 11:16 PM, zoeysmom said: Here is a recent picture- Whitney is the one in the flowered pants-to me it looks like Chad has had his nose broken Here is a close up photo All three sisters have pretty children. 3 Link to comment
PreposterousISTA April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 Whitney & Chad Have Gregg's Jaw & Cheeks 1 Link to comment
nexxie April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 On 4/7/2015 at 12:45 AM, "Pre said: Whitney & Chad Have Gregg's Jaw & Cheeks Yes - you can see all three fathers in their kids, and also Kim. 1 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 I am betting to further add fuel to the fire Kim will I invite Brandi to her daughter's May wedding and not Kyle. Just because that is the way Kim rolls. There will be plenty of picture of Kathy, Kim and Brandy and Brandi will tweet them. That will teach Kyle a lesson about sticking to the truth instead of Kim's version of life. 9 Link to comment
erikdepressant April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 Brandi better catch that bouquet, since menopause is looming. 13 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 8:26 PM, "Pre said: Damn hes the finest man Kim has ever had. 18 Link to comment
MollyBrown April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 If Brandi is invited to the wedding, Kim should give Chad's friends the STD talk. 10 Link to comment
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