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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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Back when they were young...




Kyle is leaving early to fill Bethenny in on who to be hateful to at dinner. She can’t stick around for Erika’s schtick again. Kyle hates younger, hotter, richer, sluttier, stupider women and she’s not gonna be able to hide it enough here. The goal is to get someone else after Erika, cuz God forbid Kyle is called a jealous old bitch on Twitter. Bethenny will do.


This quote really cracked me up, because, oh so true, but I think BRAVO got to Bethenny first.  She knew her job, try to get something interesting out of the new hire.

  • Love 1

I just watched Kyle in WWHL, and the anniversary gift from Mo was so tacky, showy, and in my opinion, staged! What a fame whore Mo is- to gift your wife a beautiful set of diamond earrings is so generous and loving- unless it is done for attention and bragging rights on TV! Kyle is a good actress- but I saw through her act- she knew he was doing that. Anyone who is BFF with Faye Resnick and Bethenny Frankel has to be able to run with a wolf pack.

  • Love 9

Seems like Kyle is pissed at LisaR for saying what she said about Kim in her confessional:


Kyle's not getting my sympathy or empathy much this season at all. She's fine with Bethenny and Faye to be on camera and talk about Kim but the other women who got abused last year and in prior seasons cannot. Fuck out here with that Kyle!

Kyle, should be relieved they want to talk about Kim to her face, instead of behind her back or behind her back where a camera is presented.

Again pick a lane Mrs Umansky! Not here for it!

  • Love 7

Seems like Kyle is pissed at LisaR for saying what she said about Kim in her confessional:


In one of Rinna's TH's she said: "If Kyle knew my true feelings about her sister, she may never want anything to do with me again."


This was so telling to me about Rinna's character.  I mean, first of all, she admits to sending Kim texts that said, "I will fuck you up."   She got busted for many really awful tweets about Kim. (She took them down only after she got flak but they've been screen capped.)  She admits to helping Kim spiral further out of control by stressing her out and proudly being Kim's "worst nightmare".


So if we don't already know your true feelings about Kim, Lisa, exactly what are they That you won't stop harassing the sad alcoholic until she's dead? Geez.  What else does Kyle need before letting Rinna pimp stroll out of her life for good?

  • Love 9

In one of Rinna's TH's she said: "If Kyle knew my true feelings about her sister, she may never want anything to do with me again."

This was so telling to me about Rinna's character. I mean, first of all, she admits to sending Kim texts that said, "I will fuck you up." She got busted for many really awful tweets about Kim. (She took them down only after she got flak but they've been screen capped.) She admits to helping Kim spiral further out of control by stressing her out and proudly being Kim's "worst nightmare".

So if we don't already know your true feelings about Kim, Lisa, exactly what are they? That you won't stop harassing the sad alcoholic until she's dead? Geez. What else does Kyle need before letting Rinna pimp stroll out of her life for good?

I said under the episode post, Rinna has been coming off as a phony this season. She says one thing to the women in person but in her confessional she's poppin her gums the next! I remember she said Kim might go to jail in her latest confessional rant. I assume her confessional was done right after Kim's latest arrest at Target to get her raw emotions on the situation.

Hell, I'm more pissed Lisa R won't be honest abe like she was last season, she's so afraid to lose her Hollywood friend and scared what social media wil say. Most people who comment on blogs don't side much with Kim, Kyle, Kathy or Richards/Hiltons period so why now give a shit about their feelings?? I guess she doesn't want to be like "the Brandi" or put into "the Brandi box" but to me too late. If she's that scared to lose Kyle as her bosom buddy maybe she should she think about being on this show come next season.

As for Kyle, she's fine with Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick to talk about this? Faye wrote a goddamn book about her friend Nicole and her troubled with relationship with OJ. And she is to be trusted? She might be the family friend but she also was the family friend to Nicole Simpson. If Kyle or anyone in the Richards ever gets on bad terms with Faye, she would have some hell of secrets to tell for a second book deal.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 9

I just watched Kyle in WWHL, and the anniversary gift from Mo was so tacky, showy, and in my opinion, staged! What a fame whore Mo is- to gift your wife a beautiful set of diamond earrings is so generous and loving- unless it is done for attention and bragging rights on TV! Kyle is a good actress- but I saw through her act- she knew he was doing that. Anyone who is BFF with Faye Resnick and Bethenny Frankel has to be able to run with a wolf pack.

It is interesting, the company Kyle keeps!

  • Love 2

Seems like Kyle is pissed at LisaR for saying what she said about Kim in her confessional:


Kyle's not getting my sympathy or empathy much this season at all. She's fine with Bethenny and Faye to be on camera and talk about Kim but the other women who got abused last year and in prior seasons cannot. Fuck out here with that Kyle!

Kyle, should be relieved they want to talk about Kim to her face, instead of behind her back or behind her back where a camera is presented.

Again pick a lane Mrs Umansky! Not here for it!

Lisar did call Kim gross.  All I can say is Kim this is how you stick up for a sister when one of her friends offends you.  Not become BFFs with someone who frequently calls your sister a c*nt, a horrible person, her husband a coward.


I don't think either Bethenny or Faye called Kim gross.  It was a line that was crossed.  if I am not mistaken didn't Lisar apologize in her blog?

  • Love 4

I don't think either Bethenny or Faye called Kim gross. It was a line that was crossed. if I am not mistaken didn't Lisar apologize in her blog?

I'm still not buying calling Kim gross is what setting off Kyle.

I truly believe she wants no one in this group to talk about Kim, unless she's the one who opens up dialogue or Bethenny/Faye are present.

Trust, I'm willing to bet Kim has been called way worse over her thirty year addiction than "gross".

Kyle should know LisaR isn't one to bite her tongue. Maybe she should evaluate her circle of friends again.

  • Love 3

I'm still not buying calling Kim gross is what setting off Kyle.

I truly believe she wants no one in this group to talk about Kim, unless she's the one who opens up dialogue or Bethenny/Faye are present.

Trust, I'm willing to bet Kim has been called way worse over her thirty year addiction than "gross".

Kyle should know LisaR isn't one to bite her tongue. Maybe she should evaluate her circle of friends again.

 It is one thing for you, as family, or someone that has known your sister for a very long time to call her out about her ugly behavior but it is something else entirely for another person that hasn't know her all that long to do it. Kyle needs to remember that LisaR, Eileen and LisaV are victims of Kim's horrid behavior, LisaV for 6 years now and they are entitled to have their say about her. That said, if Kyle doesn't want to talk about Kim with them on camera, she shouldn't do so with anyone outside of family members, not Bethenny or Faye, JUST family. I believe that Kyle thinks Kim's bad, alcoholic/drugged out behavior and possible mental health problems are to blame for her sisters awful behavior, not Kim herself. She is still looking for an out, an acceptable explanation/excuse as to why Kim says/does the ugly things she does without holding Kim, herself fully responsible for it. She still has hope for her sister. Sadly, I don't think there is any hope for Kim at this stage of her life because she refuses to be honest with herself and those that love her and she refuses to do the work necessary to get healthy and stay healthy.

  • Love 6

Maybe this look instead of mumus :  https://www.instagram.com/p/BAxweQ0v9cQ/?taken-by=kylerichards18


Obligatory wedding photo for 20th anniversary:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BAxj7e1v9WR/?taken-by=kylerichards18  Mauricio got better looking with age.


Kyle looks great in that top pick.  Why hide that body in mumus?

  • Love 3

Kyle just dresses completely wrong for her body most of the time.  I think she easily puts on a few pounds too, and is insecure about that, so wears the mumus.


She has stumpy legs, huge boobs, and lots of back fat bulges, and her bras really don't fit.  She looks great in that top photo because it elongates her, and shows her curves, the colors merge to create a long continuous line.


I think in person she's probably adorable.  Short women always look cuter, younger, in real life.  With the cameras though, and shooting with tall model types, it's harder.  I used to do photography for actors, not Hollywood level, more SF American Conservatory Theater types, although they used them in Hollywood/NY.  I found that a lot of short women had pretty terrible photos, because the male photographers simply were not seeing what the camera was showing.  They saw an adorable short women, but the camera sees more, sees the flaws hidden by that short woman charm.  You can FIX that with the way you dress and pose.  I always felt I excelled at that particular problem.  Ditto with short men BTW.  Or other flaws actors had.


ANYWAY, all of that to saw that Kyle has a cute body, but she too often tries to dress in fashion style that a short woman just can't pull off ON CAMERA.  Now in person?  From the height perspective of others around her?  She probably looks fine.


She can't wear the tight satins.  She continually cuts her body in half with the contrasting colors.  She needs a bra that fits.  She can't stuff herself into clothes and look good, again, on camera.  Boots that contrast with her pants again cut her line and make her legs look even stumpier.  I'm sure she has someone helping her choose clothes, but that person is either ignored, or stupid.  For the show, she needs to dress FOR THE CAMERA, and it really seems that most of the time, she does the opposite of that.


Speaking of Kyle, why isn't she writing blogs?

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 6

I just can't stand Kyle anymore since I watched this last episode. Kyle Richards knew very well that her friend Faye Resnick wrote a book about an 'alleged' affair between the then-husband of Kathryn Edwards, Marcus Allen. What motivation could Kyle possibly have to bring that up with all the others there at a table having a casual cocktail together?  I can guess at the reason. It's because Kyle is insensitive and hurtful.  Wasn't it just last year that she was furious with Lisa for bringing up rumors of Mauricio cheating allegations because it "hurt her feelings" and brought attention to something she doesn't want out there on camera? Maybe she's just jealous of Kathryn and wants to embarrass her publicly. "Obviously we have this odd connection which is lingering, so I'm curious."  I call bullshit on that Kyle, it's more than curiosity, it's bitchy evilness on your part. Is Kyle having fun rubbing it in Kathryn's face that her husband at the time, Marcus Allen was accused of having an affair with Nicole Simpson while he was married to her? Be careful girlfriend, the pendulum will sometimes swing in your direction and kick you in the ass.


I can't wait to see the upcoming episode where Faye Resnick is right there with them at a table, and again Kyle starts to stir up the pot again. Faye Resnick is a piece of trash in my book. She wrote a book about the Simpson murders for profit, but how could she even remember anything during that time since she was a drug addict and usually stoned most of the time on pills and cocaine.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 7

I'm still not buying calling Kim gross is what setting off Kyle.

I truly believe she wants no one in this group to talk about Kim, unless she's the one who opens up dialogue or Bethenny/Faye are present.

Trust, I'm willing to bet Kim has been called way worse over her thirty year addiction than "gross".

Kyle should know LisaR isn't one to bite her tongue. Maybe she should evaluate her circle of friends again.

I think Kyle would have rather talked about anything but Kim.  They were not speaking-which was the point of Faye coming on telling her they need to talk.   


Rinna claims to be such an expert on addiction.  I find it hard to believe that she is dong this dramatic thing with pressuring Kim to break sobriety.  For goodness sake that is all Rinna could talk about last year-and it had little to do with her.  Kim fell off the wagon in front of her but not because of her.  She returned to using because she is an addict.

Kyle just dresses completely wrong for her body most of the time.  I think she easily puts on a few pounds too, and is insecure about that, so wears the mumus.


She has stumpy legs, huge boobs, and lots of back fat bulges, and her bras really don't fit.  She looks great in that top photo because it elongates her, and shows her curves, the colors merge to create a long continuous line.


I think in person she's probably adorable.  Short women always look cuter, younger, in real life.  With the cameras though, and shooting with tall model types, it's harder.  I used to do photography for actors, not Hollywood level, more SF American Conservatory Theater types, although they used them in Hollywood/NY.  I found that a lot of short women had pretty terrible photos, because the male photographers simply were not seeing what the camera was showing.  They saw an adorable short women, but the camera sees more, sees the flaws hidden by that short woman charm.  You can FIX that with the way you dress and pose.  I always felt I excelled at that particular problem.  Ditto with short men BTW.  Or other flaws actors had.


ANYWAY, all of that to saw that Kyle has a cute body, but she too often tries to dress in fashion style that a short woman just can't pull off ON CAMERA.  Now in person?  From the height perspective of others around her?  She probably looks fine.


She can't wear the tight satins.  She continually cuts her body in half with the contrasting colors.  She needs a bra that fits.  She can't stuff herself into clothes and look good, again, on camera.  Boots that contrast with her pants again cut her line and make her legs look even stumpier.  I'm sure she has someone helping her choose clothes, but that person is either ignored, or stupid.  For the show, she needs to dress FOR THE CAMERA, and it really seems that most of the time, she does the opposite of that.


Speaking of Kyle, why isn't she writing blogs?

She has been working promoting the show.  Spent the previous week in NY.  She doesn't like writing blogs and I don't think she wants to address the Lisar situation. 

Just as a throw away comment-I think the reason Kyle will talk about Kim with Bethenny and Faye is they are also close friends with Kathy Hilton.  neither introduced anything too deep.  My guess is Lisar and Eileen are not now nor will ever be friends with Kathy Hilton. 

  • Love 5

How many of Paris' followers are fake?

She has like a zillion perfumes and 45 stores in Asia and middle east.  I would wager that she has that many followers.


I'm still not buying calling Kim gross is what setting off Kyle.

I truly believe she wants no one in this group to talk about Kim, unless she's the one who opens up dialogue or Bethenny/Faye are present.

Trust, I'm willing to bet Kim has been called way worse over her thirty year addiction than "gross".

Kyle should know LisaR isn't one to bite her tongue. Maybe she should evaluate her circle of friends again.

I wonder if Kyle's willingness to turn a cold shoulder to Lisar has more to do with Lisar's impending fallout with LVP than her annoyance with Lisar using Kim again as a storyline.


ETA Kyle just signed on for the spokesperson for some body-sculpting company.  She lost weight again and looks good.  She complains that having big boobs makes her look bigger.  I thought she had implants.  A couple of seasons ago when they were sailing with Yolanda she looked like she had much smaller boobs it seemed, now they are big again.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 2

She has like a zillion perfumes and 45 stores in Asia and middle east.  I would wager that she has that many followers.


I wonder if Kyle's willingness to turn a cold shoulder to Lisar has more to do with Lisar's impending fallout with LVP than her annoyance with Lisar using Kim again as a storyline.


ETA Kyle just signed on for the spokesperson for some body-sculpting company.  She lost weight again and looks good.  She complains that having big boobs makes her look bigger.  I thought she had implants.  A couple of seasons ago when they were sailing with Yolanda she looked like she had much smaller boobs it seemed, now they are big again.



Her boobs are real.  She would look better with a smaller chest for sure.  She is too short to be that busty, it does make her look heavier.  She has to learn how to dress for her figure though.  Low cut necklines accentuates her bust making her look heavier than she is.  Higher necklines and empire waist or solid color dress, romper or pants and top.  She shouldn't cut herself at the waist with lighter top and dark bottom.  Short skirts are not her friend.  

  • Love 2

I'm glad Kyle showed some solidarity with Kim on WWHL and I hope they can repair their relationship eventually. I respectfully disagree that Rinna is entitled to say whatever she wants about Kim because of the limo ride and the dinner from hell. People say "victims" of Kim like she killed their cat. I'll never see what she did to Rinna and to a lesser extent Eileen that was SO BAD, though obviously YMMV. There are multiple instances from every cast where someone threatened to spill family secrets or was verbally abusive. Alexia, Kyle, and Mauricio, among others, are the ones who have suffered true emotional and physical trauma because of Kim. Not Lisa Rinna. I'd give her more slack if she hadn't thrown the glass and had to be held back from choking Kim. I'm so tired of her concern trolling and judgmental TH's. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 9

Kyle claims she dislikes all the talk about Kim, but I think she secretly is glad that the proverbial cat is out of the bag. It's much better for her than the days when she couldn't actually acknowledge that Kim is an alcoholic/addict. Also, any storyline that keeps her relevant is probably good in her opinion. She just has to act like she doesn't like the Kim talk.

  • Love 5

I have often thought that once Kyle's suggestion of Lisar was turned down (Season 1) and she ended with Camille and some of the best footage ever, Lsar figured she had to really bring it.  I found her wine glass smashing over the top and very -"see me, can't cut me know," moment.


Kyle claims she and Lisar are both busy but the text back and forth.

  • Love 2

Kyle is up against some tough competition.  I was wondering how she could commit so much time to NY and wondering how mumus would  work in the snow but I see it is being filmed in LA.  I am impressed they Warren Buffet as an advisor.  Let's see how long Kyle lasts.  Here is another story:  https://www.yahoo.com/tv/warren-buffett-tyra-banks-join-arnold-schwarzenegger-celebrity-142920939.html

  • Love 1

Aw.  Mauricio posted this pic with the caption: 


Yesterday I had the pleasure of Portia hanging with me @theagencyre. I hope she does it more often.


Isn't it just precious??  Now there's a memory for the baby book.  Auntie Faye would like one wallet size, please.


Moe is such a bumbling boobie.  A rich bumbling boolbie, but still a boobie.  If Brandi had posted a similar pic using Mason, the internet would be calling for her head.



  • Love 13

Aw.  Mauricio posted this pic with the caption: 



Isn't it just precious??  Now there's a memory for the baby book.  Auntie Faye would like one wallet size, please.


Moe is such a bumbling boobie.  A rich bumbling boolbie, but still a boobie.  If Brandi had posted a similar pic using Mason, the internet would be calling for her head.



Heck if ANY of the HWs with young children would have posted it they would get lambasted for doing so, NOT just Brandi! Sometimes men/dads can be really stupid AND blind! LOL

  • Love 10

I agree. . . guess we now know talk around the Umansky household isn't G-rated.


I knew it by how casually Moe was dropping the F bomb in front of Alexia when they were lost in the Italian countryside.


One of the few things I admired about the Umanskys other than their buckets of cash and their homey home, was that they seemed to be good role models for the kids.  But there are a handful of things I've seen that make me hope they haven't (accidentally or intentionally) raised those girls to have a mean side.  The latest is that video of Kyle making fun of Brandi - out of the blue - in front of Sophia and her friend.  I dunno, I think Kyle allows them to see her Bitchard side too often and that's a bad thing for their impressionable little girls.


And Kyle's best friend is Faye Resnick.  'Nuff said. :-)

  • Love 9

I knew it by how casually Moe was dropping the F bomb in front of Alexia when they were lost in the Italian countryside.


One of the few things I admired about the Umanskys other than their buckets of cash and their homey home, was that they seemed to be good role models for the kids.  But there are a handful of things I've seen that make me hope they haven't (accidentally or intentionally) raised those girls to have a mean side.  The latest is that video of Kyle making fun of Brandi - out of the blue - in front of Sophia and her friend.  I dunno, I think Kyle allows them to see her Bitchard side too often and that's a bad thing for their impressionable little girls.


And Kyle's best friend is Faye Resnick.  'Nuff said. :-)

Where's the video?  As in a link?  It might be entertaining.

  • Love 2

Where's the video?  As in a link?  It might be entertaining.


Here it is.  Don't read the comments. You'll lose IQ points.


The part where she brings up Brandi, meanly and for no reason whatsoever in front of the kids, is after the 4:00 minute mark. The cocky, "Oh yeah...I said it" when it didn't need to be said just speaks to what a See You Next Tuesday she is.  She has no problem showing her kids how it's done.  Even one of the paparazzi says, "Nice."  like, no it really wasn't.



  • Love 5

Kyle has never lost her junior high school mean-girl ways. 


Remember that movie 13 Going on 30?  I used to think Kyle was so a leader of a 6-chick style pack, and that she fought for that leadership position.  Of course in the movie, that pack wasn't from LA, or as vicious as mean girls in real life.  I pictured her torturing Kim (getting even because of jealousy about the producers always picking Kim and rarely Kyle) with her group flaunting around rubbing it in that SHE was going to parties, had friends her own age.  I mean, it's not as if all siblings don't fight at times, or compete in their ways, but those two?  OMG.  I do think Kyle was insecure about not being a little star, and Kim was insecure (and made more so by Kyle) at not being "normal" or having friends or school stuff.


I lived in LA in the 80's, and the teenagers there scared the crap out of ME.  Another example would be that episode of S&TC to show what I mean.  There was a group of 13-14 year olds in one episode, rich kids, mean girls, but more, a lost childhood thing, they were dressed and acted like mini-Samantha's.  Samantha was planning a Bat Mitzvah or something.  That was how the kids there struck me, all super thin, dressed to the max, cigarettes drooping from their mouths, little adults (and I was still a teenager myself, but wow, they were something else!)


I think it would be impossible for her kids to not be well aware of her "mean girl" ways, it's just who Kyle is.


That said?  I give them a pass on the word Fuck.  Honestly, I'd never said it in my life, and after a few months living there, I used it like all the others.  FUCK, there anyway, is almost like the word "the."  It's in every other sentence, part of normal conversation.  It lost it's cache as a swear word for me.  It is kind of an all purpose word in LA, meaning everything from "cool!" to "OMG!" to "sigh..."  The kids already know that word.  They live there?  They know it.  ;)

  • Love 5

Kyle has never lost her junior high school mean-girl ways. 


Remember that movie 13 Going on 30?  I used to think Kyle was so a leader of a 6-chick style pack, and that she fought for that leadership position.  Of course in the movie, that pack wasn't from LA, or as vicious as mean girls in real life.  I pictured her torturing Kim (getting even because of jealousy about the producers always picking Kim and rarely Kyle) with her group flaunting around rubbing it in that SHE was going to parties, had friends her own age.  I mean, it's not as if all siblings don't fight at times, or compete in their ways, but those two?  OMG.  I do think Kyle was insecure about not being a little star, and Kim was insecure (and made more so by Kyle) at not being "normal" or having friends or school stuff.


I lived in LA in the 80's, and the teenagers there scared the crap out of ME.  Another example would be that episode of S&TC to show what I mean.  There was a group of 13-14 year olds in one episode, rich kids, mean girls, but more, a lost childhood thing, they were dressed and acted like mini-Samantha's.  Samantha was planning a Bat Mitzvah or something.  That was how the kids there struck me, all super thin, dressed to the max, cigarettes drooping from their mouths, little adults (and I was still a teenager myself, but wow, they were something else!)


I think it would be impossible for her kids to not be well aware of her "mean girl" ways, it's just who Kyle is.


That said?  I give them a pass on the word Fuck.  Honestly, I'd never said it in my life, and after a few months living there, I used it like all the others.  FUCK, there anyway, is almost like the word "the."  It's in every other sentence, part of normal conversation.  It lost it's cache as a swear word for me.  It is kind of an all purpose word in LA, meaning everything from "cool!" to "OMG!" to "sigh..."  The kids already know that word.  They live there?  They know it.  ;)


I agree with your whole post except the last bit.


I know lots of kids grow up hearing curse words every day, all day and grow up just fine.  Still won't prevent me from rolling my eyes at the parent.  A guy called my kid a 'cocksucker' in front of his 2 kids.  Loud and proud like he was telling my son to have a nice day.  I can't help it.  I thought he was trash and I felt bad for his kids.  Save your grown up language for the grown ups. Or for reality show forums.  LOL.  Time and place. 

  • Love 4

I agree with your whole post except the last bit.


I know lots of kids grow up hearing curse words every day, all day and grow up just fine.  Still won't prevent me from rolling my eyes at the parent.  A guy called my kid a 'cocksucker' in front of his 2 kids.  Loud and proud like he was telling my son to have a nice day.  I can't help it.  I thought he was trash and I felt bad for his kids.  Save your grown up language for the grown ups. Or for reality show forums.  LOL.  Time and place. 

I know...it's LA.


"cocksucker" would raise eyebrows, with or without kids there.  "fuck" would not.  It's not even like a swearword there, "shit" is, "damn" is kinda/sorta depending on tone, lots of others are, but just not "fuck."  Unless it's FUCK YOU! with volume or finger pointing. 

  • Love 1

Kyle has never lost her junior high school mean-girl ways. 


Remember that movie 13 Going on 30?  I used to think Kyle was so a leader of a 6-chick style pack, and that she fought for that leadership position.  Of course in the movie, that pack wasn't from LA, or as vicious as mean girls in real life.  I pictured her torturing Kim (getting even because of jealousy about the producers always picking Kim and rarely Kyle) with her group flaunting around rubbing it in that SHE was going to parties, had friends her own age.  I mean, it's not as if all siblings don't fight at times, or compete in their ways, but those two?  OMG.  I do think Kyle was insecure about not being a little star, and Kim was insecure (and made more so by Kyle) at not being "normal" or having friends or school stuff.


I lived in LA in the 80's, and the teenagers there scared the crap out of ME.  Another example would be that episode of S&TC to show what I mean.  There was a group of 13-14 year olds in one episode, rich kids, mean girls, but more, a lost childhood thing, they were dressed and acted like mini-Samantha's.  Samantha was planning a Bat Mitzvah or something.  That was how the kids there struck me, all super thin, dressed to the max, cigarettes drooping from their mouths, little adults (and I was still a teenager myself, but wow, they were something else!)


I think it would be impossible for her kids to not be well aware of her "mean girl" ways, it's just who Kyle is.


That said?  I give them a pass on the word Fuck.  Honestly, I'd never said it in my life, and after a few months living there, I used it like all the others.  FUCK, there anyway, is almost like the word "the."  It's in every other sentence, part of normal conversation.  It lost it's cache as a swear word for me.  It is kind of an all purpose word in LA, meaning everything from "cool!" to "OMG!" to "sigh..."  The kids already know that word.  They live there?  They know it.  ;)

I really doubt that Kyle and Kim were ever up for the same roles as kids because they are 5 years apart in age. I see Kim more of the "mean girl" and Kyle more as a people pleaser EXCEPT when those 2 are together and getting along, they bring the worst out in each other and act like THE mean girls at everyone else's expense.

  • Love 4

They didn't have to be up for the same roles for Kyle to feel that she wasn't landing roles, and Kim KEPT landing roles. 


I think, especially with that mother, that would have been very hard on Kyle.  She was the only non-blond, she was up for roles, with that stage mother of hers, but wasn't getting many jobs.  Kim was the breadwinner. 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4

They didn't have to be up for the same roles for Kyle to feel that she wasn't landing roles, and Kim KEPT landing roles. 

Kyle was pretty successful in her own right as a child actor and had the longer continuous role (LHOTP) and has had more success as an adult actor than Kim, so I don't think she, Kyle, is jealous of Kim's acting career. In fact, we hear Kyle brag about Kim's acting career on a regular basis but don't hear it from Kim about Kyle. I think there is jealously/sibling rivalry between all 3 sisters but not concerning their acting careers and I also believe that they also love each other deeply.

  • Love 3

We'll never know if Kyle was ever jealous of Kim or vice versa.  However, Kim was very popular and often on the cover of Tiger Beat and other teen magazines.  If girls all across America wanted to be Kim or were jealous that Kim got to hang out with whomever the young stars of that era were or that swingy, swingy blonde hair - I can see a 5 years younger, pre-teen sister having similar feelings.  Then as they got older, Kim married first and into money.  Big money. (My sis is 8 years older.  She married "well" when I was 20, and I remember thinking, "I want that."  LOL.)  Now Kyle is the one who, seemingly, has it all and Kim is, well, Kim.


I think there has been jealousy amongst the Bitchard sisters over the years.  Really, what sibling relationship hasn't suffered a little envy now and then?

  • Love 7

Aw.  Mauricio posted this pic with the caption: 



Isn't it just precious??  Now there's a memory for the baby book.  Auntie Faye would like one wallet size, please.


Moe is such a bumbling boobie.  A rich bumbling boolbie, but still a boobie.  If Brandi had posted a similar pic using Mason, the internet would be calling for her head.





MO, you are an asshole!  You really think its cute to take a pic of P sitting in front of that sign?

  • Love 4

MO, you are an asshole!  You really think its cute to take a pic of P sitting in front of that sign?

"No Assholes" is the basic tenant of The Agency. It was the premise upon Mo starting his own agency - you can't work for the Agency if you are an asshole. Every decision the employees make needs to be guided by whether or not the decision makes them an asshole. So, it would make sense that it would be visibly posted around the office.


He most likely should not have posted a picture of Portia in front of the sign without cropping the sign out, but I think the phrase is so ingrained in the company culture that he most likely didn't think about it. I can't get really be bothered by it because it is no different than posting a picture of her in front of one of those "Inspiration" posters that were so popular a few years ago. At least that's how I see it, mileage always varies. 

  • Love 11

So many places at his sparkly new agency to take a picture of his kid and he picks that one. I wonder if the non-Portias have had the same honor.


And I agree, zm.  If he had to display his motto in said sparkly new agency, at least he could've sprung to make it look less cheap. It's crude in every definition of the word.  It could be engraved on a backlit, 14k gold plaque and I'd still think it was stupid to pose and post a picture of a child in front of it.

  • Love 6

Psssst. Moe, it's called cropping.  Call me. 


Like the laundry, sandwich making and lightbulb changing, Kyle is probably in charge of photo cropping, too.

I don't have a problem with the mantra. My kids were young when I begged them to not grow up to be an asshole. I do agree that he could use a different sign. That boy has plenty of money, so spruce it up Mo!

  • Love 4

I need to make a prediction before this episode air, because I'm surprised by all the people who assume that Faye is uncomfortable Kathryn being on the show. I'm bettnig that the "not ready to talk yet" is just a way of prolonging the story-line, which will eventually conclude with a Schaena-Brandi-style sit-down between Faye and Kathryn. 

  • Love 6

I think that Kyle is being very, very careful because of Kathy.  You recall how Kathy went berserk when she found out that Kyle had been confiding in Lisa about Kim.  If Kathy cracked down on Kyle, I'm glad she did.  It wasn't doing Kim any good to know that her sister was telling the world about all of her problems.


What amuses me is LisaV's attempts to find out more from Kyle about Kim, specifically about the Target incident, and Kyle refuses to talk about it!  At this point, I think that Lisa would give one of her swans to learn the inside story of Kim, but Kyle is staying mum!  Good for her!

Edited by Lura
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