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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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I haven't seen this mentioned in any of the posts. Where is Kathy in all of this? Did she just turn Kim over to Kyle and fly off to Paris, Rome or the Bahamas? I totally understand that she had no desire to appear on this program as a regular "housewife" but how can she stand by and watch what Kim is doing to Kyle/everyone else? She has to know what a nut job, addict and hateful human being Kim is. I am also the middle child of three sisters (no brothers) but cannot imagine not defending the sister who's being abused like Kyle has been by that despicable Kim. After hearing Kim say that Kyle wasn't a true sister like Kathy is, I really do have to wonder what in the heck Kathy has been doing behind the scenes. Walk away, Kyle. Just Walk Away, Finally!

Kathy is a perfectionist, Kyle said on the show when Kathy criticized Kim's outfit. Kathy also rearranged Kyle's hair during a party conversation scene last week. Definitely some boundary issues there.

  • Love 4

I'm not even really convinced that Kim listens all that much to Kathy anyway. Maybe she listens to her in that vague sort of way where she pretends to go along and occasionally tells Kathy what she wants to hear, but at the end of the day Kim is clearly marching to her own drum and there isn't anybody who can get her to do something that she doesn't want to do even if it's for her own benefit. 


I'm more interested in what Kathy and Kyle have to say to each other when and if they talk about Kim and all of her problems. Does Kathy want Kyle to cut Kim slack because she's an addict? Does she think they should just pretend to not see it sort of like how their mother did? Does she like the idea of her sisters doing the show together or is she resentful on some level? As far as the Kingsley situation I wonder what her take was on that especially since it was her son who got the dog in the first place.


Also, I'd be curious to know what Kyle and Kathy have had to say to each other in private wrt Brandi. How can Kathy even want Brandi as a casual acquaintance after everything that Brandi has done to *both* of her sisters?

  • Love 7

I'm not even really convinced that Kim listens all that much to Kathy anyway. Maybe she listens to her in that vague sort of way where she pretends to go along and occasionally tells Kathy what she wants to hear, but at the end of the day Kim is clearly marching to her own drum and there isn't anybody who can get her to do something that she doesn't want to do even if it's for her own benefit. 


I'm more interested in what Kathy and Kyle have to say to each other when and if they talk about Kim and all of her problems. Does Kathy want Kyle to cut Kim slack because she's an addict? Does she think they should just pretend to not see it sort of like how their mother did? Does she like the idea of her sisters doing the show together or is she resentful on some level? As far as the Kingsley situation I wonder what her take was on that especially since it was her son who got the dog in the first place.


Also, I'd be curious to know what Kyle and Kathy have had to say to each other in private wrt Brandi. How can Kathy even want Brandi as a casual acquaintance after everything that Brandi has done to *both* of her sisters?

Kathy needs to be concerned what Kim is telling Brandi about her, Kathy's, kids and what Brandi will spill about them to the tabloids because it will happen sooner or later! LOL

  • Love 14

I didn't read Kyle's blog but I did see the posts quoting her saying:


"I would like to ask you all, regardless of what your opinion is, to please be kind on social media. There are no winners here. No "teams.” This is my family, regardless of what problems we have right now."


That statement didn't earn her any brownie points in my book.   IMHO it shows she's even dumber than I thought she was.  If that's how she really feels, she needs to stop being on reality TV.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 4

I didn't read Kyle's blog but I did see the posts quoting her saying:


"I would like to ask you all, regardless of what your opinion is, to please be kind on social media. There are no winners here. No "teams.” This is my family, regardless of what problems we have right now."


That statement didn't earn her any brownie points in my book.   IMHO it shows she's even dumber than I thought she was.  If that's how she really feels, she needs to stop being on reality TV.

I think she, Kyle, was referencing twitter. For viewers to stop tweeting her and Kim about the other no matter who's side they are on, people seem to get uglier on twitter than other forms of social media like FB. JMO

  • Love 14

I think she, Kyle, was referencing twitter. For viewers to stop tweeting her and Kim about the other no matter who's side they are on, people seem to get uglier on twitter than other forms of social media like FB. JMO


I know she meant Twitter but people wouldn't be tweeting about her or her family and taking sides if she wasn't on a reality TV show.   

  • Love 3

I didn't read Kyle's blog but I did see the posts quoting her saying:


"I would like to ask you all, regardless of what your opinion is, to please be kind on social media. There are no winners here. No "teams.” This is my family, regardless of what problems we have right now."


That statement didn't earn her any brownie points in my book.   IMHO it shows she's even dumber than I thought she was.  If that's how she really feels, she needs to stop being on reality TV.

I don't think Kyle planned on having her relationship explode with cameras rolling. She said numerous times that she thought they were in a good place. She totally should have planned for Kim's dog to take God damn piece of Alexia that was stolen from him.

Kyle really does seem damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.

  • Love 14

I know she meant Twitter but people wouldn't be tweeting about her or her family and taking sides if she wasn't on a reality TV show.   

I don't think asking for some "kindness" on social media make her "dumb" but naïve.  And, IMO, had her sister not shown her black heart on camera, there would be no one taking sides against the other. Most viewers are siding with Kyle and she is asking them, her supporters, to dial it back in tweets about Kim...something unheard of on "reality TV".

  • Love 10

I know she meant Twitter but people wouldn't be tweeting about her or her family and taking sides if she wasn't on a reality TV show.

I agree! While Im not one of those people who on Twitter or Facebook that says nasty things to Kim about her being a drug addict and Kyle is weak as hell when it comes to Kim on their personal accounts. I save my lengthy opinions on this forum for instance. However Kyle needs to understand if she and Kim dont want us viewers into their family problems or critical of their relationship they need to either get new storylines or get off reality TV all together. This has been going on for five damn seasons, why now tell fans to cool their jets! I hate when reality personalities tell the fans we shouldn't have an opinion or lack their of when they have chosen to make their personal lives our business or open for discussion.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

I think with the dog bite, the tension in the family has become more volatile than it's been in the entire 5 Seasons on the show, so maybe Kyle's just performing her given role in the family -- trying to make everything better.   I also think this is as yet another example of Kyle trying to protect Kim and the rest of her family to her own detriment (in once again being blamed for the world).  That Kim hasn't and won't tell anyone, esp. not even bff Tampon, to cool it with the attacks towards Kyle says a lot about their respective ideas about love, kindness and family, imo.  I personally might not think Kyle should try and protect Kim or care what people say about/to her, but Kyle seems to still be more loyal to Kim than she deserves.  

  • Love 11

I think with the dog bite, the tension in the family has become more volatile than it's been in the entire 5 Seasons on the show, so maybe Kyle's just performing her given role in the family -- trying to make everything better. I also think this is as yet another example of Kyle trying to protect Kim and the rest of her family to her own detriment (in once again being blamed for the world). That Kim hasn't and won't tell anyone, esp. not even bff Tampon, to cool it with the attacks towards Kyle says a lot about their respective ideas about love, kindness and family, imo. I personally might not think Kyle should try and protect Kim or care what people say about/to her, but Kyle seems to still be more loyal to Kim than she deserves.

UGH agreed again, SQ! I think Kyle too has fallen for the trap of protecting "fragile" Kim no matter what. Yet prior to this season did Kim ever protect or go out her way to make her fans dial it down especially when the limo scene happened or how Kyle still gets shit from Kim's cuckoo bird fansbase. If so someone please provide the tweets. I do remember Kyle even told her fans on Twitter or Facebook not to even "bully" Brandi because she is her problem a few weeks before the reunion. Classy move but does Brandi stop her tyrant behavior at Kyle, no.

  • Love 7

I think with the dog bite, the tension in the family has become more volatile than it's been in the entire 5 Seasons on the show, so maybe Kyle's just performing her given role in the family -- trying to make everything better.   I also think this is as yet another example of Kyle trying to protect Kim and the rest of her family to her own detriment (in once again being blamed for the world).  That Kim hasn't and won't tell anyone, esp. not even bff Tampon, to cool it with the attacks towards Kyle says a lot about their respective ideas about love, kindness and family, imo.  I personally might not think Kyle should try and protect Kim or care what people say about/to her, but Kyle seems to still be more loyal to Kim than she deserves.  

It is possible that she is doing this more for Kim's kids sake, not so much Kim herself. By asking viewers to dial it back a little, she is helping to keep the door open for her nieces/nephew with/for her, again, not so much for Kim but more for the children. No matter what, Kim's kids will still be protective towards their mother when it comes to the shows fans they do not know. Just a thought.

  • Love 8

UGH agreed again, SQ! I think Kyle too has fallen for the trap of protecting "fragile" Kim no matter what. Yet prior to this season did Kim ever protect or go out her way to make her fans dial it down especially when the limo scene happened or how Kyle still gets shit from Kim's cuckoo bird fansbase. If so someone please provide the tweets. I do remember Kyle even told her fans on Twitter or Facebook not to even "bully" Brandi because she is her problem a few weeks before the reunion. Classy move but does Brandi stop her tyrant behavior at Kyle, no.


I remember that, too, now that you mention it.  Kyle has been pretty consistent in her thoughtfulness with regards to how her fans (which I think she's specifically referring to, not everyone in general) react towards the other HW and whether I agree with her plea or not, I give her credit for that.  I mean I'm also of the mindset that once you put your shit out there for everyone to see, you can't control the reactions of others, however, I see this instance as a little different.  I feel like Kim has shown her ass yet again at the reunion and in the news with Kingsley, and Codependent Kyle is asking for a little mercy with regards to people's expressed opinions (via Twitter) towards Kim and their family.   


WireWrap, we posted at the same time and you make a great point about Kyle protecting Kim's kids.  She does really love them and it shows.   

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 5

It is possible that she is doing this more for Kim's kids sake, not so much Kim herself. By asking viewers to dial it back a little, she is helping to keep the door open for her nieces/nephew with/for her, again, not so much for Kim but more for the children. No matter what, Kim's kids will still be protective towards their mother when it comes to the shows fans they do not know. Just a thought.

I think that this little nugget in Kyle's blog was meant not just for fans of the show, but also for someone like Lisar.


Kyle ends up in a horrible situation with the social media stuff - and I do think she is talking about Twitter. When folks Tweet things to her like "your sister is a horrible person and I hope she gets fired", it puts Kyle in an awkward position. If she says nothing, she will be criticized. If she agrees, she will be criticized. I don't think she or any of the ho'wives have much of a problem with what we are doing here on forums like this - expressing our opinion - because we are not looking for a response from Kyle, or Kim, or Brandi, or for a "retweet". 


I said from the beginning that Kyle was pissed as hell about the things that Lisar was tweeting. I will imagine that she was sending her rapid fire texts telling her to knock it off. I think that really, this message that she sent was as much to Lisar as to anyone else. 

  • Love 7

LisaR is a truth cannon. One may not like how she goes about it but shes speaks the truth. This wouldn't be the first time Kyle has wanted BH wives to not speak negatively about Kim online or blogs. In the early seasons she worked something out with Lisa V and Taylor not be too vocal about Kim's alcoholism and she carries on from what dont see while the cameras are rolling. Taylor caught a lot of shit for the whole leaving Kennedy behind in S3, she actually got death threats because of what Kim said her blog. Then Kyle had to clear up somethings what Kim said just to get people to leave Taylor alone. Lisa R and lesser degree Eileen didn't get this memo this year. And they were hell of vocal about Kim's behavior.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

It's all so ridiculous. These women blather endlessly about being authentic and their true selves and what you see is what you get and so on. Fine. But then -- if Rinna (or anyone) posts or tweets or Instagrams or whatever her truth and her experience as she sees it, Kyle doesn't get a vote. Not her call. Kyle, if what happens after you and your sister's addled relationship airs causes your bowels to churn then here's a fresh and bracing idea: step away from the cameras. Lord, what a tiresome creature Kyle is.

  • Love 3

Kyle, if what happens after you and your sister's addled relationship airs causes your bowels to churn then here's a fresh and bracing idea: step away from the cameras.

Why should she have to, just because of assholes on Twitter? Can't there be other options? Like staying on the show, and learning to disengage from the toxic idiots of the world, like the aforementioned Twitter assholes, and her sister Kim?

  • Love 8

It's all so ridiculous. These women blather endlessly about being authentic and their true selves and what you see is what you get and so on. Fine. But then -- if Rinna (or anyone) posts or tweets or Instagrams or whatever her truth and her experience as she sees it, Kyle doesn't get a vote. Not her call. Kyle, if what happens after you and your sister's addled relationship airs causes your bowels to churn then here's a fresh and bracing idea: step away from the cameras. Lord, what a tiresome creature Kyle is.

All the RH are subject to voting on another's truth.  If their truth involves them or their family or a friend sure they way on by re-tweeting, adding to the tweet or by silence.  I can imagine, from what a majority of the RH and in some cases househusbands, Joe Giudice and well televised long, loud fart all have nervous stomachs at the Reunions when their seasons play out.

  • Love 1

Why should she have to, just because of assholes on Twitter? Can't there be other options? Like staying on the show, and learning to disengage from the toxic idiots of the world, like the aforementioned Twitter assholes, and her sister Kim?

Sure. Like you, I advocate disengaging from the toxic idiots of the world. But since at least one of your aforementioned Twitter assholes appears to be a castmate (I say this based on the post 2 above mine, which references Rinna), It might result in Kyle having tension, if not outright fighting with a co-Ho -- an aberration of the highest order where Kyle is concerned. Kyle has virtually no control over anyone else's social media commentary. If it bothers her too much to ignore and causes her distress, the logical step is to step away from the spotlight.

?.. Joe Giudice and well televised long, loud fart...

I have no idea what this references as I've avoided RH Jersey since season 3 but it sounds dreadful. Edited by steelcitysister
  • Love 4

I know she meant Twitter but people wouldn't be tweeting about her or her family and taking sides if she wasn't on a reality TV show.   

It doesn't hurt to ask people to be decent.  I just don't think the automatic response should be-don't be on a reality show (I am not singling you out as both Brandi and Lisa V. have taken that stance.)  I thought it was a miserable thing to say about Adrienne's surrogacy and some things aren't necessary for public consumption and a request not to what a public declaration of winners and losers in a family matter are another unnecessary sport.  Outing Adrienne's surrogacy did not prove to me she was a liar it proved to me like Brandi, Lisar and others that women will fiercely protect their families.

  • Love 7

Sure. Like you, I advocate disengaging from the toxic idiots of the world. But since at least one of your aforementioned Twitter assholes appears to be a castmate (I say this based on the post 2 above mine, which references Rinna), It might result in Kyle having tension, if not outright fighting with a co-Ho -- an aberration of the highest order where Kyle is concerned. Kyle has virtually no control over anyone else's social media commentary. If it bothers her too much to ignore and causes her distress, the logical step is to step away from the spotlight.

Fighting with a fellow HW is par for the course, including on social media. Of course she can "step away," as can any of them, if it gets too rough. I'm sure they all weigh the pros and cons of staying on the show if invited back, and Kyle obviously likes the gig, so I think it's worth a shot to try other options first. Or maybe Kim will finally get the pink slip, and then she can do the show without the toxic sister dynamic always at center stage. If not, and Bravo continues to exploit this family drama, then she could consider never filming with Kim, or leaving altogether. But personally, I'd hate to see Kyle leave before Kim. It would feel like the bully won.

  • Love 4

Sure. Like you, I advocate disengaging from the toxic idiots of the world. But since at least one of your aforementioned Twitter assholes appears to be a castmate (I say this based on the post 2 above mine, which references Rinna), It might result in Kyle having tension, if not outright fighting with a co-Ho -- an aberration of the highest order where Kyle is concerned. Kyle has virtually no control over anyone else's social media commentary. If it bothers her too much to ignore and causes her distress, the logical step is to step away from the spotlight.

I have no idea what this references as I've avoided RH Jersey since season 3 but it sounds dreadful.

Brandi has also asked the same thing and from time to time many of the RH have commented on the abusive comments on social media.  I don't think they are trying to stifle the public's voice but may think they can make a difference.  Recently Brandi cited and linked an interview by Ashley Judd and her experiences on social media.


Kyle is not saying the social media is causing her stress she is simply asking people to not do the team thing.  She has states there are no winners when it involves family.  What I gathered from her comment is she is ignoring tweets about teams and I did not read one thing about her being distressed.

  • Love 6

Exactly. That's why I mentioned options - it's not so black-and-white as telling someone to quit if they don't like it. That feels so childish and simplistic.

Right. The whole "it is this or it is that" no gray area in between, is very childish and immature. I have a thing about black-and-white thinking. It is not at all positive.

  • Love 5

I know you were responding to another poster but, if I may: after 5 seasons of this stuff, IMO it feels less childish and simplistic and more logical and intelligent.

Kyle is the center of the show, she is the initial HW and she should not feel forced to quit because of a few rabid fans on twitter. LOL


Just thought of something really horrible to say about Kyle:


At this point, Kim and or Brandi are making FR look sedate/almost ladylike!  Off to the corner I go!

  • Love 7

Kyle is the center of the show, she is the initial HW and she should not feel forced to quit because of a few rabid fans on twitter. LOL


Sorry, gotta respectfully disagree that Kyle is the "center" of the show (and I imagine LVP might disagree, as well.) Kyle, like LVP, is --what's the phrase-- ah yes, an OG, per Andy (and others). This puts Kyle even with Vicki/OC and Ramona/NYC and pretty much any cast member who's stayed with her respective franchise since it debuted. Even "star" doesn't really apply as all these dames are referenced as "the star of RHoBH" in media coverage. LOL.

  • Love 1

Kyle is the center of the show, she is the initial HW and she should not feel forced to quit because of a few rabid fans on twitter. LOL


At this point, Kim and or Brandi are making FR look sedate/almost ladylike!  Off to the corner I go!

I'll take Faye and her big dick over Brandi Glanvlle any day of the week. That's the point I've come to with Brandi. This doesn't mean that Faye doesn't suck she's just not quite as bad as Brandi at the moment.

  • Love 15

Kyle is the center of the show, she is the initial HW and she should not feel forced to quit because of a few rabid fans on twitter. LOL


At this point, Kim and or Brandi are making FR look sedate/almost ladylike!  Off to the corner I go!


I don't think of Kyle as the "center" of this show.


There will always be rabid fans - especially on Twitter.  

  • Love 3

Sorry, gotta respectfully disagree that Kyle is the "center" of the show (and I imagine LVP might disagree, as well.) Kyle, like LVP, is --what's the phrase-- ah yes, an OG, per Andy (and others). This puts Kyle even with Vicki/OC and Ramona/NYC and pretty much any cast member who's stayed with her respective franchise since it debuted. Even "star" doesn't really apply as all these dames are referenced as "the star of RHoBH" in media coverage. LOL.


I don't think of Kyle as the "center" of this show.


There will always be rabid fans - especially on Twitter.  

Kyle was the lynch pin when the show started and still is although, ITA, she now shares that with LisaV. Regardless of whether or not they are on reality show, the attacks on twitter and other social media get worse and worse. Kyle was asking her fans to not post/tweet Kim negative messages on her behalf and I see nothing wrong with her asking that, nothing.

  • Love 8

Kyle was the lynch pin when the show started and still is although, ITA, she now shares that with LisaV. Regardless of whether or not they are on reality show, the attacks on twitter and other social media get worse and worse. Kyle was asking her fans to not post/tweet Kim negative messages on her behalf and I see nothing wrong with her asking that, nothing.


There's nothing wrong with it but it's not going to happen.   There are lots of fans who don't participate on forums and use Twitter for everything.  

  • Love 5


Kyle was asking her fans to not post/tweet Kim negative messages on her behalf and I see nothing wrong with her asking that, nothing

Agree.  I don't follow any of these women from the show on social media except for Joyce. I checked Kyle's Facebook page and it appears when she has posted a topic about Portia or something that has to do with her store or family, there are people who post shit about Kim or the problems surrounding that situation. Okay, so be it the issue of Kim is the main focus of this past season, but are people really ignorant, stupid, and vile that they need to comment on their hate about Kim  or being 'Team Kyle" on a topic that has to do with Portia or the Umansky's on vacation? WTF? I skimmed through her page and it is filled with all sorts of comments about the hate for Kim or the hate for Kyle even though the topic posted has nothing to do with the show. It is pretty crazy how I seem to recognize some of those hateful comments from Kyle's FB page as some that I read here.

  • Love 11

I think Lisa V. Is the fan favorite and the Queen Bee. I don't think it's even close. But Kyle is definitely the second in command (Lady in waiting?). Not only is she an OG, but she is central to all the other ladies by virtue of her family tie to Kim and friendships with a number of the HW's. Plus, Bravo loves her association to BH wealth and H'wood glamour, even if it is the gross Hilton family. Also, they asked Kyle to do all the press at the end of the season, so that has to mean something.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 7

There's nothing wrong with it but it's not going to happen.   There are lots of fans who don't participate on forums and use Twitter for everything.  

Oh, I agree, her asking will do nothing to stop it but it was the right thing to do IMO.

Perhaps Bravo's PR peeps ask Kyle to do the press because they know she'll jump at the opp?

I think Bravo/TPTB know that Kyle will represent them/the show without the need for a babysitter/handler like Brandi requires and that Kyle, LisaV, Eileen and or LisaR will show up on time and will not be under the influence of drugs/alcohol during the interview. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

Perhaps Bravo's PR peeps ask Kyle to do the press because they know she'll jump at the opp?

Maybe, but that doesn't exclude the other reasons - like being a good representation of the show, and central to the drama. Plus, as WireWrap wrote, who else are they going to use? Kim is unreliable, Brandi is hated, LVP is probably too busy, Yo is sick, and LisaR and Eileen are the newbies.

After watching this season does anyone want Kim or Brandi to do press for this show. *crickets*



"I love turtles!"

"Kyle is a f*cking c*nt!"

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 6

Sorry, gotta respectfully disagree that Kyle is the "center" of the show (and I imagine LVP might disagree, as well.) Kyle, like LVP, is --what's the phrase-- ah yes, an OG, per Andy (and others). This puts Kyle even with Vicki/OC and Ramona/NYC and pretty much any cast member who's stayed with her respective franchise since it debuted. Even "star" doesn't really apply as all these dames are referenced as "the star of RHoBH" in media coverage. LOL.

The Executive producer built the show around Kyle and her friends so she is the central character just like Jeana on OC, Jill on NYC, Lea Black on MIami.  Don't know who the central character was on NJ but I am guessing it was Dina.  Even this year it was Kyle  who had the connect to the newbies.

  • Love 8

My mom and dad died not very long ago.  My two brothers and I are all that is left of our family.  My brothers, both wonderful guys, had a disagreement and haven't spoken (even at Christmas) for the past couple of years.  I told them both that I was not taking sides because I love both of them.  I wish my parents were still alive and could put an end to this estrangement, but they're not.  This has caused me unimaginable sadness, many tears and a great deal of frustration, yet my hands are tied.  Maybe Kathy feels a little bit the same way. 


I can understand Kyle's feelings and think her post was well-written.  Although she has never been a favorite, I can understand her feelings.  Yet, I still  would reply to her that if her feud with Kim has gone on for so long, what is she doing on a reality show?  If you're going to expose your family problems to millions of people, you'd better expect a large percentage of them to take sides.  I don't mean to be hard-hearted, but the Hilton family has been in the public eye (their own choice) for decades, so comments from others, even mean ones, should be expected.  This family has its own public relations spokesman in charge of publicity -- hardly the norm -- so I feel that Kyle is being a little naïve.

  • Love 7

Agree.  I don't follow any of these women from the show on social media except for Joyce. I checked Kyle's Facebook page and it appears when she has posted a topic about Portia or something that has to do with her store or family, there are people who post shit about Kim or the problems surrounding that situation. Okay, so be it the issue of Kim is the main focus of this past season, but are people really ignorant, stupid, and vile that they need to comment on their hate about Kim  or being 'Team Kyle" on a topic that has to do with Portia or the Umansky's on vacation? WTF? I skimmed through her page and it is filled with all sorts of comments about the hate for Kim or the hate for Kyle even though the topic posted has nothing to do with the show. It is pretty crazy how I seem to recognize some of those hateful comments from Kyle's FB page as some that I read here.


That is crazy. I agree that people who comment negatively on unrelated-to-the-show posts on the Ho's Facebook pages are whack.


But you don't think that PrevTV posters have a monopoly on hate feelings for Kyle, do you?  That would be like saying I recognize some of the hateful comments from Brandi's or Kim's or Lisa Rinna's FB/Twitter pages as some that I read here. 

  • Love 2

My mom and dad died not very long ago.  My two brothers and I are all that is left of our family.  My brothers, both wonderful guys, had a disagreement and haven't spoken (even at Christmas) for the past couple of years.  I told them both that I was not taking sides because I love both of them.  I wish my parents were still alive and could put an end to this estrangement, but they're not.  This has caused me unimaginable sadness, many tears and a great deal of frustration, yet my hands are tied.  Maybe Kathy feels a little bit the same way. 


I can understand Kyle's feelings and think her post was well-written.  Although she has never been a favorite, I can understand her feelings.  Yet, I still  would reply to her that if her feud with Kim has gone on for so long, what is she doing on a reality show?  If you're going to expose your family problems to millions of people, you'd better expect a large percentage of them to take sides.  I don't mean to be hard-hearted, but the Hilton family has been in the public eye (their own choice) for decades, so comments from others, even mean ones, should be expected.  This family has its own public relations spokesman in charge of publicity -- hardly the norm -- so I feel that Kyle is being a little naïve.

IMO, Kathy does not really take Kim's side as much as she dislike's the bad press (despite her own children's questionable behavior)

Kathy married into the Hilton family, Kyle/Kim are Richards, not Hiltons.


That is crazy. I agree that people who comment negatively on unrelated-to-the-show posts on the Ho's Facebook pages are whack.


But you don't think that PrevTV posters have a monopoly on hate feelings for Kyle, do you?  That would be like saying I recognize some of the hateful comments from Brandi's or Kim's or Lisa Rinna's FB/Twitter pages as some that I read here. 

I post on the BH FB page, there is a large contingent of posters there that really dislike both Richard sisters.

  • Love 7

That is crazy. I agree that people who comment negatively on unrelated-to-the-show posts on the Ho's Facebook pages are whack.


But you don't think that PrevTV posters have a monopoly on hate feelings for Kyle, do you?  That would be like saying I recognize some of the hateful comments from Brandi's or Kim's or Lisa Rinna's FB/Twitter pages as some that I read here. 

No, not a monopoly. I just caught some comments that mirrored many comments that I have read here, almost word for word using certain words that made the comments stand out to me. Just a gut feeling I have as I read some of those comments. I read them and said to myself, "Hmmm, those read like the comment I read over on the [insert topic name] thread."  I was even taken back to the days of TWoP by some of those comments. Just some comments stood out like a sore thumb.

Edited by GreatKazu
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The thing that is interesting to me about Kyle's plea for people to be more kind on social media is that she is not taking a lot of heat right now. The heat is directed mostly at Kim. I cannot remember a season, outside of S1, where Kyle has been at all popular or well thought of. She is not someone who is typically defended in most any circumatance. Generally when you hear these types of pleas from the HW's, it is because they are being attacked, This is not the case here. In the context of this season, she is considered to be in the right, even by many people who in general don't like her. That tells me that this plea is on behalf of her family for Kim. It tells me that like usual, she is considered to be "not protecting" Kim. I imagine that she is hearing from Kim's children and from Kathy that she needs to do more to shut this shit down. I don't think she is asking for anything for herself, but is asking for consideratioin of Kim. I don't know if that is fucked up or not.

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The thing that is interesting to me about Kyle's plea for people to be more kind on social media is that she is not taking a lot of heat right now. The heat is directed mostly at Kim. I cannot remember a season, outside of S1, where Kyle has been at all popular or well thought of. She is not someone who is typically defended in most any circumatance. Generally when you hear these types of pleas from the HW's, it is because they are being attacked, This is not the case here. In the context of this season, she is considered to be in the right, even by many people who in general don't like her. That tells me that this plea is on behalf of her family for Kim. It tells me that like usual, she is considered to be "not protecting" Kim. I imagine that she is hearing from Kim's children and from Kathy that she needs to do more to shut this shit down. I don't think she is asking for anything for herself, but is asking for consideratioin of Kim. I don't know if that is fucked up or not.

Whitney probably called Kyle and asked her to put out the plea for social media restraint.  I think it is a nice thing to do.  Kim has to realize being on a reality show her actions, her children's actions and even her dog's actions are fair game.

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