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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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My issue with Bethenny, Jason and Cookie, and the dog hotel, is it really wasn't about if the dog was mistreated it was all about her not knowing until midnight where the dog was being safely housed.  This is a reoccurring theme in this couple's divorce.   It is pretty much without dispute Bethenny is a control freak-she has said it about herself.  So every time one of her unilateral decisions is challenged it is always how it effects her not the child.  Take the no meat for the child decision she wanted upheld, it had a waiver if Bryn was a party she could vary from the Bethenny's policy but not when Bryn was with her father. The weird idea that once they split Bethenny wanted decide when and how often Bryn could go to church with her father.   Another item that is rarely mentioned when Bethenny moved out she took all of Bryn's clothing, toys and stuffed animals.  I find that to be far more egregious than the dog tale as it has a definite effect on the child.  The apartment was the only home Bryn knew until that point and she returned finding her belongings gone.  I also thought taking everything out of the kitchen was a bitchy move. 

Not sure what Bethenny being a control freak or any of the other stuff you listed has to do with Jason being a dick regarding Cookie.

Also, Bethenny cleaning out Brynn's stuff wasn't rarely mentioned, it was discussed and debated and then discussed and debated some more, with some people thinking it was a horrible thing to do and others thinking it wasn't a horrible deed that would scar Brynn for the rest of her life.


I know Bethenny places her brand and business above all else and just falls apart over Jason claiming he will destroy her.  Well he has been given four years to do it and there is just no showing of him going after her brand

Just because he hasn't succeeded, that doesn't excuse him making those threats continuously. His incompetence in that regard shouldn't dismiss how she feels about what he says.


And if Jason is found not guilty of stalking her at school, he still did something wrong, even if it wasn't illegal.

No, it is still illegal, it just means he was acquitted. An acquittal doesn't always equate with not being guilty of something. Very different since Bethenny bring Dennis along wasn't something she or he could have been charged with.


The storage unit was mentioned as an aside.  The actual testimony was about the incident when Hoppy kenneled the dog in a doggie hotel and would not tell Bethenny nor her staff where the dog was.  And that to me is the dick move.  The bit about and often the staff would come in to find the dog locked in storage room, closet etc is passive aggressive.  But moving the dog and not revealing it's whereabouts.  Yeah, that's the dick move.


Edited by BBHN
  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, smores said:

But, and I'm not trying to totally take B's side, don't some of those fall under decisions that were already made when they were together?  After Bryn was born, they had agreed together that she stick with a no meat diet (I remember this being mentioned on the show- not sure if it was for so many years, or if it was ideally for life).  Jason was onboard with it then, so why would he reverse course with it later?  If you had a couple who had lived a vegetarian lifestyle for 10 years before having kids, and then raised a kid as a vegetarian for 5 years, I think the mom would justifiably be upset if the dad started suddenly giving them meat.  Obviously this is a shorter timeframe, but healthy food is a big deal to B and Jason seemed to have no arguments with it when they were a couple.  

As for church, this was a big thing too.  B is Jewish, Jason is Catholic.  They had an agreement about this.  Just because they aren't married doesn't mean he gets to change up and start raising her as a full on Catholic during his time.  

Now, as for taking all of the stuff out of the apartment? Yeah, not great.  When my parents divorced, my father did that.  Took all the pots and pans (along with other stuff).  Then moved back into his parent's house.  They had plenty of pots and pans, so the point was? I guess just to be a dick.  

There was never an agreement that the child would be raised vegetarian.  Both Jason and Bethenny eat meat.  That was Bethenny whining and since then she has claimed that Bryn was her muse for her lunch meat line.   She developed the line because it was hard to find preservative free luncheon meat to pack in Bryn's lunch. When asked on WWHL if she was Jewish, Bethenny said she was "nothing".  Bryn is baptized Catholic, and in Bethenny's world she should only go to church for high holidays.  Is Jason suppose to get a sitter when he goes to church during his custodial time?  Again these are issues that have more to do with control than the best interests of the child.  Kids eat meat, and kids go to Catholic church.  I will say I would be leery if all of sudden Jason shaved his head and shaved Bryn's head and joined a cult-even if it was just during his custodial time.   Bryn was Catholic when they were married and her father chooses to raise her Catholic.  I would also come down hard on Jason if he insisted Bethenny take or send Bryn to mass during her custodial period.

I do believe that a parent has the right to raise a child according to their tenets and beliefs.  I don't believe they can exclude the other parent from doing the same.  What's next no grace before meals?  Or maybe just grace before high holiday meals.

Bethenny made a huge agreement with Jason when she married him, seems to me it sounds a little ridiculous for her to talk about promises made during the marriage when she broke the biggest one of all-ending the marriage.

It is kind of like the fame argument-Jason claims Bethenny is all about the fame, Bethenny claims Jason liked the fame when he was married to her.  Well he married her when she was famous, so I would hope he like it.  I do think he supported her for her quest for more fame and exposure.  He seems to have no problems exiting the fame scene.  Fortunately the court isn't asked to divide fame.  I am under the impression the child by agreement and court order, is not to appear on Bethenny's social media (Jason has no such accounts) or on the TV shows.  The good thing about that-Bethenny can't be blamed for using the child as a prop.  I think they are also both bright enough to realize kids can say the darnest things. 

  • Love 3
On 6/24/2017 at 0:19 AM, zoeysmom said:



"Tinsley seems to be a bit emotionally constipated and kind of needs to take a page out of Elsa's book and let it go.  Being a roommate at 40 in a room full of stuffed animals isn't a cute look, nor is it a path to reviving a retired socialite career, time to pack it up and pack it in.  I do think Tinsley should wear her hair and lashes however she sees fit.  She talks about this "abusive" relationship she had and it seems to quite frankly make everyone a bit uncomfortable, because we really don't know her.  Her mom seems sweet and Southern-two Southern BFF peas in a pod."


What's hilarious to me is when Kelly B took Beth to task for calling her Madonna. Kelly was all "you don't 'know' me why would you act like that in a meeting and call me names, we do NOT know each other" then Beth was all oh yes we know each other from parties at the Hamptons. Now the table are turned and Bethenny doesn't "know" Tinsley so Tins should shut her yap. Ok Beth. You can dish it out..... 

On 6/24/2017 at 1:31 AM, zoeysmom said:

  Maybe it is the fact that Tinsley is close with her mother? 

It is the fact that Tinsley is close to Kelly Bensimon. Trust. 

On 6/24/2017 at 5:06 AM, BBHN said:


How the eff is Tinsley even relevant to the discussion? She isn't. It seems like we're trying to steer the discussion away from Jason and the divorce.

Relevant to Bethenny's cred.  Bethenny's double standard. Exaggeration etc. Love to see how Beth's exaggeration and hyperbole is going to work under oath. 

On 6/24/2017 at 0:59 PM, BBHN said:

Bethenney's opinion of Tinsley isn't relevant to the divorce at all. Unless Jason's lawyers plan on bringing it up in court, which, lol

nvm saw mod notice to not discuss Tins after I had multi quoted.....

On 6/25/2017 at 10:49 AM, QuinnM said:


Meantime on snap, Bethenny is at the riding stable so Bryn is still liking riding lessons.  

An interesting development on the horses, soon Bethenny will profess to know everything about horses due to her dad- wait I thought she didn't have parents? I am 0, 1, or 2 degrees of separation from thousands of people in show horses, when Brynn starts showing and when Beth and the Hoppy side of the family come together for spectating at her shows there is nowhere to hide and I will get the full play by play on the dynamics from my friends. Bethenny and Jason's behavior and that of each others entourage- who is the true villain will be obvious to the public. There is nowhere to hide- ask the Boss, Bruce Springsteen  who shows up for many of his daughter Jessica's shows and stands railside next to grooms, restroom attendents, heiresses,  and jump crew staff successfully shoulder to shoulder with no fuss, ANY diva behavior by Brynn's entourage on either side WILL be on full public display.  

20 hours ago, Lemons said:

That was a good explanation of what's going on. I had only paid attention to the dog story because that was such a shitty thing for anyone to do to a dog. 

From the story it appears the last straw was when Jason threatened to destroy her. This was after Jason received a letter from Bethany's attorney asking him to stop contacting Bethany. And he also sent another 160 emails after he got the letter.

And Bethany saved every contact she received from him. Jason needs to calm down. 

I hope he does destroy her. Her reputation and this crafted bullshit image and brand she has all on the back of insincerity, rage, damage and hatred.  He knows what a miserable calculating bitch she is and that she is fake as shit. When he says destroy her I feel like it's not a bodily threat it's on a personal level because she is such a complete fraud and he's about at the end of his rope in sitting idly by watching her run her con with regard to her parenting and casting the shadow of her food issues, attention whore issues, alcohol issues, fame adoration he is done. Kelly Bensimon sat Bethenny down and told her to her face that she's sick of her antics and Jason just told her a different more emotional message. Her antics are down there.  Her brand, her silhouette  visage and image, her brand, is all she really has the capability to truly care about. She doesn't give a shit about other people including her daughter in the end because she has no self awareness, she cannot even see what she is doing to her daughter. Bernadette. The truth fucking hurts. The only time Bethenny goes nuclear is when the truth hurts.  She chose the nuclear option to attempt to silence Jason and he will not be silenced. You go Jason! 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, smores said:

I know they weren't vegetarian (though, I do believe that B tries to eat a more plant based diet).  I do remember, though, when Bryn started eating, B was making all of her food, and she was keeping it plant based.  I know this is US Magazine, but here's an old article talking about it:


Just because B is agnostic doesn't mean she automatically loses any say in religion for her daughter.  I was raised without any sort of religion, my husband was raised Catholic.  Again, we have no kids, but, we have had extensive talks about what we would do should we have kids.  He feels it's important that kids be exposed to religion.  I don't really have an opinion, but am not opposed, provided he exposes the child to other religions and would allow the child to choose to stop going if they wanted to.  So, I don't think Jason automatically gets to raise her as a Catholic just because he was.  Her mother has a different belief set, and she should be exposed to both.

I get that B took more than just the pots and pans.  I was just saying that my father did that and it was a dick move.  So, I agree, it's a dick move regardless of who does it. 

Bethenny decided to do this after she/Jason separated, it was so she could control Jason's parenting of Bryn and nothing more. Why make your 15 month old daughter be a vegetarian when you are not one and neither is her father? Control! LOL

As for Bryn being RC, Bethenny was fine with it when they were married, so her being upset after is nothing more than trying to once again control Jason's time with their daughter. It isn't as if Jason is demanding that Bethenny become RC or that she take Bryn to church when she is with her mother. I think it just as possible that if as Bryn gets older and wants to stop going to Mass, that Jason will allow it.

Yes, it was a dick move by Bethenny and IMO, she is incapable of even putting Bryn's feelings before her hatred of Jason. 

1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:

How is it less of an ass move that Jason followed his lawyer's instructions? I mean, he's a grown man who made the decision to follow his lawyer's instructions even though he knew he was dragging the whole thing out. Someone told him to do it so....? That defense didn't work at Nuremburg, you know. ;)

Bethenny could have made a better decision but I know plenty of divorced people who get tired of dancing around their ex's feelings and start taking the position that it's not in the terms of the divorce so I'm going to do what I want. (Watch Little People Big World for some amusing examples of how divorcing ones wife makes one's exwife much less likely to play nice)

Considering that Jason signed a pre-nup, that this has dragged out for four years really does land squarely on Jason.

Really, "Nuremburg"? Both Bethenny and Jason could have made better decisions when it came to their divorce and to their custody fight but that ship has now sailed. And, since we do NOT know what was in the pre-nup nor what the results of the divorce were, it is hard to say who was/is to blame. We do know that so far, only Bethenny speaks about the divorce and only she disparages her ex, we have not heard 1 word out of Jason's mouth. 

1 hour ago, film noire said:

If (always with the "If!") if that's what's going on, I'm with Frankel on this one; to jump from exposing your kid to (as Frankel put it, iirc) to "high holy days" (Xmas Eve, Xmas Day, Palm Sunday, Easter, etc) to something more hardcore -- mass every week, First Communion,  confession -- two very different things, imo. She has the right to not have her child raised Catholic.

Yes, but Jason also has the right to raise his daughter with his beliefs as well. As far as we/anyone knows, Jason is not insisting that Bethenny take Bryn to Mass or for Bethenny to participate in the RC church at all. In other words, he isn't forcing Bethenny to do/not do anything when it comes to Bryn/religion. 

I am having a hard time with this idea/notion that only Bethenny gets a say in how Bryn should be raised, be it the child's diet, which school she attends or if she is raised participating in a religion. Both parents have a say, not just the mother but the father as well. Sadly, these two can't get their act together for the sake of their daughter. 

  • Love 4

Please see the old article I posted, B and Jason WERE raising Bryn with no meat.  It was on BEA as well, when B was making her food, it was meatless.  I can see how B would want/expect that a dietary choice they made while together would stay in effect while they were no longer split.  As Bryn got older, she would naturally be exposed to more meat, and Jason may have started feeding it to her.  At that point, it's less a choice that the parents get to make, and so I see B making healthier lunch meat as a progression, not really a repudiation of the previous statements.  

I also said that I was raised without religion.  It's true, we never set foot in church unless it was for someone else's wedding or funeral.  Except for that one time that I was baptized as an infant.  For some reason, my non-religious parents opted to have me baptized in my father's family church.  To say that 30+ years later that makes me Methodist is kind of ridiculous, because I've never been back and have never done anything else with it.  It makes me about as Methodist as my Catholic husband is, because he has, on occasion, gone to church with Methodist friends growing up.  I say this because B agreed to let Brynn be baptized Catholic because it was important to Jason.  (Again, from BEA)  That didn't mean she was signing on for every single detail of the kid being Catholic.  This is a thing that happens when parents have mixed religious views (or none, for that matter).  I've already said that if we had a kid, our agreement is that my husband gets to expose them to religion, they could be baptized or christened, he can take them to church, but, I want MY views to be equally represented.  I want them to be able to explore any other faith that might be interesting to them, and I want them to be able to opt out entirely.  

So, can they exclude them from a faith? No, not totally.  But, that goes both ways, and not having a professed faith is also a thing that has to be considered.  She has B's background as well, and an compromise that church is a Christmas/Easter/etc thing doesn't give license to turning around and insisting on mass every week.  

But, the timeline of Bryn being a vegetarian doesn't work out.  In the article I posted, it names Bryn as 15 months old.  She was born in May of 2010.  Bethenny separated from Jason in December of 2012.  So, they were clearly married when Bryn was 15 months old, meaning this wasn't a decision that B made on her own after they split. 

  • Love 8

Really, "Nuremburg"? Both Bethenny and Jason could have made better decisions when it came to their divorce and to their custody fight but that ship has now sailed. And, since we do NOT know what was in the pre-nup nor what the results of the divorce were, it is hard to say who was/is to blame. We do know that so far, only Bethenny speaks about the divorce and only she disparages her ex, we have not heard 1 word out of Jason's mouth. 

I thought the comparison was apt since Jason is being let off the hook for the decisions he made as an adult since you know, someone told him to do something and apparently that means he's not responsible for doing it.

How about we go in a different direction - if Jason has never said 1 word about anything , then he's clearly never said his lawyer told him to stay in the apartment, therefore he owns the decision since he's never actually offered the "It wasn't my idea, my lawyer told me to do it and well... here we are!" defense

  • Love 9

As long as Jason doesn't object to Bethenny taking Bryn to the racetrack, I don't think Bethenny should object to Jason taking the kid to church.  That is what they both know from growing up.  And from what I have read, little Bryn is enjoying horseback riding in  the Hamptons.  I can't think of a better parent experience wise to introduce the child to horses.  We saw how much Luann's daughter and Kelly's daughter enjoyed horses.  I just hope if Bryn continues dad realizes sometimes the horse events take place on weekends and he and Bethenny can come to terms with being able to occupy the same space so they can enjoy her horseback riding events.  I would think it would be okay as well if Bryn decided to play basketball or golf.  These are things Jason knows. 

  • Love 4

As long as Jason doesn't object to Bethenny taking Bryn to the racetrack, I don't think Bethenny should object to Jason taking the kid to church.  That is what they both know from growing up

I don't see the connection between one and the other.


How about we go in a different direction - if Jason has never said 1 word about anything , then he's clearly never said his lawyer told him to stay in the apartment, therefore he owns the decision since he's never actually offered the "It wasn't my idea, my lawyer told me to do it and well... here we are!" defense

In hindsight, it doesn't seem like it was the best decision either way.

  • Love 7

Wait... are we equating horseback riding with being Catholic? That's a little offensive.

BBHN - I agree, either way the decision to stay in the apartment ended badly, I'm just saying if Jason isn't willing to pin his decision on the stupidity of others, then it's his dumb decision to own until he's willing to discuss what really happened.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

As long as Jason doesn't object to Bethenny taking Bryn to the racetrack, I don't think Bethenny should object to Jason taking the kid to church.  That is what they both know from growing up.  And from what I have read, little Bryn is enjoying horseback riding in  the Hamptons.  I can't think of a better parent experience wise to introduce the child to horses.  We saw how much Luann's daughter and Kelly's daughter enjoyed horses.  I just hope if Bryn continues dad realizes sometimes the horse events take place on weekends and he and Bethenny can come to terms with being able to occupy the same space so they can enjoy her horseback riding events.  I would think it would be okay as well if Bryn decided to play basketball or golf.  These are things Jason knows. 

Horseback riding and religion are hardly the same thing. 

  • Love 9
46 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Bethenny made a huge agreement with Jason when she married him, seems to me it sounds a little ridiculous for her to talk about promises made during the marriage when she broke the biggest one of all-ending the marriage.

Jason made a huge agreement when he married her - it was called a prenup. Signed, it appeared after careful consideration and the threat of no marriage. Seems kind of ridiculous for him to drag this thing out for years over a promise he made a long time ago. 

  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

As long as Jason doesn't object to Bethenny taking Bryn to the racetrack, I don't think Bethenny should object to Jason taking the kid to church.  

No problem -  Belmont Park racetrack or the Catholic Church, both include plenty of Hail Marys ; )

Edited by film noire
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On 6/24/2017 at 11:32 AM, QuinnM said:

Tinsley has the money to get out of the situation.  Tinsley has the money to rent her own place and stop bitching about Sonja's home.  Tinsley has the money to pay an attorney.  Tinsley chooses to do nothing.  Much like Bernadette.  Just let your abuser send your daughter off to boarding school so you don't have to consider her in your drama.  And home for the holidays?  She can go to her friend Terri's house cuz nothing for her here. 

BStrong are funds for women that have limited choices because of their financial resources. 

Bethenny and Oprah have something in common there.  Oprah actually said no more battered women with resources just sitting on my sofa complaining.  And we all know Oprah to be a fucking opportunistic hypocrite, right?

Yeah, I'm not buying it.  It is a good organization and the only one I know of that helps women with cold hard cash that they need to fight for custody, fight for equitable property and fight to be safe.

I admit since we haven't seen this episode where B loses her patience with Tinsley I might be WAY off but I read it more like the above than her being a bitch and telling Tinsley to walk it off.  Tinsley apparently was beaten and how it came to pass doesn't matter.  People need to keep their hands and feet to themselves.  But where I may lose patience (like I am assuming B does) is the bitching about where she is living now (mentally and physically).  She has options.  Get into massive therapy, rent an apt and bring in your own roomie if needed rather than bitching about the rules of Morgan Manor, and try and get back to a better place.  There are thousands of women that would kill to have her resources to make a new life.  

I know many people hate B, my sister is one of them.  But she never just sits and wrings her hands about her life situation (she talks about it in a matter of fact way when she does).  She may get emotional based on what she is dealing with but she doesn't seem to have pity parties.  She seems to take charge of her life in ways many may not agree with but she is solutions minded.  Other cast have complained because they didn't know the details of what she is going through until she loses it like she did recently with Lu (telling her not to marry Tom).  She is harsh and I may not appreciate everything about her but I think she is pretty funny a lot of the time even though I may wince at her other times. 

The blow up may have come about after hearing her complain one time too many.  I think she may see that Tinsley is capable of more than she is giving herself credit for and it was said as a way to shock her back to reality.  Kind of how people have slapped someone who is in shock just rambling.

This is another post of 'I may be making assumptions based on a brief clip'.  

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, LIMOM said:

The only thing that causes me to pause regarding Jason are all those emails. It seems excessive, if true.

OTOH, I appreciate him fighting for his daughter. So many men walk away after a divorce.

Come to think of it, that is probably what B was counting on...

Reliving her childhood drama.

I heard about all the emails about a year ago,  and that's when my perception of him changed.  I watched their show and they were one of those couples that I hoped would stay together forever, because I didn't want anyone else to have to put up with either of them. But the email stuff tipped me in her favor,  because you know he was being verbally abusive,  and then he emailed her boyfriend and it tipped over into this,  man this guy just wants to destroy her.  It's excessive and obsessive which equals dangerous to me.  Whatever the outcome of the trial; my opinion on that won't change. 

8 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

People will choose to believe what they want to believe. For example I absolutely don't  believe this blind item (from yesterday) that points toward Bethenny, I think it's bullshit. But there are people who will believe it:


I am wondering what will come out this week in court. I dislike Bethenny based on my observations of her behavior toward others on RHNY.

I am on the fence about Jason, and should evidence come out that he committed total ass-holey acts, then I will call him an asshole.

It still won't change my perception of Bethenny. I still won't like her.

I don't believe this either, but you know,  anything to make her look bad. As if she can't do that on her own. 

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Wait... are we equating horseback riding with being Catholic? That's a little offensive.

BBHN - I agree, either way the decision to stay in the apartment ended badly, I'm just saying if Jason isn't willing to pin his decision on the stupidity of others, then it's his dumb decision to own until he's willing to discuss what really happened.


4 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Horseback riding and religion are hardly the same thing. 

Well some people do treat sports like a religion. That is just a comment from humorless me.  My point is these two parents are drawing from their childhood experiences and hopefully enriching the child's life. 

Bethenny has a Christmas tree in her apartment and celebrates the holidays. 

Bethenny was raised as a little adult, which is not that uncommon for an only child.  I believe her step-father's brother???? was Don Rickles manager and she speaks of going to Las Vegas and doing very adult things as a child.  Last summer Bethenny took Bryn to Las Vegas, and I am quite certain she kept everything age appropriate.  It is what she knows.  She loves being famous and the doors that open for her.   

My guess is Jason probably knows dad polishing up the Buick Saturday afternoons and Sundays piling in the car and going to mass and maybe going out for meal afterwards. 

I don't believe either parent should have to bend to the other parent's idea of what makes a good parent.

When people divorce the biggest thing that goes out the window is they are raising their children under the same roof.  So all these claims of we had an agreement. . . to me they went out the window the day the divorce papers were filed.   There is a reason that pre-nuptial agreements are invalid if there are conditions regarding the couple's children.   It is suppose to be about the best interests of the child.

  • Love 4
On 6/24/2017 at 0:03 PM, QuinnM said:

Oprah - said it on her show.  I work from home and it was on every day.  One of the last was actually the wife of one of the Trump nominees and she released that tape just this year.

I know someone that needed this kind of help.  There were legal volunteers.  The people at the shelter to help guide etc.  There was no money.  It is something that Dress For Success suggested to Bethenny when she asked what she could do. 

I hope no one ever has to find out what happens when you leave in your pajamas with your children in the middle of the night.  You have limited options.  It is a long struggle.  Surely not?  Yes, in fact there are times they will tell you to wait a week unless you think he's going to kill you since they don't have space.  And for everyone that thinks there are these safety nets all over the place, volunteer.  There is Dress for Success, Ready for Success and Harriet Tubman in my area.  Then there are the people that take in your children why you find housing.  Saints, every one of them.  They feed and cloth them.  They have you over for dinner and soothe them when you leave to go back to the shelter.  God help you if you need an attorney to get goods from your home, relief from harrassment, etc.

To belittle the impact of what she is doing because you don't like her is the height of entitlement.  I'll guarantee you that not one of the women that receives from this foundation will have a cross word to say about her.


  • Love 2
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

My issue with Bethenny, Jason and Cookie, and the dog hotel, is it really wasn't about if the dog was mistreated it was all about her not knowing until midnight where the dog was being safely housed.  This is a reoccurring theme in this couple's divorce.   It is pretty much without dispute Bethenny is a control freak-she has said it about herself.  So every time one of her unilateral decisions is challenged it is always how it effects her not the child.  Take the no meat for the child decision she wanted upheld, it had a waiver if Bryn was a party she could vary from the Bethenny's policy but not when Bryn was with her father. The weird idea that once they split Bethenny wanted decide when and how often Bryn could go to church with her father.   Another item that is rarely mentioned when Bethenny moved out she took all of Bryn's clothing, toys and stuffed animals.  I find that to be far more egregious than the dog tale as it has a definite effect on the child.  The apartment was the only home Bryn knew until that point and she returned finding her belongings gone.  I also thought taking everything out of the kitchen was a bitchy move. 

The two of them have to move past trying to control what the other parent does in their lives with few exceptions.  Even the twice daily phone calls, I am sure Bryn appreciates them but they seem to be more for the parent than the child. 

I know Bethenny places her brand and business above all else and just falls apart over Jason claiming he will destroy her.  Well he has been given four years to do it and there is just no showing of him going after her brand.  On the other hand Bethenny did try and relegate Jason to pretty much a sperm donor status.  http://people.com/crime/bethenny-frankel-jason-hoppy-battle-over-custody-of-daughter-bryn/  His feelings are just as valid as Bethenny's and I find it far more harmful to the child to try and downgrade a parent's status with their child than any stupid attacks on her "brand". 

I have no idea if there was strife over Dennis Shields being in Bryn's life or even how much time he spent with the child.  I do think he should have at least filed for divorce before being a part of her life.    I would hold Jason to the same standard. 


It's actually not a matter of opinion when it comes to religion, divorce, and co-parenting at all. I was raised Catholic, my ex-husband is agnostic and we covered religion and ceremony attendance at GREAT length during our mediation. Our mediator was very, very insistent that this is a very divisive issue that even when things are amicable (which our divorce was) it can quickly become a problem down the line. We had to define, specifically, exactly what type of religious ceremonies or practices were allowed, how often, and who could take the children - we even had to agree to whether or not I would alert him if I, or a member of my family, was going to take the kids to Church on a random Sunday. I find it very, very difficult to believe that high-priced lawyers like the ones I assume Bethenny and Jason have did not cover this during their divorce mediation. Very difficult. There must be something set in place and no one can change their mind after the fact - be that Jason or Bethenny. 

  • Love 5
57 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I thought the comparison was apt since Jason is being let off the hook for the decisions he made as an adult since you know, someone told him to do something and apparently that means he's not responsible for doing it.

How about we go in a different direction - if Jason has never said 1 word about anything , then he's clearly never said his lawyer told him to stay in the apartment, therefore he owns the decision since he's never actually offered the "It wasn't my idea, my lawyer told me to do it and well... here we are!" defense

During a divorce it is wise to listen to your lawyers, that is why you hire them and, I disagree, it wasn't an apt comparison. Jason hasn't said 1 word, which is one of the reasons I can't condemn him, whereas Bethenny can't keep her or her teams, mouth shut. 

  • Love 2
48 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

As long as Jason doesn't object to Bethenny taking Bryn to the racetrack, I don't think Bethenny should object to Jason taking the kid to church.  That is what they both know from growing up.  And from what I have read, little Bryn is enjoying horseback riding in  the Hamptons.  I can't think of a better parent experience wise to introduce the child to horses.  We saw how much Luann's daughter and Kelly's daughter enjoyed horses.  I just hope if Bryn continues dad realizes sometimes the horse events take place on weekends and he and Bethenny can come to terms with being able to occupy the same space so they can enjoy her horseback riding events.  I would think it would be okay as well if Bryn decided to play basketball or golf.  These are things Jason knows. 

I don't think she objects to him taking her to church,  just not every week.  I'm unsure how track and the Catholic church are the same things in your head.  I also have read nothing of her taking the kid to the track on a regular basis or to be sure she grows up a good gambler. Exposing the child to the religion on a regular basis,  until she's  ready to commit or not is reasonable. And horseback riding and religion aren't the same at all. 

My ex, by his choice,  makes almost ZERO real decisions about our son and Is an aetheist. But I still ran the idea of taking my child to a Lutheran Church regularly to him, with a list of reasons why I thought despite his aetheist stance,  he'd be okay with it If he'd objected we would have come to a solution. Hoppy and Frankel had already discussed this. He changed the parameters.  That's not okay in parenting. 

  • Love 4

So in other words, Jason gets to say "I was just doing what I was told by my lawyer," except that Jason has never actually said one word.... So he's not accountable for the poor decision to stay in the apartment, his lawyer is.... but he's also a saint for never actually saying this, and of course, still not accountable for any decision he may or may not have made since he didn't say a word, so he's just an innocent doof who somehow found himself following the decisions of others....


Except of course, that no one can say this since Jason himself has never confirmed or denied whether he made the decision to stay in the apartment or if he was following legal advice.

You don't get to say he was just following the orders of his lawyer to get him off the hook for how it was a bad decision, and then applaud him for never actually having the moral wherewithal to actually say what really happened. Since he's unwilling to discuss who did what to who- then until he IS willing to say he was just following advice, he has to own the reality that he's a mentally competent adult who made his own bad choices.

Point - I'm not the one saying Jason was just following orders so it's all kinda sorta not really Jason's fault it all went bad.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

Writer Girl at her finest and chiming in with her opinion of Jason.

Also Writer Girl/Journalist needs to get her facts straight...ie: The correct spelling of people's names.

One of the first rules of journalism. 

Maybe this belongs on the Carole board, but it does relate to the Beth/Jason divorce somehow.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I don't think she objects to him taking her to church,  just not every week.  I'm unsure how track and the Catholic church are the same things in your head.  I also have read nothing of her taking the kid to the track on a regular basis or to be sure she grows up a good gambler. Exposing the child to the religion on a regular basis,  until she's  ready to commit or not is reasonable. And horseback riding and religion aren't the same at all. 

My ex, by his choice,  makes almost ZERO real decisions about our son and Is an aetheist. But I still ran the idea of taking my child to a Lutheran Church regularly to him, with a list of reasons why I thought despite his aetheist stance,  he'd be okay with it If he'd objected we would have come to a solution. Hoppy and Frankel had already discussed this. He changed the parameters.  That's not okay in parenting. 

Who said they talked about this? Bethenny? Again, I don't trust her, I don't think she would be honest about any conversation she had with Jason unless it paints her in glowing terms, otherwise, she always paints herself as a victim.  Men have the same right in the decision making about how their children will be raised as the mother does. It isn't like Jason is putting Bryn in harms way and there is no indication that he demands that Bryn goes to church every single Sunday or that he is forcing Bethenny to take her to church.

The only way Bethenny would be happy is if Jason walked away from Bryn completely, she wants to be the only one/parent in Bryn's life. Funny, she hated that her dad walked away from her but that is what she wanted Jason to do to her/their daughter. Talk about sick!

  • Love 3
Just now, WireWrap said:

Who said they talked about this? Bethenny? Again, I don't trust her, I don't think she would be honest about any conversation she had with Jason unless it paints her in glowing terms, otherwise, she always paints herself as a victim.  Men have the same right in the decision making about how their children will be raised as the mother does. It isn't like Jason is putting Bryn in harms way and there is no indication that he demands that Bryn goes to church every single Sunday or that he is forcing Bethenny to take her to church.

The only way Bethenny would be happy is if Jason walked away from Bryn completely, she wants to be the only one/parent in Bryn's life. Funny, she hated that her dad walked away from her but that is what she wanted Jason to do to her/their daughter. Talk about sick!

You think control freak Bethany who is Jewish,  and since she's a woman,  whether she is practicing it not makes her child Jewish,  and Catholic Jason didn't talk religion about their kid when they were married? Okay. 

  • Love 6

Also Writer Girl/Journalist needs to get her facts straight...ie: The correct spelling of people's names.

I have a feeling the name spelling was intentional.


Funny, she hated that her dad walked away from her but that is what she wanted Jason to do to her/their daughter. Talk about sick!

Did she ever say that? We're not supposed to trust her on anything else, but trust that she wanted that...

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

So in other words, Jason gets to say "I was just doing what I was told by my lawyer," except that Jason has never actually said one word.... So he's not accountable for the poor decision to stay in the apartment, his lawyer is.... but he's also a saint for never actually saying this, and of course, still not accountable for any decision he may or may not have made since he didn't say a word, so he's just an innocent doof who somehow found himself following the decisions of others....


Except of course, that no one can say this since Jason himself has never confirmed or denied whether he made the decision to stay in the apartment or if he was following legal advice.

You don't get to say he was just following the orders of his lawyer to get him off the hook for how it was a bad decision, and then applaud him for never actually having the moral wherewithal to actually say what really happened. Since he's unwilling to discuss who did what to who- then until he IS willing to say he was just following advice, he has to own the reality that he's a mentally competent adult who made his own bad choices.

Point - I'm not the one saying Jason was just following orders so it's all kinda sorta not really Jason's fault it all went bad.


Again, no one is saying that Jason hasn't made mistakes or done some mean things but so far, they haven't risen to the same level that Bethenny did.

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Quite honestly we only having Bethenny testifying there was an agreement during the marriage.  There has never been an indication there is any type of court order about religion. 

And I am saying that I can't imagine any mediation - especially one in an acrimonious divorce and handled by highly-paid lawyers - NOT including a discussion and hammering out of details around religion and religious ceremonies. It's simply unheard of in my own circles and extraordinarily ill-advised, since religion is not a sporting event - it's a major decision in how a child is raised. I'm not demanding to see proof of the details - I am saying that I believe it defies logic to imagine that they do not exist. If Jason was indeed raised in a religious family, I simply can not imagine that this was not important to him to address during mediation. 

It doesn't matter at all what they discussed when they were together - it matters what the details hammered out in the custody agreement were. 

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

So in other words, Jason gets to say "I was just doing what I was told by my lawyer," except that Jason has never actually said one word.... So he's not accountable for the poor decision to stay in the apartment, his lawyer is.... but he's also a saint for never actually saying this, and of course, still not accountable for any decision he may or may not have made since he didn't say a word, so he's just an innocent doof who somehow found himself following the decisions of others....


Except of course, that no one can say this since Jason himself has never confirmed or denied whether he made the decision to stay in the apartment or if he was following legal advice.

You don't get to say he was just following the orders of his lawyer to get him off the hook for how it was a bad decision, and then applaud him for never actually having the moral wherewithal to actually say what really happened. Since he's unwilling to discuss who did what to who- then until he IS willing to say he was just following advice, he has to own the reality that he's a mentally competent adult who made his own bad choices.

Point - I'm not the one saying Jason was just following orders so it's all kinda sorta not really Jason's fault it all went bad.

Hey, I hate to be the big fat bearer of bad news - but that's the way it works around here. Jason has apparently never said a single word about Beth. The guy is a saint - the bigger person. He doesn't leak, doesn't speak off the record, doesn't seem to have any friends or family that are the "sources" for any of the negative stuff we hear about Beth. He just keeps his head down. Yet still folks are very aware of what he thinks, why he does the things that he does, why he is in such agony. They know about advice he gets from his lawyers (for fuck sake Jason - stay in the apartment as long as you can. Get your father to go from room to room in his underwear when Beth has her work colleagues around if you can. And for the love of God, don't flush your shit down the toilet. Girls hate that).  They know what he was thinking when he sent hundreds of emails. That apparently Beth was ignoring important issues about Bryn. Of course he hasn't said that, but still people know this was what he was thinking because he is such a good guy and certainly would not send her emails that didn't pertain to their child.  They seem to know details of his mindset when he decided the dog needed to get the hell out of the house (it varies from the dog was biting people to the dog was barking and Bryn couldn't sleep). Bottom line, Jason has never said "boo", but everyone is very much aware of what he is thinking and why he does the things that he does. It  truly is a world gone mad. 

7 minutes ago, WireWrap said:


Again, no one is saying that Jason hasn't made mistakes or done some mean things but so far, they haven't risen to the same level that Bethenny did.

Well, except for him getting arrested and having a trial date tomorrow. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

You think control freak Bethany who is Jewish,  and since she's a woman,  whether she is practicing it not makes her child Jewish,  and Catholic Jason didn't talk religion about their kid when they were married? Okay. 

No, they did talk about it and Bryn was Baptized in the RC church, so she did agree to it. That doesn't mean that there was a final decision about Bryn being part of the church as she grew up, they separated before Bryn was 2 and there is nothing stopping Bethenny from taking Bryn to Temple or having her taught the tenants of the Jewish faith. Well that is, there is nothing stopping her except the fact that Bethenny doesn't believe in any organized religion, so that's on her, not on Jason.

  • Love 3

I'm not talking about Bethenny or whether she's her own special brand of awful. (she's awful)

If Jason isn't willing to discuss what his actual reasoning was, whether he was just following lawyers orders or not, that's his right, but he doesn't get to be defended with "well, his lawyers told him to, Jason was just doing what he was told" - Jason isn't willing to make that commitment, so it doesn't get to be a defense. Jason has never said his lawyers told him to stay in that apartment so until he's willing to say something, he gets to own that bad decision since he's a mentally competent adult.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

You think control freak Bethany who is Jewish,  and since she's a woman,  whether she is practicing it not makes her child Jewish,  and Catholic Jason didn't talk religion about their kid when they were married? Okay. 

That is simply not true the child was baptized Catholic when they were married. 

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

And I am saying that I can't imagine any mediation - especially one in an acrimonious divorce and handled by highly-paid lawyers - NOT including a discussion and hammering out of details around religion and religious ceremonies. It's simply unheard of in my own circles and extraordinarily ill-advised, since religion is not a sporting event - it's a major decision in how a child is raised. I'm not demanding to see proof of the details - I am saying that I believe it defies logic to imagine that they do not exist. If Jason was indeed raised in a religious family, I simply can not imagine that this was not important to him to address during mediation. 

It doesn't matter at all what they discussed when they were together - it matters what the details hammered out in the custody agreement were. 

Since we don't know the specifics of the custody agreement, there is nothing to say that Jason taking Bryn to Mass when he has her is against the agreement. Again, he isn't trying to force Bethenny to take her to Mass or for Bethenny to convert to RC. Also, has it occurred to anyone that maybe Bryn wants to go to Mass, that this is her choice? 

2 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Hey, I hate to be the big fat bearer of bad news - but that's the way it works around here. Jason has apparently never said a single word about Beth. The guy is a saint - the bigger person. He doesn't leak, doesn't speak off the record, doesn't seem to have any friends or family that are the "sources" for any of the negative stuff we hear about Beth. He just keeps his head down. Yet still folks are very aware of what he thinks, why he does the things that he does, why he is in such agony. They know about advice he gets from his lawyers (for fuck sake Jason - stay in the apartment as long as you can. Get your father to go from room to room in his underwear when Beth has her work colleagues around if you can. And for the love of God, don't flush your shit down the toilet. Girls hate that).  They know what he was thinking when he sent hundreds of emails. That apparently Beth was ignoring important issues about Bryn. Of course he hasn't said that, but still people know this was what he was thinking because he is such a good guy and certainly would not send her emails that didn't pertain to their child.  They seem to know details of his mindset when he decided the dog needed to get the hell out of the house (it varies from the dog was biting people to the dog was barking and Bryn couldn't sleep). Bottom line, Jason has never said "boo", but everyone is very much aware of what he is thinking and why he does the things that he does. It  truly is a world gone mad. 

Well, except for him getting arrested and having a trial date tomorrow. 

He hasn't been convicted yet, so until that happens, we will have to wait and see. 

21 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Also Writer Girl/Journalist needs to get her facts straight...ie: The correct spelling of people's names.

One of the first rules of journalism. 

Maybe this belongs on the Carole board, but it does relate to the Beth/Jason divorce somehow.

Yep, it was on purpose. She replied to a person who spelled his name that way.

1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

Since we don't know the specifics of the custody agreement, there is nothing to say that Jason taking Bryn to Mass when he has her is against the agreement. Again, he isn't trying to force Bethenny to take her to Mass or for Bethenny to convert to RC. Also, has it occurred to anyone that maybe Bryn wants to go to Mass, that this is her choice? 

He hasn't been convicted yet, so until that happens, we will have to wait and see. 

No, but he has been arrested. No matter what happens, he will always be the one in the relationship who was arrested. 

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I'm not talking about Bethenny or whether she's her own special brand of awful. (she's awful)

If Jason isn't willing to discuss what his actual reasoning was, whether he was just following lawyers orders or not, that's his right, but he doesn't get to be defended with "well, his lawyers told him to, Jason was just doing what he was told" - Jason isn't willing to make that commitment, so it doesn't get to be a defense. Jason has never said his lawyers told him to stay in that apartment so until he's willing to say something, he gets to own that bad decision since he's a mentally competent adult.

Anytime any of us talk about Jason, we are all speculating about it/him because he hasn't said squat about anything to the press/public. Now, Bethenny on the other hand has made herself quite clear, in her perfect world, Jason would not have any contact with HER daughter. It doesn't matter that Bryn is also his daughter, in Bethenny's world, it's all hers or it will be soon.

4 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yep, it was on purpose. She replied to a person who spelled his name that way.

No, but he has been arrested. No matter what happens, he will always be the one in the relationship who was arrested. 

Well, we will soon find out if she has legit reason to have him arrested or if she is just trying a new tactic to try and get sole custody of Bryn. 

  • Love 2

Predictions? I think the special teams in all of this, the variable, is how much Dennis Shields feels about Bethenny post break-up and how far he goes in his testimony to help her. He may have more sympathy for Jason at this point now that they have split and she is running with another flavor of the month and is open for business. 

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Anytime any of us talk about Jason, we are all speculating about it/him because he hasn't said squat about anything to the press/public. Now, Bethenny on the other hand has made herself quite clear, in her perfect world, Jason would not have any contact with HER daughter. 

When did Bethenny ever say she wanted Jason to have no contact with Bryn?

She may have at one time wanted sole custody, but that doesn't mean it was her intention that Jason would never ever be allowed to see Bryn.  That is not what sole custody means.

It seems like there is some speculation and assuming going on about Bethenny, not only Jason. 

  • Love 11
Just now, Celia Rubenstein said:

When did Bethenny ever say she wanted Jason to have no contact with Bryn?

She may have at one time wanted sole custody, but that doesn't mean it was her intention that Jason would never ever be allowed to see Bryn.  That is not what sole custody means.

It seems like there is some speculation and assuming going on about Bethenny, not only Jason. 

When she filed for sole custody and when she changed it to primary custody, all because she wanted to move to the LA area and Jason refused. IMO, Bethenny wants Bryn all to herself and has since Jason said no to LA. Go back and watch her reaction to him telling her "No" to moving, you can see her change to stone then. 

  • Love 1

No, Celia is right on this point. Asking for sole custody is not the same thing as Bethenny saying "I don't want Jason to ever be allowed to see Bryn."

Wirewrap - you're forming an opinion based on events, and that's fine, but that is not Bethenny actually saying she wanted Bryn to never see her father again, that's you speculating that is what Bethenny wants.

There's a difference.

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

When she filed for sole custody and when she changed it to primary custody, all because she wanted to move to the LA area and Jason refused. IMO, Bethenny wants Bryn all to herself and has since Jason said no to LA. Go back and watch her reaction to him telling her "No" to moving, you can see her change to stone then. 

.... that is the definition of speculation.

I'm not knockin' you for it or anything.  I speculate for a living in this thread.  I'm a professional speculator!  That's how I know it when I see it! 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I hope he does destroy her. Her reputation and this crafted bullshit image and brand she has all on the back of insincerity, rage, damage and hatred.  He knows what a miserable calculating bitch she is and that she is fake as shit. When he says destroy her I feel like it's not a bodily threat it's on a personal level because she is such a complete fraud...

I wonder if this is part of what Bethenny is going to claim Jason did that violated the law.  

Read the bolded part of the statute:



Code Section Penal 240.26, .31; 120.45 to .60

Stalking Defined as Stalking in the 4th degree: intentionally and with no legitimate purpose engages in conduct that s/he knows or should reasonably know: will cause reasonable fear of material harm to victim or member of victim's immediate family or causes material harm to mental or emotional health of victim or member of victim's immediate family or causes a reasonable fear that victim's employment or business is threatened;


If it turns out that Jason's emails included threats to destroy Bethenny's business, it seems like he may have violated the law. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

That is simply not true the child was baptized Catholic when they were married. 

So you know that she was totally onboard with the kid going to Church every Sunday because she let her child be Baptized. I'm.  Yeah.  

1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Who said they talked about this? Bethenny? Again, I don't trust her, I don't think she would be honest about any conversation she had with Jason unless it paints her in glowing terms, otherwise, she always paints herself as a victim.  Men have the same right in the decision making about how their children will be raised as the mother does. It isn't like Jason is putting Bryn in harms way and there is no indication that he demands that Bryn goes to church every single Sunday or that he is forcing Bethenny to take her to church.

The only way Bethenny would be happy is if Jason walked away from Bryn completely, she wants to be the only one/parent in Bryn's life. Funny, she hated that her dad walked away from her but that is what she wanted Jason to do to her/their daughter. Talk about sick!

I never said,  she said it.  But ya know,  99 percent of half intelligent people I know in this world who are of a different religion talk about it.  So she's this controlling bitch everywhere else,  but about religion? Okay.  

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

. And, since we do NOT know what was in the pre-nup nor what the results of the divorce were, it is hard to say who was/is to blame.


2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Since we don't know the specifics of the custody agreement, there is nothing to say  

2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Anytime any of us talk about Jason, we are all speculating about it/him because he hasn't said squat about anything to the press/public.


Well, thanks for clearing it up. LOL

Edited by steelcitysister
  • Love 8

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