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[SUNSETTED] Cast In Other Roles: That's Fake Me. This Must Be Fake Mine.

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TVLine, meanwhile, has learned that the four-part revival — tentatively titled Gilmore Girls: Seasons — begins filming Feb. 2 in Los Angeles.


So the Gilmore Girls revival is a definite go. So I wonder if Jared will be participating and if so how that can work logistically. 

I watched an old Christmas episode of Modern Family the other night. There was a kid yelling through a window. I thought it was Todd. I looked up his IMDB page and he's not credited. So it probably wasn't him.


The one thing I did notice, while looking at his IMDB page, was that the kid who played Todd was in the Supernatural episode 'Out Of The Darkness, Into The Fire'. He is credited as "Hunter Boy 1". 

Remember sweet Corbett from the original Ghostfacers? Saw the actor being just as sincerely sweet as a regular in the first season of Schitt's Creek (on amazon prime). I almost didn't try it based on the name alone, but I'm relieved to say Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara are still fun to watch together.

I don't know. I researched it too. If we don't get an answer befor Aoril, I'll ask at DCCon. It's IMPORTANT.

Found this at AV Club http://www.avclub.com/article/galavants-timothy-omundson-musicals-petty-tyrants--231444

AVC: Where did the name Tad Cooper come from? I assumed it was a pop-culture reference or some famous person, but every time I Google it, I just get a real-estate agent or something.

TO: I don’t know. That is an inside joke between the people on the musical side that I am really not privy to. [Laughs.] But why the hell not?

Edited by SueB
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It doesn`t say how big his role will be. It might just be a glorified cameo. This would explain why they have recently shot episodes out of order. Both shows are WB property, they might have reached an agreement to free him up for say the length of one SPN ep. If it`s just a random filler, that`s no big deal.


I wish in the last few years equal deals could have been reached for Jensen movie-wise but those take a lot longer to shoot. Alas.

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Huh....I don't see how he has time to film this unless he's just making a cameo. These are 4 90 minute episodes. 


They started filming Feb 2 and are supposed to wrap in April.  This is really curious.


Yeah, I doubt Jared's role will be all that big. They pretty much trashed Dean's character before Jared left, I guess in an attempt to prove that Rory's new love interest(s) were better or something. I never liked either of them, so it didn't work for me. All it did was make me dislike Dean and Rory, and finally the show altogether.


It's kind of sad considering how much I used to like that show that I likely won't turn in until I see what others say about it and if it's worth my time. By the time I stopped watching, I really only liked Luke and Paris and her boyfriend (played by Danny Strong  who was Jonathan on Buffy. So unless something interesting happens with them, I likely won't care much. I'm not even sure seeing Dean again would make me tune in at this point.

My Bloody Valentine was on last night and I tried to watch it.  I made it to the 10 years later part when Tom (Jensen) has returned to sell the mine and the murders start up again.  I couldn't take the gore.  Too many disembowelments and faces split in half by a pickaxe.  I had to jump ship and watch several episodes of The Big Bang Theory  just to even it out.  I would like to know what happened though.  The story itself was interesting.  Could anyone with a tough enough stomach to watch the entire movie give me a synopsis?

Thanks!  I love a good thriller but I can't stand gore.  And that movie is a splatter fest!

My daughter, a HUGE Jensen fan, asked me to go with her to the 3D showing twice. Gore coming at you yet! Of course she's my daughter, so I went to both showings and closed my eyes several times. Not when Jensen was on screen though. ;)

I noticed him as well, catrox14. 


How awesome is that? I'll admit, I don't know anything about him and seeing him on Monday on a BROADWAY show I thought "what the hell was he doing on Supernatural?? He can sing and dance?  Dude is in a freaking BROADWAY play!!!" 



Ouch,  that's kind of harsh on Supernatural!


Jensen can legit sing and plays guitar. He was Tony in West Side Story in high school

Timothy Omundson sings as we know from Galavant. And plays a mean harmonica

Mark Sheppard is a drummer.

Misha can sing

Not sure about Jared but I suspect he can.

Matt Cohen and Gil (Henry Winchester) are fantastic singers .

Rob Benedict fronts a decent band and is a great guitarist

Dick Speight Jr sings and plays bass.

Briana Buckmaster and Kim Rhodes can both sing.


To name a few.....just sayin' some multi-talented people have graced our little show.

Edited by catrox14

I spotted two SPN actors in a Time Warner commercial this weekend; Pamela the blind psychic and the guy who played the naked Cupid angel in My Bloody Valentine were both in the ad.


Tahmoh Penikett (AKA Gadreel) has a role on the ID Channel series called "Real Detective", where actors play real-life police detectives in reenactments of their most memorable cases.  

Edited by patty1h

I'm watching the James Burrows tribute on TV. 


They showed an old clip from the TV show Frasier. They were in a ski lodge where everyone was trying to hook up with different people. I had to look it up on IMDB to be sure, but the gay character who was in Nile's bed was James Patrick Stuart. 

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