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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Thanks for the insight into the egos and everything else involved with tv-land.


For a long time, I thought things were not so nicey-nice with Reege and Kelly while they were both hosting.  I felt Kelly was very passive-aggressive in both word and deed and I could never understand why since Live! was truly her golden ticket.


These days I find her intolerable which is why Live! is no longer must-see tv for me.  Sadly, when Reege & KL ended their run on the show, things went south very quickly and don't think the magic those two created will ever be duplicated, and all parties know that---Regis, Kathie Lee and Mrs. Consuelos.


What passes for entertainment and host chat now pales in comparison to what once was.

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i agree, Kelly was passive aggressive, and also pretty outward with her insults to Regis.

The fact he didn't tell her about retiring makes Me wonder if he really felt she was not trustworthy, or maybe he found her just plain nasty in the end. Her behavior was pretty rude.

I think Kelly did a little more than go along with the studio, I think when her contract negotiations came up, Kelly wanted to know when she would be the star of the show. I think that underneath her false modesty, and innocent act, Kelly has an inflated idea of herself, , and so did the studio. When she took over after Regis left her "talent" was embarrassing. I have to say, she and Disney both deserved the mess they made .

I like Michael, mostly because like Regis he is pretty much acting himself, not too pretentious. He is natural on screen, but the show is no way what it was.

I saw an interview where Kelly was asked if she saw Regis, and she said , no, but she was sure she would one day. She acted all cutesy and phony about it, not at all honest.

It is indeed interesting that Kelly seems to be the one not speaking to Regis. He has talked about seeing Gelman, and Schully seems so happy to see him cohost with KathyLee on the Today show last year, she was at the taping.

I think the thing that most unlikable about Kelly is how fake she is. She is likable at times, but during FF that is where I think Kelly just comes across like a pretentious person, how really has forgotten where she came from.

Kathie Lee can be annoying, but to this day I don't see her as fake, or a liar.

I also remember that at one time Regis made a joke how much he did for her. Kelly got all serious and bitchy, and said "oh no". Umm yes Kelly, you succeeded in nothing but your cancelled soap, and then when Regis left you drive the show to a 20 year low in rarings, and Michael had to rescue! I have a feeling that even Disney knows that, while they stroke Kelly's big ego.

At this point, Kelly is pretty much second fiddle, while she sits in the star chair and wears designer clothing, the fact that Kelly prepares for oscars by pret bring to know about movies she never sees, and gets Botox, lash extensions and a gown, says it sll about her.

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It's no secret that I'm a fan of the show and the hosts. However as someone mentioned before, I was shocked when they said they don't get enough time off (I think it was in the context of traveling to Asia, where they would need a good amount of time to travel there and explore). I calculated it and Kelly gets roughly 10 weeks off per year, plus random days every now and then (usually on a Monday or Friday, making it a long weekend). Michael I think gets slightly less. If I calculated it correctly, it's 2 weeks in the spring, 2 weeks in June, 1 month in August, and 2 weeks in December/January for Christmas & New Year. 2 weeks is enough to go to Asia, but certainly 1 month is more than enough! I know many viewers get annoyed when K&M put on the "poor me" act when it comes to time off or how much money they have (like when they bring up winning the lottery). I think they are probably told to act like they can relate to the average viewer. It's no secret that Kelly connected big time with the stay-at-home-mom crowd when she was first hired. The execs must think that the average mom doesn't want to hear about how Kelly can afford homes in the Hamptons and Colorado, or how she can afford to take lavish trips (both financially and with time off), so they are coached to be the voice of the viewer in a way, since most viewers cannot afford lavish trips and do not get that much time off. It sounds silly because we the viewers know better, but the execs must think it would get boring to us if the hosts always say how fortunate they are to have all they have. I guess it's a slippery slope for them. I even notice Michael gets embarrassed when he mentions his travels or how he was able to borrow a Rolls Royce while in Cali. The hosts know they are lucky for all they have, they just don't want us to know that :-)

....they are probably told to act like they can relate to the average viewer. It's no secret that Kelly connected big time with the stay-at-home-mom crowd when she was first hired. The execs must think that the average mom doesn't want to hear about how Kelly can afford homes in the Hamptons and Colorado, or how she can afford to take lavish trips (both financially and with time off), so they are coached to be the voice of the viewer in a way, since most viewers cannot afford lavish trips and do not get that much time off. It sounds silly because we the viewers know better, but the execs must think it would get boring to us if the hosts always say how fortunate they are to have all they have......


I do wonder how many realize that Mrs Consuelos has a net worth of $100M+



Michael does have plenty of alimony and child support


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I noticed something strange today. It looked like today's show was taped the same day that Dacid Duchovney was a guest on the show before Kelly went on vacation. So, how is it that the trivia question was about Juaquin stepping on a sea urchin, or whatever that was, when he was in vacation. Kelly clearly had no tan, she had not left yet. So did she make up that story about peeing on the sting?

I noticed something strange today. It looked like today's show was taped the same day that Dacid Duchovney was a guest on the show before Kelly went on vacation. So, how is it that the trivia question was about Juaquin stepping on a sea urchin, or whatever that was, when he was in vacation. Kelly clearly had no tan, she had not left yet. So did she make up that story about peeing on the sting?

. Well, I checked the videos of host chat this week, and Kelly says clear as can be that the sea urchin incident happened the last day of vacation . That was the big story about the good looking doctor! Seems weird that was a trivia question with a show that was previous taped. Kelly was as pale as can be, and David Duchovney was on the show before she left.

The host chat where she told the story was with Jerry O'Connell her first day back from vacation.

Has this show resorted to even faking "real" vacation stories?

i don't put it past Kelly of the show. It's a pathetic version of what it was because she can't work without making up fake stories and a scripy.

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Yes, it is strange how the online video is hostcchat was about a vacation that Kelly just retained from on Monday. can we say scripted?

On another subject I was up watching Letterman and Kelly was a guest.

Her skirt was all glittery, but she had a flannel shirt on! It looked like she hadn't finished changing! Also, the lighting or makeup people on Live deserve an Emmy for making Kelly look 10 years younger than she looked on Letterman. All of the sun, Botox and whatever she does is taking aging her . I can't imagine what she looks like without makeup and without body padding!

That outfit on Letterman is just weird! Also, geeze Lola is a teen, and you say your daughter's parents watch Letterman, so you mock her ? Log and she told the doctor/ sea urchin story , saying Juaquin stepped on it during their recent vacation.

Does Gelman not realize that we know that hostchat was taped a couple of weeks ago before he put the vacation story as the trivia question? Also, I am sure that I heard that story years ago.

Sorry, it's just making Kelly and the show look super phony.

Saw a few minutes of the WH Easter Egg show and what the heck was on Kelly's face?!  The lighting was playing havoc with her -- implants, fillers, plastic surgery-- near her cheek area.  There are some times on Live! where you can see a 'dent' in her face but today's show left nothing to the imagination.  On my set, it looked like a dark eyeliner mark drawn on the side of her face.  When she looked straight at the camera, it disappeared but as soon as she turned to look at Michael, it was a dark black mark on her face.


On another note, saw her pics of her kids at Church, etc. and must say, Lola is quite zaftig.....she's got to be a D cup, wow!  Lovely pic of the kids though and how cute Joaquin sitting front row, chomping on gum with a full set of braces!  

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Haven't watched today's episode yet, but did Kelly comment on the passing of Dr. Brandt? He's her plastic surgeon (for botox), he's been on the show before and she uses his products! Apparently it was a suicide. 

I don't think so, but I do tend to zone out when either of the Osbornes open their stupid mouth.


Sorry all, I posted this thinking it was The Talk (Kelly Osborne).  Oopsie!!

Edited by Medicine Crow

I so loved watching them suffer as they were literally being blinded by the morning sun in DC.  Instead of being sensible and taking care of themselves, they chose to spend a few minutes looking like newborn gerbils.  Then, they went to the sunglasses and were very explicit as to why.  At all costs, they did not dare be seen as celebrities - especially not at the White House - not when the First Lady was right there!  No sirree.  

Saw a few minutes of the WH Easter Egg show and what the heck was on Kelly's face?!  The lighting was playing havoc with her -- implants, fillers, plastic surgery-- near her cheek area.  There are some times on Live! where you can see a 'dent' in her face but today's show left nothing to the imagination.  On my set, it looked like a dark eyeliner mark drawn on the side of her face.  When she looked straight at the camera, it disappeared but as soon as she turned to look at Michael, it was a dark black mark on her face.


On another note, saw her pics of her kids at Church, etc. and must say, Lola is quite zaftig.....she's got to be a D cup, wow!  Lovely pic of the kids though and how cute Joaquin sitting front row, chomping on gum with a full set of braces!  

I have to agree with kelly, before they put make up and wardrobe on her she is a "little fella"!    There is a video of her on FF and she is standing sideways, and I don't know what  she is doing with her top, but she looks like a stick person.  I have a feeling that Faith does a lot of padding on Kelly so she doesn't look sickly.  Also, her face looks really messed up when she is not in the studio lighting.


It seems like Kelly has malnurished herself into a bag of bones, and even her face, which is pretty, is now getting dents.


I also notice that she can't  stop imitating or mocking Lola.   Even during FF she is mocking her when she is with Jerry O'Connell.    I don't get a parent doing that all the time on national tv.  Even if it's funny, or true, the kid has to live in the world after you mock her!    Also, I have seen Lola on FF, I don't hear that Valley Girl voice that Kelly used when she mocks her.


Also, Kelly needs to look back at her weird affectations and voice when she was older than Lola and on Dance party. She had the weirdest voice and strange "accent", like she was trying to be sophisticated!    She also brings up Lola's body and how old she looks, which  I think is true.  But Kelly did not look like  "little fella" as she calls herself, until she started over exercising and barely eating.  She was not boyish looking as a teen or when she was on the soap until she had Michael. Then it seemed like she got obsessed with being a stick figure.

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She finally did it. Live! is officially Unwatchable for me. To think this used to be Must See Morning TV (back in the Regis days). Now it is dreck. Mere dreck. Kelly informed us that when we look into dog's eyes, they get a sexual thrill. She repeated it several times so us dum-dums could catch on, or maybe she was waiting for the audience to gasp and titter at her sex nonsense. Aside from the usual distaste I feel watching Ms. Ripa, she has now topped herself and ruined (temporarily, I hope) those moments when I brush the fur out of my dog's eyes to gaze soulfully into them.


"Thanks" Kelly. Thanks for teaching me that even a "drive-by" stop at your show could taint the day.Bleccccch.

  • Love 4

She finally did it. Live! is officially Unwatchable for me. To think this used to be Must See Morning TV (back in the Regis days). Now it is dreck. Mere dreck. Kelly informed us that when we look into dog's eyes, they get a sexual thrill. She repeated it several times so us dum-dums could catch on, or maybe she was waiting for the audience to gasp and titter at her sex nonsense. Aside from the usual distaste I feel watching Ms. Ripa, she has now topped herself and ruined (temporarily, I hope) those moments when I brush the fur out of my dog's eyes to gaze soulfully into them.


"Thanks" Kelly. Thanks for teaching me that even a "drive-by" stop at your show could taint the day.Bleccccch.

SO TRUE!!  I stopped watching "host dreck" last year & only tape the show when they have a guest I like.  I don't know who the producers are directing this show to, but it certainly isn't any version of an adult.

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"host dreck" or "crap chat" -- either one works for me.


Been home the last two days and once again, the show did not disappoint, so many news articles, so little time.  Why does Gelman think anyone gives a flying fig about ridiculous statistical articles?  Half the time, Michael can't get it right, forget about Kelly who has no capacity to read anything at all........why can't they just 'talk'??  isn't that the basic concept of the show?

Kelly sits there with arms firmly folded into her chest, looking at herself, preening herself, all the while trying to spit out a few words to Michael (amazing how she looks at herself in the monitor but is talking to him, has to be so weird for him).  I see she still hasn't overcome her stutter/repeating each word two to three times before she completes her phrase (she's not able to complete a sentence, lol.)  Am I the only one that thinks, "spit it out already!!" 


And, obtw, saw the clip with Kelly talking about the sexual feelings dogs have when you look at them!  Ha!  She's cuckoo!!  And she couldn't wait to spit that little gem out, like she's so proud of her bizarro iintelligence!  lol


Strahan deserves the Emmy just for sitting there and not screaming out, "WTH?!?"

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I usually avoid coming on here, as it is generally post after post of how horrible host chat is, but this needs to be said.  I would toss my husband aside in hot minute for Josh Groban.   I don't care that I'm 15 years older than him, and his beard is odd.   Ever since his appearance on Glee "Josh Groban loves the blowsy alcoholics" , he's been sort of my ideal man.   I can't explain it.


Kelly Ripa to be honored by GLAAD, Anderson Cooper will present the award


"For over a decade, Kelly Ripa has greeted millions of viewers with messages of acceptance and inclusion," GLAAD president Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement. "By sharing inclusive stories with her audience and loudly voicing support for her LGBT friends and fans, Kelly is helping to drive acceptance forward."


Congrats to Kelly.

Edited by junemeatcleaver
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If anyone wants a walking definition of "too much fame and money", please see David Duchovny attempting to be a singer. No one, NO ONE, would have greenlighted an album by someone with Duchovny's complete and utter lack of musical talent were it not for his name and, I assume, the bankroll to contribute to the cause. Absolutely painful and embarrassing...and this is coming from an X-Files fan.

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I liked yesterday's Disneyland episode. Whenever talk shows are on location, the hosts seem a little happier and more energetic than usual. And that's saying a lot for Michael and Kelly, who are always peppy. Especially Kelly, who's practically bouncing off the walls most days.


Michael Strahan must be smokin' hot in person. I've never seen so many guests, male and female, gush over a male co-host as much as they do over Michael. Yesterday, Jimmy Kimmel and Scott Foley (who are straight, as far as I know) were both losing their minds over Michael's hot body.

When they wear sunglasses, they lose a crucial connection with the audience - their eyes.  They also serve to feed the impression of aloofness and even star superiority.  It is the antithesis of the core ethos of the show:  Interesting friends relating the cool happenings in their lives to us.


I also can not stand the wind noise on the lousy audio which invariably is substandard.  The difference in quality of the nat sound (natural) and tracked (recorded playback) is immense.  


I usually like the on location shows, and I like Disney, but this week seems like a week long commercial for Disneyland! I get that Disney owns this show, and they have done a lot of Disney related trips, but this one is so sappy and promoting of Disneyland.

Also, who is Jake ? I car never heard Kelly talking about him. I wondersed if he was a bodyguard or something since no one else is with her from her family.

Edited by orangekit
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Ok, so I turn it on this morning at the gym and who do they have on????

Kim Kardashian.....

On Memorial Day, a day to honor our fallen servicemen and servicewomen.

And they have this horrible person on ---  today, of all days??????!!!! 

Shame on them.

Ok, so I turn it on this morning at the gym and who do they have on????

Kim Kardashian.....

On Memorial Day, a day to honor our fallen servicemen and servicewomen.

And they have this horrible person on ---  today, of all days??????!!!! 

Shame on them.

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Have the Duggars ever been on the show? If not, then it seems pointless to bring it up now.

I haven't been here for a while because ofwork commitments, but things have changed and I'll be able to watch the show more. It would be nice to have a place to discuss the show with other people who enjoy it for the most part and not just nonstop haters who say they "never" watch.

I enjoy the location eps, but going to Disney again? Meh. And I'm a huge Disney fan who has been to Disney World a dozen times. It was nice to see Disneyland for comparison purposes, but otherwise I wish they'd go somewhere else. It's a great way to promote tourism in America (and beyond - look at their trips to PEI and Banff) and showcase places that people might not know about.

Enjoyed the animals yesterday and I give tiny little Kelly props for eagerly holding the hedgehog and armadillo, while big tough Michael steps back because he's scared of them. Heh.

People have commented that Lola looks like Kelly, but I'm amazed how much Kelly looks like her mom when they show those old family photos where her mom has that big beehive hairdo.

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I get that talk show hosts gush and are over the top with guests , but Kelly needs to stop saying every movie is the "best ever...", and everything is her "favorite", that a guest happens to be involved with!   Yesterday, I wanted to puke with her over the top, fake gushing over Jude Law.  First of all, he has lost whatever looks he has. He now looks like a very average, thin, balding man.    Kelly with her constant gushing was so ridiculous.   He's not that great looking, and it comes off so fake when you see her tell another guest the exact same thing!   So the "incredible Mr.  Ripley" was the best movie every made?   Give me a break!  She says that about the Godfather, The Sound of Music,  and every other blockbuster!


Also, if a guy kept oogling at a female guest, and taking about their body parts, they would be seen as inappropriate.  The way Kelly does that to male guest is just a bit much, and once again,  over the top fake.

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Did anyone see the crap chat where Kelly talked about her brand new cleanse?  omg, I saw the clip on my AOL feed and had to stop and listen.  Well, apparently this new cleanse has cured her of every ill she's ever had.  Unfortunately, it has not cured her of her inability to string a few words together and form sentences.  My gosh, the pauses, stutters, and repeating of words is just too much!  


Her chiropractor has prescribed some kind of alkaline cleanse, which apparently is all the rage, lol, and it has "changed her life."


So happy for you Kelly! lol

Edited by finnzup


Unfortunately, it has not cured her of her inability to string a few words together and form sentences.  My gosh, the pauses, stutters, and repeating of words is just too much!

Yes, I've been waiting for a cure for that too.  Then, maybe, I might be able to stomach that self-aggrandizing twit.  I watch when they have guests I like, & amazingly, Kelly is quite literate.  It's just when she has to pull words out of thin air (be extemporaneous) that she's completely at a loss for words -- LOL.

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They won the Emmy for hosting, so clearly most people think they're doing just fine.

Of course Kelly is going to tell a guest that their show is the best. What's she supposed to say? "Oh, your movie was pretty good, but it's not in my top 10."

As for her cleanse changing her life, people say that all,the time when they find a new remedy or procedure that helps with a long-standing problem. Eating fruit every morning changed my life! Yoga changed my life! Quinoa changed my life! Gel nails changed my life! Heh. It's how people talk when they're enthusiastic.

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I nearly choked on my OJ when Kelly told Ricky Martin that Australia was the BEST place to raise kids.  WHAT the hell??  Australia is a lovely country, but is home to the top 10 poisonous snakes, numerous deadly spiders, not to mention the critters (Kangaroo & Koala) that will tear you to pieces if you have a close encounter.  I've been there & the people are great, but I wouldn't say it's the best place to raise kids, especially if you'd like them to "play in the yard".  Sometimes it amazes me that her stupidity is so far-ranging.

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Yes, how do Australians raise their children in that death trap?

It's a better place than a country that doesn't provide universal health care or maternity leave and has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the Western world. A country that also has poisonous snakes and spiders, and coyotes and bears that would tear a child to pieces in a close encounter (much sooner than a kangaroo or koala would!?!?). A country that has the highest gun death in the Western world and where people fight for their right to carry a loaded gun to the mall or grocery store just because.

Which is where Kelly currently lives, so I can understand her being wistful about raising kids in Australia.

Unless you're being facetious, then touché.

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