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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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I had to laugh today when Ginnifer Goodwin was on. She talked at length about her son Oliver, mentioning him by name many times. After a few more topics were discussed, Michael asked her "what's the name of your son?"  I laughed because had Kelly done that, she would have been attacked on the Internet for not paying attention to the guests ;-) 


I think Michael gets a pass because he isn't staring at himself in the monitor, picking at his clothing, and basically, he saved the show when the ratings went to a 20 year low. Kelly showed how horrid she is as a host without some guy sitting there doing the heavy lifting when she was solo.  And to this day, she still is so immature and self-absorbed, not to mention obsessed with sex and her tampons. 


Speaking of being sex obsessed,  Mark posted a picture of the dog wrapped around his leg and said "chewie getting some".  ewwww!   WTF?  Honestly, I guess  it just proves that you can be rich, have a few mansions, and also send your kids to schools with the rich and famous, and still lack tact and class.

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Saw the pic of "Chewie gettin' some" and it's a much different pic than I thought it would be. Foul, that's all I'll say.

Anyway, please tell me that MARK CONSUELOS!!! doesn't have his last name tatooed on his wrist just as Kelly does? It appears he's got his name inked on his wrist too, lol.

I think it's disgusting to out a caption like that under a pictur e of your pet. First of all, I think Chewie looked like she was trying to see or get something rather than trying to get some Kelly ! Second, who posts that kind of comment? I wonder if Gelman stopped Miley Ripa from going on about her dog being "getting some" with her since it is gross, , so Kelly made sure she brought it up in FF, she told us it was indeed her! She did this in FF where she throws tampons at her male producers, and talks about her tanpons in front of male guests. I think Kelly would probably enter in a big hotdog like Miley does at her concerts if she he her way! She had to tell us tha cheque couldn't stop humping her ? Faith was playing on her phone while Kelly elaborated on the gross comment. Gelman was in the mirror also not paying attention.

you could hear crickets in th dressing room. I think most adults find it odd and gross to obsesses and make scuL innuendos a out your pet. Then again, she made inappropriate comments about her teen boy's habits on a talk show.

Oh, and we were also informed that even though Kelly has a great wrinkle relaxing-cream she held up inFF, and it works, she will continue to get Botox! Heaven forbid she doesn't look plastic.

Edited by orangekit

Kelly had luck & synergy to land the job with LIVE. She was on a very popular soap (the soaps had bigger ratings on the 90's) with a good fan base. At that point, she had been on AMC for 10 years. She also was young and was very easy coast. She just fit the bill for the show. Unfortunately, she lost a lot of "it" as she became uber wealthy with her 3 homes & product endorsements. I miss the old Kelly. Actually, I miss Regis and Kelly. The show was so much better when she wasn't the "lead". There was something very innocent about her then. Unless, the guest are someone I want to see I usually only watch host chat. When it was Regis and Kelly I would watch the whole show regardless who the the guest were.

Sadly, Kelly went from likable, relatable, and nice to woman who seems to have a need to fit into the self-absorbed, size zero, pretentious Manhattan group with woman like Jessica Seinfeld.

Host chat is awful now unless Micharl has a story about his night out, or Kelly gets a moment of being real It used to be good with Kafhie Lee and Regis because they both could speak off the cuff and didn't have to hold up printed up highlighted articles to their noses that are not related to each other while saying "uh umm" because they can't read the words! It used to also be good with Kelly because Regis took the lead and the spontaneous conversation was a lot of fun.

Speaking of Regis, I read an interview where he mentioned still hanging out with Gelman, he also sees Karhie Lee a lot. Also, when he compared with Kathie Lee last year on Today, Schully went to NBC to watch. It's interesting that Kelly and Regis have not spoken since he left. I wonder if Ms. Modest was itching to get the star position and that Regis got treated poorly because of that, and he got wind of that information. He did seem fond of her, but in the end it was weird. I do not put it past Kelly to have her agent push for her to get Regis out.

Sadly, Kelly went from likable, relatable, and nice to woman who seems to have a need to fit into the self-absorbed, size zero, pretentious Manhattan group with woman like Jessica Seinfeld.

Host chat is awful now unless Micharl has a story about his night out, or Kelly gets a moment of being real It used to be good with Kafhie Lee and Regis because they both could speak off the cuff and didn't have to hold up printed up highlighted articles to their noses that are not related to each other while saying "uh umm" because they can't read the words! It used to also be good with Kelly because Regis took the lead and the spontaneous conversation was a lot of fun.

Speaking of Regis, I read an interview where he mentioned still hanging out with Gelman, he also sees Karhie Lee a lot. Also, when he compared with Kathie Lee last year on Today, Schully went to NBC to watch. It's interesting that Kelly and Regis have not spoken since he left. I wonder if Ms. Modest was itching to get the star position and that Regis got treated poorly because of that, and he got wind of that information. He did seem fond of her, but in the end it was weird. I do not put it past Kelly to have her agent push for her to get Regis out.

I do  find it very weird.   I wonder if the pushing out of Regis was done in a way so that Kelly did not look like the bad guy, but she had her agent working to get her the top spot, and Disney just made life miserable for Regis, so he left. I remember her acting pretty rude to Regis in the end, and he was super distracted on the air.   When I see him on shows now, he's vibrant and still pretty funny.     Or maybe it's just that Regis was insulted by her constant "old" jokes and mocking him if he couldn't remember things.    The funny thing is, she could never pull up a newspaper spontaneously on the air like he did and talk off the top of her head. She was painfully horrible before Gelman started printing up enlarged little stories for her and actually highlighting what she had to say. Even then, she had to hold them up to her nose, and still could barely spit out the story!


I think that Gelman probably did tell Kelly not to bring up the dog picture on the air, it was just a gross thing!

Yes, we believe that Kelly has to lie about her weight to get on a plane and pretend she's 10 lbs lighter than she is! God knows everyone wants the world to think they weight 80 something Lwhen they are a 5'3" woman in her 40's! I am sure she lies, but its more like adding 10 so she doesn't creep people out by the fact her weight is below 100 lbs. we saw that when they had the Guineas record and had to subtract her weight from a tractor trailer that was being pulled, and she was 93 lbs- which is scary. What's even scarier is that she thinks people would believe she needs to lie about her weight when we see she's underweight!

"Did you say 'pianist'?" Ripa says.


"You may have heard...another word...I said pianist, like a piano," he insists before scolding the blond beauty. "I have no idea what word you're thinking of! And I have to say, I'm a little shocked!"


"No, I'm not sure what that has to do with anything," she replies. "I couldn't figure it out."


"I'm trying to have a serious conversation, and you bring us down into the gutter," Hawke says as Strahan laughs and shakes his head.




Wow, Kelly made a major fool of herself! You would think that one if her adoring minions, who sit and watxt her poof her hair and adore herself during FF would have told Kelly that she crosses the line from silly to offensive and tacky - long time ago!

She's been in her raunchy, middle school sex humor for a couple of weeks now, and she was too stupid to not try to make an tacky penis joke when Ethan Hawke was trying to have a serious conversation. Then she lies and prettends she didn't understand why he was saying. She seriously needs to have some tacky, jersey shore type reality show with her hubby!

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I'm a long time fan of the show, used to tape/DVR host chat every day, since Regis left I haven't found the desire to DVR host chat.  I still like Kelly, realize she's not the best, but still like her.  I DVR the show only when a celeb that I particularly love is on.  I particularly love Ethan Hawke.  He made a documentary about this concert pianist he met, it sounded so intriguing.  Ethan Hawke was talking about something so near and dear to his heart with such passion and seriousness, it was jarring for Kelly to interrupt with her silly bullshit.  Rule #1 of talk show hosts:  Don't interrupt your guests!

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Regarding the 'pianist/penis' comment, it's certainly nothing new for Kelly.  If my memory serves, I believe she's used that old chestnut once before.  The word 'pianist' triggers her inner 13 year old boy and she just can't help herself. 


However, if Michael were conversing with an actress, and she perhaps used the word 'Virginia' as she spoke.and let's say Michael stopped her mid sentence and said, "ugh, wait, did I hear correctly?" And then made a 'vagina' reference.........it would be totally inappropriate.


Why does Kelly always get a pass for her juvenile and most times crass behavior?   


I saw an AOL clip with her 'cameo' on some show and her character is drunk, drugged up and lusting after male prostitutes.  The ridiculous part is that I saw NO acting..........the ridiculous faces, mannerisms and  crazy talk were everything she uses as her persona on Live!

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I saw an AOL clip with her 'cameo' on some show and her character is drunk, drugged up and lusting after male prostitutes.  The ridiculous part is that I saw NO acting..........the ridiculous faces, mannerisms and  crazy talk were everything she uses as her persona on Live!



It's the latest episode of Broad City, it's hysterical.

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Regarding the 'pianist/penis' comment, it's certainly nothing new for Kelly. If my memory serves, I believe she's used that old chestnut once before. The word 'pianist' triggers her inner 13 year old boy and she just can't help herself.

However, if Michael were conversing with an actress, and she perhaps used the word 'Virginia' as she spoke.and let's say Michael stopped her mid sentence and said, "ugh, wait, did I hear correctly?" And then made a 'vagina' reference.........it would be totally inappropriate.

Why does Kelly always get a pass for her juvenile and most times crass behavior?

I saw an AOL clip with her 'cameo' on some show and her character is drunk, drugged up and lusting after male prostitutes. The ridiculous part is that I saw NO acting..........the ridiculous faces, mannerisms and crazy talk were everything she uses as her persona on Live!

Well, Kelly also did a great job when she imitated Miley. I think it's because it's not a stretch from

her real self at times!

Edited by orangekit
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Broad City is a disgusting show but perfect for Kelly, lesbians, prostitutes, drunks. She just loves all that. By the way who did her makeup for that show she looked terrible she really showed her age without the special lighting they have for her on Live.

Wow. I'm gonna go and try to figure out which I am - a lesbian, a prostitute or a drunk.

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Broad City is a disgusting show but perfect for Kelly, lesbians, prostitutes, drunks.


Broad City is also a very well received and critically acclaimed show, Kelly could have landed a worse gig.


And what's wrong with lesbians?  Or prostitutes or drunks for that matter, they're not automatically "disgusting" people either imo.


I didn't like that they did trivia during the end of the show.  The stunt worked since I ended up watching the entire episode instead of tuning out after Host Chat.

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Broad City is also a very well received and critically acclaimed show


Never heard of it.


Was browsing Fashion-Finder and noticed Kelly talking about the Instagram pic of "Chewie humping my leg" -- and the fact that it caused an uproar -- people thinking it was a pic of a man!  (I wasn't the only one that thought it was Mark, rofl.)

She read a few of the comments and most people thought, as I did, that it was Mark, lol.


And just for the record, I believe Kelly has smeared Chewie's good name.  The picture didn't look like she was "humping my leg"  but rather trying to jump up to get a treat or something.  If a dog is 'humping' they are in a humped position, not standing straight up.  


Poor Chewie, even the family dog can't escape Kelly's cheap attempts at pre-pubescent humor.

Edited by finnzup
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I do  find it very weird.   I wonder if the pushing out of Regis was done in a way so that Kelly did not look like the bad guy, but she had her agent working to get her the top spot, and Disney just made life miserable for Regis, so he left.......


Regis was offered a contract with a reduced salary.  He chose not to sign it and left the show

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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Do I remember Regis saying, maybe not on the show, that his "people" negotiated all of that and he was left shocked by the outcome.  I think he would have worked for less.  I don't know it for sure, but he didn't seem like he wanted to leave.  It was a walk across the street and down the block from where he lived, steady easy work, Joy liked him out of the house, etc.  Just saying. 

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I like Jerry O'Connell, but sometimes he's just a bit too goofy and hyper.

"Poor" Kelly who dreams of winning the lottery is off in another vacation to paradise for the second time in a couple of months! LoL

I wonder what bought on her need to act like a sex obsessed teen I am sure Kelly did a great job on Broad City, I saw the clip and it was basically Kelly when she was a solo cohost and was super trashy all the time.

Wow.  That was a really good host chat.  Erin brought some great attitude and her recalling her high school nickname was super endearing.  "Manute!"  That is all kinds of awesome.  Genius nickname, and Erin showed/recalled some genuine pain.  


She would never make it as the permanent female host, though.  There is no way to be so energetic and "up" and real day after numbing day.

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This is Kelly's second week of vacation. Michael is on his first week, as this week's shows are all pre-tapes.  Michael is off next week for his Week #2, and Kelly returns with male co-hosts (and likely Thursday-Friday pretaped shows leading up to Easter).  So it is sorta funny that he made that remark in the midst of their annual spring break.
Mo 3/23: Ben Stiller, guest co-host Maria Menounos
Tu 3/24: Julie Andrews, Zoe Kravitz
We 3/25: Taylor Swift, Jamie Dornan
Th 3/26: Dakota Johnson, Terrence Howard, Echosmith
Fr 3/27: Chris Hemsworth, Lucy Hale, Shaquille O'Neal
Mo 3/30: Sissy Spacek, Billy Gardell, guest co-host Jerry O'Connell
Tu 3/31: Helen Mirren, the latest "Dancing with the Stars" castoff, guest co-host Mark Cuban
We 4/1: Pharrell Williams, Vanessa Hudgens, guest co-host Mark Consuelos
Th 4/2: Timothy Hutton, Chrissy Teigen, guest co-host Mark Consuelos
Fr 4/3: Pharrell Williams, Jordana Brewster, Ciara, guest co-host David Duchovny

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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Regis was on Hoda Kotb radio show. He confirmed that he & Kelly haven't spoken since he left. It appears it's her choice that they don't speak. I guess she resented him leaving and not telling until a few minutes before the announcement was made on the air. Very odd since they both live in NYC. Talk about holding a grudge. LOL!!

Regis was on Hoda Kotb radio show. He confirmed that he & Kelly haven't spoken since he left. It appears it's her choice that they don't speak. I guess she resented him leaving and not telling until a few minutes before the announcement was made on the air. Very odd since they both live in NYC. Talk about holding a grudge. LOL!!

. Very weird! Especially since she would be an out of work soap actress, with a hubby who barely works if it wasn't for Regis. I get being a bit hurt, but carrying on a grudge for years seems a bit much. I also don't get him not telling her until the last minute .

I keep trying to find Hoda's show on Sirius, but I guess it's not on demand.

He confirmed that he & Kelly haven't spoken since he left.


So Regis doesn't play a part in the non-communication of the former co-hosts, he just sits home all day looking at his rotary phone?  If R & K haven't talked since he left, it's both their decision.  It doesn't surprise me in the least they haven't communicated, it was apparent from day one that they had nothing at all in common except work.

Especially since she would be an out of work soap actress, with a hubby who barely works if it wasn't for Regis.


Well, not just Regis, I'm sure the producers had some say in Kelly's hiring.

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If it weren't for Regis, Live wouldn't have happened, Kelly would be an out of work soap actress. I remember Regis joking about the fact that the show made her what she was . Kelly got all bitchy. Seriously, if she never went on Live she'd probably be begging to be in another soap , since her soap got cancelled. She hasn't been successful song anything else.

Having said that, I would have been upset if I worked that closely with someone for over 10 years and they told their former co-host that they were leaving, but not me. Karhie Lee knew about it for a while.

It also seems like Gelman knew Regis for a while, and I bet Art Moore knew too. I totally think that Regis somehow has some issue with Kelly. He seemed so distant and detached from her in host chat for Ma while in the end. Kelly also got increasingly snotty and rude to Regis before she knew he was leaving.

I think Kelly can be very nice, but she's also an insecure person who holds a grudge.

If it weren't for Regis, Live wouldn't have happened,



Minor correction, if it weren't for Regis and Kathie Lee, Live wouldn't have happened.  Regis was around for years, hosting previous incarnations of Live with Cindy Garvey and Anne Abernathy, but Live wasn't born (didn't go into national syndication) until Regis and Kathie Lee hit the chemistry jackpot.


Kelly would be an out of work soap actress.


You may be right, we'll never know.  There's a lot of talent free people working in television.

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At least, both Regis & Kelly have commented that they haven't spoken sine he left. Sorta odd but not. Some people work in the real world together for years & don't keep in touch when one leaves. It just feels like it should be different in television. I'm still curious if Regis is friendly with Gelman. Now, they were real friends off the show.

At least, both Regis & Kelly have commented that they haven't spoken sine he left. Sorta odd but not. Some people work in the real world together for years & don't keep in touch when one leaves. It just feels like it should be different in television. I'm still curious if Regis is friendly with Gelman. Now, they were real friends off the show.

I think it is odd, especially with the two of them being in NYC and high profile.  I think it  is on both of them, unless Kelly really has snubbed Regis and there is no point for him to reach out.  Sounds like there is bitterness and resentment on both sides.


The only people I snub after no longer working with them are the people I disliked but pretended not to when we had to work together.  Once we no longer are working together, I don't put up any pretence. This could be that.

The only people I snub after no longer working with them are the people I disliked but pretended not to when we had to work together.  Once we no longer are working together, I don't put up any pretence. This could be that.

Oooh, OT but I can't resist. I worked with this one sneaky bitch who was into backbiting and sabotage. She approached me in a store all friendly-like after I'd moved on to another company and I said "Go away, Katrina. No one is paying me to be nice to you anymore." I could tell she wanted to front off like it was a joke so I said "No, really. Go." And she did. Made my day.

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I think it is odd, especially with the two of them being in NYC and high profile.  I think it  is on both of them, unless Kelly really has snubbed Regis and there is no point for him to reach out.  Sounds like there is bitterness and resentment on both sides......


I just don't find it odd at all.  They were both hired to co-host a show. It was never some uber-super-fab relationship. They weren't hired to be friends or confidantes or buddies. The Philbins are 40 years older than los Consuelos. The poster who cited Kathie Lee is dead on.  She and Regis rocked the chemistry.  There was always this faux sexual tension that Gelman and the vapid media hyped and hyped, with both parties playing along.  Kathie Lee went from single-gal-about-town to newlywed to sweatshop-scandalized to cheated-on-spouse to much-loathed mommy-of-two.  Regis went through all that with her and it's no surprise that their bond endures. But it's still a bit of a show. Regis popped onto the Today set earlier this week and didn't seem to know that Cody just turned 25.  Sure, the Giffords and the Philbins may hang out once a month, but that's mostly due to Frank and Regis being of the same generation.  They can warble about Notre Dame and USC in the 1950s.  They can reminisce about being poor in the depression and bask in their well-earned success.  For folks 40 years younger, it's mostly nod and smile.  


I do think that Kelly feels bad that the producers low-balled Regis.  She likely knows it will happen to her too. 

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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There's a good discussion going on in the Episodes thread about Kelly and Regis' relationship.


My take is that Regis was likely battling Disney suits for some time over certain things about the show.  My guess is that Kelly didn't see things his way and "voted" to go with the network flow like a good soldier.  To my eyes, things were frosty between them for a good long while - well before the announcement of Regis' decision to leave.


Kathie Lee simply adored Regis from day one.  Perhaps it was the bond of being frustrated singers?  I sensed respect for Regis from Kelly, yes.  However, I didn't see touchy-feely warmth.  


I believe Kelly is a generation too-far removed to have a true appreciation for Regis.  He had some definite old-fashioned TV sensibilities which I doubt she understood.  

Generically, having worked in TV, I have seen the gamut of relationships in on-air talent first hand.  A studio, and the medium itself, is cold.  The pressure to not be free - to play a role/part. is immense.   The artificiality of everything is quite something.  The egos can be stunning.  Real warmth and affection is most definitely the exception and not the rule.  

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