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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, finnzup said:

She's such a liar!  You can see all the guests including "Daddy,"  at the private island with their phones out filming a sunset.  They are clearly NOT in the little store, they're all the beach.  Why does she feel the need to lie all the time?

Does it make her more relatable?  Does it make her feel like one of us?  Her entire vacation is something most of us can only dream of, and that's ok!  We all know you can afford anything you want.  The chef at your private island has been making Mark's favorite birthday cake recipe from his mom for years and years now.........certainly only a celeb thing not something I can relate to and I'd guess, most of the audience. 

Don't know why it irritates me so much when she lies, but it does.  It's like she tries to make a fool of all of us.  No WiFi but yet she and Mark film and post her doing a training routine pulling Mark around with a yoga band and vice versa. 

She just doesn't get it.

And don't get me started on her and Ryan's best friend status, really?!?! lol

I really do not care if she has a lot and can afford 2 weeks on a private island either.  But yeah, the lying is so annoying, as if we are two dumb to know that she had stupid wifi!  The same thing with the fact they stayed at a very expensive hotel in NYC as soon as their power went out during Sandy, but she had to pretend her poor, deprived children were sitting on the streets of NYC outside of Starbucks (not even inside, because how can they afford a latte !),   just to get WiFi to do their homework! LMAO.  Oh and they were in one room - aka a luxury suite, that was probably as big as 5 apartments in NYC!

Another thing,   somehow Kelly trained for two weeks of vacation just to make sure she could run the 10K on the island?? But OMG she had no idea that they were leaving on the date of the race!   So, they had no signs or notice of the date of the race for 2 weeks while she ran and trained???    Such a fake!   Anyone can tell that she is addicted to over exercising and would have freaked out if she gained 2lbs over vacation!  She had to make up the excuse that she was training for a race and somehow had no clue that they were returning the date of the race!    She knows her obsessive behavior is weird for someone on vacation especially, so she has to make ups stupid excuses.

Oh and she was so happy her size 00 jeans could get on easily because she ran and exercised so much!    

I really wonder how long Lola will be able to have a normal healthy relationship with food and exercise when her mother is so over the top obsessive, and her father is praising her over the top, unhealthy disorder.

Kelly also now just did some interview where she talks about the "cleanse" she does, which is basically barely eating anything for days, to cleanse herself.   

I can not imagine how long Kelly's bones and organs will take the excessive exercising and low calories.   It's good to do what she does , but not to the extreme. She has major issues, and sadly, she  and her hubby are making it look like a great thing, which is not what women with eating disorders need to read.

It is annoying that she has so little respect for the audience that she thinks we are too dumb to know she is making up BS stories.  

Ryan actually was way more  likable and real yesterday.  Sometimes he looks at her as if he wonders if she is for real, especially since she suddenly has him as her BFF, when she never mentioned even knowing him in the past!

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I actually don't watch this show anymore, but, happened to land on it by accident yesterday for just a few minutes.  I have to say that Kelly looked really nice, especially her hair.  I wish I could replicate it. But, I heard her comment about it on WWHL right after getting that cut, that it was hard to maintain, so.......AND Ryan looked better than I've ever seem him!  Man, I have to speak the truth.  I am NOT a fan of either one and I certainly give my fair share of snark on Kelly (Ryan not so much. Don't really care.), but, I suppose their makeup, hair and wardrobe departments are doing their jobs. lol  Still not tempted to watch though......man, Kelly can really get excited over some little things.  That video on her phone......omg, I thought she was going to pass out.  lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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The dress she had on today was awful. It just hung on her, like a little girl went into her mommy's closet and played dress-up. I don't know what looks good on Kelly. Too tight shows just how terribly skinny she is, too loose just hangs on her. It wasn't so bad when they were sitting, but when they were walking around in the car segment that I noticed now bad it was.

Edited by MzTori77
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And to top it off , Kelly said she was working out because she was going to be in a 10k run in the private island they were on for two weeks! But, gee, somehow she didn’t know they were leaving before the race ! So, she worked out like  a maniac, put the videos online, only because she had no clue when the race was ? So is the day of the race kept secret until it happens ?  You know that even she’s knows she sounds and looks wacky  woekinf our like  that on vacation, so she has to make up a stupid , fake excuse ! 

Edited by goldenpuppy
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Today she once again had to say that she had no TV or internet  gon the island ! If ads like being I. The 70’s! Umm , there was no tv during the 70’s? 

So, we are to believe that a luxury island , has no WiFi, even though she and her hubby were posting non stop live videos of her obsessive exercising , had no WiFi?  Maybe not on the beach, but I am sure their luxury suite had  major amenities!

I remember reading that the island they go to is the same place that Prince William goes to on vacation because they don’t get bugged by the press . 

Why does she need to be so fake  and act like they were on some survival trip ? 

Another thing, the talks about #2 in the subway train, pee on the floor of the airplane bathroom, and all of the other gross things that made up host chat got sickening . I was trying to eat and I wanted to puke hearing that conversation! Gelman may not be perfect , but I can see why he advised Ryan to not talk about the poop in the train too long .

Edited by goldenpuppy
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So, the woman who had breast cancer comes to NYC, and instead of getting a tour of the city with Kelly, she has to go to the gym to some crazy workout before eating lunch ?? 

I am sure the woman would have rather had a fun day in th city then being with obsessive Kelly and her equally over the top trainer in a gym for a couple  of hours ! And her husband was with her and had to sit around taping that ? Wow exciting ! NOT

Then they went to lunch and Ryan showed up to take pictures in a photo booth !

How about taking for s spa day or  shopping to by an outfit in a nice store? How about pampering her instead of a stupid over the top workout ? 

it sure looks like Ryan was busy doing his radio show , and heaven forbid Kelly not work out one day , so they took  the woman with her .

The woman looked exhausted and not all that excited or happy in the audience after her “fun” day !

Even a trip to the Serendipity cafe for some fun desserts would have been different!

I doubt the woman would have said that she’d rather not accompany excercize bulimic  Kelly to the gym because she was a guest , but it just could have been a more fun segment and more of a pampering day for a woman who just survived breast cancer ! 

Edited by goldenpuppy
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I thought I heard Kelly mention that the visitor was in NYC for a "couple nights".  We only saw a half-day.   Some folks might consider a private $500/hr personal trainer to be a luxury treat.  Thought the video quality of both events were so bad, not even up to the usual *Live* low standards.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile

Kelly seems to be working hard to promote American Idol !  I somehow doubt her young kids and college student son, and his friend are so mesmerized by the show that they do not touch their phones!   I am around high school and college kids, and NONE of them even talk about American Idol, or care, Years ago, it used to be the topic of conversation. And the demos of the show are not that great.

The little joke about Shully and the exercise partner I think went a bit too far.  Shully did not seem amused.

I saw an article about the woman accusing Ryan of sexual assault.  Apparently she is taking her complaint to the police now. I don't know if she's telling the truth or not, but, the publicity is not good, and i wouldn't put it past E network to protect their cash cow, Ryan.

Yesterday I also wanted to see an interview and hear about the  Broadway remake of Children of a Lesser God, which is a big revival.  Joshua Jackson was on to promote the show, and Kelly just kept babbling endlessly about stupid,  brain numbing topics about the actor.  I know that do that the first segment, but normally the second segment is used to promote the project. Finally, Ryan had to step in and bring up the the show!  Honestly, she is so self- absorbed and silly, she  wastes time talking about the dumbest crap, like how pretty someone is! These actors are there to promote their projects, not to hear Kelly babbled on about how good looking they are, and fish for compliments from them!

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When Ryan and Kelly think it's funny to taunt contestants on the phone, I find it annoying.   I think kidding with them is fine, but it bugs me when they start off by playing games that are childish.   Last Friday, someone answered the phone and said, "may I ask who is calling"? And Ryan said twice,  "yes you may", and the person finally hung up.   Why do they think it is funny to do that?  I would think it was a prank call and hang up too!   First of all, I would think if they keep playing games like that, their lawyers would advise them no to do so, since they may end having someone hang up who then complains that they missed out on a chance to win a prize.

At first it seemed like Ryan was a nice change, now they are reminding me of how obnoxious Kelly is with Andy Cohen with the " sweetie" talk, and their wealthy celebrity problems!  Both of them have went to tropical islands and take multiple vacations.  but they whine about about bad weather constantly. 

When Kelly was so envious of houses in LA because they have pools, that was also obnoxious!   She has a freaking penthouse that she bought from Nicole Kidman, and had it remodeled while her whole family lived in a NYC luxury hotel for a year!  Poor baby has a two floor home in Manhattan , while most have an apartment where you barely have two rooms!  Then she also has  pool in the Hamptons with her other multi-million dollar home!  Oh and does't she also have a home in Colorado when she tires of her hot, tropical vacations?   

I don't blame either for taking vacations or buying nice homes, they have the money and should spend it as they like.  But, it's once again acting like the rich little buddies who prank the poor people on the phone, and also whine while they are   living very cushy lives.

Edited by orangekit
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On 4/19/2018 at 10:13 PM, Medicine Crow said:

Kelly screwed up the Laurie Metcalfe interview so bad, it was stomach-churning!!!  I'll just leave it at that!!

I'm a fan of Kelly's and I still have to agree with you @Medicine Crow, KR just doesn't know when to let guests talk.  Stop interrupting!

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Kelly never has learned how to interview! She always makes everyone anout her and interrupts!

Yesterday was hilarious when she was talking about her vacation island with very little internet service and now she needs to go to a store to get service ! Then Ryan says that everytime  he texted her she would answer very quickly ! Oh, and let’s not forget  the non stop posts by her and Markie ! And Markie spent a lot of time fighting with posters who dared criticize Kelly’s boney body in a bikini ! They even made entertainment headlines because of online posts and fights with people who criticized Kelly! All why needing to go to a store to use their phones !


Why does she always need to make up fake stories ?

And we know Kelly is an exercise bulimic ! Does she need to post non stop videos of herself working out, talk about working out non stop, and also show videos on LIVE?  I guess she must be proud of her 12 year old boy body ! I wonder how healthy it is to worry If you lose 3 lbs when you have the stomach flu, like Kelly talked about during host chat after her family had the stomach flu on vacation ! Somehow I don’t think healthy includes being so underweight that a few pounds off when you are ill could cause a health issue ! 

Edited by larsonb
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Mark cohosted today, and the first 10 minutes of host chat consisted of them talking about how Mark ate a pb&j sandwich.......hang on to your hats.........at midnight! ? He said, why not, cuz it's like he's on vacation since he's been away so much. You know, it's a really big splurge to eat a late-night snack, y'all! But it's ok, Kelly let everyone know that when Mark goes on a food binge, it all goes to his biceps ? When she indulges, her outie belly button turns into a fist. Kinda funny and pathetic at the same time. But who else makes eating a sandwich a 10 minute tv conversation! 

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7 minutes ago, MzTori77 said:

Mark cohosted today, and the first 10 minutes of host chat consisted of them talking about how Mark ate a pb&j sandwich.......hang on to your hats.........at midnight! ? He said, why not, cuz it's like he's on vacation since he's been away so much. You know, it's a really big splurge to eat a late-night snack, y'all! But it's ok, Kelly let everyone know that when Mark goes on a food binge, it all goes to his biceps ? When she indulges, her outie belly button turns into a fist. Kinda funny and pathetic at the same time. But who else makes eating a sandwich a 10 minute tv conversation! 

I would say morning talk show hosts!!

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15 minutes ago, MzTori77 said:

I would hope that a married couple hosting a tv show, who have been living apart for a while, after a weekend together in NYC, would have something more interesting and entertaining to talk about than eating a sandwich!

To each his own, I guess.  They did talk about other things.  I don't mind most of their "schtick".  I don't like when Kelly makes things up, changes her mind, changes her phobias, etc.  I've given up thinking she will become a great interviewer

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4 hours ago, MzTori77 said:

Mark cohosted today, and the first 10 minutes of host chat consisted of them talking about how Mark ate a pb&j sandwich.......hang on to your hats.........at midnight! ? He said, why not, cuz it's like he's on vacation since he's been away so much. You know, it's a really big splurge to eat a late-night snack, y'all! But it's ok, Kelly let everyone know that when Mark goes on a food binge, it all goes to his biceps ? When she indulges, her outie belly button turns into a fist. Kinda funny and pathetic at the same time. But who else makes eating a sandwich a 10 minute tv conversation! 

Well, for Kelly eating carbs, fat and sugar that are in a PB&J sandwich is like anyone else eating 20 cupcakes ! 

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I thought it was funny when Kelly was talking about being in labor. She mentioned how Mark told her she was in labor and he had the biggest grin on his face when she said it. He knew the story was true and couldn’t not laugh. That’s when I like Kelly.  She’s usually so phony and trying to up whomever her cohost is but with Mark she’s sorta real. Super rich but real. LOL!!!!

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Kelly was on WWHL last night with her husband Mark and they were hysterically funny. They were even discussing threesomes and it seems as though Anderson Cooper is their top choice (much to Andy Cohens chagrin). Perhaps some of this Kelly was “still up” from the night before and continuing with her giddy mood. 

5 minutes ago, Readalot said:

A thought I never had before....Kelly looked great (and healthy) today. 

She was happy. 

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I saw Kelly and Mark the other night on Andy Cohen's show and wow, just wow!  I don't know what happened when they were off air but it did seem Mark was a little taken aback at one of Kelly's answers about "DP' -- double penetration -- when bff Andy asked a question about three different men.  Imo, she's a slob.  She's a mother of three teens, and she's on TV talking about threesomes and double penetration? 

These are the times that I dislike her the most.  She's so tight-lipped on her own show, really never shares too much...............but get her on Andy Cohen's show and she can't shut up.  Joking or not (I think not ,lol) she's just so inappropriate and always, tries way too hard.

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Kelly talked about the college tour with Lola she did over the weekend. They were looking at Tulane University. I was surprised that Kelly was so open about the location. Apparently, Lola wants to go to college out of state. Kelly said if Lola had it her way she’d go to college to Mars. I will say time flies. It seems like she just had Lola. I remember her announcing it on the air when she delivered her. Overall, she was doing the normal thing that all parents do on the weekend with your child who is a junior looking at colleges. Of course, money isn’t a factor so it’s not much of a hardship. LOL!!!!!!

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Why was Tonya Harding on the show yesterday?  I don't watch DWTS, but apparently she was not eliminated, so why was she on?   

It's sad that ABC and Disney are promoting this trashy, disgusting excuse for an athlete to get ratings during sweeps, and then featuring her on Live for no reason!   Sorry, but this woman has never taken any responsiblity for her actions, and she was banned from skating for a reason. So why are they using Live to promote her?

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, orangekit said:

Why was Tonya Harding on the show yesterday?  I don't watch DWTS, but apparently she was not eliminated, so why was she on?   

It's sad that ABC and Disney are promoting this trashy, disgusting excuse for an athlete to get ratings during sweeps, and then featuring her on Live for no reason!   Sorry, but this woman has never taken any responsiblity for her actions, and she was banned from skating for a reason. So why are they using Live to promote her?

It must have trashy guest day!  First we have Roseanne Barr, and then Tonya Harding!   

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Kelly and Mark are on their Bahamas anniversary weekend and  once again posting a lot of picture telling us how hot they are for each other and Kelly is of course telling us non stop how “hot “ Mark is!

Sure seems like they are trying way too hard to tell us how hot and heavy their relationship is ! They remind me of the narcissistic Facebook and Instagram friends who have to brag non stop!

Kelly, Mark, and Andy especially seem like annoying people with their need to show off , and the constant “sweetie” language is nauseating! It seems like Kelly is trying to Ry Ry into the little clique too .

Edited by Sandi33
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56 minutes ago, Sandi33 said:

Kelly and Mark are on their Bahamas anniversary weekend and  once again posting a lot of picture telling us how hot they are for each other and Kelly is of course telling us non stop how “hot “ Mark is!

Sure seems like they are trying way too hard to tell us how hot and heavy their relationship is ! They remind me of the narcissistic Facebook and Instagram friends who have to brag non stop!

Kelly, Mark, and Andy especially seem like annoying people with their need to show off , and the constant “sweetie” language is nauseating! It seems like Kelly is trying to Ry Ry into the little click clique too .

Sorry, I couldn't resist fixin' that for ya!!!  Hope you don't mind!!

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Kelly and Mark are quite unlikable on social media.  They brag, and need to share too much info about how hot they are for each other, and they act  childish and thin skinned if anyone criticizes them.   They are like those  "friends" on social media who are constantly posting "fun" pictures and needing to show  how great their relationship is.    I wonder what  what the motivation is for middle aged people  to behave like they are in high school with the stupid, non stop pictures and the need to brag about their hot love lives!   If you need to brag that much and need to keep posting through out your vacation you are either a kid, or you are putting on a good show. When someone is having a great time, they don't usually take time to post pictures to strangers online.

Edited by orangekit
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I think it’s all about social adoration. Kelly is used to having a live studio audience everyday to laugh and clap at her antics. Mark too, when he is there. It’s also the attention on the streets and the paparazzi when they out in public.  When they take a break from the spotlight they miss it. Hence they begin posting on social media to get their “I am loved” social fix. 

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37 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I think it’s all about social adoration. Kelly is used to having a live studio audience everyday to laugh and clap at her antics. Mark too, when he is there. It’s also the attention on the streets and the paparazzi when they out in public.  When they take a break from the spotlight they miss it. Hence they begin posting on social media to get their “I am loved” social fix. 

But, they aren't even away from it before they start posting non stop.   I think it's weird that they are on their anniversary trip, and they are very interested in getting attention from strangers, rather than focusing on each other.

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When  Kelly does her fake gushing over Ryan and American Idol it's hilarious!   So, she and Ryan are best buds, BFF's, and have this major history? LOL  Never do I remember her even mentioning him when she name dropped  her list of rich buddies for years on the show.  She never even acted like she knew him well when he was on the show.   She must be very desperate to keep him as a co-host, so she puts on this exaggerated show of friendship.

And now Mark is "daddy"??  Or is he "baby daddy", ?  The gushing over how perfect Mark is by both Kelly and Ryan is pretty  sickening too.  

When did the anniversary weekends become a big 'surprise'??    Kelly always goes away for their anniversary.   

She's just too fake.

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16 minutes ago, MzTori77 said:

The older Kelly gets, the harder she tries to act young. She wasn't this ridiculous at 35, or 40, or even 45. All this "baby daddy", how hot Mark's body is, the fire emojis on the umpteen shirtless instagram pics she posts of him, their sexy yoga......it's just way too much. 

When middle aged people try to hard to appear young , it’s embarrassing!  Kelly says she’s trying to embarrass her children with her ridiculous Instagram pictures , but she and Mark only looked I like a middle aged couple, close to 50, trying to appear young .  They are actually embarrassing themselves !  It’s fine to post picture  but the stupid nick names , the need to make out during yoga,  and the sexual innuendos are cringeworthy !  That  is what high school kids do !

Also, the need both of them have to fight with posters is also childish and embarrassing!   

The “baby daddy”  nickname sounds so tacky !

I work with young adults , they use  that term to refer to a guy who is not married to a woman he had  sex with, or maybe not even dating  her , and got her pregnant ! It’s not cool, it’s kind of trashy !  

It’s  also kind ridiculous  watching Kelly refer to Ryan as a “cusp millenial”.  He’s 43! He’s playing dorky and dumb to be relatable to the housewives who watch the show, but he’s a savy millionaire who owns a lot in entertainment!  

When Ryan actually said that he was not much younger than her , Kelly responded that when she was a senior in high school , he would have been a freshman !  Oh gee!  He is way way younger ! No way could she go to the prom with him  now !  

Anorher desperate attempt for Kelly to appear young , is to equate a four year difference in high school , to a four year difference in middle age !

Kelly is super insecure on so many levels ,  and she and Mark are morphing into one of those obnoxious couples , when they used to be kind of funny and likable ! 

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The worst part about the show now is Ryan wanting to be Mark. He has to buy the same gym clothes as him and wants whatever clothes he is wearing. OMG!! How old are they? That is so. I won’t say it. Basically, it’s rich people problems. Kelly, Ryan & Mark are so out of touch with reality. They try to act like they are normal folk when they are anything but. 

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So,  Kelly tells another BS story about "daddy" going outside to stop the paper delivery person from blasting his radio at 2am when delivering papers!   I almost thought it was real, until Kelly said that Mark aka "daddy",  couldn't find his pants, so he put on Kelly's sweat pants!    Right!  Mark can fit in size zero pants?  If he can, it's no wonder that she has to keep talking about what sexy hunk he is, because a guy that think and small would be anything but hot and sexy! 

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OMG, Somsone needs to give Kelly decaf during host chat ! She’s hyper and her stories are embarrassing they are so fake:

”Middle schools empty out into the streets when Mark walks outside “! 

OMG! Right ! Schools empty out to see a 40 something year old ! They are allowed out of school onto the sidewalks of New York to see an actor ! 

Seems like someone is gushing over her hubby so much it’s to compensate for insecurity !  It’s so nauseating listening to her and Ryan act like Mark is the most gorgeous, perfect man alive ! 

i wonder if it is not easy for middle aged, botoxed , Kelly with her 12 year old boy body to handle Mark actually being more than “Mr Ripa”, having a hit show, and taking pictures with , and being in a different city with women who are younger and actually don’t look like walking old skeletons ! 

The two of them seem to be trying way too hard to convince others and possibly themselves how perfect and hot they are for each other ! Spending all their time on social media during their vacations , then they live apart is very interesting! 

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I haven't watched in a couple of weeks, but saw Friday's show & today's show, and am grossed out by Ryan & Kelly's discussion of their cleanse!  I really don't need to hear about their bodily functions.  Ryan said his girlfriend made him do the cleanse with her, but WHY?  Both Ryan & Kelly are so thin & laugh about being 'so small", why do they need to do a cleanse?  They don't need to lose weight, I guess it's 'trendy" and gives them something to talk about, but I don't need to hear about Ryan's many trips to the bathroom!

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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I haven't watched in a couple of weeks, but saw Friday's show & today's show, and am grossed out by Ryan & Kelly's discussion of their cleanse!  I really don't need to hear about their bodily functions.  Ryan said his girlfriend made him do the cleanse with her, but WHY?  Both Ryan & Kelly are so thin & laugh about being 'so small", why do they need to do a cleanse?  They don't need to lose weight, I guess it's 'trendy" and gives them something to talk about, but I don't need to hear about Ryan's many trips to the bathroom!

I’m not much of a Juliana Marguiles fan but loved today when Kelly and Ryan told her they had been doing juice cleansing to “reset” for summer and Juliana said “Why??? You know how you reset for summer?  You make a margarita, throw steaks on the grill and live a little!”  I wanted to applaud!!  

Edited by MerBearHou
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1 hour ago, MerBearHou said:

I’m not much of a Juliana Marguiles fan but loved today when Kelly and Ryan told her they had been doing juice cleansing to “reset” for summer and Juliana said “Why??? You know how you reset for summer?  You make a margarita, throw steaks on the grill and live a little!”  I wanted to applaud!!  

Saw that. But looking at JM it seems like she does that but never eats any of it. She is really thin. 

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