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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, Tosia said:

Innocent, until proven guilty.

Powerful rich men have the means to fake evidence, bribe witnesses, and ruin lives. That's why victms don't come forward.  And suffer silently.

 Justice will not heal their psychological wounds, but it helps to be believed. Support from other victims and loved ones  is the key to healing. That's why #me too allows victims to speak up.

I will not respond . Different opinions. 


I am not against the movement . I am against someone saying that they were not assaulted,  but has a need to give gross, intimate details of actor she had a date with , right after he wins a golden globe award . If she was asaulted, he totally deserved it, but when the woman says it wasn’t assault, what is the purpose except to humiliate someone because you may regret the evening?.

How does a woman brag about lifting  her skirt and showing her thong to a man when she is an adult, being giddy about the relationship on tape  and now decades later says it wasn’t consensual?

With Ryan, there has not been any other women? And this one tried to extort money?  How do we know he didn’t reject her advances ?   When I was assaulted I didn’t not ask for money to shut up!  The problem is, if you can not even question motives, and when Ryan has had thousands of encounters and no one else has else accused him, except a woman who asked for money , I just don’t know .  If Ryan dared say what may be her motivation, he will be “victim blaming” , even  though  we don’t know if she really is a victim .

This kind of behavior will make people doubt victims who speak out against Matt Lauer, Harvey , and other disgusting powerful men who abuse power . And men who do have power will now have reasons to keep women out power dinners and after work settings where powerful people conduct business, since they can use an excuse that they don’t rant to be accused of something they didn’t do.  

I think now women finally have a voice and are speaking up , but to throw awkward dates and extortion into the mix will make the women will valid future stories be doubted .

I hope men are tossed out who  have harassed women and women continue to speak out . But, we also need to realize that women and men both lie and seek revenge. I prefer a woman as a boss, but I have also worked for lousy, power hungry , lying women. 

I think it’s easy to not care if someone like Ryan loses a job because he is rich and famous . But, if your brother, son , grandson , or nephew was falsely accused and lost everything , it would not be easy to just not care if an innocent person is ruined because a victim in the past did not get justice . 

Edited by orangekit
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I don’t know what to think of the allegations against Ryan . I think anything is possible, and he has a lot of power . I think it is odd that no one else experienced  this with him,’but who knows? 

There some gossip that Kelly is super pissed that this story might affect her show ! And as much as she is supportive of Ryan, she  more worried that it will affect her show.  


I can’t feel  too bad for Kelly if Ryan ends up leaving . She has treated her previous  two cohosts like crap, right before they were leaving and now talks to neither of them. I have a hard time believing it’s always the other person’s fault!  

I think we will see just how much she “loves ” Ry Ry If doesn’t go away !  

Should be entertaining to watch ! 

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I personally don't believe the allegations, and I have the "feeling" that "most people" don't either. I can see what "both sides" are trying to convey, perhaps. I am 100% behind the people who are now deciding it is a much better time in history to reveal past abuses that we now hear run the gamut from mild to horrible. Because humans are the same, yet very diverse in how they view and experience life, one person's "horrific" experience may sound like No Big Deal to another. I have had "metoo" experiences that I do not believe warrant criminal investigation at this point, and maybe not even back when it happened. I personally see a fair amount of Gray Area, Miscommunication, Different tolerance levels, etc. When I decided to work in a traditionally Man's Field (engineering) I braced myself, in a sense, for dealing with that on a daily basis. Consciously and unconsciously I adjusted both MY behavior and my reaction to other's behavior. I had to speak up to get the same pay for the same job, and I had to almost be on alert, especially when your instincts tell you you are dealing with Real Jerks that seem to barely be able to control their impulses. I was also LUCKY I did NOT experience anything "too horrible." I continue to feel lucky, but there is always a level of "gotta watch one's back - lot's of creeps out there."

I do think some of the first people who were "outed" have suffered consequences that they maybe don't deserve, and that is an unfortunate, but an inevitable? part of the process. Lots of interesting debate about what IS harassment .... how DO we determine what actually happened, when there are no eye witnesses. Many folks look to other evidence - did the person say anything to anyone else at the time ... Have other's come forward, and are they "copycats?" Does the story "ring true?" 

This story lacks a lot, at this point. Like many have pointed out - one person? with a story does not a conviction make.

The point about Ryan "being okay" is that he DOES have the money to defend himself, and I imagine a big support network. I thought it was poor for people to say they would avoid him at the awards shows ... he IS "innocent" until proven guilty, and this rush to condemn and judge in "Social" Media is a reflection of our Instant Gratification Society and our unwillingness to face serious problems with our society that have been festering for a long time, and we all can point fingers at our collective failings. And on the other hand, the Social Media has been a source of collecting and publishing "evidence" in the form of cell phone texts, videos, recorded conversations, photos, etc. It has helped corroborate some of the victims stories, and led to immediate confessions and admittances of guilt - "Well, you GOT me!!" Other people manage to cover up their deeds, and when it is one word against another, well I believe in erring on the side of innocence, because that is how I view our justice system. 

I am thinking that Ryan may benefit from the "backlash" that IS pushing back at this idea that all these types of assault are somehow equally bad and lumped altogether, and that some of them are simply NOT AT ALL TRUE. And I hope rational thinking will help folks sort out the "truth" when people with other agendas try to use the momentum of this movement for their own purposes.

I am not even a fan of Ryan's - and maybe he turns out to be a "Matt Lauer" type where some people will just never "wrap their heads around" how a person can be such a Jekyll and Hyde, but my "gut' just doesn't see it (and I DON'T wish to imagine him in his tightly whiteys, thank you and I'm sorry).

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39 minutes ago, Jeanius said:

I personally don't believe the allegations, and I have the "feeling" that "most people" don't either. I can see what "both sides" are trying to convey, perhaps. I am 100% behind the people who are now deciding it is a much better time in history to reveal past abuses that we now hear run the gamut from mild to horrible. Because humans are the same, yet very diverse in how they view and experience life, one person's "horrific" experience may sound like No Big Deal to another. I have had "metoo" experiences that I do not believe warrant criminal investigation at this point, and maybe not even back when it happened. I personally see a fair amount of Gray Area, Miscommunication, Different tolerance levels, etc. When I decided to work in a traditionally Man's Field (engineering) I braced myself, in a sense, for dealing with that on a daily basis. Consciously and unconsciously I adjusted both MY behavior and my reaction to other's behavior. I had to speak up to get the same pay for the same job, and I had to almost be on alert, especially when your instincts tell you you are dealing with Real Jerks that seem to barely be able to control their impulses. I was also LUCKY I did NOT experience anything "too horrible." I continue to feel lucky, but there is always a level of "gotta watch one's back - lot's of creeps out there."

I do think some of the first people who were "outed" have suffered consequences that they maybe don't deserve, and that is an unfortunate, but an inevitable? part of the process. Lots of interesting debate about what IS harassment .... how DO we determine what actually happened, when there are no eye witnesses. Many folks look to other evidence - did the person say anything to anyone else at the time ... Have other's come forward, and are they "copycats?" Does the story "ring true?" 

This story lacks a lot, at this point. Like many have pointed out - one person? with a story does not a conviction make.

The point about Ryan "being okay" is that he DOES have the money to defend himself, and I imagine a big support network. I thought it was poor for people to say they would avoid him at the awards shows ... he IS "innocent" until proven guilty, and this rush to condemn and judge in "Social" Media is a reflection of our Instant Gratification Society and our unwillingness to face serious problems with our society that have been festering for a long time, and we all can point fingers at our collective failings. And on the other hand, the Social Media has been a source of collecting and publishing "evidence" in the form of cell phone texts, videos, recorded conversations, photos, etc. It has helped corroborate some of the victims stories, and led to immediate confessions and admittances of guilt - "Well, you GOT me!!" Other people manage to cover up their deeds, and when it is one word against another, well I believe in erring on the side of innocence, because that is how I view our justice system. 

I am thinking that Ryan may benefit from the "backlash" that IS pushing back at this idea that all these types of assault are somehow equally bad and lumped altogether, and that some of them are simply NOT AT ALL TRUE. And I hope rational thinking will help folks sort out the "truth" when people with other agendas try to use the momentum of this movement for their own purposes.

I am not even a fan of Ryan's - and maybe he turns out to be a "Matt Lauer" type where some people will just never "wrap their heads around" how a person can be such a Jekyll and Hyde, but my "gut' just doesn't see it (and I DON'T wish to imagine him in his tightly whiteys, thank you and I'm sorry).

ITA! While I understand not making excuses for any inappropriate behavior , sometimes misunderstanding and context do count. 

SNL did a great skit where couples were at dinner and no one could even bring up the topic without a major problem! Sadly, people were offended by the skit! WTF? It was absolutely on point! 

When we have come to a point where women are being treated like toddlers telling on an adult, that will inevitably hurt women in the end .  And example is  woman who accused Al Franken of assaulting her in her sleep. She is on video literally jumping into an uncomfortable looking Robin Williams’s arms and forcing a kiss on him. She also grabs the butt of a man performing on stage , and sticks her butt in into someone while he is performing .  This was at the same event where the picture took place ! If a man did what she did , her would be seen as a predator . Now, does she deserve assault, no, but is it assault if she is literally joking   In a sexual manner to the point where the men looked uncomfortable and pushed her away at the same event? Could someone misunderstand what would be a joke since she had been doing that on stage ? I think so. Not to mention her political ties she has that could also be an issue . But there is no investigation, the person just loses his job!

I have a feeling there is more to Ryan’s story , but he could never truly defend himself in this climate .

Honestly, some of the rules businesses now have are needed, and some are a sad statement about our society. One corporation considers  it harassment if rr asks a coworker out more than once !   

I would also like to see all abusers lose their jobs, but not at the expense of destroying innocent people’s lives .

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Wow! Kelly needs to stop the Botox , starving , and what ever procedures she’s having done  having on her face ! She has a picture and video getting make-up and her face looks like a mess ! She has a lot of wrinkles, mostly from being so skinny . But worse than that are the marks around her eyes that look like scaring ! She looks like she had some lifting surgery or something around her eyes . 

Looks like she went for some some last minute work before th show ! 

And while her dress was pretty, it was too much for a woman who is probably 90lb!

Its kind of hilarious that Kelly acts like she’s  an important part of the he show , and living out her fantasy  to be nominee or presenter . The amount of work she does to walk around with her husband and do some silly “interviews “ at the end of the show is weird ! 

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Some news organizations are reporting that Taraj  P. Henson was giving shade to Ryan when she said something about the universe taking care of good people! The best headline I saw was that "twitter thinks Taraj P. Henson savaged Ryan".  HUH? Since when are idiots posters on Twitter a news source?  So pathetic!   Then when Taraj was finally  interviewed she said the opposite! She was showing support and felt this was a climate where "anyone can say anything....".

I don't know if Ryan is guilty or not, and let's be real, neither do any of the  "best actress nominees", but they had to put a show on to make it look like they support women.

I find it hard to believe that people like Meryl Streep (who I admire as an actress), had no clue and never heard any rumors about Harvey Weinstein while they were kissing up to him during their acceptance speeches at the Oscars in the past.  Sorry, I do not believe that for one minute!

Now that Harvey was caught,  suddenly these women who gushed over him, and turned a deaf ear to the rumors that even I had heard, are so "pro women" that they can't even talk to Ryan Seacrest because one woman, who tried to extort money from him, accused him of  something!

I find these power women to be total hypocrites now!   They ignored rumors for years, kissed up to rapist, when they knew that young, unsuspecting women were going to him for meetings and auditions,  and then suddenly pretended it was 'shocking"!  Same goes for the women of the Today show who somehow had no clue  about anything about Matt Lauer!

I noticed most of the women who spoke to Ryan were African American.   Maybe because they have experienced the cliques and hypocrites of Hollywood first hand, and know this is now a big show for the world, when in fact these women did nothing to help them or any others in the past! 

Edited by larsonb
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I usually don't watch this show anymore but I tuned in cause it is after the Oscars.  Yesterday's show was awful but I will attribute that to their exhaustion.  But then how to explain today?  I think especially since these allegations have come out, they are both trying way too hard.  It is truly cringe-worthy watching them with their alternating fawning over each other and being self-deprecating.  And while I think Kelly is pretty quick on her feet, why doesn't she catch on that her OTT behaviour is just not that appealing?  She needs to take it down several notches, and he needs to sit up straighter and quit craning his neck in toward her.  I get that it must be very stressful for him now, and especially if he is innocent, but trying too hard just makes it more unbearable to watch.

Edited by bannana
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With all of the Oscar hoopla, I've seen more of Kelly than I would normally, lol, and must say that there is something really odd about her.  First of all, imo, she is the skinniest I've ever seen her, and her skin, not just on her face, but all over, seems to be tighter than a drum!  That is seriously not normal, lol.  At her age, it's quite normal to have a little sag, here or there.  I don't know what she's doing to herself but it isn't an attractive look, imo.  Yesterday her fashion-finder was disturbing, with her hair pulled in that tight pony-tail.  If the camera adds 15 lbs., she must be invisible in real life. 

Kelly strikes me as someone who fawns and preens over herself at home and spends hours posing in front of a mirror.  No doubt in my mind she had Mark 'practice pose' for their big Oscar night. 

I've always said, she is her biggest fan, lol. 

Regarding Ryan and his controversy, I think she is pi$$ed as all get out.  Just when things were going well, the rug gets pulled out from under her.....again!  I imagine Gelman et al must be in crisis mode.  It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. 

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@finnzup I think Kelly has got that look by being an exercise freak. There is probably no body fat on her body. I agree that she doesn’t look good with her hair pulled back so tightly but I’ll give her a pass as she’s just come off of what must have been an exhausting weekend and then a red eye Monday in order to get back to the show to film in NY. They should have done the show all week in CA.  Shake up the guest list a bit with some bigger names (assuming they’d come on the show after the RS news broke). 

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2 hours ago, finnzup said:


Regarding Ryan and his controversy, I think she is pi$$ed as all get out.  Just when things were going well, the rug gets pulled out from under her.....again!  I imagine Gelman et al must be in crisis mode.  It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. 

Yep, Ryan's crisis is all about her. 

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There are a few fun blind items about Kelly and Ryan.  Apparently Kelly is all nice to Ryan on the air, but fuming about the allegations behind the scenes.  Supposedly, if he goes, she wants him replaced very quickly by Anderson or Jerry.   She is upset it's ruining "her show".   

Who would have thought Ryan, of all people would have sexual allegations against him???   Who knows if these items are true or not, but they are funny! 

I think Kelly can totally kiss up and someone is her " favorite" until they disappoint her in some way!

I wonder how long Disney will hold onto Ryan if more comes out about the situation, or there is a legal  case.

 I feel no pity for Kelly at all.  Whatever issues she has with her employer are one thing, but she is nasty to her co-hosts.   When she was being nasty to Michael on the air about his divorces, it was so unprofessional!  And who hold a grudge against someone she worked with for so may year like she has with Regis is just saying a lot about her!

Maybe Karma is going to catch up with Kelly for her nasty behavior.

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1 hour ago, Daniellj said:

I feel no pity for Kelly at all.  Whatever issues she has with her employer are one thing, but she is nasty to her co-hosts. 

If Kelly is being nasty to Ryan, they are certainly hiding it well.  They maintain eye contact, listen to each other, laugh at each other's stories.  One might think these blind items are a big bag of bullshit.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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2 hours ago, Daniellj said:

There are a few fun blind items about Kelly and Ryan.  Apparently Kelly is all nice to Ryan on the air, but fuming about the allegations behind the scenes.  Supposedly, if he goes, she wants him replaced very quickly by Anderson or Jerry.   She is upset it's ruining "her show".   

Who would have thought Ryan, of all people would have sexual allegations against him???   Who knows if these items are true or not, but they are funny! 

I think Kelly can totally kiss up and someone is her " favorite" until they disappoint her in some way!

I wonder how long Disney will hold onto Ryan if more comes out about the situation, or there is a legal  case.

 I feel no pity for Kelly at all.  Whatever issues she has with her employer are one thing, but she is nasty to her co-hosts.   When she was being nasty to Michael on the air about his divorces, it was so unprofessional!  And who hold a grudge against someone she worked with for so may year like she has with Regis is just saying a lot about her!

Maybe Karma is going to catch up with Kelly for her nasty behavior.

You never know if those things are true or not, but Kelly is so fake and overdone, that it's possible.   She was all into Michael and loved him and Regis,  but the truth came out  when she got angry.   She was super nasty to Regis his last summer there.  She was awful to Michael on the air!

Right now Ryan is still on the show, so she loves him, she gushes over him, and is so overdone! If he becomes a liability to ABC,  he will join the list of her other 'friends'.

Yesterday,  Ryan's girlfriend posted pictures of herself in a bikini to make posts about self-worth and acceptance.  A poster started making nasty comments about Kelly.    Shayna answered the person back and told her that if she was going to talk like that about Kelly, she should stop following her, because Kelly was 'family".  LOL

I think Ryan and Shayna will see how Kelly treats 'family', if Ryan falls out of grace or does something she doesn't like!   

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3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

If Kelly is being nasty to Ryan, they are certainly hiding it well.  They maintain eye contact, listen to each other, laugh at each other's stories.  One might think these blind items are a big bag of bullshit.

It may all be bull, but she "loooved"  Regis an Michael too!   

  • Love 11
On 3/13/2018 at 10:10 AM, sugarbaker design said:

If Kelly is being nasty to Ryan, they are certainly hiding it well.  They maintain eye contact, listen to each other, laugh at each other's stories.  One might think these blind items are a big bag of bullshit.

Anything to sell a paper or generate clicks.

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On 3/13/2018 at 11:27 AM, goldenpuppy said:

You never know if those things are true or not, but Kelly is so fake and overdone, that it's possible.   She was all into Michael and loved him and Regis,  but the truth came out  when she got angry.   She was super nasty to Regis his last summer there.  She was awful to Michael on the air!

Right now Ryan is still on the show, so she loves him, she gushes over him, and is so overdone! If he becomes a liability to ABC,  he will join the list of her other 'friends'.

Yesterday,  Ryan's girlfriend posted pictures of herself in a bikini to make posts about self-worth and acceptance.  A poster started making nasty comments about Kelly.    Shayna answered the person back and told her that if she was going to talk like that about Kelly, she should stop following her, because Kelly was 'family".  LOL

I think Ryan and Shayna will see how Kelly treats 'family', if Ryan falls out of grace or does something she doesn't like!   

Business and pleasure can be a tough mix.  If Kelly Ripa were male, these stories would be few and far between.  But when you have a female performer with limited talent/range, who basically coasts on *personality*, it's hardly surprising that Mrs Consuelos intensely defends her Brand.  Regis became impossible to work with when he refused to sign the lowball ABC contract.  It was hugely obvious that Kelly, Gelman, and every ABC syndication "suit" wanted to morph the show into something more than doddering tales of Yankee lust, cringeworthy memories of Joey Bishop, and meandering stories about losing track of his wife in department stores.  Michael became a Diva and everyone knows that you can't have dueling divas on the same stage for long.  That's why he does OK on GMA.  Everyone else in the cast is laid back, professional, and isn't marketing a Brand.

Kelly and RyRy are playing nice for now.   I cannot imagine that he wants to spend the next dozen years on the show as it currently exists (mostly live, in a city he doesn't want to live in, far away from LA, and working out of what can be considered a ramshackle basement studio for his radio work).  Kelly knows that she has had an amazing run, and that the suits are likely going to lowball her once her current deal lapses.  Her husband is going to be living 3000 miles away for the next half-decade. 

I think they will both move on within 5 years.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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In the video she read a comment from someone who told her she has "too much makeup on, it makes you look like a wax figure."

She replied, "I have on way more makeup than a wax figure. I know, because I have a wax figure at Madame Tussauds and she doesn't wear this much makeup. But she didn't get to go to the Academy Awards, did she?"


12 hours ago, bannana said:

She is kind of an asshole.  There is a way to not react, or to reposition.  But Kelly wants to go all in asshole.

Yes, she and Mark just can not stop reacting to negative comments lately!  She posted a picture of her and some other actress pulling off Jerry O'Connell's pants during a commercial break, and  a few people posted that they couldn't believe that she posted a picture like that during the "#meetoo" era.   I thought it was a joke that Jerry was definitely ok with, but some people thought it was tacky to post that picture.

Kelly and Mark both got into answering and arguing with people online.

I can see how someone might want to react once in a while, but spending time reacting to people online is stupid.   It's better to ignore it if you are a celebrity. 

Edited by larsonb
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I think it's not Kelly's gender that makes people think she will turn on Ryan, it's Kelly's one behavior!    She treated Regis like crap on the air, as if she was the cool young co-host,. She mocked him if he forgot things, and she got nasty.

Say what you want about Regis, he was a good storyteller. When Regis left the show was painful to watch and hit lows in ratings. Kelly's "new direction" consisted of stores that sounded like a young adolescent discovering her parts, sex and her period! It was embarrassing.    She came on to every male possible too!   The ratings were sucking big time.  Michael did revive the show.  But the sex jokes continued when he came on for a while. I guess this was how Kelly's creativity for reviving a show!  She also had her online FF segment showing and obsessing over her dressing room toilet, and she and Carrie Ann who co-hosted through tampons at Gelman during FF!  Such innovation!   That of course was after she had to tell us how "big" she was down there since she had kids ( even though they were c-sections).  

Kelly's own history and behavior is driving the Blind Items, which may not be true, but seem possible because she is childish and bratty when she doesn't get her way.  She also turns mean to those she supposedly loves as soon as they disappoint her.

IMO she is super overdone with Ryan that it comes off fake.  She acts like they were these super close buddies, but never mentioned him until he got hired, which BTW seemed like a way to promote American Idol and fill in the co-host job.

I think  it will be fun to see what happens when Ry Ry takes off and he's not her bestie anymore!    

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Ryan's girlfriend/beard, is very pretty, but wtf is it with the eyebrows? Are bushy, manly, hairy eyebrows the thing now?  I think it takes away from her looks.   BTW, there is something about their 'relationship that just comes off weird.   I wonder how much he pays her to play girlfriend so he can stay in the closet!  She is constantly on vacations with her girlfriends, and when he was at the Oscars and dealing with that story about sexual harrassment, she went on another trip with her friends instead of going to LA. I always get a feeling that he wants to appear like the straight guy, but he isn't.   Just an observation, I couldn't care less if he is straight or not.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

Three days in a row of obnoxious, beyond annoying laughs -- Maria and now Carrie Ann.  I had to change the channel.  Couldn't listen.  Sorry, Ryan. 

That’s exactly why I bailed as well. Does Ryan have a thing for women with obnoxious laughs? How long is Kelly going to be away? Until after Easter I’m guessing. 

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I noticed Carrie Ann ripped her foot up pretty good when she did that drop split.  I figured something went wrong as she came back to her seat, she seemed unsettled.  Then I noticed the blood on her foot and ankle (how no one else saw it is beyond me) then after the commercial break she was bandaged up.  I seriously thought she'd rip her pants but no such luck, lol.

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Carrie Ann is a dancer and doesn’t know enough not to do a split in high heels like that ?  No to mention her clothes were so tight it’s amaZing she didn’t split her pants ! 

I like Carrie Ann when she isn’t putting on an annoying over the top personality .   

Her laugh is super annoying and I think it’s mostly fake and put on. I notice she would turn it off on a split second .

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I like Carrie Ann, so I can look past all of the giggling!  I think she was just so excited to be co-hosting the show.  She's always a very upbeat person.  I thought she was fun.  I liked Sisanie too.  I'm out of the loop. I had no idea that Ryan has a radio show, so I didn't know who she was either.  I thought Ryan's reaction to her sonogram pictures was so sweet.  He really does seem to care about her.    It was nice seeing Patrick Schwarzenegger.   I'm a big fan of Arnold, but I don't keep up with his family.  He seems like a nice young man.  It was fun hearing him talk about going to the set with his Dad while growing up.  What an awesome childhood he had!

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On 3/24/2018 at 1:59 PM, ChitChat said:

.... I'm out of the loop. I had no idea that Ryan has a radio show, so I didn't know who she was either.....


Live (well, sorta mostly, heavily voice-tracked) in LA on KIIS-FM (6-10A)

Syndicated to 120+ stations.


On 3/24/2018 at 4:59 PM, ChitChat said:

I like Carrie Ann, so I can look past all of the giggling!  I think she was just so excited to be co-hosting the show.  She's always a very upbeat person.  I thought she was fun.  I liked Sisanie too.  I'm out of the loop. I had no idea that Ryan has a radio show, so I didn't know who she was either.  I thought Ryan's reaction to her sonogram pictures was so sweet.  He really does seem to care about her.    It was nice seeing Patrick Schwarzenegger.   I'm a big fan of Arnold, but I don't keep up with his family.  He seems like a nice young man.  It was fun hearing him talk about going to the set with his Dad while growing up.  What an awesome childhood he had!

I don't know. I feel like Ryan is putting on his nice guy act a bit too much.  That along with his constant dorky act, just makes me think he's not the person he portrays on the air.   

Yea, I guess you  if you leave out the fact that Arnold did the housekeeper or nanny, and had a kid with her, and that ended his marriage, Patrick had an awesome childhood! 

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On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 12:31 PM, larsonb said:

Yea, I guess you  if you leave out the fact that Arnold did the housekeeper or nanny, and had a kid with her, and that ended his marriage, Patrick had an awesome childhood! 

Yeah, I should've said it was awesome until the shit hit the fan! Patrick did say how great it was to go the movie set with his Dad, so at least he's got those good memories.  :)

More drama one instagram ! Mark posted a picture of Kelly on Instagram stories lying next to him in a bikini . Her bones muscles and bones were really prominent. I thought it looked like Kelly always does in a bikini,  disturbing , but apparently, people.  made comments about how she looked. 

Instagram stories go away  , so the picture is no longer available for there and you can’t  see comments .

So now, Mark  posted a distant , hazy photo  , obviously photoshopped  to increase Kelly’s breast size,  and to get rid of the creepy ribs,! He then he makes a staement  defending Kelly’s body and putting down the people who insulted her .

Honestly,  I thought she looked awful in the first picture, but I wouldn’t send a message to her husband! And why is anyone surprised  that she looks like that ?  

If is amusing that Mark posted a hazy photo shoppped picture to defend  her body !

Oh, and today Kelly posted some weird video of her exercising Keith some resistance band around her and Mark holding it and calling it yoga ! Lmao! She can’t even take a break from obsessing about being a skeleton on her vacation ! 

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

More drama one instagram ! Mark posted a picture of Kelly on Instagram stories lying next to him in a bikini . Her bones muscles and bones were really prominent. I thought it looked like Kelly always does in a bikini,  disturbing , but apparently, people.  made comments about how she looked. 

Instagram stories go away  , so the picture is no longer available for there and you can’t  see comments .

So now, Mark  posted a distant , hazy photo  , obviously photoshopped  to increase Kelly’s breast size,  and to get rid of the creepy ribs,! He then he makes a staement  defending Kelly’s body and putting down the people who insulted her .

Honestly,  I thought she looked awful in the first picture, but I wouldn’t send a message to her husband! And why is anyone surprised  that she looks like that ?  

If is amusing that Mark posted a hazy photo shoppped picture to defend  her body !

Oh, and today Kelly posted some weird video of her exercising Keith some resistance band around her and Mark holding it and calling it yoga ! Lmao! She can’t even take a break from obsessing about being a skeleton on her vacation ! 

It’s so hilarious how the PR machine is working to put the message out that people were commenting on Kelly being too old to wear a bikini,  and of course everyone is getting all upset about that ! Even E News and People had to  repost Mark’s Instagram post!

Any  negative moments I have seen about Kelly have been about her before my skin and bones , not about her age !

It’s totally funny that Mark har to put some photoshopped , really hard to see pic of her was to write his little tribute !

BTW, what is with them arguing and defending each other like teens on social media?

Also, do they really need to tell each other how “hot” they are on Instagram? Seems like they are trying a little to hard to let us know how hot they are for each other ! 

  • Love 5

Yeah, agree, this whole kerfuffle is a publicity stunt, imo.

I also noticed Mark's got a spelling error in his rant, because that's what it is--a rant--even to the fistfight he's alluding to-- and I agree orangekit, are they 12 year olds defending their bff's?!?

I really think it's all to keep their names in the news and to keep them relevant. 

Keep your mouths closed, take the high road and stop goading posters into fights on social media. 

They truly are very odd, even for celebrities.

  • Love 6

The entire thing about Mark posting Kelly the way she looks on Instagram is so bizarre, imo.  I would think that knowing how she obsesses about size, that he would be careful to not focus on that.  And I would think he would be more concerned with addressing her health and medical needs, not trying to glorify her body.  Is he sick?  It's pathetic.  What he sees as awesome, others see as sad.  Now I see that both of them are clueless.  And childish.  Too much bragging.  Just go away and have quiet time. And leave the phones in the room. lol

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 8

Kelly is, for good or for ill, quite proud of her physique.  She works like a maniac to maintain it.  Why wouldn't she display it on occasion which has the happy side effect of putting her in the media in a flattering manner?

The creation of a straw man is as standard and old a practice as there is in marketing.  Proclaim that folks are being age-ist and dismiss by implication all criticism as unjustifiable and really wrong.  

I sincerely wish that Kelly overcome her body obsession.  I also want her to just stop publicly touting her body as more ideal.   Teens are especially vulnerable to such messaging.  It is one thing to be fit.  Quite another to be a slave to fitness.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The entire thing about Mark posting Kelly the way she looks on Instagram is so bizarre, imo.  I would think that knowing how she obsesses about size, that he would be careful to not focus on that.  And I would think he would be more concerned with addressing her health and medical needs, not trying to glorify her body.  Is he sick?  It's pathetic.  What he sees as awesome, others see as sad.  Now I see that both of them are clueless.  And childish.  Too much bragging.  Just go away and have quiet time. And leave the phones in the room. lol

Speaking of childish , Kelly posted a picture of Mark wishing him a happy birthday and saying he puts the “D” in daddy ! Good grief ! 

And within a couple of hours , all of the entertainment sites are reposting and making Kelly and Mark the headlines again !

This all seems to have some weird motive . They are on a vacation, but spending a lot of time needing to post pictures constantly and brag about each other ! If you are having such an amazing time, WTF are you doing on your phones all day and writing wordy responses to people on social media?

When people have to brag and tell the world how hot their marriage is , I always wonder about what is really going on!

Seems like a lot of insecurity is going on here !

3 hours ago, finnzup said:

Yeah, agree, this whole kerfuffle is a publicity stunt, imo.

I also noticed Mark's got a spelling error in his rant, because that's what it is--a rant--even to the fistfight he's alluding to-- and I agree orangekit, are they 12 year olds defending their bff's?!?

I really think it's all to keep their names in the news and to keep them relevant. 

Keep your mouths closed, take the high road and stop goading posters into fights on social media. 

They truly are very odd, even for celebrities.

Well, when Kelly has to brag about the “D” and make headlines on E news , something is weird !

Will we we soon here about trouble in paradise ?

  • Love 10
On 3/30/2018 at 9:51 AM, finnzup said:

Yeah, agree, this whole kerfuffle is a publicity stunt, imo.

I also noticed Mark's got a spelling error in his rant, because that's what it is--a rant--even to the fistfight he's alluding to-- and I agree orangekit, are they 12 year olds defending their bff's?!?

I really think it's all to keep their names in the news and to keep them relevant. 

Keep your mouths closed, take the high road and stop goading posters into fights on social media. 

They truly are very odd, even for celebrities.

Exactly !  So ridiculous! What  are they trying to prove ? Are they that immature? Or are they just trying  to get headlines ? 

At first I thought it was just Mark trying to brag about his “hot” wife , then Kelly had to do the “D” comment ! Weird ! 

Oh and Mark finished the day by showing a picture of Kelly and writing “present”, as if she is his birthday present! Gag ! 

I did notice after he postrd the picture of Kelly with her rib cage and other bones showing, he now only posts pictures of her covered or hazy and photoshopped !  He knows very well  that it’s not about her age, it’s about her unhealthy , boney body which is disturbing in a bikini !

I do think it’s weird that posters would tell Mark his wife looks bad , but even weirder he gets into l fights online !

On 3/30/2018 at 9:55 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

The entire thing about Mark posting Kelly the way she looks on Instagram is so bizarre, imo.  I would think that knowing how she obsesses about size, that he would be careful to not focus on that.  And I would think he would be more concerned with addressing her health and medical needs, not trying to glorify her body.  Is he sick?  It's pathetic.  What he sees as awesome, others see as sad.  Now I see that both of them are clueless.  And childish.  Too much bragging.  Just go away and have quiet time. And leave the phones in the room. lol

I think it’s bizarre too, but then again , I remember when Mark guest hosted with Kelly and was making comments about her eating too much ! He seems to like her boyish body ! That’s a whole other issue ! 

  • Love 8

And...she's back!  Hey, did you all know Kelly exercised while on vacation?!  Who would've thought??

And, when she got back from vaca, she didn't need to grease up her belly to fit into her jeans because they actually fit her!

Omg, she needs an intervention.

I get it, you work out, nothing wrong with that, most people do, lol.  They just don't talk about it incessantly and make it the most important part of their lives.

I do like her top though.  Also noticed she's been dripping in gold lately.  Has she ever mentioned the gold medallion necklace?

Edited by finnzup
  • Love 6
13 hours ago, finnzup said:

And...she's back!  Hey, did you all know Kelly exercised while on vacation?!  Who would've thought??

And, when she got back from vaca, she didn't need to grease up her belly to fit into her jeans because they actually fit her!

Omg, she needs an intervention.

I get it, you work out, nothing wrong with that, most people do, lol.  They just don't talk about it incessantly and make it the most important part of their lives.

I do like her top though.  Also noticed she's been dripping in gold lately.  Has she ever mentioned the gold medallion necklace?

Right, like I believe there was ever an occasion when Kelly couldn't button her jeans. At least not since she's been with  Baby Daddy. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, bannana said:

Why, why, why does Kelly try so fucking hard to convince us that she and Ryan are best friends? He doesn't even seem to accept it.

Seriously!  Never before Ryan was hired as cohost, or even when he substitute cohosted , did Kelly even mention this “closeness”.  It’s so weird ! Then again, she ass best buds with Regis and Michael too at one time !


Another funny thing is how Kelly said they had no WiFi in their vacation unless they went to a little store on the island they were on . Well they most have spent half their time in that store judging from  the non stop pictures s and sex messages that she had Mark felt a need to post several times a day ! And how much time did Mark spend I the store to write his essay with his long winded defense of Kelly’s boney body for Instagram!

Sounds like the lack of WiFi is like the way the kids had to stand outside if Starbucks during hurricane Sandy  to do homework according to Kelly, whe  in fact they were in a very fishy five star hotel with power and WiFi that cost thousands per night ! I remember her going on Kimmel during Sandy and saying that she was grubby from not showering ! Kelly’s version of reality is interesting and fake !

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

no WiFi in their vacation unless they went to a little store on the island they were on . Well they most have spent half their time in that store judging from  the non stop pic

She's such a liar!  You can see all the guests including "Daddy,"  at the private island with their phones out filming a sunset.  They are clearly NOT in the little store, they're all the beach.  Why does she feel the need to lie all the time?

Does it make her more relatable?  Does it make her feel like one of us?  Her entire vacation is something most of us can only dream of, and that's ok!  We all know you can afford anything you want.  The chef at your private island has been making Mark's favorite birthday cake recipe from his mom for years and years now.........certainly only a celeb thing not something I can relate to and I'd guess, most of the audience. 

Don't know why it irritates me so much when she lies, but it does.  It's like she tries to make a fool of all of us.  No WiFi but yet she and Mark film and post her doing a training routine pulling Mark around with a yoga band and vice versa. 

She just doesn't get it.

And don't get me started on her and Ryan's best friend status, really?!?! lol

  • Love 7

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