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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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And one other thing, I hate the walk-out they do with that ridiculous dancing they both do.  Michael looks soooooooo uncomfortable because we all know what Kelly is doing cannot be called dance in any sort of way.


The walk-out is hilarious to me, possibly because I can't watch Kelly without thinking of Elaine's "dry heave set to music" dancing on Seinfeld.


Anyone besides me want to take that Shully woman and dip her in a big vat of moisturizer and conditioner? I swear I get itchy just looking at her. Please leave the behind the scenes people behind the scenes. Both parched Shully and skeevy Gelman make me cringe, and on this show there's already plenty of cringe-worthy stuff going on in front of the camera.

Edited by designing1
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Kelly's dancing is cringeworthy, but what is funny is that she thinks she is some amazing dancer!  She gets up in NYC restaurants where there is no dancing and dances by her table.  She shares several stories of going to parties and being only person on the dance floor!  t is like Elaine on Seinfeld, she looks hilarious .  She reminds me of a friend I had in college who used to go out with us  to clubs and gyrate like he had ticks crawling on his body.    We all were embarrassed for him, but no one had the heart to tell him he looked really ridiculous.


The other thing that is becoming a bit disturbing to me,   but not funny like her dancing, is how Kelly has added her adolescent daughter to the short list of people that she can constantly mock for the sake of telling a story or being funny..   I don't doubt that Kelly is a very good mom and loves her kids, but she really seems to not care about how much she makes fun of her daughter - kind of like how she mocks her mother every time she mentions her..


The Today show had a clip of Kelly from the Wendy Williams show.    Kelly was talking about how her daughter lost her phone privileges  because she had texted an tweeted during study time.   Kelly went on to say that she doesn't think her daughter likes her,  and that she doesn't care, because she doesn't want her daughter to be her friend.   I totally agree with Kelly about the situation, but I do not get constantly using her daughter for laughs, and for conversation topics on talk shows.   It reminds me of how she and Mark thought it was funny to secretly video tape Lola playing the clarinet or flute, and playing it on national tv, and laughing at how badly she played.   The weird part about that story is how Lola kept her music lessons a secret until a recital.  Maybe she felt self-conscious for a reason?


It seem like Kelly is so lacking in conversation topics and needs laughs so badly, that her mom and  daughter are going to be the target of her jokes.   Lola's voice is mocked,  although I have never heard her talk like that when she is on video with Kelly.   Kelly's mom sounds like  raging lunatic when Kelly describes anything from her childhood.   


Kelly does make jokes about her mother in law at times, but overall, It's obvious she thinks Mark's family are wonderful, sophisticated world travelers, and her family are the lowly Jersey family who -gasp- didn't ever travel overseas, and only exposed poor Kelly to Epcot to see other countries!


A little joke or story here and there is cute IMO, but I am always amazed at coworkers who come to work mocking their children, or talking about every little thing they do in a disparaging manner.  Does she not even think that Lola deserves some privacy? 


Michael  also tells jokes about his mom and dad, but you always get a feeling of true affection toward his parents, as you did with Regis. And neither of the go to the extreme of mocking their children or talking about what they do alone in the bathroom after hitting puberty, like Kelly did to her son. 

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Scheduled guests for the week of November 11th – November 14th

Monday:  Ewan McGregor, Ioan Gruffudd

Tuesday:  Alicia Keys, Andy Cohen, Shawn Mendes

Wednesday:  Josh Hutcherson, Anjelica Huston, Aretha Franklin

Thursday:  Channing Tatum, Estelle

Friday:  Liam Hemsworth, Katherine Heigl, Tony Robbins



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Kelly said she saw a documentary last night. Unfortunately, she was so incoherent in describing the documentary I had no idea (and, still don't) know what she was talking about. It was absolutely painful trying to listen to her describe it. And, for that she gets paid 7 million dollars (or more) a year. Heads shaking!

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Regis said on Kathie Lee's podcast last month that he was going to make an appearance on Live for Veterans Day. I wonder what happened?

I also had no idea what Kelly was trying to describe with the documentary. Michael does do an excellent job of switching subjects when Kelly starts to ramble and things get awkward. You have to wonder what's going through his mind as he's listening to Kelly babble.

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Two WTF stories today. Kelly got all excited & said she and Mark walked through Central Park and couldn't believe what they saw. It was raccoons! Michael looked at the camera like WTF and, then said "I thought you going to say a bear or something". Then Michael told his WTF story. He went to Detroit for a few hours and went to the factory at the Ford plant to drive a car off the esembly line. Kelly was all like "are you looking to buy a truck?" Michael said no. Either Michael was getting a free truck from Ford or doing some publicity because he wouldn't admit to either. He then tried to change the subject about the traffic driving home. I think he thought his visit to Detroit was normal until Kelly kept pressing him for more details. Yes, the life of the rich & famous indeed.

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I think that Michael is probably going to do a commercial for Ford. Why would they invite him to go to Detroit. Maybe Kelly is jealous that they didn't ask her. Just as she said the other day that she couldn't believe that she wasn't invited to see Stevie Wonder perform.

What got to me today was when she walked out with the baby and said he just made a dump in his pants. How crude was that?

So tired of hearing about her boobs, does she think no one remembers that she did have boobs at one time.

I get so annoyed at the superior look on her face all the time. She has become so self centered.

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She totally knows better than to engage Michael about sponsorship opportunities he may have but has not announced.  Michael should know better by now that she constantly forgets herself and says whatever flashes into her brain.


She seemed especially "on" today.  Coffee?

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Anyone notice when Channing Tatum came out and greeted Michael, Kelly asked Michael "did you get excited?" and then looked at his crouch! Then she caught herself and just shrugged. Why why why does she have to acted like a 13 yr old everyday?

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It looked like Channing really wanted to just bro down & talk with Michael. You could tell this was bothering Kelly. I guess I would feel a little slighted if someone did that to me, too.

She's PAID to talk & LISTEN!!!  This is not a social situation!!  It's a guest being interviewed in an intelligent & interesting way.  Kelly is not capable of reining herself in when a conversation is developing between OTHER PEOPLE!!!

Edited by Medicine Crow
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OMG Kelly was so obnoxious during Chatum's interview. She just interrupted and took over with her annoying shrill voice. I can see why Clay wanted to cover her big mouth! And I also can see why Pricilla Presley made the comment about Kelly making everything about her. Not saying they were right to do or say what they did, but I can see why they feel that way!

She is so insecure that she can't even let Michsel take the lead when someone he works with is on!

The other hilarious comment Kelly made today was how great it was that her daughter 's school had mentors for the girls and they were trying to promote positbe body image. She thinks that's great when she weighs under 100 lbs, calls herself fat, and constantly talks about her flat chest- which wasn't flat when she was at a normal weight.

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Kelly looked pretty & demure today. A pretty black skirt & a pink v neck sweater. She's come a long way from wearing the wife beaters when Regis was around. That said, I'm sure her sweater & skirt cost a pretty penny & weren't bought at Target. LOL!!

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Why did that couple get fake engaged on Live when the were already engaged? They were already engaged and had to out in a show for us, as if we care? Please, I am sick of everyone needing their fifteen minutes of reality to. Between YouTube videos and engagements of people I don't know or care about, it's getting old. But I guess in a world were the Kardashians are celebrities for making sec tapes and a reality show about nothing, this is what is normal.

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Scheduled guests for the week of November 17th – November 21st

Monday:  Benedict Cumberbatch, Allison Janney

Tuesday:  Keira Knightley, Charlie Day, NASCAR Sprint Cup Series winner Kevin Harvick

Wednesday:  Russell Brand, Matt Czuchry, Katie Brown

Thursday:  Mark Ruffalo, Kristin Chenoweth

Friday:  Kate Walsh, Anna Camp

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We got a glimpse of the sacrifices the beautiful people have to make.  


Kelly talking about how she and Mark splurged on the turribly unhealthy McDonalds food, and how despite feeling starved, they didn't dare have more, was quite illustrative.   I would hate to have to be as hyper-vigilant about my appearance as those two are.  Yes, they won the genetic lottery.  But they are still in a prison of image.


Moccasin mileage, y'all.

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Why did that couple get fake engaged on Live when the were already engaged?


Because Kelly asked them to.

Well that didn't bother me at all. I thought it was kind of sweet. They (or at least she) seems to be a fan of the show.


Ditto. They were adorable.


What's Logan, er, Matt Czurchry doing these days that he's going to be promoting? I


I don't know who that actor is, but gosh, he is gorgeous.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Because Kelly asked them to.

Ditto. They were adorable.



I don't know who that actor is, but gosh, he is gorgeous.

Matt is one of the lead characters on The Good Wife.

Kelly reading a newspaper article is painful. Today's article was about the Bono bicycle accident. She either can't see or read but she sure can stammer.

It's bloody pathetic, that's what it is!!!

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Saw the show today, home from work, and the transition has been complete!!


Kelly has resumed her original role on Live! --  window dresser, potted plant, whatever you want to call someone who sits there and does NOTHING!!


Michael is the 'host' of the show..............how long before he gets top billing?

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that was Kelly's BIG secret Thanksgiving recipe??! regular mashed potatoes & you spoon regular peas in the middle of them??

darn, I'll have to watch the video since I couldn't find a pen to write her recipe down. smfh -also, I'm pretty sure that dish is not on here table, can't see her letting kids eating something w/more than smidgen of butter (had to laugh at HEAVY cream, ya right!)

I think Michael's recipe is Mon? I'm sure he will top that.

I do like Kelly, but c'mon, she could've done better than that.

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No kidding about Kelly's "secret" recipe. I only saw that because I was at the gym and the whole time kept thinking Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! I used to do that as a kid as a way of being able to get down peas.

Agreed!  I was thinking it was a pretty pathetic contribution to Thanksgiving dinner.  .... and really, who would want to go to "all that work" for just one "dish".  LOL.

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I don't watch Live everyday anymore, but when I tuned in yesterday,  Kelly was just a mess during hostchat.


Why she brought up the protests in NYC is beyond me. She of course will not give an opinion, and is so afraid of actually saying ahything real, she  did her usual stammering and "umm umm ... uh uh" and said nothing much. 


Then the priceless moment that gave me flashbacks to Elisabeth on the View, was when Kelly said that Juaquin say the news report about the man who died after being put in a hold, he just sobbed and sobbed!  He did this when the first report came out also!  First she says how she protects him from such news, but then we find out he supposedly saw two news reports ( on a school night).  I thought her chidren were not allowed to watch tv on school nights.    It reminded me of how Elisabeth used to say her 5 year old had all of these philisophical deep thoughts, like when Obama got elected.    


I had a feeling that Kelly was too much of a whimp to say that she sobbed of felt bad about he man dying aftter the police put him in a hold, but she whimped out and put in on her youngest kid. Whatever happened, she just came across fake .


Michael may not win a popularity contest for what he feels, but he at least said it and didn't stammer or make up some bs story about his daugther crying!


Another priceless moment was when Kelly did FF one day,. For some reason she  has to say "you're ..(insert designer name", to Faith her stylist. Or she has to wave her dress and lift up her skirt to smack Faith in the face like a 5 year old. or as if Faith does see enough of the skeletal figure while she is dressing her.   One day, she put her head on Faith's lap because she wasn't feeling well, and whined like a baby.  Faith looked off to the side and was looking at her IPAD, while Kelly was doing her usual attention seeking FF moment, but this time on Faith's lap.


It is fun to watch real Kelly during FF.  There she is poofing her hair, adoring herself in the mirror, talking about her real feelings about her - gasp- average childhood.   It's the one time she seems to be herself.  All 93lbs of self-absorption.  It is fun to watch everyone around her try to feed her ego, while the look bored to death at the same time!



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Joaquin Phoenix is one weird guy but I loved him telling Kelly she compliments people on air without really meaning it. Such an awkward interview. I'm assuming Joaquin was either drunk or high.

Enough with Kelly and Michael acting like they're so underprivileged compared to others. They may not make as much as Tom Hanks or Justin Bieber in a year, but to act like they're so poor at times is ridiculous since both are worth a combined 100 million.

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So what the hell was w/Chris Pine's hair and outfit today?  Why was the shirt buttoned up all the way to the neck, and the tight pants w/the boots...he just wasn't pulling it off then w/the hair.  It was like some 34 year old trying to pull off the hipster look....oh wait that's what he was trying to do and failing.  I came in late to the interview, was the hair for a film role or is he finally becoming more comfortable w/himself?  

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Kelly and Michael welcome the first guests of 2015!


Monday: Taraji P. Henson, Chris Soules, Dolvett Quince
Tuesday: Jessica Lange, Lucy Hale, Chris Powell
Wednesday: Forest Whitaker, J.K. Simmons, Shaun T
Thursday: Liam Neeson, Matt LeBlanc, Jessie Pavelka
Friday: Lena Dunham, Chalene Johnson
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Kelly seems a bit worse than usual this week.  While Michael was talking about the sportcaster Stuart Scott dying. While Michael is talking about him, Kelly is picking at her skin, and then staring at herself in the monitor.  Usually she fakes it up well, and pretends to be interested, this week she is literally staring at herself, and playing with he clothing and skin.  


What is with Valley girl voice for her daughter?   I have seen her daughter on video, and she does  not talk like that at all.  Between Kelly's constant mocking of her daughter and her mom, I think she has issues with other women being in her space.    I don't think she'd dare really get mean about mama Consuelos, since she needs to stay on her good side, but what I see of Kelly is she's either phony as can be, gushing over women who come on the show, or mocking her mom and daughter.


This week it just seems like Kelly is her true self, and it's very self-absorbed.   Hard to believe she's paid 20  million a year to do what she does.

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Kelly has always been self-absorbed & vain, but this week she is taking it to a whole new level!!  I was so disgusted with her when Michael was talking about Stuart, I had to change the channel to, Gawd forbid, The Today Show.  There I encountered Tamron, et al yuckin' it up ad infinitum.  I lasted about five minutes there & switched to CNN, my go to when I want to clear my head -- LOL.

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She is so into herself. I wonder why she never gets invited to any of the parties for instance the one last night that Michael attended with Kevin Costner. She really made a fool of herself when she said she gets nervous when she attends dinners because she never knows what fork to use. But her kids taught her how to remember which is the glass and which is the bread dish. How ridiculous is that?

I was so glad that they did not win the People's Choice Awards for best daytime hosts because they don't deserve it. Michael is getting as bad as   Kelly so silly and immature and most times he seems like Kelly's puppet. How long have they been in that house and they don't know how to turn on the hot water?  Did she have to tell the world today that she didn't take a shower. Who cares.

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I saw, for me, the worst of Kelly this week when she haaaaad to tell the world that at her multi- multi- multi million dollar abode, they had no hot water one fine night and she refused to bathe - excepting washing her hair (always image over function with her!!!!) at work.  To me, this reeks of her acting as a queen, thinking she is relating to the unwashed (pun intended) audience.  It's precisely the type of conversation the rich love to have amongst themselves - dripping with irony about some basic thing they happened to lack for a few hours.  


She really is savvy with a super quick wit.  When she was typically genuine in her early days with Regis, she was the best co-host I've ever seen.  She was pretty yet she was clearly of the middle class, despite her years on AMC.  That Kelly is pretty much gone.  More's the pity.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Scheduled guests for the week of January 12th:


Monday 1/12: Patricia Heaton, Hugh Bonneville, Dr. Loren Cordain

Tuesday 1/13: Chris Hemsworth, Ella Henderson, Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Wednesday 1/14: Julianne Moore, Angela Bassett, Nina Teicholz

Thursday 1/15: Bradley Cooper, Olivia Munn, Dr. David Perlmutter, guest co-host Anderson Cooper

Friday 1/16: Nicole Kidman, Sienna Miller, Dr. Wendy Bazilian, Train

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I was really enjoying today's show with Anderson Cooper as guest host.  I laughed out loud during host chat and everything.  I think the two of them are so comfortable with each other AND nobody read the newspaper as they were actually chatting the whole time....


However, at the end of the host chat Kelly put a $5 wager that neither one of them would mention that Bradley Cooper had just been nominated for an Oscar.  I thought it was a bit rude but that they wouldn't really follow through.  Then, a wonderful interview with Bradley Cooper-he had stories, insights, etc.  A really nice guy.  The scene they played from his movie was really powerful even though it was just a snipet.  And then it was over....  I couldn't believe how cruel and rude it was that neither Kelly or Anderson mentioned that just this morning Bradley was nominated.  Instead of seeing it as a huge opportunity to be the first to interview him after he received the nomination, they decided to be mean girls and ignore this huge honor he had just received.  Gelman should have been all over that.  Hopefully, Bradley Cooper is classier and more mature than they are and won't hold it against them.  Disgraceful.


Now, if they did mention it and I just missed it, please let me know and I'll apologize for all I just said.  It was a really enjoyable show up to that point.

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Was it a taped show?  Maybe the host chat was taped several days ago and it was one of Kelly's many 'un-funny' jokes that she thinks are hilarious.  Like she assumed he would be nominated but since the actual interview took place days/weeks ago, she was safe either way, idk, because if it was in real time, it was certainly a missed opportunity.


Such a crappy show all-around.

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It was probably live, as Michael Strahan is hosting some awards show tonight and probably couldn't do Live this morning. They mentioned Bradley  Cooper had just been nominated (I think he actually got two nominations -- one for acting, one for producing.) I agree with seacliffsal that not congratulating him and being first to get his reaction for the sake of a bet came off as foolish and unprofessional. If finnzup is correct and it was taped in advance and they just took a chance that he would be nominated, thinking they could edit it out if he wasn't -- the end result still reflects poorly on them. It's very strange that they would mention it -- just not in front of Bradley. Ultimately I wonder if he asked not to talk about, hence the poorly executed mention-without-discussion.

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However, at the end of the host chat Kelly put a $5 wager that neither one of them would mention that Bradley Cooper had just been nominated for an Oscar.  I thought it was a bit rude but that they wouldn't really follow through.  Then, a wonderful interview with Bradley Cooper-he had stories, insights, etc.  A really nice guy.  The scene they played from his movie was really powerful even though it was just a snipet.  And then it was over....  I couldn't believe how cruel and rude it was that neither Kelly or Anderson mentioned that just this morning Bradley was nominated.  Instead of seeing it as a huge opportunity to be the first to interview him after he received the nomination, they decided to be mean girls and ignore this huge honor he had just received.  Gelman should have been all over that.  Hopefully, Bradley Cooper is classier and more mature than they are and won't hold it against them.  Disgraceful.



Host chat was live this morning. They mentioned the Oscar nomination. The Bradley Cooper interview was taped a few days ago, prior to the nomination. When Kelly said "let's not congratulate him" it's because she knew the interview had been pre-taped and obviously they didn't discuss it in the interview because he hadn't been nominated yet! She was trying to be funny and pretend the interview was live when it wasn't.

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She was trying to be funny and pretend the interview was live when it wasn't.


So I was correct.  Another one of their ridiculous patch-work segments and Kelly's attempt at 'humor.'


Would it be so awful to say that it was taped days ago?  Since that happens so often, they might be pressured into changing the name "Live!" to something more appropos.............maybe "Hot Mess with Kelly and Michael."

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This latest segment time/day shift calls to mind one of my favoritist recurring nods at the absurdities of TV...Remember Hank Kingsley introducing the Larry Sanders Show  as he declared, "LIVE!  On tape from Hollywood..."?  Gelman couldn't even stand in the legendary Artie's shadow!!    

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