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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I'm guessing he means deliberately lying that it was Joe rather than mistakenly thinking it was him.

It could be that he raped her, and is going to accuse her of lying about the rape altogether, which is seriously vile.  Or that he didn't rape her and now questions whether she was raped?

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It could be that he raped her, and is going to accuse her of lying about the rape altogether, which is seriously vile.  Or that he didn't rape her and now questions whether she was raped?

I'm thinking the latter, only because I don't think Scott Elrod is being written out.

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Today's show was kind of boring. 


Sage is suddenly very blonde.  Dick is back at the UG to brief Sage before the rush of customers they are expecting.  He thinks Prick sounded sincere, that he shot Jack in self-defense. He wants Sage’s take on the whole thing, who is lying, Prick or Gabe?  And she says Gabe is certainly capable of lying just to take over Newbot.  Dick is conflicted  over his mixed feelings for Prick.  Dick says if Adam were alive, Prick would have gone to him first.  Sage says she thought they were enemies.  He said they butted heads cause they were pretty much the same.

Dummer and Phyllis are at Dummer’s apartment.  Dummer wants Phyllis to take a break.  Dummer massages her shoulders for 2 seconds.  Then she tells Phyllis that the war between the families is keeping her up at night and she is so upset because she almost had everyone liking each other, and then that whole Prick shooting Jack thing messed it all up.


Neil revives Drinki.  He tells her she nearly drank herself to death.

Sharon walks in on Dylan comforting Avery with a hug.  She tells them both that she was raped too.  It was before she married Dick.    She thinks Avery should talk to someone and offers to be that someone for Avery.  Yikes.  Avery says thanks, but no thanks.  Sharon tries to encourage Avery to contact someone else for counseling.  Avery thanks Sharon for being understanding while Avery has leaned on Dylan.  Sharon uses this opportunity to mention what a good father Dylan will be to her child.  Avery is stunned that they are pregnant.  Somehow I think this doesn’t fit in with whatever plan she has.  Dylan comes over, and Avery congratulates Dylan on the baby and rushes out.  Sharon says she is worried about Avery, she is not focused on healing and getting better.


Cane tells Lily he has a Tahitian vacation planned.  But she is guilt-ridden over the Joe-boink.  So she tells him she was unfaithful.  Somehow, he thinks she means a kiss, and he says, hey, no problem.  She tells him it was more than a kiss.  Now he’s pissed.

Sage asks Dick if he and his father have always been at odds.  He says no, and that Prick always supported his marriage to Sharon.  It changed when Dick went into the barista biz.


Drinki is in the hospital where a doctor is telling her that MS amplifies the effects of alcohol.  It caused her blood pressure to drop.  The doc says that Drinki has to stay away from alcohol permanently.  Drinki asks Neil to keep it a secret.


Gabe is with Jack, telling him he took over Newbot.  He tells him that they have managed to keep Gabe’s paternity a secret and he’s going to need him to back Gabe.  Gnome walks in and is not in agreement. Gnome goes off on Gabe for holding a phony vigil. Gabe tells Gnome he understands why Gnome is upset because he was being groomed to take over, but he’s not ready.  Gnome says Aunt Ashley is ready.  Gabe said he is doing what is best for the company, keeping the company out of Prick’s hands.  Gnome says when Jack wakes up the company will be back in his hands.  They argue and Gnome says it wasn’t like Jack to concoct embezzlement charges.  Coma inside voice Jack, says: You’re right son, it wasn’t me.  Coma Jack says infighting makes them weak and it is giving Prick what he wants.  Phyllis walks in and stops their fighting.  She then accuses Gabe of wanting Jack to die, cause it would be better for him!  She tells Gabe that he is Jack’s son but he acts more like Prick.  Phyllis is reaming out Gabe and Jack’s inside coma voice says:  You tell him, Red.

Gnome shows up at Dummer’s.  They realize they are stuck in the middle of this mess.  There’s a bunch of blah blah and then they start making out on the couch.  Is this their first time?  I don’t usually pay attention with these two.  After sex, Dummer is back to talking about how they can bring the two families together.


Dick shows up at the hospital because Neil told him Drinki had an MS episode, and that she almost died.  She assures him that she will take better care of herself.  She wants him to do the same, to take Sage and Faith and go live somewhere else and have a happy life far away from the family drama and especially Prick.  He’s not going anywhere.  He says that no one is supporting Prick except Vic, and Drinki realizes that Dick is now too.  Neil brings some food for Drinki, and she thanks Neil for not telling Dick the truth about her drinking.

Dick tells Sage that he realizes that he needs to stand by Prick.  Sage is okay with that.


Sharon tells Dylan that she saw Joe and that she believed part of his story.  Why would Joe meet Avery in the PARK at her request, and then go to her building to assault her?  Why would Avery to go to his hotel room after he assaulted her?  She thinks Avery may be spinning out of control.  Dylan is asking Sharon what she expects him to do to help Avery.  Sharon urges Dylan to keep an eye on Avery, he may be all that she has.

Lily begs Cane’s forgiveness.   Cane says he cannot forgive Lily.  He asks her all about the sex with Joe.  She can’t bring herself to tell him.  He cannot believe that she slept with Joe because he kissed Lauren.  He says they are done, as in, their marriage is over.  Please, please, let this be true.  Our long international nightmare is finally over.


Phyllis is talking to Jack.  She wonders what secrets he has to tell her when he wakes up.  Gabe is lurking outside the door.  Coma Jack says that he hears her, and he is going to come back to her, they are meant to be together.

Avery is at the GCAC and on the phone with Paul, haranguing him because he hasn’t arrested Joe.  She says the lab tests need to be redone.  She says if Paul doesn’t do something, she will take matters into her own hands and make him pay.


Previews:  Gabe to Dick:  That’s a nice suit, are you going to a costume party?  Dick: No, going to work at the building with name on it; Sharon visits Dick in jail, and he says: Well; Dylan to Joe in the Squad Room: You want to come at me, do it.  You will never hurt Avery again.

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Gabe to Dick:  That’s a nice suit, are you going to a costume party?  Dick: No, going to work at the building with name on it;


That is funny.


The show was probably boring because Lane, Sage and Nick (Sick? Nack?) and...drumroll..... Dummer and Gnomie. 


So Gabe/Adam will be the fall guy? Along with Marco of course. And Victor will skate. 


Nick is so stupid even for Nick. He CANNOT EVER FORGIVE SHARON FOR CHANGING A PATERNITY TEST WHILE IN A MANIC EPISODE -- A TEST HE LIED ABOUT FOR 18 YEARS. But dad shot Jack at point blank range. He's sincerely sorry. All good. Team Victor. BOOYAH!


The all caps because I'm screaming those words.

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Sharon was raped before she and Nick married? I thought it happened while they were married, and she became pregnant soon after. Father of the year Nick didn't want the baby because it might not be his (it was).

Sadly, banana, Summer and Gnome have done the dance with no pants before. I think it was shortly after Courtney was murdered, because I remember Noah walking in on the afterglow and being disgusted.

Gabe needs to give Nick a job. Someone has to peel fruit for all the executives.

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I can't wait for Avery to be gone.  I have nothing against JC, but as someone upthread said, I can't even stand to look at her any more.

Dummer and Stench next, please.


Gabe needs to give Nick a job. Someone has to peel fruit for all the executives.

I hope he remembers to shave his feet!

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Gabe is with Jack, telling him he took over Newbot.  He tells him that they have managed to keep Gabe’s paternity a secret and he’s going to need him to back Gabe.


I like how Adam talks to comatose Jack about his stolen identity problem. I guess Jack doesn't have more important things to worry about.

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I really think Avery has gone off the rails. Telling Paul that she gave him the name of her rapist, and that should be sufficient to arrest him? Absent any physical evidence? Would she stand for that flimsy "evidence" if she were defending someone accused of rape?

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Sharon was raped before she and Nick married? I thought it happened while they were married, and she became pregnant soon after. Father of the year Nick didn't want the baby because it might not be his (it was).

Sadly, banana, Summer and Gnome have done the dance with no pants before. I think it was shortly after Courtney was murdered, because I remember Noah walking in on the afterglow and being disgusted.

Gabe needs to give Nick a job. Someone has to peel fruit for all the executives.


That was the second time. Matt Clark raped Sharon when they were all still in highschool. She dumped him and Matt raped her that night. She kept it a secret and started telling Nick she was a virgin so he wouldn't pressure her for sex. When Matt heard Nick mention how he would be Sharon's first he got furious because he knew she was lying. He couldn't prove it without exposing himself so that is when he started looking into her past to see if she had sex with an old boyfriend. That is how he learned about Cassie. 


Many years later after they were married and had Cassie and Noah, Matt Clark returned with a new face calling himself Carter Mills. He drugged and was about to rape Sharon. Nick came home before it happened but Matt lied and said he raped her. Then Sharon learned she was pregnant and Nick was convinced the baby was Matt's. She would trip during a fight with Nick and went into premature labor and loss the baby. A girl. This was in 2001. Then later Matt kidnapped Sharon and tried to rape her again but Victor saved her. Tricia then tried to kill herself and Matt. Matt raped Tricia too. He also raped Amy who shot him back in the day which Nick went to jail for.


Sharon also was raped and beat up by Cameron Kirsten. So much. Sharon is tortured a lot.

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Lily begs Cane’s forgiveness.   Cane says he cannot forgive Lily.  He asks her all about the sex with Joe.  She can’t bring herself to tell him.  He cannot believe that she slept with Joe because he kissed Lauren.  He says they are done, as in, their marriage is over.  Please, please, let this be true.  Our long international nightmare is finally over.




I absolutely love the fact that he's giving Lily a hard time. After all of her sanctimonious,"Waaaah, Cane, you LIIIIIIIEEEEEEED to MEEEEEEEEEE!!"--about Hevon, among other things--she deserves it.


Of course, a part of me has the feeling they'll get back together. If not by August, then American Thanksgiving.

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Sage does not look good that blonde. Didn't she just change her hair colour a few weeks ago? Are pregnant women supposed to continually put chemicals in their hair?

Sharon made a good point about Joe. Why would he meet Avery in the park, then follow her right away to her apartment alley to rape her? And I was thinking, did he bring a ski mask with him intending to rape Avery? Unlikely. However the whole thing still confuses me as I remember Avery being jumped by the masked man when she was still at the park - Joe had barely left. I do not remember at all Avery walking from the park to her apartment - I don't remember her leaving the park.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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And I have to be honest, I don't skip episodes. I want to see what happens. I was thinking about that big "hostage taking" last year. Remember how stupid and lame that was? Pratt is stupid in many respects but he seems to know how to rev things up. He came in and made some big decisions that I think were smart. He decided to put Jack and Victor front and centre, with the emphasis on Jack. He got rid of dead weight (Austin, Courtney, Kelly). He gave the young people some action of their own. He sussed out that Lane and Likey are boring as shit and did something about it. He realized Avery is blah and weeded her out. He didn't waste his time writing for Hevon. Whatever people may think of these decisions, he is pulling in huge numbers of viewers.

Your post made me see things differently.. this is good..



Pratt doesn't seem to like or get the Sharon character.

Oh I think he gets her, he is just a non fan like me. Sharon is much better when she is off the charts doing crazy shit. She is boring as dullan when they have her as suzy homemaker sitting at home waiting for dick.


he only thing I'd disagree with is finding Victoria interesting. I find her egotistical, creepily invested in her daddy, and a total lightweight compared to Ashley and Phyllis, but I can't make the leap to interesting.

Same for me. Scary Spice is so uninteresting to me. She is a royal bitch.

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I don't remember her leaving the park.


It was not at all clear she'd "left" the park. The only reason I realized it wasn't is when Avery was describing it she said "I was in the alley outside my apartment when I was attacked."

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Sage does not look good that blonde. Didn't she just change her hair colour a few weeks ago? Are pregnant women supposed to continually put chemicals in their hair?


I'll have to look again, but I Googled the actor who plays Sage a while back. She's been blonde before. I couldn't help but wonder if the shade she's wearing is her natural hair colour.  


As for today's show, in its final scene Avery took Dylan's gun out of its drawer at Crimson Lights. As soon as I saw her flashback to it, I thought,"Dear Soap Gods--no!!"


In her quest to eliminate Joe, is Avery going to wind up shooting someone? Will it be Joe or an unfortunate bystander? Will she be charged with his murder? Is this how TPTB are going to get rid of Jessica Collins and Scott Elrod? Have one murdered and the other charged with the crime? Or will someone else meet their demise?


Again, I assert that they could have shipped Avery off. Joe had potential. This mess makes me glad that Jack'll be on tomorrow.

Edited by C76
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Apologies for posting this so late, we had guests for Stampede this evening, so did not get a chance to watch nor recap.  What little I happened to catch was kind of stupid and boring.  Abby is suddenly negotiating exec extaordinaire.  Sharon is reaching out Prick.  WTF.

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Apologies for posting this so late, we had guests for Stampede this evening, so did not get a chance to watch nor recap.  What little I happened to catch was kind of stupid and boring.  Abby is suddenly negotiating exec extaordinaire.  Sharon is reaching out Prick.  WTF.

It was pretty unwatchable. Abby as clever businesswoman, sigh. And guess who's showing her the ropes? You guessed it, folks, CHELSEA!!! The uneducated grifter turned fashion designer is showing the new COO of a multinational the ropes!


Vicki slobbering all over Victor at the police station. How could GABE TAKE OVER HER FATHER'S company? How could he just walk in there like he owns it?


The same way you did, you snivelling ass, when you walked into Jabot and took it over and changed it's fucking NAME. She actually said "Gabe is the reason you are in here." How is Gabe the reason Victor is in a holding cell for shooting Jack exactly?


Sharon had the only intelligent line of the day when Nick said Victor shot Jack in self defence: "So, Jack has become some maniac who wants to kill people?" she asks incredulously. Baboon kind of raised his eyebrows and said, "I believe MY DAD." 


There was Avery and Cricket (I FFd). And, yeah, Sharon kindly brought Faith -- who actually explained in her seven-year-old language that VICTOR WOULD NOT HURT SOMEONE UNLESS THEY WERE HURTING HIM -- to see Victor. Unfuckingbelievable. This better be leading to a big downfall for Victor because fuck.

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How is Gabe the reason Victor is in a holding cell for shooting Jack exactly?

It doesn't matter whether Victor actually did it, what matters is that Gabe had the unmitigated gall to report what he saw.

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Abby and Chelz are patting themselves on the back about their great victory, with Abs saying: It’s my first contract signing since Gabe gave me the COO job!  That’s right, cause that happened five minutes ago.  Gnome is unimpressed and thinks that Abs is Team Newman.  He’s angry that Gabe is taking advantage of a tragedy and that Abby has no problem doing the same.  Chelz says they are all on the same team.  Gnome calls Chelz out for screwing over Billy, and screwing Gabe.  Ouch.  Abs tells him to shut up.  He points out that neither Prick nor Jack would ever have put Abs in the COO position.


Dick and Vic are conspiring. They are pretending to be in conflict.  And I guess they think Gabe is buying it.  But they are not that good at it, because Billy catches her spying on Gabe and Dick.  Billy wants to team up with Vic to work against Gabe.  Vic shares her plan with Billy. 

Dummer shows up at the UG and meets Marisa.  Dummer is still going on and on about the Newbot feuding.  And she’s down because it is her wedding anniversary.  She and Noah talk about the unsolved mystery of who shot their spouses.  Noah says that Kevin found a connection to Jack.  Marisa eavesdrops intently.  Noah later fills in Marisa on the whole Austin/Courtney/Tobias situation and that the killer is still out there.  She asks a lot of questions.  Noah tells her about Marco Anicelli and the DNA match, and she reacts, but then says that her boyfriend knew him. Noah is upset and he wants Marisa to contact her boyfriend so they can find Marco.  She says he is gone.  Noah gets very agitated and wants to be able to contact her boyfriend himself.  She is resistant and says he should leave it to the police.


Phyllis asks Coma Jack to communicate, which he does, cause he can hear and he can say coma thoughts, but apparently he cannot open his eyes.   He can move his fingers and hands too.  So how is this being unconscious?  Cause he seems conscious to me.  Phyllis gets the doctor in to check it out but Jack isn’t playing and nothing happens.  The doc leaves and Coma Jack is back.  Phyllis starts communicating with Coma Jack.  He squeezes her hand once for yes, twice for no.  She figures out that he doesn’t want anyone else to know that he is able to hear what is going on.  She asks him if he called Drinki to meet him in the PARK that night.  He says no.  She is confused by that.  She asks him if he took a gun with him.  Before he can squeeze no, Gabe interrupts and asks Phyllis what she is up to.  She covers.  Gabe wants to be alone with Jack, and at first Phyllis is opposed but Coma Jack gives her the go ahead.  Gabe starts telling Jack what happened the night he was shot but he lies and leaves out the conspiracy with Marco and the deal with Prick.  Jack tells us that he heard all of it, and wonders what else Gabe was up to.  He wonders whether Gabe was in on the plot to replace him with Marco and whether he turned on Prick.  He wonders whether Gabe  betrayed him even after he kept his secret just to get a hold of Newbot.

Ash and Ben are hanging out together at the hospital.  He is there to ensure she gets her MRI.  Also, he has his medical license back so he wants to go back to work at the hospital.  He’s ditching Newbot.


Villy and Dick are conspiring on how they will distract Gabe with their infighting and they agree not to tell Abby cause she is super excited about her new job and she can't keep a secret.  Abs and Chelz show up.  To continue their plan, Vic mocks Abby’s triumph with the deal she negotiated.  And suggests she used her feminine wiles.  Billy and Dick say that she could have gotten a better deal and she should have done her homework.  Harsh.  I wonder if they think that when all this is over Abby will just forget their mean girl tactics.  More arguing and demeaning of Abby by Villy and then Dick comes to her defense and she storms out.

Gnome shows up at Dummer’s apartment.  She’s super sad because of the whole anniversary thing.  They lament the same old story about their feuding families and Dummer worries that there families will come between them.  Wait, are they trying to do a Romeo and Juliet thing here?  Hah!  There was more blah blah, but I didn't really pay attention.


Ash and Ben (Bash?) are done with her MRI and come to see Jack, and Ash is pissed that Gabe is there.  She says she doesn’t care if he is an Abbott, he is vile, and entitled.  She blurts out about Abby being COO which Phyllis is surprised at.  Ash tells Gabe he is in over his head and doesn’t understand what he has gotten himself into.

The Newbots plus Chelz are still arguing, and Gabe returns.  Dick is aligning with Abby, and thus Gabe.  Gabe tells them they are going to have work together.  They are going to write a new mission statement together.


Abby meets up with Bash at the UG.  She finds out about Ben’s news that he got his license back because Ash lets it slip.  Abs says she has good news re the contract signing.   Ash is not very supportive and tells her to watch her back.  Abs is sick and tired of everyone raining on her parade.  Ash tries to turn it on Gabe, and Ben defends Ash.  Rut roh.  But Ben tells Abby he is on her side.

Phyllis goes back to her conversation with Coma Jack and finds out that he does not trust Gabe and that he is not happy with how Gabe is running things at Newbot.  She decides that she is going to start going to Newbot and check things out, I guess so she and Coma Jack can “talk” about things.  Also, he confirms that Prick did not shoot Jack in self-defense.  She wants to tell the police what Jack is telling her but he doesn’t want her to.  I guess he wants her to ferret out the truth with his help.


Previews:  Avery to Joe:  If Dylan wanted to kill you, you’d be dead; Sharon to Dylan: I want you to stay away from Avery; Neil to Prick: I am going to remind her what a cheat, a thief, what a liar you are, and Prick hits him and knocks him down!

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I don't even know what Vicky, Billy and Nick are doing. Gabe comes out more smarter than all 3 put together and Vicky after her disgusting defense of Victor can shut up and deserves to be in jail with him. Billy is even speaking to Victoria why? 


At least Kyle is out for Victor's head and calling out Abby on choosing to be a Newman instead of siding with Jack. 

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I guess they think if they distract Gabe they can swoop in and.... I don't even know. Clearly it is working though. I almost feel bad for Abby. She is getting a hard reality check that no one in her family - Newman or Abbott - has faith in her. That has to suck.

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So how is this being unconscious?  Cause he seems conscious to me.


There is something called "locked-in syndrome" that some people in comas experience. They are essentially paralyzed but they are aware of what's going on around them. It occurs to me it's a very useful syndrome for soap operas. ;)


Also most humans (not Phyllis on coma juice) come out of comas gradually. So this kind of makes sense. I'm not a fan of voice overs but this isn't bad. And it allows Phyllis to figure things out, which is entertaining.


Does anyone (I mean here, on the board) like Summer? This is a serious question.

Edited by miamama
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I guess they think if they distract Gabe they can swoop in and.... I don't even know. Clearly it is working though. I almost feel bad for Abby. She is getting a hard reality check that no one in her family - Newman or Abbott - has faith in her. That has to suck.

But does it really suck? I mean I realize we have bartenders and pool boys and beauticians becoming executives on this show but allowing for a touch of reality, Abby as COO is a joke. Ashley has an education and worked in the lab for years. Vicki started in the mailroom I believe and launched Brash & Sassy when she was younger than Abby. Abby chose to ride horses naked. She can't turn around and demand respect now.

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Gnome calls Chelz out for screwing over Billy, and screwing Gabe.


So this garden gnome calls out Chelsea for cheating on his precious old ass dirty ass uncle but he doesn't call out said uncle for working with Bohemian?



Before he can squeeze no, Gabe interrupts and asks Phyllis what she is up to.  She covers.  Gabe wants to be alone with Jack


How does fuck is Adam just going to walk into Jack's room and tell his wife to leave so he can whine some more about his stolen identity?



Villy and Dick are conspiring on how they will distract Gabe with their infighting and they agree not to tell Abby cause she is super excited about her new job and she can't keep a secret.  Abs and Chelz show up.  To continue their plan, Vic mocks Abby’s triumph with the deal she negotiated.  And suggests she used her feminine wiles.  Billy and Dick say that she could have gotten a better deal and she should have done her homework.  Harsh.  I wonder if they think that when all this is over Abby will just forget their mean girl tactics.  More arguing and demeaning of Abby by Villy and then Dick comes to her defense and she storms out.


I wish Abby would fire her treacherous sister, brother, and uncle.



Villy and Dick are conspiring on how they will distract Gabe with their infighting and they agree not to tell Abby cause she is super excited about her new job and she can't keep a secret.  Abs and Chelz show up.  To continue their plan, Vic mocks Abby’s triumph with the deal she negotiated.  And suggests she used her feminine wiles.  Billy and Dick say that she could have gotten a better deal and she should have done her homework.  Harsh.  I wonder if they think that when all this is over Abby will just forget their mean girl tactics.  More arguing and demeaning of Abby by Villy and then Dick comes to her defense and she storms out.



If Bohemian or Ashley used their brains they would realize that having Abby in the COO position gives them an ally within the company. One of them should be trying to help her, if only for selfish reasons. Besides, she's COO whether they like it or not. If she fails that's going to hurt the company.


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Does anyone (I mean here, on the board) like Summer? This is a serious question.


Eh. The character gets on my nerves. They need to give her something to do. 

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I can't stand Summer. I wish she'd be killed from the serial killer next.


Wonder if Abby will be team getting to know brother Adam when this is all over. He seems to be the only one that think she can do a job.

Edited by Artsda
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But does it really suck? I mean I realize we have bartenders and pool boys and beauticians becoming executives on this show but allowing for a touch of reality, Abby as COO is a joke. Ashley has an education and worked in the lab for years. Vicki started in the mailroom I believe and launched Brash & Sassy when she was younger than Abby. Abby chose to ride horses naked. She can't turn around and demand respect now.

No, she cannot, but the rain of mockery and disdain they are bringing down on Abby seems quite  wrong.  I have never liked the character, but recall how Dick and Vic convinced her to fo against Prick in the lawsuit.  So she has basically just tried hard to be liked by these psycho relatives.  And today every one of them shit on her, except for maybe Dick.  I don't like Abby at all, but I don't hate her like I hate Dummer, so it felt all kinds of wrong to me to day.  And to add insult to injury, Chelz is only friend?  Yikes.

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Victoria, Billy, and Nick want Abby to side with Gabriel. They said as much themselves. They need her to help him and for Adam to see her as an ally so then they can swoop in when his defense is low. The issue is that they aren't including Abby in the plan. Victoria suggested they tell her but then they all felt Blabby Abby would ruin the plan. And while they are right she can hardly keep a secret, going all Mean Girls on her is also cruel. It would be one thing if it were just them but it is not. Kyle ripped her a new asshole and then Ashley also basically told her that Gabe only hired her to use her. So she getting it from all angles. Nick was nice in the end but he also joined in. Chelsea defended her. 


Abby loathes Adam for what he did to her mother and later Delia. I don't see this being some bonding thing after the reveal happens. In fact I see Abby being even more hurt and disgusted because she got close and trusted "Gabe" when everyone clearly were against him and were right to be. Even Jack has tossed out whatever loyalty he had left with Adam in this episode. He was pretty pissed himself because he heard everything Adam, Marco, and Victor talked about in the park after he was shot.


It will be interesting watching this all go down in the coming weeks. Chelsea is about to learn he is Adam but I get the feeling he will not tell her all about Jack, Marco, Marisa, and knocking up Sage. The power struggles with everyone riding Abby and her overwhelming need to be respected will definitely cause lots of drama.

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I don't like Abby at all, but I don't hate her like I hate Dummer, so it felt all kinds of wrong to me to day.  And to add insult to injury, Chelz is only friend?  Yikes.



Yeah, I watched and the pile on was pretty over the top re: Abby. Vicki especially. It makes no sense. This is your kid sister and she has been put in this shitty position. Okay, she should have turned it down but she didn't and she means well. I'm glad Kyle was defending his dad but Abby has been pretty loving and loyal to Jack. And despite the bullshit writing of her believing her dad would shoot Jack in self-defence the character/actress always mentions Uncle Jack and his plight first before Victor being in jail. Summer is ridiculous. She actually said to Kyle: "Your dad is in the hospital and my grandpa is in jail" as though Jack means nothing to her? FFS. Can she die already?


RA again showed he's a shitty actor. His scenes with Marisa today were dreadful. When he demanded her boyfriend's phone number he was so over the top and dreadful with his capital-A Anger. ugh. I'm glad she's lying to him. He can go all self-righteous Newman asshole and dump her for it later.

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I believe Nick did crap on Abby after the Austin-banging reveal, as if that escaped ape should be lecturing anyone about fidelity. I think Victoria is currently worried that Abby might turn out to be good at business and earn Victor's admiration, which is exclusively reserved for Mop.

As for Summer, meh. The character is a walking tragedy, but I've nothing against the actor.

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I think (minority view) Hunter King is talented. I think she would be a kickass mean girl. But she is continually presented as sweet Juliet while screeching like a harpy. Not working.

And the star crossed young lovers????? Blech. I'm hoping things get ugly with Kyle when the enormity of Victor's crimes against the Abbotts comes to light. Kyle freaking on Abby for choosing the wrong family and his promise to Summer that he'd NEVER let their families come between them are anvils that this is exactly what will happen. And I cannot wait. :)

Edited by miamama
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I don't think Summer has to be a super bitch to be interesting but whatever they're currently doing with her isn't working. I really don't even know what they're doing with her, actually. And her thing with Kyle doesn't gross me out it's just boring as fuck. They need to let her get a degree during a commercial break and then give her a job doing something. And bring back Fen so she won't have to spend all her time with the garden gnome. And let her accidentally kill Cockroach with her car. 

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You know LP, I think you're right.  I never hated her when she was around Fen.  It wasn't really until she started clinging to Austin like a fucking barnacle and being a bitch to Mariah for no reason that I really began to loathe her.  And then after Austin was killed she became the screeching harpy that she is now.

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But does it really suck? I mean I realize we have bartenders and pool boys and beauticians becoming executives on this show but allowing for a touch of reality, Abby as COO is a joke. Ashley has an education and worked in the lab for years. Vicki started in the mailroom I believe and launched Brash & Sassy when she was younger than Abby. Abby chose to ride horses naked. She can't turn around and demand respect now.


You mentioned the male equivalent of Abby in this paragraph. I remember Brad's first job in Genoa City. Yes, it may seem like a stretch to turn The Naked Heiress into a COO, but from what I see a precedent was set long ago. IMO Ab's promotion is no different than what happened when Mr. Carlton left his cutoffs for a business suit. 

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You mentioned the male equivalent of Abby in this paragraph. I remember Brad's first job in Genoa City. Yes, it may seem like a stretch to turn The Naked Heiress into a COO, but from what I see a precedent was set long ago. IMO Ab's promotion is no different than what happened when Mr. Carlton left his cutoffs for a business suit. 

True. But Brad started out working in the warehouse. Someone realized he was BRILLIANT and he came into the executive area. But he did not immediately become COO. Even Bell didn't go that far. Cane might have gone from bartender to something huge however. I was either not watching then or FFing.

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True. But Brad started out working in the warehouse. Someone realized he was BRILLIANT and he came into the executive area. But he did not immediately become COO. Even Bell didn't go that far. Cane might have gone from bartender to something huge however. I was either not watching then or FFing.


IMO, with Abby--if we're comparing her promotion to Brad's--they just skipped a step or two. (And thanks for the reminder re Brad's path to success. I couldn't recall how he advanced.)


Anyhow. I'm willing to let this one go. At the end of the day it's a soap, and they're going through crazy times. ;) The fact that Gabe made Abby COO is supposed to be absurd.

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Anyhow. I'm willing to let this one go. At the end of the day it's a soap, and they're going through crazy times. ;) The fact that Gabe made Abby COO is supposed to be absurd.


The thing is I always hated that MAB turned the daughter of Victor and Ashley into that stupid naked heiress. She should have been a smart player. It's not that it isn't believable she would be spoiled, it's just it limited the character completely. In that sense I'm glad she's working. I think Pratt is setting some good stuff up in terms of employees at Newman and Jabot (I can't call it Newman-Abbott). But it certainly shows how Newman heavy this show is. Why did they kill off Colleen and Delia? aaargh.


Maybe Victor will actually serve jail time or some sort of exile and the Newman morons can fight for the company, not his approval or affection, but the actual company. That would be different. Jabot can go back to Jack and the Abbotts as it should.

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Let's just hope that Victor's weepy lines today for Nikki don't work. I'm enjoying Neil again--I wonder how many characters will be set up to go against Victor? And I do mean set up. The two "we can get back together again" scenes with Lauren and Lily I think are set up to underline weepy Victor. Eugh.

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Weepy Victor, eh? See below:

I present to you the world's smallest violin. I'd suggest someone bottle Victor's tears and sell them as champagne, but medical experts advise against the human consumption of embalming fluid and black bile.

It's time for Neil to bust out the silver briefcase of righteous justice again.

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The thing is I always hated that MAB turned the daughter of Victor and Ashley into that stupid naked heiress. She should have been a smart player. It's not that it isn't believable she would be spoiled, it's just it limited the character completely. In that sense I'm glad she's working. I think Pratt is setting some good stuff up in terms of employees at Newman and Jabot (I can't call it Newman-Abbott). But it certainly shows how Newman heavy this show is. Why did they kill off Colleen and Delia? aaargh.


Maybe Victor will actually serve jail time or some sort of exile and the Newman morons can fight for the company, not his approval or affection, but the actual company. That would be different. Jabot can go back to Jack and the Abbotts as it should.

That is why I call it and all the people in the storyline: Newbots!

Heads up, I am sorry to say it is unlikely I will get to watch the show and recap today.  More Stampeding!  Canadians will understand what I am talking about.  I am definitely back tomorrow for a recap.


And Vacation Alert, I will be away from Wed July 15 till the 22nd, so no recaps then either.  Heading to the Rockies.

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Weepy Victor, eh? See below:

I present to you the world's smallest violin. I'd suggest someone bottle Victor's tears and sell them as champagne, but medical experts advise against the human consumption of embalming fluid and black bile.

It's time for Neil to bust out the silver briefcase of righteous justice again.

Neil needs to lay that briefcase upside Victor's head. WTF was Prick thinking? Way to help yourself Turd! His tears didn't move me one bit, after all he's done to others. #stillnotrootingforVictor

So jealous banana! Enjoy the mountains! :D

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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He did cry. It was ridiculous. Not a full on sob (which unfortunately he does on occasion), but a weepy "I can't lose you Nikki" thing. It was ludicrous, particularly as it came on the heels of him whining about how she doesn't understand how "Jack Abbott has become dangerous." Ass.


Oh, but he got to punch out Neil -- who is far younger and very fit. <eye roll>


Nikki was the only person to make any sense when she absolutely refused to believe that Jack would hurt her or her kids. The way Victor was insisting he would made him sound deranged. If my spouse or father were talking like that I'd request a psychiatric evaluation. But no one considers maybe Victor is losing it. 

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miamama quotes

Cane might have gone from bartender to something huge however. I was either not watching then or FFing.

The thing is I always hated that MAB turned the daughter of Victor and Ashley into that stupid naked heiress. She should have been a smart player.


Nikki was the only person to make any sense

I was watching and it was when Jill, et al., 'discovered' he was Phillip (3,4,5?) he was suddenly executive material.  And they continued to believe this even when they found out he was not Phillip Infinity!  The real person (Cane) had always been a bartender and moofia related and open to a fairly complex scam on Phillip's part.  No executive qualifications whatsoever-but Jill liked him as her pseudo-son, therefore he must be brilliant.  (At least the dive bar he ran didn't close-and given John Taffer's  statistics on bar closures, this may be in Cane's executive plus column.)  Then he had all these great ideas (nope, I can't remember them, either)  and Catherine and Jill had the clout to put him in office. Voila'.  Portrait of an Executive as a Young Man.


When Abs came back from NY, she seemed as if she had become that smart player.  I wasn't watching closely but I remember Victor being impressed with her desire to actually work and be businesslike.  Then she fell into the Tyler romance and became an air-head again, pushing her wealth on a man who was clearly uncomfortable with it.  And then the Austin/Cabin murders (eyeroll) removed anything that wasn't vapor from her brain.


I'm pretty sure I agree with the statement that Nikki was the only person to make any sense.  In Wodka truth, Da?  This is a sad day in GC, when you have to get loaded to make a statement that makes any sense and have people listen to you.  I think she and Neil should take the act on the road and impart some sense to everyone.  As long as they stay off the freakin' couch.

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That is why I call it and all the people in the storyline: Newbots!

Heads up, I am sorry to say it is unlikely I will get to watch the show and recap today.  More Stampeding!  Canadians will understand what I am talking about.  I am definitely back tomorrow for a recap.


And Vacation Alert, I will be away from Wed July 15 till the 22nd, so no recaps then either.  Heading to the Rockies.

Oh no! Vacation? I love reading your recaps. It saves me the bother of actually watching the show or I can ff to certain bits based on your recaps which are much better and more entertaining than the actual broadcasts.


Also, I live in the U.S. What is stampeding?

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