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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I really enjoyed this episode. It was fun, amusing and interesting.

I liked that Mariah showed up at the bachelor party and her reasoning is that she's on the groom's side of the church.

Gloria freaking out and showing up at the bachelor party and crashing was amusing. As well as her trying to get Mariah to seduce Kevin. Oh, Gloria.

Sharon plying Chloe with alcohol and Nick trying to interrogate her was comical, although I don't think that was the intention. Especially when Nick pulled out the tranq gun. I like that even wasted, Chloe was still too smart for Nick, heh.

The person I feel the most sorry for is Esther when the truth comes out. That poor woman just wants everyone to be happy.

Lastly, I enjoyed the Ravi and Phyllis makeover scene. Although, it would appear he only looks good in a suit. Which would be fine if he was an executive and not a tech guy. Hard to pull off a suit everyday when you're in a closet staring at a monitor.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Well, with the exception of the Billy stuff.

  • Love 12
15 hours ago, jewel21 said:

when you're in a closet staring at a monitor.

My rant:  if he's such an asset to the company, per the prior conversations with Jack and Ash, (he's brilliant, he does so much and they don't want to lose him...ya da da, ya da da), why don't they give him an office with at least one window?  B&S has offices (with windows and decent lighting) and they aren't even with Jabot.  Ravi's 'aw shucks, I'm just a genius' crap and being someone that will put up with demeaning bullsh*t because he's deep, down a really good soul?  Meh, it gets old and borders on stereotyping a POC who will take that treatment because he's so glad to have a job upstairs.

  • Love 7
36 minutes ago, MollyB said:

My rant:  if he's such an asset to the company, per the prior conversations with Jack and Ash, (he's brilliant, he does so much and they don't want to lose him...ya da da, ya da da), why don't they give him an office with at least one window?  B&S has offices (with windows and decent lighting) and they aren't even with Jabot.  Ravi's 'aw shucks, I'm just a genius' crap and being someone that will put up with demeaning bullsh*t because he's deep, down a really good soul?  Meh, it gets old and borders on stereotyping a POC who will take that treatment because he's so glad to have a job upstairs.

I think it's more that he's young and nerdy and doesn't have much self confidence. I hope he gets past that and starts becoming more assertive. If he really is the boy genius they are portraying him to be, there should be head hunters circling like sharks. I hope he wises up and tell them to promote him or he's history. I just don't want to lose the actor. :(

  • Love 10

So today was a good episode for the Chloe stuff... why they didn't time it for ratings I don't know, except maybe ratings don't matter any more.

I know she's a close second to Jason Thompson around here, but given material, Chelsea delivers good soap acting.  

Snarks:  1) if Ravi's going to date a 70 year old woman, he needs thicker skin.  I just hope this doesn't turn into a creepy Bill Bell tribute triangle of Ravi, Ashley and Dina... 'cause Bill did like keeping it in the family.... especially with the Abbotts.... thinking on it (John, Jack, Jill; John, Jack, Gloooooooria! (a little Judith OoO Chapman imitation for ya there); Billy, Jack, Phyllis; Dina, Ashley, Eric; Ashley, Traci, Brad; Sharon, Jack, Billy; Ashley, Victor, Jack - hey, wait a minute....) but when you look at all the intramural been there, done that the Abbotts border on a geometry lesson in hillbilly country... or at least another awkward, creepy Christmas with the Forresters.)   


2) I know about suspension of belief but there is no universe where the national hockey league cuts an official deal with a brand called Brash and Sassy.  'Cause, really, it just doesn't say hockey in my part of the hills. 

  • Love 5

Oooh, Chelsea found Adam's wedding ring in Chloe's underwear drawer. Chloe is an idiot. You kill a guy and take his ring and hide it in your old bedroom? Not even in a safety deposit box at a bank? A bank preferably in Switzerland? Girl, you dumb.

Poor Ravi, all heartbroken Ashley didn't fall to her knees when he walked into her office. But alas, Phyllis made him feel better and basically told Ashley off and Ashley finally opened her eyes to the power of Ravi. The fact that he took the suit off made it super obvious he had only dressed up for her. You'd think he could have played it a little smoother. The boy has no game and the emotional intelligence of my bird.

Don't care about Noteverinamillionyearswillyoubebillyabbot or Victoria.

Victor is still plugging his book and told MySon about his and Adam's troubled relationship *yawn* When he tells him about Adam gasligthing Ashley then I'll listen.

  • Love 9

Seems that Villy/Philly triangle is kicking off. Suddenly Phyllis is looking jealous because Billy didn't seem to be mooning over her but instead was focused on Victoria? It just seems too easy with Villy. I think Philly is coming because the Newmans are about to implode a bit and she will be consumed in that which.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Artsda said:

Chloe is a moron and so was Chelsea for believing all her lies when Chloe tried to kill Adam before.

The writers aren't exactly Eisnteins either.... I know whenever I commit a major crime I super do my best to hide the most incriminating evidence somewhere it won't be found.   Sock drawer... not a sweet spot.  That felt like bad writing for earlier regimes, where nothing was much thought through.

  • Love 5

Oh, myyyy.

That was amazeballz. I wasn't expecting Chelsea to hand over Adam's ring to Chloe during the ceremony. Chloe's reaction was amazing. Gloria continues to amuse me, haha. I feel so bad for Kevin, though. I've always liked him. And I was hoping Adam wasn't really dead but it looks like that hope has been dashed. I really loved the confrontation between Chloe and Chelsea in the bedroom. Really well acted and it demonstrated just how crazy Chloe still is. And that ending! Chloe knocked out her bestie! Father Tom and Kevin find her! Oh the drama, hee. And Chloe just takes off without Bella? I can't wait until tomorrow!

I failed to care about anything else including Phyllis and Billy.

  • Love 14

I couldn't figure out why Chelsea did not have flowers as the maid/matron of honour. Then when I saw her carrying the ring box I knew she was going to give Chloe Adam's ring. Well done, writers. What isn't well done is that Chloe escaped. Does this mean that in another year or so she will return again? Ugh. In the meantime will Esther look after Bella or will Kevin? 

WTH is up with the wardrobe people at Y&R? I just saw three of the ugliest dresses I have ever seen on this show, and all on this episode. Chloe's dress was horrific. It looked like a giant spider web. And looked nothing like the one that was on the mannequin at Chelsea's studio. Mariah's dress was almost as bad. Is that a Chelsea 2.0 as well? And last but not least, Victoria's dress appeared to have been unearthed from some trunk in the attic containing some 60's hippie chick clothing. I could smell the mothballs through my tv screen. 

  • Love 9
36 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

That was the worst combination of ugly dresses I've ever seen in one place much less a wedding. What are these wardrobe people thinking? Are they shopping at GoodWill?

Hey don't slag on Goodwill. I've been able to score a lot of cool vintage and designer clothes there. Got my son a Ralph Lauren blazer in mint condition for twelve bucks. :)

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I didn't mean to slam GoodWill. I'm sure there are bargains to be found there. Maybe the wardrobe people for Y&R should shop there too! 

I know you didn't, just joshing with you. It's true though. I go there a couple times a year to see what they have. TIIC on Y&R seriously need to get some new costume and make up people.

  • Love 4

Good episode today. I did think Scott questioning Mariah about breaking the news on GC Buzz was a bit much, and am glad that Devon thought he might have an ulterior motive. While I don't think Devon and Mariah have any chemistry other than one of a friendship (as Mariah also has with Kevin) I am glad they are paired together at the moment as I think they make a cute couple. 

Too bad that Victor will be found out once again to be the monster he is, only to have everyone forgive him once again. Which takes the fun out of the storyline, at least for me. 

Does anyone else think that Sharon and Nick are going to end up together again? I don't see Nick and Chels continuing as she is going to be too torn up, finding out that Adam was indeed murdered by her best friend. And Sharon is in a very stable place, likely the best (the writers have allowed her to be) in years. I think that they are the Victor/Nikki of their generation. And Sharon would once again have Christian Sully in her life. So for at least a couple of years til they inevitably split again I would be fine with it. Though bringing Scott in as a love interest to get Nick to realize he has feelings for Sharon again would be fine with me as well. 

I was wondering why Father Todd asked Paul if they were OK. Is there a reason they should not be that I have forgotten? I thought it must have been a bit sad for Corbin Bernsen to be back on the set of what was his mother's home for many years on Y&R. Though no doubt nice to see her acting family again. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 7

I like how Bella is just left behind like a kitten. At least Esther will dote on her. And hopefully Kevin will help out.

So Nick finally learns his dear daddy was working with Chloe to frame Adam. Wonder what he's going to do with that information.

Gloria was actually nice to Kevin and said some kind words to him. Color me shocked.

It was nice seeing Father Todd again. I'm glad they continue to bring him back.

I was surprised Mariah's first thought was to run with the story. I think I would be much more concerned about my friend that I wouldn't even be thinking about my job.

I'm going to be sad when the whole Chloe/Victor/Adam story line is over because it's the only interesting thing on the canvas right now.

  • Love 11

I really enjoyed today's CDN.  I just caught up on a week's eps and then this was my reward!  I liked how Chelz set up Chloe with the ring.  That was some soapy goodness.

Okay, it is annoying that they are trying to make Nick so smart that he is tracking Chloe.  But, it might be fun if he actually confronted his asshole father and Chloe.  Yeah, that won't happen.

  • Love 6

I caught that moment between Paul and Father Todd as well Username. Paul had an odd look on his face afterwards so I don't think we missed anything. I hope this doesn't mean they are going to kill Father Todd off. I floved how he and Esther were sitting on the stairs together, the last place that CB's mother had her famous scene. ?

  • Love 10

And I was hoping Adam wasn't really dead but it looks like that hope has been dashed.

Well . . . there might be a faint glimmer of hope. In that recent JM interview, which was ostensibly done around the same period they would have had information about the storyline if not yet the scripts of the current Chloe reveal, he stated that he believed that they might bring Adam back again in the future. Now, I take that as he believes it might happen rather than him knowing for a fact and just putting it out there somewhere in some time to come without giving anything else away. But why would he say that if it isn't a possibility? I get the notion that things are still rather fluid with this newish regime. Some things are beginning to take shape and gel and others are obviously in flux and it does seem that between MY and SSM there is some flexibility to modifying their plans, whether it be storylines to casting. I don't know whether JM's gotten word that Chick is not a go (or at least for the long term) and he's positing that in that case they might have to bring Adam back since the fan base is still clamoring for Chadam and won't be satisfied until that's done (and I'm not referring to TPTB bringing JH but another actor recast in the role). They waited a fair amount of time before recasting MM's replacement and that might be the case here now because they want enough time to lapse for the viewers to not be disturbed. Perhaps, SSM and MY are more sensitive to freaking viewers out by lurching overnight actor replacements which bedeviled JFP with each recast made to Billy over a three year period, with the last casting decision still bothering most of the viewers the most since it was literally done overnight and with such a dramatic departure from not only Billy's appearance but most glaringly his actual personality.

  • Love 5

So Chloe gets away via Prick's jet, but she doesn't have a purse, id, money, a phone, nothing.  Not sure what she is going to do when she gets to her destination.   Oh,  and Nick was quite useless, because all he had to do was open the door, but he stood outside trying to eavesdrop and then there she was, gone girl!

  • Love 9

Okay, I only watched the Chloe/Prick storyline.  There was no Chelz as far as I noticed.

They were definitely setting Prick up as the victim again.  When Nick tells Prick that Chloe killed Adam, he also confronts him about using Chloe to frame Adam.  Prick actually admits it to Nick and even recaps what happened for people like me who had pretty much forgotten why that whole framing thing happened anyways.  It was because Adam wouldn't assume control of Newman Ent. and also he was going to testify against Prick.  So Prick brought Chloe back to frame him with Sage's diary.  But, he explained to Nick, Adam was never to set foot in prison, but Chloe double-crossed him.  So then what was the point of the frame-up?  Anyhoo, during this entire convo at the hangar, Prick is remorseful and grief-stricken, but he does entirely blame Chloe.  Nick confronts him with the fact that he is as much to blame as Chloe.  I don't think he said:  this is not the first time you have used a mentally unstable person to do your dirty deeds, and it backfired every time before too.  But he should have.

Prick tells Nick (let's go back to calling him Dick, now that he is practically a PI) that he will get Chloe back and he will deal with her.   Dick notes that Prick will have to deal with the law because of his actions, and Prick whimpers: why do you hate me so?  how can you be such a big meannie?

They go back to the ranch, and Vic is already there, wanting to know what is going on, and when they  arrive, Dick tells them that Chloe murdered Adam.  Drinkki realizes that Prick already knew and she consoles him.  Prick tells the truth to all of them off camera, cause we already heard it a few minutes ago. 

The reactions:

Vic:  we knew you framed Adam but this doesn't make any sense.

Drinkki:  Chloe, you recruited her as your accomplice after she had tried several times to kill your son, I don't understand that.

Vic:  you never learn, you feel slighted or attacked and you go into God mode, you dole out punishment however you see fit (and something else I couldn't understand).

Prick: no one is suffering more than I am, okay!

Dick:  Chelz may see things differently.

Drinkki:  I am such an idiot; I actually believed that you had finally changed, that you had become the man that put your love for your family above everything else, your business, yourself; the man who I forgave and welcomed back into my life.

Prick: Don't be so overdramatic; I am that man, alright!

Drinkki:  No you are not, if you were you would never have put this heinous plan into action; you wouldn't have any association with Chloe, and you knew she was still unstable.

Prick:  I thought I could deal with that, she had convinced me otherwise. (LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!)

Drinkki:  Prick, she was lying! just like you have been lying to me all these months, why?

Vic:  Because he could not risk telling anyone, because they would put him back into prison for framing Adam.

Drinkki:  That's going to happen anyway, and the minute they find Chloe she is going to tell them everything about her arrangement with you.

Prick:  I will face the consequences, whatever they may be; the most important thing is to find Chloe and bring her back.

Then Prick gets a phone call and learns that Chloe is in THUNDER BAY ONTARIO CANADA!  That was my fave part of the episode.  A car was waiting for her(!) and she quickly sped away, and the pilot could not see the car because it was dark.  Remnants of her phone were found on the plane.  I guess Chloe had it holstered under that fugly dress.  Maybe she had her passport taped to one boob, and her money to the other.  Cause she sure was not carrying anything when she got on the plane. 

I have been to Thunder Bay, and you might think it is a good place to disappear to, because it is a bit out there, but remember Bambi?*  She went there and got caught by the locals who recognized her and this was before social media.  You know if Chloe wants some company, she can go and join Brady and Nicole who are situated in a small town outside of Winnipeg, she just needs to head west on the TransCanada Highway.  Oh and a version of Paul's daughter Heather is also there.  It could be a party!

So when you arrive in Canada you actually have to go through customs, no matter where you land.  Not sure how Chloe bypassed that.

Prick says he will do everything in his power to bring Chloe back and bring her to justice and avenge Adam's death.  Drinkki says:  Don't you see, you are every bit as responsible for Adam's death; your son's blood is on your hands.  Prick says: I don't need to hear that from you.  Drinkki, Dick and Vic leave and Prinks sinks sadly into a chair, head downcast.

*Google: Run, Bambi, Run.

In the previews, Drinkki tells the family that they can never tell the truth about this; and Chelz goes to see Prick at his office.

Edited by bannana
  • Love 13
54 minutes ago, bannana said:

Okay, I only watched the Chloe/Prick storyline.  There was no Chelz as far as I noticed.

They were definitely setting Prick up as the victim again.  When Nick tells Prick that Chloe killed Adam, he also confronts him about using Chloe to frame Adam.  Prick actually admits it to Nick and even recaps what happened for people like me who had pretty much forgotten why that whole framing thing happened anyways.  It was because Adam wouldn't assume control of Newman Ent. and also he was going to testify against Prick.  So Prick brought Chloe back to frame him with Sage's diary.  But, he explained to Nick, Adam was never to set foot in prison, but Chloe double-crossed him.  So then what was the point of the frame-up?  Anyhoo, during this entire convo at the hangar, Prick is remorseful and grief-stricken, but he does entirely blame Chloe.  Nick confronts him with the fact that he is as much to blame as Chloe.  I don't think he said:  this is not the first time you have used a mentally unstable person to do your dirty deeds, and it backfired every time before too.  But he should have.

Prick tells Nick (let's go back to calling him Dick, now that he is practically a PI) that he will get Chloe back and he will deal with her.   Dick notes that Prick will have to deal with the law because of his actions, and Prick whimpers: why do you hate me so?  how can you be such a big meannie?

They go back to the ranch, and Vic is already there, wanting to know what is going on, and when they  arrive, Dick tells them that Chloe murdered Adam.  Drinkki realizes that Prick already knew and she consoles him.  Prick tells the truth to all of them off camera, cause we already heard it a few minutes ago. 

The reactions:

Vic:  we knew you framed Adam but this doesn't make any sense.

Drinkki:  Chloe, you recruited her as your accomplice after she had tried several times to kill your son, I don't understand that.

Vic:  you never learn, you feel slighted or attacked and you go into God mode, you dole out punishment however you see fit (and something else I couldn't understand).

Prick: no one is suffering more than I am, okay!

Dick:  Chelz may see things differently.

Drinkki:  I am such an idiot; I actually believed that you had finally changed, that you had become the man that put your love for your family above everything else, your business, yourself; the man who I forgave and welcomed back into my life.

Prick: Don't be so overdramatic; I am that man, alright!

Drinkki:  No you are not, if you were you would never have put this heinous plan into action; you wouldn't have any association with Chloe, and you knew she was still unstable.

Prick:  I thought I could deal with that, she had convinced me otherwise. (LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!)

Drinkki:  Prick, she was lying! just like you have been lying to me all these months, why?

Vic:  Because he could not risk telling anyone, because they would put him back into prison for framing Adam.

Drinkki:  That's going to happen anyway, and the minute they find Chloe she is going to tell them everything about her arrangement with you.

Prick:  I will face the consequences, whatever they may be; the most important thing is to find Chloe and bring her back.

Then Prick gets a phone call and learns that Chloe is in THUNDER BAY ONTARIO CANADA!  That was my fave part of the episode.  A car was waiting for her(!) and she quickly sped away, and the pilot could not see the car because it was dark.  Remnants of her phone were found on the plane.  I guess Chloe had it holstered under that fugly dress.  Maybe she had her passport taped to one boob, and her money to the other.  Cause she sure was not carrying anything when she got on the plane. 

I have been to Thunder Bay, and you might think it is a good place to disappear to, because it is a bit out there, but remember Bambi?*  She went there and got caught by the locals who recognized her and this was before social media.  You know if Chloe wants some company, she can go and join Brady and Nicole who are situated in a small town outside of Winnipeg, she just needs to head west on the TransCanada Highway.  Oh and a version of Paul's daughter Heather is also there.  It could be a party!

So when you arrive in Canada you actually have to go through customs, no matter where you land.  Not sure how Chloe bypassed that.

Prick says he will do everything in his power to bring Chloe back and bring her to justice and avenge Adam's death.  Drinkki says:  Don't you see, you are every bit as responsible for Adam's death; your son's blood is on your hands.  Prick says: I don't need to hear that from you.  Drinkki, Dick and Vic leave and Prinks sinks sadly into a chair, head downcast.

*Google: Run, Bambi, Run.

In the previews, Drinkki tells the family that they can never tell the truth about this; and Chelz goes to see Prick at his office.

But..but....but.... what happened to the Baked Alaska?

No cherries jubilee?

EXcellent recap, bannana!

  • Love 9

No cherries jubilee?

Lol my mom and her BFF set the curtains on fire one night when they decided to make Cherries Jubilee after drinking large quantities of rum. They had the pan on top of a sterno burner meant for fondue and when they lit it the rum spilled onto the sterno and the whole thing blew up. Cherries everywhere. My dad threw a pot of spaghetti water onto the draperies and they all had a good laugh.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, boes said:

But..but....but.... what happened to the Baked Alaska?

No cherries jubilee?

EXcellent recap, bannana!

@boesI actually was paying attention and other than that Drinkki was all gussied up, and not in a gown, I think it was knee length, I didn't notice any fantastic preparations for dinner ending with Baked Alaska.  It must have been in the ne'er to be seen dining room.  Or maybe THUNDER BAY is subbing for Baked ALASKA!

I am only sad we didn't get a shot of crazy Chloe disembarking the plane in that hideous tablecloth and jumping into a black sedan and speeding off down the TransCanada to parts unknown.  I wonder who she arranged a car with.  Maybe the DrDance DJ & Limousine Service.  An actual limo service in Thunder Bay.

  • Love 7

This entire story line is so freaking ridiculous, I cannot imagine that the writers expect us to watch or believe or continue to watch this huge load of crap. As crazy and unrealistic as soaps have always been, they've never been this bone deep stupid. What an insult to our collective intelligences. If that's even a word. If not, it should be. I'd just like to slap these writers into next Tuesday.

  • Love 3

LOL @ all of this... I was just convinced he was going to say:  She left the plane and jumped into a waiting.....





 OK I am just not getting (making mistake, treating show as if logical) all this Newman passion for Adam... I thought Victor was the only one who liked him and that was just enough to keep him out of prison half the time...

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, Big Blue Plate said:

LOL @ all of this... I was just convinced he was going to say:  She left the plane and jumped into a waiting.....

  Reveal hidden contents


 OK I am just not getting (making mistake, treating show as if logical) all this Newman passion for Adam... I thought Victor was the only one who liked him and that was just enough to keep him out of prison half the time...

Well, if not a snowmobile, at least a Sno Cat!  Otherwise she would have needed a snowmobile suit to wear over her doily dress.

Truthfully, what you would expect to see is a very large pickup truck of the luxury kind with very big tires and very big everything else. 

Re the Newman love for Adam, I agree they didn't love him all that much but toward the end there, when they realized he was being framed, and ended up in jail, there were various plot twists where I thought he had redeemed himself with Vic, Dick and Drinkki.

Even so, they must remember all the other heinous things Prick, including taking advantage of at least three, maybe more, mentally unstable women to advance his nefarious ends, so maybe that is part of their outrage.  I am really certain though that it is for Prick to look the victim, have a medical crisis and then everyone will love him again and all will be forgotten.

  • Love 9

I did think today's show was very good in the Newman scenes... even Victor.  It was fairly subtle for this.  (Leap of faith that it's not just same old same old forgive and forget by the end of the week.)  And Victoria looked spectacular... the dress suited her and her hair was did... nice highlights. 

Dear God in heaven...


what will Faith say when she finds out??  And how many episodes will she take to say it???

Edited by Big Blue Plate
  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, Big Blue Plate said:

I did think today's show was very good in the Newman scenes... even Victor.  It was fairly subtle for this.  (Leap of faith that it's not just same old same old forgive and forget by the end of the week.)  And Victoria looked spectacular... the dress suited her and her hair was did... nice highlights. 

Dear God in heaven...

  Reveal hidden contents

what will Faith say when she finds out??  And how many episodes will she take to say it???

And it was telling that after positioning Abby as not a bonafide Newman, that she was excluded from this Newman family meeting.

  • Love 5

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