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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Either way they both let Ali down and that's the worst thing. It's both their jobs as parents to help Ali with her illness and they didn't do that which is hugely disappointing (although it is somewhat predicable with Leah).

And based on pics anyway it seems they still aren't. Although giving them a slight benefit of the doubt, maybe Ali doesn't like being in her wheelchair for photos.

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I thought it was interesting how excited Cheetos gets to see her father. She also didn't want to go home when they were doing the exchange. Almost died laughing when she was screaming she didn't want to go and when Leah jokingly put her back in the car seat, she immediately stopped. Leah did not like that.

That was classic. I was laughing too! I kept hoping he'd just buckle her back in and leave.

I did feel bad about the whole guilt trip thing. Also awkward the way Leah said "home" and then kind of fumbled around as she realized the kid has two places to call home.

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I was thinking the same thing about photos. Maybe Ali isn't photographed while in the wheelchair. Just like we don't see any T.R. in photos with Leah and the kids. We know he is in Leah's bed, we just don't see any photos on public display. It is possible Leah chooses to post photos of Ali without her wheelchair. That doesn't mean they never photograph her while she is in it.

Edited by GreatKazu
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And based on pics anyway it seems they still aren't. Although giving them a slight benefit of the doubt, maybe Ali doesn't like being in her wheelchair for photos.

She seems to really enjoy the wheelchair, and she doesn't fall while she's in it. She's never seemed embarrassed by it and the times we've seen her in it she was having fun. If anyone is embarrassed by the wheelchair, I would assume it's Corey and/or Leah. And based on the fact that they hemmed and hawed and avoided fixing the wheelchair for so long, I very much doubt that they are keeping up with the doctor's orders re: the wheelchair.

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I am shocked Corey would so blatantly ignore the doctor, if it's true the wheelchair is still out of use.

One thing Corey is not is lazy, so I have to think he is intentionally avoiding getting it fixed. I can only guess that Corey has appointed himself a Google MD and has decided that Ali will continue to walk as long as she does not have a wheelchair to rely on and that the availability of a wheelchair will discourage her from continuing to try to walk.

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I saw the wagon in the Sneak Peak too and my first thought was oh no, how lazy can Leah get. It's a lot easier for Leah to load and unload a lightweight plastic wagon in the back of one of her massive SUVs she drives. And it's easier for Leah to use it in place of the wheelchair anywhere else. It's all about what's easiest for Leah, never mind what Ali actually needs. Leah is beyond selfish.

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I've been married a long time. Someone please explain what the tinder dating app is

Tinder is an app that's basically "hot or not" in app form. You post pictures and fill out a profile, but the profile is very short. The app matches you with people and you can swipe right if you like them, swipe left if you don't. If you don't like them, they won't pop up again. If you like them and they like you too, you're notified and you can take it from there. It works with your GPS, so it'll show you local people wherever you are (which can be annoying if you swipe right on someone who's only in your area temporarily) - it'll show you how many miles away they are. It initially started as a hookup app - it's very superficial by nature, as opposed to Match.com or OKCupid where you fill out longer personality profiles. But it's kind of morphed into a regular dating app. When I was on it, I specified "Dates, not hookups" in my profile. I went on a few nice dates with people I met there but nothing lasting. 


I'm unfazed when people meet online. I met the last two men I dated online, I've been in the wedding parties for couples that met online, I know at least half a dozen couples that met that way ... it's just part of the social fabric now, particularly as you get older and/or work more, and it gets harder to meet people. Everyone I know who is actively dating is on at least one dating site. I'm taking a break from dating (getting myself together after going through a really, really hard time) but when I decide to get back out there, that'll mean going online.


Her mouth is smiling but her eyes are not; I mimic that expression to my students when we're talking about facial expressions and it freaks them out. And Leah thinks those are attractive? Just another way that she's detached from reality.

And yes, I'd also guess that she was the girlses' grandmother, not mother.

Her eyes aren't smiling at all. I think she's a deeply unhappy person. I mean, I know she went to rehab for pills and not depression and anxiety, but I think she's also depressed.

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I am shocked Corey would so blatantly ignore the doctor, if it's true the wheelchair is still out of use.

One thing Corey is not is lazy, so I have to think he is intentionally avoiding getting it fixed. I can only guess that Corey has appointed himself a Google MD and has decided that Ali will continue to walk as long as she does not have a wheelchair to rely on and that the availability of a wheelchair will discourage her from continuing to try to walk.

That's what he said before, that Leah 'let' Ali use the wheelchair too much and she 'never needed it' around him (and Miranda agreed). He basically acted like it was spoiling her and allowing her to be lazy to use the wheelchair and she would continue to get better at walking over time. I had hoped (and believed) that damaging attitude had changed, but maybe not? It was somewhat understandable when he was an uneducated, ignorant 20-year-old, but come on. You've heard the same thing from the doctor in front of us countless times, which means you've heard it many times that we haven't seen. Now it's just willful denial. I almost hope it's just laziness.

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That's what he said before, that Leah 'let' Ali use the wheelchair too much and she 'never needed it' around him (and Miranda agreed). He basically acted like it was spoiling her and allowing her to be lazy to use the wheelchair and she would continue to get better at walking over time. 


I really hope this is not true.....where is the rest of Ali's family for Gods sake??  The grandparents ought to be having yelling fits over this.

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I really hope this is not true.....where is the rest of Ali's family for Gods sake?? The grandparents ought to be having yelling fits over this.

It's in an old episode (or two), so it's definitely true. Now, though, I have no idea. I thought he had moved past the denial stage but the ongoing wheelchair crap has me nervous.


Ali is in a wheelchair here, so clearly the photographs aren't the issue (and a little girl would have no problem being photographed in a wheelchair unless her parents did). When a teacher reported that Ali was being neglected, the lack of wheelchair repair was one of the issues. I would assume it's disorganization/laziness on Leah's part and denial/embarrassment on Corey's.

Edited by Lm2162
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Right? I was just talking to my husband about that. I grew up in a broken home, visited my dad on weekends. But can you imagine being in a home like Leah's? She may one day have 4 different men picking up her kids for weekend visits. It's insane. I am not trying to be judgmental, but people need to use a little more discernment when picking the person who fathers/mothers their child. At least Chelsea seems to be one who learned from her mistakes and picked a partner who is light years better than the first guy.

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I'm curious about the girlseseses' future.  I'm curious about what their relationships with each other will be like, as well as with their parents.  Watching episode 4, and seeing Aleeah completely throw Ali under the bus like that, and how she always seems very upset about leaving Leah makes me think that she is very much her mother's daughter.  I think she idolizes Leah, and strives to win her favor.  Ali seems more over Leah, and realizes she's got a good thing going with Corey and Miranda.  I also wonder what their relationships will be like with their two half sisters, Addy and Remi.

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I'm curious about the girlseseses' future.  I'm curious about what their relationships with each other will be like, as well as with their parents.  Watching episode 4, and seeing Aleeah completely throw Ali under the bus like that, and how she always seems very upset about leaving Leah makes me think that she is very much her mother's daughter.  I think she idolizes Leah, and strives to win her favor.  Ali seems more over Leah, and realizes she's got a good thing going with Corey and Miranda.  I also wonder what their relationships will be like with their two half sisters, Addy and Remi.


Gracie was also the one who seemed to take Leah's absence while at rehab the hardest. I think Corey may unintentionally favor Ali, maybe just over compensating for her disability, and Gracie picks up on it, and consoles herself with trying to be Leah's favorite instead. I also think she may be more susceptible to any of Leah's manipulations.

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I think you're right. From what little we've seen, Alli (Ali? whatever I don't care) seems to really care for Addy and Addy seems to really love her. I noticed one scene last season, when the girlses came back from Corey's, Addy squealed with delight and screamed "Alli!" upon seeing her, but was indifferent to the blonde twin.

I didn't really pick up on that, but I think that Addy does seem to get along better with Ali.  I think that Ali is gentler, and less wild than Gracie, so Addy doesn't have to be as scared of getting a cat thrown at her face or something.  I think Grace sees her sisters (all of them) as burdens, or competition.  When Corey and Miranda said they were expecting Remi, Ali seemed a little bit more open to it, but Aleeah had no time for that.  She already had two sisters to compete with, she didn't want another one.  I can see her having a chip on her shoulder as she gets older over having to "take care" of them (like the toast situation) because her mother is incompetent.


Gracie was also the one who seemed to take Leah's absence while at rehab the hardest. I think Corey may unintentionally favor Ali, maybe just over compensating for her disability, and Gracie picks up on it, and consoles herself with trying to be Leah's favorite instead. I also think she may be more susceptible to any of Leah's manipulations.

I agree that Corey favors Ali-girl.  It might also be a bit of a subconscious thing, because Aleeah reminds me so much more of Leah, while I think Ali is more like Corey.  Aleeah was named after her mother, has her same flare for dramatics, tendency to be argumentative, and I think she looks just like her.  Ali is much more even tempered, like Corey and I think she has more of his facial features.  I've been rooting for all the kids, but I'm afraid that Aleeah strives to be like her mother, and is on the road to being just like Leah, Dawn, Sandy and the generations before.

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Well shit she was a 5 year old cheerleader that pretended to stuff her bra, something that made her mother laugh uproariously. That has 4th generation teen mom written all over it. Hopefully, the silver lining here is that the amount of work she has to do as a 6 year old, and potentially the losers her mother will attract going forward, will act as a form of birth control later in life.

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I'd agree but there literally was no time between them! It should really be like Messer, Simms, Calvert, Simms, Calvert, Simms?, Calvert?..., Messer

MesserSimmsMesserCalvertSimms? Lol... But yeah we probably should leave her names out, nobody has that much time to keep changing it...lol.

I had a random thought... I'm not sure they may be broken up now, but if we've been pretending TR doesn't exist... What if they got engaged/married, how would she spin that? She's been pretending she's all alone and he doesn't exist (even though does she really think we are that dumb?) so is she gonna admit she's been with him this whole time? Is she gonna act like its a new thing? I doubt it'll get this far, but I'm curious.

Happy Birthday leighroda!

It's funny how my phone recognizes all of your names, I just started typing leigh and leighroda popped up. Every time I capitalize the word Great, Kazu is the next suggested word.

Your phone is very wise. I think autocorrect conspires against me changing even simple words to make me appear not to know English...lol

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1- Happy Birthday Leighrhoda!

 2- I know this has been said MANY times, but reading the previous few posts above this- I am again hit in the face (eyes) with the names Aleeah and Ali. 

 I mean, really. how did anyone let them do that???????????????

Really makes you wonder, doesn't it? Ali's full first name is Aliannah (I'm sure I spelled it wrong). My dad was from WV and in his family, no one goes by their first names. Everyone goes by a nickname or their middle name or a combo thereof. I remember asking  my granny back there why she bothered to name her kids if she was going to call them something else, LOL. They call Aleeah Gracie, so they're doing the middle name thing.

  • Love 4

1- Happy Birthday Leighrhoda!

2- I know this has been said MANY times, but reading the previous few posts above this- I am again hit in the face (eyes) with the names Aleeah and Ali.

I mean, really. how did anyone let them do that???????????????

Thank you!!

I actually don't "hate" their names... But I don't think I would spell them that way, nor would I have so many similar names... Especially if there is no intention of using the real name, what's the point? If you want to call her Gracie name her Gracie.

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I liked your comment, Leighroda, then realised how hypocritical I am! Our daughter's name is Laura and we've been calling her Lolly since she was about 18 months old and she's 16 now. :-o

Lol that's different, a) you didn't name her with the intent of calling her Lolly. B) Lolly is a (cute) nickname, I'm assuming it's not her middle name. I even feel the same way about my own name... My mom intended on my name being "Leigh Ann", but my first name is Leigh and my middle name is Ann... Long story short in real life I'm really shy, especially as a child I believed you never talk back to an adult, so in 3rd grade I guess nobody specified to my teacher that my name was leigh Ann, so she just called me leigh, and that has been my name ever since. My point being if my mom wanted me to be "leighann" that's what she should have named me instead of combining my middle name.

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On 4/26/2016 at 9:08 PM, GreatKazu said:

I have been curious as to how Leah would spin the story should she and T.R. remain a couple.

I have wondered if one of the reasons Leah is hidingT.R. is because of his race. Leah may not be prepared to deal with people in her life, and on her social media pages, who will attack her for being in a relationship with a black man.

I'm from a pretty progressive area, so part of me is like, "people still make a thing about that?" but you're probably right.  It makes me wonder about how receptive her family is to him.  Didn't he live with Mama Dawn for awhile?  I guess she has to be cool with him to allow that.  But then again, I remember awhile ago when Leah's sister first announced her pregnancy, Mama Dawn asked for baby name ideas on facebook, and someone have a list of mishmoshed vowels and consonants that I thought would have been right at home in the Messer family, but Dawn said no to them because "we're white."  So maybe not out and out bigots, but I think they might have some racist ideas.  Are Leah and TR even still together?

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