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Jesus God, Leah!!

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If Leah has this disorder, why would she need a judge to order her to have tests done? If Leah is truly wanting custody of their children and wants to prove she is not an addict, she would go to the ends of the earth to bring whatever documentation from professionals to prove her case. That is why Cory has primary custody now because he and his attorney provided documentation to the court to show Leah is not following the court order. That is a major no-no in a court. When one goes to court and the judge has to order you to get your kids on time to school and take them to their medical appointments, that is very telling as to what kind of person you are when it comes to caring for one's children. To answer your question, no. A judge wouldn't order Leah to get tested because that is on her to bring forth her proof, not for the judge to order that in this case. You also have to remember, we are not hearing that Leah laid a claim of Narcolepsy in court. She has only laid that claim out on social media. As I posted upthread, whatever Leah says in a courtroom is likely different than what she puts out publicly. This is the girl who lies on camera about what us viewers have watched. She seems to forget she is being filmed.


If there is anything Leah is suffering from, other than addiction, it is being stupid. 


ETA: I think MTV had an episode of True Life with someone who had Narcolepsy. The camera showed how this person's life was dealing with such a disorder. It was pretty scary as the person just nodded off without any warning. All the seasons we have watched Leah, has she ever experienced those symptoms? Never. The online information mentions that Narcolepsy begins when the person is young. Leah is going to try and tell us this disorder just started? GTFOH  I think the MTV crew would have caught this if she indeed had this disorder. The camera man who took to social media about Leah being dirty, never mentioned her having this disorder.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Well, she would definitely need an official diagnosis to submit to a judge and Corey would have the opportunity to request an independent diagnosis which the judge could allow or deny. I really don't see how a diagnosis of narcolepsy would help in the matter of custody. Leah would still need to prove that she was better, stable and could parent effectively. She is so damn selfish. Telling this lie to cover up a drug addiction is more important to her than the custody of her children. SMDH.

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My point wasn't necessarily that a judge would order her to be tested, I just meant she is saying she is being tested, so if she goes through all this testing and it comes back that she does not have any disorder, I doubt she would be forthcoming with that information, so in that case could the judge order the results or testing? I was just saying I know if the court initially ordered the testing they would be able to get the results, but I wasn't sure how it works if she goes in for the testing herself.

I completely agree that I don't know why she seems to think the fact that she has narcolepsy would help anything, if anything I would think it would hurt her case for custody, but Leah seems to think if she can prove its not drug related it doesn't matter. I said a while back that I think now that Corey has gotten primary custody that I doubt Leah will ever be able to get more than 50/50... she'll have to meet and exceed what Corey can provide and I just don't see her being able to do that especially if she can't get it through her head that this is all about the wellbeing of her children and has nothing to do with hurting her.

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Don't forget all, it was back in December 2014 when custody was changed where Cory received more time with the girls, not a lot, but more than he had previously. It was also ordered at the hearing that each parent would be responsible for getting Ali to her appointments.http://hollywoodlife.com/2014/12/11/leah-corey-custody-shared-teen-mom-2/#!


Not once did Leah claim how she had any disorders. All she mentioned was being stressed and overwhelmed. Suddenly, at the reunion, shortly after her rehab stint, she makes this claim. I bet a fellow addict in rehab gave her some tips on what to say in the future. It's like going to jail where offenders learn the ropes from other offenders.



My point wasn't necessarily that a judge would order her to be tested, I just meant she is saying she is being tested, so if she goes through all this testing and it comes back that she does not have any disorder, I doubt she would be forthcoming with that information, so in that case could the judge order the results or testing?

There is no court hearing for that to even happen. Leah would have to file for a hearing in order to present her proof, but we know that won't happen because she is lying. Unless an issue has been brought forth to the court, it is not a matter for the judge to order Leah to do anything. My feeling is, Leah is being tested only because she already threw that claim out there and it would make her look stupid to not go through with the testing. Someone upthread mentioned how Leah is so ignorant, she probably thought she could go to a doctor, claim Narcolepsy, and she would then be given meds and documentation to prove her lie.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Don't forget all, it was back in December 2014 when custody was changed where Cory received more time with the girls, not a lot, but more than he had previously. It was also ordered at the hearing that each parent would be responsible for getting Ali to her appointments.http://hollywoodlife.com/2014/12/11/leah-corey-custody-shared-teen-mom-2/#!

Not once did Leah claim how she had any disorders. All she mentioned was being stressed and overwhelmed. Suddenly, at the reunion, shortly after her rehab stint, she makes this claim. I bet a fellow addict in rehab gave her some tips on what to say in the future. It's like going to jail where offenders learn the ropes from other offenders.

There is no court hearing for that to even happen. Leah would have to file for a hearing in order to present her proof, but we know that won't happen because she is lying. Unless an issue has been brought forth to the court, it is not a matter for the judge to order Leah to do anything. My feeling is, Leah is being tested only because she already threw that claim out there and it would make her look stupid to not go through with the testing. Someone upthread mentioned how Leah is so ignorant, she probably thought she could go to a doctor, claim Narcolepsy, and she would then be given meds and documentation to prove her lie.

Ahhh, got it that makes sense. In my head I was thinking that was likely the excuse she gave in the most recent hearing where Corey was given custody... But you're right.

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She bought it instead of Sphaghetti-O because it had "Boy" in it.

LOL!!! I'd love to send her a case of those. The ones with franks. Cuz you know they can't be turkey dogs;) I can hear the wails from here! And yes….I AM that evil.

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Well, she would definitely need an official diagnosis to submit to a judge and Corey would have the opportunity to request an independent diagnosis which the judge could allow or deny. I really don't see how a diagnosis of narcolepsy would help in the matter of custody. Leah would still need to prove that she was better, stable and could parent effectively. She is so damn selfish. Telling this lie to cover up a drug addiction is more important to her than the custody of her children. SMDH.

I agree. I get that Leah finds the notion of complete strangers thinking she has a drug problem is problematic and she will claim any physical or mental disorder in order to deflect from that, but there is no end game here.

Sure, a woman who falls asleep while driving her kids, can't wake up in time or stay awake in order to get her kids to school or even properly supervise them due to a sleep disorder she can't control is much more sympathetic than a woman who has the same problems because she pops a thousand dollars worth of pain pills a week, but the end result is the same- a person who should not be caring for small children.

Edited by Tatum
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the end result is the same- a person who should not be caring for small children.


Exactly. This is one of those lies that just keeps going and going.


This could actually backfire on her because Cory could go back to court and tell the judge Leah is claiming Narcolepsy and he is worried about the children being in the vehicle with her and her ability to care for the girls. He knows it isn't true, but he could call her out on it and ask the court to order Leah to not drive with the girls in the vehicle at all, just like Chelsea with Adam. Cory would present this information to the judge who would then ask Leah if she has the disorder. She would then either admit or deny while under oath. Either way, it is not good simply because if she denies she has it, she can no longer claim that as her excuse for her sleepy behavior.  If she lies to the court and says she has the disorder, THEN the judge would request documentation from her medical provider so he can rule on Cory's request. This whole thing is stupid because if one does suffer from this disorder, the likelihood is, a doctor would notify the DMV and inform them that their patient is not in a position to drive. I have a relative who suffers from seizures. They have one about once a year, two at the most. Their doctor informed the DMV who then sent my relative a letter stating they could not drive for six months or face a penalty of some sort.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Well I lost a few brain cells reading that mess. My favorite is the fan who said another fan is "diluted". I'm guessing that's autocorrect as original spelling was probably anyone's guess.

So, they are "still" running tests, Leah? According to one tweeter, the diagnostic test is an overnight stay in a hospital. No reason to drag on for months.

And all her fans defended her with some variation of, you don't know her lyfe! Actually, I know more about Leah's life than some of my friends and family members, thanks to how much she yaps.

Edited by Tatum
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Yeah the article I read also said it requires a night at a sleep diagnostic center; it also requires a day of monitoring also, but I'm not really clear if that is at home or in a facility. I think they do a pretty exhaustive battery of tests, including blood work, and a eeg. because it's hard to narrow down to a diagnosis of narcolepsy.

She is going to regret the day she ever looked up narcolepsy, I agree with the people above that she thought it was an illness that couldn't be detected, like a headache, so she thought she could get away with it. If all of us can see that she is outright lying, and we all have little to no medical training (well I guess unless someone here is a doctor) , any doctor that is remotely competent would give her that diagnosis. Good for Corey staying silent, Leah is halfway to China at the rate she is digging herself in a hole.

Edited by leighroda
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Wouldn't there be MTV proof of her narcolepsy. Why wasn't it shown and brought up before the reunion? I remember the one MTV thing that had someone with it and they would fall asleep and be out cold. Not just nod off, out cold. She has never been shown to do that. How do people develop it? Is it something that people always have or suddenly get?

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I worked with someone years ago who had it or supposedly had it. But she fell asleep all of the time but just at her desk. It wasn't like the videos you would see of someone just walking and...boom....they would fall asleep and fall down.


For a tiny second I don't believe she has it.  If that was the case, it would bother her a lot. And this woman didn't get groggy like Leah does for seconds and slur her words, etc  She'd just fall asleep. Leah has a drug problem.

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I'm guessing she thinks she can pass off the scene where she is nodding off while talking as MTV having proof of her falling asleep, but from what little I know about it, you are not able to keep yourself from falling asleep no matter how hard you try. That's why I don't buy her story, it's pretty convenient that even with narcolepsy she was always available to film, she seems to drive quite a bit, and still has time for her mani/pedis.

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I felt compelled to Google it so for anyone else interested here's some good info on narcolepsy:





Here are the main symptoms listed on both sites (but I grabbed the WebMD ones just because I thought they were clearer):


* Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS): In general, EDS interferes with normal activities on a daily basis, whether or not a person with narcolepsy has sufficient sleep at night. People with EDS report mental cloudiness, a lack of energy and concentration, memory lapses, a depressed mood, and/or extreme exhaustion.


* Cataplexy: This symptom consists of a sudden loss of muscle tone that leads to feelings of weakness and a loss of voluntary muscle control. It can cause symptoms ranging from slurred speech to total body collapse, depending on the muscles involved, and is often triggered by intense emotions such as surprise, laughter, or anger.


* Hallucinations: Usually, these delusional experiences are vivid and frequently frightening. The content is primarily visual, but any of the other senses can be involved. These are called hypnagogic hallucinations when accompanying sleep onset and hypnopompic hallucinations when they occur during awakening.


* Sleep paralysis: This symptom involves the temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up. These episodes are generally brief, lasting a few seconds to several minutes. After episodes end, people rapidly recover their full capacity to move and speak.


That last one, sleep paralysis, has happened to me before and it is so scary!  I wonder if I have narcolepsy too... (kidding)


(edited to fix formatting)

Edited by NikSac
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Wouldn't there be MTV proof of her narcolepsy. Why wasn't it shown and brought up before the reunion? I remember the one MTV thing that had someone with it and they would fall asleep and be out cold. Not just nod off, out cold. She has never been shown to do that. How do people develop it? Is it something that people always have or suddenly get?


Per Dr. Google people are often diagnosed with it between ages 15 and 25 and/or have it for 10-15 years before it's diagnosed (links are in my last post). I hate to even say this but the symptoms do kind of look like some of what was shown on MTV and some of what she has described. Hallucinations (dye in babies' brains?), lack of energy, sudden slurred speech, extreme sleepiness, depression, etc.  Unfortunately they're also the symptoms of all kinds of substance abuse, so... I still don't believe a word she says, but I was surprised that the symptoms matched some of hers so closely.  Also unfortunately for Leah there's no real treatment, but they do recommend managing symptoms with regular sleep schedules, regular meals/meal schedule, exercise, and avoiding caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.  Not sure if she drinks much but I think we can all agree her schedules for both sleep and meals are terrible, plus she smokes and seems to always have Mountain Dew (hello caffeine).

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The thing is, we have Leah herself who stated two seasons ago that she suddenly felt depressed, sleepy, and overwhelmed and she blamed it on her prescribed meds, including a scene where she sat with Jeremy on the bed and talked to him about how the meds made her feel sleepy all the time. Not once did she say she has been dealing with moments of nodding off, nor did she say she has had these moments for several years,. When she sat with Mama Dawn and mentioned how she was prescribed all these meds for pain due to the "spinal tap", she never claimed or mentioned anything about these sleepy episodes that just come out of nowhere and she has no idea why. Mama Dawn would certainly have mentioned something about how Leah had moments in her teen years of nodding off out of the blue.  No one ever laid out this claim. Not Mama Dawn, not Cory, not Jeremy, not MTV, no sources in any article, and not Leah herself. She mentions this for the first time at the reunion which took place in June. She has been on our television screens for five seasons now. She has given countless interviews and posted countless tweets and posts on her social media pages. Never did she ever mention this Narcolepsy bullshit. Not even in the recent US Magazine article did she mention it, did she? I only read the excerpts here. All she did was put the blame on Cory and mentioned some ridiculous notion that it is all about child support. She doesn't say, "Hey, I have this disorder and no one seems to believe me! I am getting tested next week and when the results come back, I will post the results. Then, you will all see what I have been dealing with."


After Leah passed her drug test back in 2014, this is what she said:


Messer told her lawyer, "I knew it would come back negative, I guess it was just aggravating that they pushed so hard. I just think they are trying to dig and dig and dig to find something wrong."

Okay, Leah. Why do people need to dig if you have the answer? If you have Narcolepsy, why did you wait until AFTER "rehab" to mention it? Was it because the shit was going to hit the fan at the reunion about you moving in with T.R. Dues and your addiction and you needed something more than "monkey" to throw out there?

Edited by GreatKazu
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Man, the puns write themselves.



Gracie's expression speaks volumes.


That's Gracie?!  Holy crap, I seriously thought it was Leah dressed up as a little kid at first so she could pose with the other kids.

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That silly Leah, you can't trick-or-treat for pillses.


heh... good point!


Slightly OT but I used to work with a guy who lived on a cul-de-sac where the adults actually DID trick-or-treat for drinks (not pills though). Each house had a different mixed drink, and the adults would trade off who walked with the kids while most of them went to parties at each house. Anytime my coworker forgot to take November 1 off of work he looked really miserable, but otherwise it sounded like fun.

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Does anyone know who/what Ali is? I just can't tell from her dress/wig the way she is sitting, and the fact that I don't have kids so I'm not hugely familiar with all of the characters these days.


I think she's just a vampire. In some other costume pictures she has her face painted white. 

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Does anyone know who/what Ali is? I just can't tell from her dress/wig the way she is sitting, and the fact that I don't have kids so I'm not hugely familiar with all of the characters these days.


ha.. I almost posted this exact same thing, to the point that I had to look and make sure I didn't actually post it after all. I always feel so bad when kids come to the door and I have no idea what character they're dressed as. I couldn't tell what Ali was dressed as either and wondered if it was the only character in Frozen that wasn't blue or white. Maybe she branched out and went with another movie/character. She looks very cute.

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ha.. I almost posted this exact same thing, to the point that I had to look and make sure I didn't actually post it after all. I always feel so bad when kids come to the door and I have no idea what character they're dressed as. I couldn't tell what Ali was dressed as either and wondered if it was the only character in Frozen that wasn't blue or white. Maybe she branched out and went with another movie/character. She looks very cute.

Might have been tired of Frozen too. Leah's had so many Frozen themed parties since the movie came out and I think that was a Frozen backpack falling on Addie in the avalanche scene.

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ha.. I almost posted this exact same thing, to the point that I had to look and make sure I didn't actually post it after all. I always feel so bad when kids come to the door and I have no idea what character they're dressed as. I couldn't tell what Ali was dressed as either and wondered if it was the only character in Frozen that wasn't blue or white. Maybe she branched out and went with another movie/character. She looks very cute.

Lol... I was a little scared to ask because I was afraid people would think I was singling out Ali for not being a princess like her sisters.

You know what though, in this picture Gracie looks like current Leah, but a while back people posted pictures of Leah when she first had the babies and Ali looked more like Leah, it's kinda crazy that I wouldn't really ever say the twins resemble each other much, so it's kinda crazy how much the both resemble Leah, just at different times.

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Is Allie Olivia from Beetlejuice? I want it to be real but I highly doubt she would have been exposed to such an awesome movie by her mother (maybe Corey or her grandparents though)!


I just think there's something really funny about the other two being in princess costumes and Allie being all, eff that, and not only not being a princess but being something much more dark. Girl already sees how different (and better) she is than her family lol.

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You know what though, in this picture Gracie looks like current Leah, but a while back people posted pictures of Leah when she first had the babies and Ali looked more like Leah, it's kinda crazy that I wouldn't really ever say the twins resemble each other much, so it's kinda crazy how much the both resemble Leah, just at different times.

Ali is definitely Leah's twin at times. Check out that scene where Leah is leaving in the night for her "therapeutic treatment". Leah's hair is wet and looks darker. She has no make-up on. As Leah is in her hoader-mobile driving off, she holds her head in such a way that she is the spitting image of Ali. I wish I had captured that moment with my camera so I could post it here. There have been times when Ali looks like Cory, but that moment sealed it for me when I saw the jawline, the dark hair on Leah, it was almost uncanny.


Nice to see Ali be different from her other two sisters. It shows she has her own identity and is not stuck in twin mode. One thing I barely realized is, I don't think Leah really dressed them alike all that much. When they were smaller, yes, but as they grew older, not so much. I thought it was Leah trying to show their individuality, which is a good thing. After watching that scene where Leah is trying to dress the girls for the party, as she is sorting through piles of clothes, I realized that is probably how it is all the time. Leah has no time whatsoever to coordinate outfits or put together the clothes the kids will wear for the day or a special occasion. Hell, she can't even bother to wash their clothes. It is likely Gracie's job to get Cheetos and Ali's clothes out of those piles of clothes. This is why those twins aren't dressed alike. Bad enough trying to find clean clothes, forget trying to match the clothes.


I want to give a shout out to all of you who had me laughing all season long. I want to especially thank Cheatincheetos - love that username!! Your funny photos and posts just made it worthwhile to come here and snark. I can't tell you how many times I nearly peed in my pants from laughing so hard. Keep it up! I look forward to next season's laugh fest.

Edited by SPLAIN
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You're right I hadn't really ever given that much thought but they are rarely dressed alike, the only time I recall off the top of my head is the god awful frilly dresses at Leah's graduation. I also agree that it is most likely due to the coordination it would require in any given outfit having to be clean at the same time. It's hard to tell but I also think Ali might be a size or 2 smaller than Gracie, making coordination even harder because each child would have to have the right outfit in the right size. I don't mean that negatively toward either girl, it just appears that Ali is shorter than Gracie, due to the muscular dystrophy... It may not be enough to make a difference in clothing size, but I guess it's a possibility.

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Yeah, I didn't mean the cops would research the family themselves. I meant cops should give CPS a heads up- hey, we found a child walking alone. We returned her to her mother, but can you look into this family? At bare minimum, they should run a criminal check on Leah, which maybe they did.

I'm not sure whether it was day or night Addie was found by a cop. I think people are thinking it was overnight because a police blotter was referenced here that indicated a child neglected at 2 am in Leah's neighborhood. That has since been determined the child in question was not Addie.


Except Leah doesn't have a criminal record so that wouldn't do anything.  As many posters have attested to in this thread, toddlers are great escape artists.  It happens.  I'd imagine CPS would be pissed if the cops contacted them every time a kid walked out of a house.  They're busy enough as it is.  The child neglect cases I've seen where CPS got involved is usually when the child is brought home and the conditions of the home (or the "responsible" parent) warrant CPS getting involved. 


The only details I've seen about the incident are from that US Weekly article where Leah commented "she was outside literally a second."  Misuse of the word "literally" aside (that drives me FIGURATIVELY insane), it really gets me curious regarding the actual circumstances of little Adderal's escape.  

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Except Leah doesn't have a criminal record so that wouldn't do anything. As many posters have attested to in this thread, toddlers are great escape artists. It happens. I'd imagine CPS would be pissed if the cops contacted them every time a kid walked out of a house. They're busy enough as it is. The child neglect cases I've seen where CPS got involved is usually when the child is brought home and the conditions of the home (or the "responsible" parent) warrant CPS getting involved.

The only details I've seen about the incident are from that US Weekly article where Leah commented "she was outside literally a second." Misuse of the word "literally" aside (that drives me FIGURATIVELY insane), it really gets me curious regarding the actual circumstances of little Adderal's escape.

Yeah, it's not really any of my business I suppose, but I'm am getting a little confused about the details of Addie's escape. I wouldn't expect Leah to tell the truth about that because.... Well she's Leah. It's hard to separate truth from speculation because there aren't many concrete details, the only actual report I have heard is the Ashley's close source... I don't necessarily doubt it because the Ashley has proven to be a reputable source for the most part, but it does leave room for a lot of speculation. Like Leah is saying she was "literally" gone for a second... Ok maybe, but then it was reported a Sheriff brought her home, if that's true it was probably a lot more than a second, so which is it? I'm not faulting anyone for speculating, I do it myself... It's the nature of these boards to try to figure out what is going on out of a very confusing situation. At the end of the day though, for me Leah's word means absolutely nothing, she could tell me the sky was blue, and I would doubt it.

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I think Leah is lying about her being outside for just a second. But I'm not surprised. Leah lied about cheating on Jeremy when her partner in crime admitted it and there was deercam footage.

I definitely would believe The Ashley and her source over anything Leah would say.

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The only details I've seen about the incident are from that US Weekly article where Leah commented "she was outside literally a second."  Misuse of the word "literally" aside (that drives me FIGURATIVELY insane), it really gets me curious regarding the actual circumstances of little Adderal's escape.  

  Did you ever see Michael McDonald's MAD-TV skit back in the day with the two people who wouldn't stop using "literally"  in every sentence?

I think Leah is lying about her being outside for just a second. But I'm not surprised. ]

I'm sure one part of being high is that time seems to pass more slowly or quickly, so to Leah's mind it probably was a second.

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  Did you ever see Michael McDonald's MAD-TV skit back in the day with the two people who wouldn't stop using "literally"  in every sentence?

I'm sure one part of being high is that time seems to pass more slowly or quickly, so to Leah's mind it probably was a second.

I miss Mad TV!

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Oh gosh, I didn't even think of that. So sad. I do feel badly for the sisters being split up. Addy has been with her big sisters since she was born, and they're probably more of a "mom" to her than anyone. 

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Oh Leah. I seem to recall an episode, ON CAMERA, where Corey told her that the girls were disturbed by Jeremy and Leah fighting and sought refuge in the laundry room. Which Leah dismissed as them just telling stories. I suppose a child's voice should only be heard when she's saying what Leah wants to hear.

I went down the rabbit hole reading some of her tweets. One tweet was a reference to some zodiac trivia saying tauruses love discussing politics. I assume she's a Taurus and retweeted that because she found it fitting. I bet her "politics" basically entail bitching with the rest of the Messer clan about illegal immigrants and I'd be shocked if she could name the Vice President.

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  Did you ever see Michael McDonald's MAD-TV skit back in the day with the two people who wouldn't stop using "literally"  in every sentence?



My head is figuratively exploding at the thought!

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Oh Leah. I seem to recall an episode, ON CAMERA, where Corey told her that the girls were disturbed by Jeremy and Leah fighting and sought refuge in the laundry room. Which Leah dismissed as them just telling stories. I suppose a child's voice should only be heard when she's saying what Leah wants to hear.

I went down the rabbit hole reading some of her tweets. One tweet was a reference to some zodiac trivia saying tauruses love discussing politics. I assume she's a Taurus and retweeted that because she found it fitting. I bet her "politics" basically entail bitching with the rest of the Messer clan about illegal immigrants and I'd be shocked if she could name the Vice President.

Nooo... I'm a Taurus, I don't want to have anything in common with her. But I don't enjoy studying politics so I don't believe it anyway.

I enjoy Leah's tweets as they seem to stick her foot further and further down her throat, and sadly it's the trainwreck mentality, but these tweets are not doing her any favors custody wise and you would think somone would advise her to shut her big mouth.

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So I took a venture to Leah's Facebook, it was a slow news day elsewhere in my life I guess. It was mostly just posts of stories where "you won't believe what happened next" I'm pretty sure it's people posting as her, the beginning it says it's monitored by Leah and some friends. There are some pictures from the Halloween party, the comments are mostly sterilized to "your (their wrong usage of you're not mine) such a great mom", "Corey's wife is so mean" "I hope you get them back". There are a few negative ones, but only to show the leg jumpers come to her defense. My favorite was one in particular that was basically saying that Leah is the better parent because Corey couldn't bother to be there for a Halloween party. I really wanted to reply that he was most likely at work, and had Miranda gone she likely would have been crucified for not letting Leah have the time with her girlses, but my Facebook is my real name and I don't really want to invite the crazy into my life. Besides that it was a logical point and most likely would be deleted anyway.

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Lmfao, "every child should have a voice." How many times have we seen Leah scream and yell at the twins when they tried to get her attention? Apparently kids shouldn't have voices when Mommy needs to sit and complain about her man problems to all of her friends.

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