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Jesus God, Leah!!

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For me, the biggest red flag in the Addie story is the cops bringing her home. I know how quickly a child can get out of the house. I think it's probably happened at least once to even the most attentive parents. But the fact that the child is gone is usually realized immediately and it's the parent who discovers the child, or maybe a nearby neighbor. Unless a cop just happened to be patrolling that area at that time, I'd wager that a neighbor noticed Addie wandering around alone and called them. Then the cops had to drive out there. Then they had to ascertain whom the child belonged to. Finally, Addie is brought back home. At any point during this time did Leah realize Addie was gone? Was she running through the streets, screaming her name? Was she knocking on neighborhood doors? Had SHE called the cops? If the police brought Addie to the door and Leah was all, "Oh you were gone?", that is inexcusable, IMO. For all we know, she thought Addie was just hiding under one of the giant pile of laundry while she shut her bedroom door and talked on the phone. 

  • Love 6

I kinda feel 2 ways about the Addie escape incident, I totally agree that under even the best circumstances a child can get out of the house, I was a nanny in college, and while a child never escaped under my watch, once there was a boy, he was like 9 months old and he was reaching to grab the string for the blinds so I was right next to him tying them to where he couldn't reach them anymore but while I was doing that I didn't see exactly what happened but basically he slammed his face on the ledge of the window and busted his lip wide open... I felt terrible I was right there and I didn't prevent it... My long drawn out point is... I get stuff happens out of the parents control sometimes and it doesn't make them a bad parent (or caretaker in my case), however... Based on what I have read about Addie getting out, it was late at night, and Leah didn't know until the sheriff brought her home (I'm really not sure about that detail please correct me if I'm wrong, I really don't mean to perpetuate misinformation), and in that case it is Leah's job, literally as the mother to keep her child safe and she should not just be able to get out of the house in the middle of the night undetected. And to me that is an issue. I know a couple people mentioned something similar happening to them, so I don't want to sound as if I'm condemning them, that is not my intention at all... Kids can be sneaky and I have no doubt they could slip out even under the most watchful eye, but that just isn't the case when it comes to Leah, she has demonstrated on national television that there are periods of time where she locks her self in her room or when she can't be woken up (obviously narcolepsy) and that's where my issue lies.

Leah and her whole crew are so ridiculously deluded that they think at this point trash talking Corey and Miranda on a national scale is going to help their case at all. If it ever comes before the judge about her making statements about Corey and Miranda, it can't even be denied as hearsay, it's nationally published for all the world to see. I agree with the above point (sorry I'm on my phone and it's hard to go back to quote mid entry) that even if Leah is not trashing them to the girls per se... She certainly does it in front of them, which again is documented in national television. I'm going to laugh when one of the girls verbatim repeats something Leah has said and that we have read/seen her say, and there is no real way to deny they heard it from her. I know they can't use footage from the show, but I still think, especially now with her already having gone to 2 magazines and I'm sure others are in line to be released, it's bound to happen eventually.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 1

Was it late at night that Addie was found outside? Because that's the biggest red flag for me. I also get that toddlers are little escape artists and they can dash away in the blink of an eye, so I understand that even the most attentive parents can sometimes miss such things because we really can't claim to keep an eye on the child every. single. moment. You turn away for literally one second and anything can happen - you never know with little kids. Of course, usually - or hopefully - the child's disappearing act is discovered right away. But what alarms me is this report that Addie was wandering outside in the middle of the night. What the hell is she even doing up at all? Was Leah awake at this time? Or did Addie wake up, climb out of bed and find a door unlocked then scamper away while Leah was asleep in her own bed? So many questions.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 6

I can't imagine the police not filing a report with CPS when they find a 2 year old wandering the streets, no matter what the excuse.  They might leave the child with the mother, but I would hope CPS follows through on all reports like that.


I hope that they did but being that it is a smallish town, I don't think it will be guaranteed.

I agree. I can think of a few examples that would involve a cop bringing home a child to a competent parent. Say, the mom lays the kid down for a nap and then goes to the laundry room or bathroom, or something. The kid meanwhile gets up and lets himself or herself outside. The mom didn't hear it and assumes her child is in bed and then is surprised 20 min later when a cop shows up with her child. It could totally happen. But I think someone should research it. If that same mom is currently involved in a custody dispute where her ex has alleged that she abuses meds, and school records indicate numerous absences and tardies, then I think that mom should be added to the CPS radar.

Unfortunately, the cops won't know anything about the Twins' school attendance or anything like that.

I referenced an incident that happened in the city I leave. Basically, two small kids were walking around a neighborhood half dressed. A neighbor called the cops who picked the kids up and took them back home (the older kid was able to direct them). The ONLY reason child services was called was because the parents were clearly impaired and couldn't give reasonable answers to why these kids (2 & 4 I think?) were wandering around unattended.

For me, the biggest red flag in the Addie story is the cops bringing her home. I know how quickly a child can get out of the house. I think it's probably happened at least once to even the most attentive parents. But the fact that the child is gone is usually realized immediately and it's the parent who discovers the child, or maybe a nearby neighbor. Unless a cop just happened to be patrolling that area at that time, I'd wager that a neighbor noticed Addie wandering around alone and called them. Then the cops had to drive out there. Then they had to ascertain whom the child belonged to. Finally, Addie is brought back home. At any point during this time did Leah realize Addie was gone? Was she running through the streets, screaming her name? Was she knocking on neighborhood doors? Had SHE called the cops? If the police brought Addie to the door and Leah was all, "Oh you were gone?", that is inexcusable, IMO. For all we know, she thought Addie was just hiding under one of the giant pile of laundry while she shut her bedroom door and talked on the phone.

I literally just typed out this same thing that Addie was likely gone a considerable amount of time before anyone seemed to notice and I edited it out because I thought maybe I was being to rough because it can happen, even to the best of parents. But like I did say in my post, the general theme is that the parents in most cases noticed before the child was brought home that the child was missing. Addie got out the door and to a point where a sheriff either happened across her (even if this is the case I still would guess that she was a considerable distance from home, I doubt the sheriff was just outside her house) or was called by a neighbor, then try to figure out where the child belongs based on the knowledge of a 3 yr old (so I'm guessing it wasn't just "oh I live right there")... Then the added what condition was Leah in when she answered the door. It can't be too bad if they did leave Addie in her custody, even if they called CPS, I would think/hope if Leah was really impaired they would not have left Addie with her.

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I can't give Leah too much grief over her toddler getting out of the house. My oldest son did it. He was about 2 when it happened. I watched. My dad saw it all, too. That boy reeeached and streeetched his little body to unlock the deadbolt from the staircase. It was insane. I grabbed him and asked my dad "what now?" We already had a gate and a chair blocking him but he still got to it. Dad bought a double key deadbolt. Which is a fire hazard. All things considered though, it was the only option.

It happens.

  • Love 1

I hope that they did but being that it is a smallish town, I don't think it will be guaranteed.

Unfortunately, the cops won't know anything about the Twins' school attendance or anything like that.

I referenced an incident that happened in the city I leave. Basically, two small kids were walking around a neighborhood half dressed. A neighbor called the cops who picked the kids up and took them back home (the older kid was able to direct them). The ONLY reason child services was called was because the parents were clearly impaired and couldn't give reasonable answers to why these kids (2 & 4 I think?) were wandering around unattended.

Yeah, I didn't mean the cops would research the family themselves. I meant cops should give CPS a heads up- hey, we found a child walking alone. We returned her to her mother, but can you look into this family? At bare minimum, they should run a criminal check on Leah, which maybe they did.

I'm not sure whether it was day or night Addie was found by a cop. I think people are thinking it was overnight because a police blotter was referenced here that indicated a child neglected at 2 am in Leah's neighborhood. That has since been determined the child in question was not Addie.

  • Love 1

Can anyone clarify for me that Addie was out wandering in the middle of the night? I keep reading these posts referring to this night excursion, but the story I read doesn't mention the time of day or night.


My understanding from a family friend who works for CPS is, they won't be involved unless something occurred that gives the police reason to believe it was more than a child who wandered away. If the police find a home to be like some of the homes on Hoarders, if there is drug paraphernalia laying around, one or both parents are under the influence (again depending on the circumstances such as both parents being drunk out of their minds or one parent who is a drug user), if there are signs that point to a home that is unhealthy, unsafe, or where a child needs some sort of intervention by the county, or if a crime was committed in the presence of the child (Amber Portwood) only then will CPS intervene. If CPS was on Leah's butt, we would know about it because we heard about Amber and the call made to CPS by a viewer. By the way, I recall reading a couple of stories about toddlers and small children wandering out of a home while parents slept. The police found the children, thankfully, and nothing more was made of the situation other than the parents needing to acquire better locks for their doors. There was one child who took a bus to go buy an ice cream!  CPS wasn't called in those situations. If this did take place at night, Leah's excuse (valid or not) would be she was asleep and wasn't aware her child left the house.

  • Love 4

If it were Chelsea or Kail, I'd give them a pass. Spoiling and micro-managing aside (respectively), they both appear to be caring and concerned parents who try to put their kids first. But given Leah's track record, I can't just chalk this up to a typical incident that can happen to any parent. It's much more likely Leah was passed out, or so high she didn't notice, or getting it on in the bedroom with Dues, or just locked in there berating Corey on the phone. These are all things we've seen her do a million times. We've seen the twins running around half naked, playing under chairs and tables with markers, when Leah was shut up in her room on the phone with Germy. We've seen her so out of it that she could barely hold her baby nephew. We've seen Gracie blow drying her own hair while Addie wanders around, Leah nowhere in sight. So, IMO, it doesn't take a wild leap of imagination to believe this wasn't just some innocent mistake. I just really wish something could be done for Addie, and I agree with those who think Leah should only get supervised visits with the twins. I don't think I'm being melodramatic when I say that I'm seriously concerned for their safety. Hell, look at all the times we've seen them not properly fastened in their carseats, or Leah texting and driving. This is not a mother who puts the well being of her children first. Sorrynotsorry. 

  • Love 7

I hope it doesn't come across as if I am defending Leah. I am not. I want to make it clear that I don't believe Leah is innocent with this Addie situation. I do believe Leah fucked up. My point is, the middle of the night claim was not established. It was an innocent error when a link to some information about a wandering child was not proven to be Leah. I also was just pointing out the reasons why CPS would intervene, not that Leah has a legit excuse for what occurred with Addie leaving the house. Leah is a liar who would cover up to save her ass. I do think in this instance she was able to talk her way out of the situation. Too many things were coming out at once when this story broke that I couldn't recall what it was that I actually read versus what was speculation.

  • Love 5

Leah is a damn lie. Before Corey even got full physical custody he had 50/50 so the girlses were with him 3.5 days so now they are with him 1.5 extra days. That won't make one lick of difference to those kids. It would be one thing if it had gone from just weekends at Corey's place and the schedule was flipped all at once but basically this transition has been extremely gradual. It isn't like Leah has Jo's set up where she only sees them every other weekend.


Exactly!  It drove me nuts on the show and still even on social media how it sounds like Leah was their "main" parent. Uh no, Corey already had them nearly half the time anyway.

  • Love 6

I love Miranda and while on tweets I love Jeff's answer as well




Wait... that's how their names are spelt? They both look like someone was trying to spell something else and then it autocorrected to something even worse. 


And as far as Addie (literally can't remember her full name but I'm sure there's lots of vowels) getting out, it can happen to even a good parent at the wrong time. If you get to the house, and it's obvious the parents didn't even know the kid was missing, or there were signs of actual issues (someone suggested hoarding, or maybe the parent passed out with no obvious attempts at keeping the kid inside, extreme messes or evidence of drugs/extreme alcohol use), then I can understand not reporting. I was babysitting two kids, and one fell and go hurt, so I stopped to comfort him, and in that moment, the older one had kept walking and had gone around a corner before I noticed. It was a rough decision whether to keep consoling the crying kid or to run off to find the older one (who had, as it turned out, gone to a bathroom to get paper towels for a brother), but all I could think about how bad it would look for me to have lost a kid despite doing nothing wrong. 

Edited by DoctorWhovian
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I agree. I can think of a few examples that would involve a cop bringing home a child to a competent parent. Say, the mom lays the kid down for a nap and then goes to the laundry room or bathroom, or something. The kid meanwhile gets up and lets himself or herself outside. The mom didn't hear it and assumes her child is in bed and then is surprised 20 min later when a cop shows up with her child. It could totally happen. But I think someone should research it. If that same mom is currently involved in a custody dispute where her ex has alleged that she abuses meds, and school records indicate numerous absences and tardies, then I think that mom should be added to the CPS radar.


Should, yes, but at least in our area there is no way they'd follow up on something like this. They just don't have the staff for it, sadly. My Mom used to be a teacher and called so many times for abused kids - unless the kid showed up to school half dead they didn't follow up because they couldn't. If the cops brought Addie back and Leah seemed reasonably coherent I can see them just saying g'night and leaving her.

  • Love 2

If it were Chelsea or Kail, I'd give them a pass. Spoiling and micro-managing aside (respectively), they both appear to be caring and concerned parents who try to put their kids first. But given Leah's track record, I can't just chalk this up to a typical incident that can happen to any parent.

I agree. Kail and Chelsea definitely have their flaws, but neither one has a track record of neglect or putting their child in danger. With Leah, we've seen her nod off on camera, slur her words and nearly drop her baby niece. Not to mention the school tardiness and missed therapy which became such a problem that Cory was notified about it. That's not the behavior of a mom who just has a shit day once in a while. It's a pretty consistent road map to show Leah is not providing a safe environment for her children.

  • Love 2

Wait... that's how their names are spelt? They both look like someone was trying to spell something else and then it autocorrected to something even worse. 


I know, they are classic examples of teen mom names.  Apparently Aleeah is a variation on Aleah (which is a reasonably popular name) and Aliannah is a variation of Eliana.  Adalynn is also a variation of Adeline just with 'lynn' chucked on the end.  Plus 'Ali' is a nickname for both Aleeah and Aliannah so that was good forward thinking!  Having 'Ali' and 'Addie' in the same house also wasn't the greatest idea.  

Trust Leah to give her girls names which have random extra letters thrown in and look silly when the are written next to each other.  Can you imagine trying to yell out "Aleeah, Aliannah and Adalynn - come inside now"? It's a tongue twister.  

Does anyone remember if Corey/Jeremy got a say in the names?  

  • Love 4

Wait... that's how their names are spelt? They both look like someone was trying to spell something else and then it autocorrected to something even worse. 


Not to mention that Leah basically gave her daughter the same name as her, A-leah, and then threw another vowel in there because why the hell not? I doubt Corey had any input there. At least all of the girls have normal nicknames so people can be spared from the white trash shitshow of their given names. 

  • Love 4

I agree. Kail and Chelsea definitely have their flaws, but neither one has a track record of neglect or putting their child in danger. With Leah, we've seen her nod off on camera, slur her words and nearly drop her baby niece. Not to mention the school tardiness and missed therapy which became such a problem that Cory was notified about it. That's not the behavior of a mom who just has a shit day once in a while. It's a pretty consistent road map to show Leah is not providing a safe environment for her children.

It's sad because when they first started teen mom 2, while I have never loved Leah per se, I thought the trainwrecks were going to be Jenelle and Kail, and not Leah. She definitely had questionable behavior, I still found her moderately annoying, but for the most part I liked, she seemed like she loved the girls, and for anything she ever could for them. Isn't she one of the only girls from teen mom, and 16 and pregnant to actually graduate from high school, and she graduated on time (I can't remember if it was in time) I don't doubt that she loves her girls even now, but it's so sad to see the downward spiral literally before our eyes.

  • Love 4

So The Ashley posted another article about Leah's US weekly interview, the settings to share a link changed on my phone so I can't share it right this second, but it has me a little confused about the timeline. The Ashley usually has pretty accurate information though .

I know initially it was reported that the custody was changed recently, like some time in October, then it was released that it's actually already been a couple months, but then the Ashley refers to the school absences (she said 10 in one month) as having been in August, which I guess still fits pretty close to the timeline established that custody was changed about 2 months ago if you consider we are on the last day of October, but I was just curious if anyone else had a more concrete timeline, there is so much going on I want to be careful not to get too much into speculation,

I haven't read the actual US weekly article yet, but I am still dumbfounded at this trainwrecks. I also saw where Leah says the girls are talking about running away 1) I'm pretty sure she is the one who planted that idea in their heads 2) 6 year olds are not always the most rational, they could have said they wanted to run away because Miranda asked them to make their bed, and Leah never makes them make the bed (just a hypothetical situation). When I was near that age I packed my care bear suitcase and called my grandparents to come get me because and I quote "my mom loved my sister more because she got to sit in the front seat twice in one trip" (you know, back when kids could sit in the front seat and before they had to be in a booster until they were 21). Those heifers ratted me out to my mom and didn't come get me either.

I know staying silent (or mostly I guess since there have been a few tweets) is what's best for Corey, and the girls, but I really wish Corey would be petty for once and call out her bullshit, I keep reminding myself that Leah is just digging herself deeper and deeper with all of these random statements, but just once I want to see her try to answer a tough question (I know, keep dreaming). Actually if we are going to wish for things I really want to hear what Dawn and Sandy have to say.

  • Love 11

You're in good company. For what it's worth, it's my opinion that Glenn or Daryl will never die.

If you ask me, she should be limited to supervised visits just based on what happened to Addie. I'm not going to bust the balls of every parent whose child let themselves outside. It happens. But it's pretty scary that Leah didn't know a 2 year old was gone.

Did that actually happen with Addie or is that rumor?

Per The Ashley, the Addie incident did happen (she said this was confirmed by someone she knows that is an "insider" and she has pretty high standards for confirming something before posting), but there are no details other than Addie got out while Leah was "distracted", and a policeman brought her home. It's not been said what time it happened, how long she was gone, or whether Leah knew Addie had left the house before the cop brought her home. Leah may have been the one to call the cops, although I sort of doubt it.

I wish Ashley would post an update but I think we've heard all we are going to on the subject.

  • Love 2


Ashley refers to the school absences (she said 10 in one month) as having been in August, which I guess still fits pretty close to the timeline established that custody was changed about 2 months ago if you consider we are on the last day of October,

leighroda, does the article reference ten tardies in August of 2015 or 2014? Cory mentioned in the beginning of this season (which was filmed late last year around Christmas) how the girls had a total of ten tardies accumulated in one month. Could the Ashley be referencing that particular time period or, did they have ten tardies again for this past August?


Something that really grinds my gears a la Peter Griffin, is Leah's constant bitchiness at the viewers who post their opinions of her on Twitter. Some of us have read from time to time Leah's posts on her page or when we have read her social media posts which have been picked up by an online site and put in an article where she was quoted as saying people need to stop judging her. But, here she is giving one interview after another anytime she needs to "clear the air" about what is going on, how she feels, or her need to paint herself as the ultimate victim of Cory and Miranda while trying to prove what a great mom she is to her children. Really, it is just her desperate need for another check is all that is, but she uses that means for her own gain. How fucking dare she blast people for posting their opinions and telling them to take a flying leap with their comments when she herself is literally dragging people into her life with this show and her magazine interviews. If she doesn't want the attention, then she needs to get the hell out of MTV world and go live privately in her two-bit trailer as she cares for two children who are not hers and get herself a damn job. 

  • Love 3

Oh that's a good point it could be last year but it reads like its current... I was able to copy this from the article but I'm still not sure how to post the link to the whole article:

2. Corey claims the twins had at least 10 tardies or absences from school in one month alone.

One of the main reasons that a judge ruled in favor of Corey getting custody of the twins was reportedly Leah’s inability to get them to school on time. Although Leah denies it, she states in the article that the school had the twins marked tardy or absent 10 times in the month of August. (She only admitted to one tardy, of course, and stated that her issues with getting the twins to school on time in the past are due to her having narcolepsy…or something.)

I feel like a broken record, but it just burns me that she thinks narcolepsy is a legit excuse for all of this... First of all I HIGHLY doubt she has been diagnosed as narcoleptic, because she would be under similar precautions as someone with diagnosed seizures because someone who could fall asleep at the drop of a hat should not be driving. Second, it's still not an excuse, even if it's a documented health issue, if it interferes with the care of your children, i.e. If you are asleep and cannot be woken up the children are STILL not safe... It does not make it ok because it's not drug related. I'm not saying people who do have health issues should not have children in their care, but just the fact that everything that is pointed out as neglect she points to as being a diagnosed issue (which again I don't believe to begin with) but it's still neglect.

This is a completely made up scenario, especially because we all know Gracie can whip up some toast or Alli can break out the lunchables... But say Leah is having a Narcoleptic episode and can't be woken up its time for breakfast/school but since Leah can't be aroused the girls can't get breakfast or get themselves to school... The fact that it's because of narcolepsy is irrelevant, either way the girls needs are not met because Leah is unable to care for her children in that moment. What if an emergency occurred in that time period? What if a child fell? Choked? A fire?

I can't say I know anyone actually diagnosed with narcolepsy so I'm going to compare it to a seizure because they are similar in the sense that they are uncontrollable as far as when they happen, and cause the person to be unable to perform normal activities for a short period of time. I admittedly don't know a whole lot about narcolepsy so if I'm wrong about a point Please correct me. When you have seizures you are unable to drive because it would be extremely dangerous if a seizure occurred while driving, the same I would assume could be said about narcolepsy. One of my friend had a recent seizure, she was able to care for her children (one is 5, and I think the other is 7)... But they knew exactly what to do if a seizure occurred she drilled them and made arrangements just in case one were to happen when she was alone with them. The fact that the only thing we have heard is that the girls "just can't wake her up" seems to me more that she's just out asleep.

Sorry I went on a tangent, it just bothers me a lot to know she is lying, but is using a medical condition as an excuse, but at the end of the day even if the medical condition were true, the kids are not safe.

  • Love 4

Does anyone know what Leah was referring to about the girls getting questioned and by who were they being questioned, the law, CPS, the cat, a stranger?

I don't think anyone has said anything publically about who did the questioning, but if I had to throw a guess out I would say CPS or something similar through the court, I have mixed feelings about her outrage about that, on one hand the girls have been through a lot and so I can understand not wanting to put them through the questioning...but I fear that Leah doesn't want them questioned because they no what has been going on in their house..

Either way, I would hope it's a professional trained to work with children, so it causes the least amount of further trauma possible. I actually have a random memory from my childhood, that now as an adult I suspect I may have been questioned by CPS as a child; I had no clue at the time. My mom was far from stellar and there was a lot of neglect, I frequently didn't have lunch to take to school because we didn't have food at home, I always just said I forgot, anyway I remember we went to a church near our house but it wasn't where we went to church, I was separated from my siblings in a classroom and a lady just talked to me and let me color, I don't remember any specific questions or anything though... But I do remember when we were back with our mom something came up about spanking, and I remember she lied about a random aspect of it (this was the early 90's so spanking was just barely on its way out) she referred to us having stairs in our house, but we lived in an apartment and didn't have stairs... But since that's the only question I recall that's why I suspect it was CPS. Anyway it's a random story, but my point in telling is that hopefully the girls won't be further traumatized by any questioning or investigation that may be going on, hopefully if they were questioned it was by a professional trained to work with children. I was their age, and maybe a little bit older, and so the fact that I don't remember gives me a little more hope for them, kids are resilient little people.

  • Love 1

I teach in the rural Deep South and for whatever reason all my students seem to know what narcolepsy is. I don't know why, but it's true.

And from what I understand, narcolepsy isn't slowly nodding off, or sleeping and not being able to be woken up, which is what Leah seems to be showing.

Seriously? That is crazy. I imagine they use that as an excuse to cover up their drug or alcohol addiction.

Leighroda- I think with Cory, the girls will be removed from the show. At least the girls won't have that mess to deal with, but I agree they may be dealing with some trauma simply because their mother is a constant liar and has mental issues. Whatever lies she throws around, she will surely try to convince her children she is ill, not an addict. The same way she has her family wrapped around her finger, she will try to do the same with the kids. It doesn't matter what she says in court, it's what lies she says outside of court that matters to her and her fans, and anyone else she can fool.

  • Love 2

She posted on twitter that she was still being tested for Narcolepsy but that they have pretty much agreed this is what she has.  It was there this morning but has now been removed.  Wow Leah.

That girl has no shame. *face palm* She will continue this lie until she can come up with another medical excuse to cover up her addiction. It will take her being arrested for something such as a DUI, being involved in a crash, or having overdosed before the "truth comes out". The public revelation of what is in her blood stream would be a "slap in the face" to Leah. The quotes for that is in reference to the quote she used about the judge who gave Cory primary custody.  All that Messer talk about the truth coming out one day, well, the truth has come out long ago, and it continued to come out little by little. The Messer's just don't want to admit it.


Does anyone remember this article where Leah blamed Teen Mom for her troubles and quit the show because she was worried the show would be the reason she would lose custody of her girls?



Part of the article:

"Teen Mom 2 star, 22, quit her hit MTV series last week because she thinks the public scrutiny could destroy her already fragile marriage to Jeremy Calvert, 25.


Leah is doing everything she can to keep her family together, including leaving reality TV. All the attention from the show played a hand in one failed marriage, and she’s not going to let that happen again.


Messer had other reasons to leave the popular series. As Radar exclusively reported last week, Messer thought her onscreen antics could lead her to lose custody of the twins."

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

She posted on twitter that she was still being tested for Narcolepsy but that they have pretty much agreed this is what she has. It was there this morning but has now been removed. Wow Leah.

Translation: Leah googled symptoms of narcolepsy, recited them all to her doctor, who said what you're describing sounds like narcolepsy; lets do some tests.

  • Love 5

MTV did not ruin her marriage to Corey. She did. She is the one that slept with Robbie. I just can't with Leah anymore. I wish the show would go on without her. And as much as I love to see the train wreck that her and Jenelle have become, I wish the series would end with only catch up specials from time to time. Let the money die down and her and Jenelle would be having a hard time keeping afloat and then they can bitch about how stressed out they are.

And as far as her migraines go, well they have medicine for that and it isn't called anything she has taken. There's one excuse. Then the excuse about back pain, well hun I have back pain and my back is screwed up and I deal with it, I had an mri and shots put into my back, which she could afford and the last resort is surgery, but I'm dealing with it. Yes, I'm stressed out about what the insurance didn't pay, but I'm not out buying 1000 worth of drugs for 'my pain'. So this bitch needs to shut up about her pain and stress because she has no clue. And if she had so much pain, why haven't we heard of an mri on her back, or other procedures. I know it is all bullshit but come on. All of us sane viewers aren't dumbshits. And now she's onto narcolepsy. Give me a fucking break. Does this shit just develop over one year and all of a sudden someone has it. Drugs bitch is your problem. Not migraines, not back pain and not narcolepsy.

She chaps my asshole. I think I can't stand her worse then Jenelle and Jenelle makes me want to stab someone.

Wouldn't they already know already by fucking November first if she had narcolepsy? She said this back in July, so wouldn't the fucking doctors want to do those tests as soon as possible just in case her lying ass passed out while driving. That's been fucking 3 1/2 months. She is so full of shit.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 7

I've said it before , I want to root for Leah but I can't. She has made terrible choices on her own that makes it impossible to root for her or even like her. I think the first step to her getting better is distancing herself from all a lot of people in her life because all they do is say yes to her. She needs tough love.  I think its funny that while being on this show, it may make it harder to find people in your life who  will tell you no all the time in order to stay your friend and be on the show, it seems to me that out of these four girls, the only two who suffer from it are Leah and Janelle.  Chelsea and Kail seem to have friends who will tell them the truth, even if it's not something they want to hear. With Janelle and Leah it's always talk about " but you are such a good mom!"

  • Love 4

Translation: Leah googled symptoms of narcolepsy, recited them all to her doctor, who said what you're describing sounds like narcolepsy; lets do some tests.

Right. This girl Googled all the things that could be wrong with Ali. She was sitting there on camera as she began to read out loud  all the symptoms of various disorders that were mentioned by the doctor before they figured out what disorder Ali actually had. No doubt she did the same thing when trying to come up with something to explain away her slurred speech and all the other symptoms that come with being an addict.



So this bitch needs to shut up about her pain and stress because she has no clue. And if she had so much pain, why haven't we heard of an mri on her back, or other procedures. I know it is all bullshit but come on. All of us sane viewers aren't dumbshits. And now she's onto narcolepsy. Give me a fucking break. Does this shit just develop over one year and all of a sudden someone has it. Drugs bitch is your problem. Not migraines, not back pain and not narcolepsy.

She chaps my asshole. I think I can't stand her worse then Jenelle and Jenelle makes me want to stab someone.

Jenelle is certainly far from ever being normal. Girl has tons of mental issues and anger problems. But, yeah, she at least used the word "rehab" and there was discussion about her issues. I think she blamed others for the problems (so typical of addicts), but at least there was no talk about "therapeutic treatment for stress".  I can't say much more than that only because Jenelle went on MTV's dime and most of us know that unless an addict goes for help because they want to, chances are they aren't going to remain on the straight and narrow.


Agree wholeheartedly about her supposed sleepy disorder. Why is she barely getting tested now? Why didn't she lay these claims in court? Simple - the bitch knows she is lying and all her lies will come back to haunt her. She would need proof from a doctor and no doctor will give her that confirmation unless she can find a doctor, and pay them off. As for her migraines, she could easily get the meds for that from a doctor. I have dealt with migraines and all it took was telling the doctor what my symptoms were to get a prescription. Unless Leah's "migraines" are not helped by the meds, the doctor will then order an MRI to see if there is something else going on.  Leah won't make claims in court that she can't back up. She just throws out what little she can in the hopes that the judge will be swayed. Sorry dear, the judge goes by documents and proof, not your baby voice and tears.


Who are we kidding? Leah isn't going to call anything out the door. She wouldn't even know the girlses are out there. And, besides, calling the kids in for dinner is Gracie's job.

HELLO? Got that right. The only thing Leah will call out for is her need for the double D's...dick and drugs.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

I teach in the rural Deep South and for whatever reason all my students seem to know what narcolepsy is. I don't know why, but it's true.

And from what I understand, narcolepsy isn't slowly nodding off, or sleeping and not being able to be woken up, which is what Leah seems to be showing.

Yeah, I admit I don't know for sure, and I guess there could be varying degrees of narcolepsy but I thought it was uncontrollable, and you just fall asleep. For Leah it seems to only strike in the morning when it's time to wake up for school. It's pretty convenient she never got these episodes when it was mani pedi time, or the month she was away at rehab (I'm just speculating that but at this point I'm pretty confident that if she was having narcoleptic episodes when we know she wasn't on drugs we would have heard that already). I'm going to take one for the team and research narcolepsy and report back with the results.

  • Love 2

Ok, so I looked it up and right off the bat I call BS on Leah having narcolepsy. For starters the episodes of sleep only last seconds - minutes, so inability to wake her would not likely be a symptom. One of the biggest symptoms is chronic daytime sleepiness, so ok I'll give her that, but I will also note if that is the case I have it too (I'm notoriously a night owl, but I also don't have children to care for during the day, and I'm a nurse, so my job is possible to do at night). The article I found said you fall asleep unwillingly, but it didn't really say how you fall asleep, like to you just snap fall asleep or drift to sleep, so I still don't have an answer for that. The other thing I found interesting is that you can get muscle paralysis where you just suddenly go limp. It also said people have episodes where they continue activities, but are actually asleep and don't recall the activities later.

Probably one of the most telling signs to me that Leah does not is that she seems to think it's a license to sleep whenever she wants, but actually people who have narcolepsy do not sleep more than others with out it.

Here is the article I read if anyone is interested:


  • Love 2

Wouldn't they already know already by fucking November first if she had narcolepsy? She said this back in July, so wouldn't the fucking doctors want to do those tests as soon as possible just in case her lying ass passed out while driving. That's been fucking 3 1/2 months. She is so full of shit.

Leah has no doubt been putting off these tests because the nature of the diagnostic testing would make it hard to fake. She probably thought she'd just tell the doctor how tired she was, maybe fall asleep in mid sentence, and the doctor would officially diagnose her based on her "sleepiness".

Hey Leah, even people who *don't* do drugs and stay up most of the night still get tired during the day. It's called "working". But I guess you wouldn't know about that.

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I have a question, so Leah is claiming to being tested, and obviously if she were found to be narcoleptic that report would then be given to the judge, but if she is tested and is found to not have narcolepsy, we obviously know she is not going to willingly give that report to any judge, but can the judge still order them? I only know the medical side of things, not the legal. I know if the judge ordered she be tested they would be privy to the results but from anything I have seen/heard Leah is doing this on her own (IF she is actually being tested that is) so I don't know the technicality in that case. If she has brought up the potential narcolepsy and is found not to have it that can't look good in court. The testing could actually take a while though, from what I read it's an over night sleep study, and monitoring during the day, you wouldn't likely get a definitive result in one day/test if the first day came up negative she would likely just say she just didn't have symptoms that day... There is one symptom that pretty definitively indicates narcolepsy, cataplexy (muscle paralysis where you would just go limp) but if she doesn't have that symptom then it's hard to diagnose narcolepsy and they would have to diagnose it by ruling out everything else it could be.

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