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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I hope that Leah is held to the same standard as Jenelle and Adam when it comes to getting custody of the girls back.  I hope that she has to be completely clean for more than 6 months with regular drug tests (and explain the need for every milligram they find in her system - prescription or otherwise) prove that she has a form of income that isn't Jeremy's child support, prove that she has a sanitary and safe home and prove that her personal life is stable.  And every time she fails one of those criteria, it goes back to square one just like it has for Jenelle and Adam. 

I'm not saying this because Jenelle and Adam deserve custody but rather that all three are currently unfit caregivers for their kid(s).  They should all be held to the same standards.  Leah doesn't get a pass because she is *anxious* or *depressed* or has *narcolepsy*.  

The only people giving Leah a pass are her family and Drew the Quack. MTV is also playing a part in her mess that is called addiction because they are supplying her with money. They are also the ones who control who these girls give "exclusives" to. This US Magazine article is not just about Leah needing a check as much as it is MTV giving her the permission to give the interview in the first place. Their grubby hands are all over this and likely the need to keep Leah in the spotlight since she seems to be their cash cow.


To respond to your comment about Leah needing to be clean and not test dirty, that is assuming drug use was part of Cory's court case against her. We don't have all the information other than she was not getting the girls to school and Addie was not being taken to therapy, two issues that were the concern of the court the last time. Leah passed a drug test, from what we saw on camera. Unless the courts issued another drug test to her and she failed, we don't know for sure that she has to take regular piss tests. I pray that she was ordered to take another drug test and she failed.


I can see her family and minions now, saying Leah did piss dirty because of all the "stress" she is under from having lost her girls.

Edited by GreatKazu

In all fairness, we don't actually know the cost of her drug habit. We just know what one supplier charged. I bet she had/has multiple sources. Maybe even a legal one.

I wouldn't be surprised if she had *ahem* other methods of payment than cash.

Greatkazu, thanks...that's what I thought as far as Leah having more to prove now in regards to custody. It's sad that losing custody is what it took for her to provide basic steps in "proving" (I say that in quotes because I think it's more for appearances than actually putting effort into parenting) she can care for her kids. I would respect it a lot more if she were doing it without having to document on Instagram. I felt a lot more sympathy for her before she opened her mouth, when we were just hearing about the change in custody I wished her the best as far as recovery was concerned, but now that I've seen all her Facebook posts and how Corey is doing this all to hurt her I no longer feel bad for her. I know it must be hard to lose custody, but her attitude about it seems more about using the kids as pawns to get what she wants vs what they actually need. She has not made one statement about what is best for the girls (at least that I've seen I could be wrong, there's a first time for everything) , everything is defending herself, blaming everyone else, or to show off how she cares for the girls.

  • Love 1

 It must be hard to lose custody, but her attitude about it seems more about using the kids as pawns to get what she wants vs what they actually need. She has not made one statement about what is best for the girls (at least that I've seen I could be wrong, there's a first time for everything) , everything is defending herself, blaming everyone else, or to show off how she cares for the girls.


Yes, this. It's all about how Corey is doing this to get back at her and how the courts are against her and how the school is against her and there's never any mention about the girls. She wants her kids so she can constantly send them off to grandma/aunt/whoever while she gets her nails done and posts shit on twitter talking about how great of a mom she is and how jealous her haters are. She's never had their best interests at heart. The twins are young but the internet is forever and someday they'll find all of the stories their mother has sold to the tabloids and realize what a miserable creature she is. Not to mention all the MTV footage showing her downward spiral.

  • Love 3

If it was August, I'm surprised. When did the twins even start kindergarten? I thought Corey's dad was still posting what appeared to be weekend pics through September (Not that pics tell the whole tale. Looking at you, Leah.)

Evie, it is possible Cory had the school attendance records which showed the end of the school year (June). He likely received documentation from the school of more unexcused tardies and absences which likely occurred AFTER the last court hearing where the judge ordered Leah to ensure the kids were no longer going to be tardy or absent without a proper excuse. The other proof being the missed appointments to the therapist. Gathering all that proof gave reason for Cory, through his attorney, to ask the judge to change the custody before the new school year starts (September).


The audacity of Leah to paint Cory as the parent who doesn't care for Ali through that whole wheelchair-gate storyline a few seasons ago. All her bitching and complaining about that damn wheelchair and now, we don't even see Ali using it. Where is that concern now, Leah? She can't even be concerned with getting her child to therapy. The life of an addict.



It must be hard to lose custody, but her attitude about it seems more about using the kids as pawns to get what she wants vs what they actually need.

Leah needs those girls around her because it gives her child support money. It also gives her the excuse she needs to not work. If she were to go to work, it would be at some minimum wage job and even some of those jobs do drug tests. She isn't about seeking work because she knows she will piss dirty, not to mention she has no desire to work. She can't even get her kids to school, imagine her trying to get ready for a job?


There are similarities to Jenelle and Adam as far as Leah is concerned, the difference is, Leah has not been arrested or charged with any drug-related offenses. Adam has been court-ordered to test periodically because of his DUI and other offenses relating to alcohol use. Jenelle, well, we know her arrest record and drug use history. So, it isn't that Leah is getting a pass from the courts. She is just damn lucky she hasn't been arrested for any offense for being under the influence. Give it time.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

She didn't admit that. That quote came from an interview back in 2014 from Leah's un-named drug dealer. The magazine just threw that bit of information to the story.

I'm sorry, I didn't know that and I'm also very tired from charring ravioli over a burning pile of laundry and Mary Kay boxes, and also real dizzy on my head dye pillses that I take for narcoleprosy. Addie was supposed to do the laundry and dinner for me while the cat got the mail, but they went somewhere. Guess I'll wait for the sheriff to find her, so I can flirt with him.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 14

Evie, it is possible Cory had the school attendance records which showed the end of the school year (June). He likely received documentation from the school of more unexcused tardies and absences which likely occurred AFTER the last court hearing where the judge ordered Leah to ensure the kids were no longer going to be tardy or absent without a proper excuse. The other proof being the missed appointments to the therapist. Gathering all that proof gave reason for Cory, through his attorney, to ask the judge to change the custody before the new school year starts (September).


The audacity of Leah to paint Cory as the parent who doesn't care for Ali through that whole wheelchair-gate storyline a few seasons ago. All her bitching and complaining about that damn wheelchair and now, we don't even see Ali using it. Where is that concern now, Leah? She can't even be concerned with getting her child to therapy. The life of an addict.

That is why I said Leah wouldn't let Corey or Miranda take the girlses to school on her days because they could document that.  Also, it isn't like Corey didn't try to tell her.  I'm sure that the school contacted him too regarding tardiness.  I wouldn't be surprised if there were comments from teachers submitted as well.  Kids that age can't stay up until midnight and then spend an entire day in school without issues (sleeping, crankiness, behavioral problems).




Leah needs those girls around her because it gives her child support money. It also gives her the excuse she needs to not work. If she were to go to work, it would be at some minimum wage job and even some of those jobs do drug tests. She isn't about seeking work because she knows she will piss dirty, not to mention she has no desire to work. She can't even get her kids to school, imagine her trying to get ready for a job?

There are similarities to Jenelle and Adam as far as Leah is concerned, the difference is, Leah has not been arrested or charged with any drug-related offenses. Adam has been court-ordered to test periodically because of his DUI and other offenses relating to alcohol use. Jenelle, well, we know her arrest record and drug use history. So, it isn't that Leah is getting a pass from the courts. She is just damn lucky she hasn't been arrested for any offense for being under the influence. Give it time.

Leah HAS been lucky but after this incident with Baby Addie, I think it has about run out.  Hopefully, nothing bad happens to Addie before Jeremy can get custody (and he better or he is a piece of crap).  All Leah needs is a DWI and she is toast.


PS:  Why wasn't Addie on the magazine cover with her siblings???  I wonder who made that decision.

Edited by Freckledbruh
  • Love 2

PS:  Why wasn't Addie on the magazine cover with her siblings???  I wonder who made that decision.

If they showed Addie it would be obvious how old the photos were, they were originally in In Touch about Ali's diagnosis and her fight to get the wheelchair.


Have a look at the hair and outfits from a Jan 2014 article, they look very familar



It must be hard to do a cover shoot about your love of your children when you don't have primary custody so need your evil ex-husbands permission.


Edited to add found a pic with Addie, she was little and there is a pesky ex-husband as well



Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 6

Here is a new blurb about the article, some new gems are revealed





Leah claimed the twins are “miserable” with this situation and alleged Aleeah has even tried to run away from Corey's home


But did a sheriff have to pick her up, in my eyes it only counts if their is law enforcement involvement and the parent was unaware that the child was missing.



“I think child support has a lot to do with [his motivations],” the 23-year-old mom explained, adding that he previously paid her $800 a month.


Leah must think we are really stupid if she expects us to believe that he paid all those lawyers fees and court costs to save $800 per month plus if he has the girls all week he probably won't save any money with an increased food and clothing bill and general run around of doing school pick up and drop offs, doctors visits etc.

  • Love 13

I was just going to post that US Weekly recycled an old photo. Thanks crazychicken for the detective work. :-)



I'm sorry, I didn't know that and I'm also very tired from charring ravioli over a burning pile of laundry and Mary Kay boxes, and also real dizzy on my head dye pillses that I take for narcoleprosy. Addie was supposed to do the laundry and dinner for me while the cat got the mail, but they went somewhere. Guess I'll wait for the sheriff to find her, so I can flirt with him.

LOL This made me laugh so hard, my sides were aching.



Here is a new blurb about the article, some new gems are revealed

Oh good lawd!! I am sick, sick, SICK of this bitch's lies and manipulations. What is her goal? To make all of her fans hate Cory and Miranda? In the end, it does nothing for her or her case to try and get her kids back. Yeah, as if that is going to happen anytime soon. I wish Cory would have requested that the court put a gag on that big ass mouth of Leah's and to not discuss the girlses, him and Miranda in any interviews. The same interviews that MTV gives permission for. Leah can't just go and give interviews. MTV has to approve them. What is their goal in all of this? A storyline for Leah next season since she won't have the girls?

  • Love 6

She needs to seriously keep her mouth shut, just when I think she's the worst she makes another dumbass comment. I HIGHLY (see what I did there Leah) doubt the girls are miserable with Corey and Miranda. Any picture we have ever seen of them when they are they they look happy and well put together. Leah's level of delusion literally pains me, like raises my blood pressure and make my head hurt (maybe I need some pillses for that). I wouldn't be surprised to hear she calls every night and says something to upset them just to make it harder for Corey. I said it a couple pages back, but she keeps saying that Corey just wants to hurt her, or he doesn't want to pay child support... Yet she (well and her family) are the only ones I've seen anything vindictive from. Corey and Miranda have yet to make any kind of statement (other than the vague tweet from Miranda today) about her losing custody. If it was about money Corey could have sold the story at any point in the 2 months and gotten a check for it, yet who now has 2 magazine interviews? Did she hold a freaking press junket at her house!? I'm sorry I don't remember who said it but I agree with someone a little further up, that if this were about child support, Corey would be better off just paying the $800 and having them on weekends, but now he has the extra expense of 2 more people in his household, so food, water, even gas if he has to drive them around to activities/spots etc it all more expensive, and it seems he is totally fine with that. She never felt like Corey paid enough for child support and always wanted to be the martyr that if she wanted to she could take him to court for more $$$, but she was being oh-so-accommodating. Now that the tables are turned and her income may be more than Corey's (I read here that her income was more, but I don't actually know about that) I wonder if she is going to think $800 is not enough to pay if she's the one who has to pay it. She has all the time in the world to get a job now, so I wonder what her excuse will be for not being able to pay for support. I'm putting my money on her anxiety is so bad she is unable to work (disclaimer- I do believe that is true of some people that it can be debilitating, I am not trying to make light of anxiety attacks because they are real, just that I don't necessarily believe she is one of those people with debilitating anxiety).

  • Love 11

I love Jeff. And I love Miranda. It must be so hard to stay sane when anyone can just walk into a grocery store and see blatant lies about you in the checkout line. I say this because I was just at the grocery store and Leah's "They stole my babies!!!" cover was everywhere. I couldn't bring myself to read it, even for the snark factor. 

  • Love 7

She needs to seriously keep her mouth shut, just when I think she's the worst she makes another dumbass comment. I HIGHLY (see what I did there Leah)

She has gotten into this bad habit because she is on the show for her trainwreck factor and believes that there is no such thing as bad publicity or too much publicity. Watching how Jenelle (or outside of TM2,  Farrah) gets attention is also a bad influence on Leah, not to make excuses for her.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 1


I wish Cory would have requested that the court put a gag on that big ass mouth of Leah's and to not discuss the girlses, him and Miranda in any interviews. The same interviews that MTV gives permission.


Is there anyway, legally, Corey could make Leah shut her trap? Like threaten to sue for defamation? Because this sob story is so thinly disguised as a smear campaign it is ridiculous. What's more, Leah's rabid fans are lapping it up. It is almost scary to see how naive and clueless her fans are. Must be a lot of "not well" schools out there. Part of me wants Corey and Miranda to give their own side of the story, sell it to whatever tabloid is interested. But luckily, they seem to have more class then I would have, lol.

  • Love 5

She has gotten into this bad habit because she is on the show for her trainwreck factor and believes that there is no such thing as bad publicity or too much publicity. Watching how Jenelle (or outside of TM2, Farrah) gets attention is also a bad influence on Leah, not to make excuses for her.

Very true. The way she finds a way to blame anyone for anything going on in her life reminds me of an episode of friends; where Ross' parents don't like Chandler because they caught Ross smoking pot when he was younger, and Ross said it was Chandler and he had jumped out the window, and so when Monica was dating him they were going to make Ross fess up so their parents would be ok with Monica and chandler being together...so when the do that Ross is like "ok, so then who are we going to say tricked me into smoking pot". It's way funnier when you see it, but my point is, Leah is so frantic to place the blame everywhere but on herself that she isn't even really sure who or what she is blaming, first it's evil Corey just wanting to hurt her, then it's the school for recording absences and tardies when she was there on time, then it's a combination of both so they are now conspiring against her, then it's just Corey again, but this time he just doesn't want to pay child support.

Ps. Leah, I'll preface this with I don't really buy the Aleeah/Gracie/Rhoda whatever her name is this week trying to run away story, but let's say it did happen... We'll say she tried to runaway, the operative word is TRIED... She TRIED TO RUNAWAY, not DID away.., like your TWO year old did under your care.

  • Love 8



"And if we wait up late enough, the Great Pumpkin will appear, the truth will come out and everyone will understand that Leah is a wonderful parent, totally sober, and everything wrong with the world is caused by Corey and Jeremy. Hey, where you going? I've got a great dart game here with Corey and Miranda's picture on it!"

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 11

Leah is a straight up liar. I do not, in any way, believe that the twins are miserable at Corey's house and tried to run away. Every single scene we've seen of them over there, they have been happy, clean, and calm. Well, okay, except for that one fight - that Corey handled perfectly. I'm sure it might an adjustment. They do love their mother, and they probably miss Addie. But I doubt there is anything going on that they'd want to run away from. Who would run away from patient parents, a clean house, and homecooked meals into the arms of a nodding off mother, ten piles of laundry, and a Cheetos-Hugs dinner served on your favorite upside down pan. 

  • Love 4

Leah is a straight up liar. I do not, in any way, believe that the twins are miserable at Corey's house and tried to run away. Every single scene we've seen of them over there, they have been happy, clean, and calm. Well, okay, except for that one fight - that Corey handled perfectly. I'm sure it might an adjustment. They do love their mother, and they probably miss Addie. But I doubt there is anything going on that they'd want to run away from. Who would run away from patient parents, a clean house, and homecooked meals into the arms of a nodding off mother, ten piles of laundry, and a Cheetos-Hugs dinner served on your favorite upside down pan. 

I mean, I believe, that at least initially they wanted to go back to Leah's but only because we're all creatures of habit and crave what we're used to. That's why bad habits are so hard to change.  Those girls are used to eating whatever and running around whenever. I can see how they'd be confused and tell Leah that they want to go back... That's not Corey or Miranda's fault.


If Leah was a good parent she would have told them how much Corey loves them and that she's sick and working on getting better. Since she's a terrible mother, she probably egged them. If Corey got custody in August as some outlets are reporting, I am sure they're happy happily settled in, if it was within the last few weeks there may be adjustment problems which their dumb mother shouldn't be blabbing about. Either way, if it's actually happening and not just Leah being a victim, it's no big deal and part of the adjustment process. 

  • Love 6

Leah is a damn lie. Before Corey even got full physical custody he had 50/50 so the girlses were with him 3.5 days so now they are with him 1.5 extra days. That won't make one lick of difference to those kids. It would be one thing if it had gone from just weekends at Corey's place and the schedule was flipped all at once but basically this transition has been extremely gradual. It isn't like Leah has Jo's set up where she only sees them every other weekend.

  • Love 9

Leah is a damn lie. Before Corey even got full physical custody he had 50/50 so the girlses were with him 3.5 days so now they are with him 1.5 extra days. That won't make one lick of difference to those kids. It would be one thing if it had gone from just weekends at Corey's place and the schedule was flipped all at once but basically this transition has been extremely gradual. It isn't like Leah has Jo's set up where she only sees them every other weekend.

You know what though? I would not put it past Leah to lay a huge guilt trip on her five year old twins- oh you girls, go ahead, mommy will just be here, crying because I miss you so much, but go on, go with daddy. And then Gracie does feel this anxiety about Leah and wants to check on her.

  • Love 9

You know what though? I would not put it past Leah to lay a huge guilt trip on her five year old twins- oh you girls, go ahead, mommy will just be here, crying because I miss you so much, but go on, go with daddy. And then Gracie does feel this anxiety about Leah and wants to check on her.

And then she will be hit with parental alienation which will mean she will have to go to counseling and maybe even supervised visits. I could see her making the situation worse for herself (and the twins).

  • Love 1

Leah's on the cover of US Weekly being delusional and blaming Corey for taking her girlses away. Because she's just SUCH a great mom and he's so mean, y'all!!! And her hoards of empty headed supporters will use this as fuel for their "evil jealous ex takes innocent mom's kids away" narrative. Look at Ali's face. She knows the truth. 



i'm sorry, i'm more interested in the corner clip on top about glenn on TWD. *screams into the wind* GLEEEENNNNNNNN!


  • Love 7

i'm sorry, i'm more interested in the corner clip on top about glenn on TWD. *screams into the wind* GLEEEENNNNNNNN!

You're in good company. For what it's worth, it's my opinion that Glenn or Daryl will never die.

And then she will be hit with parental alienation which will mean she will have to go to counseling and maybe even supervised visits. I could see her making the situation worse for herself (and the twins).

If you ask me, she should be limited to supervised visits just based on what happened to Addie. I'm not going to bust the balls of every parent whose child let themselves outside. It happens. But it's pretty scary that Leah didn't know a 2 year old was gone.

  • Love 7

If you ask me, she should be limited to supervised visits just based on what happened to Addie. I'm not going to bust the balls of every parent whose child let themselves outside. It happens. But it's pretty scary that Leah didn't know a 2 year old was gone.

I think that will coming in just a few months. My prediction is a DWI (hopefully with no kids in the car!) and then she will be relegated to supervised visits.

I have no doubt that the weekends Leah had the girls are spent telling them how awful their Daddy and Miranda are, and how they are so mean for taking them away. i say let her, then when she is hit with parental alienation she will have nobody to blame but herself (although I'm sure she'll find someone to blame) she hasn't taken anything seriously this far, so o doubt she realizes parental alienation is a serious issue.

  • Love 6

I have no doubt that the weekends Leah had the girls are spent telling them how awful their Daddy and Miranda are, and how they are so mean for taking them away. i say let her, then when she is hit with parental alienation she will have nobody to blame but herself (although I'm sure she'll find someone to blame) she hasn't taken anything seriously this far, so o doubt she realizes parental alienation is a serious issue.

She will turn around and say that the twins are lying liars who lie and she never, ever said anything bad about Corey in front of them and Corey made the twins lie about her. She is just that deluded.

Edited by Freckledbruh
  • Love 5

I have no doubt that the weekends Leah had the girls are spent telling them how awful their Daddy and Miranda are, and how they are so mean for taking them away. i say let her, then when she is hit with parental alienation she will have nobody to blame but herself (although I'm sure she'll find someone to blame) she hasn't taken anything seriously this far, so o doubt she realizes parental alienation is a serious issue.

Leah doesn't think it's serious because she's been doing it for years without any consequences. If she hasn't directly told the girls their father and stepmom are evil people who only care about them as a means to hurt HER, you can bet she's said it to someone else when the girls were within earshot.

I mean, really, a girl who will go on record to a major publication saying her daughters' father wouldn't give two shits about them if it weren't for getting a rise out of her (couldn't she at least have said Corey wants the twins badly enough to make up lies about her to get his way, so at least his interest in his daughters is not in question?) is not the least bit concerned about parental alienation, nor is she at all concerned about her kids' feelings.

Frankly, Leah's latest interview is approaching Mommie Dearest territory, with making absolutely everything about her.

  • Love 8

You know what though? I would not put it past Leah to lay a huge guilt trip on her five year old twins- oh you girls, go ahead, mommy will just be here, crying because I miss you so much, but go on, go with daddy. And then Gracie does feel this anxiety about Leah and wants to check on her.

The whole Messer Klan will lay guilt trips on the girlses because they do things as a family and they always support Leah and enable her disheveled life and despicable behavior. They all will do what Kail does to Isaac - make the girlses feel bad for leaving them behind and how sad they are that they aren't around.



If you ask me, she should be limited to supervised visits just based on what happened to Addie. I'm not going to bust the balls of every parent whose child let themselves outside. It happens. But it's pretty scary that Leah didn't know a 2 year old was gone.

I highly (leighroda that's for Leah, too. ha ha) agree.


I wish there was more about that situation. I really hope CPS is involved however, depending what the circumstances were, could it have been written off as a child just having wandered out the door? I had a situation many years ago when one of my kids, who was three years old, figured out how to push the button on the door handle and walked out. I was on the phone which was a land-line. From what I surmised, my child had been outside for at least five minutes. That is a very long time for any small child to be outside without an adult. I was horrified, scurrying around as I yelled for my child. I come to find him in the dog house with the dog. My point is, if my child had gone out the front door instead under the same circumstances, and the police came upon my child, I don't think they would have called CPS to intervene since there are circumstances where a parent has their attention elsewhere and a child wanders off. I am not giving Leah any sort of defense but, I could see her telling the police she was in the bathroom doing her business or some other excuse and wasn't aware her child walked out, whatever excuse she used,that would fly right past the police radar. After all, the police don't know Leah as the known-druggie mother in the neighborhood that they have had run-ins with periodically.


I find this smear campaign against Cory and Miranda to be despicable and yet, I am not surprised. What Leah is doing is so typical of addict behavior. The only difference is, the average addict in West Virginia is not a visible figure on television who has access to the media the way Leah does. Normally, the addict goes around talking shit about their family, describing how they have been wronged, they tell anyone who will hear them out how their family is against them and all they are about is taking their kids away from them. It sounds like shades of Jenelle who has blamed Barb for "taking Jace" from her when we all know how it all went down but, in Jenelle's delusional mind that is not at all how it occurred. Jenelle has thrown many accusations at her mother. Leah is doing the same to Cory and Miranda. Jenelle mentions how much she loves and adores Jace (not those words but, you know what I mean). Leah talks endlessly about her love and devotion to her children. Her behavior while they are in her care tells us otherwise.


I rarely have a care for any reality participant on a tv show but, I pray for Cory and Miranda. I care about them and I worry that they will have to deal with this for a long time before Leah finds herself in deep trouble. Obviously, losing primary custody of her kids does not seem to be any sort of rock bottom for her. I can only surmise what Leah's rock bottom will be.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 7

SPLAIN, it really depends on Leah's state when the officer returned little Addie. If she answered the door high as hell and slurring her words or if there were paraphernalia in view, then s/he would contact child services right away (happened where I live a few months ago). If she was coherent enough to make a plausible excuse then you are right. The cop would just leave.

  • Love 2

I have to stop reading the articles about Leah. it makes my blood pressure go up and I want to start punching things lol. Came across some of the comments on an article about her "losing" her girls and OMG people are just as delusional as Leah is. Saying Corey never stepped up as a dad until Miranda came along and he did it to impress her. WTF! Corey has always been a good dad. He was what 18 years old and working at the water dept and even though Leah didn't want to be with him and shit all over him he kept paying the rent on that trailer and allowed Leah and the girls to continue living there so his girls had a roof over their heads. He has always loved and taken care of those twins!  Oh and all kinds of comments about how Miranda schemed to get the twins (I'm sure life is a hell of a lot easier without two five year old girls one of whom has special needs and the other who has behavioral problems around. But Miranda wants what is best for those girls. She's not trying to steal them. And the whole Leah saying Cory did it so he doesn't have to pay $800 a month!! This kills me. My ex thinks the same way Leah does. Pays x amount a month and I have our two kids ALL the time. What he pays doesn't even cover the cost of their daycare. But he says I have primary custody just for the child support. Um the child support helps cover their expenses. If I handed our kids over to him and he had to pay for their daycare, food, clothes, plus extra utilitites etc he would be paying ALOT more than what he pays in child support. Plus he'd have no free time to do anything. Corey didn't "take them away" so he doesn't have to pay child support. I hope Leah has to pay though. 

And its funny that this article comes out AFTER her two year old was found wandering the streets alone at midnight!!!! She thinks she's a great mother. You lost custody of your two older girls and that didn't even shake you up enough to watch your toddler!!!!! Proof that poor Gracie was probably responsible for watching Addie most of the time. I feel so bad for those kids!


Yes Leah, it's all about hurting you. Because Lord knows most judges (especially in West Virginia of all places) are conspiring with the fathers to take custody away from the mother. For fuck's sake you can be a wonderfully competant baby daddy fighting a complete crackhead baby momma and you will still have a hell of a time getting custody, especially in super conservative states

A relative of mine and her husband live in WV. He has a daughter around the same age as the twins. He was a weekend dad and the mother lost custody because she was dating a criminal ( can't go into much detail as the custody case is still open but her boyfriend's criminal activities include child pornography and kidnapping. ) the mother left her daughter with the guy and much like Addie the little girl got out of the house and was found wandering around. CPS was called.  My relative and her husband are fighting tooth and nail to get custody of his daughter.  Should be an open and shut case since the mother of the child is once again dating another man convicted of similar charges!!!!!  She's even brought the guy around her daughter once she was granted unsupervised visits. The relative and hubby have temporary custody of the girl and have for the last 8 months or so but the judge is giving the mother every opportunity to get primary custody back!  The mother refused to see the daughter on her birthday because it was a supervised visit  (much like Adam was threatened with at a center) and the mother feels that even though she's dating a child molester she shouldn't have to have supervised visits. so she refused the visit. In my mind, that should end the case right there. you don't want to see your child without bringing your pedophile boyfriend around her??? Your rights are terminated. But I guess good ole' WV believes mothers deserve their children even if the father (who has no criminal history and clearly loves his daughter and is employed and able to take care of her vs. the unemployed mother). So the fact that Cory got primary custody of his girls is amazing and means that something big had to go down regarding evidence that was shown to the judge.  It was more than a few tardies.

  • Love 9

I was thinking the same thing... I assumed it was more. Yikes.

You assumed correctly. Oxycontin can go as high as $80 a pop for an 80mg tablet and the price increases with the milligrams per pill. Same with morphine. The high cost of pillses on the street is what's fueling the heroin epidemic in our country. Heroin is cheaper and readily available. I have no doubt that Leah was easily blowing through a grand a week on pillses, maybe more. If Corey and Jermy refuse to let the girlses be filmed and MTV gives Leah the boot, we'll see arrests for theft start showing up in the media. Most long time junkies don't wind up in jail on major drug charges. If you could look at their rap sheets, you'd find multiple arrests for theft with a sprinkling of possession of drug paraphernalia or possession of a controlled substance with no prescription and check fraud.  Of course, Leah also has the option of hooking to earn dope money. Sadly, if she doesn't get her shit together and loses MTV's bankroll, this is exactly where she's going to wind up. 

  • Love 5

The reason Leah thinks that $800 a month is some windfall savings for Corey is because she was using most of that money for DRUGS instead of on the kids. Of course she doesn't think of the cost of child care because she has eleventy relatives taking the girls off her hands for free. She hasn't had to pay for the roof over her head (until now?) because first it was her parents, then Corey and then Jeremy paying the mortgage/rent. She feeds her kids hugs, cheetohs and canned ravioli which is dirt cheap crap that broke college kids don't even eat. If she were sober and actually parented properly, she would realize how stupid that sounds.

  • Love 10

A relative of mine and her husband live in WV. He has a daughter around the same age as the twins. He was a weekend dad and the mother lost custody because she was dating a criminal ( can't go into much detail as the custody case is still open but her boyfriend's criminal activities include child pornography and kidnapping. ) the mother left her daughter with the guy and much like Addie the little girl got out of the house and was found wandering around. CPS was called. My relative and her husband are fighting tooth and nail to get custody of his daughter. Should be an open and shut case since the mother of the child is once again dating another man convicted of similar charges!!!!! She's even brought the guy around her daughter once she was granted unsupervised visits. The relative and hubby have temporary custody of the girl and have for the last 8 months or so but the judge is giving the mother every opportunity to get primary custody back! The mother refused to see the daughter on her birthday because it was a supervised visit (much like Adam was threatened with at a center) and the mother feels that even though she's dating a child molester she shouldn't have to have supervised visits. so she refused the visit. In my mind, that should end the case right there. you don't want to see your child without bringing your pedophile boyfriend around her??? Your rights are terminated. But I guess good ole' WV believes mothers deserve their children even if the father (who has no criminal history and clearly loves his daughter and is employed and able to take care of her vs. the unemployed mother). So the fact that Cory got primary custody of his girls is amazing and means that something big had to go down regarding evidence that was shown to the judge. It was more than a few tardies.

Omg, that is so terrible about your relative. That mom sounds like the kind of despicable bitch that when she catches her boyfriend raping/molesting her underage daughter, she screams at the daughter for "tempting" him. Ugh.

Leah's social media fans are idiots. I take comfort in the fact that their posts are generally laden with misspellings and grammatical errors proving these people aren't ever going to be in a position to impact anyone politically or economically. (Although they probably cost local tax payers money one way or another).

I'd go to their posts and argue with them, but I guarantee I could write out an articulate irrefutable post and all I would get as a response is "ur stoopid".

  • Love 6


Leah's social media fans are idiots. I take comfort in the fact that their posts are generally laden with misspellings and grammatical errors proving these people aren't ever going to be in a position to impact anyone politically or economically. (Although they probably cost local tax payers money one way or another).


Tell me about it. Some of the ones I've encountered on Facebook are frightening. They have Leah's back like they are her BFFs and they are about to throw down while their 8th grade English teacher's back is turned. It is even sadder when you realize most of them are legal adults with children of their own. I can only assume that they identify so closely with Leah because they feel they are like her, which....yeah. Scary.


On the bright side, I do feel about 20% smarter after matching wits with Leah supporters. So Leah is good for something, after all!

  • Love 2

SPLAIN, it really depends on Leah's state when the officer returned little Addie. If she answered the door high as hell and slurring her words or if there were paraphernalia in view, then s/he would contact child services right away (happened where I live a few months ago). If she was coherent enough to make a plausible excuse then you are right. The cop would just leave.


I can't imagine the police not filing a report with CPS when they find a 2 year old wandering the streets, no matter what the excuse.  They might leave the child with the mother, but I would hope CPS follows through on all reports like that.

  • Love 2

I can't imagine the police not filing a report with CPS when they find a 2 year old wandering the streets, no matter what the excuse. They might leave the child with the mother, but I would hope CPS follows through on all reports like that.

I agree. I can think of a few examples that would involve a cop bringing home a child to a competent parent. Say, the mom lays the kid down for a nap and then goes to the laundry room or bathroom, or something. The kid meanwhile gets up and lets himself or herself outside. The mom didn't hear it and assumes her child is in bed and then is surprised 20 min later when a cop shows up with her child. It could totally happen. But I think someone should research it. If that same mom is currently involved in a custody dispute where her ex has alleged that she abuses meds, and school records indicate numerous absences and tardies, then I think that mom should be added to the CPS radar.

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