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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I mean there are 16/17 year olds and there are 16/17 year olds... My daughter will be 17 in January and we live in a very backwoods, rural area, but she is very sheltered (unless you count the constant Beavis & Butthead style behaviour of her parents, lol). She has no friends for miles around, she goes to the school where my husband teaches, 25 miles away, and is driven there by him every day. She's in the school band and on the Academic team, and well, Leah wasn't. My daughter shows no interest in boys -or girls- and is busy looking into universities here and in my native UK. You could knock me down with a feather if she tells me any time soon she has a boyfriend and if she says she's pregnant, I will become a born-again and await Jesus. 

Edited by Katt
  • Love 7
12 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

The thing is, to me Leah's behavior has never come off as liking sex because she just likes sex. Otherwise she wouldn't be jumping into serious relationship after serious relationship, moving guys into her house and having them around her kids right away. She seems to me to be using sex to get attention and emotional attachment from men. It comes off as desperate imo. Heck, part of me wonders if Leah even likes sex all that much for itself or if she just likes the attention it gets her. Which is pretty sad, in a way.

I KNOW! Sorry, Monica Gellar moment. The idea that Leah is just so desperately horny that she has to hook up with various men to get her needs met is laughable- largely because I can't imagine The Amazing Robbie being remotely satisfying in bed. I am sure that nearly every guy on this show -with the exception of Adam, who has been documented to have some non vanilla tastes- thinks foreplay is feeling a girl up for a few minutes before moving on the main show, which probably lasts about 2 min, max.


Leah trades sex for the attention and affection that comes with sex, however brief any of it may be. I think most of these girls did, at least in their teens. I would think most girls in high school have sex for two main reasons- out of curiosity and then to please their boyfriends. The idea that a bunch of 17 year old boys are little Lotharios that can give their partners mind blowing orgasms (particularly inexperienced girls who don't know what would please them) seems rather far fetched. However, Leah is approaching her mid twenties and still treating sex like some kind of commodity that can be traded, or used as a barometer for how much her partner is into her. She should not be a in relationship until she has some serious therapy.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, DoctorWhovian said:

I was 16 with a 19 year old boyfriend. At the time, I saw nothing wrong with it. We met innocently, we got along, he asked me out. We never had sex (neither of us had before -- and I kind of wish I had because it would have been better than my actual first haha). However, looking back, I think it was kind of sketchy (but he would have had no idea my age when we met, and the situation wasn't as gross as it could have been). It's different when you're in it, but circumstances matter. I think a good 30 states or so have 16 as the age of consent, usually where the older person is within a few years of the younger. But yeah, the idea of a "college student" dating a "high school student" is odd because they're at such different places in their life -- but Corey wasn't in college, I think he still lived at home; different places but not as extreme as it could be.

I'm the exception!  Mr. Teapot was 22 and I was 17.  I was a bit of a wild child, and he was actually more stable and responsible than any of the guys I'd been dating, and my parents knew his aunt and uncle, so they were ok with it.  He was kind of the (Gossip Girl reference) "Dan" to my "Serena" in that he was a really good influence; I cleaned up my act, went back to school, always had a job, etc. We got married when I was 21 & he was 26,  I had boy-child at 22, we're all really normal and boring.  LOL.  sometimes it works!

Edited by teapot
  • Love 5

When I was 17 I had a 23-year-old boyfriend. I didn't think it weird at the time, and I still really don't. I might feel differently about my own kids, but it wasn't that weird for me. I was a punkrocker in high school and I didn't like any of the people I went to school with. My two best friends (sisters) and I met most of our friends from attending punkrock shows. A lot of them were older than us. Maybe we were mature for our ages, or they were immature, but there wasn't any weird, predatory stuff going on. We just all hung out. I never slept with that boyfriend. I was a virgin at the time and we only dated for a month. But I did go out of town with him and his band once, and stayed over at his house. 

Laws are laws, and morality is something totally different, IMO. I think age differences can be okay, it just all depends on the individuals involved. Some college age kids are SUPER immature and still on the same wavelength as high school kids. Cory didn't seem to be a super mature 19-year-old. I don't mean that in a negative way. But he seemed shy and vulnerable and a bit inexperienced, and I don't think there was anything creepy about him getting together with Leah. I don't really condone teenagers having one night stands, but it does happen, and I don't think this was any worse than any other teenage hookup. 

  • Love 7

Most teens now use protection or don't have sex. This kind of foolishness and messing with your life and kids' lives is actually quite a rarity now, thanks in part to the decline in abstinence-only education. Unprotected sex in the back of a truck with a near-stranger might be ok/normal in their very backwards neck of the woods (though I doubt it is for everyone), but even in rural areas, teen pregnancy is at quite a low, which is great because it carries a huge number of risks for mom and baby. 

And once again, Dr. Drew, correlation and causation are different and that's not because of Teen Mom. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:


And once again, Dr. Drew, correlation and causation are different and that's not because of Teen Mom. 

THIS. Please stop touting these people as some change agents in the decline of teen birth rates. It's a coincidence. By far, FAR FAR FAR, the move away from abstinence only sex ed programs in public schools, has far more to do with this phenomenon. 

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, teapot said:

I'm the exception!  Mr. Teapot was 22 and I was 17.  I was a bit of a wild child, and he was actually more stable and responsible than any of the guys I'd been dating, and my parents knew his aunt and uncle, so they were ok with it.  He was kind of the (Gossip Girl reference) "Dan" to my "Serena" in that he was a really good influence; I cleaned up my act, went back to school, always had a job, etc. We got married when I was 21 & he was 26,  I had boy-child at 22, we're all really normal and boring.  LOL.  sometimes it works!

You are not alone. I could not deal with the young guys in high school. I liked the maturity of the older guys. They were either in college or working AND going to college. Two were working full-time.

I'd love to believe teens are either using protection or not having sex, but sadly teen motherhood is still occurring. There is a reason why more and more high schools are having to establish daycare facilities on campus. My niece works at one of the high schools here in our area. She told me their numbers have doubled in the last three years in the amount of babies at the facility she works at. The other four high schools have also had increased enrollment. One problem seems to be that a lot of these teen girls come from homes where their mothers were teen mothers themselves and some come from one-parent households. You have teens bringing children into this world and for the most part the cycle continues.

I will stop here since this is going off-topic now.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

But what state are you talking about? There's an undeniable connection between "conservative" states, your "Bible Belt" states, places where abstinence and "sex is a dirty dirty sin" are a part of the culture, and teen birth rates (higher in these states). Teens are always going to have sex, and there's always going to be teen parents, that's just how it is, but by percentages and frequency, it'll be higher in the states where there's built in shame for the sexual urge, and the main defense against it is denial. 

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, DoctorWhovian said:

I was 16 with a 19 year old boyfriend. At the time, I saw nothing wrong with it. We met innocently, we got along, he asked me out. We never had sex (neither of us had before -- and I kind of wish I had because it would have been better than my actual first haha). However, looking back, I think it was kind of sketchy (but he would have had no idea my age when we met, and the situation wasn't as gross as it could have been). It's different when you're in it, but circumstances matter. I think a good 30 states or so have 16 as the age of consent, usually where the older person is within a few years of the younger. But yeah, the idea of a "college student" dating a "high school student" is odd because they're at such different places in their life -- but Corey wasn't in college, I think he still lived at home; different places but not as extreme as it could be.

Corey was WELL aware of Leah's ago though. There she was in her prom dress, after all. SMDH.

  • Love 3

Leah wasn't raised to value anything other than her looks. I'm sure being blonde haired, blue-eyed and skinny made her a hot commodity in an area where Mama Dawns look 40 when they're 20. The only way Leah has any self-worth is when guys want to sleep with her, because in her mind it means she's still the It Girl of Hillbilly Holler. As a result she keeps repeating the same toxic pattern over and over. Sadly, I don't think she'll ever learn. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Katt said:

Not for long, though!

*rim shot* Truth!

2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Leah wasn't raised to value anything other than her looks. I'm sure being blonde haired, blue-eyed and skinny made her a hot commodity in an area where Mama Dawns look 40 when they're 20. The only way Leah has any self-worth is when guys want to sleep with her, because in her mind it means she's still the It Girl of Hillbilly Holler. As a result she keeps repeating the same toxic pattern over and over. Sadly, I don't think she'll ever learn. 

ITA. She will definitely repeat that cycle with the girls.

Leah may have been sexually active as early as 14 or 15 years of age. She was with Robbie for three years. I don't think he was with her for her charm or personality. Definitely he wasn't with her for brains or her academics. It was likely a physical relationship that fizzled when he found something new to go after. For all the talk about Cory being older than Leah, that doesn't mean she wasn't pushy with sex, especially if she had been active for a while. The past and the present seem to dictate this was, and will continue to be Leah's MO.

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

*rim shot* Truth!

ITA. She will definitely repeat that cycle with the girls.

Leah may have been sexually active as early as 14 or 15 years of age. She was with Robbie for three years. I don't think he was with her for her charm or personality. Definitely he wasn't with her for brains or her academics. It was likely a physical relationship that fizzled when he found something new to go after. For all the talk about Cory being older than Leah, that doesn't mean she wasn't pushy with sex, especially if she had been active for a while. The past and the present seem to dictate this was, and will continue to be Leah's MO.

I suspect between Leah and Corey, she was the aggressor. This isn't a put down on Leah- it's just really hard to imagine someone like Corey being the instigator. He seems like the type to blush when he sees a naked woman on TV.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

I suspect between Leah and Corey, she was the aggressor. This isn't a put down on Leah- it's just really hard to imagine someone like Corey being the instigator. He seems like the type to blush when he sees a naked woman on TV.

No, you aren't putting her down. You nailed it as far as I am concerned.

Funny how we will post how the guys are with no worries or qualms about offending anyone, but if we post anything that pertains to the girls, we almost feel the need to put out we don't mean to offend. As far as I am concerned, females can be, and in many cases, are just as sexual as the guys and sometimes are the aggressors. The people in Leah's life may think she was this wallflower, I surely don't.

That is how I feel about Kail as well, especially after her comments on one reunion show where she stated she was sorry (imagine that? She was sorry!) for having taken Jo's youth away.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

No, you aren't putting her down. You nailed it as far as I am concerned.

Funny how we will post how the guys are with no worries or qualms about offending anyone, but if we post anything that pertains to the girls, we almost feel the need to put out we don't mean to offend. As far as I am concerned, females can be, and in many cases, are just as sexual as the guys and sometimes are the aggressors. The people in Leah's life may think she was this wallflower, I surely don't.

That is how I feel about Kail as well, especially after her comments on one reunion show where she stated she was sorry (imagine that? She was sorry!) for having taken Jo's youth away.

Because there's a cultural narrative that in a heterosexual relationship the man is "in charge" and the "aggressor", where as a woman performing that role insinuates she's of poor moral character. "Men will be men" and the "Madonna-whore" complex at its finest. 

  • Love 1

I think they mutually decided to have sex, 50/50, and even if one person (male or female) is the aggressor, they are not more or less responsible for the sexual relationship if it is consensual. Their mutual attraction was always obvious. Either way, either one of them could have decided to protect themselves and didn't, so they bear 100% equal responsibility. It doesn't matter if he texted her first or she made him a cornbread cake first. They mutually decided to have unprotected sex. Equally responsible. Condoms are not expensive and intercourse is not required in a sexual encounter. They essentially decided to risk having a child with a stranger. Chance was not on their side.

Teen pregnancy rates are at an all-time low, statistically, across the board. There are always exceptions, but statistically it's far, far rarer than it used to be. Hopefully that continues as abstinence-only education continues to decline.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Because there's a cultural narrative that in a heterosexual relationship the man is "in charge" and the "aggressor", where as a woman performing that role insinuates she's of poor moral character. "Men will be men" and the "Madonna-whore" complex at its finest. 

Yes, most certainly but, I was pointing out more of how we seem to have to be more careful here with each other. I don't think anyone should have to worry about pointing out the obvious, such as Leah's sexual behavior. We are not referencing her by using any slurs. Just pointing out we believe Leah could have been the aggressor and the one with more sexual experience. 

There is the possibility Leah was the one who pushed Cory into having sex and it is possible he was a virgin or at least apprehensive, inexperienced, etc.  I don't feel the need to point out it was mutual or consensual. None of that is mentioned when it is discussed about the guys manipulating the girls into having sex. It's a given that each person is responsible for their own bodies. Cory was likely not prepared to have sex, just as many girls are not prepared to have sex. Simple as that. It happens, although I would have expected the experienced Leah to at least carry a condom.

Whatever the case may be as I wasn't there, thank goodness, all I am pointing out is there is nothing wrong with pointing out Leah was likely the far more experienced one considering she was in a three year relationship. There is not as much background information on Cory as there is with Leah. 

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

I don't think any of the guys we see manipulated the girls into having sex, either, nor have I ever seen that suggested. All of it seems pretty consensual to me from all angles. The women all chose to have unprotected sex and so did the young men. No one 'seduced' one another without the other party being totally willing. I'm trying to think of any exceptions but can't right now. Maybe Adam with Chelsea, and maybe Jenelle with some of her boy toys? Though honestly, Chelsea was crazy into Adam and all of Jenelle's men have seemed into her, so...maybe not. Maci was obviously into Ryan and vice versa, Jo and Kail both wanted it, Leah and Corey, Cate and Ty, Gary and Amber...All wanted it. They were kids. Nobody coerced anyone.

I would expect anyone experienced enough to have sex immediately, male or female, to carry condoms. I actually never saw a single one of these teens as inexperienced, shy, or virginal. I've met virginal teens and not a single one of these, boy or girl, seem like they'd qualify! Hence why they're on this show...

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 1

I'm not sure Corey is as pure as the driven snow either--I recall his online flirtation with Nikkole.  And, obviously, his later infidelity.

I thought the dynamic in both of Leah's marriages was creepy in that both were rushed (Corey to get married, Jeremy in knocking her up) and clearly between very immature and unprepared individuals. And I've always wondered how much tension was created by Leah being (in all likelihood) the primary breadwinner in both relationships. She has behaved abominably but I've always thought it was a pretty predictable outcome of taking someone way too young, relatively uneducated, pressured by unfortunate gender dynamics and putting her in the pressure cooker of raising multiple children (including one with serious health issues.) Even without the glare of tv lights that's unlikely to end well but add the semi-fame and unexpected cash?  

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I don't think any of the guys we see manipulated the girls into having sex, either, nor have I ever seen that suggested. All of it seems pretty consensual to me from all angles. The women all chose to have unprotected sex and so did the young men. No one 'seduced' one another without the other party being totally willing. I'm trying to think of any exceptions but can't right now. Maybe Adam with Chelsea, and maybe Jenelle with some of her boy toys? Though honestly, Chelsea was crazy into Adam and all of Jenelle's men have seemed into her, so...maybe not. Maci was obviously into Ryan and vice versa, Jo and Kail both wanted it, Leah and Corey, Cate and Ty, Gary and Amber...All wanted it. They were kids. Nobody coerced anyone.

I would expect anyone experienced enough to have sex immediately, male or female, to carry condoms. I actually never saw a single one of these teens as inexperienced, shy, or virginal. I've met virginal teens and not a single one of these, boy or girl, seem like they'd qualify! Hence why they're on this show...

I still think Corey was a virgin before Leah. He just seems like someone who had no game, and he isn't that good looking. I can just imagine him trying to awkwardly flirt with someone and just completely bungling any seduction attempt. That doesn't mean I think Leah pushed him into anything- I am sure Corey was a beyond enthusiastic participant. But I can't imagine him having any experience before Leah. My comment was more aimed at who instigated it, not who is more responsible for making it happen. I completely agree that regardless of who instigated it, anyone who consents to sex is also responsible for safety precautions.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, EmmaPeel said:

I thought the dynamic in both of Leah's marriages was creepy in that both were rushed (Corey to get married, Jeremy in knocking her up) and clearly between very immature and unprepared individuals. And I've always wondered how much tension was created by Leah being (in all likelihood) the primary breadwinner in both relationships

I'll admit not getting Jeremy and Leah's dynamic, just because there was no real reason for either to rush into a marriage. She just got out of a marriage that she was obviously to young and immature to be in, and he had a good job and more options then a single teen mom. They were pointless to me from the start.

Corey and Leah made more sense to me. Having rewatched the first few TM2 episodes, it was pretty clear to me what drove them back together was Ali's emerging condition. Before that Corey was still very reluctant, even with Leah making him that cornbread cake. In fact, he was the one that was dating others. I think if Leah had found someone else and Ali had been fine, they might not have even got back together.

I could be wrong, but I don't believe Leah being the "breadwinner" in either of her relationships was a problem. I'm not sure she even collected and cashed in her first TM2 check by the time her and Corey's marriage was over. Jeremy himself was making six figures before he even was involved with her, something Leah happily bragged about. Her blowing money was probably more of an issue, something that seemed to be a big complaint of Jeremy's about her.

  • Love 11

@EmmaPeel that supposedly occurred AFTER Cory divorced Leah. The discussion is about Cory and how he was when he and Leah hooked up.

I am with the others that Leah had the experience and Cory was inexperienced. He may have spent a lot of time looking at porn and was either a virgin or had action once.

Look, it is no big deal that Leah had more notches under belt than Cory. It does not make a difference. It certainly does not make her worse or questionable just as I did not feel Cory was creepy. 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I'll admit not getting Jeremy and Leah's dynamic, just because there was no real reason for either to rush into a marriage. She just got out of a marriage that she was obviously to young and immature to be in, and he had a good job and more options then a single teen mom. They were pointless to me from the start.

Corey and Leah made more sense to me. Having rewatched the first few TM2 episodes, it was pretty clear to me what drove them back together was Ali's emerging condition. Before that Corey was still very reluctant, even with Leah making him that cornbread cake. In fact, he was the one that was dating others. I think if Leah had found someone else and Ali had been fine, they might not have even got back together.

I could be wrong, but I don't believe Leah being the "breadwinner" in either of her relationships was a problem. I'm not sure she even collected and cashed in her first TM2 check by the time her and Corey's marriage was over. Jeremy himself was making six figures before he even was involved with her, something Leah happily bragged about. Her blowing money was probably more of an issue, something that seemed to be a big complaint of Jeremy's about her.

Corey was always reluctant to get back with her and was repeatedly dating others just like she was (though not cheating when they actually were together). In their circles it seems like you're just supposed to marry your baby mama/daddy, or the first or second person you bang (hence Leah's repeated thing with Robbie). I don't think Corey really "loved" Leah any more than she loved him and frankly, he deserved better and likely knows it now. I think he felt bad about getting her pregnant and felt some kind of intense sexual infatuation/attraction. But deep true love? Nah. Not a good match.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I could be wrong, but I don't believe Leah being the "breadwinner" in either of her relationships was a problem. I'm not sure she even collected and cashed in her first TM2 check by the time her and Corey's marriage was over. Jeremy himself was making six figures before he even was involved with her, something Leah happily bragged about. Her blowing money was probably more of an issue, something that seemed to be a big complaint of Jeremy's about her.

Exactly. It didn't even really matter how much Leah made, because she spent it so recklessly. Germy made damn good money, good enough that she used to brag about it. I think trust issues were the core problems of both of her relationships. 

  • Love 4

Here "is" more pictures on why you should "chose" Leah's MLM products. If it's printed in a booklet and it shows a person in a white lab coat pretending to be in a serious conversation, it must be true!!

That's some expensive snake oil she's selling.

UGH I don't know why that other Instagram post popped up. I can't get rid of it. I'm being hounded by inspiration!!!!

Edited by AhFillAck
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, AhFillAck said:

Here "is" more pictures on why you should "chose" Leah's MLM products. If it's printed in a booklet and it shows a person in a white lab coat pretending to be in a serious conversation, it must be true!!

That's some expensive snake oil she's selling.

UGH I don't know why that other Instagram post popped up. I can't get rid of it. I'm being hounded by inspiration!!!!

I see those online grammar quizzes are really making a difference 

  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I'm convinced that Leah follows this forum.  We comment that the girls eat like crap and BOOM homemade food!  We comment that she ain't got no grammar skills and suddenly she is taking online quizes!  Now she magically shows us how at least two rooms in her house are clean (note that we didn't see the kitchen). 

So who is going to fess up? Who is actually Leah?

  • Love 9

Ugh, the supplements. I have a particular hangup about those kinds of things--I was advised by a nurse practitioner to take a supplement for fertility recently and I blindly stupidly did (I'm trying to conceive). It threw me completely off and made everything worse! Sorry for the aside, but that stuff is just so totally irresponsible and horrible. :( 

  • Love 4

She mows, she has to take a picture. She cooks, she takes a picture. She cleans, she takes a picture. She sets the girls' clothes out for school, take a picture. She must be trying to prove everyone wrong, but it just looks desperate. I cleaned my house this morning y'all.  Let me take video for you! Brb 



Edited by Mkay
  • Love 10

It doesn't get better than that?? Leah has some low-ass standards. But then she says it IS going to get better. WTF. She wrote "Psych!" as "Sike!" and someone corrected her. Sike!? Not only can't she spell it, but if she is using it 'correctly' as far as slang goes, it means she is pulling something over on us and doesn't believe her own bullshit! Good grief.

And regarding #HappyGirl #MommyTime #HappyMommy #CleanHouse #goodnighty! - These cutesy-poo tags have got to stop. "Goodnighty?" I feel puke rising in my throat.

LOL I just watched the video of her hand shoving dishes in the cupboard. I don't even know what to say about that. I'm going to pull lint out of the dryer this morning. Should I record it and post it?

Edited by AhFillAck
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, AhFillAck said:

I'm pissed. I said I was going to pull lint from my dryer today and not ONE of you said "OMG your amazing. Awe!" Thanks for nothing, all of you! You're all just jealous.

I guess it's because I didn't post a video. #BlessedByLint

(By the way, it pained me to write "your" instead of "you're". I felt dirty.)

You are the best. #lintqueen

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

I'm pissed. I said I was going to pull lint from my dryer today and not ONE of you said "OMG your amazing. Awe!" Thanks for nothing, all of you! You're all just jealous.

I guess it's because I didn't post a video. #BlessedByLint

(By the way, it pained me to write "your" instead of "you're". I felt dirty.)

Ecsuse me, but it is JELUS. Learn to misspell you're words properly.


  • Love 5
20 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

It doesn't get better than that?? Leah has some low-ass standards. But then she says it IS going to get better. WTF. She wrote "Psych!" as "Sike!" and someone corrected her. Sike!? Not only can't she spell it, but if she is using it 'correctly' as far as slang goes, it means she is pulling something over on us and doesn't believe her own bullshit! Good grief.

And regarding #HappyGirl #MommyTime #HappyMommy #CleanHouse #goodnighty! - These cutesy-poo tags have got to stop. "Goodnighty?" I feel puke rising in my throat.

LOL I just watched the video of her hand shoving dishes in the cupboard. I don't even know what to say about that. I'm going to pull lint out of the dryer this morning. Should I record it and post it?

Hashtags too!  #DryerLint. #HappyLife #SooooBlessed

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