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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I also noticed that all makeup sessions require you to purchase all the makeup used, which feels really tacky to me. I have never heard of that before.  would be afraid they might all bring their kids along to all the appointments, which doesn't feel professional to me.

Y'all-all-allses have never heard of a divorcee stuck with 2000 crates of Mary Kay before either. Minimum purchase 80 crateses per customer. And we needed the kidses to help stomp the Cheetos into dust to put it in the snowblower. It's for the spray tan to give everyone that healthy orange glow!

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Is anybody else not able to view anything but the pictures from the mobile site?

Since I can only see the pictures why are most of Leah's from her Intouch story, unless she did her own styling and makeup she is claiming somebody else's work.

That's also a picture of Miss West Virginia 2013 on the site. I doubt Leah actually did her makeup. The makeup on the redheaded model seems awfully heavy unless Leah is planning some kind of crossover with Rupaul's Drag Race.

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Be Glossy? I'm sorry, I don't know why, that's just making me laugh so hard. 


Ever since reading The Hunger Games, Gloss just reminds me of that nasty female tribute. Bets on how long THIS venture will last? 


I wish I was surprised Leah flipped the script and NOW is going to resume filming. I hope those girlses are with their daddy most of the time and he refuses. 

She must think that  'bonus' means that she wins a prize if she burns through the money fast enough. Maybe a pony?


Only if it comes with a ranch, and a pool, and additional ponies for each of the girlses.


On a more serious note I too wondered what "bonus" meant in this instance.  Does she get a bonus for nodding off on camera and fueling stories that she may be having problems with painkillers?  Bonus for allowing deercam footage?  Or is that all included in her salary?  I'd love to see that contract or most reality show contracts for that matter. They seem like they'd be really outrageous.

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Sheesh, seriously? I wish I was surprised by this news. I actually thought that maybe - just maybe - she was going to stick to her guns on this one. Guess not.

I bet Farrah's bummed, if the rumors were true that MTV was considering putting her on the show to fill in with Leah gone.

I thought the rumor was Farrah was going to go back with the season 1 girls... Something about she promised to clean up her image and behave, I need to see if I can find where I read that though I'm not 100% about that.

Either way, can't say I'm shocked Leah decided to sign, I was telling my friends I would believe Leah was not going to do teen mom when we got to the series finale and she wasn't there.

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I totally called it that Leah would be signing on for season 6 as soon as the custody thing was over with. There's no way she'd just let that go...although if Corey has primary custody I guess Leah will turn into a second Jenelle. Lots of lying around, no kids in sight, nail appointments, and bitching to anyone she can find about Corey and Germy and how unfair her entire situation is.


That Gloss site is actually not that bad...but I doubt any of them have completed a cosmetology or esthetician course. I wonder if that is legal in WV, because we learned for sure that it isn't in SD with Chelsea's debacle over her esthetician's license and that bridal party. Guess we shall see. I also noticed that all makeup sessions require you to purchase all the makeup used, which feels really tacky to me. I have never heard of that before. I also am curious how showing each employee with their child is going to help drum up business. I mean yes, being family oriented can be a positive, but at the same time not every make-up session or photo shoot is family friendly or child appropriate. Ya know? I would be afraid they might all bring their kids along to all the appointments, which doesn't feel professional to me. Anyway. And the no photographer on staff is weird, because they only mention it in one area, saying that photographer choice and fees are up to the client. Well wouldn't you want the photographer included if you're paying for a makeup session for a photoshoot? She certainly didn't think that one through very well..


I am still dying to know what happened at the custody hearing. Has anyone heard one way or the other who got primary custody of the girlses?


A strategy no doubt developed by Leah, who is clearly an advocate of applying every product available to one's face for maximal impact.  




Wow, wish I lived in WV so I could book an appointment.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Make up Services
We are proud to offer Younique make up to our clients.
Prices based on Make up purchase.  Make up purchase covers your Make up session. We specialize in Wedding, photography and Pageant Make up.


Isn't Younique yet another MLM corporation, similar to Mary Kay?


I'm forever seeing Younique reps spamming up pages trying to hawk their tarantula-eyes'ing $30 fiber mascara.  


(Judging by the continuous misspelling of "makeup" as "make up" and the random inexplicable capitalization of various words throughout the site, I'm going to venture a guess that either Leah composed the site's contents or her friends are as ill-educated as Leah herself.)

Edited by Persnickety1
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I'm forever seeing Younique reps spamming up pages trying to hawk their tarantula-eyes'ing $30 fiber mascara.  


Is that where Amber buys her tarantula lashes?

A strategy no doubt developed by Leah, who is clearly an advocate of applying every product available to one's face for maximal impact.  




Wow, wish I lived in WV so I could book an appointment.  

I had no idea that Bristol Palin had endorsed Glossy...


On a more serious note I too wondered what "bonus" meant in this instance. 

It doesn't sound like something awarded for behaving like a grownup. But yeah, it's probably compensation in event that they ask her to film additional appearances and such.

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Since people think I’m ‘seeking attention,’ I guess I’ll just go along with it!” the West Virginia-bred beauty, 27, posted on December 9. “This should be fun.”



Beauty???  Isn't that how Kail's book described her as well?  If those two are beautiful I'm gonna start entering senior beauty pageants.

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So she's pimping Younique makeup and not Mary Kay. :0  


Here is a great article by realitytea.  I how it starts out: Apparently cheating was as popular as Lunchables and Cheetos in the Calvert Household! In fact, we could just say they’re all a bunch of Cheat-Os, because now comes news that Jeremy Calvert was cheating on Leah Calvert too! Oops.



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I how it starts out: Apparently cheating was as popular as Lunchables and Cheetos in the Calvert Household! In fact, we could just say they’re all a bunch of Cheat-Os, because now comes news that Jeremy Calvert was cheating on Leah Calvert too! Oops.

"Cheat Os. They're like potato chips-- bet you can't stop at just one."

If Chipmunk McStripyhair doesn't pan out, I'm sure Jeremy has more than one woman waiting in the, er, pipeline...


"Kidd recalls to the magazine. “Leah didn’t hesitate. She came right over, and one thing led to another and we had sex."


It's like the Little Britain skit about the politician's sex scandal. "While I was in bar looking for a restroom, my clothes accidentally fell off, and as I tripped I happened to land on a man's penis..."

Edited by wrestlesflamingos
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I am still waiting for all this drama to be made public, the Facebook arguments by her family were pretty good but I need Leah to go full nuclear and spill. Soon.

She just needs a couple days of feeling she isn't getting attention and she'll probably say a bit too much to coax the spotlight. I was hoping for a new gem from grandma Sandy Kay but she's busy posting about how homosexuals are trying to take over sex ed to make teenagers transgender and it 'makes me wanna puke'. Or something.


I wonder if Robbie and Leah's school had sex ed? ;P

Edited by cheatincheetos
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I think it is interesting, after Leah confirmed she is coming back to TM2, that all this drama is coming up again.  Guess she is doing her part to drum up ratings for MTV after being quiet for a few weeks.  And yes, I guess she wants a man that can supply her with an endless amount of money yet never works so he can attend to her every need. I'd suggest she find a millionaire but she is neither pretty enough nor interesting enough to attract one of those, unless she finds a member of the Beverly Hillbillies.

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Interesting.  Isn't that about what they had before, though? Would it be considered 50/50? I was hoping he'd at least get 50/50 out of the deal, since I figured full would be a long shot.


It is an increase for Corey I think the previous agreement was 3 nights on 3 out of 5 weekends, so he has gone from 9 to 15 days in the 5 week period.


I am glad that Leah did not get the complete control over Ali's medical decisions that she asked for. Hopefully now Ali gets to more of her therapy appointments.

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There they go (Robbi and soon leah) with the Germy was always gone excuse.


Oh gosh, that shit annoys me to no end. So, by that logic, military wives should feel free to bone it up while their husbands are deployed overseas for 9 months??? I mean, really. It's not like he was "gone" in the sense of wandering the wilderness, trying to find himself. He was working! And for their little podunk community, it seems like he actually had established himself in a very good career. Damn, Leah, don't bite the hand that feeds you bacon. 

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Didn't Leah say something along the lines of Jeremy being there more than Cory was? I remember a scene in which they were putting together a toy for the girlses and Leah said something like if she were still with Cory, she would be doing that alone.


Yea, that was in the beginning. And obviously BS, as Germy works out of town and Corey does not. It was just Leah's attempt to try and downgrade Corey, because she had this new, "better" man. Corey's got the last laugh.

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Um, what were those comments about Chelsea hiding her private life from the camera, that whole shame on her attitude? Seems pretty damn obvious Leah is the one who should be ashamed of her damn nasty self. She is the one who has things to hide.  Even though Chelsea is gross as hell for having sexual relations with Adam, at least she isn't having sex with different guys while in a relationship and popping out kids left and right. Leah and Robbie are foul, vile and trashy. Jeremy was right with his summation of his wife on FB, although he doesn't get a pass from me since he knew damn well what kind of person Leah is. He had proof since day one. Leah is claiming that all Jeremy wants to talk to her about is sex when he calls her? Well, when that is all you have to offer any guy, what do you expect? Leah seems to do that pretty well with a guy who isn't her spouse.  Jeremy doesn't have much to offer either except a well-paying job and good bacon-slapping skills.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Ah, gossip blind-items that aren't that blind:  http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2014/12/blind-item-2-816.html


"This married B list reality star from MTV signed on for another season for a very big raise because her boyfriend needs the money. Plus, she thinks she can make herself look like the victim in her marriage. That is what the producers promised her."


Which pretty much confirms what we all thought, except her (apparently) giving money to Robbie.

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Leah will never be a victim to me because she is the cause of 99% of the shit that happens in her relationships.

she couldn't bring more shizzstorms down on herself if she used that Mary Kay/Younique to paint bright red bullseyes on her behind, like a baboon in mating season. shake that thang down at the local watering hole and see what stumbles out of the shadows...

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Oh gosh, that shit annoys me to no end. So, by that logic, military wives should feel free to bone it up while their husbands are deployed overseas for 9 months??? I mean, really. It's not like he was "gone" in the sense of wandering the wilderness, trying to find himself. He was working! And for their little podunk community, it seems like he actually had established himself in a very good career. Damn, Leah, don't bite the hand that feeds you bacon. 

It's the new reality project that Leah's working on. For 15 minutes, at least...my autocorrect warned me that I put 'Leah' and 'working' in the same sentence. "Nineteen Exs and Counting". Beat that, Duggars!

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Like Cheeto dust through the garbage disposal, these are the days of Leah Calvert‘s life.


During the “very amicable hearing” the exes decided the twins will spend 3 nights per week with Corey and his wife Miranda Simms, and 4 nights per week with Leah and warm body husband of the year [insert name here].    Hahahahaha

Edited by Mkay
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During the “very amicable hearing” the exes decided the twins will spend 3 nights per week with Corey and his wife Miranda Simms, and 4 nights per week with Leah and warm body husband of the year [insert name here].    Hahahahaha

or week. Your 'Days of Our Lives' sendup made me imagine Leah decorating for Christmas in her trailer with a snow globe, only it snows little orange Cheeto flakes.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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