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S07.E19: Welcome to the Family

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43 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I couldn’t get sound on the clip.....did it skip, or did Tyler place plates of food on the table, which they didn’t eat, and then leave the table and put Nova in the tub?

To get the sound click the speaker icon on the bottom right corner of the tweet. It must have skipped because they were eating when Cate called.

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3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


I stopped watching the show a while ago, so I guess I forgot the horse was stabled when she bought it. 

Yes she visited the horse and learned all about horses took riding lessons etc... had to have it!! Then of course goes back to her pity party, I have anxiety!!! Poor me!! Bitch we all have anxiety get over yourself, it’s called life welcome to the real world. Ugh 

but either way yes your right with what you said before she could board the horse somewhere at least while she’s gone so it gets the proper care, it’s not even that expensive between 300-500 a month where I live, and the horse would be fed, turned out, checked over feet done on schedule etc... she’s a selfish brat!

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Someone else mentioned how there’s not nearly the snark on these moms as teen mom 2 its true, and until I joined this forum I wondered of all the fans which show was liked better?  the OG OR TM2? And now I guess I know... I’ve always preferred TM2.. I kinda watch the OG’s as a fill in while I wait for another season of TM2.  But I’m usually basically over the OG girls after about 2 episodes. But they both are kinda getting tiring at this point... I keep up with it but I used to be excited for it, that’s been gone for a few years now?

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The sound worked for me this time without doing anything differently. My phone is nuts! 

Looks like they may have eaten one bite then Nova says she wants to take a bath, and off they went. It was 7pm so either she didn’t want to eat, or she wanted to get ready for bed. The dog probably ate their meals!

That phone conversation was awkward.

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Catelynn is so selfish. I feel bad for Tyler and I feel really bad for nova. She abandons her husband and child and she’s going for hikes and watching movies..... 

i actuslly felt for amber. I believe having that baby kicked in the guilt she’s been lacking for Leah. It was actually nice to see amber TRULY feeling remorseful and not just giving MTV lip service 

Maci-boring- she did the right thing by her son for not filming if ryan was filming but she’s got nothing without him to keep us entertained 

cheyenne like I said, get off my TV. You suck. Corey is cute and kind of funny though. He def loves that little girl 


Bristol- I have to say, I’m liking her the best! Keep her stories coming!

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The season premiere and aftershow were both equal parts awkward, boring and cringe worthy.

Where to begin?

EJ’s arse kissing and enabling comments to Cate (“you did a lot!”) when referencing the clip about Kim being frustrated with Cate not doing a damn thing really infuriated me. No, EJ, she didn’t do a lot of anything. She skipped her spa sessions classes FFS! The only thing we saw her do was organize her six prescription bottles (that I hope she actually takes) next to her pack of cigarettes.

I was seriously waiting for EJ or Cate to say “hashtag keep talking” after the on air PSA about reaching out for help. 

Tyler’s “therapist” had a dog on the sofa and I really wish the dog had more screen time! ? ? I don’t know that I’d want to see a mental health clinician who appears to need her own emotional support animal, but that’s just me.

It seemed like a pretty hippy-dippy place, with the earlobe attachments element; reminded me of a Tens unit that many physical therapy places use to stimulate muscles and nerves. Zero judgement about any mental health care he gets, especially when it’s not with Kinko’s Kathleen, but I hope he’s being consistent and taking medication if it’s prescribed. He was talking so damn fast this week, as if he popped a few caffeine pills and drank five Redbulls! That element really stood out to me. Couple that with his “poetry” he writes about having awful insomnia and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he’s got some major issues he needs to deal with that can’t be worked out with plagiarizing movie lines or working out in women’s tank tops to pose for his super secret online dating profile, complete with his appendage making a cameo.

Cheyenne saying “Cate gave me the best advice: stay off social media!” was hysterical as we all know that Is a total “Do as I say, not as I do” moment from Cate. She is so damn guilty of not only being addicted to her phone, but attempting to clap back at the hatters & trolls. (I say “attempting” because she can’t even expend enough energy to be clear in her social media posts.)

Plagiarism must be a common theme at their house because the Spa Doctors were the ones who told her to stay off of social media. She didn’t come up with that all on her own. Hell, the Quesadilla Queen can’t even follow through on that simple task herself!

Lastly, I have a pretty good gag reflex. It takes a lot to make me nauseous, but watching NuMatt change a freakin poopy diaper on the kitchen counter had me reaching for my waste basket, just in case. I really thought I was going to vomit. WHO does that?!?! To me, it was the equivalent of those who allow their cats to walk all over kitchen counters. Food prep areas have to be clean & hygienic for a reason. They prob don’t even cook in the kitchen at all, but it doesn’t matter. That was one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve seen in a long time. ?

Edited by Bridget
Grammar is always important. Also, editing for succinctness was needed.
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On 10/2/2018 at 7:00 PM, Rebecca said:

I like the Bristol Stool Scale more than I like this Bristol.

I'm a big fan, too.  Let's run off together.

And her name is *Bristol Meyers*????!!! 

I know I said I wasn't going to watch this because I despise Sarah Palin so much, but I couldn't help myself.  I was bored, and it was already recorded.  I haven't watched the entire ep yet, but:

Mypeoplearenordic hit the nail on the head.  What do Catelynn and Tyler think will happen when their time on the show is over?  Are they making lots of money from their dreadful clothing line?  Do they plan to flip houses?  Catelynn needs a job for her mental health, but they both need jobs so they can afford to eat once the MTV gravy train leaves the station without them.  But right now Catelynn's mental and physical health depend on her getting out of that house on a regular basis to do something that she is going to be held responsible for.

Bristol Meyers' husband breaks my heart.  I can understand his wanting to show people what living with PTSD is like--we need to know what we are doing to the young men and women we send into these hell-holes for no good reason other than to demonstrate how big the US dick is.  His PTSD is our fault, and we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.  He may well be a jerk besides, but his illness is predominant in what I saw.  Bristol Meyers is too immature to appreciate what he's going through and certainly not equipped to help him or even be a decent wife to him.

Agree that Ryder is desperately cute.  But when Cheyenne and one of the daddies took the kid to Gymboree or whatever it was, they totally allowed that kid to run free and misbehave--well, misbehavior is the wrong word, but I couldn't help wondering what the other parents, who were following instructions and holding their kids' hands etc. were thinking.  Ryder is cute, but she is being treated as if her cuteness excuses her from what everyone else is doing; she's being taught that she is special just because of her looks and impishness, and this is not a good thing.  Cheyenne appeared to have dropped out of the activities altogether--who was that woman helping daddy take Ryder up the rock wall?

I don't know Cheyenne or either of the daddies from any other show, but it appears to me that Cheyenne has gotten as far as she has--which may be as far as she can go-- solely on looks and sexiness.  Mother Nature and gravity will catch up some day, but that's a long time off, and in the mean time she's annoying to watch.  She needs to develop an interesting hobby so we have something to watch.

People here put money on whether Amber would leave the bed/couch once the baby was born, and she did get up--to change the baby's diaper on the kitchen counter.  I just hope Gary has another bedroom available. 

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On 10/1/2018 at 7:49 PM, TeeMo said:

I am watching the after show and Catelynn is telling Bristol that she can relate to Dakota’s PTSD. Girl, no. I’ve always had a lot of sympathy for Tyler and Cate because of their awful childhoods but still, no. 


Catelynn needs to shut the fuck up right now.  Forget comparing apples and oranges, it's more like comparing a flea bite with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.  How can she begin to relate to this:

On 8 September 2009, near the village of Ganjgal, Meyer learned that three Marines and a Navy Corpsman, who were members of Meyer's squad and his friends, were missing after being ambushed by a group of insurgents. Under enemy fire, Meyer entered an area known to be inhabited by insurgents and eventually found the four missing servicemen dead and stripped of their weapons, body armor and radios. There he saw a Taliban fighter trying to take the bodies. The fighter tackled Meyer, and after a brief scuffle, Meyer grabbed a baseball-sized rock and beat the fighter to death. With the help of Afghan soldiers, he moved the bodies to a safer area where they could be extracted. During his search, Meyer "personally evacuated 12 friendly wounded and provided cover for another 24 Marines and soldiers to escape likely death at the hands of a numerically superior and determined foe."


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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22 hours ago, Mainer said:

Yes she visited the horse and learned all about horses took riding lessons etc... had to have it!! Then of course goes back to her pity party, I have anxiety!!! Poor me!! Bitch we all have anxiety get over yourself, it’s called life welcome to the real world. Ugh 

but either way yes your right with what you said before she could board the horse somewhere at least while she’s gone so it gets the proper care, it’s not even that expensive between 300-500 a month where I live, and the horse would be fed, turned out, checked over feet done on schedule etc... she’s a selfish brat!

What is horses name? We need a #freebcateshorse hashtag.  I love animals.  I hate to see them sad and not getting proper care. 

And Amen! We all have anxiety.  Truth! But we go on.  

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1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Catelynn needs to shut the fuck up right now.  Forget comparing apples and oranges, it's more like comparing a flea bite with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.  How can she begin to relate to this:

On 8 September 2009, near the village of Ganjgal, Meyer learned that three Marines and a Navy Corpsman, who were members of Meyer's squad and his friends, were missing after being ambushed by a group of insurgents. Under enemy fire, Meyer entered an area known to be inhabited by insurgents and eventually found the four missing servicemen dead and stripped of their weapons, body armor and radios. There he saw a Taliban fighter trying to take the bodies. The fighter tackled Meyer, and after a brief scuffle, Meyer grabbed a baseball-sized rock and beat the fighter to death. With the help of Afghan soldiers, he moved the bodies to a safer area where they could be extracted. During his search, Meyer "personally evacuated 12 friendly wounded and provided cover for another 24 Marines and soldiers to escape likely death at the hands of a numerically superior and determined foe."


Bristol has said: In the exchange, Meyer said, Palin wrote that he is a “coward” and a “b—-” before suggesting he didn’t deserve his Medal of Honor, America’s highest and most prestigious military decoration. “He’s no hero,” Palin wrote, according to Meyer, who said the exchange was with a man his ex-wife had never met in person. “He didn’t do that (expletive). He’s a b—–.” about this situation...do you guys think she was just being a total asshole because she is/was angry at him or is there more to her saying he didn’t actually do it? It seems kinda hard  for him to have faked it? Though the details are pretty crazy. She’s pretty low for going there. Seems odd too. 


I also don’t know what to think of their exchange on the show where Dakota made it sound like Bristol said she basically kinda wanted him to kill himself and she said she meant it as worry that he would kill himself. It seemed pretty unlikely that Bristol would say something callously like that in front of the therapist, at the very least, but she seems to come undone when she’s angry so who knows. Their dynamic sounds terrible. They really didn’t know who they were marrying or what they were getting into.

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On 10/4/2018 at 1:19 AM, Mainer said:

Also... as a horse owner myself,  Caitlyn should Not have a horse, that horse hadn’t been brushed or groomed in a long time, it’s out there alone, horses don’t like to be alone they need a buddy even if it’s a mini horse (cheap to feed) UNLESS you’re spending lots of time with them they may be okay.. but to check out for 2 months and leave Tyler to deal with it, he obviously doesn’t know what to do, horses need there feet trimmed etc.. like hello? Then she mentions oh we will have to get him a friend or whatever. Like no! Sell the horse! Your not a good horse owner! She’s not taking care of the basic needs of a horse. That poor horse came from a farm with lots of other horse to go live a life solitude.. not fair to the poor horse and I’m sure the people that sold her the horse will see that clip and instantly want the horse back.. so sad! 

As a former horse owner I predicted that one ages ago. Not only is that poor horse filthy, but as predicted that paddock they built so close to the house (I guess so Cate wouldn’t have to walk too far) looks like it hasn’t been mucked in ages. I’m sure it smells lovely and that poor creature already has a pretty nasty case of thrush.

At least they got it a goat. I’ve always wanted one myself. A pygmy to be precise. But alas I live in a rowhouse on Capitol Hill and Mr. DC refuses to be persuaded. We also have enough goats of the non-cute (nonpartisan), kind around here (You Tube goats that sound like humans to get the idea).

I also predicted that Starburst would get a nasty case of colic, but retracted that after Farrah and Sophia thankfully weren’t apparently able to take her to LA.

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3 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

As a former horse owner I predicted that one ages ago. Not only is that poor horse filthy, but as predicted that paddock they built so close to the house (I guess so Cate wouldn’t have to walk too far) looks like it hasn’t been mucked in ages. I’m sure it smells lovely and that poor creature already has a pretty nasty case of thrush.

At least they got it a goat. I’ve always wanted one myself. A pygmy to be precise. But alas I live in a rowhouse on Capitol Hill and Mr. DC refuses to be persuaded. We also have enough goats of the non-cute (nonpartisan), kind around here (You Tube goats that sound like humans to get the idea).

I also predicted that Starburst would get a nasty case of colic, but retracted that after Farrah and Sophia thankfully weren’t apparently able to take her to LA.

For real tho. Ugh... she’s never even had a job but jumps right into horse owner ship! Go Cate!!

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3 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

What is horses name? We need a #freebcateshorse hashtag.  I love animals.  I hate to see them sad and not getting proper care. 

And Amen! We all have anxiety.  Truth! But we go on.  

The poor horse, that she still never learned to ride (these people!) is named Callie. 

If she achieved lower anxiety levels by brushing a horse’s mane, then she had two reasonable-for-Cate options to pursue instead of buying another animal she cannot properly care for:

1. Brush NotCarly #1’s hair (I’m not inferring that she looks like a horse; I’m referring to the fact that her kid always looks unkempt.)

2. Buy some My Little Pony toys

Edited by Bridget
Clarifying snark
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The story with Bristol’s husband is very sad, but did i miss something, is he in therapy or on medication? Or does he just expect Bristol to be his therapist? Is he doing anything to try and get better? He is completely unhinged and the yelling in the car in front of the kids is not okay.  I mean, where did she even find this guy?

Whatever she had done to her chin was a little overboard. Either they sucked out too much fat or pulled it too tight, but it looks off. It looks like she’s wearing an invisible chin strap.

Wow, Catelynn. Just wow. Tyler is stuck especially since she is pregnant again, which i think she did totally on purpose because she knows he wants to leave her.  When they were FaceTiming and telling Tyler that today she took a nap, went on a hike, watched a movie, you could tell he was furious! Well here i am taking care of our daughter while you’re at summer camp!  Awful! She needs some serious tough love and a kick in the ass.

Cheyenne and Cory seem like they have a good parenting relationship but she likes to start drama.

Amber and Matt are gross.

Maci boring. Jen and Larry sad.

That is all.

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Yep. Cate's baby is another classic trap baby. I mean, how many miracle babies have we seen so far, plenty.

Sitting there on the after show couch with her Stepford wife smile after watching the clip where her husband and mil just lay bare all her slovenly sins. "We worked thru it and then our birth control failed"

Um, sure.

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Poor Callie... Animal protection services should be brought in and remove that poor horse.  I thought Cate had to have that horse because she could jump on her and go for a ride when she suffered from anxiety... Well we can see how great that worked out.  

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On 10/1/2018 at 10:08 PM, CalicoskiesNC said:

Chey is extremely pretty, in fact Bristol is very pretty too.  Yeah, I like pretty people and babies on my tv, so what?

Caitlyn, Amber, and Maci wasnt enough pretty for you?


On 10/2/2018 at 3:47 AM, FairyDusted said:


Weird seeing Cory! Never saw his GF but she’s pretty so I guess he quit banging the blond. Only once though?!!! I don’t know if I believe they were a one and done 

I believe it. He's been one-ing and done-ing most of the females on The Challenge.


On 10/2/2018 at 10:32 AM, TresGatos said:

Bristol Meyers 

Really! Like the pharmaceutical company? She probably thought it was destiny.??

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On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 4:21 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I say this as someone who has battled clinical depression most of my entire adult life (and even before that) and as someone who has had a lot of sympathy for Cate's depression.  There's one thing left for her to do: GET A JOB.

Catelynn needs a reason to get dressed, leave her house, and be away away from Tyler/fridge/couch/bong/social media for a scheduled amount of hours (like minimum 5hrs/day) 4-5 days per week.  She needs a boss, co-workers, etc to be accountable to (besides MTV & Tyler, who won't hold her accountable).  She may even develop new friendships, interests, etc and find out who Catelynn is aside from her identities of CatelynnTheTeenMomWhoChoseAdoption, CatelynnOfCatelynnAndTyler, CatelynnMomToNova, and CatelynnWhoHasDepression.  (And I don't mean going to the treatment-spa when I say she needs to leave her house. She needs to be able to leave her house, be out in the world for a few hours a day, and then come home each evening and adult.)

There have been plenty of times in my life where I've given into the depression and just stayed at home and avoided the outside world (when I wasn't working/was on break, etc).  Sometimes a day or two of that is refreshing and a good rest. A few weeks, months, or years (like we've see with Cate) of that, though, is NOT good for anyone with clinical depression and anxiety.  It's a disaster and makes it harder & harder to climb out from the longer it goes on.  Thankfully, I have always had school and/or jobs (because I don't have MTV money) that have forced me to keep a regular schedule and interact with the world & people aside from my inner circle (despite being an introvert, I still need to do it a little for my own well-being).  This is one of the main things that has gotten me through times of my worst depression.  I know I often get depressed during long breaks from work (if for example, my summer classes don't fill or when I'm off for more than a couple of weeks during holiday break).  My depression always gets better when I return to work and have to be on a set schedule.  After a week or two off, I know it's time to go back to work because I need that schedule (even though I hate waking up early). 

It's too bad she's unqualified for pretty much anything and because her life would be 100% better if she just had to get a job and 200% better if she found a job she liked and could find fulfillment in. As long as this show is on, I don't think Catelynn will be able to get better because she doesn't have to do the things that could help her get better (whereas most of us with clinical depression have to work because bills). I want Catelynn to get better, but as long as this show is on, she has no financial incentive to leave the house and she sees herself only as CatelynnTheMomWithDepressionAndTylersTrueLove.  Nothing will change. It's time for this show to end. 

Sorry for the word vomit. I'm not expressing myself eloquently here. 


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On 10/1/2018 at 10:49 PM, TeeMo said:

I am watching the after show and Catelynn is telling Bristol that she can relate to Dakota’s PTSD. Girl, no. I’ve always had a lot of sympathy for Tyler and Cate because of their awful childhoods but still, no. 

Also, why on earth would Bristol sign up for this show when her husband is quite clearly not well. The last thing they needed in their lives was a TV crew following them around.

She's doing this show because she has never held a regular job in her life...all she knows is reality TV and she is ow a single mom again with three kids. I could do without seeing her mother...I hope it doesn't happen too frequently.  Bristol had a ton of cosmetic work done on her face and she looks nothing like she did a few years back. Her husband (ex husband now?) is a powder keg. Wow. He scares me.

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On 10/5/2018 at 5:30 PM, Mainer said:

For real tho. Ugh... she’s never even had a job but jumps right into horse owner ship! Go Cate!!

Exactly. She is probably one of the laziest of the Teen Moms...Amber is pretty lazy too. The two of them just sit in bed or on the couch all day. Tyler needs to grow a pair and say NO to Catelyn and her neediness. He should never have said OK to a horse. Now they're having another baby that Cate will ignore and hand over to Tyler to take care of. Her "therapy" sounds like a resort...movies, spa time...no wonder she wants to spend 6 weeks a year there.

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Catelynn is due next March so that puts her back at the Arizona spa for postpartum depression by next summer...that is if Teen Mom OG hadn't been cancelled....Is MTV footing the bill for these "rehab" stays or are Cate and Tyler actually writing out a check?  Either way when the show is done Sierra Tuscon will say "Sorry Cate...no money...SOL"

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18 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

While I don't necessarily think Cate needs a horse, why should she need  Tyler's permission to buy one if that's what she wants?

I would normally agree, but since Tyler is the  one stuck with caring for the kid and the house while Cate lounges in therapy I think he should totally have final say on an animal he'll be overseeing.   The only one here who deserves a pony is Tyler. 

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17 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

Catelynn is due next March so that puts her back at the Arizona spa for postpartum depression by next summer...that is if Teen Mom OG hadn't been cancelled....Is MTV footing the bill for these "rehab" stays or are Cate and Tyler actually writing out a check?  Either way when the show is done Sierra Tuscon will say "Sorry Cate...no money...SOL"

MTV writes the check.

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On 10/5/2018 at 1:44 PM, Rebecca said:

Bristol has said: In the exchange, Meyer said, Palin wrote that he is a “coward” and a “b—-” before suggesting he didn’t deserve his Medal of Honor, America’s highest and most prestigious military decoration. “He’s no hero,” Palin wrote, according to Meyer, who said the exchange was with a man his ex-wife had never met in person. “He didn’t do that (expletive). He’s a b—–.” about this situation...do you guys think she was just being a total asshole because she is/was angry at him or is there more to her saying he didn’t actually do it? It seems kinda hard  for him to have faked it? Though the details are pretty crazy. She’s pretty low for going there. Seems odd too. 


Daily Beast article about Dakota's medal of honor: https://www.thedailybeast.com/what-comes-after-the-medal-of-honor-an-interview-with-dakota-meyer 
(Apparently Dakota at one time had political aspirations, which explains to me how/why he "happened" to end up in a relationship with Sarah Palin's daughter.) 

I totally wouldn't put it past Bristol to call him those things and say those things even if he did 100% of what was said he did and she had seen it with her own eyes.  The girl may be slimmer, prettier, and better spoken than many of the girls in this franchise (and manages to keep a lid on her crazy a tiny bit better when the cameras are on), but she's still trash and she gives me a distinct mean girl vibe. 
(Basically, I wouldn't take Bristol's word for or against anything. She also was promoting abstinence while getting knocked up with unplanned baby #2, so you know....)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Lastly, I have a pretty good gag reflex. It takes a lot to make me nauseous, but watching NuMatt change a freakin poopy diaper on the kitchen counter had me reaching for my waste basket, just in case. I really thought I was going to vomit. WHO does that?!?! To me, it was the equivalent of those who allow their cats to walk all over kitchen counters. Food prep areas have to be clean & hygienic for a reason. They prob don’t even cook in the kitchen at all, but it doesn’t matter. That was one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve seen in a long time

I haven't watched this season but this is Amber. I'll never forget when Leah was a baby and she changed her poopy diaper on a restaurant table. 

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Not a fan of Bristol and I don’t hate her, however that scene in the car when Dakota was going off was very upsetting to watch.  I absolutely get that he is suffering and is dealing with some very real trauma and PTSD, but I can’t say I’d be on board with dealing with that either if I were her.  I don’t know what I’d have done differently than Bristol in that moment but the kids WERE in the car and he’s YELLING at HER about his “ dead guys”.  What the hell does he want from her? She’s not his therapist. 

I don’t know, it just seems awful for all of them. 

Also, why does Cate have 3 suitcases at the airport?  What’s in them? Are we supposed to believe she’s changing outfits regularly?  Stop.

Edited by Emmierose
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On 10/2/2018 at 11:32 AM, TresGatos said:


I wonder if Bristol's brother Track Palin and his struggles with PTSD will be mentioned?

Sarah Palin blames it on combat and Obamas "lack of respect of the military" or some shit like that.  Except that Track Palin apparently did not see combat, so his attacking his father and his girlfriend and his most recent attack on his ex gf as she dropped off their child for visitation isn't going to be for those reasons.  Palin might have PTSD from his time in Iraq but it's not because he saw combat there.  Supposedly as soon as Palin started to run for VP he got pulled from active duty.   He apparently had a hair trigger temper long before the military and the mother of his kid said that Sarah told her he'd always been violent, always had an outlet before (hockey, military) and now that he's not doing any of that his outlet is apparently beating people.  Track is in jail for a year right now, I'm sure in the next series Bristol will mention it.

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18 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Track had major issues before he joined the military.

I half wonder if he went into the military simply because his mother became more prominent in government.  "Track, either you start doing something with your life and stop being a violent asshole, or go into the military!  We have images to uphold!"  instead of "We're God-loving Christians, let's get you into therapy and psychiatry and better what makes you feel you have to act this way, even though we should have done this when you were a child and your behavior was that bad."

 I agree that Catelynn needs responsibilities with deadlines and repercussions for not getting off her ass and doing them.  She can easily go to school, there has to be at least a community college within her county that she can drive to and take classes from.  I really think that not having anything in life that she has to answer for is letting her wallow in depression. She has no reason to work on herself.  Someone is always going to catch her if she falls, and that includes with her child and now children.  Her depression doesn't seem like it's a permanent thing the way bipolar disorder is for Amber.  It seems like she can work her way through this to a point where she's not depressed.  It doesn't mean she has to work to a point of being happy with giving up her first kid, but she can come to terms with being unhappy about that.  Given how she handles her current child, I do think that her first kid is in a better place.  I don't think that if Catelynn got depression like this when she was 10 years younger she would have handled it even crappier than she is now.  I think she's just letting herself be depressed because it's easier and she gets attention for it.  I think the need for attention was created in her childhood, where the neglect created a huge hole of need that she doesn't know how to fill that was worsened by giving up her first child.


EDIT!!  You all seem to hate how Amber calls Leah Booger, right?  They've been calling James little stinker particularly when he's being changed.  I wonder if that's going to be his bodily emission connected nickname and it's a family tradition they are creating.  They can't call him little shit, that would be too offensive to the public so little stinker, and then just stinker, might win out.  "Hi, I'm Amber, these are my children Booger and Stinker."  I keep thinking of the Revenge of the Nerds character named Booger and how many good ol' boys in the south get that nickname.  Does Amber have family connections to the Southern US, other than her brother living in Florida?  Because she calls him Bubba, another southern nickname, and I've also seen Sugar Booger as an affectionate nickname in the south (though not heavily used). Does Gary ever call Leah Booger?  That nickname for her just seems so disrespectful, particularly to a girl on the cusp of puberty and adolescence. I just looked around and found that there are a lot of unsavory definitions for wooly booger in urban dictionary, but that it's also the name of a song that Johnny Cash sang, which maaaybe is why they chose it?  https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/johnnycash/youremybabylittlewoollybooger.html   It's sometimes spelled wooly (British spelling) but it's also acceptable in American English.


i did like how when Leah was being rude when coloring and Gary corrected her, he softened the blow by saying "no, the family isn't being rude by everyone talking.  Being rude would be like saying that you (Leah) had...(pause while he thought of something) hairy arms."  Which was just good parenting.  He corrected her bad behavior, told her that it wasn't that big of a deal by making a joke, made sure that his joke wouldn't be harmful or at her expense, and then the look Leah gave him, serious but trying not to laugh, was saying so much.  "I'm still annoyed at life right now, but I accept your correction of my bad behavior and you're a good dad, you're making me laugh."   You don't see that kind of interaction between her and Amber.

Edited by Eater of Worlds
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On 10/5/2018 at 2:44 PM, Rebecca said:

Bristol has said: In the exchange, Meyer said, Palin wrote that he is a “coward” and a “b—-” before suggesting he didn’t deserve his Medal of Honor, America’s highest and most prestigious military decoration. “He’s no hero,” Palin wrote, according to Meyer, who said the exchange was with a man his ex-wife had never met in person. “He didn’t do that (expletive). He’s a b—–.” about this situation...do you guys think she was just being a total asshole because she is/was angry at him or is there more to her saying he didn’t actually do it? It seems kinda hard  for him to have faked it? Though the details are pretty crazy. She’s pretty low for going there. Seems odd too. 


I also don’t know what to think of their exchange on the show where Dakota made it sound like Bristol said she basically kinda wanted him to kill himself and she said she meant it as worry that he would kill himself. It seemed pretty unlikely that Bristol would say something callously like that in front of the therapist, at the very least, but she seems to come undone when she’s angry so who knows. Their dynamic sounds terrible. They really didn’t know who they were marrying or what they were getting into.

So cool! I independently found this same article and posted on another thread! Funny we did the same search. I’m not sure what uo believe. I don’t take away the fact that he is a hero but maybe it was exaggerated. Would explain a lot! 

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