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Married To Medicine - General Discussion

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Absolutely, I watched the finale, as ususl Tacky Toya and Eugene were being cheap as usual.. just pay the money for God's sake. Quad was doing too much as usual speaking to Eugene and sweet tea would have  been enough, no need to go overboard , conversation was awkard as hell. Heavenly will embarress your behind when you being cheap and Toya has just recently purchased a 17 thousand purse. Production must have invited Quad to the Gala and she wasn't about to miss that check. 

Edited by byrd
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1 hour ago, byrd said:

Absolutely, I wathed the finale, as ususl Tacky Toya and Eugene were being cheap as usual.. just pay the money for God's sake. Quad was doing too much as usual speaking to Eugene and sweet tea would have  been enough, no need to go overboard , conversation was awkard as hell. Heavenly will embarress your behind when you being cheap and Toya has just recently purchased a 17 thousand purse. Production must have invited Quad to the Gala and she wasn't about to miss that check. 

And it was just $1,000! Also, Toya, Kendall Jackson is alright, but stop acting like it's some highly rate, must have wine. And you did not pay for that trip to Napa! Bravo did.

What was up with Sweet Tea and the bosom. She looked ridiculous. Greg needs to send his baby girl to finishing school.

Loved when Jackie, Simone, and Heavenly were giving the trainee advice. Heavenly cracked me up with, the "and if he don't want someone there to iron, have the bitch there when he ain't home." 

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Simone kept going on about their 10 year anniversary but I think Mariah should have been brought back rather than this dentist who acts like she doesn’t know where $150,000 went, maybe on the kids I think she said. 
Why is Apollo’s joint in on the reunion? Phaedra didn’t have a big part on the show and he wasn’t seen at all. When they added Phaedra this season it was said that she was dating a doctor but we never saw him and then she claimed they broke up.

Edited by Chatty Cake
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Well, that was interesting.  I guess they showed Damon's comment about Satan winning every time a couple gets divorced for a reason.  When Heavenly started up at the Med Gala I kept wondering why doesn't Damon leave that prostitution whore?

WRT the Gala, I could see both sides regarding the $1K contribution.  It should have been discussed and settled well before that evening; NOT mentioned in welcoming comments.  *Snort*. Do these professional even know how to act professionally?

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I would love to tone up a little before summer, and I think that watching that big ol' lunk Hellishly might be enough to make me lose my appetite on the reg. 🤮 If you're going to dress like a busted Daytona stripper, at least wear something that isn't six sizes too small. I know they need the check, but "Daddy" 🤮 looks so embarrassed every time Big Nasty screeches out of her gaping maw. 

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Toya was just being a bitch about the money and got her silly husband involved in the BS, Heavenly said Eugene took the Mic to acknowledge Toya and her wine, that pissed Heavenly off so she took the Mic back to blast Toya for not paying. Toya deserved to be called out about the money because that was being cheap. Honestly I don't beleve she had it. 

Edited by byrd
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On 2/27/2024 at 4:46 AM, Chatty Cake said:

Simone kept going on about their 10 year anniversary but I think Mariah should have been brought back rather than this dentist who acts like she doesn’t know where $150,000 went, maybe on the kids I think she said. 
Why is Apollo’s joint in on the reunion? Phaedra didn’t have a big part on the show and he wasn’t seen at all. When they added Phaedra this season it was said that she was dating a doctor but we never saw him and then she claimed they broke up.

I truly believe Mirah has outgrown these women, she's so far ahead of any of them with her various projects. I would rather see her with a different group of women that have accomplishments that don't include medicine. It will be very intresting to see Apollo and why he is even on the reunion show ?  Andy was looking at Apollo like a snack Lol !!!

Edited by byrd
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On 1/16/2024 at 4:59 AM, Chatty Cake said:

I wanted to tell Toya to shut up! She complained about having to stay in her nice house with her husband cooking for her.  He takes her out for a nice meal prepared in front of them and she complains about that too. She is quite the complainer considering she gets to stay home and doesn’t do anything but look for new homes and now give her opinion on wine.

Toya comes across as the BORED complaning housewife. She will never be happy with Eugene fully. She's high maintenence and they are moving yet again.. I don't understand why they can't build a house that they can afford and just be happy with that . Paying  10, 000.00 a month for rent is insane. 

On 11/29/2023 at 3:36 PM, politichick said:

Good idea. He clearly needs some tough love. Simone may laugh on TV but probably not once the cameras are gone. She needs to take a page out of Sutton's book. When her son didn't want to go to college, she found him the kind of job an inexperienced lad like him would be stuck with and after actually working, he made the right decision and is attending West Point or something like it.

Cecil coddles Miles, Miles doesn't appear to have the drive like the younger son. Cecil knows this about Miles and it concerns him that Simone is pushing him so hard. Miles appears to be a little apprensive about launching and Cecil sees it. However it's a blessing to have parents that can afford to give you your first home. 

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1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

Toya is saying her dad lives in a bad neighborhood- why? You have the financial means to help him out.

I thought she was describing her childhood when Andy asked where she got her taste from. He kind of asked why is she so "uppity", but I digress. Then she rattles off how well she has trained Eugene since they first met. And she sees nothing wrong with continuing to be critical and overly demanding.

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19 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

I thought she was describing her childhood when Andy asked where she got her taste from. He kind of asked why is she so "uppity", but I digress. Then she rattles off how well she has trained Eugene since they first met. And she sees nothing wrong with continuing to be critical and overly demanding.

And money has most def not bought her the class she thinks she now has. Toya thinks that because she has money, a wine deal, and plays tennis every day that she has arrived. Sorry, but nope. One thing I'll say about Heavenly, she does not try to put on airs.

Tea just needs to go. She is sooooo childish! Quad, who, kill me but I like her, got her on the Vitamin D. LOL

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I didn’t buy Jackie’s tears for one second other than she’s sad she got called out . I also don’t see that any good came from Jackie’s segment with the VP that they keep shoving down our throats.

Dr. Greg lost weight and looks better than he did in earlier seasons. I’m surprised he’s into Sweet Tea.  Not to be mean but she’s a downgrade from Quad. 
Is Toya all that well off? All they do is change houses. I’m surprised Eugene can keep up with her expenses. 

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This reunion was all of the place, but very good. I just wish Simone would not speak at all, she's cruel and thoughtless, Jackie I'm happy that you could admit mis speaking and apologized sincerely for it.  Quad , happy to see that you are somewhat humbled, you aren't totally without fault in ths situation. 

Edited by byrd
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I'm probably in the minority here, but I did not like it when Jackie and Hellishly tried to blame Quad for Jackie's horrific, biased, and unprofessional remarks. You're hanging out with that big ol' nasty lunk, Hellishly, Jackie. Laughing it up and disparaging people who have faced institutional racism for decades. Shameful. And why? So you could gossip and talk **** about people you think are beneath you? On a podcast with one of the most vile people on reality tv? The fact that you're "friends" with Hellishly aka Big Nasty tells me everything I need to know about you. 

Edited by StevieRocks
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13 hours ago, byrd said:

Jackie I'm happy that you could admit mis speaking and apologized sincerely for it. 

I just caught this episode and came here to post that I did not see Jackie explain her statement saying black women cry wolf when describing their pain.  I saw her cry and say it was a very difficult time in her life when her comment was rebroadcast.  I did not see her explain why she said it in the first place and I missed the sincere apology.  While we're at it, I did not like her dress or her hair.  I think Jackie is sophisticated but her look at the reunion was not.

I gave Toya the benefit of the doubt WRT the wine donation at the Med Gala.  After hearing her explanation that the wine was comped to her to serve it at events just exactly like the Med Gala made me roll my eyes.  Guess she still lives in those P.F. Flyers (or whatever those tennis shoes are called).  This is a perfect example of money and class not going hand in hand.

More to come for the reunion part 2.....


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On 3/5/2024 at 12:26 AM, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

The abundance of fake tears from Dr Jackie.... and Quad 🙄

I have zero sympathy for Jackie.  She deserved to be dragged for the offensive remarks she made as if black women aren't already up against an unsympathetic public opinion most of the time, she drives the nails in harder.  I hate people who generalize against a whole group anyway as if we don't have our own individual  identities.  She pigeonholed a whole race of women so cry me a river!  She needed to be knocked off of her high horse and I'm glad I was able to witness it.  I will never look at her the same again. 

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Part two of the reunion wasn’t bad. I hope they let Quad join them again. I also don’t mind Sweet Tea. I think Heavenly looks much better with the dark hair. I know a lot don’t care for her but I have always found her entertaining. 
Dr. Jackie has annoyed me and I believe she plays up her caring nature for the camera but is mean in real life. That said, I don’t know if they could replace her at this point. 
I didn’t care for Alicia and didn’t think she added that much to the show.  I found her husband a bit obnoxious. 
I’m not fully on board with Phaedra but I’m not against her either. The show seems an odd fit for her. I found it bizarre to bring out Apollo when he didn’t appear on the show at all. I guess we’ll see what he has to say in part 3.

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I am so over this show.  Hellishly has made it unwatchable for me.  I'm not even going to watch part 3 of the reunion for the contrived unnecessary appearance of the convicted felon formerly known as Mr. Phaedra Parks.  Speaking of Parks, I wonder if they will bring her back to RHoA now that Kandi Burriss is leaving, since I believe it was her lies about Kandi that got her booted from the show (I think it was a "her or me" situation wasn't it"?).  She really doesn't belong on this franchise.  Maybe they put her in to test the waters before bringing her back to the other?


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2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

I am so over this show.  Hellishly has made it unwatchable for me.  I'm not even going to watch part 3 of the reunion for the contrived unnecessary appearance of the convicted felon formerly known as Mr. Phaedra Parks.  Speaking of Parks, I wonder if they will bring her back to RHoA now that Kandi Burriss is leaving, since I believe it was her lies about Kandi that got her booted from the show (I think it was a "her or me" situation wasn't it"?).  She really doesn't belong on this franchise.  Maybe they put her in to test the waters before bringing her back to the other?


I agree. Hellishly is such an insincere, opportunistic, fake, inauthentic lunk. She is jealous and intimidated by everyone, only slithered up to Jackie to secure her place on the show, and will cackle, bark, screech, and lie about literally anything to stay relevant. She is the most unlikeable of all the idiots on any of the franchises, and I laughed when she said Sweet Tea doesn't "fit in," because I've always thought Hellishly NEVER fit in. She just nastily and desperately did anything under the sun to stay. Blech. Cannot stand Big Nasty. Her "explanation" about the baby formula sounded absurd. Lying old snake.

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17 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

I am so over this show.  Hellishly has made it unwatchable for me.  I'm not even going to watch part 3 of the reunion for the contrived unnecessary appearance of the convicted felon formerly known as Mr. Phaedra Parks.  Speaking of Parks, I wonder if they will bring her back to RHoA now that Kandi Burriss is leaving, since I believe it was her lies about Kandi that got her booted from the show (I think it was a "her or me" situation wasn't it"?).  She really doesn't belong on this franchise.  Maybe they put her in to test the waters before bringing her back to the other?


From your lips to God's ears.  Kick Phaedra back to RHoA and off this show.  She was a bad fit here.  I don't know why Bravo is so insistent on making Phaedra happen, I find her so irritating. 

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3 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Why is Apollo on the Married to Medicine reunion? More to the point, why was Phaedra cast on Married to Medicine?

As for the former, maybe because Andy has the hots for Apollo? 

I can answer the first question but only speculate on the second.  Phaedra asked for Apollo to be there with some nonsense about the ladies questioning her about him since he wasn't at his son's birthday party.  As for why Phaedra is on this show, my guess is that Andy really loves Phaedra because of her quirkiness and wanted her to be on a show.  He couldn't put her back on Real Housewives of Atlanta because Kandi Burruss threatened to quit if Phaedra came back so the next best thing was Married To Medicine which also films out of Atlanta, which is where Phaedra lives.  Maybe now that Kandi is no longer on RHOA, Phaedra will get back on that show because she really doesnt fit on Married to medicine since she's neither married nor in medicine.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit if she's put back on RHOA. 

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6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

The new season will start airing on November 24th. Dr. Contessa is returning as a friend, and there is a new doctor, a psychiatrist, Dr. Mimi Sanders. The rest of the cast is the same. 

Season trailer.


And per the previews, Apollo has some more appearances.

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On 11/1/2024 at 10:38 PM, Stats Queen said:

I hate that Phaedra is on it. 
Im am also not happy with the last few seasons that focused way too much on real housewives like drama rather than on successful black doctors and their families.

It seems she won't film the entire season because she went back to Housewives and wasn't allowed to do both.

No, Contessa, I absolutely have not missed you!!!

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On 11/13/2024 at 10:56 AM, politichick said:

It seems she won't film the entire season because she went back to Housewives and wasn't allowed to do both.

No, Contessa, I absolutely have not missed you!!!

Yes, Phaedra joined the RH of Atlanta because Kenya Moore was fired in the beginning of filming. Cynthia Bailey who was a friend was asked to film a lot more. I wonder if they are going to be friends, or full term HWs.

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I’d love for Phaedra to take Heavenly down a peg or two. Heavenly is a horrible person, and always gets away with her awfulness. I thought Phaedra and Heavenly would clash, but not so far. Sweet Tea is the only one who doesn’t seem to be afraid of her.  Though every season at least one person has a problem with Heavenly. 

Not looking forward to see the men fight. Too bad Greg has to film, I’d much rather see his wife than him who has grown on me (for now).  I think procreating with him would be a HUGE mistake. 

Were the ladies asked (demanded) to play nice with Quad. Looks like Simone didn’t get that instruction. I thought it was weird Cecil was hanging out with Quad. 

Really have no desire to see Apollo. I’ve loved this show and feel like it’s just being more and more produced to create storylines. 


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Heavenly is nasty. 

I don't care about Contessa and especially her husband. And Greg. 

The women don't want Quad on the show (sorry, in their friend group) because she doesn't care to associate with them when they don't film, something they made clear last season, but I suspect she has connections to production who she convinced she can bring drama. 

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On 11/1/2024 at 10:38 PM, Stats Queen said:

I hate that Phaedra is on it. 
Im am also not happy with the last few seasons that focused way too much on real housewives like drama rather than on successful black doctors and their families.

This show has always had "housewives" type drama from the start.  Did you not witness the fight between Toya and Mariah in the beginning of this franchise?  This show is actually worse than the housewives shows because of Heavenly imo.    

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12 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

This group doesn’t make sense anymore.  Are any of them really friends?

I notice Dr. Jackie has stopped fat shaming her patients and costars. 

True, but I think that talk about the mother in law stitch or whatever is gross.  I always heard the doctor's who do it, without the wife's permission, for the husband's pleasure.

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