amazingracefan August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 (edited) 9 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: I really wish Haleigh had been part of L6 instead of douchebro Winston. Although I can’t believe it took her until final 8 to realize there was an actual other alliance. And Sam & JC still don’t know. Gotta give L6 credit...that’s very impressive! I don't think that's completely true there has been talk in the past of their being an alliance of the others during Faysal's HoH for instance and Hayleigh put Angela and KC up, they just haven't seen them all celebrating together. Brett may have avoided suspicions, and he has probably been at the bottom of their alliance. My main problem with Angela is that I find her quite boring, I think she was mainly cast for looks. KC is also boring. Brett beyond his set speeches isn't that great either for me, again probably mainly cast for looks. Edited August 27, 2018 by amazingracefan 4 Link to comment
amazingracefan August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 6 hours ago, backformore said: JC wasn't even playing, or even pretending to play. He even shook some balls that rattled with a token, and he just threw them back. I can't stand him. He wasn't trying of course. I haven't watched it again but was the rattling added sound effects, they do that in episodes, not just for obvious comedy. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 10 hours ago, Skyfall said: Fessy is going home this week and Tyler will stick with his ride and die KC over the Ice Queen. He would be stupid to take Angela to the end. She's got two HOH wins and has played a lot more actively than Brett or Kaycee. 7 Link to comment
laurakaye August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 10 hours ago, Cutty said: Angela just doesn’t do it for me. Even her cold DRs seem incredibly phony and scripted. I like Tyler but the showmance segment was cringey. Same here, I get absolutely zero personality from her. I think she'd be good with Winston - both of them seem as boring as a blank piece of paper. JC's "make them fat" plan was lame and nothing but filler. And holy crap, what was he even mixing together in that bowl - it looked like dry noodles, canned chili and maybe some whole slices of mozzarella or something? He probably threw in a few handfuls of Cap'n Crunch and cantaloupe, who knows. And then we had to be subjected to every HG slurping it up like it was delicious. So gross. And I go back and forth with Hayleigh...she's young, and we all know that the early 20's is not the best age for making thoughtful decisions. So while she may have fallen for Fessy a little bit, she is still self-aware enough in her DR's to tell us that she's not sure she and Fess are making the right decisions, followed by her whining to him and going along with him anyway. 5 Link to comment
Gummo August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 12 hours ago, ghoulina said: His stupidity combined with SUCH arrogance just makes him unbearable to watch. I hate the way he was basically telling Haleigh to go bake cookies or something while the men talked. "Let your man take care of you". Oh, you mean like how you took care of her last week by nominating the only other person loyal to you two? God, he's fucking dumb. Stupidity, arrogance & misogyny -- oh, he's a catch, all right. I sincerely hope Haleigh gets some perspective when the season's over and runs straight to a lawyer's office for a restraining order. Because she'll need one. I wonder if Fessy will still be patting himself on the back when the fans award him Stupidest Player Ever, then immediately retire the award so no one else can ever take it away from him. 10 Link to comment
peachmangosteen August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 (edited) 12 hours ago, asabovesobelow said: I’m not a L6 fan at all ... Oh good, more of us! There's like, what, maybe 5 total now lol. The Angela/Tyler segment was unbelievably cringe-worthy. How old are they? Grow up, idiots. I spent the whole ep trying to figure out what the black things on Faysal and Haleigh's necks were. Then I noticed JC had a little rose tattoo on his chest and I thought maybe they gave them temporary tattoos or something. I wish they had shown the HOH comp on the feeds so I wouldn't have had to waste my time on this ep. Should've just turned it off after they showed the boring comp lol. Edited August 27, 2018 by peachmangosteen 3 Link to comment
Gummo August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 28 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: If they ever remake Bonanza, Fessy can play the role of Hoss Cartwright. Objection! Hoss Cartwright was gentle and sweet. 6 Link to comment
Nashville August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 1 hour ago, laurakaye said: JC's "make them fat" plan was lame and nothing but filler. Like all of JC’s “master plans”, then; self-aggrandizing, incoherently executed, and in the end amounting to nothing much more than a 4’8” pile of shit. P. S. To Production: Please GOD never show JC cooking in a speedo ever ever again - that HAS to be violating multiple statutes of the FDA, the USDA, and the FCC. 1 hour ago, laurakaye said: And holy crap, what was he even mixing together in that bowl - it looked like dry noodles, canned chili and maybe some whole slices of mozzarella or something? He probably threw in a few handfuls of Cap'n Crunch and cantaloupe, who knows. And then we had to be subjected to every HG slurping it up like it was delicious. So gross. Pretty much all of JC’s cuisine appears to be based on a dare. 7 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Are you sure? To me, that is the kind of question that I wouldn't want answered. As opposed to questions why someone would put their hands down the FRONT of their pants...? ;> 3 Link to comment
ghoulina August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 1 hour ago, icemiser69 said: What was that white crap that Fessy and Hayleigh were putting on their faces? It looked like they were doing some sort of a face mask. 1 Link to comment
The Companion August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 2 hours ago, laurakaye said: And I go back and forth with Hayleigh...she's young, and we all know that the early 20's is not the best age for making thoughtful decisions. So while she may have fallen for Fessy a little bit, she is still self-aware enough in her DR's to tell us that she's not sure she and Fess are making the right decisions, followed by her whining to him and going along with him anyway. I agree she is young and goodness knows I was interested in some assholes back in my day as well. However, I just can't give her a pass for realizing some of what is going on and not pushing harder. She should have put her foot down re: Scottie last week and she had the chance to try something other than pouting this week (not that it necessarily would have worked). I am happy she seems to be seeing how much BS Fessy is throwing at her, but it is hard to root for someone who realizes what is happening and does nothing to change it. I would watch the hell out of DR Hayleigh, but House Hayleigh is a different story. 1 hour ago, Gummo said: Stupidity, arrogance & misogyny -- oh, he's a catch, all right. I sincerely hope Haleigh gets some perspective when the season's over and runs straight to a lawyer's office for a restraining order. Because she'll need one. I wonder if Fessy will still be patting himself on the back when the fans award him Stupidest Player Ever, then immediately retire the award so no one else can ever take it away from him. It really is remarkable. We have seen players make dumb moves or trust the wrong person or fail to read a room, but Fessy has gone above and beyond. It isn't just his stupidity, it is his consistency. 4 Link to comment
Halting Hex August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 1 hour ago, Nashville said: As opposed to questions why someone would put their hands down the FRONT of their pants...? ;> Mensa Matt Hoffman, who spent a generous portion of BB12 in just such a pose, would like you to know it's still there. ;) On more serious matters, I think Angela goofed up. Sam is coming for her; Hay-dooFes aren't. (They'd go for Brett and Kaycee, instead.) She's got exactly one person in the house with whom she doesn't have a real alliance, a fake "alliance" or a general "team" agreement, and that's Sam. It makes sense for her to go after Sam, and let Brett and Kaycee handle Hay-dooFes on their own. The fact that she'd be taking out someone whom Tyler plans on dragging after he cuts her would be an unintended benefit, of course. OTOH, this way ensures that there's still a 6-v.-2 split no matter who wins the Juror BattleBack (subtract Sam and re-add, say, Scottie and the numbers change), but if this factored into Angela's calculations, it wasn't shown. So she might be getting lucky there. And on the superficial level, how does Angela spend so much time doing her hair and makeup and not do anything about the ladystache? I mean, I understand that she can't get electrolysis in the house, but they do get concealer, right? Just wondering. 3 Link to comment
The Companion August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 4 minutes ago, Halting Hex said: Mensa Matt Hoffman, who spent a generous portion of BB12 in just such a pose, would like you to know it's still there. ;) On more serious matters, I think Angela goofed up. Sam is coming for her; Hay-dooFes aren't. (They'd go for Brett and Kaycee, instead.) She's got exactly one person in the house with whom she doesn't have a real alliance, a fake "alliance" or a general "team" agreement, and that's Sam. It makes sense for her to go after Sam, and let Brett and Kaycee handle Hay-dooFes on their own. The fact that she'd be taking out someone whom Tyler plans on dragging after he cuts her would be an unintended benefit, of course. OTOH, this way ensures that there's still a 6-v.-2 split no matter who wins the Juror BattleBack (subtract Sam and re-add, say, Scottie and the numbers change), but if this factored into Angela's calculations, it wasn't shown. So she might be getting lucky there. And on the superficial level, how does Angela spend so much time doing her hair and makeup and not do anything about the ladystache? I mean, I understand that she can't get electrolysis in the house, but they do get concealer, right? Just wondering. I think she made a good decision because of the BB (whether or not it factored into her decision). Sam is a bit of a wild card, but she is close to Tyler and Tyler and Angela are close. I am not sure who she chooses when the alliance inevitably turns on itself, but she is probably voting with Tyler for the near future. Hayleigh already showed she is going after Tyler and Angela. I don't think Angela bought for a second that Hayleigh was going to stick to the alliance plan (Fessy would have because Fessy). I honestly still don't notice the ladystache. I don't know why I am so blind to it. 6 Link to comment
IndyMischa August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 17 minutes ago, The Companion said: I honestly still don't notice the ladystache. I don't know why I am so blind to it. It's not just you, I don't see it either. I think the extent of it is somewhat an "eye of the beholder" issue. ;) I can't remember who, but someone also posted that they thought it looked more like a scar than a mustache, which would make sense. Spoiler Angela was an elite level gymnast up through most of high school, so splitting her lip by face-planting on the uneven bars (for ex), was probably fairly common. 8 Link to comment
Halting Hex August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 I don't think Sam's affection for Tyler would protect Angela; I think that if Sam had won the HoH, she would have nommed Angela and Haleigh. Because, you know, they're women. I mean, we've seen Sam getting upset that she doesn't get so much Tyler-time because he's all cuddled up with Angela. Somehow I doubt that's making her want to protect Angela, then. Hayleigh would, I think, go after some portion of Brett/Kaycee/Sam. Brett and Kaycee to cut off Tyler and Angela's other options, and Sam because Sam might come after her. Sadly, I can't think of a single person in the house who's thinking of targeting JC. No wonder he's just splashing his way through the game. 3 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 I don't like anyone - ANY. ONE. - on L6, but by ceremony time, I was absolutely rooting for a Fessy nom. What a doofus. Hoping to see Fes evicted, Scottie battled back, and a Scottie or Haleigh HOH. That's not asking too much, is it? 12 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 3 hours ago, laurakaye said: JC's "make them fat" plan was lame and nothing but filler. I suspect it was also from a few weeks ago; that's when someone here commented on Sam gaining weight. The HG's have an interest in staying in shape for physical comps and plenty of time to work it off, so JC's plan was doomed to fail (esp against Angela and Hayleigh). 2 Link to comment
MitaJo August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said: Oh good, more of us! There's like, what, maybe 5 total now lol. Make it 6. I can't stand L6 either. None of them are likeable. The ones I did like are so dumb that I can't even enjoy this season like I want to. I didn't even watch the eviction episode until yesterday. I forgot it was even on my DVR, that's how not into this season I am. Yet another season of people voting out folks who have no game whatsoever and I've found more interesting things to watch (like every episode of The Office). L6, whenever they're in the HOH position, never puts anyone on their side up (unless I've forgotten someone) and yet the others can't see that they're possibly working together. That should have been the first sign. JC irks me the most! How anyone else in that house can even stand him is beyond me. None of that food even looked appetizing and if I were in that house, I would have been making my own damn meals. Slop looks like it would be a better option than that shit. And for ONCE I wish the women on this show would stick together. Always attaching themselves to some man, thinking that he's their best chance at making it to the end. They win HOH and start putting their personal feelings in front of the finish line, getting rid of other women just because she may or may not like you or she's "coming after" you. Newsflash, everyone in the house is coming after you! Especially if they came to play/win. Then you have Sam who is the worst of them all, for the way she acted during her HOH. Does she not realize that she's exactly what she accused Hay and Kaitlin of? Her blind devotion to Tyler is sickening. Why did they even come on this show? Clearly it wasn't to win because as soon as they stepped in the door they were latching on to a guy. Quote The fact that she'd be taking out someone whom Tyler plans on dragging after he cuts her would be an unintended benefit, of course. Tyler isn't going to cut anyone, if he can help it. He'll keep letting everyone believe that he's on their side so that they do the choosing and he gets taken to the end. Unless he decides in Final-3 that he has to win to guarantee he makes it to the end. I'm still not sure where he stands on that. Edited August 27, 2018 by MitaJo Forgot some stuff I wanted to add. 4 Link to comment
The Companion August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 16 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: What does Tyler do with the skin he keeps picking at? Does he throw it away? Does he just let it fall where it may? Speaking of which, how gross was it when Fessy casually picked his booger and flicked it into Angela's HOH bed while she was in the bathroom doing her hair? 3 Link to comment
The Companion August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 2 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: I thought Fessy put on a few pounds as well. I totally understand why house guests would gain weight, they are stuck in a house with nothing to do. Perhaps they need to put a gigantic hamster wheel in the house? I would easily get bored with the limited exercise equipment that they currently have access to in the house. Angela has been able to stay in great shape. Are there any house guests that have lost weight? I thought house guest's usually lost weight when they were on slop, but I haven't heard the term "slop" on air in quite some time. Is anyone still eating it? I didn't see that the first time. Now that you've mentioned it, no amount of brain bleach can erase it from my mind. I would watch the shit out of them running around in a giant hamster wheel. My husband and I both noticed it. He walks into her room, throws himself on her bed and starts quizzing her on whether or not she is putting Hayleigh up as a pawn. While they are talking and she has her back turned, he goes digging for gold. It makes me a little queasy thinking about. Sorry for sharing the misery. 2 Link to comment
DrBriCa August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 1 hour ago, MitaJo said: L6, whenever they're in the HOH position, never puts anyone on their side up (unless I've forgotten someone) and yet the others can't see that they're possibly working together. That should have been the first sign. To be fair... out of 9 HOHs, L6 has only won three. And of those, Tyler's HOH for Week 1 should not really factor in, as he had the limitation where he could only nominate half the house, so he put up two early week players (Steve & Robot Sam). L6 seemed to welcome him among their numbers because of his HOH status. He then spent most of the pre-jury phase working both sides of the house until Haleigh's hack. It took five weeks for another L6 HOH (and during that gap, they lost Winston and Rachel along the way), and Angela still had 10 houseguests to choose from. She chose "safer options" from the other side of the house: Rockstar and Scottie, with the other side still iffy on Scottie's loyalty. Her HOH week also saw Haleigh as Hacker # 1 putting up Tyler, and then finally Bayleigh getting back-doored and a near-unanimous eviction vote, so there was a lot going on in that week that might have prevented the Hive from honing in on the core L6. This week is L6's third HOH. Foutte/Hive/"Gang who couldn't shoot straight" have had 5 HOH's, although Kaitlyn fell for Tyler's manipulations during her HOH. Sam's HOH was a wildcard. 2 Link to comment
IndyMischa August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 21 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Are there any house guests that have lost weight? I thought house guest's usually lost weight when they were on slop, but I haven't heard the term "slop" on air in quite some time. Is anyone still eating it? Spoiled for [non-strategic] Feeds info: Spoiler Yes, there are still Have Nots - it was four/week, and is now three/week, although they took a week or two off for reasons unknown. Have Nots may only eat slop + approved condiments, may only take cold showers, and may only sleep in the HN room (the one with the satellite dish beds). They rarely show any of this in the broadcast shows, and I - like many Feed junkies - wish they would just scrap it altogether. If only the world were my benevolent dictatorship... 2 Link to comment
Nashville August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 8 minutes ago, IndyMischa said: Spoiled for [non-strategic] Feeds info: Hide contents Yes, there are still Have Nots - it was four/week, and is now three/week, although they took a week or two off for reasons unknown. Have Nots may only eat slop + approved condiments, may only take cold showers, and may only sleep in the HN room (the one with the satellite dish beds). They rarely show any of this in the broadcast shows, and I - like many Feed junkies - wish they would just scrap it altogether. If only the world were my benevolent dictatorship... Spoilered for (non-strategic) explanation: Spoiler There was only one HN-exempt week - the week after the “Prize or Punishment” PoV comp, when Pinky was serving out her week-long “Food and Fitness” punishment. Part of Pinky’s punishment was serving each of the other HGs a serving of the food she prepared, and they had to eat it - which would put execution of her punishment in irreconcilable conflict with that of any HNs. 3 Link to comment
Sara2009 August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 19 hours ago, Lamima said: Like Liz and Austin. Way less creepy, though. Tyler isn’t pushy and desperate the way Austin was. 5 Link to comment
Thorkim August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 19 hours ago, Thalia said: If I never again see JC cooking while wearing nothing but a baseball cap and a speedo ... IT WILL STILL BE TOO DAMN SOON! My eyes, my eyes! Tell me that isn't how they prepare the hot dogs at my local Sonic. Please tell me. [whimper] IMO, he's a repulsive little bastid. 2 Link to comment
Callaphera August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 7 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Fessy did ask if someone wet the bed. There wasn't any follow up on this episode. So what was it? Spoiler tag it please. No spoiler needed! Your guess is as good as mine. It was probably just a stain that didn't wash out or something. 1 Link to comment
Kris117 August 27, 2018 Share August 27, 2018 1 hour ago, Callaphera said: No spoiler needed! Your guess is as good as mine. It was probably just a stain that didn't wash out or something. Production accidentally spilled some of their union reg-required brain bleach. To pick up on what many of you have said, Fessy is the dumbest dumb who ever dumbed. People have made some colossally dumb single moves (Marcellus, etc.). Houseguests have floated along, seemingly clueless to the idea that they are in a game (Meg, and even Sam). But I don’t remember seeing someone so involved in playing a game and yet so oblivious to what is going on around him as Fessy is. He has made up his own head canon for the game, and he ignores facts or events that don’t fit with it. Each week someone from Fessy’s side goes home (especially when he nominates them himself), and yet he is oblivious to the idea that other people in the house might be teamed up against him. To paraphrase the tag line from an old horror film: “The votes are coming from inside the house!” No, Fessy, they just all happen to vote on the same side week after week. Sam collecting all the tokens and then giving them away while extracting “promises” to not vote her out cracked me up. I thought she was being smart by giving herself plenty of chances to roll. Lord. She doesn’t approve of the inherent deceitfulness of the game, so she has set upon a one-woman mission to reform it. Doomed from the start, of course, but hysterical to watch. Relationship dynamics in Big Brother: Angela shares her choices and strategy for her HoH with Tyler. Tyler: I’ve got your back. And your hoodie. Haleigh tries to strategize with Fessy. Fessy: I’m going to go talk for you. Hey woman, shut up when I’m talking for you. Why are you getting upset when I step all over you to talk for you, Haleigh? Poor Haleigh. Fessy-wrangling is time consuming and irritating, but she’s pretty much stuck with the job. 7 Link to comment
harleybeanswind August 28, 2018 Share August 28, 2018 Everyone has pretty much summed up my thoughts on this episode with one exception... Did I correctly hear Fessy mention that everything would be “all Gucci “. Seriously?? Add that to the list of reasons I enjoyed seeing his picture on the wall and the dumbstruck expression on his face as he saw it. ? At this point I am team “anyone but Angela or JC”. 6 Link to comment
Nashville August 28, 2018 Share August 28, 2018 35 minutes ago, harleybeanswind said: Did I correctly hear Fessy mention that everything would be “all Gucci “. Seriously?? Why, yes - yes you did. :P 4 Link to comment
Skycatcher August 28, 2018 Share August 28, 2018 9 hours ago, Kris117 said: Poor Haleigh. Fessy-wrangling is time consuming and irritating, but she’s pretty much stuck with the job. ??? She's not even that good at it even with a psych degree. 7 hours ago, harleybeanswind said: Fessy mention that everything would be “all Gucci “. Aside from an unrelated fashion reference I have no idea what this would even mean. I suppose it's just FUF doing FUF. 3 Link to comment
harleybeanswind August 28, 2018 Share August 28, 2018 7 hours ago, Nashville said: Why, yes - yes you did. :P Oh man... I wouldn’t be sad seeing him go. I too would love to see Scottie battle back into the house with Haleigh. ? 6 Link to comment
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