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Mayans MC - General Discussion

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Well. Things hit the fan in this episode. I'm glad Angel and EZ don't have any more (major) secrets now, but what a way for Angel to find out.

I don't think Angel is going anywhere yet, in terms of the show killing him off.  There's still a lot of story to explore with the brothers and the conflict between them. And did Angel really just essentially trick EZ into getting a tattoo that represents his betrayal? Damn, Angel. 

I finally came around to liking the cousin and now he's totally at risk. I agree it's probably some warped test from Potter and that it might not happen, but still. 

Unpopular opinion, I actually love to hate Potter and his weird mannerisms. I am not going to mind the back and forth dance between him, and EZ and the Mayans, and Galindo. It reminds me of the Scofield/Mahone conflict in another ridiculous show, lol.

I want to root for Adelita, and I am for the most part, but her remoteness is getting old. She's so emotionless she's hard to warm up to, despite her good intentions. But she let/instructed a child to kill another child. That's a hard one to forget when it didn't seem to affect her at all.

Emily is interesting. I have a feeling that this show will eventually turn her into the big bad at some point, especially if Galindo gets killed off. She's as cold as her husband.

I still love Coco Loco. And I wasn't familiar with Richard Cabral before this show - he has a hell of a background and I really admire how he turned his life around. He's a hell of an actor, and is so compelling on screen.

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On 10/31/2018 at 6:35 AM, Chaos Theory said:

Also I don’t think Emily is as stupid as some of you think she is.

I'm not sure we know enough about her to know whether she is dumb. What we know is that she was Ok benefiting from bloodshed as long as she was wealthy and safe. And now she has been forced to become more involved, and is inexperienced. Leaving the X-ray behind was clever, but also, if she knows how to manipulate anyone it would be her husband. So not sure that was an example of any more intelligence than she had already shown. We'll see how she does becoming a bigger part of a wider strategy.

On 10/31/2018 at 1:38 PM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Devante would have had his back until the end of time.

I knew he was gone as soon as Emily touched his shoulder in the study. Devante already had protested too much, and then the X-ray showed he outright lied to Galindo. No way he comes back from that. Add on the sacrifice to Adelita, and it was a done deal not long after this ep started.

On 11/1/2018 at 6:25 PM, lazylou said:

Potter’s demand that Angel and EZ kill their cousin will change everything

Potter is an idiot. If your goal is stability, and to profit from that, why have EZ kill an (ex?) federal agent? That's just stupid. Get your pieces set on the board, have the system up and running, and then, at some later date, go after the ex-agent if you have to.

On 11/2/2018 at 4:26 AM, icemiser69 said:

It is hard to care about any of these characters when they can't stop doing stupid shit.

That lesson from SOA came roaring back to me after 2-3 eps of Mayans. These guys are *in* an MC *because* they all do stupid shit. They can't control themselves, and some are just not very bright. There aren't many other places for them to go in society. Hell, they are suspicious of EZ because he clearly has a brain. So in effect, we are all watching a show about dimwits, bad tempers and misfits. And yeah, yeah, they are smart in other ways, like fixing bikes. I don't mean they are unable to function. I just mean they are outcasts because they don't fit anywhere else. This caused me endless issues in SOA with Maggie and Jax.

I liked about 45% of this ep, where we saw some strategy from Galindo and Potter. The MC members are just pawns. At least until Sutter pulls off his patented "MC miraculously outmaneuvers the smarties in ways that make little sense" move.

Edited by Ottis
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On 11/4/2018 at 2:39 PM, CrazyDog said:

Unpopular opinion, I actually love to hate Potter and his weird mannerisms. I am not going to mind the back and forth dance between him, and EZ and the Mayans, and Galindo. It reminds me of the Scofield/Mahone conflict in another ridiculous show, lol.

Not unpopular with me. Potter is the guy you love to hate. And you just have to nervously laugh at his quirks. I loved Scofield/Mahone conflict too. They are both those kind of relationships where both parties - even tho they're sworn enemies - have a modicum of respect for each other. (Kind of like in Fast & Furious movies too - Vin Diesel's character and the Rock's character have this kind of relationship. Always fun to watch.

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I really dislike Potter and EZ should have known better than to really think he was going to be free. Of course Potter was going to use what he did against him in one way or another. 

I'm kinda torn on how I feel about Angel. On one hand I get why he feels so betrayed by his family - finding out what was going on behind his back when the truth could mean his death is a huge thing. But then I sort of wish EZ would punch him a few times just for the heck of it.

Nestor's bubble being burst on moving up in the cartel bummed me out. Purely shallow reasoning but I love that dude and his awesome hair.

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So the killer was one of the non-local Mayans?  If so, was he acting alone or on orders from his club?  Or did he join the club sometime afterward, not knowing of the connection?  This does not bode well for EZ.  Of course, he could just tell Felipe, who would take care of it on the sly without a second's thought.

I'm pretty sure that Potter had planned for either EZ or Angel to arrive at the house to kill their target (forgot his name already), and the other agent would then kill him, tidying it up for Potter.  They're lucky they didn't get pulled over again in the van.

That kid was pretty damn young to be a prospect.

Were Devante and Sra. Galindo a couple at some point?  She's going to have a lot of bottled up anger against Miguel if so, even if he is her son.  I wonder if she'll just swallow it for the rest of her life or act on it some day.

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On 10/31/2018 at 12:38 PM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Speaking of Adelita, shouldn't she have had at least a little blood on her clothes after hacking a man's head off?

Finally, EZ's face always looks a little weird in the flashback sequences. Are they CGI-ing out his beard? 

Yeah, I thought she should have had splatter too.

I noticed it especially obvious in this episode; hadn't thought of it but that's probably what it is.

On 11/1/2018 at 7:23 AM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

When Galindo first floated the idea of joining forces with Adelita, Devante and his mom told him that his brother had actually died at the hands of Los Olividatos, and the stated death by pneumonia was just a ruse for Galindo's father to save face. But when Galindo was going through all the papers that the feds had left scattered when they tossed the room, he found his brother's medical files showing that he really had died of pneumonia, which means Devante and his mom were lying to him.

This whole plot point seems a forced and stupid way to draw the story out longer and have a twist betrayal just to get Devante out of the way so Emily can be the right hand and have more involvement. I don't hate it but I don't really think it makes a whole lot of sense, either; Making allies of your father's enemy seems a smart move when said enemy is blowing up facets of your operatrion....I don't know.... it just feels like there should be more to it than that.


10 hours ago, llewis823 said:

Not unpopular with me. Potter is the guy you love to hate.

Count me in on that too! He's infuriating but it's so much fun to watch how he get's people squirming, lol. Also, that's a great avatar. ;)

On 11/3/2018 at 9:38 PM, SimoneS said:

ordering EZ and Angel to kill their cousin has got to be a test from his warped sense of humor.

Yeah, what the hell was that all about?!  I can't see any reason for it unless he's paranoid the cousin might come after him for screwing him over or what he's doing hasn't been sanctioned and if the government gets wind of it he's fucked. Otherwise it makes no sense.

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The more I think about it the worse I feel about Felipe, Angel and EZ being willing to kill their cousin. They have no sense of family loyalty outside each other. Terrible. I don't hate them because of it, but when they get theirs, they will have it coming big time. 

I still feel like the leaders of the club and the club itself and Galindo are on a separate show to the Reyes and Adelita's rebels. I can't help wondering if there will eventually be a conflict between them. Angel and Adelita are growing closer. Angel will have to pick aside if her alliance with Galindo falls apart.

Edited by SimoneS
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I may be in the minority but I loved this episode.   I was a little surprised that they killed Jimenez but understand why they did it & why they didnt take out Potter. 

I loved seeing Happy & was quite surprised that he killed their mom.   I'm guessing maybe Clay or Gemma initiated the hit maybe because of Felipe?  I'm pretty sure Happy was part of Samcro when this happened & Jax wouldn't have been the one to put the hit out so it had to be Clay or Gemma (or maybe it will have nothing to do with Samcro???)

I do love the Reyes family dynamic so I hope the brothers work things out.

Side note - saw that the Samcro prospect is being played by Jack Nicholson's son & he should be back next season (guess hes friends with Kurt Sutter)

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Am I supposed to be okay with EZ and Angel murdering their cousin - somebody who had been trying to help EZ?  Somebody who had a family and was trying to leave town.  And the killing of the unfortunate DEA guy - he may not have been the brightest bulb but he certainly didn't deserve that fate.  After this episode I find both EZ and Angel repellent. They both make my skin crawl. Yuck.

Besides Coco, who I cannot dislike despite killing his mother which is probably more about the charisma and skill of the actor playing him for me I really only root for Adelita and her rebels.  As ruthless as she can be I find her love for "her" kids very touching.

All the rest of these characters - I am kind of observing them like some insects killing and devouring each other with abstract interest. That is all.

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I love Coco despite the matricide. His budding relationship with Leti is one of my favorite parts of the show. I think Richard Cabral (Coco) and Emily Tosta (Leti) are talented and make their story compelling. I absolutely love the scene where after he introduces her to his brother, Leti turns into his arms and Coco tentatively responds to her hug. I have watched it several times and it gets me every time. I was hoping that we would see Leti in the finale. Hopefully, she returns and gets more scenes next season.

I also love Adelita. I totally root for her, her rebels, and children. If she could stop the circle of violence and displacement, she would, but she knows it is useless. If they destroyed Galindo, someone just as brutal and ruthless would replace him. The corruption and violence that the people in Mexico and Central America are subjected to is relentless. She shouldn't trust Galindo for a minute and I don't think that she does. Hopefully, with Angel on the inside, she will get a heads up when Galindo decides to betray her.

Much to my surprise, I have come to love Angel also. Clayton Cardenas who plays Angel was so good last night. His reaction to his father asking about EZ after he tells him that his cousin is dead was crushing. It confirmed everything he believes, EZ is Felipe's favorite. I also liked his scene with Adelita. He turns to for her comfort and she responds. They clearly have feelings for each other. I am glad he rejected her offer to stay the night, they will have a better moment when he isn't so distraught.

Edited by SimoneS
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17 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

So the killer was one of the non-local Mayans?  If so, was he acting alone or on orders from his club?  Or did he join the club sometime afterward, not knowing of the connection?  This does not bode well for EZ.  Of course, he could just tell Felipe, who would take care of it on the sly without a second's thought.



Mrs. Reyes was killed  by Happy, a member of SOA.




17 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:


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I am waiting for her to turn into Gemma, it is bound to happen. 

That was my exact thought and I'm guessing Nestor might be an ally down the road. It'll be interesting to see if Emily is put in the crosshairs as being the reason things have changed.


8 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Clayton Cardenas who plays Angel was so good last night. His reaction to his father asking about EZ after he tells him that his cousin is dead was crushing.

I agree. It's the thing that keeps me from despising Angel. As insufferable as he is at times, knowing your own father was part of something that could have gotten you killed is huge. And it's not like the secret about EZ is ever going to go away, someone could find out at any time and Angel was absolutely right that the club would assume he'd known the whole time.

Alvarez leaving the club for the cartel was surprising. As weird as it sounds since it's called Mayans MC, but I feel like I know next to nothing about him from this show. 

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According to the show, EZ is the special son. He reads poetry like his father, has this amazing memory, and had a successful future ahead of him, but frankly, he just comes off like a fuck up to me. Look at how he accidently shoots the cop. RME. In contrast, Angel seems to have been a solid guy who could have taken over Felipe's butcher business or get a regular job and made a good life for himself , but instead he decides to join the Mayans. Did I miss the explanation for why he choose to join the Mayans? Was he a teen criminal?

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In contrast, Angel seems to have been a solid guy who could have taken over Felipe's butcher business or get a regular job and made a good life for himself , but instead he decides to join the Mayans. Did I miss the explanation for why he choose to join the Mayans? Was he a teen criminal?

I almost asked the same thing above. I don't remember hearing any real explanation for why Angel ended up where he did. 

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On 11/6/2018 at 9:25 PM, SimoneS said:

Eh, mediocre finale. I don't get why EZ and Angel didn't just kill Potter instead.

Honestly. The show went to great lengths to have Potter say how no one is minding the store. So whack him already.

On 11/7/2018 at 5:59 AM, icemiser69 said:

I am waiting for her to turn into Gemma, it is bound to happen.

Back after the second or third ep, I noted Dita is Gemma, EZ (and parts of Galindo, with his making the business legit push) is Jax and Emily is Maggie.  You can keep going with the SOA comparisons.

23 hours ago, magdalene said:

Am I supposed to be okay with EZ and Angel murdering their cousin - somebody who had been trying to help EZ?  Somebody who had a family and was trying to leave town. 

I love EJO, and like his character a lot. But it's hard to buy this "family is most important" theme he espouses, and his sons have taken as their own, when ALL of them are so quickly OK with murdering their own cousin. The show needed to do more with that. For instance, have Potter lie and tell them all that Jiminez was a rat or something, or killed someone important to the MC, and AFTER they kill him, they all learn Potter lied. That would have made way more sense. That seems like such an obvious and more consistent way to go. 

I thought the show was OK. I don't really care much about any of the characters. I felt for Felipe but the cousin murder cooled that. Angel? Maybe, given the position he has put in. But I overall enjoy the interactions and themes.

I never in a million years would have guessed that Happy, of all the SOA characters, would be the one to come back and play a key role in Mayans.

Edited by Ottis
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I think part of Adelita’s plan was to show exactly how vulnerable his organization is to chaos.  But telling him would not have been sufficient, he needed to feel their power. If they simply told him or made threats with no proof of their ability to follow through, the Galindo’s would have balked.  


And for the long game, before the rebels the cartel was an established organization that was living on it’s past reputation while attempting to put forward a more civil facade.  By making the cartel rely on violence to force obedience it left it open to exactly what Miguel’s wife feared.    In 2018, everyone’s actions are open for criticism.  The cartel is not used to it’s violent operating procedures being shown to a wide audience in a negative light.

Does the cartel have men who perform surveillance?  They seem to walk into situations with no clue. I think of when Arrow was training the Flash and said he had a tendency to go into situations blind.

the cartel does not need: additional lawyers, drug runners, guns - they need a good pr staff and someone in the inner circle who always thinks about the appearance of the cartel.  Lol

Oh and her having to show the scope of her groups knowledge of the cartel was funny.


Miguel” Ah is that all you can do?”


Adelita in two key strokes


Miguel, “Oh”.  Lol

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The thing I like about Kurt Sutter is that although he writes exceptionally male testosterone dominated shows he doesn't write weak or stupid women.   Emily may turn out to be exceptionally manipulative because that Xray found last? episode was rather convientant and she figured out EZ was the "beautiful mind" pretty quickly.  So I can see Sutter writing her as a mix between Tara and Gemma.     As for Adelita she makes and interesting character being she is so vicious.  She stood  toe to toe with Galindo and came out the other end.  I find it exceptionally interesting that he choose her over Potter.  Honestly I am looking forward to a scene between Emily and Adelita because Adelitia did steal Emily's kid.   Is there a price to pay for that in their world?  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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On 11/10/2018 at 3:33 PM, Chaos Theory said:

I find it exceptionally interesting that he choice her over Potter.  Honestly I am looking forward to a scene between Emily and Adelita because Adelitia did steal Emily's kid.   Is there a price to pay for that in their world?  

This is why I think that Galindo will eventually betray Adelita, maybe even try to turn her into Potter. No way does he let that go. 

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On 11/7/2018 at 9:49 AM, Princess Consuela said:

I loved seeing Happy & was quite surprised that he killed their mom.   I'm guessing maybe Clay or Gemma initiated the hit maybe because of Felipe?  I'm pretty sure Happy was part of Samcro when this happened & Jax wouldn't have been the one to put the hit out so it had to be Clay or Gemma (or maybe it will have nothing to do with Samcro???)

If this was a hit, I'm wondering what Clay or Gemma or anyone in Samcro would have to gain by killing Mrs. Reyes? Unless Happy went there to kill Felipe and ran into her instead. But still, this was way before EZ or Angel were part of the Mayans and AFAIK, Felipe was never part of Mayans so why have him killed? Unless this was a totally random accident. 

I liked the Angel/Adelita scene. I wanted them to kiss!

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I didn't see Adelita's plan as sloppy at all. I always saw her as several steps ahead of Galindo and his crew. It seemed obvious to me she owned the border guards - how else did she get in to see him when he was being held?

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On 10/23/2018 at 11:46 AM, Ottis said:

The way the show has depicted Adelita's planning has been sloppy. So now it turns out that Adelita *did* own some of the border workers, and held Galindo so she could approach him with his plan. That actually makes sense, but aside from a strange close up of the female border guard's name tag (Hernandez?) two episodes ago, it was unclear why Galindo was being kept, why his powerful lawyers weren't getting him out and why we had to sit through watching him in a holding cell, experiencing pee spray and taking out a fellow prisoner. The pieces were there. The way they were shown was incomplete and lazy.

That said, Adelita, if you want to strike a deal with Galindo, I'm not sure having him cool his heels in a holding cell for that long was a good idea. Why piss him off before offering a mutually beneficial path? I suppose the deal is why you didn't blow up his men at the warehouse.

Given how poorly the show has shown Adelita's plans, I'm going to assume that her "deal' is also some sort of long con. Because I cannot believe that the anger she has from seeing her family killed will allow her to let that go in the interest of cooperation.

Didn't SOA have its own Weird Fed Genius at some point, forcing Jax to do certain things? I vaguely recall that. Is this a recycled plot, with Mr. English?

Where is EJO going, loaded for bear?

Who is “Mr. English”?

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On 9/18/2018 at 5:48 AM, llewis823 said:

Not to mention, Gemma died before Jax. So she would not have been upset about his death. And of course, it was a flashback even so.

Truer words have never been written.  (About SoA vs. MMC, that is.)  😄

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On 9/21/2018 at 5:59 PM, SHD said:

Emily has an odd idea about what makes a good disguise.  Pretty much a hat, then? Yep, that should do it.

That's what I thought too!  With her long bleached-blonde locks flowing beneath a baseball cap, and a fashionable black hat at that.

I agree with the poster upthread who commented on her too-much-blush look.  Candy pink circles on her cheeks.

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Welcome back, show! So many talented actors. I like how they set up this season.

I am confident that Angel is the father of Adelita's baby. I don't know how they managed to keep that a secret, but kudos to them. Does Emily think that Miguel is the father? It was an odd question to ask unless she is planning to get revenge and kidnap Adelita's baby.

I was glad that the little girl was rescued before she was tortured. All these people are so fucking brutal. Using children to traffick drugs, these people are hardcore.

So mother Reyes' murder was a hit and EZ's presence spared Phillipe. I bet he did something horrible to Happy or someone he knew when he was a corrupt cop.

Potter is so freaking annoying. Honestly, I don't understand how he has stayed alive so long. CIA or no CIA, someone would have put a cap in his ass long ago.

The story with Miguel's mother seems unnecessary. What is up with all those burns? Was she kidnapped and tortured?

Edited by SimoneS
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This show is alot more hardcore the SOA ever was and it better for it.  SOA was always fine running guns but drugs was a bridge to far until it wasn’t and that is when shit went bad for them.

Anyway I am still enjoying the show but still am having the same problems I had last season.   Not enough female representation.   One of my favorite storylines of SOA was the continuing battle between Gemma and Tara but that is lacking here.    EZ is far too much of a statue it is hard to know what he is thinking and the Two brothers at war thing going on with Angel gets tiring.   Still I do enjoy the show.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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14 hours ago, SimoneS said:

The story with Miguel's mother seems unnecessary. What is up with all those burns? Was she kidnapped and tortured?

Emily is going over plans to rebuild a house (their own or one on their property?).  One of the scenes showed them sitting next to some charred beams.  Maybe Dita somehow started a fire in the house and it burned her?  Maybe it's related to the "getting worse" comment?   A lot left unexplained there, or I missed a lot.

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8 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Anyway I am still enjoying the show but still am having the same problems I had last season.   Not enough female representation.   One of my favorite storylines of SOA was the confined battle between Gemma and Tara but that is lacking here.  

Maybe they are trying to replicate that battle with Emily and Dita. It isn't working though. I would prefer that Adelita have a more central role. She is a woman with power. She leads a revolution with thousands of people and is partners with a major drug trafficker. We should see more of her in action. It is isn't like she is sitting around with her feet up because she is pregnant and on the run from the CIA. 

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I still don't care for Emily. I wish they would give some of her screen time to Adelita.  I guess we are supposed to wonder whether the father of Adelita's baby is Miguel.  Emily certainly is wondering.  I don't think it's Miguel.  I am guessing it may be Angel.

In a show where all the main characters are criminals I find "good guy" Potter the most repellent.  I certainly didn't need to know that he was a bed wetter.

On this show obviously being bad comes in degrees - there are the mercs who were willing to to torture a young girl and then there are our guys who killed the mercs to save the girl. This is why I can continue to root for a bunch of murdering drug runners.

They mentioned that Miguel and Emily lost some property to wild fires.  Maybe Dita was injured there.  After seeing her back why isn't she in a hospital burn unit being treated and getting skin grafts?

I miss the first season version of the theme song.

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 I miss the old theme song. This one is pretty good, but the one last season captured the tone of the show better. 

Still glad to have this show back! I am betting that Adelita's baby is Angels, or at least I kind of hope it is, they were an interesting couple last season and I hope we see more of them. Adelita is a serious badass, she wont let being several months pregnant get in the way of her organization.

Angel needs to stop being such a whiner about being mad at EZ, its just getting embarrassing now. It was almost hilarious at the meeting when some of the guys were complimenting EZ, and Angel was muttering "Golden Boy" like a petulant ten year old. Dude, they have a drug smuggling motorcycle gang to run, they dont care who dad liked best!

Glad that they saved the little girl from getting tortured, its probably what makes the Mayans still seem like the good guys in all of this. Yeah they're murderous drug dealers, but at least they try not to torture and kill kids, which really does separate them from a lot of factions on this show!

Potter is such a piece of crap, I hope someone kills him soon. On the show full of criminals and killers, he still comes off as one of the least likable people around. Maybe because he can hide behind the power of the US government, while everyone else is pretty upfront about who they are. 

Who knew that biker gangs were into death by poetic irony? 

So Happy didnt kill Mrs. Reyes in a botched robbery, it was a hit of some kind? Or did Philipe do something to him or someone he knows?

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11 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Still glad to have this show back! I am betting that Adelita's baby is Angels, or at least I kind of hope it is, they were an interesting couple last season and I hope we see more of them. Adelita is a serious badass, she wont let being several months pregnant get in the way of her organization.

Angel needs to stop being such a whiner about being mad at EZ, its just getting embarrassing now. It was almost hilarious at the meeting when some of the guys were complimenting EZ, and Angel was muttering "Golden Boy" like a petulant ten year old. Dude, they have a drug smuggling motorcycle gang to run, they dont care who dad liked best!

I think it may be Angel as well, they were definitely heading into romance territory last season and they shared a cute smile in the beginning of the episode while in the van. But Miguel did have a look when Emily asked him about it so they may be trying to throw us off. 

I had to laugh at the rest of the MC discussing Angel and EZ's issues and Bishop saying "I'm starting to feel like their fucking mother."

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On 9/4/2019 at 12:41 PM, Dowel Jones said:

Emily is going over plans to rebuild a house (their own or one on their property?).  One of the scenes showed them sitting next to some charred beams.  Maybe Dita somehow started a fire in the house and it burned her?  Maybe it's related to the "getting worse" comment?   A lot left unexplained there, or I missed a lot.

Man, was I happy to read this. I kept thinking “Did I forget a whole storyline from last year where we saw their house burn down?”

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S2 is off to a good and interesting start.  I think Emily is jealous of Adelito and Miguel's involvement with the whole alliance with the Rebels and Mayans, spending time away from her.  Adelito's baby is probably Angel's but it's interesting Emily is suspicious of her husband.

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Really intriguing opener for the season.  So many questions!!

Adelita's baby daddy-Might not be Miguel, but he's obviously slept with her and it's a possibility, based on the look and reaction when Emily asked him.  That could be enough for her to run straight into EZ's arms.  Lots of ways this could play out.

Fire-That whole fire/rebuilding project Emily is working on has me confused (as the writers wanted, lol)  I originally thought the rebuild was from the commercial properties that Adelita blew up last season to show Miguel how far her reach was.  But not sure now.

Dita and her burns- WTF??  Also, I don't recall so much hostility between her and Emily last season.  They seemed rather close. Also, her parting comment when leaving for the doctor appt., "I might be getting worse" She is lurking and listening to everything Emily says.  She was referring to when Emily told her hubby that.  Whole thing is weird! Those burns were awful!

Angel is a crybaby!  I'm getting kind of sick of his "Daddy loves you more" crap.  Seems like the club is sick of it too, but they put it on EZ to resolve.

It is refreshing to hear them drop actual F-bombs instead of "Jesus Christ" every other word, which never sounded right.  Guess FX changed their standards in the years since SOA wrapped up.

Was nice to see Happy & Chucky...  Happy was looking really old since SOA days I thought.  Killing Marisol is going to be an ugly story line.  Happy's face when the dad showed up was very telling.

Read somewhere that the SOA guy with Happy in the scene with Chucky is Jack Nicholson's real life son.

Alvarez looks great in a suit! I've always liked Alvarez but was reminded recently that he killed his own son in season 1 of SOA to appease the Sons.  Had forgotten about that.

There is all my rambling thoughts, lol!  Anxious for next week!

Edited by SuzieQ
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I can never tell when the show is trying to be clever but isn't (Miguel as the father of Adelita's baby? Why, what motive? It has to be Angel, is that the name of EZs brother?), or just stupid (so some bikers take out special forces mercs, including hand to hand? No) or just incompetent (Dita has horrific burns, never seen before, on only one side of her body and is somehow "getting worse" maybe mentally, and Emily is rebuilding a burned house ... are they connected? Unclear). 

Add that to te over-the-top macho posturing (bikes! snakes! drinkin'! vague threats!)  and I usually spend a good bit of the show chuckling.

Mayans is completely missing the hook of SOA (Jax trying to get out with his girlfriend), so Potter and EZ and Angel and the gang stuff is all pretty much a death spiral for all involved. So why not enjoy it.

That said, I admit to feeling disappointed when the drugs showed up. I know these are bad guys, but I liked them better doing illegal things other than drugs.

On 9/4/2019 at 9:30 PM, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Emily isn't as bad ass as she appears to think.

Emily isn't as *anything* as she appears to think. For some reason she chose Miguel. And for some reason Miguel seems to actually care about her, even baby her. And I don't know why.

Edited by Ottis
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1 hour ago, Ottis said:

Emily isn't as *anything* as she appears to think. For some reason she chose Miguel. And for some reason Miguel seems to actually care about her, even baby her. And I don't know why.

That relationship might make more sense if we saw even a glimpse of the origin of it.  Going from someone slated for an IVY league school to a cartel king is a big enough leap where they should give us something that makes it believable.

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13 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

Adelita's baby daddy-Might not be Miguels, but he's obviously slept with her and it's a possibility, based on the look and reaction when Emily asked him.  That could be enough for her to run straight into EZ's arms.  Lots of ways this could play out.

I didn't get even a hint that Miguel had sex with Adelita from his reaction to Emily's question. He merely looked perplexed at the question. 

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The CIA's net is closing on Adelita and Mayans. They are going to have to do something about the Mercenaries before it is too late. 

As I predicted, Angel is the father of Adelita's baby. I wish we got to see their romance. I like them as a couple. Poor Mini. She has been through it. At least, she is reunited with Adelita. 

Angel bonding with EZ was surprisingly fun and touching. How fast are their bikes? It doesn't look like they can out race anything. I know nothing about motorcycles.

So Dita knew Felipe from before his new identity in America. Small world. Did she ever find out what? I really hope Miguel isn't Felipe's son because it would be just too soapy for words.

Too bad hot Medina got killed off so quickly. I like the actor. I have seen him in other shows.

Edited by SimoneS
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That short conversation between Adelita and Angel has me more convinced he's not the father.  She was totally evasive.  Maybe she doesn't even know? I felt bad for Angel as he will be crushed.

Dita going to see Felipe was interesting!  Felipe is either Miguel's father or his dead brother's father I'm thinking.

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Riding a motorcycle from Santo Padre to Stockton?  8 hours?  I'd be a little grouchy whenever I stopped, too.

Looks like another story arc coming up.  I presume to hooker was left alive and she will talk to the Mayans as to who the two cops were.  That won't end well.

What is going on with Dita?  Give us some hints, at least.

Emily isn't afraid to throw her Felipe weight around, isn't she?  Of course, as Felipe said, that's how execs get things done.  Now, I'm sure that Bezos or Zuckerman don't have people killed, but I'm equally sure they have local politicians bent to their will simply by implying what money can do.  So I wasn't completely awed by that display. 

Are Adelita and Mini on the Mexican side of the border?  It would seem that biker gangs clubs and burly white guys asking questions about a girl and a woman might attract undue attention.

Who in their right mind would use a car tracker with a bright red LED light?

22 hours ago, SimoneS said:

How fast are their bikes? It doesn't look like they can out race anything

Certainly they're not as fast as the crotch rockets that the frat boy gang was riding, but the look and the sound are distinctly Harley Davidson, and that's what counts in that world.  I know it was necessary for the plot, but I can't believe that two CHPs got outflanked by the bikers.  On another note, now it looks like the Mayans are losing their routes.  They can't go through the Inland Empire (Riverside/San Bernardino), they can't go across on I-10 to LA; they'll have to go all the way over San Diego and come up I-5.  Poor boys.

"Prospect.  Recycle that shit."  Heh.

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