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Small Talk: Grab A Bottle

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I know many posters on here take Kratom for various reasons and I have a quick question. I don’t want to tag anyone in case they told me in private that they’re a Kratom user so I hope they stumble upon this post.

Have any of you have had an experience where the Kratom helped mask or alleviate cold/flu symptoms??

A few months ago I got the flu real bad and I remember taking my Kratom and feeling a bit better minus cold/flu medicine. I just chalked it up to being a short cold and thought nothing of the relation to Kratom. Bought some NyQuil and the rest is history.

Fast forward to this week and I got hit with the WORST cold/flu/strep throat thingy, I don’t know what I’m dealing with right now except I wake up in hot sweats at 3am with my throat feeling like there’s a porcupine in it. Hot and cold chills. Body so hot you can cook an egg on it and a badly congested nose that won’t stop running. Gross. 

Well anyways, I’m having such a busy week that I don’t have time to go to the pharmacy to pick up some NyQuil or any medicine (posting this while my child is with the dentist) so the only thing I’m taking is Kratom and right when the Kratom kicks in my symptoms go away almost ? 

I take the Kratom for my back problem but I’m starting to wonder if it has cold virus healing properties. Anywho, just wanted to see if others experienced the same. If so, that’s awesome! NyQuil is expensive. 

Thanks in advance.

  • Love 5
On 5/10/2018 at 1:06 PM, Calm81 said:

I know many posters on here take Kratom for various reasons and I have a quick question. I don’t want to tag anyone in case they told me in private that they’re a Kratom user so I hope they stumble upon this post.

Have any of you have had an experience where the Kratom helped mask or alleviate cold/flu symptoms??

A few months ago I got the flu real bad and I remember taking my Kratom and feeling a bit better minus cold/flu medicine. I just chalked it up to being a short cold and thought nothing of the relation to Kratom. Bought some NyQuil and the rest is history.

Fast forward to this week and I got hit with the WORST cold/flu/strep throat thingy, I don’t know what I’m dealing with right now except I wake up in hot sweats at 3am with my throat feeling like there’s a porcupine in it. Hot and cold chills. Body so hot you can cook an egg on it and a badly congested nose that won’t stop running. Gross. 

Well anyways, I’m having such a busy week that I don’t have time to go to the pharmacy to pick up some NyQuil or any medicine (posting this while my child is with the dentist) so the only thing I’m taking is Kratom and right when the Kratom kicks in my symptoms go away almost ? 

I take the Kratom for my back problem but I’m starting to wonder if it has cold virus healing properties. Anywho, just wanted to see if others experienced the same. If so, that’s awesome! NyQuil is expensive. 

Thanks in advance.

Kratom has definitely made the flu easier for me. This time around, I didn't even take Nyquil or anything, I just increased my kratom intake. Same for my kidney infection-no Tylenol or anything else gave me the relief like kratom. A slightly higher dose helped me sleep too.

  • Love 2
On 5/15/2018 at 5:08 PM, Claire85 said:

@mamadrama What’s the latest news on Stubby? 

Stubby is doing great! She is 8 weeks old now, but still the size of a 4-week-old kitten. She's so cute when she runs, she kind of moves like a rabbit and "hops" along. She likes playing in boxes so my son took a Pepsi 12-pack box and made her  "house." He cut a window and door in it. She moved right in, even took some toys in there with her. Whenever we want to find her we go and knock on her "door." It's pretty cute. I've been working on making a video of it. 


Do any of you remember that book I was writing about the town where the urban legends, Appalachian folktales, and superstitions come to life? It FINALLY came out. Man, that thing was a pain in the ass to write but once it was finished I wound up liking it. It came out 2 days ago and I got my first review today: "I am enchanted! I read the entire book in one setting! I can hardly stand to wait for the next one! Excellent book, as always!" I am sharing that with you all because this is one book in which I feel like I EARNED the darn review. It took me almost a year to do all the research for it and to get a coherent story together. :-)

  • Love 13

Thanks guys! I really tried hard with that one. Some come easier than others; that one certainly made me work for it. 

I'm trying to figure out if I should submit my husband and kids to an ER visit or if this is something that could hold off until Tuesday (everything's closed tomorrow). I was up all night and all morning vomiting undigested food from 24-36 hours before. I have a history of bowel obstructions (endometriosis and scar tissue make my intestines wonky) but I can't decide is this is one of my "normal" things or if there's really something bad going on in the digestive system. The last time my stomach started hurting and I took some Tums and laid down to "sleep it off" it was my appendix rupturing but,good grief, we spend so much time in the damn hospital that the last time I hosted a publishing workshop, half of the attendees were ER staff members. 

  • Love 1

I still feel crummy but put that on the back burner when my daughter wound up sick the next day. When we took her into the ER (you're right, @Kazu, I won't hesitate to take a family member) she had a temp of 104. They diagnosed her with a kidney infection as well as ileitis. I had never even heard of ileitis until I had it myself 3 years ago and spent a week in the hospital with it. They gave her antibiotics through the IV and brought her fever down. We've been home from the hospital for a day but her fever still keeps spiking to 103. Her kindergarten graduation is tomorrow and I told her I'd take her anyway, even if I have to carry her across the stage. Her birthday is next week and she's stressing about not getting her invitations out to her little friends on time. She's pretty miserable right now, though. This is a kid who's usually bouncing off the walls, teaching our cats circus tricks and pretending to direct her own You Tube videos. I hate seeing her sick. 

sick iris.jpg

  • Love 5

Hi all!!

Just checking in.   

I am going on week 3 of my new job.  It's okay but I miss my old job (mostly the kids).  This place is a 1 minute drive from my house and I am doing overnight shifts so I have a lot more time with my family which is what I wanted if I am not going to be climbing up the job ladder in the next few years.   So I'll have lots of time to float around the forums!!


Hope all is well with you all.

  • Love 9

Cross-posted from the TM2 small talk thread, since I know not all buddies here follow there- 

Buddies! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long! I’ve missed y’all! Thank you so much for all the love & thoughts! I’m sorry that I wasn’t here for a while to tell y’all I’m okay! 

It’s been a month since my  oophorectomy & hysterectomy. The recovery hasn’t been quite as easy as I hoped - one of my incisions on my stomach split open a week post-op & was infected (but is now much better). I saw my doctor this past week & my internal incision (at the top of my vagina) isn’t healing as quickly as it should. She thinks this is because I was severely anemic for months prior, so my internal areas are taking longer to heal. I have to continue to rest & still can’t lift my toddlers. But I can drive, so yay for that. I’ve been much more tired than I expected in the weeks after surgery, even too tired to really follow TM drama....but each day I feel stronger. 

While my doctor did the surgery because of my ovaries, the pathology on my uterus showed pre-cancerous cells (even though a previous uterine biopsy came back normal), adenomyosis (which is essentially endometriosis inside the uterus; it probably caused my severe anemia), & my uterus was slightly enlarged. I‘m so thankful for my doctors who told me what I was experiencing was not normal & took my family history of ovarian & endometrial cancer seriously. They saved my life. Because they were proactive, they got it all and took out my uterus with pre-cancerous cells (& that had caused my anemia). I don’t have to have chemo or radiation or anything - YAY! I do have to see the hematologist-oncologist again in a few months for a check-up, though.

I can’t find the words to express how thankful & overwhelmed with love I am for everything ya’ll have done for my family & me. Thank you, friends & family, for the well wishes, love, support, donations, & messages. I’m sorry for not individually thanking everyone, but please know that I am so very thankful to all of ya’ll here. 

Thank you all again. I am so lucky for so many reasons - many of those reasons are YA’LL.  

I’m sorry if this was random gibberish - I hope it makes some sense. I’m really at a loss for words for how thankful and lucky I am. 

  • Love 13
On 6/9/2018 at 4:17 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Cross-posted from the TM2 small talk thread, since I know not all buddies here follow there- 

Buddies! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long! I’ve missed y’all! Thank you so much for all the love & thoughts! I’m sorry that I wasn’t here for a while to tell y’all I’m okay! 

It’s been a month since my  oophorectomy & hysterectomy. The recovery hasn’t been quite as easy as I hoped - one of my incisions on my stomach split open a week post-op & was infected (but is now much better). I saw my doctor this past week & my internal incision (at the top of my vagina) isn’t healing as quickly as it should. She thinks this is because I was severely anemic for months prior, so my internal areas are taking longer to heal. I have to continue to rest & still can’t lift my toddlers. But I can drive, so yay for that. I’ve been much more tired than I expected in the weeks after surgery, even too tired to really follow TM drama....but each day I feel stronger. 

While my doctor did the surgery because of my ovaries, the pathology on my uterus showed pre-cancerous cells (even though a previous uterine biopsy came back normal), adenomyosis (which is essentially endometriosis inside the uterus; it probably caused my severe anemia), & my uterus was slightly enlarged. I‘m so thankful for my doctors who told me what I was experiencing was not normal & took my family history of ovarian & endometrial cancer seriously. They saved my life. Because they were proactive, they got it all and took out my uterus with pre-cancerous cells (& that had caused my anemia). I don’t have to have chemo or radiation or anything - YAY! I do have to see the hematologist-oncologist again in a few months for a check-up, though.

I can’t find the words to express how thankful & overwhelmed with love I am for everything ya’ll have done for my family & me. Thank you, friends & family, for the well wishes, love, support, donations, & messages. I’m sorry for not individually thanking everyone, but please know that I am so very thankful to all of ya’ll here. 

Thank you all again. I am so lucky for so many reasons - many of those reasons are YA’LL.  

I’m sorry if this was random gibberish - I hope it makes some sense. I’m really at a loss for words for how thankful and lucky I am. 

Welcome back!

I had a hysterectomy a few  years ago, I also had adenomyosis and the only treatment is a hysterectomy, although my uterus ruptured before the surgery was scheduled. I think that's THE most difficult surgery I've had. Even my brain surgery had an easier recovery. Honestly, it took about 6 months before I felt "normal" again, so please do take it easy! Don't try to be a hero with the pain pills. This is the one time you can pop them without guilt. :-) Drop in and catch up when you feel like it! We love you!

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Welcome back!

I had a hysterectomy a few  years ago, I also had adenomyosis and the only treatment is a hysterectomy, although my uterus ruptured before the surgery was scheduled. I think that's THE most difficult surgery I've had.

I have that.  It's awful....as in, made a mess at work on a conference-room chair and was trying to clean it off in front of a bunch of people waiting to get in to use the room.  (Mister said, "it could've been worse.  It could've been poop."  That is why I keep him)

I'm gonna be 50 in October, so I'm hoping that I'll have menopause soon (it's been irregular, albeit a flood, for the past couple years) and the problem will take care of itself.

  • Love 4

Went to 4-H camp with my daughter over the weekend. She's 6 so I can go as an adult leader and stay in the cabin with her. We went last year and had a ball. This time was no so great, though. The other kids were either bullying her or completely ignoring her and I just about lost my shit. (Okay, I DID lose it a few times.) God, I am still so angry. It went on in front of multiple adults, too, and I was the only one trying to stop it so, of course, I got labeled and "mean" and "difficult." It angered me to hear them calling her names but it absolutely broke my heart to see her eating at a table alone, walking 20 feet behind the rest of her group, or playing by herself because none of the other kids wanted to be near her. If I hadn't been there, she'd have been completely by herself. I might have actually killed someone. 

Ugh, and the worst part was that sometimes she couldn't tell when they were being mean to her so she thought they were her friends. 

They were bullying her because she dresses in "boys' clothes". That's basically it. Her hair is down to her waist and she has a very "feminine" looking face but, for some reason, they were making fun of her for being "ugly" and for "being a boy." (I mean, at age 6, shorts are shorts.) She gets this a lot, and we don't understand it. Her cabin mates were taunting her and saying, "You shouldn't be in here, you're a boy! Go sleep outside by yourself" and shit. 

God, it's STILL making me mad. 

And I know she's my kid and all, but my daughter is beautiful. She really is. She is crazy creative and has a gentle spirit and a wicked sense of humor. She just doesn't like the color pink, thinks all wolves are superior to people, and occasionally forms a crucifix with her fingers when we pass the Barbie aisle. If you've seen my Stubby page then you probably already know who I am anyway, so I'll share her picture. She's mine, but she's gorgeous. I love this little face. 

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  • Love 9

@mamadrama Your daughter is beautiful! 

When I was a kid someone actually said to my Mother "oh I heard you get along great with everyone unless they mess with your children. Then you will will have a huge problem with that person" her answer was of course you will! If I am not the one defending my child who will you dumb fuck?! (paraphrased a bit it's be 30+ years) 

I am so sorry you had to deal with these horrible, nasty people. I am glad however that you were there for her. 

Edited by badhaggis
Spell check hates me
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Went to 4-H camp with my daughter over the weekend. She's 6 so I can go as an adult leader and stay in the cabin with her. We went last year and had a ball. This time was no so great, though. The other kids were either bullying her or completely ignoring her and I just about lost my shit. (Okay, I DID lose it a few times.) God, I am still so angry. It went on in front of multiple adults, too, and I was the only one trying to stop it so, of course, I got labeled and "mean" and "difficult." It angered me to hear them calling her names but it absolutely broke my heart to see her eating at a table alone, walking 20 feet behind the rest of her group, or playing by herself because none of the other kids wanted to be near her. If I hadn't been there, she'd have been completely by herself. I might have actually killed someone. 

Ugh, and the worst part was that sometimes she couldn't tell when they were being mean to her so she thought they were her friends. 

They were bullying her because she dresses in "boys' clothes". That's basically it. Her hair is down to her waist and she has a very "feminine" looking face but, for some reason, they were making fun of her for being "ugly" and for "being a boy." (I mean, at age 6, shorts are shorts.) She gets this a lot, and we don't understand it. Her cabin mates were taunting her and saying, "You shouldn't be in here, you're a boy! Go sleep outside by yourself" and shit. 

God, it's STILL making me mad. 

And I know she's my kid and all, but my daughter is beautiful. She really is. She is crazy creative and has a gentle spirit and a wicked sense of humor. She just doesn't like the color pink, thinks all wolves are superior to people, and occasionally forms a crucifix with her fingers when we pass the Barbie aisle. If you've seen my Stubby page then you probably already know who I am anyway, so I'll share her picture. She's mine, but she's gorgeous. I love this little face. 

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She’s a cutie. No matter what a child looks like, though, it’s awful how the other children acted.  Hugs to both of you!

  • Love 4

That makes me sooo angry. I never would have realized that bullying starts so young if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. 

My daughter is 6 and on the spectrum. She has a lot of issues with social interactions. She can be "a bit much", to put it mildly. She just wants to play with people, but she can't read social cues and has non-existent boundaries. She will just climb right in a stranger's lap. I try to stay near and help her navigate, but a lot of the times it just doesn't go well. Other kids don't get it and are mean to her. 

She is homeschooled (as are all of my kids); so, thankfully, this isn't something she deals with on a daily basis. But we go to the pool several times a week and she often ends up sitting alone and crying. I just wish parents taught their children to be more understanding and compassionate. I know she's different or even "weird", but she's sweet if you give her a chance. 

I just figured kids her age just want to have fun and wouldn't be bothered by her quirks. But no. That pack mentality (where someone has to be on bottom) apparently comes out very early. 

And, hell, I had TEENAGERS fucking acting rude to her at the pool on Friday! Oooooh, damn. If cutting a bitch wasn't illegal.....


I'm so sorry your daughter experienced that. Camp should be fun! She's a beautiful little girl; and so smart and thoughtful, based on all the stories you've shared. 

  • Love 6

Thanks guys. I'm still pretty upset. And yeah, it was the overall bullying that was the problem. It was not okay, regardless as to what she looks like. That type of behavior wasn't acceptable period. I couldn't believe that the kids were acting like that, and so blatantly in front of me, but I also couldn't believe how blase the other adults were about it. Ugh. She's moved on, of course. I'm the one that's still upset. 

  • Love 5

You did great @mamadrama! I would have taken my daughter and left. The other parents did nothing to stop their hellions? Let me just tell you if I saw/heard my daughter giving someone a hard time SHE would be getting the business infront of everyone. Said daughter was bullied and it was so hard in high school I was a wreck every day as well. It was eons ago and I'm STILL mad. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

You did great @mamadrama! I would have taken my daughter and left. The other parents did nothing to stop their hellions? Let me just tell you if I saw/heard my daughter giving someone a hard time SHE would be getting the business infront of everyone. Said daughter was bullied and it was so hard in high school I was a wreck every day as well. It was eons ago and I'm STILL mad. 

I was the only parent there. This was 4-H camp and because my daughter is 6, she goes to a special "Cloverbud" camp for 5-8 year olds. It lasts 3 days instead of 5. For $120, parents are allowed to attend camp with their child, but we have to act as adult leaders. My job was to essentially lead my cabin group from one activity (canoeing, low ropes, crafts, swimming, etc) to the next each day and to see to their overall needs. There was one other adult in my cabin, along with a teen counselor in training. Then, of course, each activity had adult counselors. This is the second year we've gone and I have been the only parent to take them up on the thing both times. The other adult leader in our group witnessed everything that happened, and she turned out to be one of the main problems. (And I am going to address this with the director.) Various other counselors at the activities also witnessed things, but only the canoeing woman intervened. 

We were separated into cabins by county so all the girls in my cabin are from my small county. I hate to cause any drama with any parents around here (we all know each other) but the behavior was unacceptable. In addition, those counselors need further training on how to spot and react to bullying, as well as how to look for kids who are being singled out and left alone. When they weren't actively bullying my daughter, they were completely ignoring her, which was almost worse. Seeing her sitting at her little lunch table all alone or walking 30 feet behind the others, alone, kind of hurt my heart. I finally just said "fuck it" and devoted all my energy to her. I just let the other adult deal with the rest of the kids. In the end, she and I had a GREAT time, but it was just the two of us. 

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All this bitching about the camp, I let this date sneak up on me. My littlest man's birthday fell at 1am this morning. He would be 8 today, if he'd lived. I can't believe it's already been 8 years. My husband remembers July 5th as a happy day, but I don't. For me, it just starts a timer until the end of August. I wish I could remember every day that he was alive. I don't. I can't even remember his last day. Grief has blocked so much of that time out. For such a long time, the GOOD memories hurt worse than the bad ones, so in trying to trick my mind I went too far and now I have trouble remembering some of him at all. I do remember that he laughed during that last week, though. I'm glad he got to do that. 


  • Love 6
4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

All this bitching about the camp, I let this date sneak up on me. My littlest man's birthday fell at 1am this morning. He would be 8 today, if he'd lived. I can't believe it's already been 8 years. My husband remembers July 5th as a happy day, but I don't. For me, it just starts a timer until the end of August. I wish I could remember every day that he was alive. I don't. I can't even remember his last day. Grief has blocked so much of that time out. For such a long time, the GOOD memories hurt worse than the bad ones, so in trying to trick my mind I went too far and now I have trouble remembering some of him at all. I do remember that he laughed during that last week, though. I'm glad he got to do that. 


Hugs and good thoughts going out to you.

  • Love 3

@mamadrama your daughter has the most beautiful head of hair - kinda reminds me of the girl from brave but with blonde hair instead of red. Those kids at the camp are just mirroring what they see from their parents when someone doesn’t “fit in” with the “norm.” I wish I could hug her, my son is also six and got a little taste of bullying this year because he likes to carry on about dinosaurs nonstop. I’m sorry her camping experience was tainted. Hugs.

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