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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Sequel

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12 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

If Maya is Olicity’s kid I think it could be fun if maybe her reveal could have something to do with the DNA tech Felicity is working on in present day. If maybe there’s something that needs to be unlocked and only the child of both Oliver and Felicity could open it.

Or maybe that whole DNA bit in last night’s episode is just to setup the Emiko DNA reveal.

Good idea. I was thinking  that maybe they had that scene cause In the FF something similar happens to reveal Blackstar is Olicity Child 

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think the security system Felicity's working on is going to be the foundation for Smoak Tech. 

I'm thinking this, too, but I could see them using something like that to reveal Maya's identity in 716, which would mean that her last name would have to be recognizable. The system could be Smoak Tech-related, but it could also be the foundation of something in the future, maybe even in the Glades, since everything's so nice and shiny there. 

Or they could use it to reveal Felicity's alive somehow? Maybe the future group come across some lock or whatever and check who was the last person to open it and it says Felicity and it's not something that could've been unopened in the time between her "death" and whenever that is? Or could do the same with Oliver, too. 

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6 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I'm thinking this, too, but I could see them using something like that to reveal Maya's identity in 716, which would mean that her last name would have to be recognizable. The system could be Smoak Tech-related, but it could also be the foundation of something in the future, maybe even in the Glades, since everything's so nice and shiny there. 

It could be both. Assuming the Archer system they talked about last night is a Smoak Tech special, that was focused on security as well. She also had a hidden wall safe in her office that William hacked into. They're definitely laying the groundwork for Felicity's company to specialize in security, and she has the motivation to do that kind of work, which they've laid out this season too. It could also be that the system she's working on is pulling double duty - for her company and for a future reveal.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I still haven't watched 7x10 but I was reading the live thread. 

Are they trying to say something about Dinah?

Based on his reaction to Felicity's "death", I've seen a lot of spec that he may be on Felicity's side. Assuming that's true, then that means both of the people working with Felicity (I'm counting Maya) are hostile to Dinah. 

And then consider the possibility that Felicity did sent William to find Roy for help. She went to her estranged son for help instead of Dinah.

And about the Canaries network, I hope the multiple Canaries thing doesn't start with Siren. How dumb would it be to turn the redeemed Siren into Siren Canary.  

Maybe Curtis doesn't die. We know that Evan Roderick, the actor who plays his bf Nick, has already gotten a starring role on a Netflix drama, Spinning Out, and now it looks like Evan has already moved to Toronto. So maybe Curtis and Nick move away from Star City - or Nick dies and Curtis asks to transfer to an ARGUS facility in another city.

I don't know what to make of SS moving to L.A. in two weeks. Is she going to commute back and forth to Vancouver? Or is her story arc on Arrow over by 717?

Edited by tv echo
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This is CBR's full interview with Beth Schwartz (expanding the Jan. 18, 2019 CBR article that was previously posted upthread) - I only quoted new comments...

Arrow: How the New Green Arrow Challenges the Queen Family Legacy
by Meagan Damore – on Jan 21, 2019 


CBR: What drew you to Emiko Queen?
[Beth] Schwartz:
Well, the fact that she's a member of the Queen family is number one. I always love the dynamic between the family. All of our family stories on the show is something that I love the most, and so having another sibling out there in the world... I felt it was definitely time to bring her in.

On the series to date, she hasn't interacted much with Oliver. What can you tease about their dynamic and how it evolves moving forward?
In [episode] 10, Oliver is going to learn more about what happened, how Robert kind of -- being such a great dad [laughs] -- has sort of abandoned this other family: Emiko and her mother. And Oliver has got to grapple, kind of, with this. He takes it on himself, as he does, as our hero that we love, that he feels guilty for what his father did and he's going to try to redeem his family, redeem what his father did and try to make it up to her, even though that's a very hard thing to do. So he's going to want to fully embrace her into the family, and she is not going to be so easy, because she obviously has a lot of negative feelings towards his family.

For quite some time, the show was known for its flashback sequences. Could we see a return to that for Emiko's backstory?
We definitely will get to see some of her backstory, of how she got to where she is, for sure.
*  *  *
Meanwhile, in the present day, Oliver is starting to work as Green Arrow with the SCPD. How is this transition from secret life to outed vigilante going for him?
Well, nothing is very easy for Oliver Queen. [laughs] So there's definitely going to be some consequences to him having his identity out there and working publicly with the SCPD. Not everyone thinks this is the best idea and we'll definitely see some conflict there, as well him trying to work alongside the SCPD, obviously they have very different styles, so that will also bring some conflict.

The synopsis for tonight's episode [710] revealed that Oliver is "focusing on his marriage with Felicity." What does that look like?
After they sort of made amends in the crossover episode and Oliver was really able to see her for everything she's been through since he was in prison and they came to this great understanding, they're in a very good place in their marriage. And then, when he finds out about his half-sister, Felicity is just there for him as his wife, because obviously this is a hard realization for him.

Will we see more solo stories for Felicity as we move into the back half of the season?
We're going to see both. We're going to see what -- she has defined her purpose, now that Oliver is back. Everyone was able to focus on themselves when Oliver was in prison, but she was so focused on her family and getting Oliver out of prison. So now that he is out of prison, she's going to get back to what makes her a hero, so we'll definitely focus on that and also the origins of Smoak Tech, which is exciting, but she'll also be part of the team as well. She'll be both. She'll be doing both.

You've been with the show since the beginning, so I'm sure you more than anyone know that secrets never stay secret for long. How is Diggle grappling with the burden of working with Diaz in secret?
Well, he's going to eventually tell Oliver. He does feel bad keeping that from Oliver but knows the importance of the enemy that they're going after and, because Diaz is the one with the connection, he kind of had no choice. He'll eventually tell Oliver and Oliver is someone who has been in very similar situations. He will understand. This won't cause a huge conflict between them and he will always have Dig's back. The two of them will realize that they have both kind of gone in their separate ways and they will come back together over this.
*  *  *
How does "Elseworlds" impact the story moving forward?
That will more impact him next season, so it's not really... This season, we're not going to see too much of that.

Episode 150 is doing something we've never really seen in the Arrowverse before. What inspired you to take a documentary-style approach to the episode and how will that change the way we see Oliver and company?
We are so excited about this episode. It is, honestly, one of my favorite episodes of all the 150 episodes of Arrow. The writers came up with this idea for the documentary style after our 100th episode, which we got lucky in terms of we were able to tell that kind of nostalgic story with all of our past characters. We wanted to do something very similar, in a more grounded way than obviously our 100th episode because it was during the crossover, which allows us to go a little off the beaten path. So, when the room came up with this idea, I loved it and I felt like it was a perfect way to showcase what the show has meant over the past seven years and we're able to tell that through this documentary.

Will it tie into the larger narrative or be a standalone episode?
The best part of it is it does tie into our narrative that we've been telling. The timing could not have worked out [more] perfectly. We get both the nostalgic of things, some old faces, as well as basically what we love about the show, and we get to see our team back together, I think for the first time this season, maybe. I'm not sure, but we get to see our team together. [laughs]

Tell me about how you got Kelsey Grammar involved.
Well, he is the nicest man. I got to meet him yesterday, which was very exciting. Marc Guggenheim wrote him in the script from day one. Marc and Emilio Aldrich wrote this episode. They have been here -- I wanted the writers who have been here from the very beginning. Obviously, Marc, as the creator of the show, wrote the pilot and Emilio was actually the post-PA for the pilot, so he's been here even longer than me, because I joined once the season started for episode 2. It felt very special for them to write this episode. So Marc wrote Kelsey in the script from day one and then he so graciously agreed to do the episode for us.

How would you describe the overall theme of the back half of Season 7?
It's the same theme of redemption and this is kind of the answer, in everyone's arc, of their own redemption story. We'll get to see who is redeemable and who isn't by the end.

Edited by tv echo
2 minutes ago, Kymmi said:

The mention of dealing with Elseworlds next season worries me, somewhat.  Are they really going to kill off Oliver?

I don't see how they could, unless we just don't hear about him in the flash forwards until the middle of next season (or we find out he's dead but don't know when or how he died) and Arrow's given a shortened season next year to wrap everything up. That seems dumb, even though everyone does seem strangely not curious about where he is or how he's reacting to his wife being dead. But I guess that could be explained away by everyone being estranged because Felicity went ~evil.

I think it's more likely that she doesn't want to give it away by saying that the promise he made isn't going to have any ramifications outside of the crossover or that he'll be dealing with fallout from whatever deal he made with the Monitor after next year's Crisis.

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Per IMDb, 711's cast includes actor Luke Camilleri, who's playing the role of Sam Hackett...

Luke Camilleri is a 34-year-old Canadian actor - here are his links:

Edited by tv echo

Colton just spoiled that EBR is filming FF scenes today. Going to try and pull his Instagram over if it's still up.

I can't f8nd it but, I don't understand Instagram. From what I'm told CH posted a video of someone singing to Adult Will and you can hear EBR in the background. Also, EBR posted a pic of her and CH's feet...

Edited by Morrigan2575
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7 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Why did she tag Ruby?

I've seen spec she's going to be in the BoP episode.  What are they filming now?


You've been with the show since the beginning, so I'm sure you more than anyone know that secrets never stay secret for long. How is Diggle grappling with the burden of working with Diaz in secret?
Well, he's going to eventually tell Oliver. He does feel bad keeping that from Oliver but knows the importance of the enemy that they're going after and, because Diaz is the one with the connection, he kind of had no choice. 

Here's the big fail.  In no way has it been sold to the audience WHY the enemy Diggle is after is so important and dangerous that it would justify the extremes of putting the target that Oliver and Felicity and William JUST got off their backs, back on again.  

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16 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Well, Beth's just gonna kill him. Is it wrong that the fact she's all "no spoilers!" while her cast still spoils things left and right amuses me?

To be fair they just seem like a pretty happy cast so they post stuff without thinking.

Beth: Get your spoilers off the internet. 

Cast: But but but we didn't do anything. Ben was eating a sandwhlich

Beth: I swear you lot!!!! *gives them evil looks*

Poor Beth 😂

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4 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

What are they filming now?

They just started 716 on Monday

4 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Beth: Get your spoilers off the internet. 

Cast: But but but we didn't do anything. Ben was eating a sandwhich

Beth: I swear you lot!!!! *gives them evil looks*

Lol I am 90% sure this is exactly what happened

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6 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

All I know is that whenever we see Oliver and Felicity in the FFs, I want them to look amazing.

Yeah, I hope they get much better treatment than Juliana, Colton, and Rick. Yesterday, someone tweeted Beth icyurrs of Felicity and Donna to show her that Felicity should look fabulous in her early fifties. 

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I hope it's just the interviews we've gotten, but it's sounding like Oliver finds out about Diaz, understands that sometimes people have to work with villains because he's made similar decisions in the past, and that's that. Meanwhile, we'll see Curtis be upset about Diaz, and all we've heard about Felicity and Diggle — because Felicity should definitely be pissed off about Diaz, considering Diggle's attitude earlier this season and whole "hope you're still a hero after this" thing — is that they'll resolve their earlier issues (which may or may not be done in a satisfying way), so it doesn't sound like she'll be bothered either? Or they just won't address it? 

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7 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Meanwhile, we'll see Curtis be upset about Diaz, and all we've heard about Felicity and Diggle

To be fair, we don't know that Curtis is upset about Diaz in particular, just that he's upset that Diggle and Lyla restarted the Ghost Initiative. 

Edited by apinknightmare
3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

To be fair, we don't know that Curtis is upset about Diaz in particular, just that he's upset that Diggle and Lyla restarted the Ghost Initiative. 

Very true. Do we know if he's going to be upset it exists or that he wasn't told immediately about it since he hates being left out? I have, admittedly, only skimmed over most of the quotes about the Ghost Initiative because I'm just not interested. 

Because I can totally see him being annoyed that he wasn't told but also more than happy to keep it a secret from Oliver and Felicity since we don't know when Oliver finds out. 

18 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Very true. Do we know if he's going to be upset it exists or that he wasn't told immediately about it since he hates being left out? I have, admittedly, only skimmed over most of the quotes about the Ghost Initiative because I'm just not interested. 

Because I can totally see him being annoyed that he wasn't told but also more than happy to keep it a secret from Oliver and Felicity since we don't know when Oliver finds out. 

Just a shot in the dark, but my guess is that he's going to have ethics issues. 

44 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

To be fair, we don't know that Curtis is upset about Diaz in particular, just that he's upset that Diggle and Lyla restarted the Ghost Initiative. 

I'm not especially curious why he's upset, but it had better not be on Felicity's behalf. He's proven over and over again that he doesn't give a shit about Felicity's feelings, so I'm not down for him being upset because he thinks Felicity will be upset or potentially in danger.

On the other hand, when Felicity finds out, I hope she decides to trigger the bomb in Diaz's head remotely.

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1 hour ago, KenyaJ said:

I hope she decides to trigger the bomb in Diaz's head remotely.

If I can't get Felicity killing Diaz up close, this is a thing I didn't know I needed until now. Diaz thinks he's gotten away like he always does and then Pop! Cut to Felicity sitting at her computer with a satisfied smile. 

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54 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I don't think BL, AS, CH, and KM would all be in a scene with EBR (as per who was seen and heard in the video) if it were only flashbacks in the FF EBR was in.

Yep. Although I do think we may get a Flash Forward, Flash Back of Maya/Felicity as part of Maya's story but, you wouldn't have the rest on set for that. 

I'm wondering if this is the final scene of 716, with them finding Felicity at the end of the crumb trail? If that's the case the I would think Felicity would be in the Flash Forwards 717-722?

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44 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Yep. Although I do think we may get a Flash Forward, Flash Back of Maya/Felicity as part of Maya's story but, you wouldn't have the rest on set for that. 

I'm wondering if this is the final scene of 716, with them finding Felicity at the end of the crumb trail? If that's the case the I would think Felicity would be in the Flash Forwards 717-722?

I also think they'll have a flashback FF (especially if they reveal she's their kid in an earlier episode, which I still think they will), although I still think that they'll have some reason for Felicity to sit out for more screen time in the FF, maybe she has to keep the fact she's alive a secret or something.

Kinda random but do you guys remember when SA teased someone putting on a super suit for the first time? He said it wasn't Ruby, most ppl (and myself) thought it'd be Digg in the xover as Lantern, but it wasn't. SA said that it was an arrow character and that we'd be surprised (can't find the tweet so I am paraphrasing). Anyone else thinking/hoping that ff Felicity is the Arrow character he's referring to? Now, I don't ever get my hopes up bc this show is rarely not a disappointment, but I'd love if Felicity suits up in the future, and maybe starts getting trained in the present. I know SA said it was a first time and FS suited up on Legends but they are different shows.

I'd like to see Felicity get more training (or at least have someone mention that it's happening it in passing), since that's a pretty common sense move at this point and it's ridiculous that Oliver isn't teaching her some stuff after everything that's happened to her. But I have absolutely no desire to ever see her in a suit. 

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See now that it seems Felicity is debuting in FF's soon it makes me wonder where Oliver and Digg are in FF. Hopefully JJ gives some clues as to where Dig is and I'm kinda hoping we get more Answers about Oliver even if it's a Convo between Maya and Felicity making it sound like He's dead or "dead". I'm wondering if MAYBE Maya already knows Felicity is her mom, Oliver is her dad and they keep the Oliver lets Felicity think hes dead part from the Star City 2046 episode of LOT

2 hours ago, JJ928 said:

Kinda random but do you guys remember when SA teased someone putting on a super suit for the first time? He said it wasn't Ruby, most ppl (and myself) thought it'd be Digg in the xover as Lantern, but it wasn't. SA said that it was an arrow character and that we'd be surprised (can't find the tweet so I am paraphrasing). Anyone else thinking/hoping that ff Felicity is the Arrow character he's referring to? Now, I don't ever get my hopes up bc this show is rarely not a disappointment, but I'd love if Felicity suits up in the future, and maybe starts getting trained in the present. I know SA said it was a first time and FS suited up on Legends but they are different shows.

I remember the tweet but, wasn't it around or before crossover filming? That wouldn't jive with Felicity being in 716 since that's filming now. 

Maybe Diaz gets a suit in 711?

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