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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Sequel

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34 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I am more bothered by the acting Juliana showed. 

That was especially bad. Either Dinah is hiding something from the rest of the team, or that really long pause that she took before answering Oliver's question is just terrible acting. 

I hate hate hate that they are all now fully employed by SCPD. If they were meeting in the lair I don't think I'd mind as much but it makes no sense that they'd just be hanging out at the police station. And I really hate that Felicity doesn't appear to be part of this new team. She's more useful to them than Curtis or Rene ever was. Really hoping she swoops in at the end of that scene with some new intel and it was just cut off before we could get to her. Or that she states in this ep that she doesn't have time to go to the station because she's dealing with Smoak Tech stuff.

The only bright spot is SA's continued annoyance at having to act opposite NTA. He always looks like he's 3 seconds away from slapping someone in these scenes...

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3 minutes ago, Trisha said:

That was especially bad. Either Dinah is hiding something from the rest of the team, or that really long pause that she took before answering Oliver's question is just terrible acting. 

I think it was supposed to show her having a deep, deep think about how the crimes could be connected. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Mia has to be connected to Oliver. This show is at it's core Oliver's story. And Mia's clearly being pushed so the link to Oliver has to be there and strong. 

Well going by whats shown so far, she has a dislike for vigilantes, including Oliver. So thats the strong connection, even if its a negative one.

Doesnt mean the tide wont change, and she may become a supporter/ally later on. JMO. 

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Angry William is...not great. 😬

This is why I’m not relishing the prospect of Jack Moore potentially being given a coming out storyline. I don’t think he can handle it. Oh, man, can he have pancakes first makes so much freaking sense given how ineptly Moira and Robert handled all of Oliver’s bullshit while he was growing up. I don’t love it as a parenting move on his part, but I appreciate it connecting to his own upbringing. That’s not something I felt the show has been doing that well lately - having characters make sense.

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1 minute ago, WonderArtist said:

Well going by whats shown so far, she has a dislike for vigilantes, including Oliver. So thats the strong connection, even if its a negative one.

Doesnt mean the tide wont change, and she may become a supporter/ally later on. JMO. 

Well she likes Felicity enough to work with her ... so she cannot dislike them as much. Also dislikes Dinah quite a lot. 

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Sometimes the casting is so good, and sometimes it's JM doing whatever that was. At least FF Will seems to be a competent actor from the little I've paid attention to those scenes. I agree he cannot handle a coming out story line. But it's Arrow, so it'll be relegated to a line or two at best. 

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I'm assuming that after this, Oliver goes off to work, Felicity stays behind in the apartment with William, and we get the scene from the other sneak peek. 

I wonder if Oliver taking a step back from the investigation is simply going to be Oliver going home to have dinner with Felicity and William or if Felicity calls Oliver and reminds him that he should be spending more than 2 minutes with his son.

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4 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Well she likes Felicity enough to work with her ... so she cannot dislike them as much. Also dislikes Dinah quite a lot. 

Her dislike of Dinah is one reason I like her and I'm so rooting for Dinah to turn out to be bad and want to see Maya kick the shit out of her 

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4 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Sometimes the casting is so good, and sometimes it's JM doing whatever that was. At least FF Will seems to be a competent actor from the little I've paid attention to those scenes. I agree he cannot handle a coming out story line. But it's Arrow, so it'll be relegated to a line or two at best. 

I have a very different scale for kid/teen actors than adults.  Even if they're awful, i kind of excuse it with a "well he/she is just a kid". I also expect all kids to be poor actors so i'm pleasantly surprised when i come across one that can actually act

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Well she likes Felicity enough to work with her ... so she cannot dislike them as much. Also dislikes Dinah quite a lot. 

Yeah, she seems to be in somewhat of a grey area, maybe has mixed feeling. I guess the next episodes will tell, where she really stand and why...

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4 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I have a very different scale for kid/teen actors than adults.  Even if they're awful, i kind of excuse it with a "well he/she is just a kid". I also expect all kids to be poor actors so i'm pleasantly surprised when i come across one that can actually act

That's fair. I think I've been spoiled over the past few years with the Stranger Things and IT kids, so I know there are good ones out there. With all that, I even have my own issues with kid actors having to listen to producers complain about the restrictions that are in place for child actors. They're freaking kids!

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I'm starting to dread watching 713 tonight - I think, because it has the potential to make me very happy or... not very happy. All the KM and Beth teases about a "bombshell" and "big reveal" in this episode just make me nervous. If it's about Mia/Blackstar's parentage, then:

  • If we find out tonight that Mia is Olicity's daughter, then I'll be very happy.
  • If we find out tonight that Mia is E2 Laurel's kid, then I'll be WTF?angry.
  • If we find out tonight that Mia is the kid of some rando, then I'll be puzzled.
  • If we learn nothing more about Mia's parentage tonight, then I'll be disappointed.

Hey, maybe Mia turns out to be Stanley's kid! 😉

Edited by tv echo
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I only thought JM's acting was a little cringey once he stood up, though I laughed at how much taller than EBR he looked from that angle. (Also, when Felicity walks past Oliver at the end, holy height difference! I love it.)

I really liked that scene, though. I'm pleasantly surprised that William is still pissed about Oliver's choice to go to prison. I spent all summer thinking that would be a natural reaction, and I'm glad the writers are acknowledging it, even though they'll probably resolve it as quickly as they did when Felicity called Oliver out for the same thing. And I agree with @bijoux that it makes total sense that Oliver is not the world's greatest disciplinarian, considering that "he didn't grow up in the real world," to quote Felicity. It makes total sense that she has to be the one to impose some kind of discipline in their household. Anyway, unlike every other storyline at the moment, I'm completely interested and invested in this one.

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3 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I'm pleasantly surprised that William is still pissed about Oliver's choice to go to prison. I spent all summer thinking that would be a natural reaction, and I'm glad the writers are acknowledging it, even though they'll probably resolve it as quickly as they did when Felicity called Oliver out for the same thing.

I'm mad that Oliver thinks William's assessment of his tendency to make decisions for people is unfair. How many times must this be an issue for you before you admit it, you beautiful, beautiful idiot? 

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22 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm mad that Oliver thinks William's assessment of his tendency to make decisions for people is unfair. How many times must this be an issue for you before you admit it, you beautiful, beautiful idiot? 

Seriously! Oliver has shown so much growth and maturation in other areas, and he takes on more guilt than he deserves to. But between this and his "How many times can I apologize?" line to Felicity, he seems to have an enormous blindspot about the impact of his actions on Felicity and William's lives. How can the same guy who so easily accepted responsibility for Robert's actions not acknowledge that Felicity and William have every right to still be pissed at him for the prison thing? On a better show, this would be used to explore something interesting about Oliver's hero complex, but on this show it's clear that Oliver is just reacting to each situation in whichever way that particular plot demands.

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What kills me about that series of pics in EK's instagram post is that DR has the exact same expression and stance in each pic - he could just as easily have been a cardboard cutout placed next to the others.

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1 minute ago, jay741982 said:

I will not get my Hopes up, I will not get my Hopes up, I will not get my Hopes up lol. 

I just went from dreading this ep to being very hopeful! That's the hospital set too, right? (Though judging by MM's tweet to BS, it seems like we won't actually find out who's hurt/dies until the show returns).

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

If we find out tonight that Mia is Olicity's daughter, then I'll be very happy.

This remains my hope, but I still can't reconcile her being their kid with all of KM's interviews talking about her rough upbringing. Even if she's playing a long con in the future with Felicity/William, the actress' constant referencing of Mia's terrible childhood bums me out. I was listening to the DC TV report podcast yesterday and said pretty much what everyone's saying here: any resolution that involves her being related to someone paints the writers into a stupidly bleak corner. It's possible that all the "this is a fixed future" talk goes away after a game-changing crossover (in which Oliver temporarily dies or something and changes the course of history), but even so that's still expecting fans to wait around for a whole year with no hope about the future.

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3 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I just went from dreading this ep to being very hopeful! That's the hospital set too, right? (Though judging by MM's tweet to BS, it seems like we won't actually find out who's hurt/dies until the show returns).

They could just be there because Dinah gets her throat slashed.

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6 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I just went from dreading this ep to being very hopeful! That's the hospital set too, right? (Though judging by MM's tweet to BS, it seems like we won't actually find out who's hurt/dies until the show returns).

Isn't Emiko in the hospital? Or was that last week's episode?

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

They could just be there because Dinah gets her throat slashed.

This is what I'm thinking happens, and then since everyone knows Dinah's alive in the FF, we're supposed to be lulled into a false sense of security when ... bam, something happens to Curtis as the episode ends, and since he hasn't been mentioned in the FFs, he could be dead or he could be sent off-screen for multiple episodes to recover or he could leave town. 

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm guessing the pic on the left is BTS and not in the ep? But IDK.

Yeah, but I can't help but look at it and read into it. I could totally see that also being a photo posted to go, "look who's playing my TV sibling" from BL or KM. But maybe that's just me. 

Also, I wonder if it's BTS from this episode. At first glance, I think it's from 716 because of the BTS we've gotten from that episode (wasn't BL in a suit in the Instagram videos?), but then again, it's not like much time is passing in the FFs so it could be from tonight's? 

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I'm very annoyed that this loyalty tattoo is going to be given to the most unloyal people on the planet who had no problem selling Oliver out or attacking him (minus the other members of OTA though Diggle's in a long time out, assuming they are part of this tattoo group.) I am genuinely curious how plot points and story arcs are planned for this show.

3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm guessing the pic on the left is BTS and not in the ep? But IDK.

Tones often vary wildly from scene to scene but I suppose there could be super happy fun times in the bleak, depressing FF, lol.

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8 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Tones often vary wildly from scene to scene but I suppose there could be super happy fun times in the bleak, depressing FF, lol.

Maybe this is a picture that one of them has/looks at and it lets us know that they know each other? Just grasping at straws here, LOL.

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Oh, look, everything's going to go horribly wrong with Diaz. I'm assuming that Felicity/Diaz scene is another nightmare. Please let Felicity get to be as angry as she should be about Diaz. I really hope that's not going to be another scene where I dislike Diggle, but it probably will be. 

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TVLINE | Did Stephen [Amell] and Emily [Bett Rickards] both know that you knew? Was it a secret among the three of you?
I believe so. There were some people on-set, certain department heads that knew, but Mia doesn’t find her parents right away, so I’ve met Stephen and Emily but I haven’t worked with them a ton. We’ve been on opposite schedules for a lot of the time I’ve been on the show but as people find out, it’s been interesting to see.

I feel like this is a bigger spoiler than Beth would want out because doesn't it sound like she has filmed with them? Meaning both Oliver and Felicity are alive in the FFs. Even if there are FBs to her childhood, that wouldn't be KM filming that far back in Mia's life. 

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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Oh, look, everything's going to go horribly wrong with Diaz. I'm assuming that Felicity/Diaz scene is another nightmare. Please let Felicity get to be as angry as she should be about Diaz. I really hope that's not going to be another scene where I dislike Diggle, but it probably will be. 

She’s pregnant. She’s probably thinking about that too and is furious. 

I really want Oliver to punch Diggle.

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8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Even if there are FBs to her childhood, that wouldn't be KM filming that far back in Mia's life. 

There could be flashbacks to the last time she saw them both - which for Felicity was definitely recent, and Oliver maybe or maybe not.

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William wanted a normal life so he had to go live elsewhere.  Mia (I think Maya is gone) hasn't had normal so she must have stuck around, lol.  But I'm sure they will now try to torture us with the idea that maybe she didn't grow up knowing her father because of next year's crossover hanging over our heads.  

Though KM does seem to imply that Oliver is alive in the future which if so, kind of a massive spoiler for next years crossover unless they imply they can rewrite the future when that roles around...which they kind of have since they don't want Barry to vanish line the future headlines predict.  

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

There could be flashbacks to the last time she saw them both - which for Felicity was definitely recent, and Oliver maybe or maybe not.

I'm more inclined to believe Felicity would take Mia and go into hiding to keep her safe as a child than that Felicity would let Mia grow up without her due to danger that Oliver's life as an OUTED vigilante creates.  But nothing implies Felicity left Star City ever.  We have Smoak Tech being a major thing and then her supposedly going "evil" but still hanging locally, lol.  And I can't see it likely that Mia would have turned out quite so rough and ready if she had grown up somewhere far away safe from the action.  So I'm hopeful that she had a complicated childhood but one that involved her parents being there with her.  

It would still make plenty of sense why she'd resent the life that brought a lot of these complications even if Mom and Dad were vigilantes.  

2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are we going to get a pregnancy reveal Olicity scene????!!!!!

I wish I could be positive about that, lol.  I'd say odds are 50/50 of it happening off screen.  

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This pretty much implies that Oliver and Felicity had no choice but to send Mia away and keep William at a distance for their safety. Which sucks. I can’t sit through pregnancy cuteness knowing this is how it ends up. (I mean, I totally will, but it’ll be a bummer.) We need a hint soon that the future can still change! 


TVLINE | Will we get into how and why it is that Mia and William don’t know each other?
We get into a little bit of where she’s coming from and who she is and what she’s planning, what she wants. Finally we get that more than just “ominous comments at the end of an episode.” As the season continues, we get more answers and it becomes very clear how dire the world has become in the future and the lengths that Oliver and Felicity had to go to protect their children. We don’t know what went wrong, but something went very wrong, very quickly for them to have to resort to these kind of measures.

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