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S20.E17: Live Eviction #5. Head of Household #6

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9 hours ago, Vixenstud said:
22 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I don't really like JC. He can be so rude and disrespectful to others. But no one really calls him on it because he's short and they think of him as a little boy they don't have to take seriously, not an adult man.

THIS!  I'd be all 'We represent the lollipop guild' on his ass.

This is immediately where my mind went with the costumes they had them in for the veto comp this week.  I seriously think TPTB were trolling JC specifically.

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4 hours ago, xKHANx said:

It's Cyber Security Engineer, gotta get that right... :)


Sam to KC: Did Rachel ever come on to you???

Would that be en-gh-ineer?


3 hours ago, link417 said:


What some people consider the “most analogous” pronunciation isn’t always the correct pronunciation, and the person who created the format said it’s pronounced with a soft G.


I was made fun of by my teenager because I pronounce it jif until I looked it up and showed him that the creator of gifs pronounces it that way and refuses to use a hard g. I was like, "A-ha!"

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53 minutes ago, green said:

[Cody] just also was a stupid player who betrayed his own alliance right out of the gate and soon was outplayed and then out-bullied by Paul as a result. 

Neither Paul nor Christmas was in Cody's alliance, though.  The alliance was the Bros (Cody, Mark, Matt) and the Babes (Jess, Elena, Raven) and Dominique.  Paul slimed his way in with that group by making their mutual pledge to tell if any of them got the temptation, which he then broke.  Cody had already nommed Meghan and Jillian, put up Alex as replacement when Meghan walked, couldn't touch Josh because of the safety apple, and made a deal with Jason where he got safety for seven people in exchange for not touching old Whistlenut because Alex won the Veto.  At which point, yeah, he tried to kneecap Paul, but he was on his fourth nomination and the only other options were Irrelevant Mafioso Kevin (who was hanging out in the group just as much as Paul and Christmas were), Rameses (a waste of the week) or trimming one of those who thought they were in an alliance that they actually weren't. 

It would have worked with Paul, barring the Pendant of Production Protection, and then he had to re-re-re-nom Arbor Day without having time to pitch his alliance (who were telling him to take care of it on his own, after he'd complained about Jessica and Dominique pushing Alex so hard at him) and only then did things go South.  I don't blame Cody, I blame those who turned on him, Elena most notably.  (Skip ahead a few weeks, and Ramadan can't even give Elena a sympathy vote on her way out the door.  Gee, thanks, girl.)  But JMO.

1 hour ago, green said:

There doesn't seem to be one mean bone in [Tyler's] body, just a happy high from having so much fun this summer and an amazed joy at how badly the other side has been playing.

Well, for all their "bad playing", they've eliminated three of Tyler's supporters in the past three weeks.  Perhaps Ty might want to come down from his "happy high" and try to save somebody other than himself and his inevitable block partner, Brett.  I know I'm still playing alternate-reality BB with my "he should have claimed Kaitlyn and Scottie had an alliance" gripe, but it does seem as though it might forestall Tyler's premature descent to L1.  ("First they came for Winston, but I said nothing, because I was not Winston", etc.)

"Why do you think Scottie gunned so hard for HoH that week, when he would have been safe as a pawn the week before? I mean, I never understood why Kaitlyn insisted that I take Scottie off with the Veto for the backdoor on Swaggy, when it was obvious that he was a better pawn than Winston would be.  But she was protecting him, and then he won HoH to protect her.  And then she went out and tried so hard in the next HoH because she wanted to protect him, again…I was so shocked when she told me!" [/fantasy pitch]

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2 hours ago, green said:

Tyler is a mastermind because a mastermind does NOT try to change everything, control everything.  Instead a mastermind knows when to hold and when to fold and wait for the next deal.  They are careful NOT to overplay.


Yep, Cody was the first bully last season that started that whole atmosphere.  He just also was a stupid player who betrayed his own alliance right out of the gate and soon was outplayed and then out-bullied by Paul as a result.  Had Cody played smarter out of the gate he could have been remembered as the big bully of Season 19 while Paul would have been his poor victim.

And yes I see joy in Tyler's face in the diary room.  He hardcore loves BB and is a massive fan though pretending to be ignorant of the game inside this house and he is doing it brilliantly.  So why wouldn't he be happy as a clam to find himself in his dream situation playing the hell out of the game.  There doesn't seem to be one mean bone in his body, just a happy high from having so much fun this summer and an amazed joy at how badly the other side has been playing.

About the GIF stuff.  I AM a techie and have worked in tech all my life and everyone I know pronounces it with a hard G as in Graphics.  I never even knew anyone pronounced it like a peanut butter brand.  Especially since there is another format actually spelled JIFF and pronounced like peanut butter for real.

**Loved your entire post, Green! And I am a Hard G true believer too. No way I am using the peanut butter pronunciation.

I am loving Tyler's play too. I do wish there was another strategic thinker in the game, to make it a good match-up but what can you do? We very seldom see that. At times I think we will get that from Scottie but he does seem to be fairly gullible and trusting at times. Tyler is also physically talented (although he usually holds it back), and if he continues to stay under the radar and keep his many connections hidden, I think it will definitely get him to the final three at least. What I like about him is that he doesn't come across as nasty like Paul did. I actually enjoyed watching Paul play (unlike many) - it's fascinating to watch a master manipulator, or at least it is to me, since I could never be that person. But he did so many things (or triggered others to do mean things) that made me cringe. Tyler's worst comments would be saying things like "Kaitlin thinks she is my #2, but actually she is way down there at #10 or lower (paraphrase) - and then he laughed. Keeping in mind how annoying Kaitlin could be (and mean herself), I thought it was funny. He also makes me laugh. I wasn't a fan of Derek at all, but I am fine if Tyler is the eventual winner. In fact, I can't think of anyone else in the house that I see so positively.

1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Well, for all their "bad playing", they've eliminated three of Tyler's supporters in the past three weeks.  Perhaps Ty might want to come down from his "happy high" and try to save somebody other than himself and his inevitable block partner, Brett.  I know I'm still playing alternate-reality BB with my "he should have claimed Kaitlyn and Scottie had an alliance" gripe, but it does seem as though it might forestall Tyler's premature descent to L1.  ("First they came for Winston, but I said nothing, because I was not Winston", etc.)

"Why do you think Scottie gunned so hard for HoH that week, when he would have been safe as a pawn the week before? I mean, I never understood why Kaitlyn insisted that I take Scottie off with the Veto for the backdoor on Swaggy, when it was obvious that he was a better pawn than Winston would be.  But she was protecting him, and then he won HoH to protect her.  And then she went out and tried so hard in the next HoH because she wanted to protect him, again…I was so shocked when she told me!" [/fantasy pitch]

MY big memory of Cody (beside his robotic manner), was his complete lack of emotional intelligence. Even Jess had to tell him it wasn't wise to screw over his alliance. In comparison, Tyler is discreet. He is clearly here to play the game and win. One winner, not a team winner. Why should he try to save somebody other than himself unless it helps him win? As we get to know the other hamsters, they become more and more obnoxious. Ultimately, I don't care which one stays. I can't think of which one should win America's Favourite other than Tyler. Things are mostly going his way with little nudges on his part. Not batting 100% but nothing has damaged his gameplay yet. And he still has managed to stay friendly with all of the house. I still like him and I really disliked Derek, the one that had the most similar game IMHO.

As for everybody else, I am kind of lukewarm. Normally I would root for the outsiders but the more I see them, the less I like them. Level 6 remind me of the popular crowd in school. Rachel and Angela particularly seemed like cheerleaders that were competing for the same spot on the team and fell out. I didn't particularly care that Rachel left and I thought she was completely rude to Julie and everybody else in the house. So what that she was blindsided. Many others have been as well but only the most petty and bitter leave without a word or a hug to anyone. I've never seen anyone before ignore Julie's greeting and try to avoid answering any of her questions. I'm happy that she didn't make it into jury.

At this point, Tyler is by far the most likable and interesting to watch. If he wins the whole thing, I guess my nominee at this point is Scottie. Mostly because he made the first bold move by nominating Winston and Brett together. None of the others to this point have been superb players or somebody I actually cared for very much. At the beginning I was rooting for Sam, but I am completely over her now. If there was such a prize for least favourite/worst houseguest, it would be a toss-up between Sam and Shaggy.

Edited by PreBabylonia
repetitive - once was enough!
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4 hours ago, The Companion said:

I think this is what drove me the most insane. Why assume she is lying? She clearly came down upset that Bayleigh told her this news. I think it is clear that Tyler at least has relationships with both sides. The most obvious answer was that Bayleigh lied (though I actually think Bayleigh just misinterpreted what Tyler said when he was asking whether she would put Angela up, presented in a bit of a statement form). Even if you think Rachel should have seen through that, her alliance mates shouldn't have jumped to the conclusion that she was lying. Why the hell would she make that up. What would casting doubt on Tyler, who had the veto, accomplish? The most obvious answer was that she was told something and believed it. To then treat her like some lying liar who went off the rails (while ignoring that Brett is actually a lying liar who may say all sorts of shit at these ceremonies) was obnoxious. To be a complete and utter bitch on top of that was even shittier.

I think it's because she came down from talking to Bay and was pissed at her alliance mate. And she was asking Kaycee and Angela to believe that Tyler would say that--and Angela and Kaycee both evaluated what she said and decided Tyler was more believable than Rachel. Casting doubt on Tyler was good for Bay's game (again, not that I think Bay was trying to do that). And she DID go off the rails. They treated her horribly, but she was clearly a liability to their game at this point.

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6 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Seriously? Do they not know how to spell "M.Y.O.B." in Stuart's Draft?  Or STFU, for that matter?

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And yes, I know that Sam's been down, down to lady-town herself, on more than one occasion.  And might be jealous of any possible Rachel-Kaycee ("Racee", as Angie named them) hookup, for either interest.  But still, there are some questions you don't ask while the cameras are rolling, you Froot-Loop Dingus!

Actually, I'm slightly salty that keeping Rachel out of Jury decreases the chance for an epic all-girls "alliance" there.  Bayleigh's implied it wouldn't be new for her and Haleigh's said she'd be willing to give it a whirl.  

But still, honestly, Sam!

How DO you know these things? I'm impressed.

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20 minutes ago, Snappy said:

How DO you know these things? I'm impressed.

JC and Sam had a conversation on the subject back in Week 2 or so; it's been streamed.  Bayleigh's interests/conversations on the subject were on various episodes of BBAD, including her speculations on Rachel and her teasing of Haleigh. 

But it's far from game-related and something of a dead issue now, with Rachel gone.  (I can think of one board that's probably in mourning, right now.) 


And personally, I wouldn't be surprised if Kaycee was somewhat annoyed by all these "tourists" and wanting to get back to her real life.  But that's only speculation.

Edited by Halting Hex
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9 hours ago, Mystery said:

I was wondering if JC knew that Rachel would know how he voted. 


When the door opened and a few HGs rushed to look out, I couldn't figure out if they just wanted to see the audience or if they thought the audience wanted to see *them*. JC looked like he was waving to the audience. 

This is the first show I've seen in a week or so. Is Sam gaining a lot of weight? 

Yes. Yes she is. I thought I was imagining it last week but it’s become really apparent this week. She’s giving Natalie from S18 a run for the title on most weight gained in the house.

While she cooks/bakes a lot for the herd throughout any given day, she’s also grazing along with sampling whatever she’s cooking pretty much non-stop.

It doesn’t help that she isn’t really into healthy stuff; she’s all about things that taste amazing but require moderation and/or some exercise if they’re going to be part of a daily diet (and she doesn’t exercise at all).

A small sampling of foods she’s made is below. I tagged it since it’s from the feeds.


Examples include croutons for snack mixes made from various cereals and candies, French toast, funnel cakes and donuts, banana bread, and cookies.

Tonight she made popcorn and then drizzled it with melted chocolate (from another  project, chocolate covered bacon) and a few shakes of sea salt.

Someone suggested it would be good with peanut butter and 30 seconds later, she’d thinned some down and drizzled it and then sprinkled in M&Ms to the remaining chocolate popcorn.

They pretty much wiped out within minutes and then a few of them ate late supper. 

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7 hours ago, PreBabylonia said:

 Tyler's worst comments would be saying things like "Kaitlin thinks she is my #2, but actually she is way down there at #10 or lower (paraphrase) - and then he laughed. Keeping in mind how annoying Kaitlin could be (and mean herself), I thought it was funny. He also makes me laugh. I wasn't a fan of Derek at all, but I am fine if Tyler is the eventual winner. In fact, I can't think of anyone else in the house that I see so positively.


That may not have actually been true though, so just playing things up for the audience.


With JC he just seems to endlessly talk game, whispering with one group and then another.

Edited by amazingracefan
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21 hours ago, Vixenstud said:


Finally, Rachel – I actually got teary at her interview with Julie….you could see the devastation on her face.  I hope she gets AFP just for her eviction.

Have to politely disagree about Rachel getting AFP.  To me, AFP should not be a pity prize.  I totally disagreed with Cody winning it last year, IMO, he was, and still is, the most boring person to ever play BB. Only reason he was voted for AFP is because of people's hate for Paul. 

Such a huge difference between BB and Survivor. Rachel had a 50/50 chance of being voted out. She knew it was going to be either her or Brett.  I have seen players totally blindsided on Survivor and immediately afterwards they say 'wow! That was good, I didn't see that coming!' No blubbering about how unfair it was.  Must be the maturity levels of the players. 

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2 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

With JC he just seems to endlessly talk game, whispering with one group and then another.

If Andy Herren were an LP and you played him back at 78 instead of 33-1/3 - that would be JC.

...and I just realized a significant number of you have absolutely no clue what is meant by that sentence.  ;>

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On 8/3/2018 at 7:09 AM, DakotaLavender said:

Julie is NOT gorgeous or iconic. She is just average looking and she dresses terribly. So Hayleigh is just blowing transparent smoke up Julie's ass. It's ridiculous. 

I wonder if hayleigh is somehow giving a message to someone watching on TV, using code words.  Because the words "extravagant" and "iconic" are unusual choices.

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Thanks. Since I don't watch the LF, I rely on you guys for intel. 

15 hours ago, green said:

Don't be.  It was spoiler tagged because it came from the live feeds chats.


15 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

JC and Sam had a conversation on the subject back in Week 2 or so; it's been streamed.  Bayleigh's interests/conversations on the subject were on various episodes of BBAD, including her speculations on Rachel and her teasing of Haleigh. 

But it's far from game-related and something of a dead issue now, with Rachel gone.  (I can think of one board that's probably in mourning, right now.) 

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And personally, I wouldn't be surprised if Kaycee was somewhat annoyed by all these "tourists" and wanting to get back to her real life.  But that's only speculation.

Forgot to add the quotes on my first "Thanks for the intel." message.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Tyler is basically a smart Jeff Spicoli.  Tyler is likable.  Tyler could basically tell the other house guests to screw themselves, and those house guests would think it was their idea.

I suspect you’re shortchanging Tyler.  Writer and humorist Caskie Stinnett once said, “A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.”  Tyler is so good at it, they’re asking for his help in booking the travel arrangements.  :>

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

I suspect you’re shortchanging Tyler.

Agreed, under the Jeff Spiccoli hair/'tude there is one smooth dude. He knows when to push and when to back off. He's quietly guided the game from get go with out setting off any "OMG Tyler is totally running the house" bells. That doesn't happen by mistake/happenstance.

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On 8/3/2018 at 3:26 AM, TimWil said:

Rachel’s reaction actually made me think the rumor about her being a working girl in Vegas is true. Such a hard, brutally hard face. It’s like the first five weeks in the house she was with a john and then tonight it’s like he had gone over his time limit and refused to pay her for it. I don’t feel sorry for her at all.

She had a lot of makeup on actually, in a recent episode when we saw her in the HoH room with Bailey she looked totally different, much softer features.  So I think you are reading way too much into things, including her personal life.

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16 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

She had a lot of makeup on actually, in a recent episode when we saw her in the HoH room with Bailey she looked totally different, much softer features.  So I think you are reading way too much into things, including her personal life.

I wasn’t referring to her make up as much as I was to her attitude, though. I understand she was totally blindsided and so hurt that her defence shield came up but that’s still my impression of her.

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3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

He's quietly guided the game from get go with out setting off any "OMG Tyler is totally running the house" bells.

IMO, if Tyler was "quietly guiding the game", then Winston/Kaitlyn/Rachel would still be in the house.   For the majority of the game, he hasn't done anything but protect himself and Brett; that's a far cry from being in charge of anything.

After two weeks, "the numbers" were 9-5 in Tyler's favor.  (Yes, Kaitlyn the Kannonball was reluctant to fully switch sides, but he could control her, at least.)  Now they're 6-5.  That's not exactly a great trend.  For one thing, it means that if Tyler is in the Final Two with one of his allies, the majority of the Jury will be from the "other side".  I wonder how they'll react to learning that Tyler was playing them?

3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

That doesn't happen by mistake/happenstance.

It seems to mostly be happening by a copious amount of DRs meant to push that narrative.  But just looking at the results, Rockpile has done a better job of protecting her "side" (including herself when she was on the block) than Tyler has.  Maybe gawping on eviction night is the winning strategy after all.  Who knows?

As for the aspersions being cast on Rachel's career (and character), this sort of thing gets thrown around periodically, going back to Janelle.  It hasn't proven correct in any of those cases, so I doubt that's the case here.  TPTB would want to avoid the sort of backlash that hiring this kind of a "VIP concierge" (yes, Jessica got that same sneering last summer) for the show would engender.  Sometimes a concierge or a showgirl really is just that, and speculation to the contrary is just sexism, IMO.

After all, it's easily verified that Rachel actually is performing the Las Vegas shows on her resume.  (That's how she knows BB17's Jackie Ibarra, whom I'm sure has also been smeared as flat-backing between "performances", no doubt.)  So either she's a very hardworking "working girl", or perhaps it's time to stop judging a dancer by her feathers.  JMO.

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15 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I wasn’t referring to her make up as much as I was to her attitude, though. I understand she was totally blindsided and so hurt that her defence shield came up but that’s still my impression of her.

People's faces do change when angry, or for all kinds of reasons (bad health or whatever), but to try and read things into it seems very superficial.  You seemed to insinuate she's prostituted herself?  That sounds about as speculative as the way Sam thinks.

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I liked Rachel, thought she was the most beautiful woman in the house, and I'm sorry she's gone. And I really like the way her eviction interview was real, without any pretentious BS.

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3 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

So Kaycee bugs. She's not really done much of anything but then act like she's the shit. Maybe she is the shit by sort of riding on the coattails of others. But there's something about her that grates.

Kaycee is playing an excellent “submarine” game; stays below the surface turmoil, takes quick peeks topside every now and then, and doesn’t surface unless/until the coast is totally clear.  Kaycee established her core alliances early, stays strong with them, and doesn’t expose herself by attempting to expand.  In conversations with non-allies Kaycee stays mildly positive but doesn’t commit to anything, letting her opponents draw their own (usually inaccurate) conclusions as to the conversation’s significance.  

It’s not a bad way to play; keep yourself too submerged, though, and you will have a hard time at F2 - when you have 5 minutes of speechifying to try to convince everybody in the Jury to totally re-shift their game perceptions you’ve been carefully cultivating over the last 2-3 months.  :>

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25 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Kaycee is playing an excellent “submarine” game; stays below the surface turmoil, takes quick peeks topside every now and then, and doesn’t surface unless/until the coast is totally clear.  Kaycee established her core alliances early, stays strong with them, and doesn’t expose herself by attempting to expand.  In conversations with non-allies Kaycee stays mildly positive but doesn’t commit to anything, letting her opponents draw their own (usually inaccurate) conclusions as to the conversation’s significance.  

It’s not a bad way to play; keep yourself too submerged, though, and you will have a hard time at F2 - when you have 5 minutes of speechifying to try to convince everybody in the Jury to totally re-shift their game perceptions you’ve been carefully cultivating over the last 2-3 months.  :>

I agree she is playing a really good game.  She is a mega-hardcore fan of BB and knows strategy inside and out and knows she doesn't have to make a big move as yet.  She also is throwing competitions left and right because she doesn't need to win them.  If she makes it to the F2 it will depend on her moves during the end game and who she is sitting beside and, of course, the bitterness of the jury.  She is my darkhorse to win it all because if she breaks from the trailing pack with a few weeks to go and has the big leg kick for the final sprint she is on track for a win because again never underestimate how bitter juries can get.

Also she has quietly done a lot so far.  She is like the glue that holds all of the elements of Level6 together and has made a lot on inroads into the other side who view her as just a floater that just tends to float along with Angela and the "late" Rachel but is recruitable for the Bay/Hay/Rockstar dream team of The Maneaters all-girl alliance so she isn't on their target list as a result giving just enough to string them along without ever making a solid commitment.

She doesn't want to be part of The Maneaters but it also offers her a safety net Plan B if the other side wins too many HOH and "perks" like Hacker this past week and Level6 suddenly starts to sink.  She already has a life raft in place if need be.

Edited by green
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4 minutes ago, green said:

I agree she is playing a really good game.  She is a mega-hardcore fan of BB and knows strategy inside and out and knows she doesn't have to make a big move as yet.  She also is throwing competitions left and right because she doesn't need to win them.  If she makes it to the F2 it will depend on her moves during the end game and who she is sitting beside and, of course, the bitterness of the jury.  She is my darkhorse to win it all because if she breaks from the trailing pack with a few weeks to go and has the big leg kick for the final sprint she is on track for a win because again never underestimate how bitter juries can get.

Mine too.  :)

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7 hours ago, green said:

[Kaycee] is throwing competitions left and right because she doesn't need to win them.

And she's doing a shit job of it, too.  I mean, out on the first question, twice?  The only player to do so, either time?  That's not being a "submarine", that's raising the periscope and shooting off a flare.

At least maintain a vestige of credibility, ffs.  Right now, Julie's first question could be "True or False:  My name is Julie Chen" and Kaycee would put "false" and shrug her shoulders walking over to the elimination seats.  Obvious thrower isn't really helping her game, IMO.

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