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S09.E23: Do You Believe In Miracles?

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Dean feels the effects of the First Blade, and Metatron makes his move against humanity. Meanwhile, Sam, Dean and Castiel face shocking consequences when taking the fight to Metatron.
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With about 10 minutes left in the episode, I realized I wasn't recording it.  Wow, maybe that's a sign.


There was no suspense in this episode, even when Dean got stabbed.  You knew he'd come back alive at the end of the episode, he's not a secondary character.  And about that ending, please don't tell me they're going to do a Doc Ock is Peter Parker storyline with Crowley and Dean.


Let this be the end of the angels story.

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Oh wow, I freaking loved this episode. Loved all the Dean/Crowley scenes I really am entertained by that buddy cop pairing. I also loved the Gadreel/Castiel partnership. Im really sad that Gadreel died and I'm pissed that Dean didn't get to kill Metatron but I'm ok with how everything went down.

I yelled at my TV twice tonight, once when Sam came running in during the Dean/ Metatron fight because I worried Sam was going to gank Metratron and the second time when Dean came back as a Demon.

I wish I could say the Demon thing was a surprise but I figured it out early on, I just was so excited to be right. I'm really upset that Dean is going to be a Demon because he's going to hate himself but at the same time it's kind of an exciting new story.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I liked that episode so much.  I have a lot of thoughts but so much to do right now.  Demon!Dean wasn't surprising since it had been discussed so much, but it was still pretty amazing.  I was waiting for it, waiting for it, and bam.  I kept half hoping they wouldn't go there.  I did start to wonder how Dean would be able to demonize with his anti-possession tattoo but I guess he's not technically possessed?


Ok, can't wait to see what everyone else has to say.  Need to go pretend to be a grown up again.  

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I hate that, after all the fighting Dean has gone through, he's become the thing he's always hunted.


I hate that, after everything Castiel has given up to protect Dean, he thinks Dean is dead. I'm honestly not sure if it's worse that Dean is a demon instead of dead.


Sam, get your ass started on those hell trials, y'hear? And start by curing your brother!

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So, I'm thinking that Dean's soul has moved on to the afterlife waiting room, since he technically died, and if they try to exorcise demon!Dean, we'll get soulless!Dean, right? Because as hot as soulless!Sam was, soulless!Dean would be an inferno.

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Crowley explicitly stated that the Mark of Cain never quite lets go, and also that it was only by being a demon that Cain was able to withstand the demands of the blade to KILL KILL KILL. So even though Sam knows how to 'cure' Dean of being demon, that won't break the hold of the Mark/First Blade combo. The big quest for S10 will be to break those spells and then 'cure' Dean. They also need to find a way to restore Castiel's grace.


I'll be happy if Sam and Castiel partner up to save Dean and we leave the angels on the side. And I'll be even happier if Dean having all this extra power isn't the miracle Crowley believes it to be, but simply makes Dean an even bigger dick who's even harder to handle than before. Much more entertaining that way.

Edited by heyerchick
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So, I'm thinking that Dean's soul has moved on to the afterlife waiting room, since he technically died, and if they try to exorcise demon!Dean, we'll get soulless!Dean, right? Because as hot as soulless!Sam was, soulless!Dean would be an inferno.


Well, Cas retrieved Dean's soul once before; I'm sure he'd volunteer to do it again. :)  The veil is probably nicer than Hell anyway...

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I was surprised on a few bits, Sam and Dean almost making up, Gad being the one that dies and how they used the mark to turn dean and connect it to cain.


I would have rather had Metatron dead...and Gad alive.


Wasn't totally surprised as so many things had been leading to this part for a while.  The real question for me is how will they deal with this.  What will Sam do this time, will he once again go for normal or will he look for a way to fix it.  So there are questions, and Dean's reactions to being a demon will have a chance to be interesting...especially if he isn't the demon that everyone expects him to be.


Will have to see how I feel after another rewatch but it seemed better than I though it would be so that is a good sign for me.  Lots of messes to clean up, but hopefully next season will be a bit stronger...crossing fingers until I see what happens.

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I enjoyed some of this episode and the bits I enjoyed the most was the angel stuff. I worry about Cas smashing that tablet because maybe there would be instructions on restoring grace. I think the first thing they need to do is flip the switch so the prophets can come back in play. Look around Mets office and see if Cas's grace is laying about. I want  Cas to make a beeline to earth to find out what's what and help Sam to cope. Right now he believes Dean is dead. Aww the pain. It'll be even worse when he finds out Dean is a demon.


I thought the Dean/Sam scenes were unsatisfying. I had hope for one Dean/Cas scene but that wasn't to be. It would have been satisfying if Cas had gutted Metatron but maybe there is a certain justice to seeing him shut up in jail for eternity.


I had thought maybe Crowley would have died but no that wasn't the case. I don't really mind though since he is entertaining. I prefer his monologues far more that Metatrons.


I think it'll be an exciting storyline for Jensen again with Dean being a demon. That is if they don't resolve it in the first couple of episodes next season like they did with Godstiel.


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You godsdamn mother fuckers.  I am so upset.  You take it back right now.  Fuck you Crowley.  I am so upset. It's so wrong that Dean is a demon. It's so wrong. ....I just can't. 


I'm going to go cry a lot now. 

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SPN family, talk me off the ledge.  I am distraught over this. I'm not sure I can watch next season.  There is nothing fun or cool or clever about them turning Dean into a demon.  It's not right.  It feels like the ultimate in character assassination. I don't see any way out of this for Dean. And the thought of Dean dying as a demon or living as an eternal demon...is too much for me.


Okay, I'm going to think about the good in the episode. Dean never killed an innocent or a human with the Blade, He fulfilled most of his mission by keeping Metatron away from Cas and Gadreel. He killed Abaddon.


If Dean's soul died by angel blade then he died a human hero even if he couldn't kill Metatron. I'm trying to hang my hat on Dean's final words being "I'm proud of us".  For the first time, I think Dean was actually proud of himself. 

Edited by catrox14
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catrox14, have no fear.  The Winchesters have died more than anyone else and basically have an E-ZPass to make their roundtrips through heaven, hell and purgatory quicker.  They have the recipe for demon cures.  They have the recipe to bind Death.  They have all the knowledge of the supernatural somewhere in their bunker.  They also have the potential Gavin reset thingy.  Most of all, they have the phrase "we'll figure it out".  They need only to utter this once and it will sort itself out in a manner most pleasing.  


So, I'm wondering.  Did Cas refuse to kill Dean in Stairway to Heaven because he actually knew what would happen and/or that he wouldn't be able to because the Mark doesn't let the bearer die?  It kinda makes Castiel's actions look a bit sketchy now, especially since he didn't do anything to send an angel to help.  I figure he couldn't go himself because 1. he was stuck in heaven, 2. he can't fly.  But still, if he didn't use that angel radio to send assistance, then it must mean he knew what would happen, right?


I like that there was a sort of payoff with Crowley's humanity plot as it was quite moving for Crowley to have the monologue and it made it believable.  Without Crowley's addiction, it would have seemed extremely nasty, like he was rubbing it in.


Speaking of Crowley's monologue, the eating.  When was the last time we saw Dean eat?  I know we haven't seen him sleep, and he's been drinking more alcohol than normal which is a lot of freaking alcohol, but I didn't even notice the no eating thing.  

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catrox14, have no fear.  The Winchesters have died more than anyone else and basically have an E-ZPass to make their roundtrips through heaven, hell and purgatory quicker.

This.  It'll be okay.  I'm really curious to see how "Dean" is "Dean".  He was so utterly AWESOMELY Dean at the end. 


ETA LOVED the ep.  More commentary post rewatch. 

Edited by SueB
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Crowley was very...fatherly talking to Dean. Or Dean's body. Or whatever was lying there. I wonder if he's just going to disappear with Dean, pop back in and tell Sam "sorry; no deals" and pop back out.  Of course, I wonder if Crowley can control Dean. At all.


Oh, Dean, finally proud of yourself and you turn into a demon. That's your Winchester luck.


I loved the episode and I have to say I think Curtis Armstrong does a great job playing Metatron. 

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No, I don't think Cas knew what was going to happen. Plus there is no way on this earth that Cas would kill Dean. I think that was firmly established in these last two episodes. I also don't think Cas knows very much about the mark. He might have at one time but with the number of times he's been tortured, mindwiped, that info is probably gone. Not even Crowley knew what was going to happen or realized what would happen until Dean left the hamburger in the restaurant.


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There is nothing fun or cool or clever about them turning Dean into a demon


I saw a happy interpretation online: what if being a demon makes Dean realize that he actually was a good person?



SPN family, talk me off the ledge.


The 'curing a demon' gun introduced during the Hell trials will come into play early in S10?


The love (however you wish to categorize it) between Dean and Cas just got a lot more epic?


Sam's determination to bring Dean back will help fix what was broken between the brothers as soon as Dean is human again?


Oh shit. What if DEAN takes on the hell trials? That way he closes Hell, cures himself and then dies a human but then Cas can bring him back with his own grace or what's left of his stolen grace.


When has a finale's big action lasted a long time? Godstiel? One ep. Purgatory? Glimmers in flashback. Cas is human? Couple episodes. So, this Demon!Dean thing will probably not last long either. Just enough for Dean to regain some self-esteem, realize how much his brother does love him, and how much Cas loves him too. ;)

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I want to like it, I really do...but I just can't get there right now. It just didn't have that epic quality to it, the big moments seemed to get lost and I just feel like it was just hobbled together somehow. I think this was a lazy and predictable way to have played it. It feels like they just went for the big "shocking" moment rather than telling a coherent and tight story. Oh well, I guess it could lead somewhere interesting, but I refuse to allow my hopes to rise just to get dashed by this show again.



You godsdamn mother fuckers.  I am so upset.  You take it back right now.  Fuck you Crowley.  I am so upset. It's so wrong that Dean is a demon. It's so wrong. ....I just can't. 


I'm going to go cry a lot now. 


Take heart catrox, I'm sure that Sam will cure Dean next season. It might not be in the first episode, but I'm betting it WILL happen. Maybe they'll have Dean be soulless...um...er...I mean a demon for a few episodes just for shits and giggles, but fall sweeps are usually only 8ish episodes in, so...


Awww, when Castiel saw the typewriter, i was hoping he'd go to it and type something like:


Suddenly, a truck ran over Metatron.


Bwah, ha, ha...man, would I have loved, LOVED that. Now that would have been unexpected and a lot of fun too boot!

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Ok, next morning.  I'm still finding that I liked it a lot better than I expected to.  (That's what low expectations will do for ya, I suppose.)  I'm glad I was already anticipating demon!eyed Dean, though, or I might have been upset.  Oddly enough, I can't seem to get too upset over that right now.  I feel like I know they've got to make Dean normal again, and I expect they'll come up with a trick to do so within the first few episodes.  It'll be something weak and plot-holey and then the real S10 stuff - whatever that will be - will start up.  I'm more interested in where they'll go with the whole "Cas minus angel juice" part of the story.  I don't want him to spend half of next season unable to get back to the boys.   But I don't want it to involve other angels in any ongoing capacity, because I'm really over the angel/demon storylines.  



I would have rather had Metatron dead...and Gad alive.



Yeah.  I wasn't a fan of Gad at first, but these past couple of episodes I liked him better.  Of course, that's when they'd kill him.  Supernatural is nothing if not misery-inducing at times.  I'm hoping Metatron still being alive doesn't mean more Metatron next season. 



SPN family, talk me off the ledge.  I am distraught over this. I'm not sure I can watch next season.



At least it wasn't a reset?  No?  Okay, then I'll just point to SystemRemote and NoWillToResist's posts and say, "That.  And that."   



So, I'm thinking that Dean's soul has moved on to the afterlife waiting room, since he technically died, and if they try to exorcise demon!Dean, we'll get soulless!Dean, right? Because as hot as soulless!Sam was, soulless!Dean would be an inferno.



I have no doubt JA could sell that role like whoa, but I think soulless!Dean would make me sad beyond belief.  My single favorite trait about Dean is that underneath everything else, he cares.  He cares about Sam, he cares about Cas, and he cares about saving people.  Soulless!Dean would break my heart.  Of course, if they find some way to show soulless!Dean with Sam while Dean's soul (also played by JA) is in heaven with Cas trying to figure out how to reclaim his body and get back to Sam, that could be fantastic.  

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Seeing how Crowley appears to be looking forward to working with Dean, and knew what would happen to Dean if he died, it gives a whole new (creepy) meaning to his "you are worthy" comment to Dean earlier this season. He's been watching, practically grooming Dean (IMO), to join him.


He's dealt with the Winchesters for years and knows that they are formidable adversaries. Small wonder he worked to get one of them on his team.


Since I can only presume that Cas was unaware of this effect from the MoC (though I can't fathom why/how), but Crowley was fully aware and never said anything, I think Crowley should fear Cas. His wrath will be massive.


It is interesting how Sam was willing to make a deal to bring Dean back. Oh, these boys. They hiss and spit at each other, but death is not something they'll accept for the other. I'd love to know what type of deal Sam was going to offer.


So Dean found himself in Sam's place (rather die as a human, having accomplished good deeds, than live as something other than human), and Sam found himself in Dean's (bring him back!). So, we're back to square one with the brothers then? The brotherly angst that bloated this season was overturned the second Dean died? Glad I suffered through months of crap only to confirm that no, Sam in fact will NOT be okay with a dead Dean. Shocker.


Guess time will tell, now that we have Demon!Dean, whether Sam really cares about HOW Dean came back, or is just happy THAT Dean came back.


I'd say this will essentially be revisiting the whole ZekeGadSam story, but at least I feel comfortable believing that Jensen will do better than Jared's robo-angel impression.

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Damn you SueB (said with love and affection). I burst into tears reading you comment at TWoP.  My freakout above is because I am so afraid as well that we have lost human!Dean forever.  And that is just something I cannot abide. It's horrible and awful and Dean doesn't deserve it whatsoever. 

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I am so afraid as well that we have lost human!Dean forever.  And that is just something I cannot abide. It's horrible and awful and Dean doesn't deserve it whatsoever.


Truthfully, I don't see that happening; Dean is super popular.


I can accept TPTB giving Jensen something to play with for a while (also - hey! - another story for Dean!), but I don't think they'll leave him like that. When have they EVER kept their characters as different? Soulless Sam was temporary, Human Cas was temporary...I figure this will just be another example; something interesting for the actor to play with...a little variety...and then back to norm.

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Ugh, I need to carve out a couple of hours today to rewatch the episode several times.  



- Sam's resolve as he brings back the body.  I was never worried it was a "deal" with Crowley.  He was going to force Crowley to fix the problem.  Sam is bringing his full intellect to bear on this problem and Crowley had better look out.  I saw a man to be reckoned with in that moment.


I agree completely with this.  There was a lot of set up this season of the boys working with Crowley, forcing Crowley to do what they want or Crowley wanting the boys to see that he was willing to work with them without needing to resort to the contract kissy deals.  I never thought Sam was going to make a deal.  

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I have no doubt JA could sell that role like whoa, but I think soulless!Dean would make me sad beyond belief.  My single favorite trait about Dean is that underneath everything else, he cares.  He cares about Sam, he cares about Cas, and he cares about saving people.  Soulless!Dean would break my heart.  Of course, if they find some way to show soulless!Dean with Sam while Dean's soul (also played by JA) is in heaven with Cas trying to figure out how to reclaim his body and get back to Sam, that could be fantastic.


I like this take.  Fellow previouslyiers(?) you are helping me from the ledge a bit.

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catrox14, I think another thing to keep in mind is that Cain lost himself because he didn't have his "Sam" (or his "Cas) since he killed his brother.  He was alone and so the hopelessness of his situation and reality just seemed all the more hopeless because he only really had Lucifer at the time.  He wasn't able to pull himself out of the dark until he met someone who believed in him and wanted better for him.  Dean already has that.  He has Sam and Cas.  He also has Charlie and Jodi.  It's a group of people who love him and believe in him and aren't going to allow this for Dean and also aren't going to stand for the idea that there is no fix.  There's always been a way to figure it out. 


I'm not entirely clear on the demonization of Dean (the Deanmonization?).  Was he automatically supernatural with the MoC?  Did the Mark simply make him a demon?  Does he still have a soul?  If not, did his soul go to Purgatory?  Might be a way to also include Benny in that group of people who would help make Dean right.  

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There were a few questions / plot holes that prevented me from fully enjoying this finale,.


1. Isn't Heaven still locked, save for that back door? Metatron's spell couldn't be reversed so all those souls are still locked out. Are they going to be funneling everyone, angels and the dead, through that sandbox?


2. Isn't the MOL Base supposed to be guarded / warded from demons? So how did Crowley just spawn into the room with Dean's corpse at the end without having been summoned by Sam?


3. If Dean was locked in that big empty room where did he get the stuff to summon Crowley from? If he wasn't locked in then why did he summon Crowley?


I really liked the episode overall but that stuff really bugged. Now, I may be the only one whose going to say this, but I sort of agreed with Metataton. He may have been doing it for selfish reasons but he was healing people and he clearly had plans to be a more involved deity the old god. I kind of liked him honestly.

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Okay, I enjoyed this. The storyline was utterly predictable, but the building up of the episode was great, there was tension leading up to the inevitable. But it was a memorable episode mainly due to the superb performance from Curtis Armstrong, Mark Sheppard, Tahmoh Penikett and Jensen. Kudos to them. 

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Seriously though.  Dean will still have his love for pie and burgers, won't he? I mean even Cain made corn. I'm irrationally worried about Dean not having pie anymore. 

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Just wait until Dean betrays Crowley and takes over as King of Hell. He'll have an army of demons to fetch pie for him. And a squad of succubuses to help him work off the calories.

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Totally random thought: Demons don't age, angels don't age... so technically Sam's the only one aging now? So either we get Grandpa Sam and forever young Dean and Cas or they find a way to immortality for Sam. Or Cas loses his grace and Dean loses his arm/the mark/is healed/whatever.

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Dean will still have his love for pie and burgers, won't he?


Considering that salt is often used in baking and burgers are usually FULL of sodium, I don't see Demon!Dean enjoying either of those in the near future...

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I thought salt only mattered for ghosts not demons.  Holy water however.


Totally random thought: Demons don't age, angels don't age... so technically Sam's the only one aging now?


Heh, so it would seem that Jensen Ackles is already a demon....

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Considering that salt is often used in baking and burgers are usually FULL of sodium, I don't see Demon!Dean enjoying either of those in the near future...

Thanks now I'll have a strange feeling whenever someone tells me he's on a low sodium diet... which happens a lot actually. Unfortunately my patients don't look like Dean Winchester.

But I'll make sure to whisper Cristo from now on.



Heh, so it would seem that Jensen Ackles is already a demon....

Well he does age, but age seems to be very very kind to him. I do have to say I like his looks much better now than the lost teenager look from Days of our lives or even the first season.

Edited by FastenSeatBelts
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Well he does age, but age seems to be very very kind to him. I do have to say I like his looks much better now than the lost teenager look from Days of our lives or even the first season.


Amen to that.  He's just ....yeah....I love the little crow's feet that we see now and than. So...yummy.   I love that whilst Jensen clearly dresses well and takes care of himself and does the normal personal grooming, he is not vain about his face as part of his art. He will happily contort it, use all of his face muscles and let it age gracefully. When his Dad was in that episode with him, I couldn't help but study his Dad's face and imagine how Jensen will look when he gets older. He definitely has his dad's eyes. 

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I thought salt only mattered for ghosts not demons.


Really? Heh. Wow, clearly I'm an uber-fan if I forgot that most simple of lore. Oh well, fuck it; not like I ever pretended to be in it for the story. I'm just here for the angel. And on that note...


I saw online someone hoping like mad that Cas, at some point in S10, will echo Dean's S7 words back to him: I'd rather have you, cursed or not.


I may have got something in my eye when I read that. Ahem.

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I think salt does hurt/bother demons. 


They can't cross salt lines.  The shotgun salt rounds slowed them down/hurt them a little.  Remember Jus in Bello?  They used lots of salt against all those demons in that one.

Of course, they also had Ruby eating french fries with ketchup in S3 and nu-Ruby wanting french fries in S4, so I don't know!  :)

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Really? Heh. Wow, clearly I'm an uber-fan if I forgot that most simple of lore. Oh well, fuck it; not like I ever pretended to be in it for the story. I'm just here for the angel. And on that note...


LOL. I wasn't saying you were wrong, I wasn't sure. I remember salt keeps demons at bay but not that it would kill them or anything.  Dean tortured Alastair with salt and holy water but it didn't kill him.  So I think it damages but doesn't kill?

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OL. I wasn't saying you were wrong, I wasn't sure. I remember salt keeps demons at bay but not that it would kill them or anything.  Dean tortured Alastair with salt and holy water but it didn't kill him.  So I think it damages but doesn't kill?

I think this is right.


Thinky thoughts based on another watching:

- I find Crowley incredibly fascinating right now.  Moose HATES him at this point.  While Dean is obviously willing to work with him.  But he didn't take too kindly to being treated like demon minion #3.  And does being "Winchestered" mean that you are always a second class citizen to Sam and Dean if you are not Sam or Dean?  In which case -- I want him to commiserate with Castiel who was thrown out of the bunker in 9.03.  Anyway, I've read theories about how turning Dean into a demon was a long con by Crowley for revenge.  That he views Dean as a version of trainable hellhound-like weapon.  I'm not sure I buy that.  I've always found Crowley to be honest in his dishonesty.  He will absolutely exploit loopholes (just for the hell of it) but generally sticks to his agreements.  They've really emphasized that this year.  So the loophole with the Mark was 1) not telling Dean he played him to get the Mark in the first place, and 2) failing to mention precisely how and why Cain became a demon.  But when he said he didn't know how it was going to turn out --- I believed him. 

- Which leads me to 'What was it about not eating the Cheeseburger that let Crowley believe Dean would resurrect as a demon?'  He knew Dean was yakking due to MoC influence.  Was it because Dean should have been hungry and his body was transforming away from needing food?  IDK.  But there's something there.  He also 'suspected' when Dean summoned him.  Was it because Dean summoned him or the yak smell when he got in the room? Yak smell implied physical transformation.  Just the choice to summon Crowley implies something to do with volition. So if the hope Crowley got was due to Dean's choice, then what did not eating the Cheeseburger mean?  That Dean was single minded (NOT a news flash)?     I'd appreciate any thoughts on this conundrum; did Crowley suspect Dean would resurrect "demon" due to the choices Dean was making or the physical transformation Crowley was witnessing?

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Well, that was boring as hell.   Pun intended.


Remember when "The Road So Far" used to get you psyched, reminding you of all the great moments leading up to the finale, like the season Sam took on Lucifer and prevented the end of the world?   All I could think this time is that the dialogue was too noisy and getting in the way of the Kansas song.


Demon Dean?  Really?  This looks like the second dumbest plotline since the Leviathans.


This episode royally sucked, probably the worst part being that moronic "Marv" scenario.   Near as I can tell, Metatron's greatest sin is smugness.   I'll never think of Curtis Armstrong as anything but Booger.


If Dean is so important to Cas, and if Cas knew Dean was in the fight of his life to kill Metatron, why was Cas so completely oblivious that Dean was at death's doorstep?   He could have saved him.


Of course, that would have spoiled the whole gimmicky premise of the next season. 


The writing staff ought to be fired across the board.  Bring in new writers, take the story in fresh directions.   You know things are bad wen the Ghostfacers come off as this season's most genuine characters.

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Now I'm imagining Dean stubbornly eating pie and burgers while fighting through the worst type of heartburn/acid reflux/indigestion ever...  :D


Okay. That's funny. I got a good laugh at that.  First time I've smiled thinking about my poor Dean :(. So thank you for that. 


Although, now I'm sad again, because if Dean doesn't realize he's a demon and he goes to eat a burger, he'll think he's having a heart attack :( Or even worse.  He just wants to find comfort in pie because he'll be hungry when he wakes up and then pie will hurt him. 



Edited by catrox14
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Well, I've watched the finale 3 times now and I guess it was an okay finale for a so-so season.  It won't go down as one of my favorite finales but something's gotta be near the bottom of the list.


There were parts I really liked and then there was Metatron.  Every second he was on the screen (without Dean, Sam or Cas) was a gigantic waste of time, IMO, time that could've been better spent on Dean and Sam.  I am not happy that he's still around and kicking because that means we could end up with more of his boring monologues in S10.  The whole unbearably long scene of Metatron in the homeless camp was just torture, the same with his opening scene typing his story and picking out pathetic looking clothes - so much wasted time that they could've used to show us anything else!  Sam bringing Dean home, Cas trying to get to the bunker, Crowley retrieving the First Blade from the warehouse, puppies, kittens and unicorns - anything else but Metatron talking, talking, talking. 

Then there's also my own prejudice that Metatron is Booger and he grosses me out.  I know the actor is fine, I just can't look at him without seeing gross Booger.  So, please, no more Metatron.


I'm not the hugest fan of JP's acting but I have to say, I thought he did outstanding here.  I felt like Sam was terrified of what was happening to Dean when they pulled him off Gadreel - I could see the desperation in his eyes.  He kept that same underlying fear for Dean in his eyes the whole episode - even when he made his ridiculous speech about Dean's "real" friends and how Dean had tricked him.  I've pretty much disliked Sam intensely since The Purge and haven't been prone to giving him much of a break, but he felt more like regular Sam then the Sam we've seen since The Purge.  Dialogue helped some of that but I feel like JP sold it to me this time, so kudos to him.  Also, that boy is not afraid to ugly cry and just letting loose with the tears and face impacts the scene for me. 


Cas' reaction to Metatron's "Dean's dead" announcement was also well-played, IMO.  As an angel, I didn't think he would just burst out sobbing and ripping at his clothes - but his eyes immediately welled up and the look on his face and in his eyes said it all.  He still had the business of stopping Metatron to deal with but the defeat in his posture when he told Hannah he just wanted to be an angel spoke volumes.  I'm with some of you that have commented, I wish we could've had a decent Dean/Cas moment.  They stole that time and gave it to Booger instead.


And then there's Dean.  Oh my Deangirl heart. 

After all the talk and previews and speculation, I had no doubt he would open black eyes at the some point in the episode.  Hell, Jensen pretty much narrowed it down to the last second in his interviews, so that part was no surprise to me.  I wished so much it wouldn't come true but I was pretty sure it would. 

The part that really got me, surprised me, made me gasp and cover my mouth was when Metratron stabbed Dean.  I did NOT see that coming!  I wasn't prepared to see Booger so thoroughly kicking Dean's ass but when Dean used the force to recover the Blade, I thought the tide would turn.  Holy shit, it did not turn!!  The intimacy of Metatron putting that angel blade through Dean's heart was just a huge shock to me!  It was a huge shock to Dean too and JA killed it in those scenes!  The shock, the pain, the fear, the realization - all the emotions played over his face and it was a thing of wonder.  This is the scene that had the most impact on me, I'm still not over the shock of it.  I think it will end up always jumping me a little, just like the finale of S1 does when the semi hits the Impala.  I've watched that episode so many times and I still jump at that part - I think this will be the same thing for me.


And then Sam and Dean.  "I'm proud of us."  What more needed to be said?  It was heartbreaking to hear those words and then watch Dean just go boneless in death.  I didn't ugly cry like Sammy, but I will admit to having some quiet tears running down my face. 


I do wonder how long they'll have Dean be a demon in S10.  I don't want it to be long.  I was okay with Dean going a little dark but I don't want him to be a demon.  Or a Knight of Hell.  Or anything to do with hell or demons.  I want our Dean, the one who is crass and rude, who laughs at dick jokes and makes inappropriate comments at inappropriate times.  The one who is loyal and strong and loving and smart.  If it will work, I'll temporarily join the group that never wants Sam and Dean separated so they have to quickly cure/save/whatever Dean so he's not a demon anymore.


Between this finale and my other favorite show's finale, it's going to be a long summer for my favorite boys.  They're both dead/dead-ish for now and wow, I do not like that much!  But I am curious to see what happens next. 

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